Three members of %he Council Qere present: Zonae, Qillson and Utley.
'President Pro-Tem Utley presided, and Deputy Clerk Gretchen Schussler
acZed as Olerk, President Christopher and Clerk Eamthorne being absent.
The PresZdent announced that the meeting vas open for the consideration of bids for the purchase 3f $68,000.00 Sewer District Eo. 13 Tarrants
as ;zduertised for sale by the Village %erk in accordance aith a resolution adopted by the Village Council on Eay 13, 1946.
The clerk presented an affidavit shoving publication of notice of sale of safd bonds tno neeks in the official newspaper, the Hemepin county
Revieu, iaich ffas examined and fowd s&tisfactory, and ordered placed
on file. One sealed bid nas received in zesponse to the President's call for bids. The highest and best bid of this bidder was found to be as fallows:
Xame of Bidder Amount of Bid
Harold E. Wood & Ctmgany, St.Pau1, Eim., $66,000.00 plus accrued
Allisoa-Ttfllims GO., Einneapolis, ETinn., and interest from d-ate of uarrmts ta &ate of delivery on or
Interest Rate - 4%
Jaint Bidders before July 24, 1946.
after cansiderafion of said bid, Trustee Jillson introduced the follotying; Besolution and IiloPed its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVZD by the Village Cauncil of the Village of
Edina, Bnnesota, that the Joint bid of Harold E. i?bod&Campany, Sf.
Paul, Eimesata and Allison-Villiasls Coo, Enneapolis, Einnesota, to
purchase $66,000.00 Sever %strict No. 13 i7arrants in accordance with
the resolution adopted Eay 13, 1946, and the notice of sale, is here- by accepted, said bid being to purchase said obligations bearing in- terest at the rate of four (4%) per cent per annum at a price of
$66,000.00 plus accrued interest from date of i'Jarrants to date of
-rF&3?p&T!.=; Sir#UC *I uf delivery on 3r before July 24, 1946.
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Utley, and upon vote being %&en thereon, the Solloi?ing
voted in favor thereof:
voted against the same, no nays; vhereupon said resolution as declared
duly passed and adapteci:
Zonne, ':[illson and Utley; .and the following
ATTEST: mleeee, Presideht Fro-Tern of Village Council
kcting Vfllage Clerk
%fey offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESaLVED by .the Village Council 3f the VZllage of
Edina, hemesin Comty, Einrreso-ka, as f0110vs:
1. The Village shallissue its negotiable coupon sewer
warrants on accaunt of Serser District Ea. 13 in the amount of $66,000.00
said Tarrants ta be 7lin number and numbered from 1 thru 71, both Zinc- lusive; said warrants being in the denomination of $1,000, and $500, bearing imkerest at the rate 3f 4 per cent per annum, payable semi-
annually on July 1st and January 1st in accordance aith appropriat;e inlierest couparm to be thereto attached, and to mature serially as
fallubs: $3,00Q each July I, commencing July 1, 194'1 and to and includ-
ing July I, 1956; $3,500 each January lS commencing January 1, 1948, and to and including January 1, 1956; $4,500 Zanuary 1, 1957, said warrants maturing in 1957 being subject to redemption on any interest payment date, first interest payment dafie being July 1, 1947.
2. Both principal. of and interest on said warrants
shall be payable at FIRST XATIOEAL BAIK 03 TTJYIZAPOLIS and said warrants and the coupons thereto aftached shall be ir, substantially the following form:
am of Warrant)
. The Treasurer of the Village of Ediura, Hennepin County, UiPmeaota, will pay to the bearer hereof from Semer DistricE Eo. 13
Fund of mid Village the swi of OF03 THBUSATSD DOLLARS and/or FIVB
HUT;fDmD DOLLARS in any coin 3r carrency of the Unilied States of
&erica, which on the date of payment is legal tender for public and private debts on the 1st day of July , 1946, and to pay interest therean at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, payable semiannually on the 1st day of July and the 1st day of January in each year, interest to maturity being payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the attached interest coupons as they severally become due, both principal and interest being pay-
- gble at the main office of FnST NATIOPSAL BANPZ OF EZIfW3APOLIS in the
This warranf is 3ne of a series of varrants all of like
date and tenor except as to maturity and privilege of redemption,
in the aggregate principal momt of $66,000 issued by the Village
pursuant to and in full conformity with the constitution and Ii.ax3.s of the State af Einnesota thereunto enabling, including Chapter
431, Einnesota Statutes of 1941 and acts amendatory thereof and
supplemental thereto for the prpose of defraying the expense in-
curred and to be incurred in laying sewers in said District and in
anticipation of the collection of special assessments levied against the benefited pr3perty in said District and is payable out
af a fund designated as Fund of Selver District no. 13, into
ylhich fund all proceeds of said assessment are required to be paid.
