HomeMy WebLinkAbout19460211_REGULARETotion to adopt the Resolution lyas secanded by Utley, aiid an rollcall there v.rere five ayes and no nays, as follms:
Zonure, aye; 'Jillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hmtharne, aye; Ghristq~her, aye; ami the Resolution ua.~ adopted.
pour menbers of the Council vere presermt: Zome, Tillson,
BawL home and Chr i st opher .
Finutes of the regular meeting of January 28, 1946, mere
read and approved.
In z,ccorda.nce aith JaEuary 28th motion by Col:ncil, and
January 51x-b and February 7th notice published in Henn-
epin Caunty Review, hearing vas held 3n proposed 'dater
Kain Construction. Prclperty onners stated their recom-
mendations aiia objections as follomsz
fZinnehaha Blvd. ? Pron V, 52rzCi St., Lo Po 54th St..,
Arnold ITyline, in favor. ii9 objections.
l"t 52nd- S'creet, from Tndfanola hve, to Gorgas AQ~.
20 recomiendatiisna nor abj ections
Gorgae Ave, from '2 52nd. St., to Borth elnd of Garp-as AQ~. ,
J.P. Sh?rii, Z.P. LaVoie, and C. A. Ss-lmsczn in fpvor.
1-q rlbjpc-ki -vc!
138 -_ Iialifm: Ave., frm ;I. 52nd St. to $= 54th'St.;
Earry Rogers, in favor. Xo objecti-ns.
7, 54th Stt, from :'innehaha Blvd. ta Bearc Ave.;
Lim-ea Lomberg, in favor. L.A. ITcClellan, in objection
tct-constructim on tixis street, but in favor of Fa;ing
share of cost of 8" main, in order that coi~nection may
be made in future.
ming Ave. fron J. 57th St., to '2. 58th St. ; Dren Ave., fro21 J. 57th St., to J. 58th St.;
Chowen kve., fmra ,I. b7til St., to 2. 58th St. ;
Beard live., fron J. 57th St., to 3. 58th St.;
Bo recmnendat icns nor ob j ections ,,
kbbott ATe.) extended Xorth, from Sf. 58th St., to 7. 56th St. j
KO recomendations. F.R. :eggs, in oposition.
Zenith ,4vee, extenired Lorth, from Ye 58th St., Pro 3. 56th St.;
Ho recomendztions nor objections.
York Are. extended Xorth, from J. 58th St. to 3. 54th St.; __ Xa recormend-atims. rs. Vince A. Day, E. ETestertori,
D. J. Zoggle, and B. L. Benson, In qqositign.
Fuller St. gram Prance Ave. to Beard Aye.;
T. J. 2'alsh, in favoro E.E. Feterson, Frank Dudel;, J. F,Balleen,
F.X. Smith, G.C. Zipoy, and. X.B. Lelson, is3. oprosition.
2. L5th St. , frxL &'ranee Ave. to Beard Are. ;
Xo recormenda-2;isns. L.H. 4Zlav.$h, A. Charbonneau, FOB. Speer,
and R.L. Day, in opposition. Ds. Ruth Vail, and Herbert
but in favor of yayiEg shsre of cost of 8" main, in order
that connectim may be.mad.e in future,
Stracl-mtier, in oppositioc to construction oc this street,
i7. t5th St., frm Beud kue. to Zenith Ave.;
I. 56th 'St. frcm Beard kve. To Yal; live,,;
J. 58th SG., frm France Ave. to 3rl; Ave.;
i ation I:SE rime b:; i,a*Ltthorne, secmded b: Jillson, and- arried,
to table acti-n on this proposed kter rain CQnstructim for I
further csnsideratim. Attorney Cove11 uas instructed to give
mitten opini:n o~ legality of assessing przyerty ovners for
their shzre of cDnstruction of 8" main in c~se the. are not
served by mtins abutting their progerty.
i:o r ecam enbat i 3ns cor obj ect i r ns .
LesFrs. Paul Dunnavan an6 l?.ra~=B L. Hague requested that their
property on Svnn2,side Road be benefited by constructi3n of
sanitary secer in that street. 1-r. DuEnavan skated. that Dr.
Emlin f'att-sgo also aished this seker.
Xotioi2 vas made by ;lillson, seconded by Ela?7thorne and carried , to extend the i2roposed Srrnnyside Road smitary sever t3 serve
the Frq-erties of Dr. hanlin i'attsor,, Fczvl Dunnavsn an6 Pra&
I,. hague; such sanitary sevzer to be Ir,cluded %n proposed Sanitary Sevrer District KO. 15.
