HomeMy WebLinkAbout19461111_REGULARHINUTES OF THS REGULAR IGETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD IM VILLAGE HALL, !4@NDAY, NOVENBXR 11, 1946, AT 8:OO P.M. All members of the Council were present. Einutes of the meeting of October 28, 1946 were approved as submit.ked, by motion Utley, seconded by Zonne aid carried. Notion by Utley approving regular payroll in amount of $2,768.33 and election payrolls for the General Election of ItJovember 5, in amount of $304,20, was seconded by Zonne and carried. Gretchen Schussler Anne. L. Phillip Helene Freeman Dorothy Richker Sub-t ot a1 POLICE DEFT. Hilding Dah1 Wm. S. -Heydt Clayton Erickson Clarenc? Knut son Donald lJelsoyl 3-h V, Hoffman Sub4 otal STUT DEFT. EG. Phil Bailey S.J. Roberts 2.H. Dahlgren John Tracy H,J.I.‘ierfeld Harry Jonas Jirt’nur Jensen Au,tp.st Gustaf son Sub-t ot a1 3TP3T DEPT. HXLY Gha s Johns on donald P. Tort Sm 14cCready Jacob Shmk Sub-t otal 14.I smilL,mEous Ben Xoehler Carl T. Killer Fred Jonas Juel H. Belsaas Sub-total Ih IT. Hoffman TO’i’iiL FA”iOLL PAID 1Jfi.p; Zola L. Brews C .E. Johnson &s. H. Sanders Ragna Schmit-b %-s. J .E. Kennedy Albert Farmer l3-b he 1 ik C r e ad y Virginia Beard Xrs. Alma Duus K~S. E.N. Gutch CLL4DI # 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 , 484 (i 485 486 497 488 489 , 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 502 503 ’GROSS AET. 208.33 97 . 50 62.50 50 . 00 4.20 422.53 117.50 100 . 00 100 . 00 100.00 95 . 00 55.00 567.50 112 50 100 . 00 100 . 00 90 . 00 90 . 00 90.00 85.00 770 . 00 102 . 50 76.00 76 . 00 60 . 00 66.00 278.00 125.00 100 . 00 S2,~O 162 . 50- 470.30 260 00 E-GCTION PAYROLL CUI14 # 449 450 451 452 . 453 454 455 456 457 458 ATIOUI\JT 13.20 13.20 13.20 13 920 13.20 5.40 15.60 15.60 15.60 15.60 I$* Tk 23 90 12.60 2.90 4.80 -0- 44 20 8.10 9.40 5-40 4-40 5.40 5 bkO 3~~10 3 e50 5 040 9.40 -0- 5.70 3 e70 -0- 6.60 34.30 1.30 -0- 2.50 3.50 7.30 9.70 9.40 10.20 20.20 49 . 50 13 60 187 . 00 FET ART. 184 43 84.90 59.60 45 020 4.20 378.33 109.40 94.60 90,60 94.60 90.60 L,9 . 60 529 40 109.00 94.60 90 . 60 96 -80 90 00 86.30 90.00 78 1&0 735.70 14.70 76 00 57 . 70 62 . 50 270 . 70 115.30 90.60 72 . 60 142.30 &?O . 80 246.40 2,581933 58 lks. G.3. Homrd &s. I-iollie Ikttson 1-Irs. Hilda Holter %.. Frances Sonnenbcry Nellie St rat e Xrs. F.C. Obermeyer Iirs. Rose Lee Louise ?Jesterberg Sigrid "festerberg Lois Louis Plorenc e Jexet t Gertrude Ewe Inez Stark Iks. Lee Xll.iams Dorothy Richter GLm: ;P 459 l60 k51 h62 463 &64 465 466 467 468 * 469 470 471 472 * 473 474 :CUPIT 15.60 ?.GO 7 e80 E.60 z.60 12.60 22.60 l2.60 4.80 4.80 12.60 12 . 60 12 60 U.60 12.60 3.60 TOTAL F.YiinOL;L P,iuI 304.20 ITJI'I01- b3 Utley allwing clahs 2s follows, was seconded by Zonne and carried: I General Fund ~26,407.65 . Poor Fund 136.26 Sexer Rental 1.00 San. Sever Dist .,ill3 4,038.36 ITXE IXller Dav5.s Go. Tdh City Sta@ 2z s-beencil Edina GarsFe Inc. Glacier Sand & Gravel Go. TIorthern Ststies Fovrer Go. - The Linde Air Froduc'cs Go. :&no H. Ziiegler Go., Inc. Jay Y. Craig Go. J.B. Gleason Thonpson Lumber Co, la. Fire I;quitment Go. Tern Rutledge Young Fuel Go. Republic Crsasoting Co. Firestone Stores Oscar Roberts & Go. Eerg Er Farnham Go. 1kgne';o Service Co. %dim Hardvare Brookside Service Station Hennepin Bevier Edina Fure Oil Station Borey's Shell Station Tom I-htzko Plbg. Co. Yoehler Bros. City Treasurer, C?by of 1;pls. Jasper Jasperson 1Torthv:estern Bell Tele. Go. State of IW. Dept. of TXL, ~~+hur Petersen Phillips Petroleum Go. Hilding Dahl. Stuart Y. Ka,pson Ector H. Csrlson Q Sons Phelps-Drake Co. - Suburban Hem. Co, Relief Bd. b591 cL:u7; /# I~20rnIT GETEka Fiim 4570 27.25 4571 10.00 4572 62.20 4573 - 22.60 457& 65s. 92 4575 7.19 4576 68.16 4577 360.00 4578 l,027.u. &579 3 020 4580 22.00 4581 22 . 