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Z@11%4 AwaBe extended; fmrn %he North like Of LO~: 26; 81ock13, SeeXeyrs First Addition to EawT,hornQ Park, to West 58th Sfreet
Pork Avenue extended, from West 55th S$reet+to Ures€ 58th Sfrget AlLey lying beeween York, and Xerxes Avenues, from West 54th
Street to West 55th Stpee€ Xerxes Avenue, from West’ 55th Sireet to West 56th S:reet Wes€ 58th S$?!eeE; from Francla 4vtnue to Drew Avenrre West 58th Street; from Chowen &venue to Beard &Venae West 56th Stre&; from Beard Avenue to Zen€th Aveaua West 56th Street; from Beard Avenue to Zenith Avenue
West 55th Skreet, fran the alley lying between York and Zenith Avenues to York Avenue
Avenues, to Xerxes Avenue West 55%h*S€reet, fran the alley lying between Xerxes and York
Tn Sanitary Sewer Dis€ric% KO. 13, and has calculated the amaunt
to b.e specially assessed against each Lot, piece OF parcel of lantf
abutting upon saM portion of said streets and alleys, and a tab-
I u2ation $hereof has been day prepared and filed with the Clerk in duplicate as a proposed assessment, and has be811 lald beeore the
Village Cotmoil at thfs present meeting, held not- nore than €en day’s apter the filing thereof, now therefore.
BE IT RESOEVED by the Village ‘oumil of %he Village of Edina that %he total cost of said sewer is hereby determined to be @$,a@?~~2@,
BE IT 3?URTHER RESOLVED that said proposed assessment is hereby approved and the Clerk is directed-to cause notice to be publi@hed fn
Hannepin County Review 00 April 25, 1946, that the TW2age Council. 8viXl pass upon said proposed assessment at its next segular session, to
be held at the Village Hall Hay 23, 1946, at 8:OO P.M.* with copies of such notice to be mailed to abutting property owners.
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and-eon rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as<follows: Willsm, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution Utley, aye;
xis adopted.
There being no further business to come before the leuncil, Wf.Uson -moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
EM&, NAY 139 1946 at 8:OO P.E.
1411 members of the Council were present.
I5nutes :,f the lfeeting of April 22, vzere.approved as submitted, by
motion Urtley, seeended by Villsovl and carried.
. U%Z;ey offered the following Resolution and approved its adoptions I
HESOLWD, that the Village Council of the Village of
Edina approve,the assignment by its depository, the
Pirst E&ina State Bar& of Edina, rinnesota, of
$5,000,00 U.S. Treasury 2=l/Z$ Bonds Due Earcb 15,
. 1958, as good and sufficient collateral for Village of Edisza funds deposited in said depository.
BTotion to adopt the Resolution mas seconded by Willson, and on
Rollcall there vere five ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; Utley, aye; Hanthorne, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Resolution
ms adopted: I
Zonne, aye; Zillson,
'Village Clerk.
Xotion by Utley approving transfek of $7,195.27 from- Eidland Ibtional Bank
to First Edina State Bank, for deposit, was seconded by Tiillson and carried. Lr. Utley explained that
of $3,990.11 in the Sener Rental Eund; $2,704.56 for present payroll, plus
$500.00 contingency payroll fund. * I this transfer consisted of the present balance
Eotion by Tillson approving Paypoll in mounf;of $2,704.56 mas seconded by
Zome and carried.
' 208.33
48 e 10
55 70
Gretchen Schussler
Anne L. Grant
Eelene ZreGman
Sub-t 0 t a1
Hiadinn Dah1 7
105 10
86 70
90 060
Ch a S ._Eeydt
Clayton Erickson
Clarence Enutson
Donald Zelson
€hi1 Bailey 2.50
.90.60 9o;oo
107 . 50
90 083
100 . 00
90 . 00
90.00 .
b.J. Roberts
P.H. DaPlIgren
John Tracy
I:. 3. Eerf eld
Harry Jonas Arthur Jens ea August Gustafson
724 23
Chas Johnson 20
114 . 00
95 -40
128 70
539 . 10
114 00
106 . 20
114.00 ,
Ronald P. Port
Sam EcOready
Jacob Sch&
3.C. Pfeiffer
Ben V::E~ ehler
73.40 r
44 e00
125 . 00
84 .OO
16 e40
10.60 - 0-
46 . 10
Carl T. Killer
Fred Jonas John Bafich
2 . C? . Yucgblut
Gunner C. Stroner
J. Corinery
2,704 . 56 187.10 2,517.46 TOTAL PAYXOLZ PAID
:'otion by Utley approving Sener Rental bills in amount ef $220.23 vas
seconded by Zonne and carried.
