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HpIEn 33€ VIw;piOE HCUT; MONDAY, APRZ 22, X946, AT 8:oo P.M.
422 7 4228
4229 Grefichen SchussZer 423 0 Anna L, Grant 423L Helene' Freeman 4232
Sub-% OtRL
W*m So Hegdt 4234 Clayton Erlokson 4235 Clarence matson 4236 Donald Melson 4237 Sub-total
Phil Bafley 4238
S.J. Roberts 4239 P.H. Dahlgren 4240 Fohn Tracy 4241
Ef.3 MeW8Id 4242 Earry Jonas 4243 Afihur Jensen 4244
Atrgqst Gusfafson 4245 Sub-total
Ronald P.Port 4247 Jacob SMak 4248
Sam NcCready 4249
50. 00
35 00
35 00
50.00 90 QO
75 . 00
'k. TAX
-0- -0- -0-
-0- -o--
4.80 4zm5-
3.00 33L,8-0-
3.3.0 6.40
* 040
6.60 35,3u
2 s50
35 000 'I
85 020
89 ,1b
I 106.90
89 .lo
84'. 80
,- c
Fred Jonas
Ben Woehler 4251 125.00 9.70 1.50
CarE To kTiller 4252 2.0g 0 00 9*40 ~ 00: 90,Qq
4253 86-40 10*9U -0- 7%5Q
Sub-total 3- 3Umf L,so 2m - -* , -- I- c -A
TOTAL PAPROEL 2,842.29 &.62,30 22 50 2,65?.4S
**.. . .*
HOl!iho by Wthg to Approve bills- $nLouh.r, $790.06, was seconded by
' Wiklsan an8 carried,
NAME l!SEk Anderson CLAIM NQ,
4254 E.C. Pfeiffer 4255 360,OO Postmas€er-Lindea BfZl 425& 80,-06
Fred L. Gray GO; 4257 35-68
Russell T. Lund. Rhoda S,Lu#d,
Geoc C, Kruse, & FEorence Kruse 4258 ' i .960 *GO
-. 2 , 725.74
Motion by U€hy to apprave payment of $35.68 premfum for Public Etabiffty PbEfcy for X5-B Shooef., for year March 7, 1946, to March 7 1947, ms seconded by Hawtharne and carried, Bred 5, Gray Coo
A Defegatib, headed by Mr, Bloamquist and Mr. Pradt, fmm We& Mian- eapo2isbRejghts and Mandelssohn Additions pro€estsd the building of' several small housasein tbZs territory, by MP, W.3, Lund, €he VilPaga, Attorney, to the effect that the plaeing Of mfnimwn con8fruct- ion cost on dwezlings-in plaW;sd property was invaxid, was read by the - C'flarkc Section I11 (b) and (a) of the present zoning orilinance were read by the Oowci+, re-referred by the Councfl ta the Village At€orneg and Engineer, for their further study and report.
This poZ€ay 2s underwritten by
I +
The matter of tWs low-priced de~elopmen2~was then. I
M??, R.K. Nelson of W, Faller Street presented pet$t%on representing Owners cC 1478 front feet on this street, against proposed watez main aonstructioa. As an earlier petitiqn, representing more than 50% of the front footage oa thXs street, forthfs construction had already besn aocept,ed by the counciX, the questim of the legality of the acceptance of present petftion was referred to Village .Attorney Toz his opinfoq. At a later-time in the meeting Mr. Halleen explained that the trustees of St, Peters Lutheran Chum& had revoked Rev. Schwefgert *s signature to the former petition,
Messrs. 3@, Ken, and Erick kjarkman verba.Plg petithned the COmcif. for aU -necessary undergromd work on W. 49* street, before bEacktQp surfacing.
It is the opinion of the Council that this plan be PoXlowed.
Mr. UtLay oriered the following Resolution and moved its adopt%&:
BE TTOHEREBP RESOGVED that the following named bank, First.Edina 3ta.f;e Bank, authorized to do a banking busiaess in Minnesota, be, and hereby fs, designated depository of the public funds of the Village Or Ettina, County of *Hemepin, Mfpnesota, for the terra cammencing wish the Fsrsfi day of May 1946 in sums not to exceed in the aggregate of Ten Thottsaad and no/iOO Boilars ($lO,OOO.OO) at any: oae time, npon the
teTms and conditions following, to-wit:.