00 4582 22.19 4583 54.52 458b 43 053 4585 30.68 4586 3.89 4587 11.40 4589 5.54 4589 1179.26 4590 60.55 -45 92 11.15 4593 130.86 L594 2.30 A-595 L?9 . 52 4596 10,04l.58 4597 162.20 t55% 155 085 4599 a3 020 4600 60s . $5 4601 60.05 4602 17.60 4603 5.00 4605 7 9 937.49 26,407.65 4604 . 49539.51 Phelps-Drake Go. 4605 Northern States Power Go. 448 59 Pursuant to Notice of Hearing published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, Qctober 31 and November 7, 1946, affidavit of which was read by Clerk, public hearin? was held on proposed storm sewer cmstmction along the following route: Street, from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue; Halifax Avenue, from I?. 499 Street to W. 52nd Street; Beginning at a point approxiraztel3r 52$ feet South of the centerline of IT. 50th Street and the West property line of France Avenue thence about 335 f,eet in a ?festerly direction to the Northeast corner of Lot 52, auditor!^ Subdivision No. 172; thence Hest along the North line of said Lot 52 to the centerline of Halifax Avenue. of this hprovement is $27,026.41, or an assessable cost of 8.054. per square foot. property would not be assessed. Pwqsuant to Notice of Hearing published in Hennepin county Review, Hopkins, Itinnesota, October 31 and November 7, 1946, affidavit of which vas read by Clerk, public hearing was held on proposed sanitary sewer construction in the following streets: W. 49i Street, from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue, in Sanitary Server District No. 18. for this sewer, stating that the estimated cost of construction is $5,633.50, or an assessable cost of $4.63 per front foot. ob,iectors to this project, Pursuant to Notice of Hearing published in Hermepin County Review, Honkin.;, PIinnesota, October 31 and November 7, 1946, affidavit of which was read by Clerk from W. 49$ Street to W. 50th Stkeet. stating that estimated cost is $7,578.25, or an assessable cost of $5.88 per front foot. storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water main projects on N. 49$ Street, and was told that I&. Smith's estimates were on the basis of assessment for both sides of the street. U-bley offered the following Resolution and inoved its adoption: TFf.49h Engineer Smith again presented plans statinz that estimated cost Ib. Victor Irgins, 5505 Halifax Avenue, was informed that his There were no objeclhrs to this project, Engineer Smith again presented plans There were no pu&lic hearing was held on proposed water main construction in W. 492 4 Street, from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue and in Halifax Avenue , Engineer Smith again presented plans, ]*fro Cahrles Hay inquired as to basis of assessment for the There were no objectors to the water main project. WlL%E:1S the Village Council has met at the time ad place specified in a notice to all property owners whose nroperty may be assessed for proposed conslruction of Villare wake% main in VI. 494 Street, from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue, and Halifax Avenue from W. 494 Street to W,5Oth Street, published in the Hennepin county Review on October 31, and Itovember 7, 1946, and has heard all persons appearing.at said meeking and duly considered said proposed improvement, now therefore, BE IT r!!SOLVXD by the Village Counul of the Villa2e of Edina %hat it is hereby determined to be necessary to construct Village water main in the ebove named streets, and EE IT mT?iTH;1;;2 ZSOLVED that plans and. specifications for such