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8:00 P.M.
$!embers present were 'c1Tillson, Utley, Hawthorne and Christopher.
Minutes of the Regdar Pteeting of August 26, 1946 were approved as
submitted, per motion illso son, seconded by Utley and carried,
Motion by iqillson approvting Payrolls in amount of <j2,635.68 was
seconded b:i Utley and carried,
NAPE CLAIM # gRO$@igT . r-r $@T. - ~&f&JNT. ~ I
Phil 11, Smith 312 208.33 23 90. 184.43
Gretchen Schussler 313 97 . 50 12 . 60 84.90
Anne L. Phillips 314 35.35 -0- 35.35
Helene Freeman 315 50 . 00 4.80 45.20
Sub-t otal 391.18 41.30 349.88 I
Hilding Dahl. 316 117 . 50 8.10 109 . 4.0
Wm. S. Heydt 317 100 . 00 5.40 94.60
Clayton Elrickson 318 100.00 9140 90.60
Clarence Knutson 319 100 00 5.40 94.60
Donald Nelson 320 95.00 4.40 90 . 60
kh. V. Hoffman 321 95 .OO 5.ko &9.60
Sub-t ot 21 ' 567 50 38 . 10 529 40
Phil Bailey 322 116 . 40 4,20 112 -20
S.J. Roberts 323 100.00 5.40 94.60
John Tracy 325 91.04 -0- 91.04
I4. J . Kerf eld 326 103 54 5.70 97.84
Harry Jonas 327 91 04 3 070 87.34
Arthur Jensen 328 93 . 13, 10 93 102
P.H. Dahlgren 3.24 102.30 9.70 92.60
August Custaf son
329 86 . 96 7.00 79.96
784440 35.80 748 . 60
Cha s Johnson 330 76 95 1.30 75 065
Ronald p. Port 331 78.85 -0- 78.85
Sam I4cCready 332 60 . 00 2.50 57.50
Jacob Shmak 333 66.00 3 050 62 . 50
Sub-t otal 378.00 9.10 . 369.90
E.C. Pfeiffer 334 96 -20 . 80 95 e40
Ben Pfoehler 33 5 125.00 9*70 115.30
Fred Jonas 337 71.10 8.20 62 . 90
Warren Schwert 338 . 55.00 5.80 50.20
Sub-total 514.60 53 030 461.30
Carl T. Miller 336 100.00 9.40 90 . 60
Juel H. Belsaas 33 9 162.50 20.20 142 030
TOTAL PAYEOLL PAID 2,635.68 176 . 60 2,459 . 08
Notion by Utley approving payment of the following bills was seconded by
Willson and carried:
General Fund $LE?, 405 . 08 c
Poor Fund 64 .lo I
S.D. #13 Fund 6.45
'G.J.T.I.1, 193 Fund 1,83 9 -61
S.D. #15 Fund 5 33 10 74
Sewer Rental 1.04
Northern States Power Co,
Etta M. Decker
E .E. Igelarud
4464 657.40
4465 5.00 '
44-66 4.88
Charles Johnson
Surroughs Adding ibchine Go.
Robert Lindbery
Percy B. IkGo~m
Galvin I-zfg. carp.
Glacier Sand E: Gravel Co.
Jay Y. Craig Go.
J.A. Danens Son
?h H. Zie ler Go.
Underwood Corp.
3oberts-Hamilton co.
Tzller Davis Co.
l.:pls . -laloline Po:.ler Implement $0 .
Rqfl-ake Go.
?-ridwest Cap I-Lfg. Go.
Dahlberg Bros., Inc.
Brookside Szrvice Station
Borey Shell Station
Juel H. Belsazs
:emepin count^ Review
Arthur IC. Petersen
E.C. Pfeiffer
John A. Greighton
:'finifred D. Creight oh
Alex Cbeighton
Nrs. Luella S:.rul
Roy .4rntson
Phelps-Drhke Go,
Oscar Roberts 3 Go.
