HomeMy WebLinkAbout19461014_REGULARKellogg Avenue, from Street to .-. Kellogjg Place; Ilellogg Place, from Kellogg Avenue to uaklawn Avenue;
Oaklawn Avenue, from Kellogg Place to Nest 56th Street;
by construction of" mter main 'therein, the following bids have been
duly received and spened:
Phelps-Drake Company, %wspolis $63,494.80
Lametti et Lametti, St. aul, IJ~. $3,652.00
THEBFORE, BE IT RXSOLJBD, by the Village council of the Village of
Edina that the bid. of Phelps-Drake company, IWeapolis, is hereby
determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder and the president
and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract
with said Phelps-Drake company in the name of the Village, for the
specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved b:jthis Council
and filed in the office of the clerk at the price specified in said bid, and
which said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney.
improvement of said portion of said streets, according to the plans and
BE IT FURTHER RZSOLVED that the clerk is hereby authorized andq directed
to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids
except that the deposits of the succ::ssful bidder and the next loiqest bidder
shall be retained until the contract has been egged.
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Wllson, and on Rollcall there
were three ayes and no nays, as follows:
Christopher, 'aye; and thr Resolution was adopted.
Willsn, axe; Hawthorne, aye; and
There being no further business to come before the Council, Hnw-bhorne moved
for adjournment. Motion seconded by ilJillson and carried.
Village Clerk
HALL, OCTOBER 14, 1946, AT 8:OO P.M.
Plembers present were Millson, ULley, Hawthorne, and Christopher.
Minutes of the meeting of September 23, 1946 were approved as submitted, by .
hotion Ifillson, seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Motion by trillson a@pi;.oving payrolls in the amount of $2,744.73, was
seconded by Utley and carried.
Phil w. Smith 380 208.33 23 90 184 43
Gretchen Schussler 381 97.50 12.60 84.90
Helene Freeman 3 83 50.00 4.80 L,5.20
384 10.50 -0- 10 . 50 Dorothy Richter
Sub-t otal
Anne L. Phillips 382 47 . 60 .10 47.50
4.13 93 4w 372.53
Pollee Dept.
Hilding Dah1
khn S. Heydt
3 95
Clayton Erickson 387
Clargnce Knutson 388
Donald idelson 389
Win V. Hoffman 3 90
Sub-t ot a1
Phil Bailey
S.J. Roberts
P .H . Dahlgren
3 91
3 92
3 93
117 . 50 8.10 109.40
100 . 00 5.40 94.60
100.00 9.40 90 . 60
100.00 5.40 94.60
95 a00 4.40 90 60
55 .oo 5.40 49.60
.5m 38.10 529.40
112 . 50 3-50 109.00
106 . 90 6.40 100 . 50
100 . 00 9.40 90.60
c4 \
John Tracy
Harry Jonas
Arthur Jensen
August hstaf son
. I-!. J . Nerfeld
Chas Johnson
Ronald Fort
§an 3IcCready
Jacob Shvak
E. G. Pfeiffer
Sub4 otal
Ben Yoehler
Carl T, TEller
Fred Jonzs
Xwren Schwert
Juel H. Belsaas
3 94 3 95 3 96
3 97
3 9s
3 99 400 401 402
405 406
407 405
102 . 50
776 v 90
1-06 I:O 7.90.00
99.00 59 s20 468.60
125 . 00
130 . GO
110 70
19 . 60 162 50
2,744 73
5.70 3 -70-
15 000
193 o 50
90 . 00 96 80 86.30
78 -40
106 . 40
115,30 93,60
95.70 19.60
l.42 30
463 50
blotion by Utley thzt the council approve payment of the following claims t:as
seconded by ?Tillson and carried: General Fund, 317,585 . 90;
Poor Fund, 3 164.77;
Sewer Rental Fund 1.04;
Smitsrg sewer district No. 13 ; "40,77,$. 24
Sanitary Sexer District No. 15, $2,701.89; S3nitary Sever District
No. 16, ?lCO.O3; ?Mer ILzin Improvement Pfo. 1, $1,220.80, which is repapent
of loan from General Fund; and ?later EIain Improvezent No. 3, %U050.
(of :;.hich '37,631.01 is a repayment of loen from General Fund);
rw E
Thompson Lmber Go.
City Treasurer
Jay V. Craig Go.
Construction Bulletin
?lamer Hardware Co .
Brookside Service Stztion
Edina Pure Oil Stztion
Sorey Shell Station
Justis Lwber Go.
Edina Hsrdmre
1;iller Davis Go.
