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Utlep moved that the Villarre Attorney be directed to draf% an ordinance for
garbzge and rubbish disposal under contract to Villare garbage collector on
a monthl;.r rite basis, with Village to bill residents on a sevi-annual basis
and to levy assessment to County Auditor each September 1 for a11 bills
delinquent at that time. EIotion seconded by Haxthorne and carried.
There being no further business to come before the Council, mc?eting was ad-
journed, by motion Ifillson, seconded by Ut
:$embers present were ?KLlson, Utleg, Havhhorne and Christopher.
Ihutes of the regular meetink of October 14 wera approved as submitted, by
motion Utley, seconded by !-Tillson and carried.
Eotion by ;'Tillson, approving Payrolls in amount of ~;3,005.74, and clains for
truck rental in the amount of '$16.60, T.~S seconded by Utley and carried.
C . J. Christopher
'8oxer Havthorne
George A. Yillson
Hzrold C. Utle7
E.L. Zonne
J.J. Duggan
Dr, L.14. Campbell
John ?J. ';Jindhorst
:lard B. Levis
Sub-t Ot iL
Gretchen Schussler
.he L. Phillips
Helene Freema
Dorothy Richter
Sub-t ot 3.1
HSdinP Dahi
'Tin. S. He$%
Claykon Xric'cson
Clarence ;<nutson
Donald >!elson
%I. V. Hoffman
Sub-t otal
STEXT DEFT. FLG. - Phil Bsiley
S.J. Roberts
P.H. D2hlg;ren
John Tracy
1';. J . Xerf eld
Hsrry Jonas
Arthw Jensen
,hxust Gustaf son
Sub-t otal
Chas Johnson
Ronald Port
Sun 14cCread;p-
Jacob Shzk
9.C. Pfeiffer
Sub-t otal
415 4.35
43 0
43 2
43 5
f!!-3 7
43 9
440 4-43.
50 . 00
75 . 00
75.00 415 . 00
97 . 50 57.40
100 . 00
100 . 63
100 00
32 . 08
91 04
91 04
103.54 '
752 . 16
76 95
76 * 95
66.75 75 .s5
, -[?-
-0- -
23.90 l2;60
8; 10
5.40 4.40
-3- -
75 00
75 .OO 415 . 00
1.50 182.93 . 75 84 . 15
.75 54 . 85
(.75) 45.95
1.30 1.50 74 15
-8- 1.50 75.45
2.50 -0- 58.25
3.50 -0- 63.25
-0- - -3- 75/85
7-30 3.00 346.95
Ben Woehler 442 125.00 9.70 1.50 113.80
Gar1 T. Miller 443 100.00 9.40 -0- 90.60
Fred Jonas 444 96.30 12.60 -0- 83.70
Juel H. Belsaas 445 162.50 20.20 (1.50) U3.80
Sub-t ot a1 483.80 5L.qo -0- 431.90
TOTAL PAYROLL 3,005.74 170.30 20.25 2,815.19
Nidland %t 1 Bank of Mpls 446 $363.80
Minn. Hospital Service Assn. 447 20.25
BILLS PAID 10/28/46
Maier-Lavaty Go.
E.C. Pfeiffer
Harold Hagen
George Rendall
4563 100 . 00 4564 i85 .oo
4565 90 . 00
4566 74 10
Robert -Lindberry 4568 TOTAL
First Edina State Bank (Fund Transfer) 3,005.74
Pursuant to Notice of Hearing', published in Hennepin county Review on
October 17, affidavit of which was read by Clerk, public hearing was held
on the matter of rezoning from I1Open Development1' to llComercialll district
Lots One to Ten inclusive, Block 2, Grandview Heights. Three neighboring
property owners requested information. There were no objectors, Trustee
Itillson suggested that Lots One to Three inclusive, which are on high
ground and directly across from established residences, remain Itopen
DevelopmentIt property.
'Ten inclusive be rezoned to rrComercialtl district, with provision made
of screen of trees to protect "Open Developmentt1 property, was read.
Hawthorne offered the following Ordinance and moved its adoption, subject
to written agreement by property owners to plant protective screet at
north end of Lot Four, Block Two:
Opinion of Trustee Zonne, that Lots Four through
The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That section V of the "Zoning Ordinance of Edina,It as
amended, is hereby amended by adding tbereto the following:
(b) Lots Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten,
Block Two, Grandview Heights Addition, are hereby
established as a comercia1 District.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from
and after its publication according to law.
