HomeMy WebLinkAbout19460610_REGULAR192 { t €his ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed. 1- Section 3. That this ordinance be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Eotion to adopt this Ordinance vas seconded by Hamthorne and on Roll- call there were five ayes and no nays as fOllOT7SS: Lonne, aye; Tillson, aye; Etley, aye; kvthorne, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Ordinance mas adopted. I ATTEST : d W -& - _. d nt of the illage Council T- Lr. Christopher recuested approval hy the Gotmcil of his appQintrnent as "Interim Director" for the Greatsr Uinneapolis Association. Approval Eas given, by Kotion Utley, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Eotion by -)Tillson that street crev: be allowed to take Zridays after gay 30, and July 4, with provision that they xork on tws Saturdays (to be determined by xngineer and Street Foreman) plas seconded by Zonne and carried . Eotion by Utley, that Philip v. Smith be appcrinted official delegate to League of Einnesota Uunicipalities Coavention at Brainerd, June 10, to 15, said delegate to have expenses paid by Village, x7as seconded by Eawthorne and carried. Er. smith recruested permission to advertise for bids for transit and level. Permission vas granted, per motian Utley seconded by i7illson and carried. Skr, hith was asked to make study of street lights between ?fooddale and Bruce on I;. 50th Street with regard to installation of another light in this area. There being uo further business to -some before the Council, meeting mas adjourned . A11 members of the Council nere presenta Lfirtu-kes of the keeting of Lay 279 were approved as subnitted, per motion Gtley, seconded by Jillson ana carried. 'i-otiorr by U.t;ley, that the Treasures be authorized to secure $35,000.00 from the County Auditar as advance against Lay 31 Tax Settlement, funds to be allaca'ced to General Pund, vas seconded by L-iavthorne and carried. Eotian by ~Jillsm qproving payment of Village payralls totalling $2,296.98, uas secmded by &me and carried. FAYROLL PAID JUIE 10, 1946 CLAlET # GROSS .U?T. J. TAX XET .!ET. 75 $208.33 23.30 184.43 Gretchen Schussler 76 97.50 12.60 84 . 90 \ &me L. Grant 77 62.50 6.80 55.70 helerte hkeeman 78 50.00 4.80 45.20 418.33 48.10 370.23 79 Jm. A. Eeydt 80 Clayton i'rickson 81 112.50- 7.40 105.10 97.50 8.70 88.80 95.00 3.30 86 . 70 STREET DXTT. Phil. Bailey S.S. Roiberis P.H. D&lgren Jotin Tracy . E. J. Xerfeld hamy Janas Arthar Jensen August Gustafson ' 84 a5 86 87 88 89 90 9.1 STREET DBPT. HRLY. Chae Johnson 92 Ronald €art 93 Sam SlcCready 94 Jacob Schraak 95 Jwes EarHning 96 3.C. Pfeiffer 97 98 Carl Killer 99 Fred Jonas 100 95.00 4.40 17.50 3.00 487-50 31.80 107.50 100 D 00 100.00 90.00 102.50 90.00 90.00 85.00 765.00 76.00 76.00 60.00 66.75 24.00 2G.40 329.15 125.00 100 . 00 2.50 5.40 . 9.40 -0- 5.70 3.70 -0- 6 .BO 33.30 1.30 -0- 2.50 3.50 . 30 -0- 7.60 9.70 9.40 72.00 4.60 297.00 23070 90.60 84,50 455.70 105 . 00 94.60 90.60 90.00 36 . 80 86.30 90.00 78.40 731.70 74 70 76.00 57.50 63.25 23 . 70 26-40 321.55 115.30 90 . GO 67.40 273.30 TOTAL PAYROLL FAID 2,296.98 144 . 50 2,152.48 iiotion by utley aqproving payment of General Bund operating claims in the &aunt of +5,420.59, was secmded by biillson and carried. ~ille Letter Service 4327 her. Cast 1roB Fipe Co. 4328 Bar3cx f-et er s 4329 international Etiarvester 4330 Edina Z-lardylar e 8331 DaBlberg 3~0s. Inc. 4332 Cam. of Taxation Fetralem 4333 ualihera States Fomer 4334 4335 ipla. Gas Light 0. Bred 5. Daubanton 4336 ' i2s. Albert B. Allen 4337 Trank *f. Kertson 4338 Julius A. Solmahl 4339 4340 Glacier Sand & Gravel Go. 4341 Justus Lumber Go. ' 434 2 I-fasris Service Sta%Torr. 4343 dim. K. Ziegler Lo. 4344 X.A. Rogers go. 4345 ''a. (J. Beydt 4346 Chas 3. Elzea 434 7 iiyfler. Printing Eo. 4349 hennepin Caulilty 4353 Crane vorupariy 4354 TQ~ Tiotzkq 4355 Y -1 rl Saisek D.J. 'Iloll 4348 x.*J. Terminal C3. 4350 George T. Ryan Co. 4351 Yaung Xuel Go. 4352 Ray $lake "a. 4356 Sub. Xalice 8 Peace Off. Ass4357 impr o v eaent Bu 11 et in 4358 Erickson Furniture Co . 