E&Ina, %a madtry, vaca%e, and revoke the same according to Law,
ViElage of Edha surety bond,apprmed by it in the amaunt at Xeast &aubXe the aggregate Xbit abme speoifled toe be deposited therein at any one time, conditioned aceording to law?, and such other or add-
ft5onaX bond on demand of said Vi'ifage of Edtlia f.n case €t shaU deem
That this desfgnation fs subject to the rZgh€ of said Village of
b That sa%d deposrtory shaz first execute and delives to said
sai6 su.~etiy i~aWPia%ea.ti and tihe gRbr2fa intisrartia requare ft i provide& howePeq that; sa$$ depmf$wy may, fa ZPea cap awh b04aa, assign ttro said V€llage of Edina' and deposit with its treasurer seaurities auth- orized by faw'for that purpose In a total amount, c?crmpu€ed at their markef, -value, of at Xeast fen per cent more than said aggregate Ifmit to be dFposited therein at any one the;, and that it may, a€ its dis- cre€ion- furnish both such sure%y bonds and depostt such colLaferaZ secrutitles aggregating such. mount, upon approvaz of said ~i~ags or Edirra, fa which case such soXla€eral securities shall not be withdrawn w€tbmt consent of the surety on suah supety. bond?
%ts certiffeate Chat the deposits of said bank are insured under %he provfsions of the Act of Congress.of the United States or June f6,
1953, and acts amendatory thereof, creating the federal deposit insur-
an'oe corporatlon and the temporary federal deposit insuranae fun8, the Ffrst Edina State Bank shalZ not be required to furnish any such surety bond ar to depostt any eoUa€eraX in lieu of bond to secure such funds h SQ far as such funds shalLoonstitute insured deposit liabilities of safd bank, ..
Motian'fa adopt the Resulutfon pias seconded by Hawthorne, and on rollcall these were fonr ayes and no nays, as f Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and
ATTER? - Village Clerk 1 Mr. ME. SchuXte requested permission t South Harriet Park 2nd Addition, for b WiXlscm that request be denied was seconded by Hawthorne and carried,
Pursuant to April 4th advertssement fn Hennepia County Review, bids were accepted for Bind Spreader as follows:
George To Ryan Company, Minnsapolfs
FoshoLt Equipment . 1 .
WM, H, Ziegler Company, .Ehneapolis
d. + s
Provided, fupther, that upon furnishing to the Village of Edfna,
one 10t BucICtge Spreeder -F.O,B. Edina (NE#) $637.00
One modex 10 n?3ernan Champion Spreader (NE#!) 743.50
Qne #9 Buckeye Spreader (u=D) 450.00
Rotion by Willson to refer bids to Village manager For tabuXatio4 anit
comparison was seconded by UtXey and carried.
Pursuant to April 4th advertisement fn Hennepin County Review, bfds were accepted for V-Type Snow Plow, as follows:
George To Ryan Company MnneapoXis One Lull V-Type Plow- F.0.B. Edba Rosholt Equipment Company, Nlnneapol€s
One LuZZ V-!Fype Plow F.O.B. Eaha Wm, E, Ziegler Go. Minneapol3.s One Lull V-fype Plow l?,Q,B. Edina
Mofion by Willson to refer *bids to Village Manager for tabulation and comparison was seconded by Utley and Carried,
Petition of LBT. Sargent, 520L Gorgas Avenue, for. inclusion of his pFoperty in sewer and water ma€n proJeots under way in Gorgas Avenue
was read; Motion by U€Xay that this property be included in both these projects, and that the Village Attorney draw the necessary documents far such Inclusion was seconded by Hawthorne and carried,
Let€er of R,H, *Brews, attorney for David Thomas, owner of Lot Brucemook Addition, requesting Stos Sewer md of'ferhg to prant ensement for suoh stiarm sewer was reed. MotZon by Bawthorne that Er&fneer smith
be directed to prepare plans for sborm sewer, and that E&. Drews be so
notified, was seconded by Utley and carried, I .
