HomeMy WebLinkAbout19461125_REGULAR11/2 5/46 6 3. I *i Section 2. T4otion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on rollcall there were five ayes and no nays as follows: %iie, aye; IKllson, aye; Utley, aye; Havkhorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Ordinance was .adopted . This Ordinance shall Eake efr"ect from and after its publication. ATTEST : EIotion by Lome, directing Village Engineer to apply to the State Highway Commissioner for authorization to rezone 11, 54th Street from France Avenue to Nooddale Avenue as a 20-mile zone was seconded by Utley and carried, Mr. Windhorst was requested to furnish council with twitten opinion on W. 494 Street Assessment. Engineer Smith was requested by Mayor Christopher to inform 1.b. Charles Sharpe by Letter regarding difficulties ofgcerkain Edina residents in securin? priorities for sewer installation. There being no further business to come before the Council, Willson's motion for adjournment was seconded by Hawbhorne and carried, * .< IaNUTES OF THE &GULAR E.4ZETDJG- OF TKE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD 25, 1946, at 8:OO P,T.l. Uembers present were Zo+e ,, tlillson , Hawthorne and Christopher . Motion by Hawthorne that the TEnutes of Xovember 11, 1946, be approved as submitted, with the following addition: "Hawthorne' s motion that petition to put Vandervork Avenue to grade be rejected, was seconded by Ifillson and carried", I4otion seconded by IJillson and carried. Motion by 'dillson approving payroll in the amount of $3,024.23 and truck rental claim in the amount of $122.50 was seconded by Zonne and carried. IN- VILLAGE HALL, HOLIDAY, XOVEXIBR COUNCIL C.J. Christo?her Bower Hawthorne George A. Villson Harold C. Utley E.L. &oxme J.J. Duggan Dr. L.H. Campbell, JO~ >&dhorst , Ward B. Lewis Sub-t otal GROSS AMOUNT 50.00 50.00 35 .oo 35 .oo 35.00 30.00 30.00 75.00 75 .OO 415 , 00 W, TAX -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -3- -0- -0- -0- - HOSP . - -0- -0- -0- .-0- -0- -0- -0- -e -0- -0- - ADI.IINS TEiTIVE 208 .33 23.90 1.50 182*93 Phil W. Smith 57-3 Gretchen Schussler 514 97.50 U;60 a75 84.15 Anne L. Phillips 515 62.50 2*go .75 58.85 Helene F'reemn . 516 50.00 Sub-t otal 418 033 -- 4.80 -0- 45.20 4420 3.00 371.13 POLICE DEFT Hildring Dahl 51-7 117.50 4,lO L5O 107090 Tfm S. Heydt 518 100.00 '5.40 1.50 93.10 Clayton Erickson 519 100.00 9.40 1.50 $9.10 Clarence Knutson ,520 100,oo 5.40 1050 93.10 c - '64 .- Donald !Nelson :'Tm Vi Hoffman Sub-tot al STE%T DEFT. Phil Bailey S.J. Roberts P,H.Dahlgren John Tracy 1-1. J .Rerf eld Hamy Jonas Arthur Jensen August Gustaf son Sub-t Ot al smzr DEPT. ~LY. Ches Johnson Ronald P, Port Jacob Sdhmk Sam KcCready E.C. Pfeiffer %ub-total r.IIsGEmmGus Ben Voehler Carl T-. Hiller Juel H, Beleaas sub-t otal Brea JO~S TOTAL TAE20LL 521 543 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 534 537 538 539 1.Iinn. HosDital Service Assln 95 . 00 87.50 600 CO 112 50 100.00 1oo.co 85.00 6.60 770.00 34.30 76 a CO 1.30 76.0 -9- 66.00 3 .50 60 . CO 2.50 71 70 -C- 349.70 7.30 125 . 03 9-70 100.00 9.40 83.70 10.20 -0- 90.60 76 r60 -0- 6.00 550a40 - - 1.50 ll3,80 -0- We60 -0- 73.50 3,024.23 -178.90 540 $ 24.00 BILLS PAID Postmsster Linden Hill Stztion 4607 52.53 Gent1 Fund E,C, Pfeiffer 4608 122.50 Gent1 .Fund 175 03 First Edina State Bank (Transfer of Funds) Notion by Zonne zpproving $52.53 claim for purchase of stamps was seconded by 'JilJson and carried. $3,02&,23 Pursua-t to Wdvertisenent for bids published in Hemepin County Review October 31 and Xovember 7, 1946, and 011 October 31, Xovember 7 and IJovember 14, 1946, affidavits of publication for which were read by Clerk, bids were opened andaread on the construction of smitary sewer nains in the following streets: France Avenue to Kaple Road. the construction Wetin, Unneapolis, Rinnesota In ?.e& 49th Street, from Bids were as follows: &rt Caxlone