HomeMy WebLinkAbout19460624_REGULAR1, being the installment of interest then due o~ its Sewer District XO. 13 i'larrant diated July I, 1946, EO. . Countersigned: President of the Village Council Village Clerk 3. Said Ylarrants shall be printed under the direction of the Village %erk and the President of the Village Council and Village Clerk are hereby autherized and directed ta execute said warrants a~cl Eo affix the Village seal, and the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be executed and authre?tfcated by the printed, engraved or 15th- ographed facsimile signatures of said officers. Khen said sarrants have been fully executed as required . by laiT and by this resolution they shall be delivered to the purchaser thereof upon receipt af the purchase price and said purchaser shall not be oblfged to see to the applicat8on of said purchase price. 5, Said warrants shallb payable solely from nioney collected .from special assessments, and the full faith and credit of the Village shall not be pledged to the payment of' said warrants ar,d interest there- an as and =hen the same shall become due, but the Treasurer is authorized and directed to cause said warrants and the interest thereon to be paid aut of zny moneys of the Village available therefor. ' I 4. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Zonne, aod upon vote peing taken thereon, the folloving voted in favor thereof; Zome, 'J'lillson and Utley; and the following voted against . the same: no nays; rihereupon said resolutior? vas declared duly passed and adopted. , Preside& 33-0-Tem of! Village Cauncil I - There being no further business to come before the Council, Billsor,rs motion to adjourn vas seconded by Zonne and unanimously carried. AcP;ing Village Clerk Three members of the Board vere present: Zonne, i'lillson and Utley. Trustee Willsavl stated Village Assessor's request that meeting of Eoard of Reviea be adjourned until July 22$ 1946, because of Assessor Greightoo's InablXity to finish his assessment records ur,til that time. . Wllsonis motion that meeting of Board of Reriew be adjourned mtil Suly 22, 1946, andthat Clerk be dfrected to post notice of such adjourn- ments Gas seconded by Zonne and unanimously carried. J5ibZLzd.C Acting Village clerk P'INUTES OF THE REGULAE3 PXETIPTG OF THE ZDIITA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD IN VILLAGE HALL AT 8 P.E. , JUKE 24, 1946 Three members of the Council. aere present: Christopher and Hanthorne being absent. President Pro-Tern Utley presided, and Deputy Clerk Cretcher, Schussler acted as Clerk. Eotion by Tfillson that Village Payroll in amount of $2,814.45 b'e approved mas seconded by Zome and carried. Z&e, Tfillson, Utley; ... FAYROLL €'Am JUIE 24, 1946 I T%1C RT. $50.00 50.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 75.00 E&!m rtL-4I.E KO. GROSS AfT. a. TAX ComJGIL a. J. Christopher 101 $50 . 00 -0- ---L- ROSP . -0- -0- - -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -On, Bower Hasthob 102 50.00 -0- George A. 'uJills.sn 103 35.00 -0- Earold C. Utley 104 35,oo -0- E.L. zo!:ne 105 35.00 -0- J.J. Duggan 106 30.00 -0- Dr. LIP=. Compbell 107 30.00 -0- John 9. Qivldhorst 108 75 . 00 -0- dard B. Lei7is 10 9 -0- 415.00 -0- - 75.00 75.00, 415.00 208;33 23.90 1.50 . 75 . 75 -0- 3,OO - 182.93 84.15 32.90 Gretchen Schussler 111 97.50 12.60 Anne L. Phillips 112 . 33.65 -0- - Helene Freeman 113 50.00 369.48 45.20 345 18 4.80 41.30 POLICE DEPT. Hilding Dah. 114 112.50 7.40 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 -0- 6.00 __3_ 103.60 87.30 85.20 89 10 & S. Heydt 115 97.50 8.70 Clayton Ericd- Lson 116 95.00 8.30 Clarence ELMutsoB 117 95.00 4.40 Donald Helson 84.50 449.70 118 87.50 487.50 3.00 31.80 STREET DEPT. REG. Phil Bailey 119 107.50 2.50 -0- 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 105.00 93 . 10 89.10 ~ 88-50 98.02 . 84 . 80 88.50 76 90 723.92 S.J. Roberta 120 100.00 5.40 P.H. Dahlgren 121 100 . 00 9.40 E.J. Eerfeld 123 105.82 6.10 Harry Jonas 124 90.00 3.70 Arthur Jensen 125 90.00 -0- John Tracy 122 90.00 80- August Gustafson 126 85.00 6.60 11.50 768.12 33.70 10.50 STREET DEST. HRLY. Chas Johnson 127 73.20 68.80 62.50 48.60 23.70 57.50 76.00 1.30 1.50 1.50 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0. 