HomeMy WebLinkAbout19460225_REGULARKotion to adoy?'c the Ordinance V:?F seconded by I'iills3n2 ail6 on rollcall there Rere 20v.i' ayes and no nays;, as fo1lo'i'Is: Zonne, aye; ;7'1lson, a; e; iia., Gi?orne, age; and Christopher, aye; and the Crdir,aace nas r2GqteCL: -- , 7 &'ire Chief, Fhilis Failey, requestea the rurchase of a ne;: fire truck. 1-3tion vias rmhe by I-ia:rtharne, seconded b:,* Zonne an6 carrieo., iih7-k L.kmser Smith preFwe specificakions arid be authorized to afivertise f3r biGs hr a ne:) 'GrucI:; bids to be taken oh:aa.ch 259 1c1'46, at 8:OO There oeiq im further business to cme befwe the Council, dillsDn mveu i'or aaj3urnei:t. TTotion secmded by Zonne and cerried. r"' I .- -0- 75.00 4x5 . 00 -0- -0- - -0- - 205 . 33 23.90 1.50 182.93 Gr et chen Schussler 4035 97.50 12.60 75 84 o 15 Anne Grant 403G 62.50 6.80 -0- 55 , 70 Eelene Preeaan' 4037 Sub-tcrtal 4.80 -- 50.00 418.33 48.10 -0- 45e20 2.25 367098 STRZ?':T DEFT (E2G) Fhi 1 Bai ley 4043 107.50 S.J. Roberis 4044 102.87 €.E. Daiilsren 4045 100.00 John Tracy 4046 90.00 krry Jonas 4047 90.00 I-wJ. 1-erfeld 4046 102.50 Arthur Jensen 4049 90.00 I August GustaZxan4050 85.00 Sub- t 3 JG a1 'lti7.87 Sam YcCreaciy 4052 721 00 John ETcZellis 4053 67.20 Jacob SLLTria!: 4054 67.20 S ub-total . 282040 I 'IS C3LLAilXO US TA?ROLL Ben d'oeinler 4055 125.00 Carl T, ISfller 4056 100.00' Sub-toatal . 225,UO 3000 51.80 -- I. 30 4.60 3.50 3-50 12.90- -0 - 84.50 _II_ 6. 00 449.70 -0- 1.FO le 50 1050 . 1. EO 1.50 - -0- -0- 50 I. 50 -0- -0- -0- 1.50 1.50 -0- I. 50 76.40 '126 . '7 '1 73.20 67-40 63 e '10 113 80 In Bale Drive, ikon Yest 50th Street to Ridge €lace. In Eillto9 Lane =in the following streets: 147 72. Lund requected report on 3'. 494- Street, Village Attorney Cove11 md Llr. LLUX~ nere apFainted as ,'3r corimittee to contact Ilrs, T'oreau and have repior$ f3r Coumil at its next meetins. Village. Pi%tpriiey Covell' s legal opinisn tht Itthe Ca3erpillar %rackor Day be sold by the CYarncil aithout rdvertisicc for bids, but tht tLe acquisition 02 the sand srrezder and mo~~ imcliir,e requires %lie aQvertiserien% Lor bids1' vas reab. 1 a%isn by 35ll.s~~ tht ,im. H. Ziegler I s purchase price of' $O,OO,OO Par ::os 22 Caterpillar Tractor and a1;Pzchuent-s be accepteci 'ims seconZed by FIvklzoroe w.d carried. I -,- Enutes of the meeting of February 26 vrere approved as subxit-ked. lbtion by 'Jillson to approve payrolls totalling $2,122.00 nits seconded by Ltley and carried. Gr e t &ea Sch us sler 4 891 97.50 Anne L. Grant 4092 62.50 12.60 84.90 6.80 5E.70 lielene Freeman Sub-total 4093 50,OO 418.33 4.80 45,lO FOLIC2 DEFT. Bildirrg Dah1 4094 112.50 7.40 105010 E. 70 88.80 8.30 86.70 4.40 90.60 ,&I . Sa ~ Beydt 4095 97.56 Clayton Zriclrson 4096 95.00 Clarence Ilnutson $097 95.00 Donald delson 4098 Sub-total 87.50 487.50 5.00 9*40 -0- 3.70 6.80 . 80 50 76 12000r) lOU.00 97.28 20. 0 109.78 96.24 88.92 805.67 103045 4lUU I? h. Dudilgr en 41UT Jam Tracy 4102 Harry Jonas 4105 August GKStafSOn 4106 X. 3. l:erf&ld 4104 Arthur Jens en 4105 Sub-total 7.30 36.70 ST'EIEET DEFT. (HRLP) Cfias Johnson 4107 79.80 1.60 78.20 Sam i:c Crezay 4108 1800Q0 -0- 18.00