HomeMy WebLinkAbout19460311_REGULAR72. Lund requected report on 3'. 494- Street, Village Attorney Cove11 md Llr. LLUX~ nere apFainted as ,'3r corimittee to contact Ilrs, T'oreau and have repior$ f3r Coumil at its next meetins. Village. Pi%tpriiey Covell' s legal opinisn tht Itthe Ca3erpillar %rackor Day be sold by the CYarncil aithout rdvertisicc for bids, but tht tLe acquisition 02 the sand srrezder and mo~~ imcliir,e requires %lie aQvertiserien% Lor bids1' vas reab. 1 a%isn by 35ll.s~~ tht ,im. H. Ziegler I s purchase price of' $O,OO,OO Par ::os 22 Caterpillar Tractor and a1;Pzchuent-s be accepteci 'ims seconZed by FIvklzoroe w.d carried. I -,- Enutes of the meeting of February 26 vrere approved as subxit-ked. lbtion by 'Jillson to approve payrolls totalling $2,122.00 nits seconded by Ltley and carried. Gr e t &ea Sch us sler 4 891 97.50 Anne L. Grant 4092 62.50 12.60 84.90 6.80 5E.70 lielene Freeman Sub-total 4093 50,OO 418.33 4.80 45,lO FOLIC2 DEFT. Bildirrg Dah1 4094 112.50 7.40 105010 E. 70 88.80 8.30 86.70 4.40 90.60 ,&I . Sa ~ Beydt 4095 97.56 Clayton Zriclrson 4096 95.00 Clarence Ilnutson $097 95.00 Donald delson 4098 Sub-total 87.50 487.50 5.00 9*40 -0- 3.70 6.80 . 80 50 76 12000r) lOU.00 97.28 20. 0 109.78 96.24 88.92 805.67 103045 4lUU I? h. Dudilgr en 41UT Jam Tracy 4102 Harry Jonas 4105 August GKStafSOn 4106 X. 3. l:erf&ld 4104 Arthur Jens en 4105 Sub-total 7.30 36.70 ST'EIEET DEFT. (HRLP) Cfias Johnson 4107 79.80 1.60 78.20 Sam i:c Crezay 4108 1800Q0 -0- 18.00 149 Y ditreet Ge-pt. Cont. John ::c Cellis 4109 . 16.80 -0- 16.80 1- Jacob Sbak 4110 18.90 -0- 18.90 Sub-tatal . 133.50 1.60 131. YO 4111 125.00 9.70 115.30 ,Carl T. Yiller 4112 IOU. GO 9.40 90.60 John Ba'lich 4113 36.2iU 2.40 33.60 16.00 - Gunizer Stroner 4114 16.00 -0- , Sub-total 277 . 00 21.50 255.50 TOTAL I'fffX3OLL PAID 2,122.00 141.70 1,9E0.30 ' Lotion by Utley to approve payient of village bills, all funds, . tatalling $2,320.77, was seconded by tiYllson and Carried. Arthur Petesser, 4062 Liiide Air Froducts 4063 Young Fuel. Co. 4064 Roberts I-imilton 4065 tiiel Letter Service 4056 €hillips Fetrolem 4067 k. Rogers Co. 4068 Edina 1iardu;Are 4069 Lea$ Bros., Inc. 4070 The Glenamzd- Inglenaod Ch .4U?'l The improvement Bulletin 4072 a. J. harris 4073 lienn, County Revien 4074 LilZer-Davis Co. 4075 Glacier Sand L:: Gravel Coo 1 407s Justus Lumber Co.4077 Thonpson "Lumber Co . 4078 Reinhard 3rO s . 40 79 Ipls. Gas Ligut Go. 4081 Aagard Sign Co. 4082 Zdirra Pure Oil 4083 Borey Shell St. 4054 i,orthern States Power @. 4085 Rugy-les ?- Rademker Salt iCo. 4086 Cm-mi ssi mer of Taxation i.T.'J. Be11 Telephone Go 4U87 4088 535.48 16 . 86 52; 14 17.21 15.76 49.94 41.94 36 . 53 4.00 .50. 60,UU 6'2.75 13 . 10 2.69 3.37 2.77 98.36 10.50 6.57 90.59 680 . 22 25.80 7.40 45.35 Suburban lienn. County Relief Board 4080 117.55 Hennepin County 4089 45.00 162.55 SX',EER DIST. #E Bertha If. Cosman 4061 , , f7.00 5.00 Gi le Let t er Qervi ce4066 2.63 SE'irnR DIST. ff12 . Thompson Lumber Co.4078 9.60 ~;.'ii. Bell Telephone Go. 4U88 . 10 12.33 --I Sever Rent& iTorthern States Fower Go. 1.17 4085 1.17 1 TOTAL BILZS - ALL FIELDS 2,320.77 Bs, Lucille R. Xolan and i2s. aenrietta Xoreau delivered t-3 the council deeds conveying to the Village, far street purposes, the folloning tracts of land: Lucille Re i.olan and John Leo Lolan: -"The Earth Tventy-five leet 125') of the 6,uth half (Si-) of Lot Thirty-four (34); and the Lorth Tventy-five feet (2!jT) af the East Thirteen feet (13') of the S~uth half (S$) of Lot Thirty-five (351, Auditor's Subdivision One liundred 3eventg-tno (172)$ according to the mapor plat thereof 00 file and of record in the office of the Register cd Deeas in ar,d Xi'or Said Co unty .a Horth half (SG} of Lots Thirty-four (34) and Thirty-five (35 ) Auditor's Suodivision One Hundred Seventy-tuo (172), according to the may or plat thereof on file and of record ih the office of the Register of Deeds in a,ild fsr said County of Hemepin and State of Llinrresota. t1 Henrietta Iyoreau -"The South Twenty-five (254 feet of the This transactian coqletes the right-of-nay for the proposed (lest 492 Street, vith the excention 3f the lhrth 7$ feet of Lat 24, Ataditor's Subdivision Eo. 172, OVD.