3.00 Ronald F. Port 128 70.30 -0- Sam Lrccready 129 60.00 2.50 Ja.cob Shm& 130 66.09 3.50 James 3'. Horning 13 1 54.00 5 e40 James R. Comin .132 24.00 . 30 13 3 18.15 352.45 18.15 -0- 368.45 13.00 PISCELLAIEO US Ben iCoehler 134 125.00 1.50 113.80 9.70 __ Carl T. Killer 2.35 100.00 9.40 -0- 90.60 Pred Johas 2.36 81.90 9.90 -0- 72.00 John Balich 13 7 39.00 2.70 - 0- 36.30 Valt er Pongblut 13 8 26 00 -0- -0- 26.00 Gunner Strome 139 4.00 - 0- -0- 4.00 JO~ (Jonnery -0- 10.00 31.70 1.50 352.70 - -0- 14 0 10.00 385.90 TOT& PAPROIL 28814.45 151.50 24-00 2,638.95 &tion by "illson that Einutes of litTeetis?g, of June 10, 1946, be approved as submitted mas seconded by Zome and carried. Xeasrs. Ben E%iedmsn, Ralph Campbell, and Dr. Harry Jensen appeared to request further information Qith regard to 17. 50th Street improve- ments. praject was undertaken, the street would not be widened on the South side, from Prance Avenue to a point Vlest of Edina Theatre proper and thzt there would be n3 parking on that porfion of the street not widened. The gentlemen present were agreeable. '$/illson offered the fol1orJing Resalution and moved its adoption: They =ere informed by the Cotincil that if and when this I RESOLUTION AS TO ADXQUACY OY FZTITIOX BE IT RZ:SOLVBD BY THl3 VILLAGE COUt!TCIL OF T€IE VILSAGX OF EDIYA, That the peCition signed by Harry C. Jensen aod others dated Earch 11, 1946, requesting the improvement of B, 50th Street 'aetneeo Prance Avenue and Hallfax Avenue by the folloving: I. gidening of 50th Street as much as practical on the Xorth . and South sides thereof betaeen France Avenue and Halifax Avenue. 2. Construction of nerr curbing on 50th Street betneen France Avenue and Halifax Avenue. 3. Construction of new sidevalk mhe~e necessary on g. 50th Street betneen Prance Avenue and Halifax Avenue. Remaval of all overhead exposed public utility lir,es where possible-. and installation of underground lines and suitable ornamental lighting similar to that previously considered by the Council, 1 4. I as authorized by Chapter 382, Laws of 1925, filed rrith the Clerk on Earch 11, 1946, is found to be signed by owners of more than 51% 3f property abutting on the parts of the street named as the location of the proposed improvement; and also: That the petition be referred to Village Engineer Philip Yl, Smith and that he is instructed,ta report to the council with all convenient speed advising the 'auncil vhether in his opinion the proposed improvement should best be made as expressly petitioned for, or in connection with some other improvement, ana as to the probable cost af the improvement, if made as petitioned for, ar othernise, and such other ir,fomnation as may be pertiner,t, Eotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Zonne and on rollcall there mere three ayes and no nays as follows: Zonne, aye; \tillson, aye; Utley, aye; and the .tiesolution was adopted. ATTEST: President Pro-Tdm Tillage %gineer Smith reported that the estimated cost of all improve- ments to 8. 59th Street betrreen France Avenue and Halifax Avenue is $14,729.20, $3,000.00 of this cost being for Street Lights, 32. Smith stated that, in his opinion, the street lightir,g on Ti. 50th Street should be constructed in con junction with installation of Street Lights on Frame Avenue betveen 49th and 51st Street, for vhich there is nom a petition in the office of the clerk. Zame offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AS TO ADZQUACY OF PETlTIOlT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAYE COVmCI& OB THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, That the petition signed by George Hartzell and others dated Earoh ll, 1946, requesting the improvement of France Avenue betneen 17. 49th Street and '17, 51st S.