8:OO P.N.
All members of the Council mere present .
Eotion by ';fillson that the Einutes of the regular meeting of Bay 13 be
approved as submitted vias seconded by Zanne and carried.
Eitotion by Gllson that payrolls in the amount of $2,803.28 be approved
was seconded by Zonne and carried.
Nrn cLAnr 8 GROSS &To - V .TAX HOW. NET ANT.
C. J.Christopher #32 50.00
BOW er ~rzw tho r ne 33 50.00
Geo. ii'lillson 34 35.00
Harold (2. Utley 35 35 . 00
E.L. Zome 36 35.00
Dr .7; 3 .Campbell 38 30.00 If.H,Covell EC J.Sl.Tlindhorst 71872'75.00
J . J .Duggzrlz. 37 30.00
Vard B. Leais
Gretchen Schu s sler
Anne L. Grant
Relene Preeman
HidlinP: Dah1
%a. S.-Heydt Clayton Erickson
Clarence Butsoh
Danald Nelson Sub-total
S . J, Rob er t s
P .E .Dahlgren
John Tracy E . J .Emf eld
Harry Jonas
Arthur Jens en
,August Gustafson
Sub-t otal
42 .$3
Chas Jowson 5P
Ronald P .Port 59
Sam EcCready 60
Jacob Shmak 61
3.C. Pfieffer 62 Sub- t o tal
Ben I'kehley 63
Carl T. Eiller 64
E'red Jonas 65
John Balich 66
17. c. Yungblut 67
Gunner C. Stromer 68
75 .. 00
50 . 00
418 . 33
487 . 50
100 0 00
90 . 00
109 0 78
90 000
60.00 .
66 . 60
312 . 60
100 000
30. 0
393 . 20
2,803. 28
9.40 -a -
34 . '70
-0- -o-.
50 . 00
-0- 75.00
-0- 415 . 00
1.50 182.93
0 75 84.15 . 75 54.95
-0- 45.20
3.00 36'7.23
1.50 103.60
1.50 87.30 .
1.50 85.20
1.5.0 89.10
-0- 84.50
6.00 449,70
-0- L08,15
1.50 93.10
1.50 . 89.10
1.50 88.50
1.50 101.48
1.50 84.80
1.50 93.30
1.50 73.02
10.50 731.45
1. "0 76 . 70
-0- 79.80
-0- 57.50
-0- 63.10
-0- 26.40
1.50 303.50- --
1.50 113.80
-0- 90.60
-0- 69 . 60
-0- 41.30
-0- 30.00
-0 - 14.00
1.50 359.30
22.50 2,626.18
Eotion by Utley that Engineer Solith be directed to prepare Assessment
Ball for Sanitary Sewer District Ea. 14 was seconded by Billson ad
.. 1
"I. Carl ensen requested canstruction of water main from at. John's street to Loncord, on Tower Streeit. Because the petition for wa€er
main on this street, as formerly filed with the Council, contains
only 30% of the abutting property, Engineer hith was requested to inform Ur. Hansen that the Council vould continue ita policy of re-
quiring petition by 51% of -&butting property.
Residents from Cahill recuested report on petition presented at last
meeting, for investigation of Garrison dump. hith reported that
Nr. Garrison had been ordered to cover refuse, and that the Village
shovel is, at the present time, working there; also, that Er. Garrison
had been ordered to cease allowing non-residents to dump on his prop- erty, Residents were atsked to give this plan some time, and ta come
before the Council again if they are dissatisfied.
Petition signed by a majority of property owners abutting 7J. 49&
Street, between France and Ralifax Avenues, reauesting construction,
of Sanitary sewer, Storm Sewer, and Water gain in this Street, mere
filed. Notion by Utley that these petitions be referred to.Village
Engineer was seconded by IVillson and carried.
Messrs. Kell and Bjorkman requested permission to construct sidewalk
inside their present property lines, Hawthorne stated that the origind
plan of the Council aas for parking space to them@Ekih of '?[LIS$ Street,
this plan. Mter further discussion as to the merits of having parking
at back crf buildings facing South on w.49$ Street, the matter was
referred to Mr. hith and the Planning Commission for further study.
