HomeMy WebLinkAbout19460128_REGULARWillson offered the fallowing Resolution and moved its adoption: XKERZAS, Dr. Alvin 17yatt ha= been trustee of the Village of Zdina for the past six yeaps, AXD XTEWAS, he wax instrumental in establishing the Edina Eunicipal Court and was always a regular attendant and took an active part in all, council meetings, TEXW?3UR%, be iZ; resolved that we express t~ him our thanks ar,d apprecia%ian for his work as a council rneaber and that a copy of this resolution 'be sent to Dr. Alvin 'Tyatt. Zotion to adopt the Resolution mas seconded by UtIey, and on rolIlcall there were five ayes and no nays 8s follomsr Utley, aye; Willson, aye; Zosne, aye; Harrporne, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Resolution mas ado p4i ed Tillson offered the follotrring Resolutian and moved its adoptions ?mmAS, T. L. Todd has been presfdent of the Village of Edina for the past $1~0 years, AIaD I7HEFt3AS9 under Xr. Toddts leadership the Village Park property has been greatly enlarged, the Planning Comrnissian ptle in operation, and iiIemorial Committee fomed, THEIiEFORX, be it resolved that we express to him ow thanks and appreciation for his work as president af this Council and a copy af this Resolution be sent Gs T. Ir. Todd* Eotion to adopt %he Resolution vas seconded by TJtley, and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays as folloms: Utley, aye; Villson, aye; Zonne, aye; Hamthorne, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Resolution mas ado pt ed c W George Yillson, Chairman of the Public srlorks Committee, extended invitation to the council to dinner at his home the second Saturday in February, for an informal meeting with the village Public Torks cr evr . There being no further business to come before the council, Hawthorne made a motion to adjourn. Totion se Tile uinutes of tile liegular Leeting af Dececiber 10, 1945, the Special i eeBin5 of Deceaber 2'7, 1945, and the Regular l'eeting of January 14, Is4t-1, uere read ar,d appraved. Iktion %a adopG Payroll totalling $ 2791.66 mas nade by 'JiIlson, aeconed by utley ami carried. _- I Council C. J. Christoyher 3919 dsner Hznthorne 392U Ceo. A. Jillsm 3921 Barold G. Utley 3922 Eo L. Zome 3923 3. J. DUK~~E 33 24 Iir, L. Ii. Caipbe113925 Larl €io Cove11 3926 3ard B. Lewis 3527 Jom D. Xelson 3928 SUb-to.t-al 50. 50. 35. 35. 35 30. 30 0 75 75. 10 . 435 00 00 00 00 00 00 ,oo 00 100 00 00 - idministrative €hi1 3. Slllith 3929 208.33 Zvelyn 1; j o s 3930 67.50 Gretchen Schussler3931 97.50 Ame Grant 3932 50.05 423.38 Police Departmen% Hilding Dah1 3933 1120 50 ,7n. S. Heydt 3934 97.50 Clayton Erickson 3935 95. 00 Clarence Knutson 3936 95.00 Dooald Telson 3937 87.50 Street Dept . (Remlar iiien 1 393s 107.50 kail Bailey S. 5. Rouerts 3939 190.00 r. 15. Dadi;ren 3940 100.00 Joh Tracy 3941 90.00 Harry Janas 3942 90.00 L:. J. Kerfeld 3943 102.50 &-thus Jensen 3544 90.00 -1 August Gustafs3n 3945 1200 18 * 800018 Street 'Dept. fhaurly men) Clzas. Johnssn 3946 Joi-m PEeIlis 3948 Jacab Sbm& 3949 am SCready 394 7 Sen 39 ehl er 3950 Car1 riller 3951 Job Balish 3952 Gunner Stroraer 3953 TOTAL FAYROOL FAID 76 . 00 81.00 65.80 79.80 302.60 125.00 100.00 96.00 32.00 353.00 cj 2, 791.66 -6- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - 23.90 -0 - 12.60 4.80 41.30 7.40 8.70 8.30 4.40 3.00 -- 2.50 5.40 9.40 -0- 3-10 5.70 -0- 12.90 39.60 1.30 5. YO 3.20 5.60 16.00 -- 9.70 9.40 12.60 -0- 31.70 4160.40 -0- -0 - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -Lj- - 1.50 1.50 . 75 -0 - 3.75 - 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 -0- - -0- 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 -0- -0- 7.50 1.50 -0- -0- -0- 1.50 1.50 -0- -0- -0- 1.50 20.25 50.00 50.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 75,OO 75.00 10 . 