HomeMy WebLinkAbout19461209_REGULARL.C. Gross James Fait John Lyon Ben Parks Faye Emerson Fra,nk STidl :ialt er 'ink John Borey Everett Garrison Carl Hansen Kenrin Hagzesty Ed Port Henry XLCLace E, :hike I-kGlellan Thorns Hsstings krold Young 1 1 lor 470 181 1 2 2 2 463 185 1 1 1 1 180 1081 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1094 - 180 107s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1085 I4otion for adjournment was made by Utley, seconded by I.iillson and carried , fII$?U'E3S OF TIS izEGULIw. I4iUTIIJG OF THE KILL, .TIOXDAY, DECl3TBl3Ft 9, 1946, AT 8:OO P.H, EDIIJX VILL1GE CCUNCIL, HELD I3 VILLACZ I4embers tJillson, Utley, and Christopher answered rollcall, Joseph H. 73z~rnes, 5012 France Avenue, filed application for *lOff-Salelt liquor license. Hinutes of the Repllar lleein,o of Hovember 25, 1946 were read and approved, by I';ls-f5.on,%Alson, sechded by Utley and carried. Utley offered the folloviing aesolution and moved its adoption: IfBSOLUTIi)iLF03 SALE XqD PURCHASE OF' H%IJIll3PsN COUNTY AUDITOR ImsTf-IENTS: ,WD FOR ADVJU?CE FRO74 TZESOLmr That on December 16, 1946, investments in U.S.Treasury 2$$ Bonds, dated 11/15/45, maturity 12/1.5/62/59, be sold by the following funds at current market value: Lzteral 3ever District LIo. '+Principal ,Irnount A'il,000,03 LzteraL Seyrer District No. 9-- It l::;1;030,00 Sanitary Sexer District No. 12 II $3,000,,0~ li!T3SOL\GD FURTHER: That szid bonds be purchased by the following funds : Smitary Sewer District Ho.13-Principa1 Amount c~2,000,00 Sanitary Serer District 110.15- 11 It $3, mo, 00 ES@LtED FURTHER: That the Village Treasurer be authorized to secnre froz the county AudLtor, during the Konth of December, a .:fZO,7CO.OO advance ;? gainst Movember, 1946 Tax settlement, said advance to be allocated as follows: General Fund $20,000,00 Isteral Sever District ~0.5 iS 100.00 Lsteral Sewer District rJo.7 8 6G0.00 Notion to adopt the Xesolutiori was seconded by Hawthome, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and. no nays, 3,s follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Chrihopher, a %llson, a3Te; Utlezr, aye; Motion by Willson for approval of the followin,$ payrolls was seconded by Hawthorne and carried: ' Leora Gutch Zola L, Drew Lucile Snarenberser Florence Sanders Ethel McCready Virginia Albert 0. Farmer Clarice Hollingsworth l-crs. L1h.a hus Sigrid &s-b erberg Frances Sonnenberg Nellie Strat e Hilda Holter Louise Yesteerberg Florence' H. Jewett E.Loi$ I Louis Inez A. ?$ark Hrs. Lee S. TpJill_iams Gertrude C. Ewe A Ed Foi*t Ragla 11. &hnitt cuIp4 l;i. ZIECTION PAYROLL 544 545 546 547 5158 549 550 551 552 5 53 554" 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 TOTAL ELECTION PASROLL $$ Albert Ahderson David Arnold Philip Bacon Harry Bright Robert Brovm C.W. Cardarelle c ,w.R. Cailson Herman Dirks E.W.Hansen . H.C. Hansen Curtis Holter K.C* Hol6er Albert Huber A. B . Johns on Kenneth Johnson 3tanley Lee Kzrl Love Jclmes NcNellis Jsck Yerf eld htf; Herf eld Chris l4itzel Ronald Port Joe Ruch %.chard S?nnenb?rg Clarence Switzer Harold Young L.V. E.ller Philip Bailey FzREMEN'S PAYROLL 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 . 532 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 qv00 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.00 9,q0 9.90 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 20.00 9.00 203 .oo 41.00 10 . 00 30.00 37.00 23 .OO 7.50 49 * 50 26.50 54.50 49 50 39050 41 . 00 38.50 43 000 28*50 20.00 3.50 25.00 1L7.50 . 85.00 43 00 32.50 60.50 42.00 / 33 v50 46 . 00 84.00 145 50 TOTAL FIm+Ei'I' S PAYROLL 1,23 7 .00 Gretchen Schussler Anne L. Fhillips Bernice Johnson Helene Freeman Sub-total POLICE DEET. Hilding Dah1 th, S,-Heydt Clayton Erickson Clarence Knutson Donald Nelson lin. v. Hoffman Sub-total STmT DEFT. REG, Phil Balley S. Roberts- F.H. DahlFen John Tracy 14. J .Iilerfeld Harry Jonas Arthur Jensen :%usst Gustaf son Sub-t ot a1 STREST mm my. Chas Johnson .Iionald P. Port sa 3lcCready Jacob Shmak E . C . Pf eiffer Sub-t Ot iL ~*~SCZLL~~O~JS Bsn Yoehler f Carl T. 3Eller Fred Jonas Juel H. Belsazs Sub-% otsl TCJTBL PAYROLL PAID STFEZT DZFT . BEG. Phif Bailey S.J. Roberts P.H. DaUmen John Tracy 1.1 . J .E.ierf eld Harry Jonas Arthur Jense, :Xupst G;ustaafsan Sub-tot 31 STmT DEFT. I-BLX. Chas. Johnson nonald P. Port Jacob %mak am EcCready Sub-total 595 59s 597 598 599 600 603 603 604 50.5 601 605 607 608 609 610 611 612 61-3 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 208.33 97 * 50 62 . 50 62.50 50 a 00 480.33 117 50 100.00 100.00 100.00 95 *m 87.50 600 . 00 112 o 50 100,oo 100 . 00 92.08 103 54 90 e 00 92.08 85.00 775 020 76.00 76 . 95 60 . 00 65.00 112.85 391.80 125.00 100.00 81,OO 162.50 2,716033 468,50 . 623 624 525 626 627 628 629 630 63 1 632 633 634 63 5 1c3.co 100,00 100 . 00 100.00 100 . 00 100.00 100 . 00 LOO. 00 500.00 101) . @O 100 . 00 190 00 100*00 400.00 1:0.30 1,~OO.OO ti. T.X 23 093 =,60 2.90 10.80 - 4.90 55.00 8.10 5040 9 040 5.40 4.40 10 . 90 43.60 - 3-50 5 040 9 040 -0- 5-70 3 .. 70 . 10 6.60 34.40 1.30 -0- 2.50 3 050 -3.50 10.80 9.70 PI40 9.90 15 -10 44.80 188 . 60 17 90 18.50 18 . 93 13 *40 18.20 17 40 17 40 18.10 - 139980 17 50 10 . 