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All members of the Council were present.
Dr. Lowell 14. Campbell, Village Health Officer, reported that because of m-
sanitary and unhealthful conditions found in the neighborhood of Rutledge and
Brookside Avenue in the vicinity of W. 44th Street and South to If. 48th Street,
he would order in a sanitary sewer as a health measure. Mr. Campbell's survey
was made with Nr. Rodgers of the State Board of Health. Notion by Utley .
that Engineer smith investigate this territory as to possibility of creating
Sanitary Sewer District therein and in connection with the possibility of
future sanitary sewer connections beyond this proposed district; that Attorney
'Cqindhorst find out the council's powers to order in sanitary sewer without a
petition, on Dr. Campbell's health order, mdthe Councilfs powers to assess for
such sewer and to finance on special assessment bonds or general certificates
of indebtedness, andthat Smith and LJindhorst report a& the next meeting, was
seconded by Haidhome and carried.
Nr. John :Jells, 5332, Oaklawn ap~eared to protest the existance of a rock-covered
cesspool in his neighbor's yard, which has attracted a number of rats. Nr. Wells
was assured that an investigation would be made by Health Officer.
Motion by Utley that Minutes of Meeting of July 22, 1946 be approved as submitted
was seconded by dillson and carried.
Motion by "illson, authorizing payment of payrolls totalling $3,369.04 was
seconded by Utley and carried.
Phil W. Smith 240 I 208.33 23 090 184 43
Gretchen Schussler 241 . 97 50 12.60 84 . 90
Anne L. Phillips 242 62.50 2.90 59.60
Helene Freeman 243 e 50.00 4.80 45.20
Sub-total 41-8 033 44.20 374.13
Hilding Dah1 244 . 117 . 50 8.10 109 . 40
Wm. 5. Heydt 245 100 . 00 5 040 94.60
Clayton kickson 246 , LOO . 00 9.40 90.60
Clarence Knutson 247 , LOO .oo 5 040 94.60
Donald Itelson 248 I 95 000 4.40 90 . 60
IJm V. Hoffman 249 e 55 -00 5 040 49 . 60
Sub4 otal 567.50 38.10 529 040
Phil Bailey
S.J. Roberis
P.H. Dahlgren
John Tracy
Pi1 . J . Merf eld
Harry Jonas
Arthur Jensen
hgust Gustaf son
Sub-t otal
250 251 .
252 253
254 . 255 . 256 .
101 . 15
94 . 16 107 . 70
94.16 94 16 88.92 800.25
Chas. Johnson 258 . I22 . 80
Ronald Port 259 - . 75
Sam McCready 260 90 . 75
Jacob Shmak 261 99.75
James F. Homing 262 , 92.25
James R. Cogwin 263 . 88 . 50
E.C. Pfeiffer 264 110 . 05
Sub-t otal 722 . 85
4.20 113 . 50
5-70 96 . 60
9.40 91 . 75
-0- 94 . 16 6.40 101.30
4.40 89 . 76 .40 93.76
7.30 37 . 80
9.00 113 .so .60 118 . 15
7.60 83 015
9.00 90.75
11.90 80 03 5
11 03 0 77 020 3 -10
52 . 50
106 . 95
Ben VJoehler 265 125.00 9.70 115.30
Carl T. Ifiller 266 100.00 9.40 90.60
Fred Jonas 267 122. 4-0 17.00 105.40
IJarren Schwert 268 . 30.80 1.30 29 . 50
Juel H. Belssas 269 268 . 66 30.60 238.06
Sub-total 646. $6 68.00 578.86 TOTAL PAmOTTd PAT'I-)------------ 3,155.79 311 o ho 3,915 19
c' 234
JULY 8, 1946
- Ers. E.11. Gutch
11 W.H. Schmitt
11 Herb E. Sanders
11 Clarence A. Johnson
11 H.E. Drexs
C.L. Lundquist
11 H .Y. SwenSen
11 D.C. Beard
11 S . l-IcCready,
'1 Me1 Holter
11 R.C. Sonnenberg
11 A.J. Strate
I1 F.C. Obemeyer
Stanley Lee
11 John J. Louis
'1 B.A. Snarenbeqer
- 11 F. Ewe
I* KP. Stark
1' Alma %us
Florence Jew&;
Mr. Ed P0i.t
215 216
217 218
219 220
222 223
225 226
229 230
234 23 5 236
9.85 I' 9.85 9.85 9085 9.85 n.60 11.60
U.60 n460 -
10 03 5
10.35 10.35
10.35 10.35 8.85
Hotion by Utley, authorizing Treasurer to secure advance of $10,000.00 from County
Hotion by Utley authorizing payment of the following bills:
n uditor, against June tax settlement, was seconded by Zonne and carried.
Edina Hardware
St. Peter's Lutheran Church
kdies Ad5 Seciety of St. Peter's
Ninnehaha Gange 2;:3 9c3
Construction EIulletin
American Cast Iron Pipe Co.
Firestone Stores
%no H. Liegler Co., Inc.
J.V. Gleason Co.
