HomeMy WebLinkAbout19460408_REGULAR160 There being no further business to come b f ore the Council, I *eeting was adjourned. ' 4 - Village l erl. "Ii:UT�S OF TIM RLGCLAR 17- TIIT•G OF TI-7, LDI3 _,r. V=LAGD C012 :7CIL9 IIJD Il' VILLAGE MILL APRIL 8, AT 8:00 P.L. Four members of the Council tiere present. Utley, Ji llson, rian thorne, and Christo her. Yinuues of the regular meeting of I. 'arch 25, as submitted, sere apl }roved. =otion by ilillsc)n to allot= payment of payrolls in the mount of �'2,248.�85, vas seconded by Utley and carried. IAYROLL rAID ArRIL 8. 19'46 iTAT�' CLAW' 170. GROSS -OIT T - - - - - 'J. TAX 1:61 AIM AD17IITISTRA TI? 4160 8.09 4161 187.95 Phil .1. Smith i '-4193 208.33 23.50 184.43 Gretchen Schussler 4104 07.50 12.60 84.510 Anne L. Grant 4155 62.50 6.80 55.70 .uelene Freeman 4196 50.00 4.80 45.20 Sub- total 418.33 4E.10 370.23 FOLIGn DEPT. Hilding Dahl 411.7 112.50 7.40 105.10 *m S. Leydt 4201 97.50 8.70 00.80 ' Clayton FriC17s,on 4202 05.00 8.:30 86.70 Clarence Knutson 4203 95.00 4.40 90.60 Donald ielson 4204 87.50 3.00 84.50 Sub -total 487.50 31.80 455.70 -TRL'LT DEPT. Phil 33ai ley 4205 112.50 3.50 10 c! . 00 S. J. Robe. -ts 4206 100.00 5.40 C114.60 F. H. Dahlgren 4207 100.00 5.40 C10.60 John Tracy 4206 1.;4.16 -0- 914.16 _:. J. i'erfeld 4209 104.58 6.10 58.4 .marry Jonas 4210 9" "0.00 3. `70 86.30 ' Arthur Jensen 4211 49.16 -0- 4 '.16 " August Gustafson 4212 88.92 7.30 81. G2 Sub -total 739.32 35.40 703.Y2 STRDDT DM T . (HRI.,Y ) Chas Johnson 4213 79.80 1.60 78.20 Ronald F. Fort 4214 76.00 -0- 76.00 Jacob :Shmak 4,215 56.40 1.80 54.60 F. C. Pfeiffer 4216 148.50 8.80 138.70 Sub -total 360.70 13.2u 347.50 13 C ",I'LLA: M 0 tTS Len ;.b.ehler 4217 125.00 ��.70 115.30 Carl T. 'Filler 4218 100.00 0.40 9 ;0.070 Fred Jonas ��'2I9' 18.00 -0- 18.00" Sub -total 243.OU 19.10 236.V10 TOTAL P.,r AOLL IAID 2,248.85 147.60 22101.25 Lotion by Utley to allow yayu-sent of claims, all funds, in the amount of ti?4,471.469 'vas seconded by Jillson and carried. _+`_TLLS TAID AFRTL 82 1946 ::AIM' Marry T. Peters Smith - Welding Lquirm.ent Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. T -iller Davis Co. 2a.. H. Zielger Co. 4. F. Lahr Lotor Co. Republic Creosoting Co. CLAIM 1:0. A! 'OMIT 4158 10.00 4155 .55 4160 8.09 4161 187.95 4162 35%G9 4163 5.75 41,-�4 31.64 1 ( -' Q ;, t L F tT?D i 161 Couui-iittee Rey-)orts were filed with the Clerk. Pursuant to notices to property o��Tners, hearinL v.as held on the const- ruction of sanitary sewers in Sunnyside Avenue and Smanyslope .Distrie'y at an etitimated assessable cost of ;;7.50 per front foot. Engineer Grath reported thtit, becauze of the hiCh cast of tumielinr; i7nder ILhe hi hwa -, �he felt that church and village hall nroperty should 'ot 1)e included in this project. The croy_ erty o%aa r s resent ..ere her.,rd, ti 111 ? ems': ;rS, T err-i Caripbell and Thi ll ex -c,re- Eli, i ;ihe- oselves i - favor o construction, w +nU_ i._r. jeub and �'r. Converse CIiJ,�CCt7.Yt�''. �_r ;ile;r +x'er c� ie :�ol.low inn Resolution and moved its aGoy ti on: r_,C� z ­21*'17"R CO_T`'RAC`I' 1J .t::s�'i FJ I ',.� �_�.i� e 15 v ursuant to advertisement for bids -, iiblisi�iea e- in {mac +_ -lty Review, i ira;esotaq ai:a li! -e !:Zprove!ient r3ulle ti il, is iieuQtaq Q7Ce each "EE � inneapol for three staccessive we, "'tis, biCL, have bcen received for coi- :struction of sanitary sevrer in the :fo i lo--li rr otre._t st In +`au _ ysi Cte Re a6. and Sun, nyside Ro,-ad ex fended, from t ife n. Zinc; a Loy 1G, .7"locilti 4, Country Club Dis rice, ',Town Section, to the :lest line of St, E 16� 212. in .,'est Sunni slog_ +e Road, frori .<est L,Gth Street to 21- m- slove In De,st Sjun l- ;-slope Roed, from a'e- t 50th ;street to ,hest _.unn,- slor,c r�o.d . in .p'000hi i_-L '. :n.�T, ror-, :ridge Ilace to L=?st r_ i nyslope Road. In Dole Drive, from ;,eat 50th Street to RidCe Tlace. ano. tiie N^ile have been duly opened and consid'ere0_ aric. the re s-io.nsi ijj_-(i'i ;�' of 'mile re ^y restive i�idderc 12 as been Cl'.I!17f inve3ti� ate', nos., ti,erefore, i2 TT _,-„rC 7Te:�.l . oy the Vi ll"r e Counc! i o"! �a lie `,ri ll ''n of C+ -7_z3a '' r " L�T1 r �.�.` T.�;r j , 1 i ni.Eota, 1s ilei °e'oy CtEtereo- �!i1eCr the iC! of La- ci -; i_ ,. a etti Sot. w to ire uiie bid of tiie 1owe,; t respons ib 1 e bidder. arc i,he Trcc:iden'i: Mn(r, I Gen'1 Fund Firestone Stores Q" "165 3u.U7 ?:ortlhern States Tower Co. 4166 666. 