$ceet by the follolving: Removal of all overhead exposed public utility lines vrhere possible and installation of underground lines and suit- able ornamental lighting similar to that previously can- sidered by the council, as authorized by Chapter %82, Lms of 1925, filed with the %erk on Each 11, 1946 found to be signed by omners of more than 51% of property abutting on the parts of street named as the location of the proposed improvement; and also; That the petition be referred to Village Engineer Fhilip 8. hith and that he is instructed to repore to the council. with all conveirmient speed advising the council ahether in his opinion the propo$ed improvement should best be made as expressly petitioned fw, or in cocnection mith some other improvement, and- as to the prolbable cost of the improvement, if made 8s petitioned for9 or othermise, and such other information as may be pertinent. Eation to adopt the Resolution vas seconded by iJillson, and on rollcall there sere three ayes and no nays as folloms: Zonne, aye; \?illson, was adopted Y President E'ro -T em 203, Village &gineer qith reported €hat the'cost of the installation OS \ street lights along France Avenue fmwa 49th Street to d* 51st Street nas estimated at 5;1,750.00. Ee reiterated that, to-.the best of his opinion, this const~uction shauld be in conjunction v~fth €he 'ty. 50th UtPey offered the follokving Resolution and -Ikved i€s adoption: a I - Sfipeet pro jeci;. BE IT RCSOLVFD BY THE VILLAGE CBUPSCIT, OF THE VILLAGE OF ZDIXA That on the 15th day of jaly, 1946, a€ 8:OO otclack P.E. in the Village Eall, petitforr. of Harry C. Jensen and others for the in- provement of ';!. 50th Street between Trance Avenue and Halifax Avenue by the following: I. Qidenirrg c~f W. 50th Street on the Eopth and South sides thereof, 2. Construction of new curbing, 3. Canstruction of new sfdea~alk, 4. Renoval of all overhead exposed public utility lines and- installatirn of underground lines and suitable ornamental lighting similar to that previously considered by the Council; and petition of George HartzelL and others for the improvement of France Avenue betneen '& 49th Street and V. 51st Street by the following 1. Removal of all overhead exposed public utility lines where possible and installation of underground lines and suitable ornamental lighting similar to that.previously considered by the Council, uill be considered and acted upon; and the clerk is directed to give notice of such mee,ting, by publication in xhe Hennepin eaurtty RevfeT;J, Eapkfns, Einnesota, the first publication to take place not later than the 27th day of June, and the second publication to take place one Beek after the first, Kotiort to adopt the Resolution was secsnded by Zonne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Zonne, aye; Qillson, aye; 'trtleg, aye; and the Resolution was adoBted. I ATTEST : President pbo-Tern Acting Village Clerk Utley offered the folloxing Resolution and moved its adoption: FtESOLUTIOX POR COBTRACT - PATIBG MCD CURB AilLrD GUTTER BRANCS AV33N-m BTCTHEZBT Q. 49th ST. 8c YI.5lst ST. L-AS, an April 8, 1946, the Village Cauncil of the 1. Improvement of Tmnce Avenue between Iv. 49th Street . Villa4 e of Bdina approved the falloming project: and 'Jl* 50th Street and betneen lf. 50th Street and W. 51at Street by paving and installing curb and gutter, and authorized the Clerk tcr advertise for bids, and Chapter 557 of Laws 9.f 1943, by contract ueith City of Einneapolis, DOG! therefore, this Village be and they hereby are authorized to enter into contract with City of Einne8polis, under the terms of vhich this Village will pay to %he City of LZnneapolis the cost, as approved by the Village dngineer, of paving that portion of E'rance Avenue between 9. 40th S-kree'c and .I. 51st Street, including the layiiqg of curb and gutter, nith in the Village limits, except that portion of intersections of uf. 49th Street arid rd, 51st Street with France Avenue, which shall not be paved and the intersection of 1;1. 50th Street with France Avenue, which is already paved; and that upon exedution of said contract by the City of Linneapolis and Village of Edina, the City Engineer of the City of u7HZREkSS it has been determined to make this improvement under EE IT FBXOLVED 'tihat the President of the council and Clerk of ...- * Lirznea-polics be authorized and directed to pave that portioh af said street lying within the Village of Edina. Eotiori to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Wllson, and on Rollcall there nere three ayes and no nays as follows: 1 1 aye; and the Resolution as adopted. Zonne, aye; ;fillson, aye; Utley, ATTEST: Fresident Pro-Tdm Bc'cing Village b&rk ' Gillson offered the folloaing Resolution and moved its adoption: l3ESOLUTION BRDEWIEG SIDE':JATX ETIAflCB AlVEl?UE RET'JBI@J u'f. 49th St. &k V. 51st Ste i'ilH3BE.AS9 the Village Council has been petftioned by a,ma;jority of oixners of property fronting on the Y'lest side of Prance Avenue betmen T.49t41 Streef and 8.51st Street, for the constructidn sf sidewalk at said heation, nan therefore, Bki: IT R'XULVED by the Village Council of the Villace of Edina that it is lzeceaaary and expediht to rebuild sideaalk on the 'Zest side af 3kance Avenue between (1. 