HomeMy WebLinkAbout19460325_REGULARFetit-iaix to chsnfe iime of Russell :\venue t3 :-krrm-rfi Flacc, in WUQry of Yernard Johnson, a soldier frava tjAe neighborhrod uiis lost his life i, ~1 the last 'crar, vas filed by onners of twelve prcells 3:: groperty abutting this street, : granted was seccriided. by l-kvtharne and ca,rried. Fire Chief Bailey offered the services or the TJo1un"ceer L'ire Depar"cli:er? k in nailing out neu fire cards. I r. Gene Cooper offered fgr sale for pari; i;rarI:crses, approxirnately 35 acres of rural groper-ty. mb,tt-er up -r~ith the €ark Board an6 the Flaming Comiiission. I:r. Cooper recltrested- ghat the Coirncil adopt the policy of requiring licenses for pXmbers and hePting applisixe men. referred to the Billage Engimer and the Village Attorney for their investigation aiid recorz:endation. the Planning Conmissiont s recormendation m this matter. There being na further business to cone before the CounclI, ILamtlmrne"s raotion for adjourment vas seconded by Vi11 %tion by islillson thr7t Fe-$ition be - Zrr. 3;ailey's ofrer vas accep%ed. 1-r. Cooper wc?.s requested to take this Eie natter vas E-2. Smith was requesteo. %o secure AlZ maker s of the council nere pretenl. lcinu-iies -of meeting of larch 11, 1946, nere approved as suburit-bed. I-otion by k;iPlsan -hat payrolls totaling "29579.10, and truck renM ta-kaling gj67.50 vias secor,ded by citley and carried. GROSS LU.TL 5O.UO 50.00 35.00 35.00 35,OO 30.0c: 30.00 75 00 -- ;ym -JJ CLAIM BO. GO rnFCIL C. Jc Christopher 4115 I Bower Fknthoriie 4116 -I__ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - 0- -0- -0- -0- -0 - =o.- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - 50.00 50 00 35.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 30.00. 75.00 - Geo . 'i'fillson 4117 Harold C. U-bley 4218 3.L. Zonae 4113 J, J. Du.&&m 4120 DE. Cmbeil 4121 i2rl E. Cov~ll 4122 ',P=~xu 2. Levis 4123 Sub-taka1 -1J - -U- 23,r'o 1.50 ' 22.60 . 75 G.80 15 4.80 -0- 48.lU 3 t UU I%$. 93 84.15 54.95 45.20 367.25 7.40 1.50 S.70 ' 1.50 8,30 . 1.50 4.40 1 1.5u 4128 12.0 . 25 5% 0 25 89.20 -0- 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 I. 50 1.50 1, 50 10.50 -U- 2.00 702.45 .= I 1.92 3080 1225 0 01 409.20 20000 80.00 3 55 9 863 0 YE 3Z IT FURTEZE ESOL?ZD that the Clerk is hereby authorized a-ild iireetea Lo return i'or'chaith -bo a11 bidderc the depos2-k mde ~ith their bid&, excep$ tlmt 'the Creposits of the Ev.ccers2v.l bidder rizci the next Ponest bidtier sha-11 5e retained until the contr?-ct has beell signed, I Utley olfered the folloniizg Resolution and nioved its adol-ltion: . i a2 the respec'cive biaders has been duly investigated, nov therefore, 32 IT KZ30L'IDD by the Village Council oi tkie Village ox' Zd.ina that the bid of' Thelps Drrke b., i inneaqJolis, 1inn. is hereby . 