(To Be Printed 3n Barrants Xo. 67,68,69,70 8~71)
This '2arrant is subject to pedemption on any ifiterest payment date at par and accured ir,terest upon thirity days prior rtertice by mail to the bank where this xarrant is payable.
Et is hereby certified and recited that all ac€s, conditions and things required by the constitution and lams of the State of
XIimesota, ta be done, ta happen, ana to be perforraed precedent to and iri the issuance of this warrant, have been done, have hap$ened and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner
a.s required by law and that this xarrant, together with all other
indebtedness of said Village ontatanding on the date named herein
and on the date 3f the actual issuance and deliqery hereof, daes
not' exceed any statutory or constitutional 1imita.t;ion of indebtness.
Einnesota by its Village Council has caused. this warrant to be
signed by the President of the Village Council and countersigned
by the Village Clerk and sealed mith the seal of said Village, and
the interest CQU~CXLS hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, as of July 1, 1946.
IB VITKESS XKEREOF the Village of Edina, Hennepin County,
C o un t er signed t President of Tillage Council
Ttillage Clerk
(Form of Coupon)
mo .
On the first day of January (July} 19-, Village of Bdina,
Hemepin County, Einnesota, ail1 pay to bearer at
BUT the sum of
1, being the installment of interest then due o~ its Sewer District XO. 13 i'larrant diated July I, 1946, EO. .
President of the Village Council
Village Clerk
3. Said Ylarrants shall be printed under the direction of
the Village %erk and the President of the Village Council and Village Clerk are hereby autherized and directed ta execute said warrants a~cl Eo
affix the Village seal, and the interest coupons to be attached thereto
shall be executed and authre?tfcated by the printed, engraved or 15th-
ographed facsimile signatures of said officers.
Khen said sarrants have been fully executed as required . by laiT and by this resolution they shall be delivered to the purchaser
thereof upon receipt af the purchase price and said purchaser shall not be oblfged to see to the applicat8on of said purchase price.
5, Said warrants shallb payable solely from nioney collected
.from special assessments, and the full faith and credit of the Village
shall not be pledged to the payment of' said warrants ar,d interest there-
an as and =hen the same shall become due, but the Treasurer is authorized and directed to cause said warrants and the interest thereon to be paid aut of zny moneys of the Village available therefor.
I 4.
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded
by Zonne, aod upon vote peing taken thereon, the folloving voted in
favor thereof; Zome, 'J'lillson and Utley; and the following voted against .
the same: no nays; rihereupon said resolutior? vas declared duly passed
and adopted. ,
Preside& 33-0-Tem of! Village Cauncil
I -
There being no further business to come before the Council, Billsor,rs motion to adjourn vas seconded by Zonne and unanimously carried.
AcP;ing Village Clerk
Three members of the Board vere present: Zonne, i'lillson and Utley.
Trustee Willsavl stated Village Assessor's request that meeting of Eoard
of Reviea be adjourned until July 22$ 1946, because of Assessor Greightoo's InablXity to finish his assessment records ur,til that time.
Wllsonis motion that meeting of Board of Reriew be adjourned mtil Suly 22, 1946, andthat Clerk be dfrected to post notice of such adjourn-
ments Gas seconded by Zonne and unanimously carried.
Acting Village clerk
VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.E. , JUKE 24, 1946
Three members of the Council. aere present:
Christopher and Hanthorne being absent.
President Pro-Tern Utley presided, and Deputy Clerk Cretcher, Schussler
acted as Clerk.
Eotion by Tfillson that Village Payroll in amount of $2,814.45 b'e
approved mas seconded by Zome and carried.
Z&e, Tfillson, Utley;