Kotion to adopt the Ordinance was seconded by Willson, and on RollcalL
there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: fibillson, aye; Utley, aye;
Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the %dinance was adopted.
Fursuant to Notice of Assessment Hearing, published in Hennepin County
Review October 17, affidavit of hich 7.r~;~ resd by Clerk, public hearing
was held on proposed assessment for construction of water main in the
following s'cr;ets:
Kellogg Place, from Kellogg Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue; Caklavm Avenue, from
Kellogg Place to W. 56th Street.
assessment in the amount of $4,157.63 total; j4.51 per assessable foot.
were no objections, oral or written.
and moved its adoption:
Kellogg Avenue, from IQ. 56th Street to ICellogg Place;
Engineer Smith presented analysis of
Utleg offered Lne folloving Resolution
WBB.E,\S, proposed assessnent forthe cost of the improvement of the
folloving streets:
Kellog2 Avenue, fron ;Jest 56th Street to Kellogg Place;
~ellogg Place, from l(enogg Jivenue to %cla:.m ilvenue;
O&lmn Avenue, fron iIellogg Place to :lest 56th Street;
by construction of ‘JaLer Ibin therein has been duly filed with the VillaGe
Clerk and open to oublic insnection wd notice has been published ih the
Hennepin Collntg Review on Cctober 13, 1946, that this Council will pass
upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, .,lid this Council
has met at the time and place specified in said notice, and heard mfi
passed upon all objections thereto, now therefore,
B;;; IT ESOLWD b:: the Village Council of the Village of Edina thzt
said proposed assessment which is hereby referred to and made a pzrb
hereof, is hereby adopted, ad an assessment is hereby levied against
each of the lots, p~rts of lQts, pieces and parcels of land described
$herein in the suns therein respectively set forth, znd each of said
trects of land is hereby found to be benefited in the zmut of the
essessment levied asainst it herein:
E3 IT RJRTHZX R.ESQLXED that each assessment slizllbe payable in
equal annual instalhents extending over 3 period of 10 years, the
first to be Fzyable on the first day of January, 1947, all deferred
papents are to besr interast at the rate of 5% per mum.
assessments md inter%& hall be a lien upon the property therain speci-
fied coxcurrent vtth yenerd taxes as authorized by Chapter 425, kms of
Himesota 1921.
Hotion to .adopt the Resolution was seconded by !%llson, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: tJillson, qe$ Utlep, aye;
Hawthorne, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Eesolution :.as adopted.
Pursuznt to IIotice of Hesring, published in Hennepin County Review on
October 17, affidavit of vhich ms rezd by Clerk, public heming ins
held on the nroposed assessment for construction of sanitary sever in
the following streeLs:
Kellogs Avenue, from ::est 56th Street, to Kellogg %ace;
KeUogg Place, froa ICellogg henue to Orklxm .ivenue;
@aklavn Avenue, from Kellogg Place to Yest 56th Street.
Engineer Smith presented amlysis of assessment, in the total mount of
$3,404.43; f3.95 Fer sssessable foot.
There vere no objections, oral or
Utley offered the follorring Resolution and noved its adoption:
KHER%A3, pursumt to notice published in the Hennepin county Review
on October 17, 1946, the Village Council has met and passed upon all
objections to the proposed assessment for construction of sanitary sewer
in Sewer District Bo. 17, in the following streets:
Hellogg Avenue, from Vest 55th Street to KellogG Place;
ReI2oe-n Flace, fron Kellogg Avenue to oaklawn Avenue;
Q&l~m Avenue, from Kellogs Place to :?est 56th Street;
now theref ore,
EE IT RES9LXED by the Village Council .of the Villa.ye of Edinc that
said proposed assessment is hzreby affirmed and adopted and shall consti-
tute the special assessment zgainst t‘ne lands named therein, and each lot,
piece, or Farce1 of land included in said assessmen-b is hereby found to be
benefited by s?-id bprovement in the amount of the assessment levied against
B% IT FURTHER WSOLVED that such assessments shallbe payable
in equal annual installments over a period of ten years, the first
of said installments to be payable on the first day of January, 1947,
and succeeding installments on the first day of January in each year
thereafter until the full amount of said assessment is paid.
special assessment and each installment thereof shall bear interest at the
rate of 5% per annum until fully paid. Said interest to be computed
from the date of this resolution. Said special assessment with the accru-
ing bterest thereon shall be a paramount 1ien.upon the property in-
cluded therein from the time of the adoption of this resolution and
shall remain such lien until fully.paid, as authorized by Chapter 312, &ws
of Blinnesota 1903, as amended; and
E33 IT WETHER RXSOLVED that the Clerk of the Village is hereby dir-
ected to &e up and file in the office of the county Auditor a certified
statement of the amount of said unpaid assessments and the amount of
interest which will be due thereon; and
EX3 IT FmTHER RESOLVED that a11 moneys collected on any such special
assessments shall constitute a fund for the payment of the cost of said
improvement for the district'for which such assessment was made, and the
same shall be credited to the proper sewer district fund under the
designation: Fund of Sewer District No. 17.