1.Siller-T)aois '0.
Eorell bc Nichols, inc.
Leef Bros., Inc.,
Oscar Roberts 6: Co.
Jay 11. Craig Go.-
Juel H. Belsaas
Linde Air Products Co.
Frank T. Nelson
Berg & Farmham co.
Northern States ?o:;.er Go.
Fhillips eetroleum Go.
Rayflake 0.
Edina Pur6 Oil Station
Harris Service Station
Borey Shell Station
R.C. Allen Businass fhxhines
Lgnnhurst ITursery
Bren Hardzare
Hemegin ounty Review
Reinhard Brothers Co.
Postmaster-Linden Hills St.
H.A. Rogers Go.
HoglWd 8z CO. *
. Arthur I<. Peterson
4u3 44a 4u5 44.16 44x7
4418 4419 4420 4421
4.423 4424 4425 11426 4427
M9 4430 4431
4432 4433 4434 443 5 4436 4437 4438 4439
4w 4442 4443 -
,4444 .4-4-46 Dorsey,-Colmm, Barker, Scott &rber447
Hilding DaIiL 4-450
Hardware lkkual Ins. '0. 4451 Northwest ern Bell Telephone eo. 4452
Village of Edina, (Petty Cash) 4455
League of IFinnesota Ihnicipzlities 4456
Lmetti st ljmetti 4457 4458 Fhelps-Drake '0 ., Inc . --
5.00 26.80
8,902 . 70
124 . 88
7,714.87 73 013 24.75
2J-I 97
7.60 16.21
5 045 649.06
39.47 92.50 3 040 184.83 600.21
94 . 74
12 075 3-40.45 5.30 86.50 100.68
30.06 16.76
19 98 91 07 87.50 70 . 00
5,173.82 7 9 91-4- 70 35,079.42
Suburban Hennepin Col Relief Board 4453 133. 87
Vi-ge of Edina
Phelps Drake Go,, Inc
133 e87
s.3. #I2
4455 4.78 4.78
S.D. #13
H.A. Rogers Co. 44&6 3-90
Dorsey, Colman, Barber, Scott eC
Poucher Printing Lithographing 4448 79.50 2,402.73
Barber 4447 150 . 60
City Treasurer, City of IIPlSe 4454 1,433 79
J.S.D. #l
1,433 179
Villtge of Edina 23 7 6.60
Northern States Power co. 238 1.04
city Treas,, City of Mpls. 23 9 5 017.24 2,024.88
Has seconded by r&illson and carried.
Notion by Utley authorizing loan fm General Fund to knitary Sewer District
No. Pj in the amount of $26,064.79, to be reinbursed after sale of bonds, was
seconded by Willson and carried.
Village of Edina - S.D.#15 4445 26 , 064. 79
Motion by Utley authorizLng payment by Sanitary Sewer District No. 15 of
$26,064.79 tg wetti tx $metti for construction completed to July 31, was
seconded by Ifillson and carried.
Lametti & Lametti
Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids--Paving, Curb and Gutter and %cfewalk,
published in the Hennepin county Review, .Hopkins, Minnesota on July 18 eC 25,
as per Affidavit of Publication read by'herk, bids were called for the
widening on Iri. 50th Street paving four feet on the North side, from France
Avenue to Halifax Avenue, azd four feet on the South side, from a point 160
$set Ifest of the West line of France Avenue to halifax Avenue, and construction
of curb, gutter and sidewalk for this project.
that of Victor Carlson 6c Sons, Inc. 2853 'ark Avenue, f'iinneapolis, who bid
$8,113.50, plus extra work at 20 percent.
referred to Village Engineer for-further study and report at the next meeting
was seconded by Utley and carried.
Pursuant to Advertisement for S,&eet Lighting Systen published in Hennepin
read by Llerk, bids were called for construction of ornamental lighting
system Qn France Avenue between 49th and 51st Streets (Edina "ide) on W. 5Gth
Street between France And Balifax Avenue.
. I
The only bid received was
Notion by 7lillson that bid be
tJ ounty R?view, Hopkins, 14innesoIa, July 18 4i 25, as per affidavit of publication
Bids received were as follows: -
Southern Minnesota Supply Co. bnkato, Minn. (Materials Only) $2,940.04
Hestinghouse &lectric supply e o., Mpls. (Materials Only) 4,8U.79 WAX.
Industrial glectric eo., Mpls. (Materials & Labor) 9,585.00 Max.
Motion by Willson that bids be referred to Village hgineer for tabulation and
comparison and report at next meeting was seconded by Utley and carried.
Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids published in the Hennepin &unty Review, Hopkins,
Minnesota, July 25 and August 1, as per aTfidavit of publication read by Clerk,
bids for sabe of sewer warrants on Sanitary Sewer
and read.
and- Harold E. 6dood and. uompany, Minneapolis, and St. Paul respectively, who bid
!%0,800,00 par value with interest at 4% per annum.
u istrict No. 15 were opened
'he only bid received was the joint bid of Allison-%lliams
No. premium,
Utley offered the following Resolutionand moved its adoption:
BE: IT F33C)LVEB by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, rIinnesota, that the bid
of illlison-Xilliams Cornpans, X3nneapolis, I~~innesots and Harold E. bjood eC Compsny,
St. Paul, ITinnesota to purchase r>60,000.30 Sewer District No. 15 Ilarrants .in
accordance xith the resolution adopted July 22, 1946, and the notice of sale,
it he-reby accepted, said bid beins to purchase said obligations beairing interest
at the rate of 45 per annum at par.
llotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on rollcall there
were five ayes :and no neys as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution as adonted.
Utley, aye; "illson, aye; Zonne, aye;
res dent of the Village unci1 3
Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT FBSOTED BY the Villqe Council of the VillLge of Edina, 'ennepin,
County, 3limesota; as follows:
1, The Vi112Te shall issue its negotiable coupon Sewer 'Jarrants on account
of Sewer istrict l<o. 15 in the amount of $60,000.00, said varrants to be 60 b
number and numbered frorn 1 thru 60, both inclusive; said warrants being in the
denomination of 'jl,OOO.OO bearing interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum,
payable seniannually on September 1 and "arch 1, in accordance with apmopriate
interest coupons to be there to attached, and to mature serially as follows:
$3:,000.00 each jeptember 1, commencing September 1, 1947 and to and including
September 1, 195%; $3,000.00 each %rch 1st commencing krch 1, 1948 ana to and
including Ifarch 1, 1957; said warrants maturing September 1, 1956 and >larch 1,
1957 being sub3ect to redemption on any interesb papent date.
the First ktional Bank of Kinneapolis, 14innesota and said warrants and the
coupons thereto attsched shall be in substantially the following form:
. - I -
2, Both principal of and interest on said warrants shall be payable at
The Treasurer of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, l-lhnesota ~ril.1 pay
to the bearer hereof from Sewer District No. 15 Fund of said Village the sum
of CW THOUSBID DOLIJBRS in coin or currency of the United States of
:.rhich on the date of payment is legal tender for public and private debts on
the 1st day of September, 19-, and to pay interest thereon at the rate of Ir-
per cent per annum, Fayable semiannually on the 1st day of September and the
1st day of Earch in each year:, interest to maturity bein2 payable in accordance
with and upon presentation and surrender of the attached interestcoupons as
they severally become due both principal and interest being payable in the
main office of the Fir-t ilational an'^ of I.Sinneapolis, tEnnesota.
This Yarrant is one of a series of wamnts all of like date and tenor
except as to naturity and privilege of redemption, in the aggregzte principal
amount of ~~60,000.00 issued by the I? illtlge pursuant to and in full conformity
with the constitution and laws of the State of I.linnesots thereunto enabling,
including Chapter 431, 13nnzsota Statutes of l94.l and as;ts amendatory thereof
and supplemtal thereto for the purpose of defrashg the expense incurred and
to 'be incurred in lsying se:.m-s in said Bistrict and in anticiption of the
colleetion of special assessments levied a,cainst the benefited property in
said District and is payable out of a fund designated 2s Fund of Sewer District
No. 15, into which fund all proceeds of said assessment me required to be paid.
*. -.
33% i 1
(To be printed on karrants No. 55,56,57,58,59,60)
This ?Jarrant is subject to redemption on any interest payment date at
par 2nd aecured interest upon thirty days prior notice by mail to the bank where
this '.Jar '-ants is payable.
It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things
required by the constitution and laws oT the State of ILIinnesota, to be done, to
happen, and to be performed procedent to and in the issueance of this warrant,
have been done, have happened and have been performed in regular and due form,
time' and manner as req~red by law and this this warrant, together with all
other indebtedness of said Village butstanding on the date named herein and on the
date of the actual issuance and delivery he .eof, does not exceed any statutory
or constitutional limitation of indebtedness.
, IN XITNE'23 TTH';;WOP the Vil1ar;;e of Edina, Hennepin County, EEnnesota by
its Vil1ai.e council has caused this warrant to be sigeed by the President of
the Vil-11-e Council and countersigned by the Village lerk and sealed Trith the
seal of szid Villaye, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed
and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, as of
September 1, 1946.
(Form of Coupon)
On the first day of September (Narch) l9-, the VillafSe of Cdina, Hennepin
'ounty, flinnesota, will pay to bearer at First National Sank of f%nnespolis,
the sum of .,;1,000.00 Dollzrs being the installment of interest then due on its
Sewer Dlstrict No. 15 Ifarrant dated September 1, 1946. NO. b
3. Said warrants shall be prhted under the direction of the Vill2ge Clerk
and. the Fresident of the Villzge council .znd are he-reby authorized and directed
-Lo execute s4id mrrmbs and. to affix the ViL1.ge seal, znd the iiterest coupons
engraved or litliographed facsimile signatures of said officers.
