HomeMy WebLinkAbout19460708_REGULARG0tio.n by Zonne that on July I, 1946, or as soon thereafter 2s iloss- ible, the Village hire one new patrolman under the GI Bill of Rights *On-The-Job Training Program, * such officer's total salary to be 3175.00 per month, 6as seconded by t'lillsan and unanimously carried There being no further business to come before the Cotmcil, Villson Eaved far adjournment, Eation seconded by Zonne and carried. Jzzz%LJu4 Acting Village Clerk P4INUTES OF THE REGULAR KEXTING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD IN VILLAGE HALL ON JULY 8, 1946 at ' 8:OO PJT. Three members of the Council were present: Willson, Utley and Christopher. Deputy Clerk Gretchen Schussler acted as Clerk. Notion by Utley api-roving IZinutes of Neeting of June 24, was seconded by QkLlson and carried. .. Notion by Utley, for loan from General kund to Water &in Improvement N'o. 1 Fund in amount of $1,220.80, to enable lJ*N.I~ #l Fund to pay bonds and interest due August 1, was seconded by %Uson and carried. , Village of Edina, TJ.P.I.1. #1 4407 $1,220.80 Hotion by U€ley, for loan from General Fund to sanitary Sewer District No. 15 Fund in amount of $ll,566.22, for pa-pnent to contractor, was semnded by %illscln and carried. Village of Edina, S.D. #15 4406 11,566.22 I Xotion by %llson approving payroll in amount of $2,460.65 was seconded by Utley and carried. Name ADMINISTRATIVE Phil I?. Smith Gretchen Schussler Ahe L. Phillips He&ene Freeman Sub-t otal 6.Jm. s. Heydt Clayton Erickson Clarence Knutson Donald Nelson Sub-total STRXLT DEPT. (REG.) Phil Bailey S.J. Roberts P.H. Qahlgren John Tracy M.J. Merfeld Harry -Jonas Arthur Jensen August Gustafson %b-t otal STFEET DEPT. (HRLY) Chas Johnson Ronald P. Port Sam NcCready Jacob 8mak James F. Homing James R. cogwin E.C. PfeifPer Sub-total Gross Amt. 208.33 97 50 62 . 50 50.00 4l8 e33 117 . 50 100.00 100.00 100 . 00 95.00 512 50 116.18 100~00 104.60 95 20 105.62 94.16 94.16 85.00 794 92 83.60 82.65 60.00 66.00 60.00 61.50 31.35 445 - 10 \$.Tax 23 90 - 12.60 2.90 - 4.80 44.20 8.10 5 040 9-40 5 -40 4.40 32.70 4.20 5-40 10.00 -0- 6 .LO 4.40 40 6.60 37.10 - 2.30 -0- 2.50 3.50 6.50 6.50 -0- 21.30 Net ht. 184.43 $4.90 59.60 45 20 374.13 109.40 94.60 90.60 94 - 60 90.60 479 80 111.98 94.60 94.60 95 020 99 052 89.76 93 -76 78.40 751.82 81.30 82.65 57 50 62 50 53 050 55.00 31 -3 5 423 A0 MISCELLANEOUS Ben Woehler 167 Carl T. Miller!. 168 Fred Jonas Sub-t ot a1 125 . 00 100 . 00 64.80 289 . 80 9-70 115.30 9.40 90.60 7.20 57 -60- 26 -30 263.50 1 TOTAL PAYROLL PAID 2,460.65 161.60 2,299.05 . Motion by Utley, approving payment of the following bills was seconded by i?illsan and carried. Name %ub fiist. Service Go. Oscar Count ob&s-& Go. Hennepin 'ounty Review Dahlberg Bros., Inc. American Cast Iron Pipe Co. Harris Service Station Interlachen Greenhouse Bren Hardware Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. Country Club Floral eo. Arthur 'K . Petersen Brooks Oil co. A. Christ Larson American Linen Co. Berg & Farnham co. Jasper Jasperson e Phillips Petroleum Go. Rosholt Equipment co. H.A. Rogers Co. Edina Hardware eo. Jay W. Craig Co. Miller Davis Co. Northern States Power co. Phil W. Smith J.V. Gleason . Robert s-Hamilt on co . Improvement Bulletin Finance and Commerce Fred J. Daubanton Borey' s Shell Station Hilding Dah1 Chas B. Elzea Claim # Amount 4371 23 .Ef& 4372 32.76 4373 58.55 43 74 19.38 4375 I,, 880 . 00 4376 100 .S4 4377 4.00 4378 17.10 4379 40.57 43 80 16.75 4381 596 0 96 4382 17.84 &3 83 15.60 43 $4 5.75 4385 8.77 b386 123 . 80 4387 31.24 43 88 1.50 4389 13 087 43 90 7.22 120 . 00 43 91 43 92 32 -3 9 43 93 651.72 43 94 35 000 43 95 269.13 43 96 3 .47 43 97 28. $0 43 98 6 075 43 99 1.30 4400 87 04 4404 23 -86 4405 14.00 Genbral Fund 4,289 .81 POOR FUND Suburban Henn. Cy. Relief Board 4401 71 53 Hennepin county 4402 46 . 