'as well as to the Qouth, and that sidemLk would not conform with
.Petition signed by 75% of owners of the property abutting Concord
Avenue, between Woodhill Roadt Southview Lane, reouesting name of
extension of this street, betmeen 58th and 60th Streets is called 3
Concord Avenue, and a further extension, between 62nd and 64th Streets
is named Lakeviea henue, the matter of renaming was referred to Ur.
Smith, for his report at the next meeting.
.- Concard Avenue be c.hnged to Cohcard Road was read. Because an
Pursuant to Advertisement published in Hennepin "ounty Xevfew, Hopkins,
llinnesota, bids were opened and read for the furnishing oi' labor and
materials for improvement of the following streets: OTooddale Avenue, from West 56th Stbeet to Tower Street; West 56th Street, from Vood-
dale Avenue to Concord Avenue; Concord AP-mue,.from Tower Street to
Oak Drive; by construction of' water main therein.
f 0 ll0VJ s :
Bids'aere read as
Ehelps Drake Go., Inc. $11,805.90
Lametti Kc Lametti 11,304.60
Orfei and Nariani 13,640.80
Xotion by Utley that bids be referred to Village Engineer for
tabulation was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Pursuant to Advertisrment published in Hennepin County Review, Eopkins,
,Ninneaota, bids were requested for improvement of the following streets :
Vest 52nd Street, from Indianola Avenue to Gorgas Avenue; Gorgas Avenue
from West 52nd Street to North End thereof; Halifax Avenue, from
Qesh 52nd Street to West 54th Street. No bids were submitted; and, on
mat ion Utley, seconded by Willson and carried, clerk was authorized
to rei-advertise for bids on this project, said bids to be taken June
10, 1946.
Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
the Village Council has met at the time and place l7HESEAS
specigied in a notice to all property omners whose property may be
assessed for proposed construction of Village mter main in the
following streets :
57th Street, from Prance to Beard Avenue;
Beard Avenue, from YT. 57th St. to 17. 58th St. ;
Chowen Avenue, from 57th st. to m, 58th St.;
Drew Avenue, from Vi. 57th St. to ". 58th St.;
Ewing Avenue, from 8. 57th. St. to v. 58th st. ;
and has heard all persons appearing at said meeting and duly considered
said proposed improvement, no17 theref ore,
that it is hereby determined to be necessary to construct Village water
main 5x1 the above named streets, and
BE IT 3.ESOLVED by the Village Council of the village of Edina
BE IT bTJJ3THEEI RESOLVED that plans and specifications for such
water main construction heretofore prepared by Fhilip ;/. $Smith and filed
with the Village clerk are hereby accepted and approved as the plans
and specifications for nafd improvement.
BE IT BUZEKZR A312SOLTFED that the clerk is hereby directed to
advertise for bids on the basis of cash payment for such work, stating
that the bids nil1 be opened and considered by the council on June 10,
1946; no bids shall be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk
gnd accomganied by a cash de osit or certiried check payable to the lreasurer for an amount eoua? to 15$ of the bid.
BE IT PUR!FKER LEESOLVED that the cost of said improvement is
to be assessed against the property improved as authorized by Chapter
425, Lavs'of 1921, 8s amended.
Eotion to adopt this Resolution vas seconded by Iiawthorne, and on
Rollcall there vere five ayes and no nays as follows:
Rillson, aye; Utley, aye; Harthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and
the Resolution was adopted.
Zanne, aye;
Esr. .Smith reported that investigation had been made of the nemly
proposed vel1 site- Lots 30 and 31, Block I, jouth Harriet Park
2nd Addition. Eotion by Utley that said lots 50 and 31, Block I, South
Harriet Park 2nd Addition be approved as vel1 site yas seconded by
Zonne and carried. It ras the concensus of opinion of the Council
that, 3ecause of residential *oning,the ty e of building to be erected
considerable discussion as to the advisability of building at %he
back end of these tmo lots, with a vien to using the fromt part of the
property for park purposes at a later date, Eotion by Utley that Uanager
Smith made astudy of location for the building, taking into consideration the vieapaints of the neighbors, mas seconded by Zonne and carried.
I nust'conform to the general building types,%his P vicinity, After .
Letter from Village 03 St, Louis Park, requesting change of street names in Brmndale park area was read. Xhnager S;zmith vas requested to notify
St. Lauis Park that, until ne had sane requests from our ovn residents,
street names rmuld not be changed.