~~ by Gust Soderberg. ?re Bourne, omer of a 1st on 66th and Beard, requested the CouncilFs yerziission ts build and live ina basenrent until such Lime as materials coula ue secured to complete di7elling. he was inforned that this is in violation or" the present ordinance, but that; the Flaming Comission mill soon make recormendation to the Cauncil, with regard t3 €his matter. Bids -,?ere t&ea fir the construction 3f sever mains in Districts Eo. 13 ana 14, as folloas: Sanitary Se:;ler- Lametti & Lmetti S.D. #13 $61,682.03 Carl Bolander 2 Sons Co. and Re J. Ea~Igan COO Eo Bid Po Lor ettiai iio Bid DeGrafi? &lff 75,338.00 Xhelps-Drake Colilpaiiy, Inc, 55,863.38 Orfei Cc Eariaizi 63 9 351.11 $6 , 4 26.50 3,225.79 4 , 524.50 3,830.45 3,4940 06 ilation by Utley to refer these bitis ta Engineer Snith for his tabulation ad coupaxison vias seconded by i'Tillson and Carried. LIr. Coburn, ovner of Lo€ 1, Block 2, Subdinision of LittelP*k, eapressed his zish to have his lot served by the Froposed Lexington Avenue sener, as part of the Carl bansen sever job in this district. L. T. Silvuriz, 5519 York Avenue, requested notificatioiL on future s7a-ter main hearings. kle is ovner of Lot 27, Block 4, Seeley's First Xdditim. ir. Russell T. Lund presented !letitions signed 'by a number of property cnmers on I{. 50tn Street 'beti'leen France and Idalifm, and on Frame Ave. setueen 45th And 51st Streets, requesting the follaniag inprovei-icnts: 1. Videiiing of Streets 2, Construction of aew curbing 3. Construction of new sidexralk where necessary 4. Removal of all overhead exposed public utility lines aid- installation of underground lines and suitable ornaental lighting. Xro Ralph Campbell of 3usinesc Troper-bies, Inc. expressed his willingness to assme his share of the assessments for these improvements, and requested 5-minu-ke parking. 1%. Campbell was tQld that it 7.79s the consensus of opinion of the comicil $hat no pnrlcing should be alloned sihere the street vas not videned. I 1 The council suggested that I%. Lurid secure more signers t3 these petitions if possible. 3.2. Lundlilade verbal request for a storn sener to serve business places along 50th Ztreet, L-.U l'anager Smith wz:s instructed to make a stud-y of the neea for such st~m seirer and make report t3 the Corrncil, . 1-51 i'esaY*sc Jalsln and Sperry, owners of property on puller Street betwea France and Beard, preseated.petition signed by owiers of fourteen - T par.cels af property abu-tting this street, requesting cons3ruc.E. i.on ox' mater iiiaiii. They were informed that a petition against such water main constructim had been filed by owners of 16 parcels of property; and, that ia vieu of this petition, more favorable signers would haE to be secured before the cauncil could take action. Five veterans, conteaplating the purchase of the Xdina Auto Livery, requwsted assurance gf tlie Cmncil that license to operste woulci be granted providing suGh purchase was rrna.de. The matter vas referred to k-anacer Ehith for his investingation and recomendstian, ^" Village insurance policies, for the year I.a.rch, 1946 to iLarch, 1947, uere awarded as follows: JorknesfiF s Conpeasation -liar&nare X'utual Casualty Uonpany of Stevens Point, a7isc. , -Gross Fremim $702.49, less dividend st' 2O;J, this prenium to be adjusted upoa annual audit of payroll. Automobile Liability -$25,000/$5O,L;OO F.L. & ,5,UUO F.D. for eight .trucks9 etc. and two cars, wit12 hired Car aid I:on-O;mershlp endorxeiiients. -l?red f;. Gray Company. Freriiwa $285.29, to be adjusted as additional uiifts are acided- to or aeleted from fleet. Pire, Comprehensive, etc. -3n abrrvc flect. h'ardvare L'utual Insurance Company of 1-innesota.. -Gross Fremiura $136.95, less dividend of 2DS3 this premim to be gdjusted 9s adsitionaf u!~iEs are added-im or delectect from fleet. & .