HomeMy WebLinkAbout19460722_REGULAR218 Cortncil &%Lerviewed ITilliam Victor Hoffman, applicdt €or position of police patrolman. mn Zonne of- TTsilliam Hoffman to position be approved was seconded by Utley and carried. salary be a total of $1?5.00 per month under the provision of the Government's 1'Gn-The-Job Training Program" with dum salary to be $200.00 per month was seconded by utley and czrried. Rotion by iiillson that appointment ,by Public Safety Committee Chair- Rotion by %Uson that stabking date be July 17, 1946, and that startbg There being no further bu6iness per motion &illson, seconded by to come before the meeting, it was adjourned, as Utley and carried., Village Clerk Pro-Tem IWTSS OF THE; ADJOURNED PORTION OF JUNE 24, 1946 f.ZEETING OF BOARD OF l33Vm;J, HELD AT VILLAGE HALL JULY 22, 1946, AT 8:OO O'clock P.14. Hembers of the Council r.ri?o acted as the Board of Review were ?lillsn, Utley, &r.Schorne and Christopher, with zonne absent Village Assessor Uex Creighton presented his Register of Valuations, reporting that in accordance with request by the State Board of Taxation the total valreifiic@ of the Village has been raised ten precent, five percentheing actual increase on properties, andthe other five percent being effected in those properties on which there are now improvements and wh'ch were formerly farms and have now been basis of computation for present valuations. , matter of information, 1-k. Creighton furnish the ccucnil with a schedule of his bases of calculation for the past several years. There were no objections, either mitten or oral, to Ikb, Creightonts valuations. platted. %e Creighton explained that 3 anuary 1, 194.2 valuations were used as a I%?. Utley suggested that, as a Notion by utlex that Valuations Register be approved as submitted was seconded by Hawthorne, and carried. There being no further business to come before the Board of Review, the meeting was adjourned, by Notion I.Tillson, seconded bys'awthorne and carried. E-WmS OF TH% RXGWiR EOINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HAIL JULY 22, 1946, at Nembers present were klillson, %ley, Hawthorne, and Christopher. Village Health O€ficer Dr. Lowell 31. Campbell reported that he and a member of the State Board of Health, &. Rogers, had investigated the drainage condition on Brooksi.de and Rutledge Avenues, and that procedues to be followed by Council would be recommended by them af-ter a meeting with Village Hanager Smith to be held Vednesday, July 31. Dr. Campbell stated that he had investigated the Garrison hp at 70th and Cahill and found it to be in good condition. Dr, Campbell recommended spraying the dump Tdth D.D.T. for extermination of flies, but stated that in his opinion the dump had nothing to do with the one case or" Polio reported in Edina, companies. Investigation was made Sunday, July 20, Smith reported quotations by two exterminating 14otion by Ejtawthorne that Health Officer Campbell and Ihnager Smith be given aughority to have the dump spx-zyed as often as necessary vas seconded by &lLson and carried. Ifotion by Utley approving I-linutes of July 8, Ilieeting as subrdtted was seconded by I?illson and carried. Utley presented bond issue of $66,000.00 for Sanitary Sewer District no. 13, for signatures. Notion by Utley approving $11;225.03 claim of Phelps Drake company for construction in Sanitary Sewer District Ho. 13, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. I Phelps Motion by Utley approving repayment by Sanitary Sewer %strict 140. 13 of General Fund Loan in amount of $26,679.35 was seconded by Millson and carried . Village of Edina, Gen'l. Fund claim #44U $26,879.3 5 Motion by hllson approving payment of payrolls in amount of $3,114.89 was seconded by utley and carried, NAFE CLAIM NO. COUPJGIL C.J. Christonher . Bower Havrbhoke George A. 'dillson Harold c. Utley &.L. &onne J.J. Duggan Dr. L.M. Campbell John b'd. ikndhorst $Jard B. Lewis Sub-t otal Gretchen Schussler Anne L, Phil! ips Helene Freeman Sub-t otal P0L;Cfi DEFT Hilding Dahl PJm. s. I-Ieydt C1ay-b on Sri ck s on Clarence Knutson Donald Iilelson. Ifm. v. Hoffman Sub-t ot a1 I S.Jo Eobepts F.H. Dshlgren John Tracy 14, J . 1 Ierf eld Harry Jonas Arthur Jensen August Gustsfson Sub-% ot a1 STFtEET DZPT HRLY. Chas Johnson Ronald p. Port Sam NcCready Jacob Shmak James F. Homing James R. Cogwin E.C. Ffeiffer Sub-total 1fI:SCE;LLANEOUS Ben Sdoehler I Carl T. IKiller Fred Jonas . John Balich John co~~ai-y Gunner S 'mrner Sub-total 192 * 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 GROSS ANT. 50 00 35 000 50 . 00 35 -00 30.00 35.00 30.00 75.00 75.00 &15.00 208.33 47.50 62.50 250.00 418 e33 117 . 50 100 . 00 100,'oo 190,oo 95900 55 00 567.50 111.24 101 . 15 100000 90 4 00 105 . 62 90 00 90 00 85 .OO 773 01 200 76 e 00 201 * 76.95 202 60,oo 203 66 . 00 204 60 . 00 205 60.00 206 177.60 576 . 55 207 125.00 208 100.00 209 81 . 00 210 31.50 211 14.00 212 13 .OO 364.50 TOTAL. PAYROLL 3 9 114 89 It. TZX -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- . -0- -0- -0- -0- 23.90 12 . 60 2.90 1) . 80 44 20 8.10 5 040 9.40 5 -40 4.40 5 040 38.10 3 SO 5 049 9*40 -0- 6 .lo 3 e70 -0- 6.60 Zm 1.30 -0- 2.50 3.50 6.50 6.50 uC.60 34.90 9.70 9.40 9.90 13.3 0 -0- -0- 30.30 181.80 HOSP . -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - 1.50 . 75 07.5 -0- 3 .OO 1.50 *_ 1.50 1.50 1.50 -0- -0- 6.00 -0- 15f30 1.50 1.50 le50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1m 1.50 1.50 -0- -0- -0- -0- - -0- 3.00 1.50 -0- . -0- -0- -0- -0- 1.50 24 00 NET N4T. 182 . 93 84 3-5 58 . 85 45.20 371.13 108 . 1.l) 94.25 89 . 10 88 . 50 98 02 84.cSO ss.50 76.90 728 21 73 020 75 045 57.50 62 . 50 53 050 53 050 163 00 538.65 113.80 90 . 60 71 e 10 30.20 14 . 00 13 .OO 332.70 2,909. 