Complaint of Do W. 'A1allace, concerniap trespassing on his property bordering Halifax Avenue Bktendat3,,' was read,
Hawh orne offered the FolllaPping resolut4on and moved its adoption:
I ,
Block 1,
6vKEREAS, Russell T. Lund, Rhoda So Lund George (3. Kruse and F1&enae ICruse have offered to sell to the VfXlage of Edina the
prbperty desoribed en the lnstrucment hereinafter set forth for the sum of Mflrefeen Hundred Dollars ($1900) : 1
1- .. .
BE T'F h!S6L.clnrJ fhab the tl'illaga &xmcil hereby determines the aa*d pr~per%y to be wwt42 $he rsw Qf Ntneteen Hundred 'bollare t$29oO) an& that $.$ is for $he beat fnBsreat of the Village that the same be purohased according totand for the purppses seQ forth in said instrument,
which reads as fOZlows, to-wit:
THIS INDENTURE, Made thfs 20.day of March, 1946, between
Russell To Zund and Rhoda S, Lund, husband and wife
C. Kruse,fhusband and wife, of the County of Hennepln and State of Minnesota, parties ofethe first part, and the Village of Edina, a d
municipaX corporation, in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, party of the second part:
YJTTNESSETH, That the parties of .the first part, for and In consfderst9on of the sum of One Dollar {$l.OO)*and other oonslderation, hereby convey and warrant to the party of the second part the following,described real - es€ate in the County of Hennepin and Sfate of Minnesota, t 0-wit :
and George
The West ten iQet (109) of the West One Hundred Fifty feet (X50') of the East One One Hundred Seventy-two feet (1329) of the South HaLf (S*)'of Lot Thirth-Six
€861, Auditorrs Subdivision One Eruldred Seventh-two (172), and '
.WITNESSETH FURTHER, That the said parties of the first part, fn consideration of the sum or One Dollar (@.OO) and OtherL consideratlon to them in hand pafd 'tjy the said party do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey untosthe safd*party of the secana part, fts successors and assigns, forever, the r€ght, power and privilege*and an easement for use as a pubX2fc street and thoroughfare in, .on and to the foLlowing described real, ests.te situated in the County of Hennepin and State of IHnnesota, to-wit:
The North Twenty-five (25') feet and the West Forth feet (409) Of the East One Hundred Sixth-two feet (162r) of the South Half (s5) of' Lot Thirty-Six, Auditor's Subdivision One Hundred Seventy-two (172 ) .
and the parties of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, axecutors, and administrators, da cavenant with the said party of the second part, its successors and assfgns, that they are well se€;eed in fee of the lands and premises aforesaid and have good right to selL and convey the same in the mhnner kd form aforesaid and that the same are free from all encumbrances.
Lm TESTIMORY WREREOF, The said parties of the first part have hereunto set thelr hands the day and year first above written."
BE IT FURTBER RESOLV33D that said offer be and the same hereby is accepted and the proper officers of' the Village are hereby authorized to causesdaymext to be made af the sum of Nineteen Hundred Dollars
($19001 fdr said property upon receipt of the instrument of conveyance in the form above set forth properly executed by the grantors therein.
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Wfllsan; on rollcall there were Sour ayes and no nays-as aye; Hawthorne, aye; Christopher, ay
In connection wfthHalifalc Extended and W. 49% Street project, Mr. Snitkt requested authorization for Storm drainage stmdg of the entire business di~triet. . Motion by UtZey that Erkgineer &nlth be directed to make this study and draw plans was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
The matter of landscaping the new15 purchased 3tO-feet buffer stri'p was discussed. Hotion by Hawthorne that the Villa@ advertise for bids for this l.andscaphg with bib to be accepted May 13, was seconded by
Ut;ley and sarriea. ,' ifJ- f ,.n3.-L:I,/
.. .
Motioa by Wtllaa~ %ha' -+&e walage Manager be for ~WO pick-up trucks, bids to be opened Kay Hawthorne and carrled.
autbarizad tQ advertise
13, was seconded by
FdotPon.by "tEey that the Vfllage Manager be authorized to advertise fcn one long-carriage typewriter, brds to be opened Nay 13, was seconded t.
by Hawthorne and carrzed.
RotioE by Hawthorne that Village Clerk and President of the Couhcil be authorized to enter into contrace Mth the Ci%g of Ninneapolis for purchase of F-M Radio: Set for police offhe was seconded by Htby and oarried.