HA Bogers Go.
knerican C.I. PiFe Co.
Northwestern EZll Telephone Co.
Phillips B etroleum Go.
ViOY-a, Dot7
Laetti Lametti
Juel H. Belsaas
Lmetti eC Lunetti
fJorthern 5tates Paver Go.
4469 4470 4471
4472 4473
4474 4475 &76
4479 4480
4484 4485 4486
' 4487
4490 4491
4492 4493
' 4496
' 4497 4501
4503 45or:
' 4-487
" 4505
I 4505
21 . 67
25.00 6.40
52 55
33 072
92 50
3 050
106 .36
720.31 117 . 15 19 . 00
56 .13
603 .XI
600 00
150 . 00
550.00 .5,431.10
4,905 71 &.70
1,83 9 61
5,3 10 . 74
18,405 09
S.D. 15
First Bdina State Bank (Fund Trinsfer) 4506 2,585.68
Fmsuant, to Xotice of Hearing, published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins,
Riimesota, on August 29, as per affidavit or publication read by %e&,
public hezriny was held on proposed $17,511.17 assessment covering cost of
construction of vzter ~z~in in '&her l-hin Improvemeiit IJo. 4.
sunmwized calculation of ssswment, stating thit Lhe cost per front, foot
xodd be '?4.58. There bein2 no objectors present, and the Clerk's having
received no m-itten Dbjections, Utley offered the fo!-loi&ng Resolution and
moved its adoption:
Zngineer Sdth
YHZWAS proFosed. assessment for the cost of the Lrprovement of the
f o'llowing streets :
Vest 52nd Street, from Indianola Avenue to Gorgas Avenue;
Gorgas Avenue, from Yest 52nd %reek to IJorth end thereof;
Halifax Svenue, fron Yest 52nd Street, to Eest 54th Street;
by construction of water main therein, has been duly filed with the
Villaqe %erk and open to public inspection and notice has been
published in the Hennepin ounty Review on August 29, 1946 that this
Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present . meeting, and this council has met at the time and place specified in
said notice, and heard and passed upon all objections thereto, now
said proposed assessment which is hereby referred to and made a part
:hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against
each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described
therein in the slms therein respectively set forth, and each of said
tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the
assessment levied against it herein:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Chuncil of the Village of Edina that
€33 IT FURTM ESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in
equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the
first to be Gayable on the first day of January, 1947, all deferred
papents are to bear interest at the rate of. 5% per annum.
assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein
specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 4.25,
Laws of Ninnesota 1921.
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as follows:
Ifillson, aye; Utley, aye;
Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye;
ATTEST : /z/a Villoge' Clerk
Pursuant to Nofiice of Hearing Published in Hennepin County Review,
Hopkins, Minnesota on August 22 and 29, as per affidavit of notice
read by clerk, public hearing was held on proposed construction of
curb and gutter on the $Jest side of France .4venue between 11. 5lst and
W. 52nd Streets. No objections were raised at the hearing, and no
written objections had been received by the Clerk.
following resolution and moved its adoption:
Willson offered the
WHEREIS, petition in writing requeding improvement of the TTest side
of France Avenue between 5lst and 52nd Streets, by construction of burb
and gutter therein, has been duly filed with this Council dated August
12, 1946, signed by owners of more than 51% frontage of the real property
abutting on the portion of the above named street named in said petition
as the location for such improvement, and
T;sH%Z.4S, the Villa_ge council has met at the time and place specified
in a notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be
assessed for such improvement published in the Hennepin county Review on
%gust 22 and 29, 1946, heard all persons interested, and determined the
necessity for. the improvement petitioned for, now theref ore
BE IT RESOLVED by the VilLge Council of the Village of ECtina 8s
required by Chapter 311, Laws of 1927, that the petition above described
is hereby determined to have been signed by the required percentage of
owners of property affected thereby, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above named street be improved
by construction of curb and gutter therein, and
BE IT WETHER ESOLVED, that said improvement be made in accordance
with Standard Specifications for curb and gutter now on file with the
Clerk and which were approved by the Village council October 7, 1940.