St, Paul, IEnnesota $5,807 .GO Lvnetti Luaet-ti St .Paul, I."linnesota $6, $55 03 Phelps-Drake Conp,ny I.rinneapolis, KErmesota 36,0S4,902 Sever District Bo. 19 if awarded contract on all four jobs being bid tonight, -sPhelps-Drake Company will deduct "5% from their bid on Switary Gotion by Xillson refemins bids to Village Engineer for tabulation and comparison and report at next regular meeting vas seconded by Hawthorne and crrrried, PUrsmnt 'to Advekisement for Bi& published Yinnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, IZmeapolis, I-kinnesota on October 31, IJovember 7 and Uovenber I&, 1946, affidavits of publication for r;.l?ich were read by Clerk, bids were %&en on the construction of Sanitary sever mains in the folloxing strzets: liest 49$ Street from France Avenue ko Halifax Avenue. Bids were as follows: Hennepin County Review, Hbpkins, 11/25/46 L Bart Carlone St. $ad; Minnesota G5j313.40 Lmetti & Lamet%i St. Paul, itinnesota .$55;711.00 . Phelps-Drake Go. P.linnGapolis, Ninnesota $5,&8.20-:~ *Phelps-Drake' Co. Eeser.ves the right to withdraw this bid unless awarded all four jobs bid this evening. Pursuant to Advertisement for bids published in Hennepin County Review on November 14 and 21, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, bids were opened and read for the construction of water main extensions in the following Village streets:' W. 498 Street, from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue, and Halifax Avenue, from I$. 49$ Street to West 50th Street. * Hopkins, E~hesota, and the Construction Bulletin, Yleapolis, l!bnesota, Bids were as follows: hetti & hetti St. Paul, IEnnesota $5,852.00 Phelps-Drake C ompany,Minneapolis , I4inne sot a $6,404.00-:5 bid unless awarded all four jobs bid this evening. *Phelps-Drake Company reserves the right to withdraw this Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids published in Hennepin County Review, Ropkins, Minnesota, and the Construction Bulletin, ltinneapolis, Minnesota, on October 31, November 7 and. 1.4, 1946 affidavit of publication for vflich was read by Clerk, bids were opened and read for the construction of &om sewer mzins along the following route: In W. 498 Street, from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue; In Halifax Avenue, from W, 498 Street to !?. 52nd Street; Beginning at a point approximately 528 feet South of the Centerline of 3.J. 50th Street and the ?Jest properi;g line of France Avenue; thence about 335 feet in a !I;festerly direction to the Northeast corner of Lot 52, Auditor's Subdivision 1.10. 172; thence West along the North line of said Lot 52 to the Centerline of Halifax Avenue. Bids were as follows: Lametti 6s Lametti St. Paul, Minnesota $40; 54GeO7 P helps-Dr dce Company 1-Iinneapoli s , IGnne sot 23 2,l2 9 e OO+t *Phelps-Drake company reserves the right to i-nthdratf this bid unless awarded all four jobs bid this even&g. Motion by I.\Tillson that bids on the three construction jobs last mentioned above be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation, comparison, and report at the next meeting, was secmded by Hawthorne and carried. 3Ir. Komers, of 4125 W. 62nd Street, presented petition signed by sixty persons representins 214 potential bus riders, for an Edina bus route as follows: From If. 50th Street and France to llooddzle, then !lest to 62nd Street and Wooddale, %hen to France Avenue, then to 50th and France. Petition filed with Clerk. c Ifre Douglas IJallace, 4120 ITe 50th Street, presented complaintabout the debris behind Zipoy's Grocery at 4948 France Avenve. that Fire Chief Bailey be directed to investigate conditions behind Zi~oy~s Grocery with regard to fire hazgrd, and to order Zipoy to remove debris. Engineer Smith oresented calculation of assessment roll for Stomn Sewer Bo.. 11, as follows: Totd cost 33,489.43; total assessable footage 122,2S5,99 sq. ft; Assescnble