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i>:oo-i?ian to appropriate for construction af the village hall the amount
sf liioney which has been levied for Ghai; purpose mas nade by Utley,
seconded by Vyatt and carried.
Cotion to d.irect the village engineer to prepare plans and specifications
Par construction of a storm sewe~ in $he vicinity of PiftieQIi Street and
indianola Avenue was made by :Tillson, seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Eotiion to adjourn was mde by Tiillson, s
1 Pwcsuaat to due call and notice thereof, a Special itieeting of the Village Cfouncil of the Village of Edina, vas duly held at the Village Hall in said Village, on the 27th day of December, 1945, 8% 7:3Q orclock P.U.
Bennepin Count-y, Einnesata,
The following memSse;rs wzre present: U%ley, WilXson, EavJthorTre, Todd;
md the fallowing was absent: 17yafi-t.
The Presiden'c announced %ha% the meeting was open for the consideratian
of bids far the puxckiase af $21,000 Set'rer Disepiet &o. 12 Varrants, as
advertised Tor sale by the Village Clerk in accordance aith a reso- lutian adoptedl by the Village Cauncil on December 10, 1945.
The Clerk presented an affidavif; shoving publication of notice of sale ~ of said bonds €ma weeks in the official newspaper, which was exmined
and found satisfactory, and ordered placed on file. The President
then called for bids. TITO sealed bids were received and the highesfi
and, hest bid of each bidder 'cvas found 80 be as follovs:
iTme of Bidder
Earold E. Wood eC CORIP~EY, St.Pau1
Amount of Bid
$21,0043, plus accrued in%erest from da-ke- of avarranCs Eo dlalie of delivery OH or before 1/27/46,
Interest Rate - 3&%.
t . Piper, Jaffray & Hop~,rood $$219000, plus a premium of $75.00, P~~s~~sc9rne~eiat~$est Go date on iyhich delivery is accepted. Interest Rate - z-:$
Af'S;er eo nsfderatian af said bZd, Clerk Hawthorne introduced the {fallowing Resolu%iQn and moved its adoptiano
E3 IT RESOLVB.3 by the Villsge Council al" the Village of Etdina,
Uinnesota, that the bid af Piper, Saffray .?e Eopmood, Xinneapolis,
Einnesota, to pmchase $21,080 Sener Distric-k KO. 12 Vwrants in accordance aith the resolution adopted December 10, 1945, and the
no-iiice of sale, is hereby accepted, said bid being 80 purchse said
obligations bearing interest st the rate af 2$% per. amtam at a price
of @i90?5.00..
The maLion for the adoption af the foregoing resolti-bi'on Was duly seconded by Trustee Utleg, and upon vote beivrg taken Ghereon -%he
' following voted in Pavor thereof: Utley, Tillson, Havthorae and Todd;
ad the f ol1or;ring voted against the same: (nonaays 1 whereupon said
resoltitiin was declared duly passed and adopted.
President of the Council,
Clerk'Hawthorne introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption :
. -BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Tillage of Edina, Hennepin County, Einnesota, as f olloas :
warrants on account of Sewer District Eo, 12 in the amount of $21,000,
said warrants to be 21 in number and numbered from I to 21, both inclusive; all of said vlarrants being in the denomination of $1000, bearing interest at the rate of 23 per cent per annum, payable semi-
annually on January 1st and July 1st in accordance wi3h appropriate
inkerest coupons to be thereto attached, and to mature seriallj? as
follows: $1000 on July 1, 1941 and $1000 on January 1 and July f '
in each of the years 1948 to 1956, both inclusive, and $2000 on
January 1, 1957, said warrants maturing in 1957, being subject to redemption on any interest payment date,
~ 1, The Village shall issue its negotiable coupon secer
2. Both principal of and interest on said aarrants shall be
payable at Northivestern National Bank of Einneapolis and said marrant's and the coupons thereto attached shall be in substantially the follow- ing for?:
(Born of Warrant)
No $loo0 I The Treasurer of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County,
Yinnesota, ;-.-ill pay to the bearer hereof from Sewer District Eo. 12
Bund of said Village the sum of ONE THOUSMID DOLLARS in Any coirt.
or currency of the United States of America, which on the date or"
payment is legal tender for public and private debts on the 1st
day of January, 19 , and to pay interest thereon at the rate of
2& per cent per annum, payable semiannually on the 1st day of Jan- uary and the 1st day of July in each year, interest to maturity .