Sparta Sener Eyachine Goa ITorthern States Poaer Cct . 2
1.23 220 23
Lotion by Utley apfiroviizg General Fund, Poor Pund and Seser District Eo. 8.
Yund, bills totallicg $13,890.28 mas seconded by Villson and carried.
Verified Clain $4309.
BILLS PAID.&!&,Y 13, 1946
lam3 eum NO. .la!IOrnTT GXNtIL PW
Nxller Davis C2.
. Wllian Sbkneack: 4262 10 * 00 Chas Olsm & 80x1s~ 4263 17e38
PhilZips Petroleum 4 264 17.60 Borey Shell Station 4265 75a07
. American Printing Go, 4267 23*15 Edina PUFB Oil 4268 4.22 Harris 6rvice Stat . 4269 242.93
4261 2.15 -
Thompson Lmber Go. 4266 2,06
Lyle Signs, Inc. 4270 21.00
Parvlham Skat . & Sch. 4271 2.00
Rosholt Equipment Cow 4273 3.7 . 75
Linde Air Produces Co.4275 23 29
Firestone Stores 4272 105 w30
Young Fuel Go, 4274 353 . 70
Reinhard Bros . eo . * 4276 52.80
Dahlberg Bros. Xne, . 4277 84.46 H.A. Rogers Go.. 4278 26 . 68
Edfna Hardware 4279 7.81
Country Clud. Dist. 4280 * 18el7 Arthur Petessen 4281 589 w 17
J,A. Danens E% Sons 4282 115,OO Xfortherrt States Po-mer 4283 683 c 19
Kor e 11&JTi cho 1 s 258 w 75 4 284
33, F w VO lk 4285 5.00
Commissioner of Tax, 4287 8.00
XIp 1s . BoaEd of Realt or6286 180,OO
Lpls. Gas Light Go. 4288 45 .45 Julia Yeitenberg Weiss4289 10.00
Fred J. Daubanton 4290 4.35
Bor2hrseatern Bell Cow 4291 45.05
Edina Garage Inc. 4292 9 30.50
Xpls. B&ue Print Co. 4293 21.78
&Milding Dah& 4 294 2.75
Alex Creighton 4295 10.00
t'lm. Hi Ziegler Co. 4298 117 . 21
Lrni rovenient Bulletin 4299 30.60
Village of Hclpkins 4300 135.00
J.C, Buck Jr. 4301 7.50
E.C, Pfeiffer 4302 115 . 00
Framlc Anderson 4303 120 w 00 Don EcClellan 4304 153 . 00
Fhelps-Drake co . . 4306 2,1321.09 American Cast Iron 4309 7,220.44 13 9 621 35
Suburban Hem. Go. Relief Board 4297 171 w 90
66 19
30.84 97.03
ixarvey IT. Hansen 4296
4111. Ziegler Co. 4298
TOTAL BILLS PAID hzAY 13, 1946 13,890 w 28
Zlotion by Utley to loan from Genma1 Fund to Sanitary Sewer District
Xo. 13 $10,710,59, for partial payment to a contractor for oon-
struaiiion, such loan to be repaid upon sale of bonds, was seconded
by Bawthorne and carried.
Village of Edina, 45 Bist. #13 4307 $10,710 . 59
Eotion by Utley approving payment of $10,710.59 to >helps-Drake
cos mi per their estimate or? SaEitary Sewer .District Eo. 13
construction was secondea by Zonne and. carried.