P.H, Setzer, E406 Serxes Avenue, presented peti'cim signed by
sezen oaners of 13% lots bet~~e12 54th and. 55th Street an6 be=
tueer, Xerxes 8.iTa Ywk Avenues , requesting that saixitary se3er extensign 'we rlade fn the alley betrreen Xerxes and Ygrk, from
54th Street to 55th Street. Engineer Smith presented three
:Tans for cgnstructim of seuer nains in Sanit3ry Ser:er District
Lo. 13. upon agreement of Fircjperty o,nners present, Ilan ED. 2
vas auoptea, as follons:
safiitarjr sexier- be cDcstructea in the folli~r .ng streets and alleys:
in France Avenue, @rem €:innebaha Cree$ to dest 58th Street;
In Xuicg Avenue, frors Vest 5'7th Street to irest 58th Street;
In Dreu Avenue, from 3est 57th Street to 'Jest 58th Street;
In Cliosme Aveiziie, from .,7est 57th StrFpt to Xect fGt11 Street;
in Beard- Avenue, from Kinnehaha Cree2 to %‘;est 55th Street;
iri Zenith Avenue extendeo‘, fron the irortli ljne of Lst 26, In Abbott Avenue extended, froai Vept 56tl-i Street to aast E8-t’ JJ
Block 3, Seeley’s First Ad-ditim to hia7.Tt~iorne I’nkL-, to 9 :le& 58th Street;
54th Street to u7eF-k 55th Street;
. in Yark Avenue ex’tended, from ‘Jest 55€h Strect to -Jest 58th;1,3;..,
In the alley lying between York ar,d Xerxes Avenue, from des€
in Xerxes Avenue, from Jest 55th Street to Test 56th Street;
In l7e~t 58th Street, from Fra,nce Avenue to Drew Avenue;
In ‘Jest 58th Street, from Chonen Avenue to 3earb Avenue; In dest 56th Street, from 2eard Avenue to Zenitb Avenue;
In ‘Jest 55th Street, froni Beard Avenue ta Zenith Avenue;
In ‘;Test 55th Street, froui the alley lying between Scmk and
In Best 55th Street, fro@ the alley lyir,g betmeen Xerzes and
ZenitB avenues, to York Avenue;
Pork A-venues, to Xerxes Avenue;
Same to be Lateral sezers, nom therefore,
BX IT RXSCLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina t1-A
sadtary lateral sei-iers be constructed in the above naned streets.
B3 IT BURTI-.R PESOLVXD that Philip Snith be designated 8s
engineer who shall uran plans and specifihatims ana prepare anti
tabulate an estimated cost of the constructisn of sue11 se:;ler znd. 2
report the sane to the Village Council.
I-otioi? JGQ ad-opt the Resolutim vrax secorided by Zgnce, Rollca,ll there were fsur ayes an6 EO nays9 as follovrs:
aye; hacthorile, aye; Clwistapher, aye; and. the Resolution war
adgg t ed
AY e
‘JHE’EAX, pursuant to remlutisn adopted February ll, 15‘46, Engineer
Ihilip if. Sr i’ch has d-rasa plans and specificati. ns for sanitary sever
ia the follosing streets and. alleys:
In 3rance Avenue, from fIinnehaha Creek to Test 58th Street;
In Euing Avenue, faom 7ect 57th Street to Jert 5Sth StreEt;
in Drew Avenue, from ;/est ;-?ti? Street t3 ,Test EEtfi Street;
in Chmen Avenue, frm JeFt 57th Street tcr Te. t Eltii Street;
in Eear6. Avenue, Trgm I’imehalia Creel; to JeEt 58th 3treet;
In Abbott Avenue extended, from Jea t f 6th Street to ;Test 58th L%
Ii1 Zenith Avenue exteiided, from the Zorth Line of Lot 26,
3lock 3, Seeleg’s First Ad-ditizri t3 hrrthorne Td:, to Jest 58th Street;
in Ygrl: Avenue extended, from ‘:lest 55th Street to 58th Stre-.;-;
In the alley lying betrreen Ymlr ai?d Xerxes Avmues, frcm ‘Jesi
In Xerxes Avenue, fro^ Jest 55th Street- to Ject 1ijt1-1 Street;
In Jest 58th Street, frm France Avenue tg Dreu Avenue;
Iii Jest 58th Strect, fr3 Cilov;eii AvelziTe to 4ez.rd Avenue;
In Ject 56th Street, frm Zeard Aveme tc~ Zenith Avenue;
In Je: t 55th Street, from Bezrd Avenue ta Zenith Avenue;
In ,le: ’s 55th Strect, f~r~ii the iyjng Letveer, YDrk and.