60 17.70 63.20 17 * 40 18.03 321.00 109 ., 40 94.60 90 . 60 94.60 90.60 76.60 556 . 40 109 . 00 94 . 60 90.60 92 . 08 97.84 86.30 9S.98 78.40 740.80 74.70 76 . 95 57 0 50 62.50 109.75 381,OO 115.30 71.10 146 . 70 90~60 1423 -70 23527.73 82 . 10 Sl.50 81.10 $6.60 81.80 82.60 82.60 Et1 * 90 660.20 82.50 89*4.0 . 82.60 82.30 336.80 82 . 00 1,079.00 P,KYI?OLL FOX DEC, 15, To DEC. 31, 1946 GROSS .We - COUNCIL C . J . Christopher -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -3- -0- - -0- -0- -0; -0- -0- -0- -0- -3- -3- I_ ,. -- .. 50 00 1 50.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 75 e00 75 .OO 415.00 Bower Hmthorne George A. ?&llson Harold C. Utley E.L. Zonne J. J. Duggan Dr, L.14. Campbell John '%idhorst krd B. Lewis Sub-t ot a1 I' 75 .OO 4Fm P,T"&ITIVE Phil IJ. Smlith 645 208.33 23 090 1.50 182.93 Gretchen Schussler 645 97.50 32.50 e75 @4.15 Anne L. Phillips 647, 62 . 50 2.90 075 58.85 Bernice 14. Johnson 648 62.50 10.80 -0- 51.70 50 . 00 h.80 075 IcIc.rc5 Helene Freeman 649 480 . 83 55 00 3.75 422.08 Sub-t 0% 31 POLICE DEFT. Hildiny Dshl 650 117 . 50 100 . 00 LOO . 00 LOO. 30 95 00 87 . 50 6- 8.10 5.40 9.40 5 040 4.40 ' f.h S. Heydt 651 Clayton Erickson 652 - Clarence Knutson 653 . Donz3.d Nelson 654 Mn. V. Hoffman 655 ' Sub-t ot a1 STREET' EEPT. ZG. ?hi1 Bailey 656 3.50 5 040 9.40 5.70 3 e70 -0- -0- -0- 109.00 1.50 93.10 1.50 89,lO 1.50 .88.50 1.50 95.30 L50 G4.80 1.50 88.50 112. . 50 100 * 00 LOO. 00 90.00 102 . 50 90 . 00 85 . 00 770 . 00 90 00 6 S.J. .Robe.&& 65'7. P.H. Dahlgren 658 John Trwy 659 ' 14. J .Ker.feld 660. Harry Jonas 661. Arthur Jensen 662 . August Gstsfson 663 . Sub-total 6.60 34.30 1.50 76.90 10,50 '725.20 STREET DEFT. E&Y. %hss . Johnson 664 76 . 00 76 e 00 60 . 00 1.30 Z050 -0- Ronald p, Fort 665 Jacob Schmak 666 S,m XcCready 667 Sub-t Ot 21 2.50 6.30 - -0- 57.50 3.90 262.70 60.00 272 . 30 WISCELLANEOUS Ben Voehler 668 125 . 00 9.70 1.50 113,80 Carl T'. l.liller 669 100.00 9.40 -0- 90.60 Fred Jonas 570 79.20 9.60 -0- 69,60 Juel H'* Belsaas 671 162 . 50 15.80 Sub-t Ot a1 465.70 44p 50 TOTAL PAYBOLL 3,004053 183.70 28.50 23792.33 Motion by Utley for approval of the following claims was seconded by 'dills& and carrjed: "*E cI;j.IM # City Treasyer, city of Pfpls. 4622 AHOUNT 368.65 Arthur Peterson 4624 4625 John . Belson St. Peters Luthern Churth 4626 Ladies aid, St. 2eters hurch 4627 u Ninnehahe Grange $398 4628 Northern States Power co. 4629 Hennepin County 4630 H.C. Alden 4631 6I-2 95 20.00 15.00 5 e00 10 000 663 -67 396.00 c 50.00 3.u 33 Xdina Rwdware J.B. DGnens 5 son 7P-s unneapQI-is he FrintinS CO. H,V, aohnston Cdvert Co. IEUer Davis Co, Kpls. Gas Light Coo Kark Hurd Ikppiny copm:r Corlstruct ion' Eu;le%in Hemepin ~omty Rei6ei-r Linde Air 'roduclt;s Go. Cm. of Taustion, Petroleum Div. J.V. Glezson Pz-per-Cahenson Co. Peder fZckelsen Boregs Shell Station Edina %e cil Brookside Qsrvice Stztion Firestone Stores Berg & Farnham '0. Ruggles t5 F&demzcher %It Go, young %el CO. Osczr fZrjberts Ict Go. Glacier Smd h Grwel Co. TT.rin City Stamp & Stencil Go. Reinhard Brothers Co. Dahlberg Bros. Inc. Harold Hsgm Roy Hagan E.C, Pfeiffer Victor Carlson h Sori Phelps Dralce Co. Queprkt h~.pp~~r 0. . Vrn* A. ZiegIer Go: I Northwest ern Esll Telephone Co H.A. Rogers .Go, I.lilliuns Hardware Co. Edina Firemefir s Belief .lssn. Federal Laborz.tories, Inc . Phillips ?et roleum Co . Edina Gsraze X.C. Eckmm U Suburban Hem, '7. Relief Board Ilorthern Ststes Power Go. City Treasurer, City of I.!pls Northwestern iifational Bank of Xpls. - 4633 4634 463 5 4636 4637 4638 4639 4640 4.642 4643 4644 4645 4646 4648 4649 4650 4651 4652 4653 4654 4655 4656 4.657 4658 4659 4661 4562 4663 4667 4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 E!&. 17 7.75 389 b 57 69 .E30 124..50 l2o.co 82 000 l01.77 . 68 13.68 706 . 95 61, . 80 78 60 168 . 07 18 . 16 135 0 93 26.18 9b69 102.07 48.U 25.68 430077 1275 47 60 U8 * 23 82 . 50 35 boo 245 e35 . 1,237.76 6,023.77 5.00 * 15 70 540.36 45 . 16 73 77 3 ob7 749 037 7.21 31.46 4.5 . 67 15,111.87 4641 105 96 593 594 2,050.4~ 2,051.68 4613 S.D.#4 1,727.88 4614 S.D.95 1,55827 SOD.& Sup. -. 1,018 79 4614 4615 S.D.rj"6 1,26'7,25 4617 S.D& 9,160.36 4618 S.D.#9 4,216.68 4419 Phelps Drake co, 4668 Northwest ern Bell Telephone c04672 H.A. Rogers Co, 4673 Phelps Drzke 4668 H,A, Rogers Co, 4673 First National Bank of l~lplso 4620 City Treasurer, cit:,7 of I$ls .4622 H.A. Rogers 4673 Northwestern National Bank eC Trust L62l Northwestern National Bank & Trust 4623 Lanetti 8: Lametti 4660 Poucher "rinting 8c Litho. C0.4647 Peder Jtickelsen 4646 Poucher Printing & Litho Co. 4647 Phclfps Drake Co, 4668 70 1.80 4, 647 27 99 4, 648 . 16 ?LK. 1#3 lcl9.52 'd.&1&!+ 36.75 1,115,62 W,PI.I.& 34. 50 1,853 .lo 3,003 22 TOTAL BILLS PAID 73,232 * 73 14idland ''ational Bank of Npls . 672 . . . . i IQinnekota Hospital Service Ass'n First Sdina State Bank (Transfer of Funds) 593.30 28.50 673. . . . . . . . . . 