Phelps-Drake Ca. 4305 $10,710.59
Petition sigmzed by TBenty-three residents, requesting removal of
garbage dunp, ixas filed nith Clerk sad referred to Fanager for
his report at nex€ meeting.
Ere Grange, owner of property at 581h and Drew, requesting permission
GO -build and occupy a; double garage until such time as materials
could be secured for his home. Xatter was referred Eo 12. Smith,
Xr. Tanner requested permission to construct concrete-block building
QE present FilT&3 Right-of-Eky, south of Eden Avenue, building to be
\gas heated, equipment installed therein to be electrical, use of building
to be for light sheet metal manufacture, such as stainless sEe:d. kitchen
cabirmets, etc. Kr. Chris Larsen, neighbor, requested thaf Council de- termine. that the Railroad Company remedy the presermf; drainage problem; and €ha€ osners of proposed building do not change natural drainage flow.
E-otion by dillson, that mat%er be referred to Village Uanager, with poser to issue permi% provided Railroad remedies drainage and Tanner agrees to landscaping, was seconded by Haslthorne d carried. Er. Davengort of
TdN&S stated that drainage problem would4 8 emedied shortly.
Pursuant to notice published in Bemepin Cowby Revie'i7, Hopkins, Yinnesota and in Improvement Ilulletin, Yinneapolis, Einnesota on April 18 and 25., and Eay 2, 1946, bids nere taken on construction of sever main in Sanitary Sever district No, 16, Bids submitted were as folloms:
Lametti & Lametti, St. Paul, Hinn. $10 , 45 I . 95 Phelps-Drake Company, St . Paul, Einn. $ 9,477.50
Eotion by Utiley to refer bids to Village Engineer for tabulation and comparison vas seconded by Zonne and carried.
Pursuant to notice published in Bennepin County Review. Hopkins, Elinnesota Eay 2, 1946, bids were taken on two light pick up trucks. The only bit%
FI~S that of Dahlberg Brothers, Inc. , Hopkins, Eir-nesota, who bid $1,031.05 per truck, nith one truck available for immediate delivery. Eotion by t'lillson that Dahfberg Brother, Ino. be avarded cor,tract for furnishing one light duty pick-up truck for immediate delivery, with Village to have . opt;isn on second truck E'las seconded by Utley and carried.
Pursuant to notice published in hennepin County Review, Hopkins, E"innesota
Uay 2, 1946 bids uere taken on One nely standard typemriter, 18" carriage,
Elite Type. Bids 17ere received as follows:
Underscrod Elliott Fisher Company $129,60
Royal Typeuri%er company Inc . 144 .9Y
Eotion by Utley that Undervood Elliott Fisher Company be awarded contszct
for typerwiter, at price of $124.60, and that certified checks be re- turried to bidders, nassconded by Havthorne and carried.
iTillson presented tabulation of bids received April 22, 1946, on LullV Type Sr?on PlOi?, and moved that Rosholt Esqnipment Company be awarded contract for furnishing this equipment, at cost of $247.50. I.3tion seconded by Zonne and aarried.
Less allomance 3n Royal X18-449230 5.00 $124.60
I Less allomance on Royal XU-449230 5.00 139 99
4l;of;ioc by Jillson that bid of, G'm. H. Zeigler Co. Inc.9 for one used Sand dpreader, amouxjt $450 .OO, was seconded by Havfhorne and carried.
Eir. H.H. Drelas, at€orney for David Thomas, ovner of Lot 11, Block 1,' Brucerrood Addition, requested immediate action on Storm Sever, he was requested to confer rrith Lk, Smith vith regard to easement.
Frarsuant to notice piblished in hennepin County Review, ABril 25,
ar,d Xay 2, hearing . ms held on the proposed water main project for Tlooddale Avenue, '~7. 56th Street, and Concord Avenue.