09 Village Engineer %ith presented tabulation of bids on Storn Sewer received July 8, for which Phelps-Drake Company is low bidder. i Utley offered the following 1Zesolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTDqG BID STORN SE&I I.JHE;REAS, pursuant to advertisement for.bids published in the Hennepin Counky Review, Hopkins, Hinnesota on June 27, 1946, for the improvement of the following streets: Indianola .venue, from Center Line of East-Vest Ailey in Block 2, Steven's East-Yest Alley in Block 2, Steven's First Addition, from Indianola Avenue Juanita Avenue, from Center Line of East-Vest Alley in Block 2, Steven?s West 50th Street, from Juanita Avenue, \/est 110 Feet to exLsting Catch basin. First Addition, South 13 Feet, to Juanita Avenue First Addition to West 50th S$reet. by constructi& of Storm Sewer therein, the following bids have been duly received' and opened: , PhelFd DraJce Company3 Itinneapolis, IIinnesota $2,937 20 Lametti Lametti, ~t, Paul, Kinnesota $3,530.05 THEIZEFORE, l3E IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that Phelps Drake company is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder and the president and clerk are hereby authoriz ed and directed to enter into a contract with said Phelps Drake in the name of the Village, for the improvemerits of said portion of said street by construction of Storm Sewer therein, according to the plans and specifications therefore which .have hereto fore been approved by this council and filed in the office of the herk at the price specified in said bid, and vhich said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney. BE; IT FURTIE8 RLSOLW that the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders theckposits made yith their bids except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the ne,& lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. Hotion to adopt this Resolution was seconded by tlillson and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays as follows: FJillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; andChristopher, aye; and the Resflution was adopted. ATTEST: 7 ,J w- illr?ge lerk Pursuant to Notice of HeaCing published in Hennepik County Review July ll, 1946 as per affidavit of proposed assecsment of $7.7 per foot, on Sanitary Sewer District EJo, 15. 3iiblication presented and read by Clerk hearing was held on No written objections were filed with 2 lerlc, and no-one appeared at $he hearing, Utley offered the folloxing Resolution and moved its adoption: RE;sOLUTIOI$ ILEVYDJG ASSESS*mJT FOR SEXEX SANITARY SBER DISTRICT NO. 15 YHERXBS, pursuant to notice published in the kennepin County Review, on July ll 1946, the Village Council has met and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for consbruction of Saitary Sewer in Sewer District No; 15 in the following steeets: I In Smnys55 e Rosd and Smyside Foal extended, from the East line of Lot 16, Block 4, @oun-br;;r blub District, Brown Section, to the West line of State Highway No, 169 CSC 212, In ?Jest Smyslope Road, from ?Jest 50th Sf;rset to East Sunnyslope Road. In East Sunnyslope aoad, from tiest 50th St2ee-b to 1Jes-L mys slope Road. In Yoodhill Yay, from Ridge Plat-e to East Smnyslope Road. In Dale Drive, fron blest 50th Street to Ridge Place. In Hilltop &ne. IJow therefore, €83 IT EE3CLTSD b:: the ViU;ge council of the Villlge of &kina that said proposed assessment is hereby affirmed and adopted and shall constitute %he special included in said assessment is hereby found to be bedZte'dhy said improvement in the assessment against the lands named therein,nd each lot, piece, or prcle of land amount of the assassment levied against, it. I F32 IT FURTIER RESOLVED that such assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments over a period of ten (10) years, the first of said installments to be payable on the first day of Jmuary, 1947, and succeding installments on the first day of January in each year thereafter until the full amount of said assessment is paid. Said special assessment and each insbaalhent thereof shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum until fully paid, said interest to be cofilputed from the da'ce of this resolution. thereon shall be a paramount lien upon the property included therein from the time of the adoption of this resolution and shall remain such Lien until fully paid, as authorized by Chapter 312, hrs of Ennesota, 1903, as amended; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLmD that the Cl,erk of the Tillage' is hereby directed to %id special assessment with the accm5ng inkere& mke up and file in the office of the, dounty Auditor a certified sta-tement of the amount of such unpaid assessments and the amount of interest which trill be due thereon; and BE IT FURT€DB RESOLVED that all moneys collected on any such special assessment shall constitute a fund for the payment of the cost of said improvement for the district for which such assessment was made, and the same. shall be credited to the proper sewer district fund under the designation: Fund of Sewer District . No. 15. 'Motion to adopt this Resolution was seconded by bkllson and on dollcall t here were four ayes and no nays as follows: Christopher, aye; and the Resolutioz pas adopted. $illson, aye; utley, aye; Hawthome, aye; and .ATTEST : Village A-fl- Clerk U 1, 2, 3, Utley offered the following Res.6lution and moved its adop$ion: RESOLljTION PROVIDI$TG FORTHE ISSUANCE AND SAL73 OF SENE3 WARRANTS SfdUTAItY SEER DISmICT NO. 15 / r;JHEREAS, the Village has by Ordinance duly adopted created Sanitary Sewer District Xo. 15; and BJHEREAS, the Village council has contracted fort he construction of a sever in said district under the provisions of Chapter 431, Idknnesota Statutes; and :.JHEREzclS, in order to provide money to pay for the cost of said improvement, it is necessary to issue sewer warrants; NO3 THE933FOXT3, EE IT ESOLVED by the Village council of the Village of Edina, linnesota, as follows: (. 1.' It is hereby determined that the total cost of the improvement in Sewer District lqo. 15, including all incidental expenses, amounts to $60,443.18. 