00 117 54 Lametti & Lametti SENER DISTRICT #15 4408 11,566.22 11,566.22 WATER MAIN D-P. #l First National Bank of Mpls. 4403 3 13 2 2 5 3 132 25 Miller Davis Go. 170 35 000 Graybar Electric Co. 171 8.57 Northern States Power. Go. 172 1.04 44.61 I TOTAL BILL PAID JULY 8 19,150 4.2 First Edina State Bank (Transfer of Funds - Payroll) 4409 2,410 65 Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids, published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Ennesota, JuAe 27, 1946, bids were'opened and read for furnishing labor and material for construction of storm sewer in the following streets: In IBtlianola Avenue--from Center Line of East-@est Alley in Block 2, In East-West Alley in block 2, Steven's First Addition--from Indianola In Juanita Avenue--from Center Line of East-West =ley in &ock 2, In West 50th Street--from Juanita Avenue, West ll0 feet to existing catch Steven's First Addition, South 13 Feet. Avenue to Juanita Awnue. Steven's First Addition to West 50th Street. basin. \ Bids were received as follows: Lametti & Lametti, St, Paul, lkesota #3,530.05 Phelps Drake 'ompany, E&nneapolis, Ehnesota 2,937 *20 Motion by Utley that bids be referred to village ;Engineer for tabulation and com- parison was seconded by Willson and carried. Village Engineer smith presented ta@iLation of Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer District No. 15, as filed with Village Clerk on July 1, in amount of $60,443.18, fl Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPOSED I ASSESSMENT FOR SJ3ER SANITARY SEER NO. 15 WHEXEAS the engineer selected by the Village Council has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for sewer constructed in the following streets : In &amyside Road and %nnyside Road extended from the East line of In East sunnyslope Road, from \$est 50th Street to West Sunnyslope Road.. In West Sunnyslope &oad, from West 50th Stgeet to East Sunnyslope Road, In Floodhill Way, from Ridge Place to &st Sunnyslope bad; In Dale Drive, from Hest 50th Street to Ridge Place. In Hilltop Lane, Lot 16, Block 4, cfountry hub District &OIM Section to the West line of State Highway No. -169 and 212. in Sanitary -Sewer &strict No. 15 and has caluulated the amount to be specially msessed against ea6h lot, piece or parcel of land abutting upon said portion of said street and a tabulation thereof has been duly prepared and filed r.rith the Clerk in duplicate as a proposed assessment, and has been laid before the Village Council at this present meeting, held not more than ten days after the filing. thereof, now therefore, f3E IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the BE IT FURTHER FtESOLVED that said proposed assessment is hereby a nroved total cost of said sewer is hereby determined to be $60,&3.18. and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in the Hennepin Eounty assessment at,its ne,ut regular session, to be held at thevillage Hall July 22, 1946 at 8:OO P.M. Review on guly ll, 19.46, that the Village Council trill pass upon said proposed -. Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by WUson and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays as follows: aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ATTEST: willson, aye; Utley, aye; Christopher, . Acting Village Clerk *- VXlage Engjneer Smith presented tabulation of Assessment Roll for Saitarg Sewer District No. 16, as filed with Village %erk on July 1, in amount of $U,196.88. Utley offered the folloxhg Resolutionand moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER NO. 16 ASSESSNENT FOR SEWR FJHEREAS the engineer selected by the Village council has calculated the In Vest 56th Street, from Concord Avenue to St. John's Avenue In St, John's Avenue, from Lexington Avenue to Hest 56th Street. In concord Avenue, from Tower Street to Lexington Avenue. In Lexington Avenue, from Lakeview Drive 500 Feet East. proper amount to be specially assessed for sewer constructed inthe following Streets; e in Sanitary Sewer District #16 and has calckated the amount to be specially assessed against each lot, piece pr parcel of land abutting upon said portion of said street * and atabulation thereof has been duly prepared and filed with the Clerk Ln duplicate as a proposed assessment, and has been laid before the Village council at this presed meeting, held not more than ten days after the filing thereof, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVhD by the Village council of the tillage of Edina that the total cost of said sewer is hereby determined to be $11,196.88. BE IT FURTHER EXSOLVED that said proposed assessment is hereby approvd. and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in the Hermepin county Review on July 11, 1946, that. the Village council will pass upon said proposed assessment at its next regular sessfon, to be held at the Village Hall July 22, 1946 at 8:OO P.M. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Willson and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays as follows: aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ATTEST : #illson, aye; Utley, aye; ChristopQer Acting Village Clerk Village Engineer smith presented assessment roll for the water main project on Wooddale Avenue, W. 56th Street, etc., as filed with Village Clerk July 3, in the amount of $13,346.02, Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION SETTING ASL;ESSTIENT HEMING WATER HAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 3 WHEREAS pursuant to resolution adopted by the Council June 10, 1946, a contract has been let for improvement of the foliEowing streets: Wooddale Avenue, from Nest 56th Street to Tower Street. West 56th Street, from Wooddale Avenue to Eoncord Avenue. Concord Avenue, from T oweg. Strekt to Oak Drive. by construction of Water &in therein, and the Clerk with the assistance of Philip W. 'mith, Village &ngineer,has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcbl of land abutting upon such improvement as provided by law, which proposed assessment is now on file withthe clerk and open to public inspection, now BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina th& the said work of improving said street-is hereby accepted and designated as Water %in Improvement No, 3; $hat the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in the Hermepin 'ounty ReGiew on July 11, 1946 that this council will meet on July 22, 1946 at theTillage Hall to pass upon said proposed 613,346.02 . therefore, assessment; that the total cost of -Said improvement is determined to be . Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by "illson and on rollcall Willson, aye; Utley aye; Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was ado@ted. there werethree ayes and no nays as follows: 'ATTEST : Act Villaye Engineer Smith reported that the petition signed by Inga Bjorkman and otkiers, as fired with the Village Clerk May 27, 1946 and requesting Sanitary Sewer in w. k9i-Street from France Avanue to Halifax Avenue, has been signed by over 5l$ of the property owners abutting the street. Utley offered the following Ordinance and moved its adoption: AN ORDINAIW, CREATING SANITARY SJNBR DISTRICT NO. 18 The *illage council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: m. SECTION 1. There is hereby created and established a Sanitary Sewer District in the Village of Edina to be known as Smitary Sewer District No. 18, the boundaries of which shall be as follows: Commencing at a point 27.51 North of the Northeast corner of Lot 21, Auditor's %bdivision No. 172; thence West parallel to and 27.5' North of the North line of said Lot 21 a distance 669' to the Westerly line of the East 172' of Lot 36, Auditorts Subdivision No, 172; thence gouth along this Westerly line of the East 1'72' of Lot 36, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 a distance of 327.5'; thence East in a straight line parallel to and distant 173' North from the eenter line of W. 50th Street a distance of 669' to theSoutheast corner of Lot 25, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172; thence North along the East line of Lots 20,21, 22,23,24, and 25, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 a distance of 327.5' to the point of beginning. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Tillage Council this Eighth day of July, 1946. Notion to adopt the Ordinance was seconded by kll,son and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays as folloivs: Rillson, aye; Utley, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted. ATTEST: of the Villdge Gounc%l Acting Village Clerk Village Engineer smith reported that'the petition signed by Ipga Bjorlanan and others, as filed with the Village Clerk may 27, and requesting Water &in con- structed in W. 49; Street from Fra ce Avenue to Halifax Avenue, has been signed by over 5l% of the property owners abutting the street!k Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its ado2tion: Resolution as to Adequacy of Betition BE ITIIEESOLT7ED BY THE VIUAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA: That the petition signed by Inga Bjorkmn and others dated %y 27, 1946 requesting the improvement of West Forty-Nine and One-blf Street, between France Avenue and Halifax Avenue by the construction of bja$er 5kin as authorized by Chapter 382, Laws of 1925, filed with the clerk