~ Volunteer %ire Dep-k. Group Accident Folicy. &'red- L. G.ray Csrnpa~.; Traoimi r;j75,U0. f c Trustee ;liIlson offered the followivlg Resolution and iiloved its -76fr~tion: RuSOLUTIOi: FOR F.rlVIiTG TRAKCY \VI&?UE TaWL4S, the Village Coumil desires, on its om1 motion, to yave France Avenue between 43th Street ana 50th -kree-h9 and betveen 50th Street and 51st Si-reef, in the Village of Zdina, ai?d -to ins-kall curbs .and gn-iiters therein, as authori-zed by Chapter 582, Laus of 1503, KOJ, Ti-LZXZ'ORZ, 333 $T RZSOLTED by the Village Council of the , Villace of Ed-iiia that it 56 deeaed necess7ry aiid expedient to pave Prance ATeriue betneen 49th Street and 50th S-txeet, 2nd betvreen 50th S%ree%,a,nd 51st Street, ixz the Vi1Sa.g of Edina, and to install curbs and gu-iiters therein, and that on tlie Cat$ day ~f Al-ail, 1942, at L:OO otcXoc1; this Council nil1 meet at tiie 'Jillge Eiall in said Village sild will at said. tke an6 place i1e.z.r the partfes iilterepted tnerein in relereiice to such iwproveiient , an4 will decide wheii2ler or not to und-ertake such improvemiit, in x-rilole or in 1 art. f Iotlon to a-iiopt the Resolution vas there ucre 1'oLw ayes and- ix r2ayes9 aye; i-iavthorne aye; anci- Cllr i s taphe adol>t ed. . ATTEST r" (1) That the Village Cormcif deems it necesrary and expedient to construct stom seners in the Village of Edina in the following places to-mit : In Indianola Ave.--Fmrn Center Line of East-Yest Alley in Block 2, ,Stevens Pisst Addi-tion, 53r~tIi 13 feet. I In East-Test Alley in SLoclc 29 Steverits First Addition-Frm lndianola Ave. to Juanita An. In Juanita .kve.--I?ron Center Line of East-Vest Alley in Block 29 S&~en's First Addit-ion to Jest 50th St. (21 the size and i'amer sf conZruction t-bereof shzll be SE Pollo~sr The kind and qusli-by af materials to be used therein and 31ack 19 +Iri;events First kdaiticln Zast 2ur or Lot 2 Lot S aiid Ject GOt ~f Lot 2 Lot 4 Lot 5 (4) The tine cit-hin i-kich such st-ori-~~ severs shall be completed is not later than July I9 1%G0 Fetit-iaix to chsnfe iime of Russell :\venue t3 :-krrm-rfi Flacc, in WUQry of Yernard Johnson, a soldier frava tjAe neighborhrod uiis lost his life i, ~1 the last 'crar, vas filed by onners of twelve prcells 3:: groperty abutting this street, : granted was seccriided. by l-kvtharne and ca,rried. Fire Chief Bailey offered the services or the TJo1un"ceer L'ire Depar"cli:er? k in nailing out neu fire cards. I r. Gene Cooper offered fgr sale for pari; i;rarI:crses, approxirnately 35 acres of rural groper-ty. mb,tt-er up -r~ith the €ark Board an6 the Flaming Comiiission. I:r. Cooper recltrested- ghat the Coirncil adopt the policy of requiring licenses for pXmbers and hePting applisixe men. referred to the Billage Engimer and the Village Attorney for their investigation aiid recorz:endation. the Planning Conmissiont s recormendation m this matter. There being na further business to cone before the CounclI, ILamtlmrne"s raotion for adjourment vas seconded by Vi11 %tion by islillson thr7t Fe-$ition be - Zrr. 3;ailey's ofrer vas accep%ed. 1-r. Cooper wc?.s requested to take this Eie natter vas E-2. Smith was requesteo. %o secure AlZ maker s of the council nere pretenl. lcinu-iies -of meeting of larch 11, 1946, nere approved as suburit-bed. I-otion by k;iPlsan -hat payrolls totaling "29579.10, and truck renM ta-kaling gj67.50 vias secor,ded by citley and carried. GROSS LU.TL 5O.UO 50.00 35.00 35.00 35,OO 30.0c: 30.00 75 00 -- ;ym -JJ CLAIM BO. GO rnFCIL C. Jc Christopher 4115 I Bower Fknthoriie 4116 -I__ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- -0 - =o.- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - 50.00 50 00 35.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 30.00. 75.00 - Geo . 'i'fillson 4117 Harold C. U-bley 4218 3.L. Zonae 4113 J, J. Du.&&m 4120 DE. Cmbeil 4121 i2rl E. Cov~ll 4122 ',P=~xu 2. Levis 4123 Sub-taka1 -1J - -U- 23,r'o 1.50 ' 22.60 . 75 G.80 15 4.80 -0- 48.lU 3 t UU I%$. 93 84.15 54.95 45.20 367.25 7.40 1.50 S.70 ' 1.50 8,30 . 1.50 4.40 1 1.5u 4128 12.0 . 25 5% 0 25 89.20 -0- 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 I. 50 1.50 1, 50 10.50 -U- 2.00