Lett'er from Edina 4nerican Legion Post No. 471, tendering tent ative
Engineer kith presented tabulation of bids on construction of sanitary
semer in Sanitary Sewer District No. 16; lorn bidder being Phelps Drake
Go,, at 39,477.50.
ap2lication for off sale liquor license, wits read and filed. I
Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
'..HEREAS pursuant to advertisement for bids published in the
Hennepin County Reviea, Hopkins, Ennesota, and Improvement Bulletin,
EJinneapolis, I.:innesota, once each week for three successive veeks,
bids have been received for construction of sanitary sever in the
following streets and alleys :
In 56th Street, from Concord Avenue to st. John's Avenue;
In St. Johnrs 'Ivenue, from Lexington -*venue to ;i, 56th St. ;
In Concord Avenue, from Tower St. to Lexington Avenue;
In Lexington Avenue, from Lakeview Drive 500 feet East;
and the same have been duly opened and considered and the responsibility
of the respective bidders has been duly investingated, nom therefore,
BE IT ilESOLXE0 by the Village Council of the Village of
Edina that the bid of Phelps Drake Go., Inc., 825 Xetropolitan
Life Bl@g*, Einneapolis, Ninnesota, is hereby determined to be the
bid of the lowest regponsible bidder, and the President and Recorder
of the Village are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a
contract with said Phelps Drake Co., Inc., in the name of the Village
for the construction of said sever according to the plans and spec-
ifications therefor which have been heretofore approved by the
Village Coupcil and filed in the office of .the Village Clerk at a
total contract price of $9,477.50, as specified in said bid, said price ta be composed of the following items of said bid which sblP
be included in the vork to be done under said contract: Bmm Q.UANTITP EETI% PRICE
9 tb"
9 li
9 "
6 'I
6 If
TJit.Clay Pipe 6-8 40
$2 . 25
II tl 8-10 74 0 2.50
'I) 11 I)- 10-12' 747 3.00
" 14-16' 20 5.00
tb It " 12-14? 495 4.00
It tt
It It House Connections
determined by Engineer)
Stack encased in Concrete 10 4.00 (This unit price to include cost
(Depth of House Connectioa: -to be
of pipe and concrete in place
Standard 8tF Fall Nanholes Complete 140 * 00 Figure Staadard ganhole on basis of 8' depth
and to include cost of concrete base &frame
and cover. Unit price per foot mill be used
for anything over 8' in depth.
$90 eo0
2241 00
100 00
Extra Vertical Feet of Eanhole-8" 17a3.l
Per V;ER. ZT.
13 . 00 247.00
Vertical Peet of Drop EanhoIes as per Drop Eanhole
Plans. Price to be over eC abave your cost per vertical foot for Standard Dilanhole.
8 10.00 80 . 00
Concrete ii; Place
3./2tt Gravel in Place
9" X 6+t Vyes
6" 1/8 Bends
10 Cu, Pds. 25.00 250.00
5.00 15.00
37 1.50 55,60
37 1.00 37.00
3* 81
Xanhole Tap Connections on 'Jl.56th St. & on
Lakeviem Drive 2 20.00 40 00
BE IT FURTIBR RF,SQLVED that the Clerk is hereby authorized
and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made
with their bids, except that the deposita of the successful bidder
and.the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has
been signed,
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Hollcall there were five ayes and no nays as follows:
Willson, aye ; Utley, aye ; fiawthorne, aye ; Christopher, aye ; and
the Resolution was adopted.
zonne, aye;
Xr. Christoplier presented report of po)ice department on all-night-
parking warning tags issued during the past week. Council requested
Public Safety 'omittee Chairman Zonne to instruct police department
tu issue complaint tags to repezt all-night-parkers, using reasonable discretion as to circumstances. Xr. Christopher requested that
consideration be given to placing stop sign on Country Club Road at
mith Chief Dah1 regarding order placed some time ago.
Vith regard to proposed Ordinance Granting Branchise, Engineer Smith
presented the follosring report:
On 54th Street, from Halifax Avenue to Trance Abenue, and on
France Avenue, from 54th Street to 57th Street, anL 8" main
'1:lill be constructed. In checking the plans it nil1 be noted
that there is very lit-t;le, if any, assessable property on 54th
street; and a large majority of the property on the East side a< ,'ranee .oreme fromgpreek; ta *5?th Street is -not assessble.