In ,!eE’j; E5th Street, froi?! “ce alley lying be’cWf3en &xx63S 3.ild
and has 'tabulated %lie results of his estirfiale !~f the cost thereof,
all of v;iiich has been resorted ta the Village Council, norr there-
for e.
54th Street to Jes-k C5th ’I%rc&;
Zenith Avenues to Ymk Avenue;
2c,wk Avenile, to %erxes Avenue;
~2.30 --
84.00 2.70.
9.70 115.30
9.40 5'u.;;o
12.60 G3.40
31.70 505.30 _II- ---
4021 125.00
50, uc)
120 . 25
20 0 68
584 . 25
75 . 00
6. 24
3 $' * 4 $!
7. ou
263 . 92
' 8.25
93 . 71
699 . 14
31 P 5'5
$ '78.40 ./--
Sewer. Dist . $9
3969 13.58
13 . 93
22. 19
*:j 262.03
iamAs it agiyears necesssr:.; and in tl e gublic interest that z san-
itary sexr be constructed 5n tile following streets:
in 3eEt 52nd Stpee$, from Halifax Avenue Lo Fraiice Avenue In Gorg s Avenue, Plror, Yfest f2nd Street t3 the end of Gorgas he.
sane. to be a lateral sener, nom therefore.
*?E .. IT ?X:SOL?%D by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that
sanitzry lateral sewer be constructed in the a,hve named streets.
rr D E% IT PliRTl-ZX PiESOLV3D that Fhilip aith be designeted as en-
gineer aho shall draw plans anc syecificatixs ad- prepare and tab-
ulate ail estinatedi cost 3f the constructiw of such se:ier an& report
tile sxae t~ the Viilage Csuncil.
i oti3n La adopt the Resolution na.s secoizded b:; Jillson, ar,d .on mU.1-
call tliere nere four ayes arid ncx nays, ad the Resoluti3ri was aciaplsed,
ail6 i,as tabulated tlie results of 1i.s estimiite 02 tiie cost thereof,
all of ~~idi has been reported to the Vi.llage Co~nci~, non there-
---, LLJ IT ?G'SOLX3j by the Villa! e CDuucil of Edina that said plans and
syecis"icati:i..s be hereby accepted sn6. be filed mit~i tLe Clerk, rrhero
taey siL~,ll remain on file open bo inspectign of all per~~i?s until after a contract for ti e vxorf; shall be let.
1x3 Tractor was not needed by the €ublic Jorks Department, bui that tnere iias need for the Sanii Spresder, and also for e tno-way sicie-
ilalii ploa, which can be pv.rckased Prom Ziegler a% $236,?5e Cove11 mas requested to give qinion on the legality of trading the'
I:O= 22 Cz4erpillar Tractor for tne sziid. spre;?cer, sidev?alk- ploa ana
<,j214.25 cash.
I Attorney
1 otim unas niade b:,- lLawt1iorne: authorizing i ana< er ST ith to notify
at least six prospective bidders that VillaEe insurar,ce expires in
I"arch, inviting -the& to submit bids for the cmsideratie2n of the
Council at their meetiEg of February 25. I-otim seconded by Zonne
' and carri ed.
l;t;aathorne offered the follovi~g ordinanc and inoved its adoption:
1 'IlXT3SOTA .