6eteimiiied to be the bid af the 1oT;;lext responsible bidder, an6 the Fresid-en-i; zmd Recorder of the Village are hereby authorized a"nd d-irected to enter into a contract xith said- Thelps Drake Coo? ?'inn- eapolis, ICinn.9 in the name of the Village far the consBructiDn ozi' said sever according tg the Iilans arid specifications therefor vhich lime been bre to fare appmved by the Tillage Council and filed in tile office 03 the Village Clerl; at a total co11tract price of (j3,034~9ti as speciI'ieb in said- bid, said price to be coqgoseci of the folloaing item of said! bid uhich shall be included- in the nor]: ta be dmie under sai d coiikr ac t : S 1 2% 1 7ATX I iiz OF CUT Ii; FEGT 1m TCOT TOTAL ljEF TH 2TIATTTLTY LTIT TRICY II 9 ti Clay ripe 8-109 6 79 I... 65 5i1256 e 15 It It II 10-12' 275 2.08 572.00 I- C, $1 b " Depth of liouse Gocnection to be deteraiiied by Engineer Conplete (Figure St-wndardi i anhole on bcsis of d-epth and to include cost of concrete base 2: frame E cover. Unit Trice per foot sill be used for acythirig over 8' in depth) Zach 3 Standard 8%' Ja.11 i aHholer lS7. uo 411, 60 22. 22 Zach 1. lo -50 S'anhole Tap Connection to Bxist ing ilanhole ~lt Hzlifaz- Ave. 2: 52nd Xt. 1 10.09 TOTAL 323 IT FLRTHER RZ:SOL?XD thst the Clerk is hereby authorized. anct u-irected. to return Porthvgith to all bid-ders the deposits mad-e vi h %heir bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder arrd the next lovest bidder shall be retair,e& until the con'crzct has been si gn e d- . 1:o"cion to aaopt the TLesoltltion vas Secgnaed. by Iiavthorne, and on Rblloall triere uere five ayes ami no nays as follous: Etley, aye; ilillsons aye; Zome, aye; Hauthorne, aye; Christopher, aye; and- the ResolutirJii ~3.s adopted. J T o-iiLon by Iltley to correct bv@get for General Ftrad, by transferring $2, 640. ou out of the liiglimy T'aintenance appropriation intu Contingency .Fund apyrapriation, vias secodded by Uauthsrne and carried, Discussion 92 the 'zransfer 0% Sener Rental Funo and 3. payroll zccotxnt to First- Cdina State Sard;, for csnvenience in depositiong semer rental receipts and cashing Village payroll cliecL-sp resulted. in the Covncil's requesting Village AttorEey for advice as ta legality and procedure in this transl"er, P -d litley offer the following Grdinaiice and I'oved its Adoption:: a. Section 1. That certain real estate and. territory nit-h- n the corporate liniits of the said Village of 3:diina. is hereby created and establishe6 as Sanitary Sener District I;ou IG and- shall consist af Corauencing et %lie Xortheast corner of bt- 20, 131ock 1, Subdivision of Lit-ZeB '-?-rI;, thence &out11 alme the &st line of said Lot 20 to the Southeast comer of said Lot; thence ,Jest along the Sou'ch lfae . 02 Lots 14 -?c 20 inclusive, 3lack I, Subdivision af Litte1 TaL; %a the Southnes% .garner of Lot 14, Block I, Subciivis.isii of I,i.&kel €ark; thence South aloaf: the Best- line of Lot 13, Blocl; 1 and Lot 14, 312~1; 4, Subdivision of Littel Tark; tiience Yest alcmg the South line of Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, Llocl; 3, Subdivision of Lit-t-1 Zmk to tlke ,jest line of Concord Ave.; tiience South along 'L $he ZasS line of Lots 13 and 149 Block 4, Golf Terrace Eeights 1st adciitign "c.3 tiie Sou'chey,zt corner of Lot 139 31~cl;: 4, Golf Terrace Heights 1st Adb-i-kion; thence Jest alsnc the South line