. to be at3ached. thereto shall be executed. and zuthenticated by the printed,
L!,'. bJhen said warrants have been fully executed as required bg law md by
this i-.;SolJti(X .i-<;t.ey shall be delivered to the purchaser thereof upon receipt
of the purchase price znd said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the
aplicztion of said wrchase price e
5. Said war.ra,nts shall be payable solely frym money collected from special
asscssxents and the full faith and credit of the
to the payment of said warrants and interest thereon as and when the sane shall
bccorne due, both the treasurer is zuthorized. end directed to cwse said vz-rrants and
the interest thzreon to be paid out of any rnoneys of the Village available
ill.r:ge shall not be pledged
IJotlion to adopt this &solution was seconded by Haxhhorne and on rollcall there
1TEi-e five ayes znd no nays 3s follows:
Hz.xsthorne, aye; Christopher, aye; and the fiesoluticri was adopted.
Utley, ?re; L31son, a-re; &onne, aye;
Fursuant to advertisement for &ids published in the Hennepin County, Review,
Kopkins, IIinnesota, July 25 and Ausst 1, as per affiiiavit of publicstion read
by clerk, bids were opened for sale of sewer :;'iirrants on Smitar:: sewer %strict
Eo. 16 and read.
Company and Harold L. .r'ood and co~pang, Eimeapolis and st. Paul respectively,
who bid ~11,000.00 par ?due with interest at 4% per annum.
The onlg bid received was the joint bid of ~illison-Jilliams
IJo premium.
Utley offered the f ollor;ing Resolution and moved its adoption:
DISTRICT 110. 16 1im.UTTS
€33 IT F!S@LVEI) by the Villat-re - Council of the Village of Edina, I"linnesota,
that the bid of Allison-Yilliams coxpany, Ilinneapolis, Ehesota and Harold E.
Yood 8 company, St. Paul, &nnesota, to purchsse ~~ll,OOO,OO Ser:er District N0.16
>Jarrants in accordance t~th the resolution adopted July 22, 1944, and the notice
of sale is hereby accepted, said bid being to purchase said obligations bearing
interest 2t the rz%e of 4$ per annum at psr.
Notion to adop'c the Zesoluticn 23s seconded by Hawthorne, and on rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; and ch-risto>her, aye; and the Re
Utley, aye; 'dillson, aye; Zonne, a2e;
Utley offered the folloxing Resolution and moved its adoption:
B3 IT FZSOLVI3D by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin
County, Itinnesotz, as ~ollows:
The Village :hall issue its negotiable coupon se,Ier uarrants on 1.
account of Sewer District Eo. 16, in the amount, of Kl.l,OOO,OO, said mrrants
to be 22 in number and numbered from 1 thru 22, both inclusive; said warrants
being in the denomin3'cion of $500.00 bearing interest at the rate of 4 per cent
per annum, payable semiannually on "eptember 1st and %rch 1st in accordance
with appropri2te interest coupons to be hereto attached, and to mature serially
as follows:
to and including September Is%, 1951; $lAOO0.OO Ifarch lst, 1952; $320.00 each
September 1st and &rch Is%, comencing aeptember 1, 1952 to and including
September lst, 1956; $1,000.00 hrch 1, 1957,sai.d warrants maturing in 1-95"
beins subject to redemption on any interest payment date.
First National Bank of iiil.meapolis, and said warrmts and the coupons there to
attached shall be in substantially the following forn:
$500.00 each September 1st and &rch 1st commencing September 1, 1947
2, Both principal of and interest on said warrants shall be payable at the
KO $500.00 c
The Treasurer of the Village of,,Edina, Hennepin County, P"linnesota, will
pay to the beaer hereof fron Sever istrict 140. 16 'und of said Village the sum
of FIVE HUTtD3ED DOLLARS in any coin 6r currency of the United States of Amwica
which onthe date of payment is legal tender for public and private debts on the
lsit day of September, 19 , and to pay interest thereon at the rzte of 4 per
cent per annum, payable sernimually on the 1st day of September and 1st day
of &,rch in each year, interest to maturity being payable in accordance xtth and
upon presentation and surrender of the attached interest coupons as they severally
become due, both principal and interest being payable at the main office of the
First National Bank of i-knneapolis, in the %ate of Ihnesota.
This mrrsnt is one of a series of warrants all of like date and
tenor except as to maturity and privilege of redemption, in the aggregate
principal amount of $11,000.00 issued by the Village pursuant to and in
full conformity with the constitution and laws of the State of IEnnesota
thereunto enabling including Chapter 11.31, PEnnesota Statutes of 1941 and
acts amendatorythereof and supplemental thereto for the purpose of defray-
ing the expense incurred and to be incurred in laying sewers in $aid
District and in anticipation of the collection of 'pecial assessments
levied against the benefited property in said.district and is payable out
'of a fund designated as fund of Sewer District "0. 16, into which fund
all proceeds of said assessment are required to be paid.
(To be printed on Warrants "0. 21 Er22)
This Warrant is subject to redemption on any interest payment date at
par and accured interest upon thirty days prior notice by mail to the bank
where this Warrant is payable,
It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things
required by the conktitutionsand laws of the State of Minnesota, to be done
to happen and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this warrant,
have been done, have happened and have been performed in regular and due form,
time and manner as required by law and that this warrant, together with all
other indebtedness of said Vill.ige outstanding on the dake named herein and -
on the date of the actural issuance and delivery hereof, does not exceed any
statutory or constitutional limitation of indebtedness. *.