Utlex offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
VHBXEAS, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice to all property owners whose property may be assessed for pmposed construceion of Village aater a&im in the
fo lloraing six eet s :
In Zooddals A4venrre, fron Jest 56th Street to Tmer Street;
In Best 56th Street, from V'uoddale Avenue to Concopd Avenue;
In Concord Avenue. from Tower Street to Ostk Drive;
Fublished in the liennepin County Review, HDpkins, Einnesota on
April 25, Xay 2, 1946, and has heard all-persons appearing at
said meeting and duly considered said proposed improvement, no^
theref ore ,
’ BE IT RESOZVED by the Village Council of the Village of ‘. Edinag that it is hereby determined to be necessary to construct Village aater main in the above named stree€s, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLTTED that glans and specifications for
. such water nain construction heretof3re prepared by Fhilip :I.
Smith, and filed with the Village Glerk are hereby accepted and ap- proved as the plans and specifications for said improvement.
BB IT FURTHER RESOZVED *that the Clerk is hereby dirested to advertise for bids on the basis of cash paymen€ for such
rllork, stating that the bids vi11 be opened and considered by the uouncil on Xay 27, 1946; at 8:OO o’clock F.€i.; no bids \?rill
be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and ac- acrsnpaiiied by a cash deposit or certified check payable t:, the Treasurer for an amount equal to ten per cent of the bid.
BE: IT FURTHER RTZESOLVET, that the cost of said improvement is
$Q be assessed against the property improved as authorized by
Chapter 425,Lam of 1921, as amended.
Eotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays; Zonne, aye; i7illson,
Resolution was adopted. ’ aye; Otley, aye; Harrthorne, aye; and Chris-bopher, aye; and the
pursuant to notice published in Hennenin County Review, Hopkins, mnnesota, on April 25, 1946, public hearing vas held or, the matter
of special assessments for construction of sanitary sewer in Sanitary Sewer District No. 13 No one appeared in opposition to the assessment.
Utley Dffered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: I‘ .FiZSOLIJTION ZtWYIEG ASSESSIIZItTT FOR SE’XER SARITARY SXVJER DISTRICT NO w 13
TEtEREBS, pursuant to notice published in The Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Z”innesota on April 25, 1946, the Village Council
has met and passed upon all objections to €he proposed assessment for construction of sanitary sewer in Selner District Eo. 13 in the
f olloafng streets;
France Avenue, from Xinnehaha Creek to Yfest 58th Street;
Ewing Avenue, from qest 57 th Street to Test 58th Street;
Drew Avenue, from Vest 57th Street to JIest 58th Street;
Chowea Avenue, from :Test 57th Street to Vest 58th Street; Beard Avenue, from FTinnehaha Crqek to Jest 58th Street;
Abbot€ Avenue, extended from \‘lest 56th Street €0 Test 58th Street; Zenith Avenue extended, from the Gorth Line of Eot 26, Block 3,
York Avenue extended, from qest 55th Street, to 9Gst 58th Street;
Alley lying be”teen York and Xerxes Avenue, from Qest 54th Street
Xerxes AvePrne, from Vest 55th Stkeet tct Test 56th Street; ?lest 58th Street, from Prance Avenue to Drew Avenue; Test 58$h Street, from Chowen Avenue to Beard Avenue;
.:Jest 56th Street, from Beard ,4wnae to Zenith Avenue; Test 55th Street, from Sear4 Avenue to Zenith Avenue; \?est 55th Street, from the alley lying between York and
*u7est 55th Street, from the alley lying between Xerxes and
Seeleyrs Pirst Additioo to kla\?thorne kark, to Test 58th Street;
to Vest 55th Street;
Zenith Avenue to York Avenue;
York Avenue to Xerxes Avenue;
nos therefore,
BZ IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina,
that said proposed assessment is hereby affirmed and adqted and shall constitute *he special‘ assessment against the land named therein, and
each lot, p;isce, 3r parcelLDf land included in said assessruect is here-
by found to be benefited by said improvement in the amount of the
assessment levied against it.
equal annual installzents over a such assessment shall be payable in period of ten years, the first of said hstallmerits to be payable onthefirst day of January, 1947, an8 Sac- ceeding isstaflment of the first dayof -January-kn eschfyear ?thereafter
until the full amount of said assessment is paid. Said special assessment and each installment thereof shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent
per annum until fully paid said interest to be computed from the $ate
of this resolution. thereon shall be a paramount lien upon the property included therein from the time of the adoption of this resolution and shall remain such lien until fully paid, as authorized by Chapter 312, Laws of Einnesota, 1903,
as amended; and
f3E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Glerk of the Village is hereby dir- ected to make up and file in the office of the County Auditor a certified
statement of the amount of such unpaid assessment and the amount of irmter- est which will be due thereon; and
' .