Bir; IT FURTHER @SOLVED that the clerk is directed to prepare and
insert in the official paper an advertisement for bids to be opened
September 23, 19.46 for material required by said specifications.
Motion to adopt the l?esolution vas seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollczll there
were four ayes and no nays as follows: Utley, aye; Xillson, aye; Hawbhorne,
aye; and Christopher, aye; andthe Resol-crtion vas@
7 // /7
Ik, Smith reported that property owners on France Avenue, between 5lSt and
52nd Street, has not pt constructed sidetmlk as per Councilts order of July
22, and advised advertising for bids forththis work along with curb and gntter.
f.Tilj_son offered the follmdng Resolution and moved 5ts adoption:
X-EFiEAS, the VillaTe council duly adopted a resolution July 22, 1946,
ordering sidewalk to be constructed on the Vest side of France Avenue between
5lst and 52nd Streets before September 1, 1946, wkiich resolution was duly
served on the ovners
of property fronting on said portion of said streets,
!.7HEREAS, said sidewalk has not been constructed, now therefore,
BE IT ZSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the
Clerk is hereby directed -to advertise for bids for construction of sidevmlk
on the west side of France Avenue between 51st and 52nd Street, wlflich shall
be five feet in width and constructed in accordance with standard sidewalk
specifications for the Villace approved by the Village Council October 7,
1940, and &ich are on file with the Villaye Clerk,
be oublished in the Hemepin County Review on September 12, 1946, and bids
shall be opened by the Villaye council at the Village Hall at its meeting to
be held September 23, 1946,
Said advertisement shall
?lotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hwbhorne, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Utley, aye; WLlson, aTe; Christopher,
aye; Hawthorne, aye; and $he Resolution was adopted.
Pursuant to Idotice of Ijearinz mblished in Hemepin Counts Review, Hopkhs,
I-Iinnesot3, on August 29 and September 5, 1946 as per affidavit of publication
read by Clerk, public hearing vas held on proposed construction of water
win extension in the following streets:
Kellogg Avenue, from Yest 56th Street to Kellogg ?lace
Kellogg faace, from Kellogg Avenue to OaklaTm Avenue
@&lawn Avenue, from IZellogg Place to Uest 56th Street
As there were no objectors at the hearing, and no mitten objections had been
filed with the Clerk, Utley offered the folloxing Resolution and moved its
?-AS3 the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in
a notice to all prooarby otmers .:ri?ose property may be assessed for proposed
construction of VillaFe ?later main in the following streets:
Kellogg Avenue, from !.lest 56th Street to Kenogg Place,
Eellog Place, fron Kellogg Avenue to oaklaim ATTenue;
Oaklavm Avenue, from icell.ogg Place to 'Jest 56th Street;
_. published in the Henncpin County Review August 29 and September 5, 1946, and
has heard all parsons appearing at said meeting and duly considered said
proposed.improvement, now therefore,
t BE IT iUSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it
is hereby determined to be necessary to construct Village water main in the I
above named streets, and
BE IT EURTHECR RESOLVED that plans and specifications for such w&er
main construction heretofore prepared by Philip W. Smith and filed with
the Village Clerk are hereby accepted and approved as the plans and specifi-
cations for said improvement.
BE IT mTRTHER RFtSOLVED that the Clerk is hereby directed to advertise
for bids on the basis of cash payment for such work, stating that the bids
will be opened and considered by the council on September 23, 1946; no
bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and
accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to the Clerk for an
mount equal to lo$ of the bid.
BE IT'FURTHER RESDLVED that the cost of said improvement is to be assessed
against the property improved as authorized by Chapter 425, Laws of 1921.
Notion to adopt the Resolution
were four ayes and no nays, as
aye; and Christopher, aye; and
was seconded by Villson, and on Rollcall there '
the Resolution was adopted.
Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne,
Pursuant to Notice of Hearing pubiished in Hennepin county Review, Hopkins,
Ninnesota, on August 29, 1946, as per affidavit of publication read by
Clerk, public hearing was held on proposed extension of water maifi&*sevcr in
?I. 49th Street between France Avenue-and Maple Road. Nr. D.J. PJallace,
owner of 307 feet abutting W. 49th Street, objected to assessment for
his property, stating that his property would not be benefited because, if
lots were ever platted they would run east and west, and an addition lateral
would have to be constructed to serve them.
the reason for excluding some lots from assessment, and was told that Lots 9
and 10, Block 1, and Lots 9 and 10, %ock 2, South Mhite Oaks could not be
served by L,%h Street sewer--that it would be necessary to construct lateral
sever on Tolmes Road to serve these lots; and that Lot 11, %ock 2, and
Lot 1, %ock 4, South lqhite Oaks, bad already been assessed for the Maple
Road sewer which is serving them.
construction of 49th Street sewer be tabled pending further study and report
by Engineer Smith, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
&.V.H, Adams inquired as to
Motion by Utley that the matter of
Pursuant to Adverkisement for Bids published in Hennepin County Review,
Hopkins, PEnnesota, on August 29 and September 5, 1946, as per affidavit
lines as a part of the ornamental street lighting system along West 50th
Street between France and Halifax Avenues, and along Nest side of France
Avenue between ?J. 49th and tl, 5lst Streets, were opened and read as follows: Ern.
' of publication read by Clerk , bids covering materials for underground
Line Material Company Nilwaukee, 'biisc. $lm, 96
Southern Minn. Supply Go, Mankota , I~Iinn . 1,841.47 $2,296.71
Gen. slectric Supply Go.
Graybar Electric Go. Minneapolis , Pfinn, Z f 756 71
Westinghouse Electric Go. Minneapolis, Him. 1,015.25 1 , 218.3 0
Minnespolis, Hinn.
(Bid on only portion of requirements) 2,527.75
Motion by Yillson that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation
was, seconded by %ley and parried. . -
Pwsuant to Advertisement for Bids published in Hennepin County Review August
22, 1946, as ner affidavit of publication read by Clerk, bids on power mower
were opened- and read as follows:
S. J. Rutherford coy
Edina Garage, Inc.
Hinneapolis (Jari Power Scythe)
Edina (Toro Sickle Bar)
185.00 Less23 10 Days
185.00 Le s ~2%.
Motion by 'dillson that bids be referred to Village Zngineer for report at next
meeting was, seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
l4 i 9/9/46
Public hearing on assessmcnt for cost of improvement of Beard Avenue between
21. 56th Street and 'd. 59th Street, which was postponed frorrl the meeting of
gust 26, vas called. !tillson recommended that
owners of abutting properties be assessed for only 1/2 this cost, because of
the fact that Beard Avenue is a thru-street and will be used by balance of
Villagers as much as or more than by property owners.
the folloxing Xesolution 2nd moved its adoption:
There were no objectors.
kli.llson then offered
TmAIS, the cost of ,Tadins Beard Avenue, between X. 56Yn Street t?: 2. z 59th Str-et is detemhed to be <? 2,915.07, and wherezs Eewd Avenue is
detemnined to be a th-street and thus for the use of the general public.
BX IT iESt'LX3D by the ViLlage Council of the Village of Edina, thnt
owners-of Dronerty abutting said Beard Avenue, between I!. 56th Street 6: W.