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, as follow:
Hawbhorne, asre; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution waF adopted.
l"illson,qye; UtleZT, aye;
&. Donald Soltau, owner of premises at 5529 Wooddale Avenue requested
procedure for securing moying and building permits.
it would be necessary to furnish complete set of plans and copy of his
contract with his builder, Showing that house would be remodeled to
conform with Edina Building Code, before such per&& could be issued,
He was informed that
Engineer Smith reported that the Village Should have utilities easement
in the alley in Block 5, Mendelssohn, before alley is vacated,
matter TELS tabled until next meeting, pending advice by Attorney
"Jindhorst .
Engineer smith reported that the omers of property abutting Griffis
Avenue had been contacted, with regard to changing the name of the street
to t11fin5'vert*, that some of the residents did not approve of this name;
that the street directly to the North of Griffis is now named Arthur
Street; and that he would recommend changing the name of the street to L* 2
Griffis to "Arthur Streett1 to conformwith the name of the street to the
North. Kotion by kJillson that name of Griffis Street be changed to
Arthur Street was seconded by Hawthorne and unanimausly carried,
Engineer Smith reported an estimated cost of $1,870.30 for the proposed
storm drain arid wall to be installed between the Thorns and Bro3m
properties in Brucewood Addition,
consent to covered drain tile providing the Village ~;rould do some
filing on his lot in order to provide a slope from the nomd caused
by the tile.
directed to draft plans and specifications and prepare estimate of cost
of most economical storm s<ewer construction practicable, and to determine
boundaries of storm sewer district.
Rr. Thomas stated that he would
iifter discussion, Hawthome moved that Xngineer %th be
Hotion seconded by Uillson =id
Engineer Smith reported that he had made investigation of Don FIcClellan
property as of October 28, and th.t it T~,S his opinion that operations
hsd not ceased as ordered by Council.
Attomey be directed t5 file complaint against Don licClellan for violation
Hawthorne moved that Village
, of Villape Zoning Grdinance.
October 21st letter frox Carl 11. ksen, xith regard to stom se::er drain
in dcinity of 56th Street ulc! St. John's, was read and filed with clerk.
%gineer Si.fith reported thzt he had never had knowledge of the elevation
or" the bottom of the pond before excavztion, and th-zP, 1Ir. &insen is nor:
constructing stom s~mr frm the low spot zt the South end of Lot 3,
Block 3, Subdivision of Liktel Park, north to t'nis pond.
Petition of six prowrty o-,ners, requesting tyro street li,yhts on Second
Avenue Esst, xzs rezd, filed :;.iS;h Clerk, and referred to Villaye Z'ngineer
for investigation mft relaort 2-t, next neeting.
Cony of petition to T"linnecrpo1is Stre& Railr~y Conpany, reauesting
eli+%nation of trsffic hzzard caused Nr zbutment of rcihmy frestle at
Vest &Yn Street md ITorth Avenue, xas read.
the Street bil:n;r Conpsny has not conveyed properby- to the Village for
NoI-th Avenue, bu-i-, that the Villsze has aaintained this roadmy for
several years*
at next meeting.
Plotice of infoml nublic hesins on Ninneapolis-St. Paul Xetropolitan
Airport Flan, to be held in Chicage on 1Zovember l-4, ms read ?nd filed
uith Clerk.
fk. Smith reported that
liatter ms referred to Attorney tlindhorst for his report
Cctober 16th letter frnn Skztg Dexlartment or" Health, with regard to
weU-site on Lots 30 and 31, ,-lock 1, South Harriet Park 2nd Xclbitlon,
vas read 2nd filed vith Clerk,
SnFineer SzfLth reForted that
&Fle Boad has remested street light zt 'his corner.