4666, b 0 .?',O20,86 Pursuant to Notice of Assessment Hearing published in Hemepin Comty Review November 38, 1946, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, public hewing was held on proposed assessment in the amount of $3,1+89.43, covering cost of construction of Storm Sewer in Stom Sewer District ih. 11, along the follodng route: In Indianola A.venu-e, from Center; line of East-Vest alley in Block 2, Stevens First Addition South 13 feet; In East-!Yest alley in Block 2, Stevens First Addition, from Indianola Avenue to Juanita Avenue; In Yest 50th Street, from Juanita Avenue ':lest 110 feet to existing Catch Basin, J Engineer mith summarized calculation of zssewment roll totalling ?i3,489.,43, with an assessable cost of 4.028535 per sq. ft, ki-Lten objection of Hilda C. Hoag, owner of the South 20 feet of Lot 4. and the North 30 feet of Lot 5, Block 2, Stevens First Addition, was filed with Clerk. benefits from the storm sewer as soon as it Ts graded. oral objections. Utley offered the Sollowins Resolution and moved its sdoption: Engineer Smith explained that this property will receive There were no RE~fiT,lTTION IXmIEG .iSSXSSI.E;;NT FOR S?$JE2 ' STU;IZIT SEX38 DISTRICT KO, U X-EE-iS, pursuant to notice published in the Hmnepin County Revietg on November 28, 1946, the Vill:.:e Gouncil has met :nd psssed vpon all objections to the proposed assessnent f of construction of storm seww in Storm Sewer District No. 11 in the following streets: In Lndkmoli. imnue, fron Centar Lihe of Ezst-:Jest alley in Bloc'-: 2, itercns First iddition,,south 1-3 feet; In Zsst-'kst Gley h Block 2, S$evens First .?$dition, fron Jkdiznols i~erli?e to Juqn5.t 3 ivv-nue; In Jusfitq. ivenv.e, from Center Liyle of Eest-,!est aUep in Block 2, Stevens Xrst Addition to '&st 50th Street; I In Yest 50th 3trr3%tY fron Juimitz Avenue !:est 110 fed. to E5sti.n: C3tch IlSin. nov theref ore, Resolutiion Utle. offered the f cdloxlng Rcsolut.%on md moved its ?.doption: sme to be 3 districb s"31;'er, no?r therefore, E33 IT 3?ZSOLTJED by the Villege Council of the Village of 3dina that Storm sewer be constructed on the above named route. I33 IT FEtTH%R RESOLVED that Phil If, %nith be desigmted 3,s engineer who shall draw plans and specifications and prepsre and. tabi-ilate an estjmsted cost of the construction of such sewer +ad reFort the same to the Villape council. Notion to xdopt We Resdution wss secondkd by Willson, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays as follows: CJillson, aye; Utleg, aye; Hawbhorne, sye; and Christopher, qe; 2nd the Resolution was adopted. ATTZSI’: Engineer Smith presented plan and estjmate of cost for the construction of the above named storm sewer, estimate being a total of $579.15, or q~,002h6 perusquare foot. Nr. H*H*Drews, attorney for fb. Thomas, owner of Lot 11, with regard-- to an ezsement. Engineer Sinith stated that he understood Pfr. Thomas had already agreed to donate a ten-foot easement; but that a. five-foot essement would be sufficient for the type of construction now contemplated, It was suggested that Attorney Drews and Village AttorneTr *%ndhorst have this easement formally executed, There were no object.hcs at the hearing, and no written objections were filed with Clerk. & lock 1, inquired a5 to whst was expencted of Ik. Thomas _- Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: IGSOLUTION A CCEPTING PLANS .AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVIBTISEI4ENT FOR BIDS STORX Si%BR DISTXCCT NUHEEX 13 WHZW.i3, pursuant to resolution adopted December 9, 1946, Phil X. §mith has drawn plans and specificzttions for storm sewer along the following route: The North Lot Line of Lot 11, %ock 1, Brucewood Add-ition, from the curb line on Bruce Place to ilinnehaha Creek; and has Oabulated the remlts of his estimate of the cost thereof, all of which has been reported to the Villa :e ‘omcil, now tkrefore, ) BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that. * said plans 2nd specificationsbe hereby accepted and be filed with Lhe Clerk, where they shall remain on file open to inspection of all persons until after a contract for the work shall be let. BE IT WETHER RESOLJIED that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for proposals for doing the work described in said plans and specifications in the Hennepin county Review and the Constmetion Eulletin, said publication to be at least once in each week for three successive weeks, said bids to be opened January 13, 19h.7. $!lotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Utley, aye; l’Jillson, aye; Hawthome, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Pursuant to Notice of l4earing published in Hermepin County RevAew, Hopkins, Minnesota, November 28, 1946, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, public hearing was held on proposed construction of Sanitary Sewer in Sanitzry Sewer District No. 20, in the following streets: Chowen Avenue; from We 56th Street to IJ, 57th Street, ?$.57th Street, from France Avenue to One-half Block East of Drew Avenue There were no objectors at the meeting, and i10 mitten protests were filed r.Tith Clerk, Utley offeredthe folloxing Resolutibn and moved its adoption: YEE3.2S, it apps3rs necesazry and in the public interest that a sanitaq sewer be constructed in the following streets: Chowen Avenue, fro3 :!. 