of Lot 13, 13Pock 4, Golf Terrace iieights 1st Addition "Go the 5;outliCes-i; cormr of said Lot IS, thence A:orth alocg the Jest line of Lots 13 to 19 inclusive, Eloclr 4, CcfTf Terrace i-ieights 1st Addition ~EI the -orth aest corzer cf Lot PC;;, Block 4, Golf Terra-e Heights 1st AGlditim; thence in an Z;i.,.:.terly direction alolzz tiie lorth line 3f Lot 19'c!g 3Socl.r 4, Golk' 'Temnce kieighfis 1st Addition tcr the i orthmst Corner of Lot IO, ~3lock 2, Subdivision rl" Littel Tar:;; thence East dong the iTortirt line oi' B1ocl;s lC~2~ Subdivision 3X Litkeel hark to the Ioint o'r' beg:aiiii?,c. I .- Rererenee is hereby nacle t3 plats of said abditions 3x6 su$dkvision on Tile and of record in the office of the RegiBter of Beeds in and for 3 sait? nennepia Corao'cy, Section 2. Thzt all mdinances and resolvtfons ~nc yarts or 3rd- r ir,ances and res3lutigi:s inccmsistent with the provisions gf' this 3rd- iizance &e and the sme hereby are reyealed. Section 3, !Chat tnis ordinance be in full i'orce and effect fmra and aP-i;er tile gasszce and 1- udication. . -I +-stion to adopt fae axiinance cas seconded by Iianthorae, and m X~11lcd.l there JTere i'ive ayes, and no nayss as follons: dtley, age; Ji11sort9 aye; Zome, aye; Hayithor11e aye; Christopher , aye; and the OrcZinance as aLopted, Section 1, That Section V of the Zoning Orainance cd 3dinatL. as amemled is hereby mended by adding thezetg the follaving: l*fb) Lot Seven mCi: %lie Lorth fne-€ialf of L3t Sight, Block Three, Craudvierr €:eights AddZticrn is hereby estz8lished as a Comercia1 DisBrict. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force sild effect i~ou and after it; publicatim accor&ing to lan. ;.otim -23 ~tiiopt the OrLinancc cas seconded by Jillson, en6 rollcall there nere five ayes end no nays, as follms: Ut-ley, aye; Jillsois, aye; - Zonae, aye; Eavrthorne, aye; Cmistophr, aye; an& the OrdZnmcG vas . adopted, - - 159 council t~ i.ezoi’rne this property for datable bungaloirs. 7%. ‘I‘Irorpe ko ir, ChristQpher, offerii2g this llrcrperty fgr sale to %he Village for ,;‘7,000.00 tms read, I iimeapolis Renl 3sta.tePs appraisal of <$,GO 0.00 vas reTtiex-gedo Christopher and Utley be a committee to contact I;rLr, !Thorpe with regad to this purchase was seconded by Zonne and carried-. ahkorney was requested- to get the Attorney General’s o-giiiim Dn Villzge procedure in‘acquiring park property. Smith reported or, sidevrallzs needing repair- that I roperty ovners be given ops xortuiiity tc~ repair their sid-aaalks and- be assessed for any repairs mad-e by the Village, nas seconded. by Bautliorne ai18 carri ed. Letter fmrr 1-at5on by ’JiIIson tkt I*essrs, Village iotion by Jillson On-Sale Liquor 1 cClellan’ s Grocery -Cigar e -i; t e Cahill Grocery -Cigarette I;;’aina Recreation Center -BotCLing Alleys (16) , finball 1 achines (21 Tr i sler Gr oc er y -Cigarette, Or_’-Sale Eeer Country Cash Store -Cigarette, Off-sale Ze--r @? lB-0, Zoilile reporteo that serera.1 complaints had been received aha@ the st~ticra nagon tzxi r s picking LQ and discharging passengers vitliin the Village 1ijxLts