3n. H. Ziegler Co.
American Linen '0.
H.A. Rogers Go.
Henn. County Seview
Glacier Sznd 4 Grwel Go.
Berg 2 Farnhzua -
Fzrer Calnenson & Go.
km. Tree Service
Chss Olson & Son
Northern States Power Co.
Corn: of Taxztion, Petroleum Div.
H.V. IrohBton culvert coo
Fred J. Gray Co.
Lyle Signs, Inc.
Firestone Service Stores
NortEwestern Bsll Telephone Co.
Thorpe Bros.
Edina Auto Livery Garzge
Twin City Stmp G Stencil Go.
Internationzl Hzrvester Go.
Hpls. Iron Stnrr
S.J. Rutherford Go.
RugTies ?c Rodemker Salt Co.
Yore11 22 Nichols Inc.
Juel H. Eelsaas
Dahlberg Bros. Inc.
Reinhard Bros.
Alex &eighton
4510 4511 4512
4515 4516 ' 4517
4518 4519
4521 4522
4526 4527
4533 4534 453 5
453 7
4538 453 9 4540
4543 4544 4545
4546 4547
4550 4551
6 -16
46 95
159.89 16 . 18
130.56 6.80
34.40 9.06
5.75 a.79
73 -16 87 . 6i
23 -27
64.80 81.86
55 656.38
143 . 52
367 . 90
52 99
3 , 999 -00 27.45
h4 . 78
6.59 s.34
894.75 13.70 1,072 53 14.24 15.00
Arthur Petersen I- 4552
Jasper J. Jasperson 45 53
' E.C. Pfeiffer 4554
Chas B. -Elzea 4555
Victor Carlson & Sons 4556
Country lub. Dist. jervice '0.4557
Phelps-Drake Co. 4558
Hilding Dah1 4561
605 . 98
62 . 05
155 .OO 14 . 00
20 . 64
21.25 17,585.90
Hennenin County 453 0 46 . 00
suburban &ern. Cy. Relief 4531 118 77 . 164.77
H.A. Ro$ers co. 4522
S.D. n" 13
Juel H. Belsaas 4547 10 . 00
Phelps-Drake co. 4558 3 125 13
Village of Edina (Genl, 'und) 4560 37,631.oL 40,774.24
S.D. 8 15
H,A. Rogers Co, 45?2 6.90
Dorsey, Colman, Bzrker,
Poucher 'rinting SC Litho. 4548 69.00
Lametti et Lametti 4559 29525.99 2,701.89
S.D. '# 16
Scott (c, Barber 4529 100 .co
Dorsey, Colman, Barker,
Scott & Barber 452 9 75.00
Poucher Printing SC Litho. co. 4548 25,OO 100.00
W.N. # 1
Village of Edina (Genl. *und) 4560 1,220 . 80 1,220.80 -
W.M, # 3
Dorsey, colman, Barker,
Poucher Printing EE Litho. co. 4548 35.75 111.50
Scott 6k Bsrber 4529 75 75
Northern States power co. 379 1.04 1.04
TOTAL BILLS PAID 62,660 . 14
First Edina State Bank ( Fund TransjFer)
4562 2,744 w 73
Pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids on Sale of Certificates of
Indebtedness Water Main Improvement No. 4", published in Hennepin
County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota September 26 and October 3, 1946, affidavit
of publication for which was read by Clerk, bids were opened and read:
Utley offered the.following Resolution and moved its adoption:
bKERE-IS pursuant to resolution of this Council adopted September 23, 1946 two weeks published notice has been given that this council would
open and consider bids at this present meeting for certificates of indebted-
ness hereafter described, and this .council has met at the time and place
specified in said notice and has opened and considered the following bids:
I. Juran & Noody, StC Paul, I'Iinnesota 1.6% 18.75
2. Allison-Williams o , linneapolis , P4inn. 1 , 5% 19.00
INT . Pml-I. J
3. Piper Jaffray SC Hopwood, Mpls,, BIinn. 1.75% 111.11 4. First Edina State Bank, Edina, Ninn, 1.3% 26.60 5. J.N. Dain & Npls., Ninn. :vho bid on
a total issue of $l~l,f;(30,00 for Nos. 4&5
Xo'rthwestern National Bank, Mpls . , 14inn.