00 425.00 182093 66,OO 84.15 45.25 378.33 103 -60 87.30 85.20 89.10 84,50 105. (30 83.10 -. a9 0 10 95.30 90.00, 107.28 753.08 73 . 20 75.10 62.60 74 . 20 2S5.10 r 113 . SO 90.60 83,40 3%. 00 319.50 - L c 1-r. Po H. Uetzer, 5406 Xerxer Avenue South appeared before the c cQuncil, reguesting confimation af a report that lateral sewer mas to be constructed in the alle: betneen York and Xerxes Avenues, muth 3f 54th Street. L-r* Betzer stated .that the cess- xJL.’331s 3n Xerxes Avenue were givirig trouble and that property ovmers wished to connect to a sewer. Engineer Smith explained that, insafar as he knew, no j-lans haa beer, made to lay a sewer uain in the alley, and that present plam called for construction sf a Lateral sewer in Yark Avenue, inasnuch as Xerxes Avenue could be served by the Finneapolis sewer main in that streef;. Smith invited Zr. Betzer, and his committee, tcr come into the Village Office at any time, for a full explanation of present seyier construction plans in this d-istrict. 32. Wiilson outined the proposed street construeti on program for 1946, requesting that the menbers be ready with their recommenda- tions for committee meeting of February 4. Letter from TTerlin. Balfanz, supplementing applicat im of January 14, for license t3 operate four taxicabs in the Village was read. Application of Helene Cole Parbury, 4201 9. 44th Street, and herbert Bo Plannery, 4209 *if. 44th Street, Tor license to operate Station i7agon Taxi, was read. Letter Tram Ruth 3. Brauil, omner of Edina A~to Livery, protestimg against the granting of taxi cab license to Verlin Balfanz, vas read. l-ation was madx by Zonne that license be grantecr to Ti’erlivr Balfanz to operate four tazicabs in the Village of Xdina, i‘ation seconded by ,2illson and carried. .&plication 3f Helene Cgle Farbury and Eerbert H. Flannery, wan referred to 1Tanager Smith and tile Public Safety Cornlittee for Xurther consideration and recoimerications. 3r:iith recommended that the Council set date of hearing on the petition ctf Verlin Balfanz to re-zone commercially Lot Seven and the Hwth 1/2 af Lot Eight, Block 3, Grand Tien Heights Addn, Zonne offered the folloming. Resolutiion an8 moved its adoption: RX30LK3D, that the Village Attorney be instructec to draft an‘smendment to the Village Zoning Ordinance, to re-zone as Commercial District Lot Seven and the South 1/2 of Lgt 8, Block 3, Grandview Heights Addn, RZSOLVBD FURTHICR, that public hearinc 0x2 said ar;?end:me.nt be set for :-onday, February 11, 1946, at 3:OO o’clock Pol:.; and that the Village ranager be instructed to post notices of such hearing not later tiJan Thursday, January 31, and to further notify owners of abutt:ng prop er t y . 1Totion ta adqt tlie Resolution rms seconded b3‘ .Hak.~tl~arne; and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as folloas: Utley, aye; Jillsms aye; ZDnme, aye; Hawthar~e, aye; Christogher, aye, and the Resolution was adopted, 1Totion ta adqt tlie Resolution was seconded b3‘ .Hak.~tl~arne; and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as folloas: Utley, aye; Jillsms aye; ZDnme, aye; Hawthar~e, aye; Christogher, aye, and the Resolution was adopte Bngirneer Eraith reported tha-t tihe Village Attorney had drafted an ordinance creating Sanitary Sever District Lo. 13, in accordance with instructions received January 14. Tr. Betzer’s request for constru-ction of a lateral sei:er in the alley between York and Xerxes Avenues was discussed. It vas suggested that Xerxes Avenue from UT. 54th Street tc~ :I. 58th Street be included in the proposed. Sanitary Sewer District Bo. 13; that the Villwe of Ed-ina reimburse the City of E”inneapo1is at its established rate of ,j6.50 per frtlnt foot for sewer cocnecPionss thus providing Xerxes Avenue property owners with lqteral sewer service and that the di€fer%nce between