cost per square foot Hwthorme moved Notion seconded by Zonne and carried. $.0286* Hzvrthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adontion: T:EElB.4S the engineer selected by the VillaSe Council has ~alcula~ted the proper mount to be specially assessed for storm sever ccmstx-ucted in the following streets: In Indimola Avenue, from Cen'cerline of East-Yest alley in Block 2, %events First ld.dit5ony South 13 feet; . In East-Yest alley in Block 2, Skevenl s First Addition, from Indianola Avenue to Juanita, Avenue; BE IT FUTtTK3 KStTLTT;D khzt said proposed assessnent is hereby approved 2nd the clerk is directed to muse notice to be pdblished in the &mnepin County fievie?; on 1Tovmber 24, 1?1+4, th:t the VillsSe Council will pss upon said propazed ?ssess-?xt *.t its nab replzr session, to be held zt t1:~ Vi11xre L Hall Decenber 9, 19&6, 3t 8:03 PJI. ??.A ;iibh regard to the proposed storm sc?:'r from curb Line on Bruce Flace to IXrmeh2ha Creek, aloq bhe l'orth lot ILne of Lot 11, Block I, Brucevrood Addition, Engineer !Pit]? repwtad an estimated cost of 478.55 for the installation of Smith presented plat sho:&ng storm sewer district boundsries, enclosing assesszble area df 21'7,400 square feet, and stated that estiwhed assesszble cost vould be ?.G9266 pr sqmre foot. I) corrugpted metal pipe, v6th one foot of fill, bngineer offered t.be r'olloxLng Crdinance and moved its adoption: .osJ OFJlYAU?C3 CiRZ1TIIK' 3TO3il SEER DISTRICT IrnBZR 13 c he TTiJ!-age Chuncil of the Vi!lz:e of Edinz do ordain as follom: Section 1. the Villase of Zdina to be knovm as Stom Sewer Dis&ict 140. 13, tha bouiidaries of which shall be 2s follorrs: There is hereby cr?ated and established ;2 stom setrer di5trict in Beginning at the ilor-bheast corner of Lot IJinoteen (19( Block One (1) Srucewood Addition; thencs South along V-e Vest line or" Bruce Avenue to the ;!ortheast comer of Lot Eight (8) of said block; thence South aloq $he %st line of said lot, to IEnnehaha Creek; thence in a ITesterkT and. Ifortherly dircc6ion upstremi along I'hehaha Creek to the I4orthvres-b corner of Lot IJineteen (19) of said block; thence East along the Xorth line of Ezid Lot Eineteen (19) to the paint of beginning. Section 2. Wotion to adopt the Ordinmee vas seconded by ?lillson, md on rollcill there- were four a;res and no nays, as follovs: Zmne, &ye; XiJlson, aye; &trt,horne, This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication, aye; and Christopher, aye; md P the Resolut5on vas adopted. A ATTEST: ll/2 5/46 I-ICTIOX BY HMTHO%W setting rublic hearing on construction of proposed storm sewer from curb line on Bruce Place to 1-Iinnehaha Creek, along the North lot line of Lot 11, %ock 1, Brucewoad Addkbion, for December 9, 19.46 at 8:OO P.14., and directing that property owners be so notified was seconded by Zonne and earl-ied, < Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and Hoved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR CALL OF SPECIAL ASSESSIFT SBtLFt tARRAIJTS MSOLVZD: That the Villzge Council of the Villzge of Edina call * for papent as of January 1, 1947, at principal plus accrued interest, the following Special Assessment Sewer Warrants: .. PJARRJJYT PiXMC IPAL HATURITY hteral Sewer Dist, # 5 NUME3ER AMOUNT DATE 11 $500.00 Jan, 1, 1948 12 500.00 Jan. 1, 1948 . Lateral Sewer Dist. # 5 (Supplement1 Iatsral Sewer Dist. # 6 21 22 500,oo Jan. 1, 1948 500.00 Jan, 1, 1950 7 250,OO Jan. 1, 1948 9 250.00 Jan, 1; 1950 10 250,OO Janrn 1, 1951 8 250.00 Jan. 1, 19&9 22 500.00 J~-L 1, 1948 23 500,oo an. 1, 1948 24' 500.00 Jan. 1, 1948 2.5 5OO.OO Jan, 1, 1949 500,oo an. 1, 1950 J,ateral Sewer Dist, # 7 (Supplement) 17 and, RESOLVED FURTHER: that the Clerk be directed to advise bond holders of this Resolution by mail before December I, 1946. Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Willson, and on Rollcall there were four eyes and no nays, as follows: zonne, aye; I;Jillson, aye; Havhhorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. Trustse Zonne reported that the Tmi Stand had been Toved. to 2 1-ocntion on the EorJth side of r?. 50th Street, just \Jest of Gregg's Pharmacy, Hawthorne moved that the Taxi Stand be left at its present temporaq locztion until such time ads further study and survey can be mde of the entire 50th Street traffic situation. carried. PIotion seconded by Zonne m.d Zonne repo&ed 'chat he znd Engineer Smith had consulted with a representative from the State Highway Commissioner's office regarding a 20-mile zone on 'Y. 54-t.h 3treet between France and Ifooddzle, and that the Highmy representative reconmended that l!Slottl or tlCautionl! signs be posted on this strert, instead of the 1*20-mil.p;11 signs; directing. Village Engineer to apply to the State Highway Commissioner for authorization to rezone 'chis street to a 20-mile zone be rescinded, Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Zonne moved that Id. 54th Street, from France Avenue to Vfooddale, be posted with llSlo~vtt or flCautiontl, and also with Watch for Pedestrians'! signs. Zonne moved that his motion of November 11, 1346, Motion seconded b;T tJillson and carried. Kotion by Zonne that police uniforms be changed from blue-gray to navy blue, &us the Sam Brovm belt, was seconded by- Hawthornwand carried. Nr. Smith reported that the Business Hen had infomall3 requested that the only %,o-parking1! zone on 50th Street between France and Halifax be on the scwth side of 50th Otreet between the Brown Derby and France Avenue. n.ctiOn taken. No S1/2 5/46 Trustee I.lillson requested authorization for the purchase of a Sarplus Conmidities motor for the Internztionsl Truck, to be purchzsed throush J.A. Danens S’c Sons at the Government price of 2575.00. made for purchsse of riotor as stated above, was seconded by llillson and carried. ISIotion by Hawthorne that, authorization be Street Commissioner Bailey represented his crevr, in requesting a twenty per cent raise for the entire street crex. After discussion, Uillson moved thzt Ur. Bailey be directed to advise the men of the straet crew that if they continue in the employment of the Village through Dacember, 1946, they r.ljll each receive a bonus of $100.00, and thxb Yney be further advised that, effective January 1, 19.&7, they tdll receive mge incresse, in an mount yet to be detemnined, seconded by Utle;. and carried. Letter from S.S. Thorpe, Jr . , accepting appointment as member of Plannins Corckission for a term of three ye%rs, was read and filed with the Clerk. Iiotion Zngineer Smith reported tithat meeting had been held with six residents living in the vicinity of North Avenue and Uth Street; that a sixteen-foot street had been ayreed &on as satisfactory to everyone; and that he had written letter to twin GLty Rapid Transit Compny, requesting them to widen this street at their earliest convenience. Vith regard to the Rezoning of Lots Four through Ten, Rlock Two, Grandview Heights, letter of i’fovember 25,‘ 1946, from F.J. Ksrstens, Fresident of the Young Fuel Conpzny, agreeing to plznt poplar trees approximately fifteen feet apart along the-North b<zndav of Lot Four snd the East boundary line of Lots Four through Ten, was read, accepted, and filed with the Clerk. Hawthorne offered thz folloxing Resolution and moved its adoption: FESOLUTIOI? FOR PARKING LWS R33SOLISED: thzt the League of IyXmtesota Iiunicipslities be and they hereby are requested to draft and subit to the Ifhesots Legislature 2 General or Special Law vlnich xould permit this Village to condemn property for use as a parking lot and assess the cost thereof to all benefited properbies. Eotion to adopt the 3esolution ?:as seconded bg Zmne, and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nap, as follows’: Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopfied. Zonne, age; 1’Jillson, aye; Havrbhorne, aye; and Kotion by Hmthorne th%t council approve repayment to General Fund of monejrs loaned to-‘;Tzter ;bin Imyovement Funds, ‘1s follom: 39,161.13; ?1.1~.1.