49th Street and V. 51st Street, such side- aaUs to be ten feet in uidth and constructed in accordance nith Standard Village Sidenalk Spccifbcations adopted October 7, 1940, no= on file nith the Village Clerk; the Village Engineer is hereby directed to set stakes designatkag the exact location for. said naUc. BE IT FmWR FiBSOLVED that said sideaalk shall be conpleted 'by August 10, 1946. BE IT FURTEER RBSOLVED that the names of the oaners of all lots* parts of lots, and pascela of ground fmriting the street 'i;rhere said valk is to be rebuilt are as follows: 3iW.a Lucille Bo Bolan 8 Leo Bolan George E, 3Iilla-m Abdiel Hallestad Village of Edina Gust So derberg Edfna Garage, Snc. A.L, Stanchfield Business Properties, Inc. Harris Creameries Ida 2. Stevens. Ednirz R, Farberg PROPERTY 01Z!3XED AUD. SUB. #172 Lot 20 Lot 21 Lot 22 2% R.?+Fg. of Lot 23 S.14S.t of Lot 23 I 82 S. 283Ft .of E. 36 Bte of Lot 23 Lot 24 Lot 25 Lot 27 Lot 47 That part lying H,of 5.70 Ft. 0fLo.f; 45 S.70 Ft. of E. 150 3%. of Lot 45 EC. Be2 Ft, of E OneX3alf of Lot 49 5.130 Ft. af E, One-half of E. One-half af Lot 49 So One-half! of Lot 49 BE IT FmTHER RX$OI;VED that if said wallc shall not be fully rebuilt in the manner and nithin the time herein prescribed, the Village Councilmay order the same to be done by the Street Commissioner or by corrtract e Eotion to adopt the Reso1nP;ion vas seconded by Zanne, and an Rollcall there nere three ayes and no nays, as fe3llons: Tlillson, aye; Zonule, aye; Etley, aye; and the Hesalu%ion was adopted, * I ATTEST : &UU Xcting Village Clerk /*7 President P&t.a-Tem 1 I- -c Pursuant to Hatice of Hearing -published in the Hennepin %mty Revie'l-I, on" Lats 1,2 and 3, Black 1, Grandvfeq Heights appeared in protesrt, \I L/ -\ Efapkins, E%nnescpta, an June 13, 1946, hearing vas held on petition to Rezone as ~omurercisl District, Lots 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10, Block 2, Grand- piem BeTghts. I%. and Ezrs. Z,V. Harris, 5009 Interlachen Blvd., ovners .- , 1 Z A -, -1- p 2.0 5 akaling that such reaaning xould permit placing coal piles directly across the st.reet fram their home. af the property to be rezoned, explained that they wished this property far storage purposes, inasmuch as shipment difficvxties precluded the possibility of securing coal on shart notice. Because of the absence of tma members of the Council, the matter of rezoning vas referred to the meeting of 3uly 8, they nauld be notified Before any action was taken. Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids, pablished in Hennepfn County Renien, Hopkins, Einnesota, June 3.3, 1946, sealed bids were recefved an Brie Engineez's Tpansit, and One Bngineer's Dumpy Level, as follows: Bid 02 Efnneapolis Blue Printing Company, Linneapolis, Einnesota Bid of B.A. Rogem Company, Einrteapolis, Iiinnesota Eiessrs. Karstens and Gates, ovners Interested parties were told that -. 1-#5085CSS Transit $530.00 1-#5003P Level 255.00 1-#6060S Tralzsit 515.00 . ~-#COOZS Level 255.00 Eation by TEllso~ that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and comparison was seconded. by Zonne and carried. Eressrs. ETcEann and R.A. kdexson requested permission to divide Lot 2, J%Lock 2, Lormandale Addition and to build 'caa additional houses thereoYi. Because such dfvisim vIould not canform nith present Zoning Ordinaxme, Petitioners were referred to the Planning Commission for their recoi:mendation, Request af J. Pottratz, to build prefabricated garage on back of his Lot, as temporary living quar-keEs %as denied because of its nan- c3oYLk'omaflce with Village palicy as previously dicscussed. Village Lanager Sai'ch vas requested to inform 39. Pottratz of this action. Letter of June 12, from the spring Cmpany, agreeing to black-top roads in Zdina Highlands in accordance with Village standards as read and filed taith 'Clerk. Sursuanfi to Hotice of Ilearing, published in Ifennepin county Revie% June 13, 1946, copies of which uere mailed to property ovvlners, hearing vas held on proposed assessment for Sanitary Seaer District Ha, 14. $2.80 per front foot. id one appeared in opposi'tioa to proposed assessment of I Utley offered the follonirzg Resolution and moved its adoption: ,IHEIU~.5, pursuant to notice published in the hennepin County RevieYZ, kiQpkiIls, LTinnesota on June 13, 1946, %he Village Counail has met to hear all abjection to the proposed assessment far construc@ion of Sanitary Sewer in hexer District 110. 