20 DalilberC "'ro s . , J_110 . 4168 VOID Ihil J. Stith 416 50.00: Art!iur Ietersen 4170 586:30 ''in eay;oli\s Gas Light Co. 4171 28.51 D. J. harris Service Station4172 130.21 h. A. RoL4 ers Co. 4173 9.72 Iia;arove:,ient Bulletin 4.174 47.60 Jasperson Dairy 4175 44.45 Oscar Robekts Co. 4176 7.98 American Linen Co. 4177 5.25 ,Edina Pure Oil 4178 11.56 Dorey's ;hell Station 4179 80.35 Edina liar. ;r : "re 4180 2.64 Dahlberg Bros. Inc. 4181 19190.58 karold A. hoban 4182 5.00 GeorCe r. O'Brein 4183 5.00 J.+'. T. 21,iisek 4185 15.00 iil -in,, Dahl 4186 9, 50 orthcrestern Bell Telephone Oo.4187 44.20 General Truck &. Equipment Co. 4188 82.42 Inillips F'etroleuw. Co. 418 ' 29.62 ilennepi.n County Review 41 10 151.20 Teder�.t ed hardware Yutuals4l�'2 32.70 :Ya39 581.57 FCCR 317U.1D Suburban helm., Co. Relief -_1-;oard 4167 243.41 243.41 S. D. sr 9 George -C. Christopher 4191 84..22- 84.22 S. D. ;112 Vi lage of .Rdina 4184 560.76 �:. `I. Bell Telephone Co. 4157 .50 561.2Y; ST,:'* i R737T T i:orthern States Tower Co. 4166 1.00 1.00 TOTS =.L BIT,L a -- ALL FL F' a 4 , 471.46 Couui-iittee Rey-)orts were filed with the Clerk. Pursuant to notices to property o��Tners, hearinL v.as held on the const- ruction of sanitary sewers in Sunnyside Avenue and Smanyslope .Distrie'y at an etitimated assessable cost of ;;7.50 per front foot. Engineer Grath reported thtit, becauze of the hiCh cast of tumielinr; i7nder ILhe hi hwa -, �he felt that church and village hall nroperty should 'ot 1)e included in this project. The croy_ erty o%aa r s resent ..ere her.,rd, ti 111 ? ems': ;rS, T err-i Caripbell and Thi ll ex -c,re- Eli, i ;ihe- oselves i - favor o construction, w +nU_ i._r. jeub and �'r. Converse CIiJ,�CCt7.Yt�''. �_r ;ile;r +x'er c� ie :�ol.low inn Resolution and moved its aGoy ti on: r_,C� z ­21*'17"R CO_T`'RAC`I' 1J .t::s�'i FJ I ',.� �_�.i� e 15 v ursuant to advertisement for bids -, iiblisi�iea e- in {mac +_ -lty Review, i ira;esotaq ai:a li! -e !:Zprove!ient r3ulle ti il, is iieuQtaq Q7Ce each "EE � inneapol for three staccessive we, "'tis, biCL, have bcen received for coi- :struction of sanitary sevrer in the :fo i lo--li rr otre._t st In +`au _ ysi Cte Re a6. and Sun, nyside Ro,-ad ex fended, from t ife n. Zinc; a Loy 1G, .7"locilti 4, Country Club Dis rice, ',Town Section, to the :lest line of St, E 16� 212. in .,'est Sunni slog_ +e Road, frori .<est L,Gth Street to 21- m- slove In De,st Sjun l- ;-slope Roed, from a'e- t 50th ;street to ,hest _.unn,- slor,c r�o.d . in .p'000hi i_-L '. :n.�T, ror-, :ridge Ilace to L=?st r_ i nyslope Road. In Dole Drive, from ;,eat 50th Street to RidCe Tlace. ano. tiie N^ile have been duly opened and consid'ere0_ aric. the re s-io.nsi ijj_-(i'i ;�' of 'mile re ^y restive i�idderc 12 as been Cl'.I!17f inve3ti� ate', nos., ti,erefore, i2 TT _,-„rC 7Te:�.l . oy the Vi ll"r e Counc! i o"! �a lie `,ri ll ''n of C+ -7_z3a '' r " L�T1 r �.�.` T.�;r j , 1 i ni.Eota, 1s ilei °e'oy CtEtereo- �!i1eCr the iC! of La- ci -; i_ ,. a etti Sot. w to ire uiie bid of tiie 1owe,; t respons ib 1 e bidder. arc i,he Trcc:iden'i: Mn(r, 162 R ec or c, e 1: 1-„ -.L e --fe liereby authori2ef:1 �md dircctc&to er."'Or a gl:t a con, tr -a c t h 2:� I. f-�, _ia t t i L Lanetti in the n-L)--rie o-L the 7MT�­e U !or tiac- Con-St-rUctior. Of Saic, -:,c-Or I­.Ccordin('- 'cc t1le i-Cications therefor ..Y'LAch have oven heretofore aa,,_y roves t Oythe 'Ti1la_-e Couacil aia& filed in- tii office of the WILa-e Clezr1., Ju- f7 totf.11 ccvntract: _trice of '5;L, s-,,ecified ii 1.t saiL,, IA6., zaio. -rrie to c be 0 oi' the itei-is o" s�.u- , 11 l ylvei .iiCh SOrl . .t� be done iii-mer s.--ic..' coyitr-actu D ---a i SIZ3 7_A`=T_'M C`7 a U7 1--�-7` 700T TO Vf 7 Vit. Clay Fi-r,e .3-6 2U 6 C' 7 20 -10 18 151 If 1-0-12, 2130 6.07 12c2�!. 10 it it It 12-1,-:, 7* 6C 5 r5 t I I I I I - 1'�' _I 6 10 . 03 6 1- J. 6 it it It it 10 __161t '�U 12. 08 0 tt It 11 11 16-20 t 110 15.12 1 Ci F) 6' . 0 It U 20-22t 16. 41. I,,; 111Y . 60 U 11 22 1 0 - _ 1 - 2, :,, 1 it If If 11 2e; -2f7 1 1 0 16.4A 1644.00 26-28-t 139 18.21 2531.19 28-301 50._ 20.67 1033.50 6 tt Vii;. Clay Tire louse Connection 1OG4 1.90 2021.60 (Depth of House Connection to be 6'eternixied by En,,,inecr. ) 611 Stack Encased in Uoncrete 3.QU 270.00 (This up-it Krice to incluc.e Cost Of --- -"I e _- collcrete in place. 