Said special assessment; with the accruing in$trest
BE IT FURTHER R32SOLVED that all moneys collected on any such special assessments shall constitute a fund forfthe payment of the cost of
said improvement for the district for vzhich such assessment 17as made, and €k
same shall be credited to the proper sewer district fund under the designation: Pmd of Sever District Xa .13.
Erotionz to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Harrthorne, and on rollcall there nere five ayes and no nays; Zonne, aye; ?fillson! aye; Utley, aye; Ba\?thorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution mas adqpted.
Pr "ideht of €he Founcill ("/
ZLr. Smith reported that the City of Xinneagolis had agreed to pave its
side of France Avenue, from 49th to 51st S%reet, and that Yinneapolis
would do the construction work for the entire street, charging one-half
the cost -Lo the Village. Ur. Cove11 vas instructed to work nith 12. Banner of the Gity of Kinneapolis in draning up an agreement for this construction. Er. Utley suggested that Er. Smith investigate the ross-
ibilities of having France, from 46th to 49th paved also. suggested that LIr. Smith contact Er. Fred Paul with regard to this matter.
In response to nQtice served on Don J. XcClellan by 1, LY. UcClellan appeared to ask the Council's pleasure vith re$ard to his comercia1 1 garage. D?. KcClellan vas informed that €he Council ordered hin to 1 cease Dperatioa of his commercial garage at 6201 Peacedale Avenue, alnd I '
to move his equipment to commercially zoned property just as smn as ZDssible.
R:r. Hawthorne
i-r. S:rlith reported that 3ppraisals received by Xinneapolis Board of
Realtors, in accordance vith request by Park Board, totalled $41,450.00 for €he 33-acre tract as a whole, and $6,500 for the 5 lots of the
proposed subdivision, *%dins Highlandstt. This appraisal vas referred to e tne Park Board for its recommendation.
Plat of Golmial Square, owned by J.N. Bloomberg, mas presented to the Council, having been approved by the Planning Commissian. Irotion by Hamthorne that the plat be accepted for filing vith County Auditor was seconded by utley and carried.
Legal opinion of Village Attorney, with regard to accepting latest pet- ition against Zuller Street Tater ETain, was that the Council has power to either accept or reject, but that the pe€ition has no legal standing, as . the proeeedings are initiated on Council's ovn motion. Er. t'Jalsh again
spoke for the nater main, nith Xessrs. Sehneigert against .
opinion, Council abandoned Fuller S$ree% water main project as originally planned.
and GI-. Smith rzas asked to make a2study of this project.
Zipoy and Halleen, and Rev. Dean
Using latest petition as record of present public
Kr. galah requested that water be brought in from Hidden Valley,
Legal opinion of Village Attorney, with regard to building more than one house on any of the presently platted blocks in Xendelssohn Addieion, vas
that as many houses may be built in each block as possible to conform t7ith present-zoning ordinance of 6,500 sq. ft. minimum lot, arid that it is possible to divide block nithout replat
L.L Sapgent, 5202 Prance Avenue, cannot be included in present se&r
amd water projects, ntithaut amending present district, or crea€ing new disfrict, Be advised a servioe con€ract and mas ins€rueted €0 prepare Ejuch Gontpact for subissiori to the Sargerrts .
Kr. Christopher's letter of We 29th, reciting complaint of Don SchQert
4517 Oasco, that hydrants are badly in need of repair, =as read. Report of Berr Boehler and Phil Bailey iaas presented. that this hydran* repair report be referred to Perry Xoore, vas sec- onded by haathame and carried.
Kr. Smith presented request of Byron E. Kell and 'Ji.J. Oxborough that they be released from "remodeling bonds" posted last year mhen their houses mere moved from 50th street to Gorgas Avenue. Notion by Hawthorne that release from bonds he granted xas seconded by Willson
and carpied.