I motion by Dfley that the Village purchase Hodel No. 90 IJimeograph Xachine from A.B. Dick & 60. for $98.50 was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Zfanager Smfth reported on Mr. Charles Haps request that the Village ,
Graae private property bordering V?. 499 Street, for parking lot purposea, such work to be assessed against property ofvners, Elotfon by Willson
that the request be denied, because of *lack or legal right of ViBXage to assess for work on private property, was seoonded by Eawtharne ana. camied, The C.ouncil instructed Manager Sdth to oommunicate with . property owners, requesting them €0 come to an agTeement about establishing a grade; also $0 laform 5Tr. Hay if the Council% action,
Mr, Metzgerts or& complaint that Don IifcCXellan ,62nd and Peacedale, . is operating commerciaL garnge on residentially-zone6 property was . reported by Eanager Smith. Efotfon by Willson that ltnr. McCIellan be advfsed that he is to refrain from operating said cormercdkl garage on these premises was sec&nded by Bawthorne 'and carried.
Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
WEIEBEM the Village Counoil, has met at the time and place specified in a notice to a3.Z property owners whose property may be assessed
ror proppsed construction of Village Water Xain in the following Streets :
In West S2ndr Street, from Indianola Ape. to Gorgas Ave. In Gorgas Avenr;le,-irom West 52nd Street to north Ead thereof, fn Halifax Avenue, fran West 52nd Street to West 54th S.$reet
Pubxished in Hennapin County Review on January 31, 1946 and February 8, 1946, and has heard all persons appearingsat said meeting and duly considered said proposed improvement, now therefme,
BE IT RESOLXED by the Vf.llage CounciL Of the ViUage of Edina that it is hereby determined to be necessary to construct Village water main fin the above named streets, anc2
BE I!!! FUR'PHER RESOLVED tihat plans and spec1ficaBion.s fdr such water main constr@ct€on heretofore prepared by ShiL W. Smith, Bgineer and filed with the Village Clerk 81-8 hereby accepted and approved as the pZans and specifications for said mrove- *lpen%,
BE IT FUR9IER RESOLVED that €he Clez!k is hereby directed to '
advertise for bids on the Basis of cash payment fQr such work, "statfng that the bids will be opened and considered by the . Counail on Hag 27, 1946, at 8:80 P.M.; no bids will be 0011- c3fdeTed unless sealed and Filed With the Clerkand accompanied
by a cash deposit or certifies Check payable to the Clerk for an amaunt equal ta X5$ of the bid.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost of said improvement is to be assessedgagainst the property improved as authorized
by Chap$er 425, Laws of 1921, as amended. .
Eotion to adopt the Reaolutfoa was seconded by U€J$y, and on roU'call €here were row ayes and no nays as follows: Utlsy, aye; Willson, aye;
Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
I Hawthorne moved that the Village Gouncif: hear property owners an:the L3tb day or May 1946, a% 8:OO P.M. with reference to Rro- posed extension or Vidage water mains in €he FoZlowZng streetst
In West 54th Street, from Ealifax Avenue to France Avenue In France Avenue, from West 54th Street to West 57th Street In West 57th Street, from France Avenue to Beard Avenue In Beard Avenue,<fram West 57th Speet to West 58th Street 1. Chowea Avenue, from Wes€ 57th &met to Rest 58th Street In Drew Avenue, *fTom West 57th Street to West 58th Street In Ewing Avenue, from West 57th Street to West 58th Street
and that the Clerk be- directed to publish a nothe of said hearing in the orftc2aX Village paper far at least two weeks, the last of sue publications to be not less than three days before said hearing, w%th
copy of publication to be mailed to property owners.
Hotion was seconded by Ufiley and carrbed,
Eawthorna maated that the Village CounciX hear property owners on-the L3Ph day of May 1946, at 8:OO P.M. with reference to pro- posed extension of Vdage w~ter mains in the foUowfnp streets:
In Wooddale Avenue$rom West 36th Street to Tower Street In West 56th Street, iroa Wooddale Avenue to Concord Avenue
' In Concord Avenue, from Tower Street to Oak Drive
and that the Clerk be directed to publish a notice of said hearing in the orficia2. Village paper for at least-two weeks, %he last of suah publications 60 be noti less than three days before said hearing wi%h copy of publication to be mailed to property owners.