100 Lineal Feet o-[' 811 Cast Iron Pipe in FIaC<e for crossing, a' State 1-41iLhi.,aL-s 16�' ft: 212 on Sunny- L side Road e-rPy.6ed. -',ll Cal t Iron Pi -,-e to have lea,_ joint-_ e, to be encazec in concrete. (This zect_-Toii of se,.-.,cr vill sae tunnel) 64.23 3 L-z 2:5, . 0 0 61 Standard Ell J._11 _'_anholes. Coril,lete (Figure :3t wadi xb_ : -axiho -_e oi, balcio, of 120.00 3720.00 depth and to iiaclude cost- of concre"G;e ba--e "' frame I-r, cover. tnit price per i-c,ot .'iill be used for anythinC over 61 in depth.) --tra Vertical Tee"- of -,,"all PUR 7nR. FT. L 1 110 12.50. 1375.00 ';�xtra Vertical Feet of 1-an1iole-1211 hull 20 141 . 0 0 280.00 Vertical Feet of Dror Yonholes as rer 6ror. 7A-rinho1e Irice -L"o be over above ym: r cost - ,:er vertical -11"coot for QtanfJm�,.rd 320.00 , - - nh o -, e . 110 12.00 1 1 313 IT FURTKIRZ TOZ-OLIMD that the Clerh is hereby authorized and directed to return forthyzith to all bidders the deposits rade :pith their bids, except that the deposits of the successful biLder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been sic-ned. I I otion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Jillsoniq and, on Rollcall there .,ere your a,,e:c and no na,,-- as follov,,s: Utley, arye; Ji'llson.'- a'Te; hauTthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Reso -IlutJon :: - s adorted. ATTD%IJT: - � T 7es Jd n tof the Cduncil Vi, �!aCe P*E'1711 CU. LT. Concrete in Flace X10 CLT. 'Y'ds. 25-0U 2250.00 1/211 Gravel in 11lace 30 Cu. Yd.s. 5.O0 1f-0. (10 each x 61, Jyes 76 2,00 1,'2.00 611 1/6 bends 76 1.3 102. U1 0 -anhole Tap Connections to 1-anholes on State la-icly.,mirs 1U' L^: 212., .11. Si,rmy,-Idpe Road, Dale Drive J: 'Dast Sumayslope Road 6 U. C%O 4iu. u0 1 313 IT FURTKIRZ TOZ-OLIMD that the Clerh is hereby authorized and directed to return forthyzith to all bidders the deposits rade :pith their bids, except that the deposits of the successful biLder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been sic-ned. I I otion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Jillsoniq and, on Rollcall there .,ere your a,,e:c and no na,,-- as follov,,s: Utley, arye; Ji'llson.'- a'Te; hauTthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Reso -IlutJon :: - s adorted. ATTD%IJT: - � T 7es Jd n tof the Cduncil Vi, �!aCe E Village T-anager was- x--eque-lted to inform. Chvrch officials of action tal:en by Council with regard to this se'wer e.,,.-tension,, in order that tiie"r might enter into private contract 1,,,rith Lametti Ll- Lametti if they so visl'L In accordance with notice published in the Hennepin Country Review., !Iarcli 14, hearing vias held on construction of paving, and installation of curb and gutter in France Avenue, from 4�lth to 50th Street, and from 50th Street to 51st Street. 17-r. omith explained that an estimate was not available at this time because he vas uncertain as to how nruch"jae street ti'iould be widened. The Council agreed that the present plan of widening France Avenue eighteen inches from 4tjth to 50th Street, and two feet from 5Qth to 51st Street vould be satisfactory. Yo objegots were premezent. 4�illson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption.- RESOLUTION FOR STRE-T II'TRO=� M,171 FM,U,-'.C3 AVE. FAVI1TG9 CURB AND GUTTER pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, 17arch 11, 1946 and published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, T.'innesota, on I rch 149 1z46, the Village Council ha- met at the time and place specified therein and heard all persons' interested .pith reference to proposed improvement of France Avenue between 401th and 5Uth Streets and between 50th and 51st Street,-, -by paving and installing curb and gutter, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said improvement, described in said resolution shall be undertaken, the entire e_-cpense thereof to be paid in the first instance out of the General Fund. M IT FURTHER RBSOLVED that said improverjen-l'; be made by contract to Oe iet to the -Lowest responsible bidder, and the Clerk is directed to pr�'-pa,rr.,• and publish advertisement for bids thereon Lobe orened lay 13, 11�46, Ythich bids shall be based upon laps anc specifications 01lich shall hereafter be prepared by the Village Engineer and approved bit this Council. i7otion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by havithoxne, and on roll- call there were four ayes and no nays, as follows.