'Ji71age Xng5neer requ.est instzlhtion of such strzet light.
seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Simmons, at corner of &.%h Stre.2-L and
utle7 noved that
Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
IEERWS, it ayears necesswy and in the public interest that a
svlitary sever be constructed in ?lest b9th Street, from France Avenue to
Ekple Road, sme to be 2 lateral sewer, now therefore,
EE IT BESOLED bz the VillaZe Council of the Villaqe of Edina th.at
smitzry hteral sexer be constructed infhl?e above nzned strset.
BE IT F'iJRTm iXSOLV3D that Phil ';I. kth be designzked 3s engineer
dio shall drim plans .Ynd spcifications .Ad prepare and tzbulate cn
estimated cost of the construction 03 such sever and report the sae to
the Villzge Council,
3lotion to adopt the Resolution TJ~S seconded by Hawthorne, md on Rollcall there
were four ayes 2nd no nz:ys, 25 fol-loxs:
%ye; and Ghristclpher, aye; andthe l3esolukion was adoFted.
IHllson, aye; Utley, aye; Hmrthorng,
Engineer Smith presented ~lans and specifications for sewer ccmstruction
in Yest 49th Street, f roa Prance !ivsnue to &ple Xoad, He reported on
estjimted cost of such construction, at .%,860.70 Lotsl, or <:4,333 per
assessable foot.
Utley offered the folloving Besolution and moved its adoption:
XIEXZ.%S pursuant to resolution adopted October 29, 1946, Engineer
Fhil Y, Srnith hss dram plans and specif5p.tions for sanitary sever in
Yest 49th Street, from France -4venue to aple Rosd znd has tabulated the
results of his estixate of the cost thereof, all of thich has been reporbed
to the Village Council, now therefore,
E33 IT FBSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that
sxid plans and specifications be hereby accepted and be filed withthe
Clerk, where they shall remain on file open to inspection of all persons
until after a contract for the work shall be let.
RE IT FURTlBR RESOLVED that the Clerk be directed to advertise
for bids for proposals for doing the work described in said plans and
specifications in the Hennepin County Redew and the construction Bulletin
on October 31, November 7 and 14, 1946, and said bids to be opened on
November 25, 1946.
Motion to adopt t he Resolution w as seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays, a s follows:
Ha-wthorne, aye; Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
?Jillson, aye; Utley, aye;
Nr. Smith reported that, in accordance with instructions by Council, he
had discussed proposed Edina extension of cross-toiTm bus line with EIr.
Alan Harris, who will circulate a petition in his district.
Notion by Utley, setting hearing on construction of proposed sanitary
sewer in W. &9$ Street, from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue for Movember
11, 1946, at 8:OO P.N., and directing Clerk to so notify property owners,
was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
!NEREAS, it appears necessary and in the public intberest that a
sanitary sewer be constructed in West 49s Street from France Avenue to
Halifax Avenue, same to be a leteral sewer, now therefore,
BE IT TZESOLVXD by the Village council of the Vil1q.e of Edina that
sanitary lateral sewer be constructed in the above named street.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Phil 11. &th be designated as engineer
who shall draw plans and specificatiozls and prepare and tabulate an .
esthted cost of the construction of such sewer and repod the same to
the Villaze council.
Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by iiillson, and on Rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays as follows: Willson, aye; Utley, aye;
Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Engineer %nit. h presented plans, spec&fications and tabubition of estimate
of cost of construction of proposed sanitary sewer in West 49$ Street, fro@
France Avenue to Halifax Avenue; estimated cost being $5,633.50 total,
or an assessment of $4.37 per assessable foot.
Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
?JHETZEAS, pursuant to Resolution a dopted October 28, 1946, Engineer
Phil W. Smith has d.rawn plans and specifications for sanitary sewer in
West 494 Street, from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue, and has tabulated
the results of his estimate of the cost thereof, all of which has been
reported to the Village Council, now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Villwe ,. . Comcil of the village of Edina, that
said plans and specifications be hereby accepted and be filed l:Ji_t!l the
3.0 )
Clerk, :here they shall remin on file open to inspection of all persom
until after 3 contract for the :Tor?< has been let.
ZE IT FKII'EX LLSOLLD that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids
for progosals for doing the :.rork described in said plms and srecificxbicns
in the Eennepin CQ-mty ?cvie:.z and the Construction hlletin on Octo'uzr 31,
IrTovernber 7 md l4, 1946 md szid bids to be owned on IJovember 25, 1946.
1-lotion to sdopt the Resolut5on vns seconded by Hawthorne, and on ?lollcall
there were four ayes 2nd no nap, 3s follows: \;Tillson, aye; Utlqr, aye;
Hmthorne, aye ; and Christopher , a-ye ;
and the Resolution was adopted.