IN WITNESS IjHEFCEOF the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota by
its Village Council has caused this warrant to be signed by the President of
the Village Council and countersigned by the Village clerk and sealed with
the seal of said Village, and the interest coupons hereto atkached to be
executed and authentieLted by the facsimile signatures of saidofficers, as
of September 1, 19.46.
(Form of Coupon)
On the first day of September (March) 19 , the Village of Edina, Henneph
County, Pkinnesota, will pay to bearer at -,he First National Bank of Minneapolis
the sum of $500.00 Dollars being the installment of interest then due.on its
Sewer District No. 16 Warrants dated September I, 1946, No.
.< Village lerk
3. Said :Jamants shall be printed under the direction of %he Village
Clerk and the President of the Village Council and the Village Clerk are
hereby authorized and directed to execute said warrants and to affix the
Villa2e seal, and the interest coupons to-be attached thereto shall be
executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved or lithographed facsimile
sigmture of said officers.
4. then said warrants have been fully aecuted as required bylaw and
by this resolution they shall be delivered to the purchaser thereof upon
receipt of the purchase price and said purchaser shall not be obliged to
see to the application of said purchase price.
5. Said warrants shall be payable solely from money collected from
special assessments, and the full faith and credit of the Village shall not
be pledged to the payment of said warrants and interest thereon as and when
the same shall become due, but the treasurer is authorized and directed to
cause said warrants and the interest thereon to be paid out of any moneys
of the Village available therefor.
Kotion to. adopt the Resolution vas seconded by Hawthorne and on rollcall there
wepe five ayes and no nays as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; Christo?her, aye; and the Resolution was adopted:
Utley, aye; klillson, aye; Zonne, aye;
/. I
Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids published in the Hennepin county Revier:, Hopkins
1-kesota, Jul;r 25 and August 1, as per affidavit of publication read by Llerk, bids
for sale of Oertificates of Indebtedness on :;dater
opened and read. %ds received were as follows:
Allison-kklliams company, I-linneapolis 13,000 ~r 10.00
ld ain Improvement 140, 3 were
Harold E. Xood Q st. Paul 13,000 1.5@ 6.00
Juran & Eoody eC Kalman 0 co., a. Paul 13,000 1.25% 6.75
Piper, Jaf fray Er Hopvrood 13, ooo 1.4& 13 017
Utley offered the follovin,a Resolution and moved its ado$ion:
?llEXE:\S pursuant to resolution of this council adopted July 22, 1946 two veeks
- published notice has been given that this council would open and consider bids
at this present meeting for certificates of indebtedness heresfter described and
this Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice and has opened
and considered the folloxing bids;
Allison-I-lilliams IEnneapolis 13,000 1.25% 10.00
Harold E. ITood 2& Co., Paul 13,000 1.50% 6.00
Juran & Noody, & Kalman B Co., St.Paul 13,000 1Z3S$ 6.75
Piper, Jaff ray 8t Hoprrood 13,000 1 . 4Gi 13 .I7
!JHEREAS the bid of Allison-Yilliams Company of Ei,nheapolis is deemed
most faxrorable, now therefore.
BE IT RZSOLVED by the Vill-Lge council of the IKLlage of Edina that the said
bid of Al.lison-$illims com-pany of Minneapolis is hereby accepted and the President
and Clerk of the Village are hereby authorized and directed to execute,and
deliver certificate; of indebtedness of the Village of Edina in the aggregate sum
of Cl3,OOO to bear interest at the rate of 1.25% per annum payable annually
issued pursuant to resolution adopted July 22, 1946 for improvement of the
following streets :
?looddale Avgnue, from :Jest 56th Street to Tower Street
Yest 56th S$reet, from lfooddale Avenue to Concord Avenue
Concord Avenue, from Tower Street to %k Drive.
by construction of water main therein as authorized by Chapter 425 kvrs of 1921,
as amended upon payment of f;l3,OOO and accured interest to the Villzge Treasurer
in consideration therefor?.
$Iotion to adopt this Eesolution was seconded by Hawthorne and on rollcall there
vere five ayes and no nap as follows:
Havthorne, aye; Christopher, are; and the Resolution was adopted.
Utley, %e; ?.fillson, aFe; Zonne, aye; I AT'TEST: qpJfj#? '-I
PreAdenf, of the Vhge Co?&eCL 1 Village Clerk
Pursuant to Notice for Bids, published in Hennepin county Review, Hopkins, Minnesota
August 8, 1946 bids were called on Sand, Gravel, Rock, Pea Gravel and Pit Run Gravel,
to be used during 'ch~ balance of 1946.
Bids received were as follows:
DELIlGNf3D F -0. B . PLANT Glacier Sand & Gravel CO.