&lotion by Utley
Utley offered the folloving Resolu-bior? and moved its adoption:
RESOZVEE, that the sm of $1,066.71 be arid hereby is transferred
from ';hater Rain Uprovernewt Eo. 2 Fund to the General Fund in partistl repczyluent of ftmds heretofore provided through Special
Levy to Qater gain bprovement Eo. 2 Fund:
BX IT FURTHZR RXSOZV33D, that the sm of $5,208.02 be and hereby is transferred from Sanitary Sewer District Bo. 9 Fund to the General Fund in partial repayment of funds heretofore provided from Special Levy to Sanitary SevJer DisYrict Bo. 9 Fund.
Eation to adopt the Resogution was seconded by Hawghorne, and m Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as folldas: Zor,ne, aye; Wllson, aye; Utley, aye; Baathorrte, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Resolution vias adopted.
Uith'regard to proposed rfater main project D. Covell gave his legal opinion as follows:
1. Cour,cil has authority eo order in this project, with exception of main from 54th PC galifax. to France & 57th.
2. Council has power to grant 52. TiiTic&elsen franchise to install main from 54th & Halifax to France & 57th.
8. Council has power to assess only for actual cos% of - construction, and at time of coastructlon, and must assess all abutting property.
Because no agreement could be reached with regard to Peder Yickelser-+s CoPftSact, Kr. Covell was asked to see the Attorney General for an opinion.
Committee reports mere read. and filed with Clark.
Ut.-ley offered the folloaing Resolution and moved its adoption:
*;?HERBAS, the Village has by Ordivrance duly adopted created Sanitary
Sewr Distriet Eal 13.; and
' %HF,R2AS, the Village Council has contracted for the construction
OS a sevter in said district under the provision of Chapter 451XinnesoZa
Statutes; and
'I%HERIEAS, in order to provide money to pay for the cost of said
TJOW TNEREE'OXE, BE IT REXOLVZII by the Village Council of the Billage
improvement, it is necessary to issue sealer warrants;
of Edina, Einnesota, as follows:
. 1. It is hereby determined tha-t. the total cost of the improvement
.in Belxer District Eo* 13, iurcludbg all incidental expenses, moun€s' to
&35,tw3 . 28 .
2. There is hereby created a special fund to be designated ttFtlpld of Semer Districtt So. l3lt out of tlrhich shall be paid the cost of the sewer improvement in said District, and the principal and interest on the I'Xarrants hereafter provided to be issued, and into which fund shall be
paid all of the proceeds of the special assessments levied for Semer
Distric€ Ro. 13, and the noneys received on the sale of the Tiarra-nts
as hereinafter provided.
3. In anticipation of the collection of special assessments the
Village shall forthnith issue and sell $66,000.00 Sever Dis€ric% Fo'L
53 ';darran€s. The 'Jarrants to be issued hereunder shall be in the
deaminatims of $500.00 and $1,000.00 as follaas, shall be dated July
1, 1946, shall bear interest payable July 19 1947 and se&annually.there-
after on January 1 and July 1 in each year, an6 shall mature serially as folloas:
VARW?T moms OP
1, 2, 3, ~1,000*00 3,000.00 July 1, 1947
49 5, 69 7
::I, 000 * 00
500 00 3,500 . 00 January 1, 1948
8, 5, 10, 1,000.00 3,000.00 July 1, 1948
11, 12, 13, 1, 000 . 00
14 500 . 00 3,500 .OO January 1, 1949
15, 16, 17, 1,000*00 3,000.00 July 1, 1949
21 500 .OO 3,500.00 Januzry 1, 1550
22, 23, 24, l,OsO.OO 3,000 . 00 July 1, 1950
28 500.00 3,500.00 January 1, 1951
18, 15, 20, 1,ooo.ou
25, 26, 27, 1,000.00
29, 30, 31 1,000.00 3,000 . 00 July 1, 1951
32, 33, 34, 1,000 .oo
35 500 . 00 3,500,OO January 1, 1C52
36, 37, 38, 1,000 .00 3,006.UO July 1, 1952
429 500 . UO 3,500 -00 January 1, 1953
43, 44, 45 1,000.00 3,000.00 July I, 1953
39, 40, 41, 1,000 . 00
46, 47, 48, 1,000.00
45 500.00 3,500 . 00 Jamary 1, 1954
50, 51, 22 1,000 . 00 3,000.00 July 1, 1954
53, 54, 55, 1,000.00
Jaouary 1, 1955 56 500.00 . 3,500 . 00
57, 58, 59 1,000.00 3,000, 00 July 1, 1955
630, 63, 62, 1,0UO*UO
63 500 . 00 3,500.00 January 1, 1956
64, 65, 66 -1,000 . 00 3,000 . 00 July 1, 1966 ,
500.00 4,500.00 January 1, 1957
said Varrants maturing July 1, 1956, and January 1, 1957, being subject to
redemption and prior payment on any interest payment date.