Motion bp Utley, that the VillsFe Colincil hear rrroperty owners on the 11th
d2y of Ilovemher, 1946, st 8:OO P.M., with reference to proposed extension
of Villa-.e water mains in Yest 49; Street frw France Avenue to Halifa Avenue,
and in Halifax Avenue, from ?lest 49': Street to !.lest 50th Street, 2nd that the
Clerk be directed to nublish a notice of said hearing in the official Village
paper for at least two veelrs, the last of such publications to be not less
than three d2ys before szid hearing was seconded. by i;Tillson and carried.
Xotion by Utley, that the Village Council he2 property oxners on the 11th
d3yof iiovember, 19b6, -it 8:OO P.II., with reference to proposed construction
of Village storm seter zlong the follo:.ring route:
In :lest 49'- Strset, from France i2venu.e to Halifxc Avenue;
In Halifax Avenue, from Vest 49'- Street to Tlest 52nd Street;
Ee,ginnhg at a point appro:cimatelF 528 feet South of the
Centerline of XesL 50th Street and the Vest property line of
France Avenue; thence about 335 feet in a tiester17 direction
to the Bortheast corner of Lot 52, &iditor's Subdivision Xo.
172; thence liest along the IJorth line of said Lot 52 to the
centerline of H3lifxx Avenue:
and that the Clerk be directed to cublish notice of said hezring in the
official parer and to othemlse notify affected proper+q omers, wps
seconded by Hswbhorne and carried.
Utley offered t he following Ordinance and moved its adoption:
CRZATEIG STO3.i 2KLR Amended 2/17/47
' UTfie-V5llage Council of the Villap of Edina do ordain as follows:
Section I. There is hereby created and established a storm sewer
DISTRICT-Ut TXE Villa-e of Zdina to be known as Storm Sewer District IJo. 12,
the boundaries of wlnich s'n3ll be as fo Llom: -.
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 49, Auditor's Subdivision
No. 172, thence Yest along the South line of said Lot 49 and dong the
South line of Lot 55, auditor's Subdivision No. 172, to the SouthI'Jest corner
of said lot 55; thence PTorSch in a straight line along the !lest line of said
Lot 55 and Horth throush Lots a, 51, 52, and 53, Auditor's %bdivision
Bo. 172 along this Yest line of said Lot 55 extended IJortherly to a point
in the South line of Lot 43, Auditor's subdivision No. 172 rrhich is 55.38
feet East of southwest corner of said Lot 43; thence East on the South line
of said Lot 43 a distrance of 9.62 feet to a point on the South line of said
Lot 43 viiich is 55 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof; thence Elorth in
a straight line on a line parallel and 65 feet East of the Jest line of said
Lot 43 to the IJorth line of ssid Lot 43; and thence North on this line extended
a distrance of 80 feet to the :Jorth line of ;lest 50th Street; thence :lest on
the iSorth line of Yest 50th Street to its point of intersection with the IJorth
line of ?Jest 494 Street; thence Yest on the llorth line of *Jest 49: Street a
distance of 50 feet, to its roint of intersection with the 'Jest line of
&,li.fa -1venue; thence IIorth along the 3est line of Halifzs Avenue extended
a distance of 135 feet; thence East on a line pwrtllelvith and distsnt 135
feet North of the Eorth line of ?Jest 49; Street a distance of approximtely 569 feet to its inkersection with the ';lest line of France Avenue; thence south
along the '*Jest line of France Avenue to the point of beginning.
da .*
Section 2. This Ord.hiance shall txke effect from 7md after its psssage
znd publication.
Uotion .to adopt the ordinance was seconded by "'illson, and on rollcall
there were four ayes and no nays as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, a;re; and the Urdinance was adopted.
bkllson, aye; Utley, aye;
Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
YHEL3?3:1S it appears necessary and in the public interest that a
storm sewer be constructed along the following route:
In Vest 491 Street, from France Avenue to Ha,lif.ur kvenue;
In Halifa@venue, from Piest 49' Street to IJest 52nd Street;
Beginning at a point approximately 523 feet aouth of the centerline
of !Jest 50th Street and the 'Jest property line of France Avenue;
thence about 335 feet in a Westerly direction to the Northeast
corner of Lot 52, Auditor's subdivision Mo. 172; thence \Jest along
the North line of said Lot 52 to the centerline of Halifax I1venue;
BE IT iWSQLVE;D by the Villare council of the Village of Zdinz that
Ell3 IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Phil T,\T. Smith be designated as engineer
said storm sewer be constructed along the above named route.