- Utley, aye; Jillson, aye; ha-vithorne, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. AT. S:AT : T CF Tht,,' CCU MIL Utley offered the following Resolution and roved its adoption: R3COLUTIOII FOR SEJER COI: TRUGTIOI' =.K-I-T.'2Y 31;`:IDIR 3DISTRICT !,,-0. 16 `-,`=-ZBA2, it ajj ears necessary and ±n the public interest that a sanitary sev,.rer be constructed in the following streets: In J. 56th Street, from Concord Ave. To St. Johnts -Ave.; In St. Johns Ave., from Lexington Ave. to 'J. 56th -it.; In Concord Ave., from Tower Street to Lexington Ave.; in Lexington Ave.; from Lakevievi Drive, 500 feet East; same to be a lateral sewer, now therefore, BE IT nB1-'OLVBD by the Village Council of the Villar e of Edina that sanitary lateral sewer be constructed in the above named streets. BE IT FURTY'R ED that Phil W. Smith be deli Enated as engineer vvrho shall draw plans and specifications aid prepare and tabulate an iia,ated cost of the construction of such sewer and report the same to the Village Council. I-ot.ion to adopt the Resolution eras there vere four ayes and no nays, iiav',,tAorne, aye; Christopher, aye; AT` 13 ST Village seconded by Hawthorne, and on rollcall as follows: Utley, aye; 'Jillson, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. --` P sident of 4he Council C I er - j 164 LnEineer Smith Frezented p :ns and specifications for Sanitary Sviier - District i,o. 15, which plans' were filed v:ith the ClerI.. 1 Utley offered the foll,viing Resolution and mo =Teti its adoption: RESOLI(T. ICI: liCCDF T 131M FLA173 A' D SPECIFICATIOI.S AIM ORI3 RIl?G 0VLRTI3,`?M -1 FOR BIDS %*i1`ITAR'T SE 177 DI -TRICT i 'O. 16 iI�'1�Ri13AS, pursuant to resolution adopted April 89 1 146, Engineer lhil 'J. Smith has drain plans and. specifications for sanitary sever in the folloving streets: In J. IGth Street, from Concord Ave. to St. John's Ave.; In St. John's Ave., from Lexington Ave. to J. 56th Street; In Concord Ave., iron Tower Street to Le.xzin,gton Ave.; In Les . inS -ton Ave., from Lahevie i Drive, 500 feet East; and has tabulated ilhe results of his estimate of' the cost thereof, all' of vhich has been reported to the Village Council, now therefore, BE IT RESOT7ED by the Village Council of the Village of l;dina that said Flans and specifications be hereby accepted ant be filed viiththe Glerk, inhere they shall remain on file open to inspection of all persons until after a contrast for the uoeh shall be let. 1 :] IT F URMER iE :GLT�L•.c""i that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for roposals for doin` the 17orl: described in said plans and specifications in Fine Hennepin County Revievi, horhi•ns, 1 innesota, and in The Iii rovement _A1_, letin, :"inneapolis, Linnesota, said publica- tion to be at least once in each vie9l: for three successive vieeks, laic bit's to oe opened Tray 13, 1946, at 5:00 F.I . Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Lauthorne, -nd on roll - call there v:ere s our ayes and no naffs as follovist Utley, aye; Havithorne, aye; 7illson, aye; Christopher, ayei and the Resolution ;:ati adopted. A1.LMT: � nt of the Council /& Vi Utley off *erect the f olloviing Resolution and moved its adoption: RD OLUTIO71" FOR I77VEST?"EI7 OF FUITS IT TMOLVM that the Village of Edina purchase ',*20,000 in United States Treasury 2,�T-f Bonds, as an investment of Village Funds, this ,- .'20.90UO to be of the issue dated i.ovenber 15, 1-'45, maturing December 15, 1C162, callable in 1059. br IT FURT:aTR RESOLVDI) that such investment be allocT� ted '.o the f 0 1 1o17ing f unds : Poor Fund �s1,000.00 Sevier District l.'o . 7tir12 000.00 Sevier District I.o. 81', ;22000.00 Sever District I:o . 9�6 9 000.00 Sevier District s:o.12'�3, 000.00 Jt. Sevier District 26,000.00 Sever Rental 19 000. Go Lotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by hanthorne, and on roll - call there were lour ayes and no nays as follows: Utley aye-; Hay.thorne, aye; Jillson., aye; Christooher, aye; ano. the Reso:LutLon v.as ado tedi- Utley offered the fo!