14 in the i*oPlioning streets: i?. 52nd Street, from Halifax Avenue to Trance Avenue Gorgas Avenue, from 52nd Street to the end of Gmgas Ave. 'JHBEFiBAS, no. objections ivere filed or made, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVBD by the Village Council of the Village of Xdina, that said proposed assessmeat is hereby affirmed and adopted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each lot, piece, or parcel of land included in said assessment is hereby found to be beflefited by said improvement in %he amount of the assessment levied against it. I32 IT FURTIEER RESOLVED that such assessments shall be payable im?. equal annual installments over a period of ten years, the first of said installments to be payable on the first day of January, 1947, and succeeding installments 3n the first day of January in each year thereafter until the-full amount of. said ass- aP shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annurti until thereon shall be a pammount lien upon the property included there- in from the time of the adoption of this resolution and shall remain ' essment is paid. . resolution. ,Said special assessment and each installment there- 1 fully paid, said interest tra be computed from the date of this such lien until fully paid, as autharized by Chapter 312, Lavs of Said special assessment vzith the accuring interest L 'Lrfnne~ata~ 1903, 8s mended; aad BE IT FURTHER RESOLm that the CSerk of the village is hereby direeked to make up and file in the office of the County &ditclr b certified stateaent of the amount of such unpaid assess- ment and the amount of ilrterest mich gill be due thereon; and IT PURTEllR RESOLVED that alllsloneys collected on any such special assessments shall constitute a fund for the payment of the cost of said improvement far the district for ahich such assess- ment uas made, and the same shall be c2edited to %he proper selver dis-tricti furid under the designatian: Bund of Sener District 3To. 14, r~zti~a ta adopt the Resolution xas seconded by Willson, and on ftallcall there Qere three ayes and no nays, as fallons: %onneP aye; d~llsm, aye; Utley, aye; and %he Resolutian uas adopted. ATTEST: ** * - President Pra-@em I 62x.&&d&u Acting Village Clerk Village Engineer Smitch presented tabulation of bids received Jane 10, . for canstruction of 'ikt.. Uain in the follotving sfreets: 11- 52nd Street, from Tndianola Ave. to Gorgas Ave. Grjrgas &e., Prom'E. 5h& Street to LcwtIz end thereof; Halifax Ave., from !?. 52nd Street %*a LV. 54th Sereet; 10% biddep being Phelps Drake Company, Enneaq!olfs with a bid of $14s 7'31.60. Utley offered the following Resalutian and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTTBG BID -- VATER EAIhT 'JHEREAS, prjtrsuant to advertisement for bids published in Hennegimr County: Review, Hopkins, Ximesota and Zaprovemeat Bulletin, Eimeaplis, Einaesota, on Lay 30 and June 6, 1946, for improvemen% af the falloning ztneets: r7L u. 52nd Street, from Iadianola Ave. to Gargas Ave. GoPgas Avenue, fpon W. 52nd Street to Horth ead thereof; Ealifax Avenue, fmm kl. 52nd Street to J. 545h Street; by construction of .\;later main therein, the folloxxing bids have been duly received and opened; &metti (I% hettf, St. Eaul, I*"* 1cL9111. $15, 689.40 phelss Brake Go, Etimeapalis, 3Em* 14 3 731 z 60 CSrfei 8 EzriaBi, S-k, Paul, Prim. 15,982.80 TEEREFORE, B3 IT RESOLVED, by the Villaae Couylcil of the ' Village of Edina that %he -bid ~f Phelps Drake Go. is hereby deteriirmed %a be the bid 0%: the lowest responsible bidder, and the presfdent and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to en€er im?o a contracfi nith said €helps Drake Co. in %he nagne of the "illage, for the improve- meat of said porticln of said streets by contrnction of water main there- in, according to the plans and specifications therefore, ahich have heretofare been approved by