56th Street to TI, 57th Street, V. 57th Street, from France Avenue to One-half Block East of Dre.2 Avenue; same to 5e 2 lateral sever, now therefore, E3 IT ZSOLVZD by -the village 'ouncil of %he Village of Edina "Gist a c sznitary lateral sever 'ue constructed in the above nmed streets, BE IT FTJEIXEQ RESOLYED that Phil V, S&th he designated as engineer who shDl draw plans and specific2tions .Ad prepare and tabulate as estirited cost of 'the construction of such se!.rer and report the, 'sme to the Village Council . Xotion to adopt the 3esolution xas seconded by :'Jiuson, and on RoU,csll there r.:ere four .?yes mrl no nzys, as fo>lows: Villson, .zip; Utlep, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Chridopher, zye; ?and the Resolution was adopted, I Engineer %&th presented plans, specifications and estimate of cost covering construction of the above naed lateral sewsr, stating that total estimqte is ?9,701.20, or an estimated assessmnt of $4.68 per front foot, Utleg offered the following Xesolution and moved its adoption: 8.1 SOLUTI 0;: AC CEPTZIG PL-L 3 X?D SP3C IFIC AT1 0; IS AND ODERIiJG ?ZYJ?3RTIS3B?$T FOR BIDS SXJIT.IRY SE;JER DISTRICT MO. 20 !tH3B.E.X3, pursumt to 8esolution adopted December 9, 1946 Engineer Phil 31, Sxith has dratm plans and specificztions for sanitaqy sewer in the followdg streets : .I. Chowen Avenue, fron :f. 56th Street to 71. 57th preet; IT. 57th :tree%, frm France Lvenue to Cne-haH Block Zast of Drew Avenue ; and hss tabulated the results of his esthste of the cost thereof, all of wlnich bas been repol-ted to the TJillaTe Council, now therefore, plans and specifications be hereby accepted and he filed with the clerk, where they shdl remin on fiTe open to inspection of 311 persons unt3-l. after a contract for the :;ror:C shzll be let. '3 iT PJSQLV3 h:T the Villaze Council of the Villaze of Edini that said BE IT WlT&2 S31jLTT5D that the clerk be directed to ndveAise for bids for propossls for doing t'ne vork described in said plans and spaAfications in the HenneFin County Revie:;. ad the Construction Eulletin, said publication to be at lesst once in each ?reek for three successive weeks, szid bids Lo be opened Januzry 27, 174'7. aye; and Christopher, sp; and the 12/?/1:6 Fursuant to klotice of Hearing, published in Hennepin County Review on Hovember 28 3nd December 3, 1946, affidavit of publication for which vas read by Clerk, public hearing vas 'held on proposed construction of mter main extension in the following streets: ' Eeard Avenue, from M.55th Street to i.1.57th Street; Chowen Avenue, from Ir.56th Street to X.57th Street; Jhgineer Smith presented his estimate of cost of construction at a totax of '$l2.,801.2?, or $4050 per front foot. be '7.25 connection charge added to the $&,50 for connection to the Peder 14ickelsen water main, as per franchise granted to YE. flickelsen on I-lay 27, 194.6. mitten objections were, filed with the clerke Resolution and moved its adoption: He explained thzt there would There vere no objectors at the liezring, and no Utley offered the follo.l.ring RESOLIJTICN FOR :LITE2 I-LIIB EXTBYSIoI\T T'iYZtEAS, The Villsge council has met at the time and place specified in a nokice to a11 proper%y owners whose property may be assessed for proposed construction of Village water main in the following streets: Bezrd Avenue, from W.55th Street to W.57th Street; Chowen Avenue, from W.56th Street to iIe57'ch Street; . Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawbhorne, ad on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Utley, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, ATTEST : published in the Hennepi-n County Review on November 28 and December 5, 194.6, nnd has heard all persons appearing at sard meeting and duly considered ssid proposed improvement, nowtherefore, BE IT FBSOLWD.bythe Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is hereby determined to-be necessary to construck Village tJater main in the above named streets, and EiE IT FURTHER RESOLTED that plans end specifications for such w,ater main construction heretofore prepared by Phil !fe Smith and filed with the Village %erk are hereby accepted and ayproved as the plans and specifications for said improvement. 33 IT PUBTIIEZ SSOLVED that the Clerk is hereb;FT directed to advertise for bids on the basis of cash payment for such work, stating that the bids will be opened and considered by the Council on January 27, 1947; no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to the %erk for an cmount equkl to 15g of the bid, EE IT FIRTHER XESOLVED that the cost of said improvement is to he assessed .gains% the property improved as authorized by Chapter 425, Laws of 1921, as amended. Pursuant to letter miled to affected property owners on December 4, 19.46 copy of which was read by Clerk, informal public hearin2 vas held on proposed construction of the following: Sanitary Sewer in W,49$ Street, from France ilvenue to Hali&x Avenue; Sanitary sewer District No. 18. Kiter Hain ConstructLon in v?. 49s Street, frym Prance Avenue to Halif Avenue, and in Halifax Avenue, fron Id. Storm Sewer Construction in Storm hror %strict No. 12, along the following Route: Avenue; in Halifax Avenue, from W. 499 Street to We 52nd Street; S reet to We 50th Street, In W, 149; Street, from Prance Avenue to Halifax 80 Seginnjng at a point approximtel~~ 5228 feet South of the CenterLine