HomeMy WebLinkAbout19461205_REGULARI After Discussion on Taxi speeding within the Village, the Council recommended that the police investigate these conditlons in plain clothes and with their own cars, and bring report to Council. There being no further business to come before the Council, I'lillson's motion for adjournment was seconded by Zoiie and carried, hnbers r;Jillson, Utley, Hawthorne and Christopher were present e being unable to attend, Zonne 1.k. Richard Palen of Garrison Lane, who was accompanied by four other Edina citizens, appeared to hear the reading of the returns. Palen stated that Returns of the Village Election of December 3, 1946, should have included his name Eor the position of Village Trustee, as a write-in*candidatee; that he had voted. for himself, his %fife had vated for him, and that he knew of several friends who had also czst their votes in his behalf. Ur. In the presence of llr. Palen and his group. filed w5th the Clerk by the four Election Boards, were read by Deputy Village Clerk and checked by the Board. Wr..Palen also checked these returns. - Returns of the xlection, as Hotion by Utley that the Board accept the election returns listed be- low (as shown in tally book of election judges for the Village Election conducted December 3, 1946) as official, and that the Clerk be authorized and directed to transmit notices of election to the persons elected to each office was seconded by Havhhorne and carried. VILLAGE OF EDINA--VILLAGE SUCTION DXCEP;ZBEB 3, 19.46 #l $2 #3 #.4 TOTAL TOTAL VOTES CAST 27.4 532 215 191 1212 TRUSTEE G, A , Mills on 253 Gene Cooper Don .Learn S,V. Fait 1 Eleanor Roosevelt 1 Kilroy John Lewis Henry Kaiser Carl Hansen CLZ*X Bower . Hawthorne 160 Johh B. Faegre, Jr. 113 James Roosevelt 1 Mississippi Bilboa Nilliam Eck ASSESSOR Alex Creighton 251 John Doe 1 Elliot Roosevelt 1 1.1. J , J ohqson Arthur Lundgren John Huebscher Nax Norse Santa Claus 456 1 1 1 33& 119 1 1 459 1 1 1 2. 1 190 181 1 1 157 71 56 120 179 183 1080 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1087 722 485 1 1 1 1210 1072 1 1 1 1 2 1 i. L.C. Gross James Fait John Lyon Ben Parks Faye Emerson Fra,nk STidl :ialt er 'ink John Borey Everett Garrison Carl Hansen Kenrin Hagzesty Ed Port Henry XLCLace E, :hike I-kGlellan Thorns Hsstings krold Young 1 1 lor 470 181 1 2 2 2 463 185 1 1 1 1 180 1081 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1094 - 180 107s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1085 I4otion for adjournment was made by Utley, seconded by I.iillson and carried , fII$?U'E3S OF TIS izEGULIw. I4iUTIIJG OF THE KILL, .TIOXDAY, DECl3TBl3Ft 9, 1946, AT 8:OO P.H, EDIIJX VILL1GE CCUNCIL, HELD I3 VILLACZ I4embers tJillson, Utley, and Christopher answered rollcall, Joseph H. 73z~rnes, 5012 France Avenue, filed application for *lOff-Salelt liquor license. Hinutes of the Repllar lleein,o of Hovember 25, 1946 were read and approved, by I';ls-f5.on,%Alson, sechded by Utley and carried. Utley offered the folloviing aesolution and moved its adoption: IfBSOLUTIi)iLF03 SALE XqD PURCHASE OF' H%IJIll3PsN COUNTY AUDITOR ImsTf-IENTS: ,WD FOR ADVJU?CE FRO74 TZESOLmr That on December 16, 1946, investments in U.S.Treasury 2$$ Bonds, dated 11/15/45, maturity 12/1.5/62/59, be sold by the following funds at current market value: Lzteral 3ever District LIo. '+Principal ,Irnount A'il,000,03 LzteraL Seyrer District No. 9-- It l::;1;030,00 Sanitary Sexer District No. 12 II $3,000,,0~ li!T3SOL\GD FURTHER: That szid bonds be purchased by the following funds : Smitary Sewer District Ho.13-Principa1 Amount c~2,000,00 Sanitary Serer District 110.15- 11 It $3, mo, 00 ES@LtED FURTHER: That the Village Treasurer be authorized to secnre froz the county AudLtor, during the Konth of December, a .:fZO,7CO.OO advance ;? gainst Movember, 1946 Tax settlement, said advance to be allocated as follows: General Fund $20,000,00 Isteral Sever District ~0.5 iS 100.00 Lsteral Sewer District rJo.7 8 6G0.00