4359 Republic Creasotirtg eo. 4360 Eemepin Cy. Review 4361 Edina Pure Oil Statior, 4362 Borey Shell Station 4363 Cilles Davis Go. 4364 iiorthuestern Bell Telephone 4365 Arthur I*. leteraen 4366 AlTT . G. FEND 8.20 12.28 656 . 00 17.30 205.89 4.44 1,106.40 14.20 * 650.70 65.14 6.70 5.00 5.00 423.50 10.00 38.41 30.67 76 . 30 490.73 7.32 10.00 12.00 30.00 18.00 85.78 81.12 13 . 68 30.00 4.46 5.25 92.50 10.00 26.40 15.00 152.93 87-20 3E13 99.20 61.20 44.40 594 . 09 A, B, -4-)ick Go, 4367 98050 :3cmi3 A\mirLg Go. 4368 11.57 5,420,58 Eotion by Utley authorizing 216,158.76 Loan from General Fund to Sanitary Sewer uist-rict Xo. 13 Fund, said loan to be re€uriied upon sale ef bonds, was seconded by dillson and carried, ViLlage or" Edina b0D.#13 (Loan) 4325 16,158.76 Lotion by Lt-ley spproviag payment of .,,:16,158.76 to Thelps-Drake, fnc. t"mn fuccis of Sanitary ;.e'iTer District Yo. 13 Uund, for second partial payment of sever construction, vas seconded by Yome ana -_ I S D . #13 Fund 16,152 . 76 16, 158.76 Kotion by Ztley approving foor Jhnd ami .special Assessment Fund pa3aents as n'ollovrs, r7aa secondeci by .;illson and carried: foor Fund Su'ourklz hemo Cy. Relief Xi. 4312 G4.15 64 o 15 4313 43 14 4315 56 o 25 17.51) 15.60 4322 4323 4324 73 7Y 0 ti6 42.87 1,066.71 080 1, 1Oc3 58 5.R. Fmd Roshalt Xquipziielzt co . 74 6.48 7.28 __ utley offered the folloving Resolution and moved its adoption: JHERBAS Philip 3. Suith, Erigineer selected by €he 'Iillage %unci1 ts sugervipe construction of saxiitag sener constructed in the f'oLh~i~g streets: In Beard Avenue, fram if. 54th Street to 21, 55th Street; In u40 54th SLreet;, frap Beard Avenue Go France Avenue; In 'lo J'uller Street-, fron Beard Avenue to prance Avenue; In I/. 55th Street, froa Beard Avenue to Ekance Avenue; has reporteo- tlist &metti 6 Lametti, contractors, have completed said sever pursuant to the provisioas of contract with the Yillage dated the lit11 G-ay of Coverrlber, 19d5, and the said engineer has reczomienaed payment to said contractors a2 the contract price speaified in said contract of [;19,750.320 less $2,435.35 for deduct-ions I ZdiYra that said. ses:er be hereby accepted by the Village. I BZ IT >r$~X,~~ct by the Village Cmpcil of the Village of I:atian to adopt the L':esolutioc aas seconded by hawthorne, and- on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays 8,s follovs: Zonne, aye; kiillsm, aye; btlcys aye; -tLauthorne, a37e; Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adapteci. __ ATTEST: Lotion by Utley that payment be made 'f;o Lametti & Lametti, in amou~lt of $29597,25, as final papeat for construction of Zianitary 8enrer in Sewer District lb. 12, was seconded by Eaw?;horne and carri ed . 4320 2959'7.25 Pursuant to aavertisenent published in Bennepilz county Review Pay 24 and 30, ulerk called for bids on sale of Sever kvarran'cs in Sanitary Sener District %io. 13. Eo bids sere received at 'chis t irne, The Spring Co~pany, realtors, presented final plat of YBdfna Rfghlandstl, a tract smth of Skyline. lhis plat had beer? approved by the planning Camisxion QYI June 4, subjeoE to stre& comection with Lkyline, and approval by the ?ark Board of park areas ded- icated, Ewaard @lark, uhairman of the Fark Board, stated that park pmperties, as aedicated, had been approved by the doard, sucbject to the pravisioris listed. in the lettey dated June 10, 1946, from G.Z. Spring to Lk. Clark, Gotion nas made by ~awthorne that final plat of "Edina highlands" be appraved by the tjouncilI subject to the provisions: 1, Street apening be pravided to coxmect with Skyline;' 2. Street will be black5opped in accordance yiith Village specif ications at expense of developer; 3. park areas will be prepared in accordance with letter of June 10, 1946, from C.33. Spring to kioward Clark, Chair- man of Fek -t(oarPd, In discussion, GJillsou nated that proposed ski-slide a,rea had been divided into lots and not dedicated as park property. Ele requested that this ar-ea be so dedicated befare plat approval. datvthorne asked the reason far the PaEli BCpardPs approval, stating that the entire property nom submitted as a plat had been con- 'sidered by the Park 'Board as a. public park. i.