3e have estimated the cost of whata 6" nater main aould he,
2nd have taken 60% of the cost of this to be a fair basis to
charge the abutting property. The reason for this i that it shotrld not seem fair to charge the small amount ~?assess-
able property for the entire cost of the main,
Because of the large area to be ultimately served; namely,
the area betaeen 54th Street and 60th Street, and betweerr
Prance Avenue and York Avenue, inclusive, it is necessary to construct an. 8" feeder line. );e therefore felt that the
difference in cost between a 6" main and this 8" main should
be pro-rated and charged in mith the total cost of the mater
mains in this entire area.
Our c&lculation is as follovs :
~~nthSt.--Halifax Ave. to r'rance Ave.
On grance Ave.=-ti. 54th St. to rr, 57th At.
Estimate of Costs for 8'' &in
2610 lineal feet of 8" C.I. Pipe in Place L 34.50 >ll , 745.00
1-8" Gate Valve eC V'aive Box in Place 75.00 75 . 00
L-8" x 8" Tee in Place (294 lbs each) 12~2 lb. 35.28
7--8" x 6" Tees in Place (270 lbs each) 125d lb. 226.80 Total 12 $082 * 08
Zstimate of Costs for 6" Vater Uain
ZXCTEi-neal feet of et, c .I .PipeTPlace 8.50 9,135 .OO
1-45" Gate Valve eC Valve Box in Place 50.00 '50 . 00
E--6" X 6" Tees in Place (200 Ibs. each) 12# lb. 192.00 9,377.00
Total Assessable Faotage on France Ave. & on 54th Street
abutting above Vater Eain - - - - - - - - - - - - 1930
$9,377.00 1930' --$4.86 per assessable Zoot
60$ of $4.86 is 32.93 per foot - Cast of 6tr Xain .25 per foot - pro-rated cost of 8" Lain
3.18 per foot - Total cost to property abntting
France Ave. C 64th St.
1930' at r2.93 %,654.90
~~12,082.08 - lf5,654.90 - 36,427.19 - balance of cost of 8" 'Jater '5
Cain and amount to be prio-
rated over entire area,
25g per Assesszble Foot shall be assessed as pro-rated charge
over entire area for €3" main, assessment to be made at time
of connection.
Utley moved adoption of the following Ordinance its presented by
Attorney Xndhorst :
Granting a franchise for cogmtruction of a water
main commencing at 54th St;reet and Halifax
Avenue, proceeding along 54th Street ta arance
Avenue and thence South aPong 3rance Avenue to 57th Street
The Village Council of Edina do ordain as follows:
Section 1. h franchise is hereby granted to Feder Ilickelsen,
hereinafter sometimes reierred to as the licensee, to Construct and
c P
place a nater main eight (8) inches in diameter, constructed in
accordance with specifications approved by the Village Engineer,
gomencing at 54th Street and Halifax Ayenue, proceeding along 51th
Street to Prance Avenue, and thence south almg Prance Avenue to
57th Street.
Section 2. Said water main shall be connected to the "ill- age main at 54th Street and Halifax and shall not be disconnected
except j.ith the consent of the Council.
Section 3. The entire cost of said rater main shall be
borne by said lidensee-,
Section 4. Said licensee shall permit the Village to
connect fire hydrants on to said main at such places as it deems
proper a_t the cost of the Village but without charge be licensee.
apt lication therefor a.nd paying the connection fee hereinafter
airthori-ed to connect on to the mater main authorized here'by, Said
licensee shall collect a connection chqrge from any and all per-
soils connecting on to the xater main authorized hereby or to any
extension of said wter maino whether said extensions are made by
the Village or by mivate persons, The amount of ssid connection
charge shall be a Pront foot charge for the property to he served in
Section 5. Said licensee shall permit any person making I
accordance with the following schedule : *
- (a) If the property to be served by the proposed con-
nectiog fronts on the portion of the streets in
which the water main authorized hereby is located,
such property shall qay a connection charge of Three and le/lctO Dollars (q33.18) per front foot.
If the poperty to be served by the proposed conn-
ection does not front on the partion of the streets
in ahich the water main authorized hereby is located,
such property shall pay a connection chakge of 25/1060
Dollars ($0.25) per front foot. >ament of such con-
nection charge shall not pre~ent im$oosition of such
other charges or assessments as the Council may
Section 6, Upon the making of connections avthorized by
Section 5, the licensee shall give a receipt to the person making
said connection, and unless the person making such connection shall
be this Village the licensee immediately shall file a duplkcate
receipt with the Clerk of this Villsge.