_lo:7ing Resolution and - proposed its ado ,tion: Pw OLUIIOI. D2jSIG ?:'_ `I:TG DEPOSITORY OF PUBLIC FUI:`DS BE ? T h Rugs RESOLI D, that the follov.inE; nailed ban', First 2dina State Banes, Edi. ha,Yinn, authorized to do a banning business in Minnesota, 0e, ana hereby is, designated depository of the public funds of--he Village of Edina, County of hennepin, l.:innesota, for the term com iencin4 wiiththe first day of _� 'ay, 1946, in sums not to exceed in the aggregate of Five Thousand and nO /10U Dollars (05,000.00) "at any one tine, upon the terms and conditions follwaing, to-wit: 165_ That this designation is subject to the right of said Village oz -. Edina, to raodify, vacate, sad revoke the sauce according to lwY": That said depository shall first execute and deliver to said Vills.' ge of-Edina surety bond approved by it in an amount at least double L he aggregate Iirui t above specified t -o be deposited therein at any one time, conditioned according to law, ana such other or add- itional bond on derland of said Village of Edina in case it shall' deem s _c_ic� surety insufl"•icient and the public interests require it, Provided houtever, that said depository may, in lien of such bonds, assign to said Village of 3dina and.deposit with its treasurer securities auth- orized by la.: for that,urpose in a 'total amount, cocaputed at their raarket value, of at least ten per cent more than said aggregate limit to be deposited therein at any one tine; and that it nay, at its dis- cretion, furnish both such surety bonds and deposit such collateral ` securities aggregating such amount, upon approval of said Village of Feiina, in which case such collateral securities shall not be :,rithdrawn without consent of the surety on such surety bonds Provided, 'further,. that upon furnishing to the Village of Edina, its certificate that the deposits of said bank are insured under the provisions of the Act of Congress of the United Mates of dune 16$ 1J66, ?nd acts amendatory thereof, creating, the federal deposit insur- ance corporation and the temporary federal deposit insurance surd, the First Edina State Banh shall not be rewired to furnish any such surety oond or to deposit any collateral in lieu of uond to secure such funds in so far as such funds shall constitute insured deposit liabilities of said bank. %_otion to adopt the Resolution g as seconded by 'Jillson, an6 on rollcall B7 IT -- LSCLV.SD that the persons holding office as president, president y ro -taw, treasurer or cler? of this Villav_,e, be and tAey hereby are, authorized to act for this Vi - -lage in t'ie transecti on of any banning business vith the First Edina. State Dar1�: of Edina, inn - esota (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority includ- ing authority on behalf of or in t he na,ie of this Village, from ti -re o tine and until written notice to the contrary.- to the bank, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall e sdCred bar the Fresiaent of the Council, or President Tro -Teel, Village Cler?-: a�Id Village Treasurer. The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor an.d pay any check against such account which is signed as above author - ized, z:,hether ornot said check is payaule to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of this Village i.nclvdi'nC the signer or signers of the cheep. i oton to ac!a-�t tiiere j ere four aye; ha):. t1iorne, Village Clerk the Resolution was seconded by Ltley, and on rollcall ayes and no nays, cs follotzs: Utley, ay i e; LL llson, aye; 01- wdstopher, -aye; and the Resolution , as adopted: P re de t of tciCoL -ncil Letter from 1E.A. Davi tt, 1, 2, 3, 4 , and 5, 31co,i� 2, SiA th and T'r u s t e e 'Ji ll s o stallation of these storm have been repaireu by the belived that Tingdale had ras 1 lat t eci. The Village :ce.cts2 ale Village had Rio requesting removal of storm drains on Lots - s orfaandale 2nd Addition, was read. Engineer n stated that they could fin6 no record of in- drains by the Vi _lage, although the &rains Village crew at one tine; , i llson said. he installed the c x "a-! ns .?,t the t. -Ine tla.e i_rofjert.r e Attorney stated that, in view of the above responsibility in having the tile removed. Council instructed Village Attorney to so inforsa 1r. Davin. mere were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Utley, aye3 itillson, aye; i- a�iithorne, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. rrr n-, r-+n ent of the Cauncil- Village Clerk Hawthorne offered the io'11owing Resolution and roved its ado- pt_F-on; SIGYATORY RD30 UTIOIT B7 IT -- LSCLV.SD that the persons holding office as president, president y ro -taw, treasurer or cler? of this Villav_,e, be and tAey hereby are, authorized to act for this Vi - -lage in t'ie transecti on of any banning business vith the First Edina. State Dar1�: of Edina, inn - esota (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority includ- ing authority on behalf of or in t he na,ie of this Village, from ti -re o tine and until written notice to the contrary.