who bid on a total issue of $41,500.00
1.5% 142.00 L-
for Nos. 4 & 5 Certificates. 1.4% 5.00
iiijTIEBS, the bid of the First Edina State Bank, Edina, IiIinnesota is 36 f
deemed most favorable, nov therefore
BFr IT RESOLVED by the Village council of the VillaEe of Edina that the
szid bid of First %dins State Bm!c is hereby accepted and the President md
Clerk of the Villa-e Ire hereby authorized and directed to execute, and
deliver certificates of indebtedness of the Village 04 Edina in the aggregate
sum of $17,500.00 to bear interest at the rate of 1.3;~ per annum payable
semi-annually issued pursuant to resolution adopted September 23, 1946 for
hprovement of the followin5 streets:
Yest 52nd Stret, fro3 Indianola Avenue to Gorgzs Avenue;
Gorgas ;venue, froa ',!est 52nd Street to IJorth end thereof;
Halifax Avenue, from 'Jest 52nd Street to \/est 54th Street;
by construction of !.kter :"%in therein, as authorized br Chapter 425 Laws of
l9Zl as mended, upon payment of $17,5@0.00 and accured interest to the
Village Treasurer in consideration therefore,
Motion to adopt the Resolution vas seconded by kwthorne, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; arid thristopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Flillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne,
Passed this 14th day of October, 1946.
AT?" :
rQ > I Q?,!l3\ei.rAL
Heskdent of the Tfillaae Council\
Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids on Ssle of Certificates of Indebtedness
Yater &in Improvement Ilo. 5, rublished in the Hennepin county Review, Hopkins,
fErmesota, September 25 and October 3, 1946, affidavit of publication for
which vas read by Clerk, bids vere onened 2nd read.
Utley offered the following Besolution and moved its adoption:
YHEmdS pursumt to resolution of this Comcil adopted §eptember 23, 1946
twu weeks mblished notice hzs.been Given thzt this Council v:ould open and
consider bids at this nresent meeting for certificates of Sndebtedness hereafter
described, and this Council has met at the the and place soecified in ssid notice
and has orened and considered the folloving bids:
2. Piper, Jaffrzy A Hopwood, lipls. 1.75% 153.61
3 . Ulison-killims Co. , Xpls. 1.55 26,oo
4. First Edina state Bulk, Edina 3.35 36.60 5.
u2 . 00
J.1;. Dain h Co,, IJpls. vfls bid
on '~&l.,500.00 toLa1 .issue of
water main IJo. 4 "r 5 certificates 1.5%
6. Northwestern %ttl. Ennlc, I$ls wino
bid on :'5LJy5O0.C;O tot 11 iswe of
:Sater !:--in I?o. 4 h 5 certificates 1.4% 5.00 .
I.BEREAS, the bid of First Edina State Bank,, Edir,a, llinnesota is deened
most favorzble, now therefore
B% IT RESOLKZD b:: :he VillaSe Council of the Villa7e of EdLp that the
said bid of First Ldina Stste B3lZ'c, is hereby accepted and the resident and
Clerk of the Villace we hereby authorized and directed to execute, and deliver
certificates of indebtedness of the Vills~~e of Edina in the aggregate sum of
$24,0'30.00 to bear ixterest at the rate of 1.3" per annum pzq-ble semi-annuallF
issued nursuant to resollition adopted Sentember 23, 1946 for innrovement ofthe
following streets :
:lest 57th Street, Crom France Avenue to Beard Lvenue;
Eewd .;TTeniJe, frcm ;!est 57th Street to ?Jest 5Nh Street;
Choxen Avenue, frcm '.lest 57th Stree'r; to Yest 5&h Street;
Drew ;iveni.ie, fron ',:est 57th Strzot to -rest 58th Street;
&&q -iireni-ie, frpm .Jest 57th _3treet to Xest 5%h street;
by constru.ction of water main therein, as authorized by ChaFter 425
Lms of 1921 as amended, upon payment of ?~24,000.00 and accured interest to
the Village Treasurer in consideration therefore.
Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, a?d on Bollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: ':Jillson, aye; Utley, aye;
Hawbhorne, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Eassed this 14th day of October, 1946.
ATTEST : ; illage lerk
Petition to vacate alley in Block 5, Mendelssohn Addition, was again
brought before the Coiincil by &s. Greenwood and Niss I~Iillar, who
requested Mr. %nithts report.
had found that entrance to one garage would be impaired bg such vacation;
and that it was his recommendation that the Village deny the petition until
such time as it was ascerttiined that it would never be necessary to use said
alley for Villa,ye purposes.
by owners of abutting property, without vacation proceedihgs.
Christopher asked that Hr. %th confer further r&th I&. ri*Jillan, that they
bring their report before the Council at its ne,* regular meeting, and that
the property owners be notified of the Council's action immediately after
the next neeting.