cost of construction of the balance of the laterals in the district and the cost; paid 134 t 1:inneapolis be xro-rated. ov1r the districe, lirlon the Council's'' request for lecal opicion on this procedure, Village Attorme Covell acivised that the only cost assessable is the "full and Complefe - cost 32 construction of the sener syatem. f_'stim tg abopt tile follwing ordinance sas made by Hanthorne; C?RD~~~~C~ CR2ATIITG, 3ST-QBL15F'ITC AI'D FLXIITG THE LETITS AID TERRIT@RY @$ A €EXXEf?IX COUITTY, T'ITW3SOTA. SEJER DISTRTCT T- TFE WLLAGT OF mrm, The TJillage Council af the W.lXage of Edina, in Hennepin county, iirzesota d:, ordain as follous: I Sectim 1. That ce-tain ;ea1 estate and territory mithh the carporate limits of the said Village of Edina is hereby createo and established as Sanitary Sewer District Bo. 13 and shall consist of and include the territory and real estate lying aithin said Village 32' Edina, founded and described as follass, to-wit; Cormensing a-ii the point of intersection of the center line of Jest 54th Street ar,d the center line of Xerxes Xerxes Avenue South to tke centrr LLir,e of I{. 58th Street) thence .Jest along the center line of Jest 58th Street to a point 183.0 feet Jest of the center line of France Ave. thence Uorth along a line 153.0 feet Jest of and parsllel 17ith €he center line of Yrance Avenue to the center line of Z'icaehaha Creek; theme in a rnoandering course Korth and , East along the center line of Himehaha Creel: to We point of intersection with the center line of JesC154th Street; thence East along the center line of 'Jest 54th Stree.t;,to the point of beginning, . Avenue South; thence south alone tile center line of Reference is iiereby made to plats of said additions ana sobdivi- sfons on file ana of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in ar-d for said Henaepin County. Section 2. That all ordinances and Yesolutions and. parts of ordir,ances and resolutions inconsistent vitlle the provisions of tr~is ordinance be ana tile same hereby are repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance be in full force ai-,C! effect Tron an& zfter its passage ana publicatioc, ihtioi? to aaopt the ordinance via call there vert five ?yes alia no 'Zillson, age; Utley, aye; hawtho the ordinance i7as adopted, conded b;: btleg; and upon roll- 's, as folloss: Zonne, aye; aye; Christopher, ayep and ; .I €hi1 3. mith reported that, in accordance @it&- c :-&erQe~ Tnstructions received from the Council on January 14, he iiao r.ailed. to Oscar Gaarden copy'of the Council's motion agproving proposecl well site on V. 54th Street bet>,een France ar?~ klalifax Avenues. Smith ststea thae he had also cmferrea nith l:r. Gaardem uho said that he nould proceed with negotiations for this land, but thFt because of trouble securing ne11 diggers aid supplies the earliest possible promise he could md:e,frortl the present time. nas six months I .. I"OTI0IT SETTI::C IZRIiTrT OiT FROFOSZD TZR :-AI?: IIE'ROTIY'X?T haa'chorne moved that the Villge CQuncil of the Village of %dina heir property oT'zners on the 11th day of February, 1?46, at 5:OO o'clock FOX., ni$h referenci to proposed extension of village vnter Iiiains ia tue Tollwing streets: LlinEehaha Boulevard from d. 52nd St ts .J. 54th Street. 3. 52mi Street, from lndianola Avenue to Gorgas Avenue; Gorgas Aveurue, fron J. 52nd Street to the hrth end thereof Z. 54th SI. , froa L innehaha Baulvzbrd to Eeczrd kveizve; halil'ax Avezlue, form J. 52nd Street to J. 54th St.; . I France Avenue, from V. 54th St. to ,?. 58th Xt.; Xming Avenue, from i'l. 57th 3%. to 58th St.; DrBm Avenue, from i?. 57th Xt. to 4. 658th St.; Chamen Avenue, from I:?. 57th St . to 7. 58th St. ; Beord Avenue fron Buller StrecE to bt. 58th St.; Abbott Avenue, extended bartl1, frsm R. 58th St. Lo !