No€€on was seconded by Ufltg and carried,
With'reference'to purchase of five $ruck, bids for which were opened Marelijt 25, 1946; written recommendation of E.L. Zonne, Chairman of PubZfc Safety bommTttee was read, Thisdredommenda%ion was for the purchase eharzge9 :
* 10
3. 4.
of the AmerIcan-LaFPlrantze Truck, as b€d, wlth tkre followfng
190 €€,I?. engine €nstead*W 200 H.PP (dedqct 1 $250.00 BLfmina€e extra wheel .I n, 15.00
&Take change in gate vazves to read: . ElbfnaCe pump heater W 50000
1-5" gate valve rear
25.00 5, 4" soft suction hose with 5" couplings n
6, Use their siren lt 50.00 20.00
600 .OO
2-2+*-gate valves siiie #
7, EXhinate too?. box Zock # 8. ELhinate closed cab n
Phil Bailey, ChTef of the Fire Department, was ashad for his recommend- ,ation.* He stafied that the Fire Department had voted In favor of tihe Amer€can-ZaFrance Truck, but the% they would like the closed cab if possibIe.
Motion by Hawthorne for purchase of $he American-LaFrance F€re Truck wl€h alX deductions reGommended by Mr-. Zonne excepting closed cab wSich
€a 60 be inobded; and authorizing Village Gierk and Pmsfdent of Coancil
Po enter into contract wlth herican+UFrance Foam€te Corp. for this purchase at I.€$% pr€cewof $11,340.00, was secondedqby W€XLsorr. motion was put to vote, Mr. Jackson of Mack Trucks, and Mr, Coyer of Amerloan-EaFrance were given opportunity to speak for ,their products, Upon vote Hawthorne's motion was rulanimousLy carried, with provision A. that American LaFrande is to furnish required band before contract is executed.
tract of land 99hZch €he Park Board is r800iUUmding'fOr purchaBe. M.r. Clark also requasted apprafsal of Lots 29 30 3X,32, and 33, Block 1. of proposed plat Edina Eighlands. giXfage ManageG was
* I
Howard C%@k.gf Park Board again requested appraisal of 35 Acre
=€h reported on request for vaca.l;ion of' Drew Avenue South of 55%b S€reet. Motion by W€.llson that appPication for vacation be denied,
and tha€ tkfs partion of Drew Avenue be closed, w8s seconded by Hawthorne
and carried,
Utley reported that Village BinanaiaX Statamen€ is ready for posting subject tro approval and recommendations of the OpunoCL.
Zeteer from DougXas Rees, reqaestfng ohange in nab of Parkwood KnolLs,' was readr Village Nanager was instructed to infan Hr. Rees that this matter is ncwt within jur€adlc€leon of the Council,
ConnafZ reqaested that he write to the Mfnneapolls City Gouncil, aot€fging them of' ViUage actfon and requesting their cooperation,
Br. Bloomberg presentea petftkon for sewer and water main extensi0n.s in %Be proposed plat. Motion by Hawthorne that Engineer Smith be directed to prepare plans for such sewer and water main extensions was. seconded by Utley and carried,
Mr, BEoomberg preseneed proposed plat of the area directly EA82 of
Wooddale Avenue; between 56th Street and Coronia1 Grove to be called Colonial Square. Nr. Christopher requested that this pfat be referred
to the PIannfrrg Commission for the€r approval,
DF. Bhca€ruud presented his obfec€ions to the Lad development discussed earZier in the evening. He was given the assurance of the Caunofl that
only one house could be built on one lot, A8 a por%ion of the proparty 3s platted fn%o blocks only Village Attorney was ask& for opinion on issuing more than one bul.Zdfng permit for one block,
Mr. Smith reported on %he status of' the France Avenue Paving Project. ..
Mr. Wth asked for the Councilrs opinions wit& regard to "Pecommendations of the Planning Commission relative to Proposed Subdivisionsn, Motion by Utley that €he Council rectomend the following changes was seconded
by Hawthorne and carried8
.lo Fronfiage on street pmperty*line not less than 75' feet; on curved stkeets, frmtage on inside of coulrpe nat less $hqn ?5ifeet; on oulxide of guwe
2,. ' Average depth of lot not less than 125 feet,
30 Area of lot shall be not Xess than 9000 sq. feet,
' net Less than 80 feet,.