Oscar ZoberCs eC (30.-Joint Bid Torpedo Sand Per Yd. $0.98 $0.49
Crushed Roek 2.10 1.61
Pit Run 98 .49
Percy B. McGowan , Pea Rock Per Ton $089
Sand 03 5
Pit Run .09$
Subject $0 five (5%) per cent if paid 10th of month following delivery.
Hotion by bJillson that the joint bid of Glacier Sand and Gravel eo. and Oscar Roberts
Company for sand at $.49 per Yard. and G-rushed Rock at $1.$1 per Yard F.O.B. Plzhh,
and the hid of Percy B. l4cGowan for Pea Roek at-3,89 per-tp~ FlUi-$.Be accepted, was
secoiided by Hawthorne and carried. '- '" (FIarrt:.
Pursuant to Notice of Hearing on Improvement published in Hennepin County Review,
!opkins, SiIinnesota, July 11 and 18, 1946, as per affidavit of publication read by
Llerk, hearing was called on proposefi water main extension for w. 49s Street between
France and Halifax Avenues, and for alffax Avenue between W. 50th Street and IJ. 493
67 A dekigation from the north side 0% W.49& Street- Mrs. Henrietta Moreau, 14essrs.
. Eric Bjorkman and %2Lia,m Kell- appeared to protest the proposed set-back for
parking on W. 49$ Street.
hearing on proposed Water Main extension be adjourned until September 9, 1946
at 8:00 P.M.
Notion by Ydillson that Planning Board's recommendation as to parking set-back
on tJ. 492 %reet, as per Tlr. Nichols' plan of November, 19.45, be strictly adhered to,
,and that condemnation proceedings be started to acquire a sufficient portion of the
.;{filestad corner property (Lots 22 8~ 23, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172) to
maintain such a parking set-back, the cost of such acquisition to be charged to the
entire developmen% district, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Motion by Hawthorne that Village Engineer be directed to prepare plans, and
specifications,and estimtes of cost for irlst allation of curb, gutter, sidewalks,
streetllights, and blacktopping, in addition to proposed sanitary sewer, storm sewer,
and water main, and that beport be made to council at its meeting of hgust 26, was
seconded by kfillson and carried.
Hr; %th reported that A.0. Edwards' deed for 30 feet of proposed "aklawn Avenue
south of W. 56th Street had not yet been received, but that we expected to have
it within the next day or two.
construction of sanitary sewer in Sewer District No. 17 (Colonial Square) for
August 26, 1946 at 8:OO P.M. was seconded by Lonne and carried.
Because of this protest, Hawthorne moved that the *
Motion seconded by Utley and carried. ,
I'Iotion by &ley, setting hearing on petition for :
Ll Pursuznt to Notices of Hearing published in Hemepin County Review, Hopkins,
Fhnesota, July 18, and 25, and August 1, 1926, as per affidaxits of ,publication
Cead by clerk, hearing was held on oiling, and constricti_onof curb and gutter in
Oak Drive, Concord and St. John's Avenues. A delegation of eight appeared from this
district, requesting that this work be done just as soon as possible.
no objections.
There were
$dillson' offered the following Resobtion and moved its adoption: .
WHEREAS, petition in writing requesting improvement of the following streets:
Oak Drive, between Wooddale Avenue and Concord Avenue;
That porbion of Concord Avenue between Lexington Avenue and the North
lot line of Lot 7, Block 2, Golf Terrace Heights 2nd Addition.
That portion of St. John's AvenueJying between Lexington Avenue and
the North lot line of Lot 9, Block 1, Golf Terrace Heights 2nd Addn,
by the construction of curb and gutter and blackkopping therein, have been duly filed
with the Council dated Juiie 21, 1946 and July 12, 1%%, signed by owners of more than
5l$ in frontage of the real*property abutting on the portion of the streets named in
said petition as the location for such improvement, and
WHEmflS, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice
to all property owners whose property is ldable to be assessed for such improvement
published in the Hennepin county Review, Hopkins, I'Linnesta, on July 18 and 25, and
hgust 1, 1946, heard all persons interested and determined the necessity for the
improvement petitioned for, now theref ore. I
E3 IT IGSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina as required by
Chapter 65,
have been signed by the required percentage of owners of property affected thereby, and
L aws of 1919, that the petitions above described are hereby determined to
E IT RTRTm RI~S~LVIXI thatthe above named streets be improved by curb and gutter
and blacktopping therein, and
BZ IT FURTHER FESQLYXD that said improvement be made in accordance with
%andard Specifications for curb and gutter and oiling now on file with the 'lerk
and which were approved by the Villzge council August 12, 1946.
BE IT FEZTHER RESOLVED that the street Conmissioner is authorized and directed I to do the oiling portion of this project by day labor and purchase the materials
necessary therefore.
€E IT FTJRTHEXFESOLVED that the %erk is directed to prepare and insert in the
Hennepin county fieview an advertisement for bids for curb and gutter to be opened
%gust 26, 1946 for material required by said specifications.
Hotion to adopt the demlutionws seconded by Utley, ad on "ollcall there were five
ayes and no nzys, as follows:
and the Resolution was sdoDted.