%%h. Zenith Avenue, extended Forth froa V. 58th St. %o V. k!:"'G&. York Avenue, extended Worth fron g. 58th St to Bo 54th St. Fuller ,Street from Pl?ar,c Avenue to Beard Aveme; 7;t. 55th ~t, from Z.razGe AV-QW $9 BwsL, Avenue; 'G. 55th St.$ from Beard Avenue t3 Zenith.Avenye 1B. 56th St., Porn Beard Avenue tcs York Avenue; 'J. 58th St., from France Avenue to York Aveme; And that the Clerk be directed t3 publish a notice of said hearing in the Official Village paper for at lezst two meeks, the last of such publications t.0 ba ngt less than three days before said hearing. ILtion was secorded by Utley. On being put to a votep said motion carried. A Village Attmney Cove11 presented his written legal opinion to the. effect that the Village may, on its own motim3 initiate the proceed2ngs for a srorm sever in the area c~f 50th aiid Zndianola; and- theat the cost ma- be financed by a loan Pron the general fvntd, as authorized by Chapter 167, Lavs of 1901, 12. Cove11 requested to have ir,fomiatiDn available for initiatim 3f proceedings at %lie February 11th meeting. epin Section 1. That certain rea1 estate an4 territory 'trrithin the corp3rate iimits of the said Village of Edina - is hereby crezi%ed and established as Sanitary- Sever Dis-trict 14 and shall consist of and include the territory and re-1 e: tate lying within said- Village of Xbina, bounded- and- aescri'ued as fe11c~m~ to-wit; Comenciiig at tiie point of interpectioc of the i orth line 3f $1. E2nd Street trritii tiie Jest line 3f kaljfzzx Avenue; thenc; East al2ng tiie Xorth lir,e crf EZnd Street t3 a point 135 feet Easi- of t e Xaet line 3s lkalifaz Av. nue; thence i osth parallel vith the cent or ljiie of Gorc-is -$venue t3 the XcIr-kh 1ii:e of Lgt EG, Auditort s Subdivisim -;To. l72q thence Bast alDEc the .-urLli line of said. Lot 56 to a point 135 fee" dest of -Hie Jest line of Franc(? Avenue tfienc- %uth p3rallel xith the center line of Gargas Avenf7e to the SsutIi ,ine of d. 52nd Street; thence 'Jest along the Ssutli line of J. CEnd Street to the Jert line of Ealifax A~ei:ue; thence Cokbch aleng the Jest line of halifsx Avenue to 1 ojr,t ~f heg.inning. Reference is hereb; xia6.e to iats of said add-itions I ai16 subdivisions .on file an& ~f record it) tLe office Qf the Brori the ii-dsnatim supplied orally u:: tile Cotmcil the iacts LJ:E~ r to De "cat the sever sms laid out in a siTecifieci course; aesessieats 3f becefits vere there- after s:ltreai zgainst abu-i;-king gro1 erty ai?^ became fir,al nithout appeal; thereafter the sener J-~TS csnstructed in part ii? a different course ?ad location ~ubta~iti~~ll3r more distant from some of tlie abu'ztisg parcels against ahich such assessment had become final aid requiring substantially greater expeare to siich parcels in rna~icg the connections to the seuer. ETotion to adopt the Resolution lyas secanded by Utley, aiid an rollcall there v.rere five ayes and no nays, as follms: Zonure, aye; 'Jillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hmtharne, aye; Ghristq~her, aye; ami the Resolution ua.~ adopted. pour menbers of the Council vere presermt: Zome, Tillson, BawL home and Chr i st opher . Finutes of the regular meeting of January 28, 1946, mere read and approved. In z,ccorda.nce aith JaEuary 28th motion by Col:ncil, and January 51x-b and February 7th notice published in Henn- epin Caunty Review, hearing vas held 3n proposed 'dater Kain Construction. Prclperty onners stated their recom- mendations aiia objections as follomsz fZinnehaha Blvd. ? Pron V, 52rzCi St., Lo Po 54th St.., Arnold ITyline, in favor. ii9 objections. l"t 52nd- S'creet, from Tndfanola hve, to Gorgas AQ~. 20 recomiendatiisna nor abj ections Gorgae Ave, from '2 52nd. St., to Borth elnd of Garp-as AQ~. , J.P. Sh?rii, Z.P. LaVoie, and C. A. Ss-lmsczn in fpvor. 1-q rlbjpc-ki -vc!