water main conshruction heretofore prepared by Phil W, Smith, engineer, and filed with the Village Clerk are hereby accepted and approved as the plans and soecifications for said improvement. BE IT FURTHER RE30LTED that the Clerk is hereby directed to advertise for bids on'the basis of cash papent for such work, statirng that the ,bids will be opened and considered. by the Council on November 25, 1946; no bids will be considered, unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accomp- anied by a cash degosit or ceriified check payable to the Clerk for an amount equal to 15'" of the bid. EE IT FURTHE3 lR3SOLKED $hat the cost of said improvement is to be assessed against the property improved 3s authorized b;i Chapter 425, Laws of 1921, as mended. Ilotion to adopt the 'Xesolution was seconded by Haisthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: TKllson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution vas admted. , Zonne, aye; LkleF, aye; ATT&ST : ;itt$rney A.3. Brpgelson appezred to request Special I-Ieeting for purpose of qiscnssion m X>;?~.L~.-P i cn of &l . W. Ihite, for off-szle liquor License . Brpgelson vrzs advised that the Council vould arrange to hear him at such time as there were sufficient urgent mtters bo varrant a special meeting. Eessrs, G,E, presenting the vicinit7 of ;zoore an6 ;!orth .ivenues, renues-bed correction of the tr,ffic %azzrd caused. 13:;. the ztbutmen-t of the 2inneapolis Firest Railmy Trestle at the junstion of Xorth Avenue, 11. Uth Street,, and ;:innehaha Creek. Zngineer Smith ststed thzt .tile Villace Council is also interested in hzving the ro2dwaF Yedened, in order to facilitate maintenance during the winter, and inrlluired as to the opinion of those present on widening the street four feet. As -no definike a,peenieirL was reached, meetbg of representatives present and 4-k. Smith vas zrranged for Xednesday, ifovember 13, for further discussion, 1.h . Romrd 14. Page, John A. Yoods, and Hema G. Dirks, re- 13, Ben 1.L Parks requested the Frading and gravellins of streets in Golf Terrace Heights and Golf Terrace Heights First Addition, in order to permit hone construction there this vrin"cer. It vas agreed that the VillzTe would grade streets this fall, t1-d "r. k-vks would circulate petition for blacktopping qofig wopertg omters ad bring this petition to tlie Council 3% an early date, irr oFder to facilitate rravelling and blacktopping next sumer. Ee. Geo. Y. Hoskins, 5COa Brookside Avenue, accompanied bF &. HJ. Greeson,. Highway ,f<l69, ;presented petition csrrying 27 sigmtures, remestin.: extension of bus line out 5Cth street west to the intersection of Interlachen Boulevzrd, 50th Street md Brookside Avenue. eventually be exbended out Interlachen Boulevard to serve the new industrial area in Hopkins. Zngineer Smith renorbed that complaint hsd been filed against Don &Clellan Bovmber 6, for violation of zoning Urdinmce, and that h. %Clellan had been ordered to appear in IIunicipal Court on ITednzsday, Rovember 13, Lr. Hoskins explained thzt bus service might Petition filed vfith Clerk. En+gineer Sr;lith reported that, in accordance with instructions by tlie Council, he had investigated lighting conditions on Second Avenue East between Third and FoWh Streets South,and that in his opinion lights are needed at both Third and Fo&h Streets. He reported that a verbs1 request had been mde for a light at 47th Street and 1Seador.r Road, and that this light should also be installed if possible. bkllson moved that petition,for street ligh-bs at interaect5ons of Third znd Fourth Streets South with Second Avenue East, and reauest for light zt 47th and