The Village Cguncil of the Village of %dim,, in Eiennepin County, LYinnesota, d.o ordain as follows:
.Section 10 certain real estpte and kerritory l?it11in fhe corporate 113LitS of the said vi11pg.n of %dir,a is liereby created-
and- established as Sanitary Sewer District
ai' anti includ-e the territory anc real estate lying 7:zithin the Villa&e of Edina, bounded and described as f~llo~ys; to-~rit:
15 a,iid- alla~l
Commencing at the point of intersect5on of the E-st line of
Zast Sunnyslope Road extended nith the cer,ter line of Jest
50$h Street; thence Morthnesterly along the East lilie of
East funnyslope Road to the Southaest corner of Lot 9, Block
3, Surinyslspe 3ectim, Country Club District; thence alcmg the Sou-kherly aiicc Soutiieasterlg line of Lot 9, Block 3,
Suanyslope Sectisn, Country Club District to its intersection
with 1-innehaha Creek; thence iii a kor'uherl; aiic Jeaterly
dir ecti on fn 3. meandering cgurse along I *ir,nehaha Creel; ab~7tt -
ing Lots 1 to LO inclusive, Block3 and Lots 1 to 4 inclusive,
Black 6 Sunnyslqe Section, Country Club District, to the
most i:ortlierly c3rner of Lot 5, Block 6 Sunnyslope Section,
Country Club District; thence in a straight line fmm noat
Bort1ierl;l: corner of Lot 5, Block 6, Sunnslope Section, Country
Club District, iri a Lorthwesterly direction across 1-innehaha
Breek to the most Southerly corner of Lot 15, Block 4, 3roan Sec'cion, Country Club District; thence in a i;orthv:esterlg
direction almg the Southvesterly line c~f Lot 15, 81ock 4,
3roan Section, Country Club District, a distanc~of 150.25 f~et to its intersecti3n with the South line of Sumysid-e bad; '
thence in a Korthaesterlg direction across Sunnyside Road
ta the Eortlieast corner of Lot 4, Black 3, >rmn Sect43n,
Country Club District. thence in a :'-orthnesterly d.ireclllion in a straight line to the Yorthv!es%erly corner of Lot 4, 31~~1:
3, Eroun Sectim, Country Club District; thence iii it Southerly
direction along the East line of 'State kighvr-1~7~ 169 and 212 to its Sntersection nith tile i!orth line of Sui-nyside Road-;
thence 'Jest alo~g the Bortli line of Sirmyside Road. exter,d-ed
ta tiie Jest line of' State KighWay 169 ana 212; thence Sotlth
along the Jest lineaf State I-lighJvay 169 and 212 to the point
of intersectim Y7itil tiie South line of Si-innyside Rgad. exteiio-ed-; chence %as% ala@ the South lir,e of Svr,nysi.de Road extenGec?
to trie Xorthnest corner of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision 259;
thence 531 th a13ilg tJLe Jest line of Lot20, Auditor's Subdiv'i-
sion 259 to the So,uthwext Corner of saia Lgt; tihence alms
the South line of Lot 20, Xudftor's Subdivision 259 to the -'
point of intersection with the Jest line Df Section 18, TavIii-
ship 28 k!, Range 24 J; thence South aloiig the \Test; line or
Section 18, Tomiiship 28X, Eange 24 ,'I to tiie center line of
'Jest 50th Strert; thence along the center line of dest 50th
Street in anE.zsterly directim to the point of beginning.
Refereiice is hereby ma6-e to plats of said adCition and snb-
divisions oa file an6. of record in the office of the Zegister
or Deeds In am for saia Fiennepiu County.
Sectim _I 2. That all ordinances an6 resolutlgns ana yarts
ol orciiilanccs a-ild. resoluti~ns inconsistent nit31 the pr3vision.s of
ti1i.s orciinance be 8iici the same hereby are repealed.
Kotion to adoy?'c the Ordinance V:?F seconded by I'iills3n2 ail6 on rollcall
there Rere 2c~v.i' ayes and no nays;, as fo1lo'i'Is: Zonne, aye; ;7'1lson,
a; e; iia., Gi?orne, age; and Christopher, aye; and the Crdir,aace nas
-- , 7
&'ire Chief, Fhilis Failey, requestea the rurchase of a ne;: fire truck.
1~1tion vias rmhe by I-ia:rtharne, seconded b:,* Zonne an6 carrieo., iih7-k L.kmser Smith preFwe specificakions arid be authorized to afivertise
f3r biGs hr a ne:) 'GrucI:; bids to be taken oh:aa.ch 259 1c1'46, at 8:OO
There oeiq im further business to cme befwe the Council, dillsDn
mveu i'or aaj3urnei:t. TTotion secmded by Zonne and cerried.
r"' I
.- -0- 75.00
4x5 . 00 -0- -0- - -0- -
205 . 33 23.90 1.50 182.93
Gr et chen Schussler 4035 97.50 12.60 75 84 o 15
Anne Grant 403G 62.50 6.80 -0- 55 , 70
Eelene Preeaan' 4037
4.80 -- 50.00
418.33 48.10
-0- 45e20
2.25 367098