2. There is hereby created a special fund to be designated "Fund of Sewer District No. l5'*, out of which shall be paid the cost of the Sewer Improvement in said DiB-brict, and the principal and interest on the warrant hereafter provided to be issued, and into which fund shall be paid all of the proceeds of the special assessments levied for Sewer District No. 15, and the moneys received onthe sale of the warrants as hereina2ter provided. 3. In anticipation of the collection of special assessments the Village shall forthwith issue and sell $60,000.00 Sewer The ?farrants to be issued hereunder shall be in the denomination of payable September 1, 1947, and seniannually thereagter on brch 1 and September 1 in each year, and shalllpaLure serially as follows: llo. 15, Warrants, $l,OOO.CO as follows, shall be dated September 1, 1946 shall bear kterest 4, 5, 6, ... 7, si 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 000.00 1 , 000 . 00 1, 000.00 $3j000.00 3,090.00 3,000 . 00 3 , 000.00 September 1, 1947 March 1, 1948 September 1, 1948 Piarch 1, 1949 13, 14, 15 16, 17, 18 19, 20; 21 22, 23, 24 25, 26, 27 28, 29, 30 31, 32, 33 34, 35, 36 37, 38, 39 40, u, 42 43j 4-49 45 46, 47, 48 49, 50, 51 d . 52, 53, 54 55, 56, 57 58, 59, 60 $1,000.00 1,000.QO 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000 . 00 1,000.00 1,000 . 00 1,000 .oo 1,ooo.co 1,000.00 1, 000.00 1,000 . 00 1,000 . 00 1,000.00 1,003.00 1,000.00 TOTiUl 3,000.00 3,000 e 00 3, ooo,oo 3,000.00 3, 000.00 3,000.00 , 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000,OO 3,000.00 3,000.00 60,000.00 September 1, 1949 &rch 1, 1950 September 1, 1950 Narch 1, 1951 September 1, 1951 krch t. 1, 1952 September 1, 1952 Ifarch 1, 1953 September 1, 1953 %rch 1, 1955 September 1, 1955 Harch 1, i956 September 1, 1956 &rch 1, 1957 said warrants maturing September 1, 1956 and krch 1, 1957 being subject to redemption and prior payment on any interest payment date. -. 12th day of August, 1946, at 8:00 olclock P.IL, forthe purpose of receiving.bids fordhe said warrants, andthe Clerk is authorized and directed to cause published notice iif the sale of said warrants to be given by two week's pubHcation in the official nevrspaTBr. Z;. The Village Council &all. meet at the village Hall on -1knday .the L.- ' - . 5. The notice of sale shall recite that said wammts will'be payable solely from said special assessment and all bidders must submit a bid for such type of warrant. printed Warrants and the approving opinion of 14essrs. Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott eC Barber, both without cost to the purchaser and bids shall be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check in the amount of at least $1,000.00, Said notice shall further state that the Village trill furnish 'Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays as follows: Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ATTEST : I'Jillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and . Fursuant to Xotice of Hearing published in Hennepin Covnty Review July 11, 1946, as per affidavit of publication presented and read by herk, hearing was held on proposed assessment of 14-67 per front foot, on Sanitary Sswer District No. 16. No written objections were filed with the Clerk, and na-one appeared at the hearing. Utley offered the following Xesolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION LEWTG ASSESSIEI'JT FOX SEER SANITARY SE!ZR DISTRICT NO. 16 IJHEEEAS, pursuant to notice published, in the Hennepin county Revieu on July ll, 1946 the Viliage council has met and passed upon all objections assessment for construction of Sanitary Sewer in Sever District following streets : I t I to the proposed No. 16 in the 223 In West 56th Street from Concord Avenue to St. John! s Avenue In St. John's Avenue, from Lexington Avenue to blest 56th Street In Concord Avenue, from Tower Street to Lexington Avenue In Lexington Avenue, from Lakeview Drive 500 Feet East now theref ore, BE IT RESOLVED by the 'illage council of the T$llage of Edina that said proposed assessment is hereby affirmed and adopted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each lot, piece or parcel of land included in said assessment is hereby found to be benefited by qaid improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. BE IT F'URTKER RESOLVED that such assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments over a period of %en years (10) the first of said installments to be payable on the first day of January, 1947, and succeeding installments on the first day of January in each year thereafter until the full amount of ,said assessment is paid. Said special assessment and each installment thereof shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum until fully gaid, said interest, to be computed thereon shall be a pqramount lien upon the property included therein fromthe time of the adoption of this resolulion and shall remain such lien until fully paid, as authorized by Chapter 312, - am of Minnesota, 1903, as mended; and BE IT mTRTHER RESOLVED that the 'lerk of the 'illage is hereby directed to ' from the date of this resolution, Said special assessment with theaccruing interest . make up and file in the office of the county Auditor a certified statement of the amount of such unpaid assessments and the amount of interest which will be due thereon; and BE IT FURTHE3 IZESOLVED that all moneys collected on any such special assessment shall constitute a fund for the payment of the cost of said improvement for the district for vhich such assessment was made, and the same shall be ckedited to the proper .s ewer district fund under the designation; Fund of Sewer Motion to adopt this Resolution was seconded by'lftllson and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays as follows: u istrict No. 16, I k'Jillson,'&ye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. 