IJeador.2 Road be granted, and that Villa-e dngineer be directed to reauest Horthern States Power to mzlce such installation. I+;otion seconded by %ley and carried. Letter from X.S. Jones, requestins road opening at the center of his yoperby in the Eorth 1/2 of the 2ist 1/2 of Section 28, To*;mship 117, +ge 21, ins read. fiotion by Hawthorne khat letter be ieferred to "lanning Lomr.fLssion for their recomendation vas secctnded by 7Jillson and carried. -_ Latter from ?rs. L.E. incurreg. from&he Ilest end of Greg's Drug Store at 50th and France, ~12s read. Xoti;bn by tIawthorne that 'chis matter be r%feYr5TTF6lTe~r\ reference to Victor Czrlson t& gens, was seconded by Utleg and carried. (, .A fall on) (the sidevdk at ) Lsir, 5l2l Juanita Avenue, asking damages for injuries Utler oTfered the folloxing Xesolution and moved its adoption: . EE IT RESOiTJ'SD thzt the Villaze Coqicil call for p7-?,ment JanuarF 1, 1947, Sever District Xo. 12 !'Tarrants 30s. 251 and 21, in -I;'ne amount of f~l,OOO.OO esch, and thzt the Bond Holders be so notified. Xotion to adopt, the Xesolution was seconded by Xl.lson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes ,and no mys, as Pollo~rs: Havbhorne, aye; snd %ristopher, aye; and the Resolution ;zs adcyted. Lome, a;*; Utley, a;"; Jillson, .z;re; 11/11/4.6 31, Zonne offered the following Ordinance and moved its adoption: AN OFUXNANCE PROHIBITING THZ DISCHMGE OF FII?.TZimIS UNDER CEEETAIN CIRCWiSTMJCES THE VILLVX COUNCIL OF EDIILI DO ORDAIN SS FOLLO';JS: Section 1. No person shall fire, discharge, or explode any gun, pistol, air rifle or other weapon in any'pad of this Village without a permit from the Villaye Council, shall be issued by the Council in its discretion upon application to it. Such pernf& shall be in writing and Section 2. any firing of a ,gun, pistol, or other weapon when done in the lawful defense of person, nropertg or fahily or in the necesslry defense or enforcement of the laws. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to prohibit Section 3. Any person violating any provision of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be ourtished by a fine of not less than '.$,OO nor more than $50.00 or imprisonment for a period of not more than sixty (60) days or both. Section 4- This Ordinance shall take effect and be irr force from and after is publication.. Eotion by Havrbhorne that Council dispense with second reading of "chis ordinance was s econded by Zonne and unanimously carried. Zonne's motion to adopt the ordinance ws seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall. there were five ayes and no nays as follor.rs: Utley, aye; Hawthoriie, aye; Zonne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted. Willson, aye; c./ .e Council 7 Fetition by Hzrrg %staf son, owner of property abuttin3 the following strse"~: >Ie 57th Street, from Frxme Avenue to Beard Avenue, snd Eeard and Chowen 'ivenue, from 165 feet North from the center of 57th Street dong Beard and chowen -*venues, for canstruction of sewer and imter mins in these streets, vas filed with the Clerk. be accepted was seconded by bdillson and unanimously czrried. Utley offered the following Ordinance and moved its adontion: AN 0RDIN.ANGE CZ!!TIXG SANITARY SE;?Lit DISTRICT NO. 20 Ilotion by Utleg that petitions The Villa-e Council of the VillaTe of Edins do ordain 25 follows: Section 1. There is heroby created and established a sanitary sewer district in the Villa,ge of Edina to be known as Sanitary Aeifer r)istrict 110~ 20, the boundaries ol" which shall be as follows: Se,q%nninq at the point of intersection with the center line of Enno$aha Creek and Frznce Avenue; thence South along %he center line of France Avenue to Pis point of intersection with the center line of Ye 57th Street; thence East on the center line of 3. 