58th Street, be assessed for one-half the cost of grading said street; the
Village of Zdina to pay the other one-half of this cost,
Xotion to adopt the Xesoliition vas seccnded by Hauthorne, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as follow:
Hawthorne, are; Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
:'Tillson, aye; Utley, a2i-e;
T;Jillson offered the follosing %solution and moved its adoption:
YHI%%S, proposed assessment for one-ha32 the cost of the improvement
of Beard {venue, between V. 56th Street and II. 58th Streety by gradins has
been duly filed ::it11 the Village Clerk and open to public ins2ection and
notice h3s been published in the Hennepin county Review, Hopkhs, Rinnesota,
July 25, l?46 and copy of said notice miled to property owners, that this
Council would pass upon said proposed assessment at its regular meeting of
August 26, and this council has met at the time and place specified in said
notice, and heard and pssscd upon all objectfons thereto, now therefore,
33 IT 3XSCLVEI) by the Village council of %he Village of Edina tliat said
proposed assessment xhich is hereb7 referred to and made a part hereof, is
herebB adopted, md an assessment is hereby levied azainst each df the lots,
parts of lots, pieces and rzrcels of land described therein in the stux there-
in respectively set forth, and each of ssid tracts of land is hereby found to
be benefited in the ar-tount of the assessment levied against it herein:
Ei3 IT -WRTHB R?SOL?ED that each assessment shall be papble in equal
annuzl installments exrending over a period of three ;years, the first -to be
payable on the first day of January, 194.7, all deferred payments are to
bear interest at the rate of. 55 per mum.
shall- be a lien upo-fl the property therein specjfied concurrent with general
taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of I.linnesota 1919, as amended.
Said assessments and interest
INF'LATED 3.20, T.28, R.24
Helen R. Jeroxe E.670' of 11.; of S.Pl.2; of 5.23 98.23 3-947
ll.16 104.16 194s
of S.'!f.$ of E.!T.& e:ccept rd. 279.00 93.00 5.58 98.59 1949
Anna C. Knopke S.$ of R.5 of S.VT.$ of S.?T.q 99.00 33.00 1.86 34.86 1947
EJ.tI.? st IJ.: of So\ of 11.2 1
3.96 36.96 1948
1.93 3h.98 1949
Peder Wickelsen
Peder Hickelsen
Peder 14ickel s en
Peder Ilickelsen
Peder 1kl.ckelsen
Peder Nickelsen
3 1 25.80 8.60
4 1 25.80 8.60
5' i 25.80 8.60
6. 1 25.80 8.60
7* 1 25.80 8.60
Peder E.ckelsen - 10 ' 7 40.02
Peder 1Cl.ckelsen 11 7 40.02
Peder Nickels en 12 7 40.02
Peder Nickelsen 1.3 7 40.02
Peder Ilickelsen 14 - 7 &0.02
Peder IXckelsen 15 7 40.02
Peder I-fick el sen 16 7 40.02
Peder Nickelsen 17 7 40.02
Peder Mickelsen 18 7 4O002
Peder Rickelsen 5 8 36.00
Peder T-kckelsen 6 8 36.00
Peder &cke Is en 7 8 36.00
Peder 1.1ickelsen 8 8 36.00
Peder &ckelsen 9 8 36.00
Peder Kickelsen 1 1 29.02
Peder EEckelsen 2 1 25.20
Peder Wckelsen ,3 i 25.20
Peder Mickelsen 4 1 25.20.
E. J. 0' Brien 5 1 25.20
E.J. O'Brien 6 1 25.20
Peder Mickelsen 7 1 25.20
13 e34
13 e34
13 034
13 034
13 -34
13 034
12 . 00
048 9.08 1947 {
1.03 9.63 1948
052 9.u 1949
075 l4.09 3-947
1.60 14.94 1948
080 14.U 1949
054 10.22 1947
1.16 lo&? 1948
.58 1025 1949
.47 8.87 1947
1.01 9.41 , 1948
.50 8.90 1949
H.L. Xiedewitsch
Charles 11. Zinn
Chester F. Porter
Hrs. Jean Herbold
Lot ' 7
Rrs. Bertha D. Knoble 11
Ruby H. Storm I2
Block 4
30.00 10.00
30.00 10.00
30.00 10.00
30.00 LO.00
30.00 10.00
Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there
were four a3res and no nays as follows:
and Christopher, a3re; and the Resolution was adopted,
Utley,aye; &Jl.son, aye; kvrbhorne, ap;
Adjourned portion of August 26th Hearing on Gorgas Avenue Grading Assessnent was
called. I*%. klillson stated that property owners had
petitioned for this grading with the understanding th3t cost would be assessed
against the properby.