of .I. 50th Street and. !Jest property line of France hvenue; thence about 335 fe& in a Vesterlg direction to -the IIortheast corner of Lot 52, Auditor's §ubdivision No. 172; thence Yest along the Iforth line of szid Lot 52, to the Center Line of Hslifiur Avenue. G Kessrs. A.A. Hoffman, md John Hurley were in the zudience' for -this hezring. Smith reported on cornprison of estbiates with bid of lowest bidder, as follars: Russell Lund, George Kzrtzell, Eric Bjorkn, hrles Hay-, V.H, &dams, Xngineer SanitsrT Se:.rx in Smitwy Sever District Xo. lOb--Totd esthte of cost before L&&g of bids, :i5,633.50, or -%.63, per sssesszble foot. Totzl estiwke of cost; at bid of low bidder, "$6,312.32, or i)5,18 par rtssess?.ble foot . :later bin in 'J.49: Street, frm France Avenue to Halifa;u Avenue, and in Halifax .iven\lr3, from J.492 Street to V. 56th Street--Total estimate of cost 'odore L&ing of bids, ,;7,578,25, or ':5.%8 per assesxble foot. Totzl estimate of cost, at bid of lox bidder, :,%,952.18, or '$5.40 per assess3ble foot. Storm Sever Construction in Storm Sever District i:o. 12, alonz above listed route: bids, .':27,026.&1, or 'j.05 per sq. foot. Total %ximte of cost, at bid of lox bidder, .;38,169.25, or ~;.0762 per sc. Zoot. Tot31 estimate 02 cost before 'caking of There xere ho objections to the bids on construction of smitzry swer in Sexer Distirict 80, 18, or on -the construction of triter min as listed above. Chsrles Ha:? spoke in kvor of this construction, sLzting thet the tim bids -were sufficiently ne7.r the original estbte to warrant acceptance. Ik. Trustee Zonne entered the meetins xhile Ik. Kzy XLS speakbg, UtT-ev ofr"ered the folloxing fiesolution and =wed its adoption: XEEAS, pursumt to advertisement for bids published in %he Hemepin County Review on Octcrber 31, Xovember 7 and 14, 1946, for the hcroveitent of If, 49i Street, fram Frace anve to HilifLx Avenue by construction of sm2.i;ary setrer therein, t'ne folloxiny: bids have been duly received and or;ened: Ezrt Csrlone St. Paul, ZLnn. fl *')5,313.40 Fhelps-Drake Coo Ilinnespolis, Ilinn. ">5,41:4.2Q--:dth this Lnmetti d bizetti St. Paul, Kim. ,35,711* 03 ccn-psnp reserxrina: the risht to vrithdrm bid unless amrded. all jobs. TIZ373EFC%5, Z4 IT 3iZ&VuD, by the Village Co.Jncil of the Village of Edim that the bid of .':5,31-3.&0, by 32rt Cwlone, is hersby deterinined to ke ihe bid of -Lhe lo-.:est resynsible bidder and the president md clerk %re herak: au-LIior5.zed and directed Lo enter into a contrwt rdth said 3wt Carlone, in Lhe nwa of the Village, far t.h- iqmnwxm-L of z:?iCl portion of s-id street b7 cmstruc-bion of sulitar;.. sexer -bherein, xcording: to plms md s?mxificq.tions khersfore which have heretofore been spprwed by this council and filed in the orrice OT %he Clerk at the price specified h ssid bid, ?.nd which s,2id contrract sliLLl be aproved ~s to fcrm FJ-7 the Vilb.ye :";%ormy. Wcley offered the following Resolution 3rd moved its adoption:' I.JHER!34S, pursuxt to advertisement for-- bids nublislied. in the Henne?in County Revievr on November 7 and L!!, 1946, for the imyrovement of V. h9t Stre-t, Pron France Avenue to Halifax Avenue, ad IIalifsx ,%venue, frcm 'Y. 493 Strest to Y. 59th Street, the following bids have been duly recePJed and opened: Lametti t? Lametti St. Paul, Einn. $5; 852 a 00 ,. Phelps-Drake c0, IEnne apolf- s , I4im-i. 116 , L$(34 * OO--r.&th this company reserving the right to r.rithdraw this bid unless marded all jobs. TTIT?fP&FC)B3, BE IT RESOLV'ED, by the Village council of the Village of %d.ina th.& -the bid of $5,852.00 by Lamettti Ec LZmeYci is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder w-d. the president and clerk we hereby authorized and directed. to eater into a con:h.ct with said Lmetti 1% Lsrnet-bi, in the nrjm-e of the Viila.ze, for -%he 5mpronenem-t of said nort5.oi-1 of s.3i.d street by construction of waker main thereip, 8.ccordin,? to the plsns .-,rid specifications therefore TWxh h?ive heretofox-e been ,P,F~- roved by this council wd filed in the office of the clerk, S the price sycifid in said bid; provid-ed thxt sid conkr,?,ct. shzll conba5-n clzuse thzt mrk must be begun not hter thsn 120 ca1end.m d.ap c&ter execution of ccntr:ct9 and. that the contractor's price for tfe=tr,% 'mrklt shu be not more than cost plus 155, and which slid contr5.ct shall be q~provzd .as to form by the V-i!.l.ge attorney. BZ IT ,VJTHZR ETXliSRD that the clerk is hereby authorized .lid- 'dire~ted to -re-turn forthwith to all bidders the deposi-bs made tdth their bids except that the de2osits of the successful bidder zndthe ncsr Lowest bidder shall be retained mtil the contract h5.s been signed. IkTotion to adopt the Resol-ution was seconded by !!illson, ?.nd om rn7lc4I %'nere h b. Russell Lund spoke in objection to construction of the storm sewer at this tine, stating that he believed the cost to be too high. Smith recoc-Inended re-sdverbiskng for bids, beczuse of the fact that property would suffer damages frorn flzsh flooks Fn the spring unless the present situdxion cound bo corrected, sdve&isement, and there were no objections, Trustee utley stated that- beca,u.se he believed construction would be benefit to the general