who shall draw plans and specifications and prepare and tzbulate an
estimated cost of the construction of such storm sewer and report the
srme to the Vil1ar.e Council, -- /I
Engineer 3 mith presented plans and specifications and estimzte of cost
for construction of storm sewer along t~ie following route :
from Frznce ilveniie to Halifax Avenue; Halifax Avenue, from Xest 49-!!SAreet,
to ';?est 52nd Street; Beginning at a point approximately 528 feet South of
the'Centerliie of 'Jest 50th Street and the ?Jest propedg line of France
Avenue; thence about 335 feet in a Westerly direction to the Northwest corner
of Lot 52, Auditor's %bdivisisjn No.--l72; thence West dong the IIJor'ch line
of szid Lot 52 to the Centerline of halifax Avenee. Smith's esthste of cost
for this construction was z total of $27,026,L$, or an assessment of $.0497
per square foot.
\Jest 49'3,~tr&3t,
Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
STO34 S.;l:JiX DI3TRICT i.10. 12
.. l%?i3REIS, pursuant to Resolution adopted October '28, 19/46, h,&neer
. Phil 5f. smith has drawn plans and specifications for storm sever in -the
following streets :
In Yest 491 Strset, from France Avenue to EIalifay &+venue;
In Halifax Avenue, from :lest 49.1 S'crcet to ?!est 52nd Street;
BsFinning at a norin'c approximately 523 feet South of the
Centerline of 'lest 50th Street and the Yest pronerty line of
France Avenue; thence about 335 feet iii a UesLerly direction
to the Northezst corner of Lot 52, Auditor's Subdivision 'yo.
172; thence !Jest alonq the North line of szid Lot 52 to the
Cent erline of Halifax Avenue :
EX IT RESOLIED by the Village Co.mci.1 of the Villape of Edina that
said plans and specifications be hereb?T accepted and be filed xi-iih the Clerk,
where they shall remain on file open to inspectioE ol" all persons until after
a contract for the work shall be let.
52 / 10/23/L,6
I €!E IT FURTHER R%SQLKiLD that the Clerk be directed to advertise for
bids for proposals for doing the work described in said plans and speci-
fications in The Hennepin county Review ,and the Construction Bulletin 011
October 31, Xovember 7 and 14, 1946 and said bids to be opened on
21ovember 25, 1946.
Kotion to zdont the 8esolution was seconded by Xillson, and on Rollcall
there :.rere four ayes_rsznd no y?ajrs, as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; and 'hristopher, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted,
rkllson, aye; hey, aye;
of the Vill&e Coincil
Pl*nning Codssion,
confirmed bp Council VRS seconded by Haxthorne and carried,
presented name of S.S. Thorpe, JF. for appoin-tment of
Notion by Utley ahat proposed appointment be
Notion by Utleg that papent for police uniforms be made by Vi1la"g.e for
benefit of the men, with repayment to be made by payroll deduction in not
more than sLs months, r.ns seconded by kwthorne and carried.
Attorney !findhorst reported that statwbory limitations on construction of
Village Hall- apply onl:r where it is necessiry to borrcx, in which case the
mztter must corne to the vote of the pebple.
Attorney Yindhorst reoorted on procedure for establishing Chnrter Commission.
He wqs requested to file detailed written report.
14otion bp Hawbhorne, that Till27e Attorney be directed Lo draft ordinance
prohibiting hunting in Z&na, was seconded b::. i&llson and cerried.
Letter of August 23, from LOA. Dyregrov, concerning village contribution
toward initial e-xpense of determining relative cost to &Rural Hennepin
of the present county government, tms again discussed. No action taken.
Xillson reported receiving letter from Douglas Rees, complimenting Village
crew and engineer on repair of road--Halifrur Avenue from 52nd to 54th
There Eeing no further butihess to come before the Council, Hauthorne
moved for adjournment. llotion seconded
dll members of the Council were present, as was &. Perry Roore of Stinchfield
Nackall, Crounse and Koore .
Trustee Utlep offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
t,&TBE.U Section 9 of the water franchise issued to Country club District
Service Company by the Village of Sdina provides that the Villa;;e mag pwchse
the plant and property of the Country club District Service Compaii3~, used and
useful, in connection uith the water supply system installed in the VillaTe of'
Ed- under that franchise, and
YHEEBS said section 9 movides forthe determination of a price for said
plant and property bx appraisal in the event the psrties are unable to qree
unon a price, and