Smith reported that he had investigated and
He stated that the properby could be used
Letter from Dr. McIver, requesting that the name of Griffis Street, be changed
to Winiver Street, was referred to Village l'lanager Smith, with instructions
to contact owners of abutting property-and made report at next meeting,
With regard to tax delinquent property listed on Non-Conservation List 174
rfCrt dated April 8, 1946, Chairman Howard Clark of the Park Board
recommended that the following lots be acquired by the Village for Park
purposes :
Parcel No. 33123 - 1937 Lot 11, %ock 6
Parcel No 33124 - 1937 Lot 12, Block 6
Parcel No, 30658-A - l928/38
Lots 22,23, & 24, Block 4
Parcel No. 33125 - 1937
Parcel No. 33126 - 1937 ' N. 1/2 Lot 1, Block 2
Parcel No. 34654-A - 1938
Parcel No. 346554 - 1938
s. 1/2 Lot 1, %ock 2
Lot 3, and that part of Lot 12,
Lot 4 and that part of Lot ll,
lying North of State Highway #5, Block 4
lying North of State Highway $5, Block 4
Parcel No. 34657 - 1938 Lot 2, Block 3
Clerk Hawthorne offered the following Resolution:
WHlTiEBSy the Villa*.:e council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin
County, Ninnesota has received from the Land Commissioner of
Hennepin county, a list of land in said Village of Edina which
has become the absolute property of the State of EGnnesota under
the provisions of laws declaring the forfeiture of lands at the
State for taxes, which lands have been classified by the County
Board of said Hennepin county as non-conservation and for sale
pursuant to the Laws of linnesotca for 1935, Chapter 386, Section
I, as mended, which list of land is designated as List 174 lrCrt
April 8th, 1946, and
Whereas, this council has made a complete examination of all
facts and circumstances relating to such parcels,
NOd THEREFORE, acting pursuant to said Section 1, Chapter 386,
as amended,
EE IT I%SOLVED, that the Village Council of said Village of
Edina approve the classifications of the said County Board of
the following
&th, 1946; as
parcels of land contained in said
non conservation and for sale:
tlBrookside Height sl*
Parcel No. 34633 - $938 Lot 7, Elock 5;
cLmmfwws SUB. OF BLOCKS 2,3,4,,33, 14 15
Parcel Xo. 21608 - 192s Lot 12, Block 3
BE IT FURTHER ES@LmD, that -the Village attorney be directed to prepare
petition to the State of TIinnesota for aquisition by the Village of the
remaining parcels of land contained in said list 174 I1Cl1, April &h, 19&6
said lands to be uded for park purposes.
The question was on the adoption of the resolution, and the roll being called
there were four ayes and no nays as follows:
aye; Christopher, aye; and the resolution KG~S adopted.
Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne,
In accordance with ltRecommendations of planning Commission11 and requireslents of
the Council as part of datting procedure, petition for blacktopping of tkat
portion of Beard and Chowen Avenues in Wdina Hills", 16th cost to be assessed
a_aainst abutting propertzr, vas presented to the council signed by 1-he T. fiilder
and Helen E. Jeroxe, owners.
by Har.rthorne and carried.
Petition was accepted, by Xotion kkllson, seconded
Hr. Smith presented petitions of Jerome and Xilder for construction of water and
sever mains in th& portion of Beard and Chowen Avenues in llEdina Hills". He
reported that a petition would be filed shortly for construction of these
utilities in a proposed e-utension of Beard and chowen Avenues extending south
from ltEdinz NillsII to 57th Street, and that he had prepsred e&,btes in the
total amount of $12,08&.85 for constructions of water mins, and 29,635.83 for
construction of ssitary sewers in Beard and Chowen ,',venues from the lIorth line
of "Edina HillsI1 to ?-lest 57th Street.
Yith regard to these petitions for water and ser;.er mains, it was the consensus
of Councilts opinion that Engineer dmith contact new otmers of "Edina Hillst1
property to 'secure petition from them, and that "council amit petikion fron the
owners of the aroposed subdivision,directly to the. south of *'Edbz Killsly
before initizting proceedings fm constrQction,
Petition by Thorpe Bros., for blacktopping of roads in Walley View Heights'! as
early as possible in 1947, with full cost assessable over a period of five years,
PELS presented; accepted by motion ?Tillson, seconded by utley and csrried; and
filed with clerk.
Letter from Thorpe &os., requestins oiling in ~unnyslope, was read.
>kllson th2t netition be accepted, with stipulation thzt property be assessed
in full for such construction over a five yesr period, as sewnded by Hmthorne
and carried.