public, he would be wil-!Ang to recorimend the finxcing of this pro,ject b7 Gzneral Certific3,tes of Indebtedness, vhhch would save the property ovmers the ten per cent contingency mrgin required by sFecial assessment bond buyers, and would also save them something on interest, h2-j neer Charles Hay spoke for suck re- Fotion by U%ley that the Council reject, all bids for construction of Storm Sewer in Storm Sever District No. 12, as taken Ihvernber 25, 1946, and re-3dvertise in the official pa.psr md a trade paper for three successive weeks for bids to be taken Januzry 13, 1947, vras seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Engineer Smith reviewed estimate of cost of construction of Sanitary Sewer in Vs 49th Street, from France Avenue to I@aple Road, in Sanitary Sewer District No.-19, He stated Ghzt the total estimate of cost, befope taking bids, vm,s $6,860.70, or $4,34 per assesszble foot; whereS.s, tot31 estimate of cost, at bid of lowes-t bidder, 2s $6,89$,72; or '$4.36 per nssesszble foot 0 The Council was informed that advertisement for bids had been published in the Official Paper only twice, whereas there had been publication for three successive weeks in the Construction Bulletin, State Statute requiring publication for three successive weeks in both official paper and trade psper. Yritten opinion of Attorney Xindho_rst was read, as to legzlity of accepting bids. tec'nnhality and bslieved present bids should be accepted beczuse of the possibility of securin3 higher bids upon re-adver'ciseaent. lAr. De??. %llace stated Q'nat he muld not object oa this . Utley offered tine follo:.,ing &solution and moved its zdoption: mx~~ur~i-,ii *LCC~FFTE~; IX--S.Q:LT.L~U x.m DI ~IGT BC. rg '*,EE3!IS, pursuant, to .;dvertise.nent for bids published in the Gnnepin County Eewiev on Cctober 31 znd IJovember 7, 1946, and in the construction Bulletin October 31, IToverober 7 and 14, 1946, for the improtreaent of -the follo:riq strezts: Yest 49th Street, from France tvenuc to '8ple kid; by canstrwtion of smihry smx therein, the following bids hve been duly received md opened: Bzrt Carlone St. %iL, E;inn. $5,8437 , 90 Fflelps-Dr?2ce Go I%meapolis, IXnn. 1:6,084.95--t.rith this crinpsny deduct-hg 52 frilm their bid if warded contract on this job and %he three on X. 49; Strect; Lmetti h Lraetti St, Fad., i%m. t:6,855.00 TiEFgE, 7% IT X30LIED, b~ the Village council of the Viilrze of Edirta ttiat the bid of :5,807.G0 bJ' &rt Carlone, is hereb7 detehed *Lo be the btd of tkc 20;;es-i~ responsible bidder and the aresident, aid %eimk zre hereby authorized wid directed to enter into a contract 76th said Edc Carlone in the n-me of the trillage, for the improvement or" said portion of said street by constructSon of sznitar:; sewer therein, scording tc? the plzns 2nd specificztions therefore which hme heretofore been syproved by this council and filed in the ol"l"ice 02 Ykie %erk at, the price specified in said bLd, uld which said c(snt,rac-L shall be approved as to form by %he Village attorney. !3E IT FXTIE2 ?G3QIJY2n tizt the clerk is f-rei.eb:r authorized ~xd directed to return forthx5tIn to ?11 bid.d.ers the deposits =.de 115.th their bids except Yaat the deposits of the successfvl bidder md the next lo:rest bidder shsll be retzined lm.(;il the contract hzs been signed. TIotion to adopt the Resolution TXLS seconded b:,r :tillson, and on 3ollcall there vere five ayes znd 30 nzys, 95 foumrs: Zonne, ?.e; "tley, aye; I.iillson, rtTe; Bmkhorne, qs; ?. nd %ristophe:*, aye; and the Besolution ms +opted, 1.k. Xichard Palen, alleged write-in czndidate for Villzge Trustee in the Decenber 3, 19146 e13ct10n, asked that the council m2:e every eEfort to appoint more efficient elerrtion bosrds in the future, .md S;o see thzt their nethod of counting ad tsbul2ting is according to Glection Lms. informed bp villq~ ,:it-i;oz?ner dindhorst -is to the procedure to be follcikd in contesting the ~lection. by state lav, to keep the ballots for one gear zfter the election, 2nd thzt the lavr does not rive them spccific authority -bo open the b-dlo'ts, even after 20-dizys contesting period is over. I:r, Pilen vxis infomad that the Clerk had checked with the aoard in Voting District Xo. 2, and that +;he failure to record his npme appeared to hare been a clericzl error only. that the Council eqec-ted, in the future, to ccmdduct a school for elecLion boards, I-k. Paen w.s Xr. Jindhorst stated that the Council is instrmcted He vmi advised 1.b. and XI-S. George King, Jr., appeared to e fam a,t 63rd ~q.3. 2oU. basis of violation cif the ioning Crdinance. and carried, request permit for operation of' Hawthorne noved that applic3tion be denied on Hotion seconded by ;lillson Clerk Hz:.hhome offered the f allowing Resoliltion: Ihmesota, has received frcn the Land Coiimissioner of I-Ieme$n hunt~r, a list of lmd in szid ~'i11a~e of Cdins vlhich has beccne the absolu-be propertr 03 the .