There were no objectors.
{Jillson then 'offered the following Resolution and Moved its
X-EEtEAS proposed assessclent for the cost of the improvement of Gorgas
Avenue between V. 52nd Street and the Idorth end of Gorgas Avenue by grading
had been duly file3 with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection and
notice has been published in the Hemepin county Review, Hopltins, Wmesota,
July 25, 1946 and copy of said notice mailed to property owners, that this
Council would nass upon said proposed assessment at its regular meeting of
&gust 26 and this Council has met at the tine and place specified in said
notice, and heard and passed upon all objections thereto, now therefore,
EE IT ESOLVED br the Village council of the Village of Edinathst said
proposed assessment which is hereby referred to and made a art hereof, is
hereby adopted, and an assessment which is hereb? %evied d@.lnst'each of the
lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein the sums
therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby
cound to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein;
BE IT FURTHER F@SOL%D that each assessment shzll be payable in equal
annual installments e-*ending over a period of three years, the first to be
payable in the first day of January, 1947, all deferred payments are to bear
interest at the rate of 5;: per annum.
lien unon the Froparty therein specified concurrent w%th general taxes as
authori2ed b3 Chanter 65, Laws of IXnnesota 1919, as mended.
Said assessments and interest shsll be a
Ida L. Benton I{.&? of E.; of Lot 46 44.64 W.8E 1.40 16.28 1947
excepi street 1.78 16.66 1948
-89 15.77 1949
George B. Gorgas B.50' of 5.70' of 36.00 32.00 1.13 13.13 1947
Lot 46 except street 1.44 13*44 1946
072 12-72 1949
9/9/46 17
AUD. SUB. # 172, 1
Byton E. Kell N.561 of that part of 40.32 13.44 1.27 14-71 1947 if.$ of Lot 46, lying 1.61 15.05 19bS
E.of W.135' thereof .81 14.25 1949
%Iter J. Oxborough S.56' of N.ll2' of 40.32 13.44 SLUE AS ABOVE
that part of ]I.$ Of
Lot 46 lying E. of
W.1351' thereof
Robert P. Cooper
Laura 14. LQuady
Robert P. Cooper
Lyman A. Bdser
Orville D. Blue
John P. Sharp
Zeph LaVoie
Oscar Roberts
S.601 of E.300' of 43 20
Lot 56 except street.
~.72! of E.300' of 51.44
Lot 56 except st.
N.66I of E.135' of lL7.52 W.300( of Lot 56
except stre&
3.661 of E.165' of 4.7.52 w.300' of Lot 56
except street
That part of Lot 57
lying E.of W.135' of
.No& of V.135' exc. s'c.
Lot 58 95.04
S.661 of E.165' of 47 52 w.g of Lot 59
N.661 of E.165' of 47 . 52 w.3 of. Lot 59
14 40
1-5 . 84
15 84
2.98 34.66
3.80 35.48
1.90 33.58
1947 1948
1947 1948
Christine Kickelsen . N.50' of E.$ 36.00 12.00 1.13 13.13 1947
of Lot 59 ,except street 1.44 13.44 1948 .72 12.72 1949
ChriJtine Mickelsen S.50' of N.100' 36.00 12.00 S~~4l3 AS ABOVE
of Lot 59 except strej?t
Merljjne F. Dewitt 5.32' of E.+ of 23.04 7.68 .72 8.40 1947
Lot 59 except street .92 8.60 1948 046 8.U 1949
Merlin F. Dewill l3.i of Lot 60 47.52 15-84 1.49 17.33 1947
except street 1.90 17.74 1948
a95 16.79 1949
Zeph hVoie s& of w.g of 47.52 15.84 S,liiB AS ABOVE
Lot 60 exc. st.