th5s cauncil and filed in the office of the Clerk at the price specified in said bid, and Ylhich said coln%ract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney. 233 IT FURTEER WSOLVED that the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return for'chGifh 'co all bidders the depcrsits made ~5th %heir bids except thaE the deposits of the successful bidder and the next laxest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. €24 IT PURTmR RESOLVZD 'chat Village Engineer be authorized and directed to calculate the amount to be specially assessed against each Pot piece or parcel of land abutting said portion oafisaid streets. Latian to adopt the Resolutian was seconded by 'I'lilZsan, and on roll- call there mere three ayes and no nays, as folLoasr \sillson, aye; Utley, aye; and the WescPlution was adopted. Zanne, aye; ATTl3ST : &Ling Village Clerk .I President Pro-$em Form of cantract Zor this praject =as approved by Village Attorney Yiindhorst. Village Engineer Smith presented tahulation af bids received June 10, from construceion of water mailm in the following streets: W. 57th S$reet, from Fraiice Tu Beard Avenue; Eeard Ave, Bron W. 57th Street to VJ. 58th Street; Chowen Ave. from We 57th Street to Sf. 58th Street; DreQ Aae. from W. 57f;h Street €0 tl. 58%h Stseeti; Ew;ring &ve. from ''le 57th Street to V?. 58th Street; I Loa bidder being Phelps Drake Co, Einneapolis, vith a bid of $f9,105,48. ritley offered the folloaing ReaolutioPiz and moved its adoption: I XERZAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids published in Eennepin eaunty Revien, Hapkins, Ein%esots and Improvement Bulletin, Cinneapolis, Uimesota, onZay 30 arzd June 6, 1946 for improvement id the following streets: 17. 57th Skreet, from 3rance ta Beard Avenue; - Beard Ave: from W. 57th Street to 8. 58th ShreeZ; Chomn Ave. f~om IT. 57th StreeZ; to \?. 58th S$reet; Drea Ave. from W. 57th Street to W. 586h S$reet; Etving Ave. from W. 57th S$reet eo LV. 58th Street; by construction of aater main therein, the folloming bids have been duly received and apened: Lametti & Lametti, St, Paul, Einn. $19,404 . 00 PheLps Drake Go. Einneapolis, Kim. 19,105.48 Orfei lic Eariani, St. Paul, Einn. 19,7O8,28 I T-FORE, BE IT €?BSOLVED, by the VillagcCo~ncil of the Village of Edina that the bid of Phelpa Drake CQ. is hereby determined to be the bid of $he lovest responsible bidder, and the president and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a confiract with said Phelpa Drake Co. in the nitme of the Village, for the im- provement of said portion bf said streets by construction of vater main therein, according to the plans and specifications therefore uhich have heretofore been approved by this council and filed in afffice of the clerk at the price specified in said bid, and which said contract shall be approved as to fom by the Village Rttopney. E3 IT F;ITRTHER ?3BSOLVE:D that the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders, the deposits mad-e with their bids except that the deposits of %he successful bidder and the next lonest bidder sball be retained until the contpact has been sigued. 243 IT BURTHEB WSOLVXD %hat Village Engineer be authorized and dipected to calculate the amount; to be specially assessed against; each lot piece or parcel of land abutting said portion 0% said street. Xotiaam $0 adopt Resolution Bas seconded by illso son, and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: zonne9 aye; i'lillson, aye; Utley, aye; and the Resa1nZ;ion was adopted, I ATTEST: l&/&+&gga/ Acting Village Clerk Bom of Contract for this pro$ieet xas approved by Village Attorney Endharst. TBllage Bngineer-ith reported that verbal advice had been received from State Eiighvay Engineer Chard to the effect thal; Lats 8,9 md 10, Block 5s and LQ% 18, and 19, Black 6, Sulwryslape Secticrn is to be taken by the Highway Department for highzay purposes; and that the dedaction a% this assessable %oatage from Sanitary Sewer District Ea. 15 aould in- crease the assessmertt per front foot to approximately $7.75, IToS;ion by Utlcy that the Tillage Engineer be authorized and dlirecked to calculate %he amount to be specially assessed agafnst each lot piece or parcel sf land <benefited by construction of Sanitary Sener in Sanitary Sever District iio, 15, szas seconded by Zonne