on Eb,y 27, 1946 is form@ to be signed by more than 5u% of the property abutting on the parts of the street named as the location of the proposed improvement; and also: That the petition be referred to ijhilip W, kth, ?illage Engineer, and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all Fonvenient speed advising the council whether in his opinion the proposed improvement should best be made as expressly petitioned for, or in connection with some other improvement and as to the probable cost ofthe improvement if made as petitioned for, or o&b-m&se, and such other information as may be pertinent. Hotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by 'LE.llson, and on rollcall there were three ayes and. no nays as follows: aye; and the Resolution ks adopted. Kil.lson, aye; Utley, aye; Christopher, ATTEST: Acting Village clerk Pre "den of the Villsgf Council \ P9 Village kineer %th reported that the estimated cost of consbruci2ng Water &in in W. 4% Street, between France and Halifax Avenues, in $7,179.12. . Utley offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FIXING HEARING ON DE'ROVEIEXC PETITION BE IT Xl3SOLTTEI) By THE VUiY3 COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF FDINA: That on the 12th day of August, 1946 at 8:00 o'clock P.14. in the Village Hall. petition of Inga Bjorkman and others dated 27, 1946 for the improvement of West Forty-Nine and One-Half Street, between France and Halifax Avenues by the construction of water main \.rill be considered and acted upon; and the Clerk is directed to County Review, later than the place one week t give notice of such meeting by publication in the Hennepin Hopkins, Minnesota the first publication to take place not 18th day of July, 1946, and the second publication to take after the first, Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by willson, and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Chrispher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Willson, aye; Utley, aye; ATTXST : /&zz&J&d Acting Village Clerk Village Attorney Windhorst presented contract with City of Minneapolis for France Avenue Paving Project, for signatures. to secure Mr. %ith was requested ublic liability insurancg to protect the Village of this project. Eontract was approved by c ouncil. Mrs. Johnson, 4607 Bruce Avenue, presented petition signed by ten Bruce Village Attorney Windhorst was asked for opinion on Village rights in this matter. Avenue property owners, requesting clean-up of yard at 4605 Bruce. Mr . Cardarelle presented Edina Realty companyt s plat "Normandale Terrace" for final approval, approval of the Planning Cornmission having been given July 1. Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING NORMANDALEC TERRACE WHEREAS, the plat, ItNormandale Terrace", has received final '* approval of the Planning Commission, as of July l, 1946. BE IT RE30LTEiXl that the Village Council. accept this Pia% as Plat of Record, providing that W. 69th Street and Brittany Avenue be graded . Motion to adopt Resolution was seconded by Utley, and on rollcall there were three ayes and no nays as follows: Bhristopher, aye; and the Resolutk6n was adopted. ATTEST: Willson, aye; Utley, aye; I Acting Village Clerk Letter from Douglas Rees, complimenting Council on recent meeting of Planning commission, Realtors, and council, was read and filed with Clerk. Letter from Weidenhoff, Inc., requesting information as to possible in- dustrial site in Village, was read and filed with Clerk. was requested to notify Company that industrial site was unavailable. Bill.ge Attorney ~irl'dhorst presented for' signatures, his draft of the given and amendment signed, as per motion by willsnn, seconded 6y Utley and Village Attorney lfindhorst ruled that the #illage does not have right to compel Carl 14. Hansen to correct drainage 3lange in the W.56th Street area, inasmuch as Village does not have Ordinance requiring permit for filling at present time; but that the property owner may have right against the contractor to which the Village would not be a party. ding. Mr. Smith reported that, Peder Nickelsen is willing to assume cost of Grading IqJ. 5'7th Street, and Chowen, Drkq and Eeng from W. 57th Street to W. 58th Street and that it would therefore be unnecessary'to have hearing of property ovmers on this construction project, as advertiesed for July 15. by Willson, cancelling advertised