4. The Village Council shall meet at the Village Hall o~ Konday, the
10th day of June, 1946, at 8:OO o'clock FX., for the purpose of receiving
bids far the said. Zarrants, and the Clerk is authorized and directed to
cause published notice of the sale of said Warrants to be given by !R?o
seek's publication in the official newspaper .
5* The notice of sale shall recite that said Xarrants will be
payable solely from said special assessments and all bidders must subni-1; a
bid for such type of Qarrants. Said notice shall further stste that the Village uill furnish printed Tlarrants and the approving opinion of
FesErs. Dorsey, Colman, Bakker, Scott eC Barber, both without cost to
the purchaser axid bids shall be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check in €he moun€ gf at least #1,000.00.
Botion to adopt the Resolation was seconded by Hawthorne, andor?
Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays as folloxls: aillaon, aye;
Zonne, aye; Btley, age; Hawthrone, aye; Ghristopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopfied.
.L Kotioo by Utley that E'inancial S atemen% for Year 1945, as filed with'clerk at meeting of April 26, be published an Bulletin
Boards at Village Hall, 50th and France, and Okhill, was seconded
'by EarPthome and carried.
Ta response to complaint on all-night parking, 52. Zonne stated that police mould be instructed to issue warning tags, and follovf
up up 75tith traffic tags if necessary.
LIP. Leary of Park Board requested that Council withhold aprroval of Spring Companyt s proposed plat until park property is dedicated.
Ho action was taken on this request. Council asked that Park
Board present plan for improving the property already owned- by Village.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it
was adjourned.
HA.LL ,4T 8:OO PAT. Ellay 15, 1946
Pour members of the council were present: Utley, Rllsan, Hawthorne, and Christopher.
Peder Eickelsen and lJr.pGustafson appeared to discuss the pruposed construction by Mickelsen of an 8-inch water main from Fifty- fourth street and Halifax &4venue to Fifty-seven-bE Street and France Avenue, mith provisions for Eickelsen to recover his in- vestment at such time as other mains or priva$e service lines
might be coniiected to his main. Siifickelsen and Gustafson reported
that they had conferred with George Sjoselius, assistant Einnesota
such arrangement could be made at the discretion of the Council.
A Supreme Ccrurt decision in a case invalving a privately-constructed sewer in Horthfield mas cited as describing a method by which the aggreement betneen the Village and gickelsen could be drafted, It was agreed by members of the Council and Eickelsen that the Village attorney and Gustai'son shauld prepard a proposed ordinance and contract for consideration by the Council.
Christopher presented a letter from Karl H. emell, announcing '5s
. resignation as Village Attorney because of the press of priva2e-
lam practice. Eotion to accept the resignation of cove11 with regrezs and to direct the Clerk to send Cove11 a letter of ap- preciation for his services was made by Willson, seconded by Hawthorne and carried ,
Notion to appoint John b. lvipdhorst as Village Attorney at salary
of $75 per month, effective immediately, wsls made by Utley, sec- onded by Hawthorne and carried.
' attorney general, and that Sjoselius had stated informally that
Notion to adjourn mas made by Villson, seconded l?y Hamthorne and