1 Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR-~THX ISSUANCE AND SALE OF SEIiER WARRANTS SANITARY SIG*BR DISTRICT NO. 16 ?fHEXEAS, the Villaye has by "rdinance duly adopted created Sanitary Sewer District IJo. 16; and WHEREAS, the Villaqe Council has contracted for the construction of a sewer in said district under the provisions of Chapter 431 bIinnesota Statutes; and MIEREAS, in order to provide money to pay for the cost of said improvement, NOW THEYEFORE, BE IT ZESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, it is necessary to issue sewer warrants; Ninnesota, as f ollovrs : 1. It is hereby determined that the total cost of the improvement in Sewer I District No. 16, inclluding all incidental expenses, amounts to $11,196.88. 2. There is hereby created a special fund to be designated "Fund of Sewer . District No. 1611, out of which shall be paid the cost of the sewer improvement in said District, and the principal and interest on the warrants hereafter provided to be issued, and into which fund shall be paid all of the proceeds of the special assessments levied for Sewer District lqo, 16, and the moneys received on the sale of the warrants as hereinafter provided. * 3. In anticipation of the collection of special assessments the Village shall forthwith issue and sell f~11,000.00 Sewer District No. 16 FJarrants. to be issued hereunder shall be in the denomination of @500.00 as follows, shall ,be dated September 1, 1946, shall bearinterest payable September 1, 1947, and semiannually thereafter on %rch 1 and September 1 in each year and shall mature serially as follows : Il'he warrants I 224 1 ,. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 sc 11 12 13 u 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 & 22 AXOUNT OF :.JL%iXJT $500.00 500 .oo 500.00 500 .oo 500.00 500.00 500 boo 500 . 00 500 . 00 500.00 500.00 500 . GO 500,oo 500.00 - 500.00 500,oo 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 TOTAL TOTAL . $500 . 00 500 . 00 500 .oo 500 . 00 500.00 500.00 500 b 00 500 . 00 500 . 00 - ~,000.00 500.00 500 . 00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500,oo 500,OO 500,OO 500,OO 1, 000.00 11,000 b 00 1.LATURITY DATB September 1, 1947 March 1, 1948 September 1, 1948 &rch 1, 1949 September 1, 1949 Narch 1, 1950 September 1, 1950 Ibiarch 1, 1951 September 1, 1951 Elarch I, 1952 September 1, 1952 Ifarch 1, 1953 September 1, 1953 I4arch 1, 1954 September 1, 1954 Harch 1, 1955 September 1, 1955 Narch 1, 1956 September 1, 1956 Narch I, 1957 - I . .. said warrants raturing &rch 1, 1957 being subject to redemption and prior payment on any interest payment date. The Village Council shall meet at the Village Hall on I4onday the 12th day of hhst, 1946, at S:OO o'claok P.M., for the purpose of receiving bids for the said warrants, and the Clerk is authorized and directed to cause published official newspaper ; B .L 4. . , notice of- the sale of said warrants to be given by two week's publication in the .. 5. The notice of sale shall recite that said warrants will be payable solely Said notice shall further state that the Village will furnish printed 'orsey, COW, Barker, Scott and ' from said special assessment and all bidders must submit a bLd for such type of warrants. ?Jarrants and the approving opinion of Elessrs, Barber, both without cost to the purchaser, and bids shall be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check in the axlount of at least ~~1,000.00. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nsys as follows: %llson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; &nd the ATTEXT : ? V .llage Clerk Resolution was adopted . I. 225 I1 Pursuant to Notice of Assessment Hearing published in held on proposed assessment of $3.61 per front foot on kJater fikin Improvement No. 3. .No written Objections were filed vrith the 'lerk, The only oral objection was thzt of Dean Thorn, owner of Lot 3, that fie MELS told when he purchased his lot that the sewer and water were in and paid for. Mi-. Thom was informed that the uak Drive water win does not serve his property, and that the assessment is being made for water main to be constructed along Concord Avenue. , ennepin County Review ( Juls ll, 1946, as per affidavit presented and read by 'lerk, hearing was L u lock 3, Golf Terrace Heights, who. stated Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RXSOLUT1OI;I ADOPTING AS5ESbI*lZNT MTER ffAll!I DPROWI4ENT NO. 3 TJHEREAY proposed assessment for the cost bf,the improvement of the following Wooddale Avenue, from West 56th Street to Tower Street ??est 56th Street, from kfooddale Avenue t6 concord Avenue Concord Avenue, from Tower Street to oak Drive. streets : tJ by construction of &ter kn therein, has been duly filled with the Village and opened. to public inspzction and notice'has been published in the hennepin' County Review on July 11, 1946 that this council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, and heard and passed upoi? all objections thereto, now therefore, lerk BE IT RGj@LV3D by the Village c;ouzlcil of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessment which is hereby referred to anci.rn&e a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the Lots, partis of lots, pieces and parcles of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein; Ell3 IT FURTHER IRESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first to be payable on bhe first day of January, 194'7 all deferred. payments to bearbinterest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum. ,the property &herein, specified concurrent with general taxes 3s authorized by Chapter 425, Laws of 14innesota 1921, as amended. Said assessments and interest shall be lien upon ' Mstion to adopt this i2esolution was seconded by Ifillson and on rollcall there werelfour ayes and no nags as follows: and Lhristopher, aye; and the fiesolution was adopted. %illson, aye; Utley, aye; hawthorne, aye; Vi1 'Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR ISSUmCE OF CERTIFICLITES OF INDEBTEDmSS !T!TER TUIN DPROVEPENT NO. 3 !IKEk?!AS pursuant to a resolution of the tillage council adopted %;7 13, 1946 improvement of the following streets : - Yooddale Avenue, from :Jest 56th' areet -bo Tover itreet !;Test 56th %reek, from dooddale Avenue to Concord iivenue Concord Avenue, from Tower Street to uak &rive. by construction of water main therein was ordered and contract has been entered into for doing the work at a contract price of $11,304.60, and other axpenses vrhich have been incurred or vi11 be incurred in connection with making of said improvemat are :t2 ,C&l.