hearing, was seconded by Utley and carried. Mr. Utley reported that he had requested additional information from the Minneapolis Gas Light company, with regard to expected to have report at next meeting of the Counci&. Village Bhnager "Amendment to Fire Truck Contract" . sarried. Village Engineer smith was requested to inform Mr. Coburn of Mr. .l'hdhorst's 7. Smith and Windhorst were requested to prepare 'tFillll Ordinance,. Motion new franchise, and that he Request by &lvin f', Petrie, 4500 Brookside Avenue, and JOE. Carlstrom, for imvestigation of the uesspool and drainage conditions on Brookside and Rutledge Avenues between Highway No. 169 and S.J. 44th Street, was read, Smith VES requested to refer this investigation to Village Health Officer Campbell, giving him authorization to seek aid from the State Health Department in making as thorough as possible an investizgation, / Village &.nager Letter IJaI'cer A. Lauch, 5001 Bruce Avenue, requesting grading of alley as platted in &ock 7, Harriet IJanor Second Addition, was read and filed with Clerk, P4otion by Villson that request be referred to . Ilessrs, Smithand I'jindhorst for further study and report was seconded by Utley and carried. Petition signed by Laurence A. %how and others, requesting installation of Curb and Gutter in Oak Drive between \fooddale and Concord Avenues was presented and filed with Clerk. It having been determined that owners of at least 5l$ of frontage in abutting property has signed petition, motion by Kllson that petition be accepted and that properby owners be notified, by publication in Hennepin county Review on July 18 and 25, of a hearing on Improvement to be held August 12, was seconded by utley and carried. Kr. John Thill' s request for a stone filed with Council, Mr, Thill proposes would mean too great an expenditure for a barricade, and that a hedge or tree planting or rustic. barricads of a type in keeping with this district could be made for less expense to the Village. was requested to notify&. Thill of the Councills action. Tillage Engineer %th reported the necessity of public alley for proposed new Butler Bros. building on 50th Street, West of France Avenue, citing the Planning ommission's opinion of July 1, at dead-end Sunnyside Road was It PELS the consensus of opinion that the wall which I-&-. Smith 'dKLlson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, that it is the opinion of the Council bf the 'village of. Edina that an alley.15 feet wide, proceeding from If, 50th Street to If. 493 Street shall discuss the matter withthe affected property owners and ascertain the willingness oft snch property owners to dedicate the nedessary land for improve- ment as an alley and report back to the Council as early as possible, and . is necessary and desirable for public safety; and that the Village Engineer BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it; is the opinion of this Council involved are unwilling to dedicate the necessary proceedings to condemn such land under Chapter and assess the cost .thereof together with cost - of improvement of alley against benefited property omers, Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Utley, and on Rollcall there were khree ayes and no nays as follows: Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. \lillson, aye; Utley, aye; and Letters from %mesota Highway Department and Governor Thye, requesting at- tendance of a Village delegate at the Governor's Traffic Safety Council to be held in hluth on August 23, were read. Village Engineer %ith was appointed by Nayor Christopher as official Village delegate, Petition of AS. Rothchifd and V.S. book, for permission to make cement blocks at Dale Green sand Pit on 70th street and France Avenue was reviewed, It was the ConsBnsus of opinion of the Council that further enterpriees of this type should not be allowed until Some workable- o'rdir~&ce, r8quiririg : filling of gravel pits after completion of work, could be written. Notion by Willson that petition be denied was seconded byUtley and carried. Hotion by Utley that the ViUgcge Council sell U.S. Treasury 2$% Bond No, $166OL, denombation $10,000.00 of 1962,/59, at current market, was seconded by illso son and carrigd, I P There being no further business to come before the council, motion by Ifillson - for adjournment was seconded by Utley and carried. - Jh? Acting Village Clerk