an6 about their vialetisn trafi’ic rules. Zonne 1;1a.s recjuert ed to imtify the police d-eptjtrtriient 05’ their infractions. I:otion by Jilison to allow 3,J. Sinions to face his house South on -i LO% 10, huditorts 8ubdivision 259, nas seconded by kawth~rne nnd . c ami e d Letter Zron -the €ark BogEd, dated 1ra.rch 25, reemmending i urchase by the Village of Parir trracts of lan6 as follovs: 1. part of iE<- of Section ~2, ’I’onmship 117, zc . Ear% 3f i;+ of ~ovt. LO% 2, Section 33, Toniis’lnip 3,- Part of Section 28, Tonnship Ut?’, Range 2v.44 A. 4. Fart of SB+ of SE+ of Section 299 Towrnshi? 117 Range 21 2.3*25 A. 117, Range 21 1.7 A* Range 21 15.52 A. Totalling approximately 34 Acres nas read. 1%. Leary slated that th cost xvould be approximately $lU,uuO.OO. to secure the opinion 32 the Flanning Corntlissioi19 I’znager Smith VEJ.S requested to notify the Spring Comqany, oxmersP that this laand na.s %he Fark Board vas instructed I I tinder consideration far park purposes. Oliver Crary, Scoutmaster, suggested that aid might be obta.ine5 from the 15nneapolis Community Fund for playground supervisicn, Farks9 etc . Hanthorne vas aTpoint ed to investigate this matter. 1 + 1-o-b .r on by hvthorne that +-:pplica-tion of ‘Jillie 1’. Eelson and. Alvin L .. Losticka to move houses fro= Savage to Lots 13 2: 14, 131ocl: 12, *+‘lest I:iiineapolis Heights mas secou?ded by .Illlsoil and Carried. i:o-tioii by ,iillssri that the 15-33 Shovel be rented- to Z.C* Ti’oiffer at tlie rate of ,j500.00 per 1:on”ci wit8 secoizded by Zomie amd. carried-. 4 c- There being no further bu.silzess to come b lore the Council, %'eei;irg aas ad j o urned , 160 // Four nenbers of the Council aere present. an6 Christo; her. Utley, 7iflsoii, Hantharne, I-inufes 32 the regular neuting of f'arch 25, as su'bnitteci, mre agproved. Xotion by Jillstln to allon payment of payrolls is the mount- of %,;2,248,85, vas secoiided by Utley and carried-, $4193 203 0 33 23 0 90 Gretchen Schussler 4154 Anne L. Gra.nt 4195 itelene Freenao 4196 Srrb-tc?-tal 419 7 Pm S. fieydt 4 %UP Clay t oc Er i CL s o n 4202 Clarence I&v.tson 4 203 Donald Iielson 4 204 Sub-to t a1 4206 €. Lo Dahlgren 4207 John Tracy 4 20s Lo 3. Xerfeld 4 209 Larry Jonas 4 210 Arthur J ensen 4 211 August Guastafson 4212 Sub-total STXZT DEI'T, (HRZV) Chas Johnson 4 213 Ronald F. Port 4 214 Jacob Shiak 4215 S. C. 'Pfeiffer 4 216 Sub -t o zc a1 4217 Carl T. i'i31er 4 21s Fred Jonas L.212 Sub-totsl 112.50 Y7.50 Y5.OQ 95. Q0 87.50 487,50 112.50 100.00 100.00 94. 16 104.58 9oeo0 49-16 88.92 739032 125,CiO 100.00 1s. 00 %$~OUO 2,248.65 12.60 6,843 4.80 4E. 10 7.40 8.70 8.313 4,40 3.00 31.80 3,50 5,40 9.40 -0- 6.10 3. "/o -0- 35.40 7030 1.60 -0- 3.080 13 . 2u mo $1 0 70 -0- 19 . 10 147.60 9.40 18.00. 23s 0 YU 2,101.25 I Lotitrn by Utley ta allan :tapen% of claim, all fundso jn the mour,'Z of ;,34,1?71.46, tms secanded by Jillson and carried. CLAIP: KO. 4158 &i%h 3elding Xquijpent 4159 Glacier Sand & Grsvel Co. 4160 S-iller Davis Coo 43.61 3n. E. Zielger Co. 4162 J. 3. Lahr 1Iotor Coo 4163 Republic Creoso-bing Coo 411;4, A: -0 rnTT 10.00