&3; t,hA the total expenditure therefore is '$13,34.6.02, 1:or-r therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Villsre Council of the Villase of Cdine that certific tes of indebtedness of said Villzge be issued in the aggrega-i;e sum of :;13 COO, to deTray a part of the cost of said impovenent as authorized by Chapter 425, 'ZITS of 1921 Such certificates shzll be in form hereto attached and shzll be pa:pJ31tz tn annual installments as near equal as may be over a period I-f ten (10) years as follows, said. Certificate maturing January 1, 1957 being subject to redemption at any interast pa:,ent date *'>l, C00,~20 January 1, 1948 1 2 3 1,000 0 co 50% CO f 1,003 a co January 1, 1950 4 5 I, cc0 . co January 1, 1951 503 co 1,000 .oo 1, COO. co 9 500.00 January 1, 1953 10 1,OCO .GO ll 1, OCO.C3 12 500,co 13 1,030,CO January 1, 1956 14 50% co January 1, l?56 I 15 16 1,030 e 00 500 . co January 1, 1957 January 1, 1957 szid certificztes shall be dted September 1, 1946 and shall bear interst at the rate of not more khan five (5) per cent per annum, said interest to be pa-pble semi-annually beginniag July 1, 1947 tihat the form for ssid certific4xs hei-eto attached is hereby adopted, and BE IT FURTHE2 US01,VXD that the Clerk is hereby directed to publish a notice in the Hennepin county Beview, Hopkins, 1-Iinnesota fixing August 12th, 1946 at 8:OO o'clcok P.E. at the Village Hall, a5 the time and place where bids for said certificates xill be opened and considered, to reject any and all offers and amrd said certific. tes to a loxer bidder, or. upon like notice, invite other bids, and The council hereby reserves the right BE IT FUXlXER RE3CLVLTJl thzt a separate special assessment fund shall be provided for the improvement and the proceeds fromthe sale of the certificates heyein authorized shall be placed in such fund; into such fund shallbe paid all mmeo TS re- ceived from the papent of any special assessments levied on account of this fund. A suf-'icient auiount of moneys to prcvided for the payment of the,principal and intereijt of ssid certificates as they severally mature, shall be, @$hour further authority transferred by the Villzre Treasurer into such fund for the General 'und &ten the special asseszment fund is insufficient to pay the principd and interest of said certificates as they severally mature, buth the fund from vhich said moneys have been taken or used for the pa3qien-b of such principal or interestt shall ba replenished wTth interest Zt 5;s per annum from the coldaction of unpaid assessments on account of such improvements . Motion to adopt this Resoll)-tion vas seconded by Hawthorne and on Eollcall there were four ayes and no nap 3s follows: and Christopher, aye; qd the Resolution was adopted. I %llson, aye; Utley, aye: &wthorne, aye; 1. ATTEST: 229 ~~E&L.I fixing form of Certificates of Indebtedness, as foll&s,was offered by Utley! s motion. UNIm STATZS OF AIERICA STATE OF 1IITDIE:SOTA COUNTY OF HI;;NTJEPIN VILLAGEL OF EDINA IlJATER ItiAIN IIPROVEI*BNT NO. 3 CZRT1FICiiT-E OF INDEBTEDNESS KW31 ALL !TIN BY THESE PPZSENT that the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Xinnesotz certifieg that it is indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer hereof from Vljtermain Improvement No. 3 Fund of said Village the sum of DOLLLRS on the" day of date of payment is legal tender for public and private debts, and to pay interest , 1946, in any coin or currency which on the I thereon from the date hereon until paid at the rate of per cent ( $1 per amum, payable and thereafter semi-annually on the day of and the day of in each year, interest to maturity being payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the attached interest coupons as they severally become due, both principal and interest being payable at the main office of THIS CLRTIFICATE OF IIJDEBTEDNESS is one of a series of certificates in the aggregate princirzl amount of w13,000, all of like date and tenor except as to maturity, and is. issued by the Village of Edina pursuant to and in full conformity with the constitution and Laws of the %ate of llinnesota thereunto enabling including I;hapter b25, Laws of 1921, for the purpose of defraying the expense in- curred and to be incurred in laying water mains, hydrants, and connections in Watermain Imvrovement No. 3, and in anticipation of the collections of special assessments to be duly levied against the benefited property in said 'istrict for the construction of said watermains and is payable out of a Fund designated as Yater Plain improvement No. 3 Fund into which fund all proceeds of zaid assessment are required to be paid, but the full faith and credit of the Villase of Edina re- pledged f or its pajment . (To be printed on certificates No. 15 eL 16) This certificate is subject to redemption on any interest payment date at par and accured interest upon thirty days prior notice by main to the bank where this Certificate is payable. L' I IT IS HREBY CLRTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, conditions and things required by the constirtution and Laws of the State of BIinnesota, to be done, to happen, and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this certificate of indebtedness have done, have happened, ahd have been performed in re,aular and due form, time and manner as required by LAW and that this certificate of indebtedness, together with all other indebtedness of said Village outstanding on the date named hiwein, and on the dzte of the actual issuance and delivery hereof does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limitation of indebtedness. ITJ XITNESS WHEEOF, the Villzge of Edina, Hermepin County, Minnesota by its e Villame Council has caused this certificate of indebtedness to be signed by the President