and carried. * Reques'c of A,E.Rathchild and V.S. T;rc~clc, far concrete block plant in 'open pi% on the Jest side of France Avenue and Sauth side of 7Oykkr Street '138s read. Because %his property is zoned residentially, request uas * referred to Planning Cowission for their recomaendation, Letter from Ds. Ed, Smith, .c?ith regard to Xinst-on Granger*s application t-o build double garage for living quarters, vas read. nas requested to aGvise 2s. &i%h of the Council's reason for deny- i~g this application. Viflage! Laager Sriith reported the request of Lrs. Gorgas, 5132 Prance Avenue far pervission $0 build upstairs apartment a% present add-ress. Because of its Eon-confomance vith present Eoning Brdinance, nBich requires 10,000 Bq. 3%. for a tno-faraily daelling, thls petitim pias cieoieci, Village Eiaaager uas requested to so infarra L%s. Gorgas, Village i-anager Village .Enager hith reported that he had recently met nith all ovners of property on the Borth side of W. 49-$ Street, with exception of A%diel I%l9estad and Chat said property oviners urgently reouest that they be allowed to set ', their buildings back not more than ten feet from the fifty foot roadmay. Praperty ovners are ailling to construct ten-Toot sideaalk on their om pro- perty. Because of the absence of tvo members of the council, action on this reouest as deferred until the next meeting of the Council. Request by Iiobext F. Coburn, 5540 St, Johns Avenue, fbr action by the Council' to remedy drainage change in his'area, caused by construction of lake and blacking of culvert by Carl E. Hansen, vias referred to Villzge Attorney for his legal opinion as to right of the Village to take action. 33- Davitt of Edina Realty petitioned Council for final approval of plat nBormandale Terracei8. He YJas requested to get final approval from Planning Comi s si on . Village wrzager &ith stated that the Village Shdvel would soon be idZe, and inquired as to whether the Village could use its oan shovel and rent a bulldozer in grading streets in Eickelsen area, It nas the opinion of the Yillage Attorney that, in order to assess for cost of grading, a hearing must be held on petition to grade. ';lillson offered the folloaing Resolution and moved its adoption: eXESOLUTION SETTING STREET IHPROTC€BIEXT KE-ARING JBEREAS, petition in mriting signed by Peder l!Iickelsen and others, dated uay 28, 1945, has been duly filed mith the Village Council. requesting that the folloving streets be improved by grading: '<la 57th Street from France Avenue to Beard Avenue; Chowen Avenue betveen V, 57th Street and 58th Street Drew Avenue between 17. 57th Street and V. 58th Street ;T;vling Avenue betveen Tla 57th Street and *J. 58th Street no- therefore, BE IT RESCILVED that said petition is hereby determined to have been signed by a majority of the owners of property abutting on said praposed improvement as required by Chapter 311, Laws of 1927, Edina that it is deemed necessary and expedient to improve the above named streets in the manner petitioned for, and that on the 15th day of July, 1946, at 8tOQ o'clock P.E. this Council ivill meet at the Village Ea11 in said Village and mill at said time and place hear the parties in- terested therein in reference tu such improvement, and will decide whether. or not to imdertake such improvement? in vhole or in part. x 'BE IT FURTHEB RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of c Xotiorr to adopt the Atesolution was seconded by Zonne and on there were thr+-e ayes and no nays, as,follons: Zonne, aye; $*illson, aye; Utley, aye; and the Besolution vas adopted. ATTEST : n President Pro-Th Acting Village Clerk Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR STOBf SEXER CONSTRUCTIOX TEEREAS the hllage Council duly adopted a resolution a'Iarch 11, 1946 ordering Storm Sever to be constructed as folLows: In Indianola Ave.--E'rown Center Line of East-West Alley In East-West Alley in Block 23, Steven's Birst Addition In Juanita Ave .