Council's action.
1;otion by
Engineer Smith vms requested to inform Lr. James Thorpe of the
Letter from Fa;.;. Kzrdy, 5540 St. John's Street, requestin? correction of drain-
age in this vicinity, was read.
thzt construction of storm drzin in the vicinity of tl. 56th and St. John's Street
must be completed by October 31, 1946. Kotion seconded by "tley and carried.
Letter from Karl H. covell, requestinq sewer 2nd water permits for J.S. Cole,
omer of Lots 1 and 2, Block 10, Golf Terrace Heights Addikion, was read. It
TELS the recomcncktion of the council that Uessrs. Srlith and dindhorst advise
I*%. Coven that the Council would enter into contract with his client for psy-
ment, on a ten-gear basis, of the estimated cost of Lots 1 md 2, Block 10 for
construction of sewer and water mains on Normmdale; said contract to bind
Cole's successors and assisees; contract to state thzt if there is any refund
Fzyable, it xlll be paid, in proportion, to those parties having pzid the
assessqent; and that if any additional assessment is applicable to this property,
the title owner at time of assessment levy would be liable for addTtiona1
assessment; end 'chzt nsither sever nor vater connection pedt be issued until
such contract is executed.
Hax-bhorne moved that Carl 1:. :-Imsen be notified
In accordance with ltRecomendations of J?lanning Commission1' and
requirements of the council as part of platting procedure, petition
for the blacktopping of roads in ltCountrysidell, with cost to be assessed on
a five year period, was presented.
?tillson, seconded by Hawthorne, and carried.
Plat ltCountrysidell by National Builders, Inc., which came before the Council
at its last regular meeting, was presented for final approval.
Hawthorne, that plat be approved WELS seconded by IKUson and carried.
signed bg Clerk and President.
'etition was accepted, by motion
I4otion by
Petition by National Builders, Inc., otdiers of "CotinDqs4d@!?>;for the
installation'of Village water mains in this district, t&th ~8311, pump,
pumphouse and underground storage tanks to be furnished by developers,
was read. Nayor Christopher appointed Utley, smith and 7Jindhorst as a
Committee for the further investigation of this project,, requesting that
they meet with representatives of National Builders, Inc. just as soon
as possible.
Letter from Study Group 23, League of Women Voters, complimenting Council
on the Annual Statement to Taxpayers, was read, and referred to Hanager
Smith for reply.
Re. Smith reported that he had requested I'Sorthern States Power company to
install street lights at the North end of Sunnyslope Road, on 50th Street
at 11. Sunnyslope Road, on 50th Street between Bruce and TJooddale, and on
499 Street 250 feet West of France .Avenue; and that I$. Conant would make
a study of the need for further street lights in Sunnyslope section.
PIr. Don Ncclellan, represented by Attorney Speeder, requested extension of
time granted in which to locate new premises for his commercial businees,
to Nay 1, 1947.
business in a residential area.
August 19, (requiring cessation of business operations and removal of
equipment as of October 1, 1946) he enforced.
and carried.
Utley moved that the second reading of 1tAn Ordinance to Yfinneapolis Gas
Light Company, Its Successors and Assigns, the Right to IIanufacture, h-
port, Transport, Sell, and Distribute Gas for Heating, Illumin3;ting ad
Other purp0se.s in the Village of Edina, and to Use the Streets, Avenues
and Alleys Thereof for that Purposett be dispensed with, that the Ordinance
be adopted as of October 14, 1946, and published in the Hennepin County
Seview, Hopkins, Ninnesota, October 17, 194.6. Notion seconded by Ifillson;
and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Utley, aye;
"illson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the hdinance was
Xith regard to the Rezoning of Lots 4 to 10, inclusive, Block 2, Grandview
Heights, from Open Development to CormerciaLDistrict, the Planning
Commissionts recormendation of October 8, to the effect that Lots 1 to 10
inclusive, Block 2, should be rezoned, was read. Notion by Hawthorne that,
public hearing for this rezoning be set for October 28, 19&6, and that all
affected property owners be notified, was seconded by Utley and carried.
Mr. Trafzer, neighbor, protested the operation of this
kkillson moved that the Councilts action of
Motion seconded by Hawthorne
adopted. . .- - ?
Petition by-peder PIickelsen, for the rezoning of a tract of 1md at the
Northeast corner of France and both, having 117' on France and 133.05' on
6%h, T.%~S read. The Planning Commission's October 8 recornmendation, to
the effect that this tract and a similar tract directly South, across
60th Street, be rezoned to Community Store District, was read.
moved that Engineer Smith be requested to secure from Arthur Nichols his
report as Lo what relation this rezoning bears to the proposed Master Plan.