of the Village council and countersigned by the Village c--erk and sealed with the seal of said village, and the intesest coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, and i has caused this certificate of indebtedness to be dated as/of , -/,19,$6. .. COUIJTERSIGNED : h Notion to adopt this Resolution was seconded by awthorne and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays as follows: -."illson, aye; &ley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. n ATTFST : Nr. Cardarelle presented the spring 'ompany! s plat of "Edina Terrace" for final approval. I.iotion by "illson that plat to approved subject to IJr. kth's final approval was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Nrs. Carrie Spott of Hopkins, representing Local No. ll38, requested permission to have veterans build houses of the 11Cj3itchfield Cottage" type, for which applications has been denied by the Building Inspector. It was the opinion of the council that complete plans of these houses be presented to the Building Inspector, in order that further study may be made as to their conformance to our building ordinance. Hr. HachTeil presented fins1 plat of Valley Yiew Heights" for the Council's consideration. 14otion by "illson that the plat be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendations was seconded by Har~horne and carried. Yf. A.0, Edwards Jr. presented petition for sewer and water service for his property %mediately east of kloomberg' s new addition ilColonial Square" , %:.sards stated that his property had already: been assessed for sewer (in Lateral Sewer District No. 7) and that he wished credit for this assessment given to one certain portion of said property. credit would be given but that assessment would have to follow accepted legal procedure. must be deeded to Villa,qe. up ?&thin the week. I 1%. &. Edwards was informed thzt fair k1 ith regard to construction, 1%. Edwards was again told that street 1-Ir. Edwards stated he expected to have papers dram ffered the following htbxmce and moved its adoption: AN ORDINANCE TO LICENSE IWD PROVIDE FOR AI?D FWUIIZE: AND 1IOTOIt SCOoTE;IzS, AND TO REGULATZ TKE IND PEWLTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF'. FLEGISTIttiTICX OF BICYCLES, 140TOfl BICYCLES, LRIDIIJG AND OPERATION THES23OF AND PROVID- SEC. 1. No person shall ride or use a bicycle, motor bicycle, or motor scooter which is otmed by a resident of this Village or is customarily kept or stored at a place within this Village upon any public street, highvay, or boule- vard in this village unless the same shall be licensed and registered as h'erein provided, SEC. 2. Every owner of a bicycle, motor bicycle or Hotor scooter referred to in section 1 hereof shall list and register with the Clerk of this Village his me and address, the name of the natnufacturer of the vehicle, its number, style, and general description, 3. The clerk of this Village shall provide each Three (3) year period metallic license plates and seals, together with registration cords and isinglass holders thereof, said metallic license plates and registration cards having numbers stamped thereon,k numerical order, beginning with nuinber I, and the word %dinai* stamped thereon. frames of said vehicles and it shall be the duty of the clerk to issue one such metallic lecense plste vhich shall be attached to the frame of each vehicle and to issue a corresponding registration card to the licensee upon the payment of the license fee herein provided for, during the existence of such license. date of issue of each license, to whom issued, and the number thereof. SEC. hch metallic lecense plates shall be suitable for attachment upon the . e 3 uch metallic lecense plate shall remain attached ihe clerk shall also keep a record of the n SEC. 4. It shall be the d&y of every person tho sells or transfers otmership of any vehisle covered by this Ordinance to report such sale or transfer by return- ing to the Clerk the registration card issued to such person, as licensee there- of, togethe? with the name and address of the per n to whom said vehicle vas sold or transferred, and such regort shall be made witpfive (5) days of the date of of said sale or transfer. of such vehicle to apply fo? a transfer of registration thereof within five (5) day of said sale ortransfer if ;aid purchaser is subject to the terms of this Ordinance . ;t shall be the duty of the purchaser or transferee SC. 5. destroy, mutilate this &dinance. mutilate, or altee any license plate, seal or registration card during the time in that no&ing in this Ordinance shall prohibit the Clerk from stamping numbers on the frames of vehicles on vinich no serial number can be found or on wlnich said number is illegible or insufficient for identification purposes. It shall be unlawful for any person to trilfully or maliciously remove, or alter the number of any vehicle frame licensed pursuant to 1 t shall also be unlawful for any person to remove, destroy, . which said lecense plate,-seal, or registration cocd is crpsrated; provided, however, 229 SET:. 6. The license fee to be paid for e ach vehicle shall be One dallar ($1.00) for a three (3) year period and shall be paid in advance. this Ordinance, such license may be transferred when the ownership of said vehicle is transferred, and a fee of seventy-five cents (751) for two (2) years and fifty cents (TO$) for one (1) year shall be paid for the registration of such transfer. evidence of such loss, a new tag or a new duplicate shall be issued upon the pay- ment of a fee of seventy-five (75Q) cents for two (2) years and fifty (50$) cents for one (1) year. The Clerk, at least once a month, shall pay over to the Village Treasurer all fees received pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance and shall take the Treasurer's receipt therefore. Rursuant to Section 4 of Upon the loss of any tag or duplicate and upon application and satisfactory SEC. 7. If an7 said vehicle is found in any street or'alley of the $illage without a lecense