Utley, aye; !rlilXson, aye; Zonne, aye; Haxrthorne, aye;
In connection with the above hwlution, Engineer &th stated that actual constmction
could not be begun until a revised profile of Oak Drive has been obtained from Carl
?.I. Bansen. He requested that interested proper%y owners cooperate in securingetbis
profile from &e &nsen.
The deliegation &ora oak Drive protested the speeding on that street and in the
surrounding territory.
matter to the attention of the Police Deparkment.
la%* H.H. Drews, atiiorney for fk. Thomas, mmer of Lot ll, Block 1, Brucetrood,
requested action on storm sewer.
Sroith and :;findhors% confer with 1.k. Drew, and report to the Council at their
next meeting as to the Villzge's 15abiEty vith regarding to filling Thomas' Lot.
Public Safety Chakrrnan Zonne was requested to bring this
It was the suggestion of'the Council that Hessrs.
ith regard to the Hmsen draina,ge situstion, at Ilr. NcCreigh%ts request for a b1
report, Attorney *"indhorst reported that in his opinion Carlhson has violated the
TiilLqge Ijxcavation Ordinance by excavating a lake ~Tjthouk securing a permit. Slotion
by kvrthorne that ITS. Ihsen be notified of this violation and that he be directed
to comply xith that portion of the ordinance/for proper drainage from such excavation
rms seconded by lfillson and carried.
%. Clarence A. Fredean applied for pernilit to construct cement block plant at &den
Avenue and I-E&S right-of-uaTr, stating that there vould be no excavation for gravel on
these premises.
and aarried.
/ord&ng him to provide./
Kotion by kwthorne that permit be granted was seconded by VELl.son
fir. RacEeil presented plat of Valley view Heights.
Commission fbr final approval rand signatuye.
for Sinal approval contingent on p.latter's f5Jing letter expressing his vrillingness to
oil streets by July 1, 1947, in accordance with Villl,ge spccific=rtions.
seconded by 'Tillson and carried.
Flzt was rezerred to Flanning
Hawkhorne moved that pl& be accepted .
:lotion by Havthorne that the Flanqing commission be requested to incorporate 5n their
*'€$mommendstions of the Planning 'omxi.ssionll a stipulation that pLts rELl be accep%ed
subject to Fktter's filing oerformance bond for ,mading, graveling .and oiling of
streats in accordance :&th %hge recific:-ttions, such ~JOP~C to be conpleted not laker
of engineer's estimked cost of such work, was seconded b;r b4iUson and carx-ied,
Letter from 1:inneapolis Board of hxltors, suggesging S.S. Thorpe, Jr. , and Lzv-ence
ffeyritt as possible Flamiing Commission xds read and filed uith the Clerk,
Tlat of Brookline 15% .iddition, which is a replat of the Xickelson-owned portion of
AbercrombiE's znd Gouldsnith's Additions was presented to Council for final approval.
1.lotion by 7:'illson t1ia-t. p13t be accepted uas seconded b:. &dchorne and carried.
months (or ;pews) after accept.mce of plat, and such bond to be amount .
Plzt c~l" hx-kryside MZS presented bj' Gngineer Smith for approval.
Smith e:cpI-:&-md. that the Pxk Board had refused. dedic3,tion for pcrk, as
p-roposed dedicdxicsn YES almost entire17 smmp property.
the council need act on preliminary plats.
%~hhorne questioned tlnt
I\lo action taken,
Tx-Lter from Flmnin,? ConmiSsion Cliaiman, hafft , requesting irc rease in budget for - Plz-nning commis$.on to allow fimther v;ork xi %ste;- hlan, was read.
moved that the klanning CordS5ion be informed that it is the Councills vrish
that 3 %s-ter Plan for the Villz.ze be completed IS quickly as possible and that
tlie Planning comnission continue its normal activities in checking plats for approval
and that the Council appropriate all reasonable funds for carrying out these projects
I:ot,is-n seconded by Zonine and carried.
Report of '*'lex Crcighton, Vi7-lage Assessor, was filed with L;lerk.
Invit;j.Lion from %clifield Youth Council to their Annual Youth Festival on August
24 and 25 ZJ~S read and filed.
Lctter from Theodore 3. Thomson, reques-Ling attention for his diseased boulevard
tree, IT~S reado
in such instances as he deemed'necessary to save trees.
Ihnager Smith vas given authority to hire IIinnesota Tree Service
Applic,xLion from Ped.erson Dairy for permit to construct pasteurizing plant on
seconded by Utley and carried.
their farm in the ldor'bhhr.rest pad of the V illage YES ,zranted, per motion Hawthorne,
The matter of assessin? %e Eewd Avenue grading job was discussed.
Hxrbhorne that the necessaryAega1 steps%e,.taken to assess this job ms seconded
by "tlesr and carried.