being payable in accordance with and upon presentation and sur-
render of the attached interest coupons as they severally become due,
both priocipal and interest being payable at the main office of
Northmestern National Bank of Hinneapolis.in the City of Einneapolis,
This Earrant is one of a series of varrants all of like date
and tenor except as to maturity and privilege of redemption, in the - aggregate principal amount of $21,000 issued by the Village pursuant to-and in full conformity oith the constitution and lacs of the State
of qinnesota thereunto enabling, including Chapter 431, Einnesota
Statutes 1941 and acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto
€or the purpose of defraying the expense incurred and to be incurred
in laying sewers in said District and in anticipation of the collect- ion of special assessments levied against the benefited property in
said District and is payable out of a fund designated as Bund of
Sever District Bo. 12, into T:hich fund all proceeds of said assess- =' nent are required to be paid. .c
(To Be Printed on Warrants No. 21 and 20)
This %arrant is subject to redemptiorr bn any interest ray- ment date at par and accrued interest upon thirty-days prior notjce.
by mail to the 'bank where this Varrant is payable.
It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions
and things required by the constitution and lams or" the State of Einn-
esota, to be done, to happen, and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this warrant, have been done, have happened and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner as required
by lam and that this.viarrant, together with all other indebtedness of
said Village outstanding on the date named herein and on the date of
the actual issuance and delivery hereof, does not erceed any statutory
or consti%utional limitation of indebtedness.
Btlinnesota, by its Village Council has caused this warrant to be
signed by the President of the Village Council and countersigned by
the Village Clerk and sealed with the seal of said Village, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by
. IE WITNESS YtEiiKREOF the Village of Edina, Hennepin County,
, the facsimile signatures of said officers, as of January 1, 1946.
President of Village Council
om of Coupon)
On the first day of January (July) 19 , the Village
of Edina, Hennepin County, DtlBinnesota, ail1 xjay to bearer at
Dollars ($ 1, being the installment
of interest then due on its Sewer District Bo. 12 Tarrant dated January 1, 1946, Eo, .
the sum of
President of Village Council
Village Clerk
3. Said warrants shall. be printed under the direction of the Village Clerk and the President of the Village Council and Villsge Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute said
warrants and to affix the village seal, and the interest coupons
to be attached thereto shall be executed and authenticated by the
officers. ' printed, engraved or 1.ithographed facsimile signatures \ of said
4. When said warrants have been fully executed as re- quired by lam and by this resolution they shall be delivered to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purchase price and said pur-
chaser shall not be obliged to see to the.application of said pur-
chase price.
5. Said warrants shall be payable solely from money . collected from special assessments, 2nd the full faith 2nd credit
of the Tillage shall not be pledged to the payment of said warrants and interest thereon I-, 8s and when the same shall become due, but
the Treasurer is authorized and directed to cause said warrants
and the interest thereon to be paid out of any moneys of the Village available therefor.
Attest t I 'Village Clerk
president of Village Council
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resol- ution vias duly seconded by Trustee Utley, and on rollcall there were
four ayes and the folloming voted against the same: (no nays)( whereupon &id resolution mas declared duly gassed 3nd adopted.
- -Pr e si d ent '5
I32 I
Xinukes of regular 2nd special council meetings held on October 29th,
November 9th, 12th, 23rd, 26th and December 5th were read and approved. .-
Ilkion to authorize and direct the village manager to order ajnen motor
ihstalled in the gray police car was made by Rawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried.
Hotion to aithorize the village manager to issue utility pole and gas main installation permits in conformity with village ordinances was
made by gillson, seconded by Nawthorne and carried.
Utley offered the folloning resolu.tion and moved its aaoption:
I i?&so&mD, that the Village of Edina pvrchse ()50,000 in Unfted
Skates Treasury 2$-- Bmds as an investment of Village funds,
$25,000 iio be of the issue maturirg June 15, 1962i’ callable in.
1959, and 325,000 to be of the issue maturing December 15, 1962$
callable in 1359.
IC3SOLTTD FmT€m, khzt. such investment shall be allocated to *
the falloaing funds :
General Ftarrd 4j30,OOO .QO
Poor, Fund 5,000.00 T,?atier zain inpoveruat $1 Fund 5,0000 00 Joint Sever Disk-rict 91- Fund 5,000000
Sever Xental Fund 5,0000 013
? Lation to adopt the Resolu-kion vas seconded by Eavthorne and on .
rollcall there vere four ayes md no nczys, ’its follom: Ut-leg, aye;
Tillson, aye; Ez.rrthorne, aye; Todd, ape; ad the Resolutior, wa,~ adopted, .
PresTdenii of Council.
Cotion to adjorari mas made by Tillson, seconded by HavtkLorne and
carried. flm*/= /