- to the bank, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall e sdCred bar the Fresiaent of the Council, or President Tro -Teel, Village Cler?-: a�Id Village Treasurer. The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor an.d pay any check against such account which is signed as above author - ized, z:,hether ornot said check is payaule to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of this Village i.nclvdi'nC the signer or signers of the cheep. i oton to ac!a-�t tiiere j ere four aye; ha):. t1iorne, Village Clerk the Resolution was seconded by Ltley, and on rollcall ayes and no nays, cs follotzs: Utley, ay i e; LL llson, aye; 01- wdstopher, -aye; and the Resolution , as adopted: P re de t of tciCoL -ncil Letter from 1E.A. Davi tt, 1, 2, 3, 4 , and 5, 31co,i� 2, SiA th and T'r u s t e e 'Ji ll s o stallation of these storm have been repaireu by the belived that Tingdale had ras 1 lat t eci. The Village :ce.cts2 ale Village had Rio requesting removal of storm drains on Lots - s orfaandale 2nd Addition, was read. Engineer n stated that they could fin6 no record of in- drains by the Vi _lage, although the &rains Village crew at one tine; , i llson said. he installed the c x "a-! ns .?,t the t. -Ine tla.e i_rofjert.r e Attorney stated that, in view of the above responsibility in having the tile removed. Council instructed Village Attorney to so inforsa 1r. Davin. 166Letter froy, Arvell Dahl, requesting; off-sale Village Attorney Save the o-oinion that' this formal ariilication, and requected by the Dahl. liquor license, -..,a-- read. letter did not constitute Council to so inform, Yr. Ut,ley reported that, - he and L pursuant to instructions of the Council, Christopher had contacted Thorpe Bros., Inc., with regard to the purchase of the trian-le at J. 50th :-3treet and Jooddale Avenue; a-06. that Thorpe liala ac-.-reeL, to sell ior ;,62000.00. Clar'J: . Chairrian of the F-r*, S-1-01:e in behalf of this _ourchase. Attorne, Covell state6 'that i the Councilts _priv.-Lie�.e to ropriiate `z-�,00u.00 fron, the rieneral Fund for _x - lt� - the purchase of -car'- v�ro-­ert­, and t' at ­arrants dould be sol& for ,-,2,000.00 .Z1 K a 11 1., ;:i"=-out vote oZ -,­7eovle. e, r o:L i: er e6 -'hc- Resollitloi sxici zfovecL its aco -tion., f C) 7 ­�JOLtJT, IC L R I U_RC'_HX3:]_ �JR 1 CIPM C El _"j 3 1 73B j-'7 030TY771M by the z:F'illa­c Council of the W-11-Ce of '.3dinva t�!�7 offer o-L Thorle ree. to sell to the 7illaCe of -for -7tinioses, L jorjijr (�e 0 i1h d :cor 'U'Le sto o-f Si.,_- T'Liousanu Dollars (,�`6,000)., the fcl -A -_ -- , - r __ -e real estate situate JL - t1ie County of _-erinepin arc o., -inrlesota, U L CoLai feu ciuL -,-t 4;1,ic center of "'Jection 18, T. 26 'Z,, R. 24-, J. Thence South alon_, tile, Zorth an6_ mouth -)u,-r t er line of cni& Z" ec t i oi is' U_ -,,� I . a a-_rice o f 141-nce of 27,�- llectq t. ence deElectin�,, ri,- U ­0 !z-8 feet thence C_e,;_'lectinf- 450 07, lel't a dio-tance of 0 5 f e e fj t.aence dellectanL left I'J2() 411 a di--tance of 75.,'-D' fect, thence 0-.e1'1c-ct- in4 ric-ht 27c) a dilstance of 66 fe t, `.Iiexice &ei'lectin­ rii-11-it x'20 U )-eft "L26 -; 06?, a diztZrice of 104.,C- feet, toence de`L�lecti - -0 z a distance of 112.3 feet, thence tLefledtin,- left 1�1 a disGanco of 150.2 feet, ti-Lence eteflectin3 ripht 3'! O C21 diot.roice of 10"..A .Le,,at, t-c-.encc deflcctin^7 ri-Lt 23 27t, a dist!:,xice of 11.£_..,j 11.£_..,j fo-t2 - 16 thence deflectin- r-*.cht 6ri 20t, a diotc-j-1ce 120 fee t, 'Wience deflea-'Cin�r: r-TL-h-'G C-00 211t, a distance of 802 fe, t, &efleci-i-41C nit ht 150-05t 9 a dic-tance of 17.7 feet to ),-ain't of lbeCinrninr;�-, e:: - c e�,_D t i n� o d 6a, I e -or e n u e , also 5 t-, t h 3) t r e e t a nc: `the -1 r c 1 o "i* 1 --:)xi d heretofore 6ee6ed to 1--Itilitiess Go. (Oscar Gaarcen be '�no. 1;h e here is accepted. TT MISCL113D that the officers o1 tale 7illa­a oe, ;ai-16. ilereb_-v are, aLTi,-ho2i2;e& to enter into a contrC,.ct --,'or `U,he -, vrchr_!'e t.- 'er e of accorf-.112-- 'Co file Ce'r-o.0 01 SaIU 1..M),C)SeC contr-D-ct as file' .ith Vi I laf_'e CL % 1 _M7 `OLT-13D th: T o�- the VillaLe Attorne,-y of the ,:,.r o er o fi* i c cr Z of ti-i c V , Ila - e for sai6 -,-,ro-nerty Locoro-inL to � - a �t upon ti-le convey--nce an(-, ayprolra,l t?iereol' sal a proy.,erty to the `11a­e of AC.1--e arse authorized to -r)a-,, '1.'