+~5, 713,128.19; Total $27,463 .l.4-ms seconded b:r Zonne and carried. W.If.1. k3, 05,173 -82; X01L1.,:J4, Letter froin Xobert Lo Spceter, attorney for Donald J. IJcClellan, requesting dismisssl of conplaint zgainst &. KcClellan for violation of zoning ordinanca, in view of McClellan’s having moved his mchinery to conmercial property, was read. Ihnager Smith reported that Officer Hzffman had investigzted these premises the afternoon of the 25th and that i:r. EkClellan is now moving ou-t his machinery, It was the consensus of the Council*s opinion that this matter should be seiitled in court. Police Department was requested to conduct investigation on IToveniber 28, to ascertain present condition of premises. Request for emergencr relief order for the Stanley Jones $amily, non-residents nox living in Edins, ms msde. Relief ’Board be suthorized to issue emergency food order for the Jones family, with instructions to collect payment frem Eden Prairie Township, TT~S seconded by ??illson and carried. l;otion by Hwbhorne thzt Suburban Hennepin County Clerk &?&home prasented the follmhz proposed Glection Board, for confimaki.on by the Councif: District Yo, 1: Ihes, Zola Drew, Lucille Smrenb%--ger, Florence Sznders, Leorz Gutch, Ragm Sc’hitt; District No. 2: S. I.?cCresdy, D.C. Beard; .U Duus; Clarice Hollingsworth; District ;To. 3; 3nes. P.:el Holter, Prances Somenberg; ijellie Strate; Carl Westerberg; Rudolph %ster’oerg; District No. 4: Ikbes. Lois Louis; Florence Jewztt; Gertrude Eire; II,P.Star:;; E.H. K~l?as. Zonne and czrried. I&. Albert Farmer, ;heso Hawthorne’s li;o.t%on thzt blection Rosrd be approved was seconded by I After Discussion on Taxi speeding within the Village, the Council recommended that the police investigate these conditlons in plain clothes and with their own cars, and bring report to Council. There being no further business to come before the Council, I'lillson's motion for adjournment was seconded by Zoiie and carried, hnbers r;Jillson, Utley, Hawthorne and Christopher were present e being unable to attend, Zonne 1.k. Richard Palen of Garrison Lane, who was accompanied by four other Edina citizens, appeared to hear the reading of the returns. Palen stated that Returns of the Village Election of December 3, 1946, should have included his name Eor the position of Village Trustee, as a write-in*candidatee; that he had voted. for himself, his %fife had vated for him, and that he knew of several friends who had also czst their votes in his behalf. Ur. In the presence of llr. Palen and his group. filed w5th the Clerk by the four Election Boards, were read by Deputy Village Clerk and checked by the Board. Wr..Palen also checked these returns. - Returns of the xlection, as Hotion by Utley that the Board accept the election returns listed be- low (as shown in tally book of election judges for the Village Election conducted December 3, 1946) as official, and that the Clerk be authorized and directed to transmit notices of election to the persons elected to each office was seconded by Havhhorne and carried. VILLAGE OF EDINA--VILLAGE SUCTION DXCEP;ZBEB 3, 19.46 #l $2 #3 #.4 TOTAL TOTAL VOTES CAST 27.4 532 215 191 1212 TRUSTEE G, A , Mills on 253 Gene Cooper Don .Learn S,V. Fait 1 Eleanor Roosevelt 1 Kilroy John Lewis Henry Kaiser Carl Hansen CLZ*X Bower . Hawthorne 160 Johh B. Faegre, Jr. 113 James Roosevelt 1 Mississippi Bilboa Nilliam Eck ASSESSOR Alex Creighton 251 John Doe 1 Elliot Roosevelt 1 1.1. J , J ohqson Arthur Lundgren John Huebscher Nax Norse Santa Claus 456 1 1 1 33& 119 1 1 459 1 1 1 2. 1 190 181 1 1 157 71 56 120 179 183 1080 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1087 722 485 1 1 1 1210 1072 1 1 1 1 2 1 i.