S.H. Chreiman E.-$ of Lot 61 &?e52 15*84 SAfiIE AS ABOVE
except st.
S.H. Chreiman E.135' of W.270' 4'7.52 15.84 SANE AS ABOVE
of Lot 61 exc. st.
Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Utley, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays as follows:
aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Reso1utip-i was adopted.
willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, ,
Regarding construction of :.later ihin on the following streets:
V. 57th Street, from France to Beard Avenue;
Beard Avenue, from 21. 57th Street to !1. 58th Street;
Chowen Avenue, from 71. 57th,Street to $1. 58th,&reet;
Drew Avenue, from !'I. 57th S reet to 11, 58th S reet;
Ewing Avenue, from 11. 57th $beet to W, 58th gtroet;
Engineer Smith presented calculation of assessment, amount $23,829.64, wEch
totals $5,34 pw assessable foot.
moved its adoption:
Utleg offered the following Resolution and
XHEREdS, pursuant to a Xesolution adopted by the council June 24, 19&6
a contract h3s been let for improvement of the following streets:
:J, 57th Street, from France to Beard llvenue;
Bead Avenue, from :I. 57th S reet to V. 5Gth STreet;
Chowen Avenue, from I.T. 57th $tree% to 11. 5%h+Street;
Drew Avenue, from Y'. 57th Street to 3. 58th S reet;
Ewhg ivenue, from 71. 57th Street to 71. 58th Street;
by constru$tion of water main therein, and the clerk 15th the assistance of
Philip W. 'kith, the engineer selecterjl, has calculated the groper amount to be
specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel
of land abukting such jmorovement as provided by law, which proposed assessment
is now on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore,
E3 IT RESOLVED by the Village council of the Village of E&na that the said
~ork of improving ssid streets is hereby accepted and designated as %tcr Kain
Improvement Bo. 5; tht t'ne clerk is directed to cause notice to be published
in Hemeoh county Reviev, Hopkins, Ilfxmesota on September 12, 1946, that this
Council will neet on September 23, 1946, at the Villace Hall to pass upon
5aid proposed assessment; that the total cost of said 5np-ovemen-L is determjned
to be $23,829.64.
I-lotion to adopt the Elesolution PELS seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there
xere four aye5 and no nays as follmrs:
aye; and Christopher, aye; and tke Resolution was adopted,
11illson, aye; Utley, qe; Hawthorne,
Pr ide t of the 1
Pursuant to request of August 12, b;p Council, developers Ikclfeil and Roddg
filed wtth clerk a letter agreeing to blacktop strsets in proposed Valley
View Heights Subdivision by July 30, 1947,
of Valleg View Weights be accepted for filing with County Auditor vms seconded
1.Iotion by Xllson thzt find plat
by HaT.rthorne md carried,
I-fro and Xrs. Campbell requested infomation as to water and sever service for
Nomandale Road between 54th and 55th Streets, stating that they had heard th&
mains would soon be installed. They uere inr"ormed.that the Council acted only
on petition of 5lg of the nroperty owners, and were referred to Engineer Seth
for estimated-cost of construction of such mains.
Re. Cole, owner of Lots 1. and 2, Block 10, Golf Terrace Heishts (5437 fJomdale)
reauested permission to ob$ain sewer and water service from the hkevierr Drive
mzbs by means of runruing connection throushPDr. Paul Ijrsoh's property.
Cole was informed that pedt 1;'ould not be given until arrzngements could be
made by &. Cole to ray a Consumer's Deposit equal to engineerrs estimated
assessment per front foot for 190 front feet.
Wth for this estimated cost of' construction.
-. m.