Section 7. In consideration of the permission to install
fire hydrants, pursuant to 'Bction 4 above, the Village agrees to
maintain the 1-:.1ter main constructed pursuant to this Ordi*mnce
and the licensee shall be entitled to IO other compensation for the
installation or IJse by the Village of said hydrants.
Section 8. Said licensee may at any time surrender the .
right, and franchise granted hereunder and in such event the licensee
shall transfer and assign all of this right, title, and interest ink
and to the mater main constructed hereunder to the Village with-
out further charge, and thereupon the right of said licensee to
collect a connecting charge from persons thereafter cannectimg on to
said ttater main or any extension thereof shall cease.
'be Section 9. The Village shall zt a.11 times have an option,
to&excerciaed upon ten (10) days written notice to said licensee,
to purchase and acauire all of the right', title, and interest of
the Licensee in a@d to the water ria,in constructed pursuant to this
ordinance by paying to said licensee the total amount Q€ his un-
recovered cost plus interest thereon at three per cent (3%) from
January 1, 1947.
the total amount of the cost of said vater .main plus interest on the
unpaid balances at three per cent (3%) from January 1, 1947, in
accordance vith Section 5 thereof, through: connection charges
as provided herein, all of his rights under the franchise granted
Section 10. At such times as said lfoensee shall recover
.by this ordinance shall terminy.te and he shall assign and transfer all
of his right, title, and interest in and to said mter main to the
Village nithout charge and the right of said licensee thereafter to
colleEt further connection charges of any naixre ahatsoever shall cease,
Payments received by licensee through said connection chrges shall
be first applied again&% the then accrued interest and the hslance
against said cost.
Section 11. Bithin thirty (30) days after completion of
said -r;.ater main the Village Engineer shall file rith the Village Clerk a
statement of the cost of said water main.
Section 12. The franchise granted hereby may be assigned y:ith
Section 15. Upon acceptance of this franchise by said I the consent of the Village Council.
licensee the obligations imposed upon said licensee shall be binding
upon him, his heirs, executors, and assigns.
Section 14. Aeceptance of the franchise granted hereunder
shall be evidenced by a written statement of acceptawe filed by said
licensee nith the Clerk of this Village aithin thirty (30) days from the
adaption of this ordinance.
Section 15. The payment by any person of the connection
charge provided herein shall not relieve such person of the necessity of
paying such other charges or assessments therefor as this Council
may hereafter impose.
Section 16. This ordinance shall be in full forde and effect
from and after its passage and publication.
Eotion to adopt the ordinance vas seconded by Ha.E:.thorne, and on 3ollcall
there aere fiv
Letter &om YO
'Block 2, Grand
commercially n
maved its adoption:
ELESOLVXD, that the Village Attorney be instructed to dralt an
amendment to the Village Zoning Ordinance, to re-zone as com-
mercial District Lots 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10, Block 2, Grandviem
Heights Addition.
RESOLVED YURTEER; that public hearing on said msndment be set
for lknday, Tune 24, 1946, at 8:OO o'clock P.Lr.; and that the .
Tillage Fanager be instructed to publish notices of such hear-
ing not later than Thursday, June 13, 1946, and to further
notify owners of abutting property-.
Eotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Zonne, and on Rollcall
there mere five ayes and no nays
Xr. Smi
offered the follosing Resolution and moved its adoption:
ILKEXEBS petition -n 7.riting signed by Harry C. Jensen and .
others dated &pch 11, 1946, had been duly filed Gith the Village
Council requesting that 11. 50th Street be improved between 2rance and
Halifax as follorgs:
1. didening of roadnay eight feet--four feet on Xorth
side and four feet on South side,
2, Removal of dd curb and gutter and construction of
new cucb and gutter.
of nem sidema2 and drivenays,
a. Installation of underground street lighti-ng system.
nom therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED that said petition is hereby determined to
have been signed by a majority of the owners of property abutting
on said proposed improvement as required by Chapter w, Laws -33-255-
of Edina that it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve 50th
Street from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue as above stated, and
that an the Twenty-fourth day of June, 1946, at 8:OO otclock J?.X,, this h.mci1 w,ill meet at the Village Hall in said Village and aill at
said time and idlace hear the parties interested therein in reference
to such improvement, and aill decide whether or not to undertake
such improvement, in mhake or in pqrt,
BE IT BURTKER RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by illso son, and on Roll-
call there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: hme, aye;
i:illson aye ; Utley, a,ye; Hanthorne, aye ; and Christopher , aye; and
the Resolution was adopted .