Kotion seconded by IJillson and carried.
request Iir. IiJickelsen to provide a sketch of his proposed building, showing
provision to be made for parking.
Villace Engineer Smith read comunication from Douglas Yallace of American
Cas.@ Iron Pipe Company, stating that, unless Council proposed constructing
water main in kJ. 492 Street during 1946, the Company probable could not
fv.rnish any pipe until Spring. Ilessrs.
on North side of 49: Street statkd that they would agree to no constmetion
until set-back for buildings was settled.
ovmers on the I'Jorth side of the street was reviewed. etition asks a fifty-
foot strset, instzllation of curb on both sides of the street, building
set-back of ten feet, no parking arovision at 6resent the, vri-th the council
permitted to rewire reasonable parking provisions ,& the of building,
Utley suggested that 1%. kth
Bjorkman and Kell, owners of propex%y
Petition fi ed September %3, by i!
40 i
Fetit,ion siqed by oxners of fjve tracts abutting Y. 49': Street vns filed.
petitkn asks for a forty-foot roadway for l;r. 49; Street, a thirty-five foot
roadway for Halifax Avenue .
and George Hartxell favoring the latter.
Kell gad B;;orhzn defended the first petition, xith' Ilessrs, Russell Lund
Hawthorne offered the follov~ng Resolution and moved its adoption:
Zstz3lish the xidth of the roadway on Halifax Avenue, from ??.50th
Street to ',I. 494 Street, at thirty-five (35) feot, with five-foot
sridewal7: on the Esst side of Halifax Avenue; and
Estaljlish t,he :iidth of the roadmy on 'J. 49: Street, frox Frvlce
Avenue to Iklifax Avenue, at forth (40) fcet, -.i~tli a five-foot
sidewalk provided on each side of the &reek on street property; and
Establish the set-beck for buildings facing on Y. 49s Street, on the
fJorth side of Street, at five (5) fcet from the property line, with
the m-m depth of any building constructed on the Ilorth side of
T-T. 493 Street to be eighty (80) feet, with a minimum of fifty (50)
feet to be provided behind each bui1dii-g for yarking and service
driveway; and
Renuire thzt every nroperty oxner on the ITorth side on I!, 493 Street
provide accees to his parking lot, plans of which must be furnished
the Villrge Council before issuance of building nernit; and
Require thzt any buildings constructed on the bllestad
conform in set-back xith the other buildings on the Bor-bh side of
ti. 49& Street; and
D ?33 IT FURTHER ESOLVED, that proceedings be stzrted to onen an alley from
Frmce Avenue to Halifaxx .4venue, xith a, connection from the alle;~ to
Halifax Svenue at the Yes% end; and
BZ IT F'URT€BR 1W;SGLWD, that khe Village and Planning Jkgineers be directed
to prepare e ulat or" %he business area showing 2ll streets, sidewlks, set-
backs and pwkin~ weas provided in this aesolution
j;otion to zdopt the 3esolution xas geconded by Utlex, and on &llcall there mre
four qes 2nd no nays as fOllOVJ5: I'lillson, aye; ULley, aye; %wt,horne, aye; and
Lhristopher, aye; and the fiesolution ms adopted.
"L. Lund stzted "cat the majority of zrroperty owners on the 3ouM1 side of if. 49:
CsF,rect between France and H'zlif3;u Fmenues are +%llin~ to decliczte their vsrlring
lots to the Villqe, if the Vil.k!-w Gouncil is agrceable, but Zha% he hdd not
contacted *lr. Leo Rolan with regard to this mtker. Hawthorne noved thzt the
Village fhnzger be directed to reauest
parking lot, md thzt if' that fails, other interested proper%$ oxners be called
in for consultation before condennation nroceedings be started.
by Utley and cirried.
"ith regard to the matter of sever and water construction on :I. 49': Street, motion
by Eavthorne that Fetitions be accepted r.r;t"s seconded br U-tleg and carried.