%ate of 13mesota under the provisions 02 la?:s declarins %he forfeiture Ai '%3%2'~3, the Villzre council of the Vill.?..ge of Edina, ennepin %unty i 83 of lands to the Skate for taxes, as non-conservation and for sale,. pursuant to the Lz7~s of IEnnesota for 1935, Chapter 386, Section 1, as mended, which list of land is designated 7s List 214 rl~tt, IIovember 24th, 1946, and IJHEn%AS, this council bas mzde a complete examination of all 1JEJ T€E33FOZ, acting pursuant to said Section 1, Chapter 356, facts znd 'circumstances relating to such parcels, as emended. BZ IT IBESOLViB, that t he Village council of said. Village of ~dina approve the classification of said County Board of said lands as non-conservcbion. The question was on the adoption of the Eesolution, and the roll being called there were five ayes cmd no nays, a s follovrs: Utley, aye; Zonne, aye; Haw&horne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the &solution was zdopted. &llson, aye; The above Resolution was passed in the above manner at the request of the county Auditor! s Office, which disagreed with phrasing of Xesolution for Tax Deligquent Property passed October l4, 1946. Fetition by ;.A. Hoffmin, for the rezoning to Commercial. District, of the Zast Gne-half (E$) of the south One-half (Si) of Lot 49, Auditorrs strip' of the Ed. Forberg property irmediakely North of the above nmed track, which is still in Cpen Development District. Fotion by Hahhorne that the rmtter be referred to the Planning conmissioil for their "reco:miiendztion I:.~x seconded by PJillson and carried. he folloxin? petitions for street lights were read before the comcil: 'I' Ers. 4. Nyline, for light et 5229 IEnnehaha Blvd.; John D, IJelson, for ornmental lights on Arden ,$venue between 50th and 51st S+,reets; Richard T. Crist, for street light at corner of 'doodhfll Road an$ Ridge 31-3.ce. Notion by %l.lson kh3,t petitions be referred to TJills,Fe ngineer for invesP;ignt,io-n vas seconded by Haidhome .md carried, Utley moved th& the re-assessment of the $97,20 three year balance due on Joint Sewer %strict 1Jo:l Assessment for the South Three Quarters (S3/4) of Southeast One Quarter (sE1/4) of the No&h!;rest (XCl./4) of Section 20-28-24, to Brookline Addition, be delayed until Nr. Peder PEckelsen can be contacted for payment of this bdancee by TIJillson and czrried. 1-h. D.C. Beard, menke of ,lection Board, District PIo. 2, Village Llection December 3, z;peired -bo explain that she and Hrs, S. ?-IcCready had taken kbula-bions 2r-m -the counters" and -recorded these tabulations on the tally sheeks, and that she was not aware of exactly how the alleged error had occurred. Utley moved "cat in every c2se where Engineer %th and the Village khjnistration Office have performed professional services for Assessment .Districts, such districts reinbwse the General Fund, receipts to be allocated to I*Engineering .and %erica1 Services'* . by Hawthorne and carried. Trustee*Zonne repohed that a letter had been written to &ier-Lzvatr Co, Chiczgo, cancelling order for gray-blue police unifoms and requesitng return of $100 00 down-paymen% check a Letter of December 5, from liemepin.County League of Tor.ms and I;luniciydities, vas read 'up clerk. Subdivision Iao, 172, was read, 1Ianager SraiLh ststed that there 5.3 R >4 Ifotion seconded Notion seconded No action taken. J Utleg offered the follozing Resolution and moved its adoption: XXIBJIS tha Council of the Village of Edina, in proceedings in mtter of Lzter Sever District 140. 5, by Resolution, levied special assessments against khs trzct of land, in the VillaSe of Xdina, Hemepin County, Itinnesotta, 2s follovs, to-xit : AT2 futiL the YLiiz and I.,3-IE3EA;S, ssid : saessments were thereafter certified to the aucli-iior of -Lc- Hemepin CountF, i.:L=esota, to be spread znd collected with tjle tme& a@mt said property for the pms specified, and XTEFiIS, the said assessment for the pnrs specified 3bove remin mpzid, and ?I?IE.%BS, the szid tr.%cts of land have been divided, and the portions or" said divided tracts listed below are the only yox%ions of s6d t-mcts benefited b7 the construcbim of lateral sezer in kiter Sers.er District $5. - iXXT 'IXXEFCRZ, 3: IT R23OUED b:r the Villa 'e Council of the Vilhze of Edina, thst the 2ssesmients dmve specified ngsinst the tracts first above described are hereby delemined to be md are spresd -md assessed azainst and allocxbed to the Qollo.:ring described parcels in the mounts and for the years 3s set forth on the following pages, t0-wi.t: ED EB IT F-LIT!-Lt ,~~OLI?~LD that the Comty Auditor is hereb;- authorized snd directed to spresd such spacial assessnents in conformiQ with this rzsolukion. Izotion to zdopt the Resolution xis seconded by Hawthorne and on rolled there ?rere four 3>7es a3 mLnays as follows: Christopher, aye; axl 'che 3esolution w%s adopted , !.lillaon, aye; key, aye; Havrbhorne, aye; 12/9/46 c Utley .offered the follov~g Resolution and xoved its adoption: RESOLUTIO3I ZS€'Z.aITJG B.%LA??CE DUX ON LUl33 ,SE',bX3 DISTRICT # 5 Suppl-emen-k 0RIGIBJ.UJJY ASSZSS-EDTO Y.300 2%. 