identification tag or with a broken seal or mutilated fFame number, it shall be prima facie evidence that said vehicle is being operated on the streets of the Village without having been registered. Said vehicle shall be immediately impounded and shall only be surrendered to the owner thereof upon proof of ownership satisfactory to the Chief of Police, payment .of the license re- gistration fee herein above provided, and payment of the fees hereinafter provided: * 1. Impounding 5OQ 2. For each additional day of storage after the first twenty-four hours (24) ten cents (106). At the expiration of sixty (60) days after said impounding, each vehicle which has not been claimed shall be sold at public auction. cription of the vehicle to be sold shall be published in the Hermepin coynty Review, Hopkins, Minnesota at least two weeks prior to said sale. first day of July of each three (3) year period, thereafter. Notice containing the des- SEC. 8. All licenses shall expire on the first-,-day of July 1949 and.the SEC. 9. ,wals of License: (a). No person shall ride or propel any v&icle licensed hereunder upon Every license issued hereunder shall be deemed to be granted subject to the following conditions: any sidewalk in such a manner as to interfere with any pedestrian thereon; No person shall ride or propel said vehicle upon a public street, highway or sidewalk. except in a prudent and careful manner and unless such person shall be capable of efficient control and operation of such vehicle nor shall any person propelling or operating such vehicle upon a public street, highway, or sidewalk carry or permit to be carried any other person upon such vehicle; No vehicle shall be ridden faster than is reasonable and proper, but shall be operated with reasonable regard to the safety of the operator and other persons upon the streets and other public highways of the Village; Persons riding such vehicles shall observe all traffic signs and stop at all stop signs; No vehicle licensed hereunder shall be permitted on any street or other public highway of the Village between thirty (30) dinutes after sunset and thirty (30) minutes before sunrise without a headlight visible fromthe front thereof for not less than 200 feet, indicating the approach or presence of the,vehicle, firmly attached to such vehicle and properly lighted, now without a red taillight, or in lieu thereof, a red reflector attached to and visible from the rear of such vehicle for a distance of not less than 200 feet; No person under the age of sixteen (i6) shall ride or propel such a vehicle upon any street, highway or sidewalk at night after the hour of nine (9:OO) P.H. No person shall ride or propel a vehicle licensed hereunder upon any public street, highway or- sidewalk in the Village abreast of any other person so riding or propelling such vehicle; and . Every person riding or propelling a vehicle licensed hereunder upon any street, highway or sidewalk in this Village shall observe all traffici; rules and regulations applicable thereto and shall turn only at iritersections signal for all turns, ride atthe righthand side oP the street or highway pass to the left when passing and overtaking vehicles that are slower moving, and shall pass to the right when meeting. SEC, 10. The conditions anc, regulations prescribed in Section 9 above sh,all apply to all bicycles, motor bicycles or motor scooters operated upon any public street, highway or Sidetmlk of this Village vtlether or not licensed hereunder. The terns ltbicycle", tlmotor bicyclell and ttmotor scooter" as herein used shall have their usual and accepted meaning, but shall not include any motor cycle or other vehicle to which a license is issued under the Laws of. the State of Mnnesota, SEC. ll. SEC. 12, Any person t&o shall violate any of the provisions of this %dinace shall upon a conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not to exceed One Hrmdred Dollars ($lOO,OO), DI? by imprisonment for not to exceed ninety (90) days, or by revocation for a period up to ninety (90) days of the license authorized hereunder-and theretofore'issued with respect to the vehicle involved in said violation. I . SEC. 13. September 1, 19.46. Notion to adopt the Ordinance was seconded by Utley and on rollcall there were four ayes and no naps as follows: and Christopher, aye; and the Ordinance ATTEST: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force fron and after WLlson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, are; Village Engineer Smith revierdthe petition of the people at the north end of France Avenue between 5lst and 52nd street, for sidewalk. of opinion of the Council that sidewalk should be constructed all along this block. Willsrn offered 'the following Resolutionand moved its adoption: It PTas the consensus RESOLUTION O€?,DmDJG SlDE3JXK EB IT RESOLED by Vne village council of the Village of Edina that it is necessary and expedient to construct sidewalk on the kJest side of France Avenue between X. 51st Street and I.J.52nd Street, such sidevmlk to be five (5) feet in width and constructed in accordance with Standard Village sidewalk %ecifications adopted October 7, 1940 now on file with the Village %erk; the Village Engineer is hereby directed to set stakes designatingthe exact location for said VEL&. . BY IT FUfZTHER RESOLVED that said sidewalk shall be completed by Septemberl, 1946 -BE IT FTRTJ-Q F3SOLVBD that the names of the owners of all lots, parts of lots, and parcgls of groundfrontingthe street where said ~rnlk is to be constructed are as follows: PROPERTY O'dKiED J.E,CODPB ~,72? of E,3OO! except Street Lot 56 Robert P. Cooper s.601 of ~.300' except Street Lot 56 John P. sharp Christine Nickelson Christke Nickelson S .H. ' Ghre5m.n Ida L. Bellton George B. Gorgas Lot 58 Lot 59 ' street Lot 59 IJ.50' of E,1/2 except Street S.50' of N.100' of E.1/2 except s.321 of E.1/2 of Lot 59; and E.1/2 except Street N.621 of E.1/2 except Street N.50' of S.70' except Street E 42 except Street LO^ 60 Lot 46- Lot 46 