--Prom Center Line of East-Vest Alley In Vest 50th Street--from Juanita Avenue Test 110 Teet in Block 2, Steven's Pirst Addition, "Jouth 13 Feet, from Indianola. Avenue to Juanita Avenue. in Block 2, Steven's First Addition to Test 50th St, to existing catch basin. ,which resolution was duly served on the owners of property fronting on said portion of said streets, and THEREAS, said storm sewer has not been constructed, nov therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the clerk be hereby directed to advertise for bid for construction of storm semer in the above named streets, which shall be in accordance with standard storm sever specif icatians for the Village approved by the Village Cauncil November 15, 1944 and ahich are on file with the Village CIerk, Said Advertisement shall * be published in &e Hennepin county Review, Hopkins, Einnesota on June 2'7, 7-946; bids shall be opened by the Village Council at the Village Hall at its meeting to be held July 8, 1946. Ifotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Willson, and on roll- ca.11 there were three ayes and no nays as follows t -Jillsan, aye; Utley, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. ZanBe, aye; ATTEST : Acting Village Clerk Utley reported that the franchise granted by the Village to the Ninneapolis Gas Company would terminate July 3, 1946. Action on the matter was deferred until meeting of July 8. Notion by IJillson, confirming Election Boards for July 8 Frimary Election, was seconded by Zorine and carried. Village Zngiaeer %ith ilaquirea as to advisability and legality of assessing both sides of Ti. 49* Street for proposed improvements, in.,, asmuch as it is the intent to keep the south side of the street for'' . parking purposes. This matter was referred to Village Attorney for Uotion by 2bnne, approving the granting of.License to Sell to Valter J, Garner, 50th and Brookside, subject to I his legal opinion. * Police Department vias seconded by idillson and carried. Letter from Vinston E. Sandeens complimenting Police Department on help in locating five lost boys, was read. Notion by Lonne that Police Department be set, as of July 1, 1946, at the following: Dahl, $235.00 per mohth; Erickson, Knutson, and Villson and unanimously carried , Heydt, 5 ,1200,00 per month; Belson, $190.00 per month, was seconded by G0tio.n by Zonne that on July I, 1946, or as soon thereafter 2s iloss- ible, the Village hire one new patrolman under the GI Bill of Rights *On-The-Job Training Program, * such officer's total salary to be 3175.00 per month, 6as seconded by t'lillsan and unanimously carried There being no further business to come before the Cotmcil, Villson Eaved far adjournment, Eation seconded by Zonne and carried. Jzzz%LJu4 Acting Village Clerk P4INUTES OF THE REGULAR KEXTING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD IN VILLAGE HALL ON JULY 8, 1946 at ' 8:OO PJT. Three members of the Council were present: Willson, Utley and Christopher. Deputy Clerk Gretchen Schussler acted as Clerk. Notion by Utley api-roving IZinutes of Neeting of June 24, was seconded by QkLlson and carried. .. Notion by Utley, for loan from General kund to Water &in Improvement N'o. 1 Fund in amount of $1,220.80, to enable lJ*N.I~ #l Fund to pay bonds and interest due August 1, was seconded by %Uson and carried. , Village of Edina, TJ.P.I.1. #1 4407 $1,220.80 Hotion by U€ley, for loan from General Fund to sanitary Sewer District No. 15 Fund in amount of $ll,566.22, for pa-pnent to contractor, was semnded by %illscln and carried. Village of Edina, S.D. #15 4406 11,566.22 I Xotion by %llson approving payroll in amount of $2,460.65 was seconded by Utley and carried. Name ADMINISTRATIVE Phil I?. Smith Gretchen Schussler Ahe L. Phillips He&ene Freeman Sub-t otal 6.Jm. s. Heydt Clayton Erickson Clarence Knutson Donald Nelson Sub-total STRXLT DEPT. (REG.) Phil Bailey S.J. Roberts P.H. Qahlgren John Tracy M.J. Merfeld Harry -Jonas Arthur Jensen August Gustafson %b-t otal STFEET DEPT. (HRLY) Chas Johnson Ronald P. Port Sam NcCready Jacob 8mak James F. Homing James R. cogwin E.C. PfeifPer Sub-total Gross Amt. 208.33 97 50 62 . 50 50.00 4l8 e33 117 . 50 100.00 100.00 100 . 00 95.00 512 50 116.18 100~00 104.60 95 20 105.62 94.16 94.16 85.00 794 92 83.60 82.65 60.00 66.00 60.00 61.50 31.35 445 - 10 \$.Tax 23 90 - 12.60 2.90 - 4.80 44.20 8.10 5 040 9-40 5 -40 4.40 32.70 4.20 5-40 10.00 -0- 6 .LO 4.40 40 6.60 37.10 - 2.30 -0- 2.50 3.50 6.50 6.50 -0- 21.30 Net ht. 184.43 $4.90 59.60 45 20 374.13 109.40 94.60 90.60 94 - 60 90.60 479 80 111.98 94.60 94.60 95 020 99 052 89.76 93 -76 78.40 751.82 81.30 82.65 57 50 62 50 53 050 55.00 31 -3 5 423 A0