02 N.102 3%. c;f S.L32 l?t.,-Aude Sub, &172 snd X.300 F-G. of Lot 61, '%de Sub.,i-L172 N,60t of 'J0135,t of Lot 4-6; S.52' of I5.112' of W.135' of Lot 46; and CT.135' of Lot 61.11 TO ~rn FOLLOX~NG FOXTIOIG OF TLID Lms: ',3I%!,J!iS, the council of the Villa_qe of Xdina, in proceedings in the mztter of htsr Se:,ier District !To. 5 SuppLement,, b~r Resolution, levied special assessments against the tract of land,, in the Villaze of Xdb, Hennepin County, Ifinnes, ta, as follars, to--T;it: :UTJ?UI;L YLa S .I32 ' -i!Ud. Sub e 14.20 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 J.300t of Lot 61 Aud . Sub #172 9004 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2 172 S.H. Lrhreimzn 71 53 36 18 45 34 23 11 TOTAL - p1iy :IKZP3 is, szid a ssessraents were theresfter certified to the aiditor of Hemepin County, Kinnesota, to be spread and collected with the taxes against sG$ property for the pars specified, and VI-IF2ZXS, the s5id assessment for the ;~'ezrs spcified above remln unpzid, and Yl-E-WdS, the said -trzcts of land hGve 5ee;i divided, and the portions of said divided trscts listed below are the only prkions of said tr:.cts benefited by the construction of lateral sewer in Later 3emr Dis-brict ,Bra TJOY THGXFOEC, 3Z IT ZSOLVED, by the Vi-!lxye counci!.. of the Villaye of Edina, t1m.t the msessments above specified. against the trzcts first ?hove described :!re hereby detemiined. to be sid ape spe.%d and assessed .2.,$,?.iiist arid allocated to ;;he f olllowing described parcels in the ~x~iounts %no' for -the jrezrs -7.s set forth on the following pqes, %o-v&t: AIJOUNT OF ~~~~~.~I, ' y?A:g% ASSZS3SNT iZSSESSI4ENT IXT nn 10l:u; PAY -_I_ - DESCRIYTIOIIJ N.&' of 1i.135' 'of Lot 4.6 7.60 1.90 37 2.27 1947 le90 ' 19 2.09 1949 1.90 2s 2.18 1948 1.90 10 2.W 1950 3.52' of iJ.113' of T6.135' of Lot; 46 !3i?JS, the Council of bhe VCl&ge of Edin.1, in poceed-hZs in 'che msfter of Lzter 3smr Drisbrict 1'0. 7, by Xesolution, levied spcial assessments azainsb tha trzct of land, in the Villiye of Cdlnn, xse3smnt s :.rere thsrezl'ler certified nnesat2, to be spread -ad collected :;+ ssid property for the psrs specified, and 3.75 45-25 1949 1.28 39.38 1950 to the auditor of th the t3xes egzin&, '.KKX, the ssid asseszment for the yews spcified above rzr23in un-aid, and !-.EEAS, +he ssid tract is included in the rlzt of Colonial Squzre dddikion, filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin c;ountr, IEnneaots, in 19G6, zn.3 ;he lots hereinzfter described are those-lots in sii4 Colonial Square, !:.hich sre benefited by the constructldn of later Srver in Laterzl Se:;.er District iJo. 7; W.?, THE?XFX??., I13 IT I2Z3OLVED by the Vbl1y-e council of the Villa-e of Edina thztthe assessments above specified aTsinst, the brrcts first zbovr de- scribed we hereby determined to be and are spretd and asszased aZtinst 2nd allocated to the follm.2nZ described lots in szid pht in the mounts aid for the '-e3rs 'IS set forth on thc following page, ko-wit: H.P?. Bloomberg 10 2 H.E. Bloomberg ll 2 H.N. Eloomberg 12 2 H.B. Blooxberg l3 2 24 . 52 28 . 52 30.00 34.44 SAKE; AS ABOVE 7.50 1.50 9.00 7.50 1.12 8.62 7.50 .75 8.25 7.53 039 7.69 XiID BE IT F'WTHLR RZSOLVED, that the County Auditor is hereby authorized md directed to spread such special assessments in con- formity with this Resolution. . Motion to adopt the Resolution PELS seconded by Hawthorne and on rollcall there were Pour ayes and no nays as follows: biillson, aye; "tley, aye; Hswthorne, a>=; Christopher, aye; and the Sesolution ms adopted, . Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: i.Xd?E.2S, the council of the Village of Edina, in proceedings in the matter of Later Sewer District Bo, 7, Supplement, by Resohtion, levied special assessments against the tract of land, in the 'Jillage of Xdina, Hennepin County, khneso5e, xi follows, t o-rJit : L4mluN~ -n;,a ASSESS A"sE3S. ZrJT. TOTAL FAY -- 0'. JPER D3SCRIPTION l'*rs. A.I. Gates N$ of N$ of SN$ of J~EE of ~ec.19, T. 28, R. 24 7.00 1.75 03 5 2.10 1947 1.75 26 2,Ol 194e 1.75 e 09 1.84 1950 1.75 .17 le92 1949 and. TJI-IL??dS, said assessments were thereafter certified to the * auditor of Hennepin county, ihnesot.2, to be spread and collected xtth the taxes auainst said property for the years specified, and ,3BZAS, the ssid sssessment for the yesrs specified above remzin unpsid, and Additicn, filed in the office of the Rkgister of Deeds of Hennepin County, Tlinnemt.tz, in 1946, md the lots hereinzfter described are those-lots 5n said Colonial Square, which re benefited by the construction of lster Sewer in L3;ter Sewer District i:o. 7; !M:;Et;l.S, the s3id trsct is included in the plat of Colonial Squzre N@V, THEWFO?LE, BL IT GS@LV"D by the Villsge 'ouncil of the Villqye of Edine that the cssessments above specified against the tract first above described are hereby detemined to be and are sprezd and zissessed zgainst 2nd. allocated to the following described lots in said plat in the amounts and for the years as set forth on the following pa,se, to-wit: H.N. Bloomberg 9 2 1,32 33 007 040 1947 33 .05 -38 1948 33 .03 .36 1949 33 001 034 1950 H.N. Bloomberg 10 2 1.32 SAliE AS ABOVE H.H0 3loonberg 11 2 1.32 SAI:E 23 ABOVE H,ILT. Bloomberg I2 H.N.Bloomberg 13 .Q3 33 I? rnm3 nnd directed to spre3.d 3% E olut ion , EIotion to ~do~t thz Resolution vas seconded by Hxhhorne znd on dollcall there ?rere four ayes Qnd no ny:s 73 follows: Hmkhorne, ase; Chridobher, aye; -md the Resolutiorr vas adopted. , hiillson, qe; Utle:?, %ye; Ywre bein? no further business to corn3 before the co?mcil, Uklep's notlon for ad,;.owment ms seconded b:: hdhorne and cwried,