-.Le rti-rahaso -c,rice the terns of sai6 R" -"-OL77D the :t the stu of :7our housa Dollars ('Z-,000) is -hereb-". fx= the general re�,enue funs oZ till? Villa-e for r ;�e ox- the above (�eocrib tiro pro, er .-otion to aLo-�pt the Resolution via- secon6ed a,- Jil-ison, 7--n,6. on fo j_lcall 1 0 t,ilere.,.-ere four ayes anc� no nays, az- -.L-'o I I o'v-1 s o L t 1 c e s 0 i-- a-, e .aawt'iiorae, ::,.ye; a.Lt. 0.aristoj�her,, zalye, anct 'Uae Ile-colution yn T3 ' T he otinc -, -1 Jler,, motion to direct village engineer to prepare assessment rolls for San, Sever No. 13 'was made by Utley, seconded by Harthorne, and carried. 7; a C, er 8 t asx instructed to moti:,-',,, Chairran of 1 ^r '_'eriorials Corr,-,ittee of t'-e Jou-_ricills action c--.a the Ti-jor-pe Dios. -1A7_PChaE-e. _L -Li I At Public He;arj4.n,-- on proposed water main construction fron Corgas to 58th St. oia taller were hearc to construction 0= ­`-er­'e,Jn '-es--rs 'i)- Y --c' - $I 'o proto-tinc, an6 r. U _ ,,01 Zlnt -''e this construc-t'-on. 1 r. Jalch precented !:� ou.,.:,,,. la- _or i-i-A joetit -i--n constrtic- _f,1111er -3-'tre t w.!nTrov ^_ ac brincirtc '11"Ic JC iavorable _net iti ones 4-- to over 50, Vtley moved that the -netition ace evtel6, . seconded b- -�'illson 7xod carried. Txov�erty cx( inforr,ed -tivit I-r. Fed— 7-ic--elson h7Lcl --Creed to assir-e- qcial r .L na esponsi iii. lity for the construction of Vle Zaler rain, on cond-it-i on th---t t he I'ro L I -,- the ci i:U ter —r, _-� - t i Y. L_ C.-Ot-'erz -1-41cd those rropert,7, oviaers' / vi.shin­ Ito L time co-i.jiect-Jons were riade, c-uch 3st of construbtion a✓ainst all tLe Council. 167 be servic(:,�(� oy tldr costs to be deterr-411ed ro-, ez t Y 5 6 i !3 t r i c 1� Res- r. c-f ti1c, larl,7 loard -,-,ref��ente6 certif -7 cc� CQ-, 1?-1. o I ut J ono o -p t c- 6' oy t1 Le Do ar d o _r, 1 fo !I OTvis f,`-,M, - ­EOARD OT, 'r 2,11il- CC' 71 7Y.♦ �rILLA­_.,' CF IEDTT�A Cor-Ti-Iss ol-a-2 Lelarl, 'r1oVO& the adoption of the followir-r- I 1 12 , or 1— IT 1121-'CLVED b, the _'Doar6 of Tar'!,- "o -,,,issJonex-:- o!' 7-, lla.r,-e of `dina that ea_i& DoarO herel-i- recp)ests th- .Lj 0 - , , Ooi7ncil of ti-je Village of Edina (-1.) to -urcha's'e the ifollowinG descr_�bed re�ll est�,.te in 1IennejjJn fjOLMItyp T-Jimesata, Cor-rei-winL; Lt the cen-fGer of Section IS T. 22 _ . R 24 "J.9 thence south aloi-iL-, t- e 1;orth a-ad South quarter line of sai6 Sect-ion U N-1 a 6,i2tance o'L-' 27z-,' fect, thence 6 L C, Or a 5 - t an. C e .1, L -, .. - I f o:L _6 Yet---G. theiice &eflectinE 4�50 67t left, a.diztance o 41 05 te e t, "U h e n c e & of 1 e c t 11, ng 1 e f t x,20 4 11 a d i stance ox 5 i * e e t q t 1 -1 e n c c- c-, - e 1 e c .,G x`27 r i i i t 2 7 0 5 4 1 i st 1 L C_w , a 6- , a-_ric e o" GG ­�e et 9' Z, - e.-ic e 1, e ct- ki-L,iit 1,-2 66r, a &ist< :zrce oi.-' 104.4 feet, thenos &elfectinCU 2�_(­t 4- 20 5 7t a 6istance of 112.3 feet, ti-Lence �,.ellectin- left -a (ii s t y m 0 of 150.2 J: e e t q thence 6 e -1, 1 1- c t J_ 12 r 1 " 11 t 3 7 0 0 2 1 9 a C: i 0 t a I o' r., ox 4 feet, thence Cieflectir.­, rirh' 2 =U 27t , a d J ,-, ',_-nace olf 1-14.3 i e c tj , t.1-1 enc e 6 of le ct i nr,: right 340 20 1 9 a ce of 120 feet -L.- L, 1� ielice 6.ej.'lectinv-, riCht HO 21t, a distmrice of feet, thence deflectinr, 0 - i__ -1 riCht 15 05r, a distarice of 17.7 fe(:-.-t to y,oi-litu oi` z __ :L'2 exce,- tjrS .,00ck6ale Arenue, - also 5Lt.L I'treet ano oi' 1an6 i -ieL-eto fare deeCe(� to "Utilities Co. (Oscar Gaar(� en) : .L b for puOlic use e_,S a yetril: for a -rice of Six Th�-us mC, Dollars 03000), L D_ (2) to ssue Jc_rr,�,aitj i-_, of ti':e 'Villa-e j ollri q- 'c-',,o T`jot7sanlf�. Dollar ­_, (,_21000 ) for t1lo, o-e of eaZ, J n Lr�! r t, 9 1 a c r c 11 n f:, IT T11.1"'XLVEM that the rrocee( s of ti-le sale o-f -J-, Dollars )�200u) be:, a&7 tlie -!:�ilc here , ;Z,, are tl)-c fuili,i 01 r t) 2 e 'Ll 0 t 11 e 1-pu 1: -,., a s e a f a i m, E: the i e s on e a r the e urchaVC : )2 5alo real c2tate. '_idle e o t o n, for t h c �f, �:,Yi of e Ic or eC, o _� nE: R e s a -1 1 on %,,as diyl�y N ol- La - -1 L. of Co_�L is2iorier Stei;�he, and. upon a vote beinig ta1 :en I�Ijereo_n ti -(e votecL in Zavor tliereof: Clarh, Steii-Lhe and Leary; vhereupon s 1 CL i111--_qni91ISl�,` de-clarec -i-la ., c.. --,c c 'eC 'Signed Do-n, Lear,r Jm. Steiyt _e !K-o�.,ar& R. 01­,21: �,oard o-V 1 of the he Villafe o'L- ILI'-* OYI -.7-- filed. •�!i-,'Jh Sri lla�e Glerh. P e t i t i a i j 1) y o .,ri -i ar z o -1= ro I-, e r "G 7, a utGti_57 Dr e v.T A v e i i u e- -5ct,'ftDen L a t c`iii!