*r. C.E.Spring, rresiaent of the $priplg ~ampagy, replied %ha€ an underokanding had been reached nith the €ark Board as ta property to be ded- icated on a future plat to the 'Jest of "Edina Bighlands*, but that he vias unable to give the area, or location of aueh proposed ded.ication at the present tine because topographical survey had not yet been coapleted, haWihorne's motiou was seconded by U'cley and carried. . Pursuant to advertisement published in the liennepin Gounty Revieu and the Improvement Bulletir,, on %y 30 and June 6, bids were opened and read for the furnishing of labor ar,d maLerials for c~nst~uckion of' rc'ater Eairm in the following streets= I Bids viere published ai2 ilay 30 de 52nd Street, from Indianola +ivenue to Gorgas Avenue; Gorgas Avenuk, from rJ. 52nd Street to darth end thereof; Halifax Avenue, %ran :Jest 52nd Street to ;'Jest 54th Stree-ti as Po llows : Lametti ,$$ Lametti, St. Paul, ETinn. 415,689.40 €helps Drake Company, Eiimeapolix $14 731.6 0 0riE:ei 2% Qariaizi, St. Paul, Kinn, f15 j 982.80 also opened and read, ir, accordance with advertisement in %nnepirt Caunty Review and- The Improvement Bulletin and Juhe 6, for furnishing labor-and mia,teriale for -_ constkuction of #later Fain ia the fzllowiEg streets: 'J. 57th Street, from France to Beard Avenue; Beard Avenuep from lY, 57th Street to J, 55th Street; Chowen Aveaue, from 1J. 57th Street to ti. 58th Street; Drea Avenuet fron ti. 57$h Street ta 8. 58th Street; Ewiug ,4uenue, from gf. 57th Stkeet to "J. 58th Street; $19,404.00 Lametti & Lametti,' St. Paul, E,nn, Phelps Drake Ccmptzny, Cilnneapolis - $19,105.48 Brfei 8: Xarimi, St. Paul, Kim. $19 708.20 E'otion by utley that bids on conS&ruc$ion of the tao nater main .jobs be referred to the Village Zngineer for tabulation was seconded by f-latxtklorne and carried. Bids mere &lso opened and read for csnstruction of water main on u?. 54th Street and on Frnace Avenue, in the Peder I ickelsen project, They were as follows: Bids uere as follovs: Utley offered the folloaing Resolution and moved its adoption: JH3HEAS,. pursuant to advertisement for bids published in Eemepin Camty Reaiee, fiopkins, 13nnesota, and Improvement Bulletin, Xinneapolis, H'innesota, on Eay 16 tznd 23, 1946, for improvement of the I"oZ1oaing streets: -I ;'looddale Avenue9 from '!!est 56th Street to TQveP Street; 'Jest 56th S$reet, from Wooddale Avenue to GoEcord Avenue; Concord Avenue, from Toner StreeO to Oak Drive; by construction of nater main therein, the following bids have been duly received and opened: Lametti 6. Lametti, 1515 Lrake St. , St. Paul, 1-inn. $1 1 3 04 . 6 0 Phelps Drake Company5 825 ::et. Life Bldg., lypls. ?11,805.90 Urfei 8: Lariaci, 1144 Sheridian Ape,, St. Paul, Linn. $13,640.00 BE IT JXESOLVED by the village l%tPneil of the Tillage of Edina that the bid of Lametti 6 Zametti is'hereby determined. to be the bid of %he 13nest responsible bidder, and %he president and Clerk are hereby authorized arzd dire&ed to enter into a contract Bith said Lametti & Lametti in the nane ~f the Village, fop the frnprovemelzt of said portion of said streels by construction .of water nain therein, accordine to the plans and specifications there- Pore which have herEtgfore been approved by this council and filed in $he office of the clerk at the price specified ir, said bid, and nhich said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney. 3E IT E'TJATmR FGSOLVED that the clerk is hereby authorized I and directed to return forthsdith to all biddsrs the d-eposi-ks made nith their bids except that the deposits of -the successful bidder aod the next lowest bidder shall be retained until %he cor,tract has been signed, Katiort -to adopt the Resolution was seconded by kavtbame, ar,d OM rollcall there vere five ayes and no nays, as follovrs: Zcinne, aye; "Jillson, aye; Ctley, are; i-kuthorrze, aye; Christopher, aye; an& the Xesolu t ioiz was adopted ATTBST : .