- 'A 4 yil
Utley offered the following Ordinance and moved its ado
The Village-Council of the Village of Edina, in Hennepin
Caunty, Einneeota, do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That certain real estate and territory within
the corparate limits of the said Village af Edina is hereby created
and established as Sanitary Sever District Bo. 17 and shall consist
of and include the territory and real estate lying within said
Village of Edina, boupded and described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point in the center line of %. 56th Street
at a point of intersection with the '&'est line of Lot 8; -.
Block 2, Colonial Square Addition to the fillage of Edina,
extended;thence South & boutheasterly L along the 17est line
of Lots8,7-& 6, "lock 2, Colonial Sauare to the most
Southerly cornerof Lot 6, %lock 2, Colonial $quare; thence
in aEasterly direction along South line of Lots 5,4,3,2,
& 1, Block 2, Colonial Scuare to the Southeast corner of
Lot 1, &lock 2, Colonial Souare; thence East 164.9' along
South line of the East one half (E$) of North one half (3T-k) of Southwest one ruarter (SIP') of Northeast one marter (w) of Section 19, Township ZR Eorth, Range 24 Test ;
thence Borth along East line of the East one cunrter (q) of Bortb one half (Nk) of Southwest one marter (SV@)
of Northeast one ruarter (m) of section 19, Township 28
ITosth, Range 24 Vest, to the center line of V. 56th Street;
thence West along the center line of W. 56th Street to
the point of beginning.
Reference is hereby made to plats on said additions and
subdivisions on file and of record in the office of the Register
of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County. - Sectian 2. That all ordinances and resalution and prts
of ordltnarrces and resp<rhpms &nc_orrsis%en$ the provisions of
192 { t
€his ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed. 1-
Section 3. That this ordinance be in full force and effect
from and after its passage and publication.
Eotion to adopt this Ordinance vas seconded by Hamthorne and on Roll-
call there were five ayes and no nays as fOllOT7SS: Lonne, aye; Tillson,
aye; Etley, aye; kvthorne, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Ordinance
mas adopted. I
-& - _. d nt of the illage Council T-
Lr. Christopher recuested approval hy the Gotmcil of his appQintrnent
as "Interim Director" for the Greatsr Uinneapolis Association. Approval Eas given, by Kotion Utley, seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Eotion by -)Tillson that street crev: be allowed to take Zridays after gay
30, and July 4, with provision that they xork on tws Saturdays (to be
determined by xngineer and Street Foreman) plas seconded by Zonne and
carried .
Eotion by Utley, that Philip v. Smith be appcrinted official delegate
to League of Einnesota Uunicipalities Coavention at Brainerd, June 10,
to 15, said delegate to have expenses paid by Village, x7as seconded
by Eawthorne and carried.
Er. smith recruested permission to advertise for bids for transit and
level. Permission vas granted, per motian Utley seconded by i7illson
and carried.
Skr, hith was asked to make study of street lights between ?fooddale
and Bruce on I;. 50th Street with regard to installation of another
light in this area.
There being uo further business to -some before the Council, meeting
mas adjourned .
A11 members of the Council nere presenta
Lfirtu-kes of the keeting of Lay 279 were approved as subnitted, per
motion Gtley, seconded by Jillson ana carried.
'i-otiorr by U.t;ley, that the Treasures be authorized to secure $35,000.00
from the County Auditar as advance against Lay 31 Tax Settlement,
funds to be allaca'ced to General Pund, vas seconded by L-iavthorne and
Eotian by ~Jillsm qproving payment of Village payralls totalling
$2,296.98, uas secmded by &me and carried.
75 $208.33 23.30 184.43
Gretchen Schussler 76 97.50 12.60 84 . 90 \
&me L. Grant 77 62.50 6.80 55.70
helerte hkeeman 78 50.00 4.80 45.20
418.33 48.10 370.23
Jm. A. Eeydt 80
Clayton i'rickson 81
112.50- 7.40 105.10
97.50 8.70 88.80
95.00 3.30 86 . 70