The Clerk read letter from Douglas Y'zllace, dated September 24, declhing to
attempt to get petitioners for sewer on V. 49th Street, between France Avenue
and I-hple aoad, to T;ithdrll:.I their nanes.
and moved its adoption:
Leo Nolan to make dedicstion of Ws
I4oti.on seconded
utley offered the folloving wrc'iinance
.. qa
lO/U/46 411
The Vil1aP.e Council of the Villaqe of Edina do ordain as follovrs:
Section 1. Thereis hereby created and established a sanitary sewer r
district in the Village of Xdina to be knoun as s&tary Sewer Distridt
No. 19, the boundaries of which shall be as follovs:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 50, Auditor's Subdivision
110. 172, thence Sou.th in a strai,ght line along the East line of
Lot 19, Auditor's Subdivision 172 and. across !Jest 43th Street -Lo
the Northeast corner of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision 172; thence
South in a straight line along the E3st line of Lot 20, Auditorls Sub-
division 172 a distance of 137.5 feet; thence in a straight line ??est
across Lots 20, 31 32, 34, 36, & 37, Auditor's Subdivision 172, to a
point in"the West line of Lot 37, Auditor's Subdivision 172 which is
137.5 feet south of the Xorthwest corner of szid Lot 37; thence
North in a straifiht line a distance of 137.5 feet to the iljolrcthwest corner
of Lot 37, Auditor's Subdivision 172; thence Yest along the South line
of ?J. 4.9th Street to the Xest line of Naple Road; thence North along
the Yest line of P.laple Road to its point bf intersection with the
North line of Y. 49th Street extended; thence uast along the IJorth
line of 11. 49th Street extended to the Southvrest corner of Lot 19,
Auditor's Subdivision 172;' thence Horth in a straight line along the
:Jest line of Lot 19, Auditor's Subdivision 172 to the ~~orthtrest
corner of said Lot 19; thence East along the North line of Lot 19,
Auditor's Subdivision 172 to the Northwest corner of Lot 50, Auditor's
Subdivision 172; thence South along the :-lest line of Lot 50, hditor's
Subdivision 172 to the southwest corner of said Lot 50; thence East
along the South line of Lot 50, Auditorls Subdivision 172 to the point
of beginning.
Section 2. This ordinanwe shall take effect from and after its publication.
Notion to 8dopt the Ordinance was seconded by Ha-cdhorne, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted.
lti.llson, aye; Utley, aye; HaFrthorne,
Ehnager Smith reported tha$, in accordance with Council' s instructions, he
had met vfith Mr. Strouse, President of Twin City Rapid Transit Company, but
that the company would have to have a definite route outlined to them by the
council before 'fuyther' negotiations could take place for bus service in Edina.
The Council requested &. Smith to contact Mr. Harris, a South Harriet park
resident, in order that a citizens' committee might be orgainized for
further study of such a bus route.
r A Committee from St.
for Church, parsonage, and school. located on five lots facing Fuller Street.
Motion by Utley that Messrs. Smith and Mindhorst be instructed to draft
agreement for papent by St. 'eters Lutheran Church to Village, of a service
charge of $5.34 per front foot for the two hundred feet on Fuller Street, said
payment to be over a ten-year period without interest, was seconded by
Hawthorne and carried.
eters Lutheran Church requested permit for water service
J.A. Price requested permit to connect dwelling, Lot 1, Block 3, Golf Terrace
Heights 2nd 8ddition to the Oak Drive sewer main. Permit granted.
Yith regard to storm drain for Lot 11, Block I, Brucewood Addition, owner
Thomas reported that his neighbor will concede to the construction of an 18
or 20" ~m11 along the lot line.
the cost of such a wall at next regular meeting.
Engineer Smith was requested to report on
Xeport of plumbing Inspector Woehler, dated October 14, on the sanitary conditions
on Brookside and Rutledge Avenues, was read.
premises at 4424 Rutledge Avenue be notified to remedy the insanitary
condition at this residence.
%ley moved that owners of
Notion seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
42 I
HaTJtharne presented for approval, election boards for General Pllection qf
November 5, as follows:
Sanders, X.H. Schmitt, E,.TL Gutch; District T.To. 2: Nrs. S, l*IcCready, D.C.
Beard, Alma Duus, H.H. Hollingsworth, Nr. Albert Farmer; District No. 3:
District No. 4:
Villson moved approval.
Mheer S~th presented Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer District No, 17,
stating that total cost would be $3,404.43, and front foot assessment xould be
District No. 1: Krs. H.H. Drews, C.A. Johnson, H.E.
Bolter, R.C. Somenberg, A.J. Strate, F.C. Obermeyer, S. Lee;
Krs. J,L.Louis, A.R. Jewett, U.F. Ewe, 1-1.P. Stark, I.I.H. :kLlims.
Notion seconded by Utley and carried.