57th Street to its point of intersection wiLh the East line of Lot Three (3) %ock One (I) Brookline Second Addition extended South; thence Worth along the East lines of Lots Three (3) and Pour (4) Block One (1)Brookline Sesond Addition and Lots Eight (8) to Fourteen (14) inclusive, Jlock One (l), Edina Hills, to the most Easterly corner of Lot Fourteen (14) lock One (l), %dim, Hills; Thence in a Northwesterly direction OS the Hortheasterly line of said Lot Fourteen (14) a distance of Seventy-Zine &uil Five-Tenths Feet ('79.5') to the most Eortherly corner of szid Lot Fourteen (14); thence in a Northwesterly direction across Chowen Avenue on a straight line to the Southeast corner of Lot Six (6) Block Two (2) Edina Hills; thence in Northwesterly direction on the Easterly line of Said Lot Six (6) to the Xortheast corner of said Lot Six (6) and . continuinrr on this Laster1;ir lim of ssid Lots %z (6) to its point of intersection t.it'n the center line of IZnnehaha Creek; thence in a meanderin? course South and :!est along the center line of PZxnehaha Creek to the point of beginning. Section 2. This ordinmce shall take effect from and after its publication, Motion to adont the ordinance was seconded b;: Uiillson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follom: Bmthorne, zm; and Christopher, aye; and the "rdinance was adoptep. :'lillson, a;:e; Zonne, aye; Utley, aye; ATEST : Utlelg moved that the Villare council hold public hearing on -the construction of sewer main in Choiren Avenue, from 21. 56th Street to I.I. 57th Strcit, and on ?J. 57th Street from France Avenue to One-Half Block %zst of Dreu .iwmue, and that the Clerk be directed to publish notice of such hearing tn held on Decerqber 9, 19.46 at 8:OO P.11. and. to notify property oxners. seconded by X,llson and carried. Liotion I4otion by Utlex that the VSlzge council hear nroperty owners on the %h day of December, 1946 at 8:OO P.X. with reference to proposed exbension of Villzye xiter mins in Eeard Avenue, from 71, 55to iJ. 57th Street and in Charen .menue frcm :T. 56th Street to 3. 57th Street and that the Clerk be directed to publish a notice or" said hezrirl3 in the Herunepin county Xeview for at lezst two +reeks, the kist of such nublic?+tion to be not less than three days be- fore said Besring, and to notify property owners by inail, bras seconded by VJiilson and carried, Notion by Zome instructing Village Engineer to put llRo-hrking 24 Hourst1 signs on bokh sides of thzt Fortion of 50th Street not widened, from Halifxx A!venue to France menue, ad on the-'Jest side of France Avenue frm the Edina Hardmre, south to the corner on 50th Street, vas seconded bg :;Tillson and carried. 1Zotion by Zonne rmendinc: prsceding motion, to read "instructing Village Engineer to put llNo-Far'king 24 Hours" signs on both sides of that portion of 50th Street not widened, from Halifax Avenue to Prance,Avenue, and 1tNo-Parking 8:OO R.14, to 6:oo P.IL1t on the Vest side of France Avenue from w3.s seconded by Utle:. and czrried. , south to the comer of 50th Street, fol1o:rin.z Gdinance and Toved its ad.option: *!I 0~mII::E:Cx C~-.'LTEIG STOX1 32;E;2 DI3TdICT Ilu;*B~3 11 of t'ne Village of %dins do ordzin BS follotrs: Section 1, Villare of Zdin3 fo be Inoim 2s Storm Sewer District 110. 11, the boundzries of which shzll be as follcws: There is hereby crznted and established a storm sewx district, in the Ee&mi-ig at the Soiithesst corner of Lot 5, Block 1, StevenIs First Addition, thence .