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED th t if said wall shall not be fully constructed in the manner and within the time herein prescribed, the Village Council may order the same bo be done by the Street Commissioner or by contract, 1lotion to adopt this Xesolutfon was seconded by Hawthorne and on rollcall there were four a;res and no nays as follows: aye; and the Sesolution PJ~S adopted. ATTEST: Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; Utley, ; Village lerk Utley offered the following Besolution and moved its adoption: I AUDIT iWSOLUTION EZ IT BESOLWD, that the Village clerk be authorized to request that an audit. of ViLlaSe Books for the year 1946 be made by the 1-Iinnesota State Public Exminer's Office as soon after January 1, 19.47 as possible. Motion to adopt this Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne and on rollcall there vere four ayes and no nays as follaJ-s: Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, BTlTST : I:Jillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, gyej t /- Villa;-e Clerk Nr. Harold FIcCreight, t1536 !'I. 56th Street, appesred before the Council to request actionrof the Council in correcting drsinage condition which he alleged has been caused by construction of a small lake at Lexington Avenue, by Carl 14. Hansen After discussion, dnd review by Village kgineer, Hr. smith was requested to make further study, to consult Fb. 'bdhorst fox- his opinion as to Village rights and obligations, and to make report at the next regular meeting of %gust 12, I Xr. Bailey appeared before the council to request permission to purchase ~OWW mower. I.;otion by bhllson that the village advertise for bids for this machine was seconded by &ley and carried. Letter from I.G. Scott, regarding- county Budget, was referred to IIessrs, Yillson, Srli'ih and Christopher. Letter from Up. Justad, of Uunicipal FNance Officers Associations, ~JZLS read, %garding the Ikneapolis Gas Light Compayiy Franchise, fir. Utley reported that he vras amitins reply from t he Company before making report, -tlia-t a special meeting be held the latter part of August for further discussion on %his matter. Tb.. JOB. Frice, Concord .Lvenue, presented petition for oiling and curb and gutter on that portion of Concord Avenue in Golf Terrace Heights 2nd Addition, Elr, Carl Kansen orally requestedthese same improvements on St. John's in the same addition. accepted, and {;hat the property owners be notified of hearing on Improvement to be held on hgust Uth, was seconded by U-tley and carried. also, and that St. John's project be included, subject to property owners consent, was seconded by kkillson and carried, He suggested IIotion by Juillson that the petition for Concord Avenue be & ' Motion by . Hzw-bhorne that property owners on St. John's Avenue be notified of this hearing I Ik, Smith reported that Village rights' had not been determined regarding the the natter of cleaning up the yard at 4605 Bruce Avenue. Snith was requested to see this property owner, accompanied by %. Bailey,Chief of the Fire Dept, to request his cooperation in eliminating the alleged fire hazard and keeping nis yard clean. 1 '* Mr. hith reported that &, Rallestad has asked to construct sidewalk narrower than requested then feet on France Avenue. It was the consensus of opinion of the Comcll that the sidewalk should 'be solid from street, to property line. I;Tillson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: FES0LUTICZ;I SETTIHG BS5ESS.mE HLLXDIG >THEF%AS, Board ;venue, between Y. 56th Street and :J. 56th Strezt has been inr- proved by grading, xork havtng been done by the Street Commissioner, now therefore, BE IT IBSOLm?? by the Villase Council of the Village of Edinathat said im- provement and the uork thereon is hereby accepted and that this Council will meet on the 26th day of hgust, 1946, at 8;OO P.IL at the Village Hall in said Villsge, and ascertain the amount of special benefits received by any propertp within said Village by reason of the construction of the said improvement, and hear the testimony in -that: connection of all persons interested or whose property is affected, who may appear in person or by attorney, and present witnessess forecamination. - Passed by the Vtllage council July 22, 1946. Notion to adopt the Resolution vas seconded by Hawthorne and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays as follows: Christopher, aye; and the Besolution was adopted, , id illson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and ATmST : U ?Ellson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: &SOLUTION SIlTTiRG ASSESSI-ElQ HEXXCNG Yf-B~AS Gorgas Avenue, between If. 52nd Street and the IJorth End of Gorgas Avenue, has been improved bg grading, work having been done by the Street Commissioner, now theref ore, EM IT RESOLVED by the Villaze Council of the Village of Edina that said improvement and the work thereon is hereby accepted and that this Cauncil will meet on+the 26th day of August, 1946 at 8:00 P,H0 at the Village Ha11 in sslid Village, and ascertain the mount of special benefits received by any property ?&thin said Villape by reason of the construction of the said improvement, and hear the testimony in that connection of all persons interested or rrhose property is affected, IT~O my appear in person or by attorney, ad present witnesses forecamhation. Hotion to adopt the Resolution vas seconded by Utley and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays as follows: Christopher, aye; and the Resolrkion was adopted, ?lillson, aye; Utley, aye; Havhhorne, aye; cil €.bo Smith presented final "Recommendations of the Planning Commission'' had been sent to realtors on July 17 andthat 1.k. H,R. Burton had asked about the bench marks referred to on yage No. 9. It was suggested thzt I&. Smith make further explanation by l?tter to realtors, or amplify that statement on page 9. There being no further business to come before the Council, &wthomels motion for adjournment was seconded by &ley and carried. I- f Village 9erk