- Vi llag e Glekk Tabulation of kasesment R311 fa2 Sanitary Sever District LD. 14, as prepared by Village Engiaeer and filed with Glerk June I, 194G, \vas presented to the %uneil, Tltley offered the follo~zing Resolution and moved its adoption: FBSOLZiT f OX AT'PROVIE G PROF OSED ASSXSSE3:I;T FOR SAITITkRY SEdXR DISTRICT 2'0. 14 ZHXREAS, the engineer selected by the Vill-ge Council has calculated the proper amount to .be specially assessed for sewr constructed in the following streets: . \lest 52nd Street, from Eialifax Avenue to France Avenue;. Gorgas Avenue, frm \Vest 52nd Street t:, the ::art-h wid thereof; in Sanitary Sever District Eo. 14, arzd has calculated the mount to be specially assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of band "abut- ting upon said portim of said street and a tabulation thereof lias been duly prepared and filed vi%h the aerk in duplicate as a proposed assessment, ~nd has Beenlaid before the Village &xnmil at this present meetirig, held not more than ten days after the filing thereof, no^ t her efor e BE IT RESOLVICP by $he Village Council of the Village of Edina that the total cost of said seaez is hereby determined to be $3 584 , 00. BE IT FURTHER RIZSOLVXD that said proposed assessment is hereby approved and the Ylerk is directed to cause notice to be published in 'ighe l-iennepixz C;ounty Review, Hopkins, I innesofta, on June 13, 1946, that the Village ~ouncil will pass upon said proposed assessment at its next Xegular session, to be held at the Village Ball on Londay, June 24, 1946 at 8:OO olcloc& PJI. Eotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by &onne, and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nayss as follows: Zorme, aye; $;illson, aye; btley, =ye; Eawthorne, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Resolut- ion KWE adapted. ATTEST : Plans and Specifications, dated Kay 1, 1946 together with form of ooutmct, as approved by Vi11 ge Engineer and village Attorney, nere received from ivorthern States Power, covering t4Construction of Cmaliental Street Lighting Systern in Village of Edina". Protion by hawbliorne that A-ay 1 Plans, Specifications, and Torn 02 contract be accepted by the (;ouQcilwas seconded by Villsorm and carried, &nendment to Contract on Fire Truck, received from American-LaFrance Famite Cbrporatioa, aas referred to Ciiairrmn Zome of the Fublic Safety Coettee for consideration and report t-0 Council. E':otion by dillsan that Fresident of Council appainl Comkttee for Design and Gompletim of Village nall was seconded by Zonne and carried. kr. ChrisQspher appointed Utley, hawthorne, and (;mith, vith Utley to serve as Chairman. The question of gradin$ b"J.57t-h and T?. 58th Streets, from Beard Avenue to France Avenue; and Chowen, Drew, and Evring Avenues i':'rom ii, 57th to 17. 58th Streets came before the Courrcil. ETotion by Hawthorne that the streets be graded under Village supervision and cost assessed to abutting property was seconded by Utley and carried. Letter frun hardvrate 1-utual Casualty Company, underwriter of darkmen's compensation Policy, complimenting safety measures taken by Village, Bas read ar,d filed mith Clerk. Request from Einneapalis Gas Light company for permission to &- stall gas main on Brookside Avenue from Interlachen 3lvd. to i,orth Avenue, and on 31, 44th Street, from Brookside Avenue to Village Limits tJ. of Dartt Avenue, uas approved, 'CTillson's motion that Fhilip Bailey, soreman of Public darks &em, 'be granted a. raise, to $225.00 per month, beginning July 15, was secoiided by btley and carried. ih, John CaPda,relle presented Final Plat of V3ormandale Terrace". As this plat had nat received final approval of Plaming commission, it was referred to them. Letter from County,Auditor's Office, requesting return of list 174 C, for tay sale, vas read. Action was not taken because this list has been referred ta Park Board for consideration as park property. There being no further business to come before the council, except the acceptance of bids 3n dale of Sewer 'Uarrants ir, Sanitary Sever District bo. 13, Utley's motion that the meeting be adjourned to '/:30 P.E., June 24, was seconded by Billson and carried.