*'est an the South line of slid Lot 5, across Indianola .2vxiiie on this South line of said Lot 5 extended 'io the Southeast, emmer of Lots 6, Block 2, Ateven's First .idditioa, thence :lest on tie South line of Lots 5 and 6, 3lock 2, Stevens First Addition and across Jrranitz .ivenue on this line extended to the 'Jest line of Ja2~ Flsce; thence i!orth on this Ifesb line of JaT Place to the South line of 'Jest 50L;h Street; thence ;Jes-L on the South line of :'Jest 50th S'creet to the centcr line of Arden Avenue; thence iloi-th on the center line of Arden Avenue to its point of intersection wit& the center line of Xest 50th Street; thence east on the center line of Jest 50th Street to its point of intersection with the East line of Lot 2, Block 1, Steven's First Addition extended; thence South on this East line of srtid Lot 2 extended to %he Southeast, corner of said Lot 2; thence !Test on the - South line of Lot 2, Block 1, Steven's First iid6ition a distance of 25.69 feet - to its point of i2kersection xith East lke of Lot 4, Block 1, Steven's First Addition e,xtended North; ithence South on this &st line of Lot 4 extended to %:-,e Southeast corner of ssid Lot 4; thence South on the iast, line of Lot 5, Block 1, Steven's First ilddition to the point of beginning, 11/2 5/46 6 3. I *i Section 2. T4otion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays as follows: %iie, aye; IKllson, aye; Utley, aye; Havkhorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Ordinance was .adopted . This Ordinance shall Eake efr"ect from and after its publication. ATTEST : EIotion by Lome, directing Village Engineer to apply to the State Highway Commissioner for authorization to rezone 11, 54th Street from France Avenue to Nooddale Avenue as a 20-mile zone was seconded by Utley and carried, Mr. Windhorst was requested to furnish council with twitten opinion on W. 494 Street Assessment. Engineer Smith was requested by Mayor Christopher to inform 1.b. Charles Sharpe by Letter regarding difficulties ofgcerkain Edins residents in securin? priorities for sewer installation. There being no further business to come before the Council, Willson's motion for adjournment was seconded by Hawbhorne and carried, * .< IaNUTES OF THE &GULAR E.4ZETDJG- OF TKE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD 25, 1946, at 8:OO P,T.l. Uembers present were Zo+e ,, tlillson , Hawthorne and Christopher . Motion by Hawthorne that the TEnutes of Xovember 11, 1946, be approved as submitted, with the following addition: "Hawthorne' s motion that petition to put Vandervork Avenue to grade be rejected, was seconded by Ifillson and carried", I4otion seconded by IJillson and carried. Motion by 'dillson approving payroll in the amount of $3,024.23 and truck rental claim in the amount of $122.50 was seconded by Zonne and carried. IN- VILLAGE HALL, HOLIDAY, XOVEXIBR COUNCIL C.J. Christo?her Bower Hawthorne George A. Villson Harold C. Utley E.L. &oxme J.J. Duggan Dr. L.H. Campbell, JO~ >&dhorst , Ward B. Lewis Sub-t otal GROSS AMOUNT 50.00 50.00 35 .oo 35 .oo 35.00 30.00 30.00 75.00 75 .OO 415 , 00 W, TAX -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -3- -0- -0- -0- - HOSP . - -0- -0- -0- .-0- -0- -0- -0- -e -0- -0- - ADI.IINS TEiTIVE 208 .33 23.90 1.50 182*93 Phil W. Smith 57-3 Gretchen Schussler 514 97.50 U;60 a75 84.15 Anne L. Phillips 515 62.50 2*go .75 58.85 Helene F'reemn . 516 50.00 Sub-t otal 418 033 -- 4.80 -0- 45.20 4420 3.00 371.13 POLICE DEFT Hildring Dahl 51-7 117.50 4,lO L5O 107090 Tfm S. Heydt 518 100.00 '5.40 1.50 93.10 Clayton Erickson 519 100.00 9.40 1.50 $9.10 Clarence Knutson ,520 100,oo 5.40 1050 93.10