12- Cole iras referred to Engineer
Letter from Albert A. Esculto, ovmer of 5505 Kellogg, in answer to notice served
requiring connection to sewer,, was read. lb. Esculto appeared to confirm letter,
stating that he was attempting to secure passaee to Phillipine Islands, and that
he expected to sell his property to a neighbor within the ne+ few months and for
that reason did not 35ish Lo expend moneys necessary for sewer connection. Eotion
by- Hawthorne t3at order requiring connectzon to sever be suspended temporarily
pending further investig2tion by Engineer' Sdth vas seconded by ';lillson and.
Application by Lucille R. Nolan to operate Pinball Machine at 3926 X.
50th Street was filed wLth Council, having been approved by Chief of
Hawthorne and carried.
Motion by Willson that license be approved was semnded by
Messrs. Petrie and CT?rlstrom requested status of sewer on Rutledge
Avenue. Council requested opinion from Rr. Xindhorst as to legaility of
assessing Railroad property, and report from &. Smith, to be given
at next regular meeting, as to result of his survey of this property,
Letter from Carl M. Hansen, advising of his intention to drain excess
water in pond at Lexington Avenue and St, John's was read.
recommendation of Hr. Christopher that in acknowledging this letter,
Nr, Smith sould stipulate that grade set is to be subject to approval of
Village Engineer.
It was the
Nr. Smith presented revised ttRecomend3tions of Planning Commissiontt , k'
for council' s Action.
accepted subject to following amendments:
Motion by Hawthorne that tlRecommendationstl be
Two-Week lay-over shall apply to final plats rather than
preliminary plats. '
Requirements for blacktopping streets shall be amended to
provide otpion for developer to either (a> Oil streets at
his own expense (in which case performance bond must be furnished)
or (b) petition for work to be done by the Village, with
full cost of work to be assessed against the property over a period
not to exceed five years.
Becommendations shall state that photostatic copy is to be made
by Village before plat is filed with County Auditor.
Notion was seconded by UtSey and unanimously carried.
In discussing grading and oiling assessments, it was found necessary to ) Amended
establish some rule for future assessments.
Ln his o5nion thru-streets should be assessed only one-half the cost
of grading and oiling because they are used by the Village as a whole,
whereas side streets, which are used principallylby owners of abutting
properties, should be assessed in the full amount of the cost.
!Jillson that, be@nning with 1947, construction, thru-streets shauld be
assessed one-half the cost of putting to permanent grade 6r oiling, ad
side streets be assessed the full cost of said construction ims seconded
by Hawthorne and carried.
BIr. Svith reported that he believed the Village of Richfield had opened
a' gravel pit on France Avenue, near the Boberts pit, and that no nermit
hsd been issued. 1-lr. Smith and I&. l"Ji1lson were asked to investigate.
3Ir. Smith was asked to request Hasty-Tasty to secure permit for awning
constructed across sidewalk at 3907 V. 50th Street.
Mr. Rillson re-iterated that )
) 1/27/47
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1 1
Notion by
Mr: Srr.ith reported that St. Peter's Lutheran School would like to make
connection with France Avenue ?later &in, and wished to know what charge
would be.
permitted to connect to Prance Avenue water main providing they pay full
estimated'assessment for four lots for water main in Fuller Street, was
seconded by Utley and carried.
Motion by Hawthorne that St. Peter's Lutheran School be
14r. Windhorst presented form of contract for lease of a dunp to be operated
by Joe Garrison.
to enter into lease agreement as authorized by Village Attorney, I~S
seconded by Ellson and carried.
Notion by Hawthorne that President and Clerk be authorized
Hr. Smith reported that there was ~OVJ a chance for the police to purchase
uniforms of the s&e t;vpe as'those they are nov wearing, and asked if the
Village would pay for the uniforms and deduct price from police salawies in
installments. Elotion by Hawthorne that Ville ?e purchrzse police unifomis
and deduct price from police salaries v:as seconded by Utley and carried.
There being no furbher business to come before the Council, the meeting was
adjourned . :; Villa e Clerk