- L a t 5 1 c, ad'. b u r I ----) r ILI- e ar La., e r J e t 2 for v a c u t i o n of t o— o f U- V n hat this titi, Drew 'Lvenlue., -1 otion 0 Jillso-L I h`` r` e 10 1112c ljo, 'L%iie Vi.Llc-'Le 170L I L r far his stu6.­ Eli or.,ir en( LQ 0 1-ICtr CL 7, - horne aAac-L ca-r.ried. 7 Dettler iroyl County _'Onber iii :_'n-ar6 of n :;_e,.., at an-mi•l meeti--i-ig of Village As--essors April 249 -(f re, .. 1i_ t 1-1 C, orne was (�esicnated as nerber to attend. r. 11us - o 11 Lund rc-,c!1:•este& re-po_*,'t D-n t'ie -r k, _L 1:� j "Lircha-e of 'bile `en-"oot, L7 f J­ e r �u Ij � e s t -a f Avenue extended. I`r. Lund was inforrm_,6 "o t -, co' oL this, S'17.r1j-) VIOLTIdi be as-esocc! rofert, 7 r. 00.11:lers�, aart of t.14e cost of the �.Halifa:�: "I. �c­- Street j,.roj Oct Govel--t-- o-Anion ival- -that assessment nar, be levied" or. amy pro.cert­ �i 11-ii ej t_ac. Villa`. e Councill Liay deterroiine to -,-!c -speciall�- "OCC. -Y-r. Covell t-,) 6-i'aft ;S 7- I _ent 1-or 't"s-a-S -rro-iert- pit "L.Ato --i-joc 0-.L#:, "'e19c'!UU.00. 7�r. lci_ric o*i7 -1:oo1.:sj_-&e_ Avexn7e re,-,L1e­te6. J cc! l-,r o I n o a e- f--L-�re_a tLe ay. 6 Di'!Ti f3 il -,' 1` C- e t , `%a 0 0 Pb Q-1, 0 06 i 7illar7e 7 I L Inc iiis iLalter io he ..ten -ti_on :'y:. i1:e, _ o I i c e C,ei` 1"e ?i, n6. ',to 1 �L1 -e isit-oc`r� o:L' _'.L�- � �. �)_I -ry ��� Q.t-, 1ZR�`..'tr ��'! .� I_l+Y- G•.�. yl " -I r'I�s 0i'S -t: 11 �.s A -_ _ uUree ori n` re, -crt to Counci1� at ne. % :t r,ert_J_ i�: 1 ��a 1�".4. � ti -le, .L0.�-.'rd re_i1 ti, e"i 'P `irys`?1. a0 't� ';�'r.�. �_' ��.tCe - fFair site 11 Clark l•..1 i -� 1- C` lQ C..1t G.__ c.._ :s -- n ; .�z; -- 1�r a ra::�r_ni;e1T 35 acre:. �" �.� _ �- o- t� �11'i.� _.u. s �'�?.of: �) �_u..:'t- �r.•�fyi.� - "t_� � YtoC�� -.. A. eI,:, ue tit a!: en 'i; .,oGLTrI �L7c11 wit �r�t. ?.s G1 = (:CJI�C. C a3�, _'�1G�, � i�C (;�,.rY'1t:C�. There beinE no Zuil ther us:113ess to hone be,-ore the Coun-ci1 't.1te 'aas adjourned. 9 �Ti 1 ace Clem 1t2INMS OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDIXA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HEAD IN VILLAGE H&M MONDAY., APRIL 220 19469 AT. 8:00 P.M. Four members of the Comneil were present: Utley, Willson., Hawthorne, and Christopher. Motion by Utley to approve minutes of meeting of April 8, was seconded by Willson and carried. Motion by Willson to approve payrolls, amount $2,842,29 was seconded By Utley and carried. ADMINISTRATIVE Phil W. Smith 4229 208,33 23,90 1.50 182.93 Gretchen Schussler PAYROLL PAID APRIL 22, 1946 .75 84.15 NACRE GF<4IM. NO, GROSS W. TAX HOSP . NET A317. CeIL Helene Freeman 4232 50.00 4.80 -O_- C.J. Christopher 4220 50.00 -0- -0- 50.00 Bower Hawthorne 4221 50.00 -000 -0- 50,00 George A. Willson 4222 35,00 -0- -Q- 35,00 Harold C, Utley 4223 35,00 -0- -0- 35,00 E,L. 3onne 4224 35,00 -0-►. -0- 35.00 J.J. Duggan 4225 30.00 -040 -O- 30,00 Dr, L.M.Campbell 4226 30.00 -0- -00 304,00 Karl H: Covell 4227 75!00 -0- -Q- . 75.00. 'lard B, Lewis 4228 75.00 -0- 3.50 -0- Sub -total Sam McCready 4=70 60000 2,50 -O- ADMINISTRATIVE Phil W. Smith 4229 208,33 23,90 1.50 182.93 Gretchen Schussler 4230 97.50 12,60 .75 84.15 Anne L, Grant 4231 62.50 6.60 .75- 54.95 Helene Freeman 4232 50.00 4.80 -O_- -45.20 Sub - -total 4237 49'= 4�'.T1�" �:IS�■ M"= POLICE DEBT. Hild ng a 4233 112.50 7,40 1150 103.60 Wtm S. Heydt 4234 97.50 8.70 1.50 87.30 Clayton Erickson 4235 95.00 8.30 1.50 85.20 Clarence Knutson 4236 95.00 4.40 1.50 89.10 Donald Melson 4237 87.50 3.00 -0- 84.50 Sub -total 4243 4$1.W 3T_.$u" T.= 4TO .15 STREET DEPT. (REG. Phil Bailey 4238 110.00 3010 -0- 106.90 S.J. Roberts 4239 106.90 6.40 1.50 99.00 P,H. Dahlgren 4240 100.00 9,40 1.50 89.10 John Tracy 4241 90,100 -0- 1.50 88,50 IT.J, ITerfeld 4242 102.50 5.70 1150 95,30 Harry Jonas 4243 90.00 3,70 1.50 84,8U Arthur Jensen 4244 94.16 •.40 1150_ 92.26 August Gustafson 4245 85,00 6.60 1.50 76.96 Sub -total 779.5f` 757W 0796- M-079 STREET DEPT.(HRLY) Was Tohnson 4246 76.00 1.30 1.50 73.20 Ronald P,Port 4247 179.80 -0- -0- 79.80 Jacob Shmak 4248 67.20 3.50 -0- 63.70. Sam McCready 4249 60000 2,50 -O- 57.50 [1 1 [l