Utley offered the f olloving' Resolution and moved its adoption:
UHEmAS the engineer selected by the Village council has calculated the
proper amount to be specially assessed for sewer constructed in the following
streets :
Kellogg Avenue, from ?Test 56th Street to iiellogg ?lace;
KelXogg Place, from Iiellogg Avenue to "akI.awn Avenue;
Oaklmm iivenue, from ICellogg Place to 11es-t; 56th Street;
in Sanitmy Sewer District No. 17 and have calculated the momt to be specially
assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land abutting upon said portion
of said. street and a tabulation thereof has been duly prepared and filed with
the Cleyk in dupl5cate as a proposed assessment, and has been laid before the
Tillase Council at this present meeting, held not more than ten days
filing, thereof, now therefore,
after the
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the
' total cost of said sewer is hereby determined to be $3,404.43,
I BE IT E'LJRTHl3Iz RESOLVED that said proposed assessment is hereby approved
and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in the Hennepin County
ReKle>r on October 17, 1946, that the Village council r.Jill pass upon said proposed
assessment assessment at its neaut regular session, to be held at the Village Hall
October 28, 1946 at 8:OQ o'clock P.lL
Xokion to adopt the Resolution ?ras seconded by '?wthorne and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays as follows:
ad Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted,
Passed this 14th day of October, 1946,
kKllson, qe; Utley, 3 ye; %wbhorne, zp;
Znginesr Sdth presented Assessment Roll for \la.er %in exbension on Itellogg Avenue, * fro= I.J. 56th Street to LeXLogs %ace; Iiellogg
Oaklawn -!venue; and ~aklmn Avenue, from ,_ellogg Place to U. 56th Stree-C, stating
that tots1 cost of the job would be $4,157.68, and assessment per front foot, $4.51.
lace from Kellogg Avenue; to
Utley offeredthe follo.:ring Resolution and moved ?is adoption:
?.REEEAS pursuant to resolution adopted by the Council September %3, 1946; 3
contract has been let far improvement of the follox& streets:
Kellogg Avenue, from Yest 56th Street to Kellogg place;
Icefiogg Place from iceuogg Avenue to 'a~avm wenue;
Oaklawn Avenue, from Kellogg Place to :'lest 56th Street;
by construction of mter main therein, and the clerk trith the assistance of the
Village Sgineer, &-hi1 5. Seth has calculated the proper amount to be specially
assessed for such imFrovement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting
upon such improvement as provided by law, I;'nich proposed assessment is now on file
with the Llerk and oren to public inspection, no7: therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village of the Village of Edina that
the said work of improving said street is hereby accepted and designated as
Water %in Improvement Bo. 6; that the Clerk is directed to cause notice to
be published-in the Hennepin county Review on October 17, 1946, th3.t this
Council will meet on October 28, 1946 at the Village Hall to pass upon said
proposed assessment; that the tot91 cost of said improvement is determined to
be $4,157,68.
Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, ad on rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, 2,s follows:
Hawbhorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolu.Lion was adopted,
Passed this 14th day of October, 1946,
%llson, aye; Utley, qe;
Building Inspector Woehler presented plan for addition to back of Stanchfield
property on France Avenue.
seconded by key and carried,
Ffotion by Hawthorne that plan be approved was
Letter from Verne W. PIoss Jr. Attorney for ?h. G. HcPhail of 5333 34innehaha
Boulevard, concerning claim for sewer connection made to his residence in 1940,
was read and referred to "'r. Smith for reply.
Petition, signed by F.B, Sowle and Louis P. Peterson, for the improvement of
Vandervork Avenue, was read and referrgd to I%. Smith for investigation and
report ,
Petition for extensions of sewer and water mains to serve Kent Avenue were
and carried.
There being no further business to come before the Council except consideration
of'the budget for 1947, the President called for motion to adjourn the meeting
until Thursday, October 17, at 7:30 Pol% Notion by Xillson was seconded by
3fotion by Hawthorn? that petitions be rejected was seconded by %ley
Utley and carried.
Members present were \ifillson, Utley, Hawthorne and Christopher.
Pursuant to October 14 motion for adjournment and due notice given, council
met for consideration OS budget for '1947.
discussion, Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: , ATter due consideration and
BE IT RESOLVED by the Villape Council of the Village of Xdina that the
tax levy for the Vill'age of Edina for the year 1947 is: General Fund,
.310$,497,50; Poor Fund, $3 , 9OO,OO; Volunteer Fire Departmnt Relief
Association Fund, $399.00; .-and that the total levy is $lI2:,7$7.50,
Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by 'tzTillson, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nags, as follows: Willson, aye; Utlep, aye; Hawthorne,
aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution w3,s adopted,