Invitation to 1.iayor Christopher to join League of Nnnesota ITunicipalities n%x
IIinnesota Association of l'layors was read..
join -this association was seconded by Lonine and carried,
Petition dated ilugust LO, l9Lh signed by R.P. Cooper and others, requesting curb and
guttier on the Uqst side of France Avenue between 51st and 52nd Streets, was read
and filed with 'lerk, Ilotion by '"illson, setting hearing on this >etitionfor
dep-bember 9, 19&6 at 8:OO P.M., was seconded by aidhorne and carried,
Petition signed by Z.A* Bjorkman and others, requesting sanitary sewer on !"J. 49th
Street from France Avenue to "aple doad was accepted, and hearing on Petition set
for SeGtember 9, as per motion :kllson, seconded by Utleg and carried,
1:otion by
Plotion by IIawthorne that the byor
Petition signed by Frank 'B. !/aller and others, requesting grading of 65th between
Tingdale and Rolf and Rolf Avenue between 65th and 66th, VJGSS referred tQ Engineer
aith for further report, as per motion 'Jillson, seconded by Lome and carried.
fmith reported that -the Gar -ison dump at 70th and Cahill Road would be closed in the
very new future because of change in ownership, and that Joe Garrison, uho rfill
soon be operating a dump at 84th and France had approached the Vill*Ige with an
offer to allow the Village contrsct garbage collector and any other Edina resident
to use this new dump in return for papent of $50.00 per month by Villsge.
Council requested IIes-rs, @rdhorst and Smith to draw up form of contract with 5Ir.
Garrison for presentation to the council at tis next, meeting.
Comk'ctee reports for month of July were filed with the 'le&.
Nr. Utley reported that he had received some additional information frora -the Iiinneapolis
Gas Light 'omparry, ad suggested a special meeting to discuss matter of franchise,
Iieeting XJ~S set for Tuesday, August 27, 1946.
information from League of 3Lnnesota P.l[unicipalities as to Zeneral practice foll+9~1ed
%nager '%ith was requested to secure
F" by Village in granting franchises. -e
Spring Rezlty CompanyIs request for a letter from the Village to FHA, accepting
Streets in Edina Terrace for continuous maintenance TELS reported by Smith. I%.
%ith was asked to check with spring about oiling of the streets.
The matter of a connection between Skyline and jpring 'ompmy's Edina Highlands was
referred to the Planning commission for their consideration.
&Ira hith'reported Carl Hansonls request to connect a house facing on Normandale
Road with 'dater "ain running on Lakeview Drive;
that a Consumer's Deposit should be charged for all connections made .to lobs n6t
assessed, such deposit to be appl-ied against construction cost of utilities when
they were installed.
It was the opinion of tlie Council
flr, %th reported that Fire Chief Bailey has inspected the predses at 4605 Bruce
Avenue and has secured the promise of the ovmer to mve glider noses off his lot
"this week. Nr. *h stated be Bailey had found notF&g in the yard to attract
rats except possibly the afore mentioned wood stac1,ed against the garage. Council
requested that I&. smith have 14r. Bailey check this week, to see that glider noses
had been removed.
?-€re &llson reported a request from %. Greguson fm a fence to be built on Village .
toolhouse property to screen this property from neighbors. KQtion by ''illson that
Village &lanager be given authority to build fence at back of Village Hall Yard was
seconded by Lonne and carried. .-
I&. ?Jillson reported that Don 1~IcClellan, 62nd and Peacedale, was still operating a
commercial business in resident5al district contrary to zoning ordinance.
by Hawthorne that f-lcCellan be notified that his equipment be moved from its
present location by October 1; and that i_E it is not moved by then, the Village
1.fanager be requested Lo file complaint against %. 14cclellan, was seconded by
!Tillson and carried.
&tion by Hawthorne thak $150.00 be appropriated f ron Contingency Fund for' publication
of Financial Statement for 1945 was seconded by &ley and carried.
Letter from Elmer L. ~$lliams, Chairman of 'Jar 1.fenorial Comnittee, was read.
Utley suggested that Tk. &illiams be invited to the Apecia1 Neeting of 4gurjt 27, for
3-wther discussion on7ar &morial CodYieels project.
inform 1.1 . y'illiams that the Village will proceed TJiJCh the clearing of the mrk site as
hith VAS requested to
soom as 'illage labor is available this fall. \.
1-k. 2JiIliams' request for :ra-L;er connection at triangular park a;% 50th and Brovmdale
was granted, as Ter motion Utleg authorizing vi31q.ge ngineer 3m5th to have this
connection installed, seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Letter. from Towle 'ompang, protesting proposed 15' alley between
Street, vas read and filed.
soon as possible.
50th and Y. 49&
b,nager Smith vas adked to consul& with Towle co~pany as
I Letter from 1-ielvin Lwt, Presi&at of the Hilldale Association, relative to cutting
xee'ds, speeding on Interlachen Boulevard, and the mushroom cellar and wall adjacent to
Skyline was read.
Tho had been trying to demolish wall wLthout success.
Nr. Burt of action taken.
hr. &ith reported that he had consulted with fiferrill Hutchinson,
%th was requested to inform
There being no further business to come before the Council, meeting was adjourned,
as per motion %-llson, seconded by Hawthorne and carried.