Dlr. Smith presented for approvaZ Peder Nickelsenb @at of the property between Beard and Xerxes Avenue and between Harriet Earn and Hazriet Manor 2nd AddStions, to bs calledn Broahlline Addit50nn, whtch pqat
has already been approved by the Planning Commission. that the *pUt be approved for filling was seconded by Willson aqd carried, Hawthorne ms asked to con-ct Hr. Mickelsen with regard to'obtaining BXock 8 6f' BGooklfne Addition For Park,
me ,smtth presenfiad impr ~f tabaat~on of- asmxm~'ep$ roll for: assessment on Sanitapy Sewer Dis€rict No, 13, €o€a€ &&673s2g, as fiIed Wi*h the
Village CZerk, Aprfl 18, 1946.
U€Xay offered the following Resoht%on and iUOQed its adoption:
Notion bx Hawthorne t
WED@US, the engineer selected by €he Village CounciL have caX- cdated the *proper amount to be specially assessed for sewer constr-
uctSoa in the followhg streets and alleys:
France Avenue, from Minnehaha creek to West 58th Street Evdng Avenue, from West 57t;h Sfreet tm West 58th street Drew Avenue, from West 57th S&reet to West 58th Sgreet Chowan ATrentze, from West 57th Street to West 58th Street Beard Avenue, from Minnehaha Creek to \Vest 58th Street AbBott Avenue extendedporn West 56th Sereet to West 58th Street
_- - _. -
-- . ~ -_ -. .
Z@11%4 AwaBe extended; fmrn %he North like Of LO~: 26; 81ock13, SeeXeyrs First Addition to EawT,hornQ Park, to West 58th Sfreet Pork Avenue extended, from West 55th S$reet+to Ures€ 58th Sfrget AlLey lying beeween York, and Xerxes Avenues, from West 54th Street to West 55th Stpee€ Xerxes Avenue, from West’ 55th Sireet to West 56th S:reet Wes€ 58th S$?!eeE; from Francla 4vtnue to Drew Avenrre West 58th Street; from Chowen &venue to Beard &Venae West 56th Stre&; from Beard Avenue to Zen€th Aveaua West 56th Street; from Beard Avenue to Zenith Avenue
West 55th Skreet, fran the alley lying between York and Zenith Avenues to York Avenue
Avenues, to Xerxes Avenue West 55%h*S€reet, fran the alley lying between Xerxes and York
Tn Sanitary Sewer Dis€ric% KO. 13, and has calculated the amaunt
to b.e specially assessed against each Lot, piece OF parcel of lantf abutting upon saM portion of said streets and alleys, and a tab-
I u2ation $hereof has been day prepared and filed with the Clerk in duplicate as a proposed assessment, and has be811 lald beeore the Village Cotmoil at thfs present meeting, held not- nore than €en day’s apter the filing thereof, now therefore.
BE IT RESOEVED by the Village ‘oumil of %he Village of Edina that %he total cost of said sewer is hereby determined to be @$,a@?~~2@,
BE IT 3?URTHER RESOLVED that said proposed assessment is hereby approved and the Clerk is directed-to cause notice to be publi@hed fn Hannepin County Review 00 April 25, 1946, that the TW2age Council. 8viXl pass upon said proposed assessment at its next segular session, to
be held at the Village Hall Hay 23, 1946, at 8:OO P.M.* with copies of such notice to be mailed to abutting property owners.
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and-eon rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as<follows: Willsm, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution Utley, aye;
xis adopted.
There being no further business to come before the leuncil, Wf.Uson -moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
EM&, NAY 139 1946 at 8:OO P.E.
1411 members of the Council were present.
I5nutes :,f the lfeeting of April 22, vzere.approved as submitted, by
motion Urtley, seeended by Villsovl and carried.
. U%Z;ey offered the following Resolution and approved its adoptions I
HESOLWD, that the Village Council of the Village of
Edina approve,the assignment by its depository, the
Pirst E&ina State Bar& of Edina, rinnesota, of
$5,000,00 U.S. Treasury 2=l/Z$ Bonds Due Earcb 15,
. 1958, as good and sufficient collateral for Village of Edisza funds deposited in said depository.
BTotion to adopt the Resolution mas seconded by Willson, and on