HomeMy WebLinkAbout19461230_SPECIALP NINTJTES OF THX SPZCIAL MEETING OF EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD IN VILLAGE HALL, NONDAY, DECETBEX 30, 1946 Neeting was held pursuant to due notice and call given by the president. All members of the Council were present. Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RSSOLUTIOIT FOEl THE 3STABLISHP.IENT OF A PEBmIVT II-P3OW*l*BENT REVOLVING FUND I M'HEBhS, the Council of the Village of Edina, on recommendation of its Executive Officer and with the approval of the Office of the State Public E,uaminer, deems it expedient to establish a Permanent Improvement Revolvhg Fund for the purpose of clarifying GeneGal Fund operating expenditures, BE IT RZSOLVED, that such Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund be, .and BE IT FVRTHEX RESOLVED, that all special Assessment &mds,and all special assessments and special assessment work in progress represented by Capital Gutlay from the' General Fund, ire, and hereby is,. transferred to said Permanent, Im73k.oyement Eevolving Fund; the General Fund to be reinbursed for moneys 'expended on those projects for which certificates of indebtedness will be sold., and such cash in excess of the initial capital established for the Fund, Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Zonne, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Havhhorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the i3esolution was adopted. hereby it, established as of December 31, 1946. E Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: WSO'LUTION FOR THX ESTABLISHICENT OF A kJORXI!\JG CAPITAL FUND '.dHX-%!\3, the Council of the Villape of Edina deems it Tdvisable to establish a PJorkin? Capital Fund, to provide moneys for the acquisition of equiment on a use basis, to the point that such fund id11 become self-supporting without periodic levies for capital assets of this nature, BE IT RSSOLVZD that there be, and hereby is, established e Iforking Canits1 Fund, in which is to be included the eauipent of the Public cdorks, Public Safety (including fire and police) 2nd Fublic U-tilities Denartnent s, -the Villa -e toolhouse md maintenance equipment, and general Villare equipment, 33 IT iWRTml? RESOLWD that there be, and hereby is, estzblished sn accountin.. procedme whereby such equipment 1611 be chwged io the various depzrtment accounts according to schedule to be deterrmined by the Village Engineer, and for which such departments will pay to the Xorking Capital F&d wh2.tever fixed rate per un't of use -11,;r '32 ."ci~rmined, E33 IT FURTHER &SOLVED that there be determined 2nd transferred from the General Fund to said working Capital hnd, such amount as m3y be considered necessiry for current working purposes. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by I~awthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Zonne, aye; tiillson, aye; Uti-ey, aye; Havhhome, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. a ATT LST : b 1?/30/46 Eotion by Utlep thatthe I;eneral Fund be reimbursed by Joint Sever District Xo. 1, and Yater Thin Imnrovement !?os. 3,4, end 5, for advances m3-?,fie frm the Capital Outlay Fund, and Tor enmineerinf: .and clerfczl services, :.mi seconded by Hmthorne and carried, Statements 09 Karl C. Schmidt, Hermzn T. Hazestad, and LEonzrd PI. Thompson, for services rendered as Board of dppraiszrs for the re-valuation of the water system, were mesented. one-half of each charge, notifying Xr. Oscar Gaarden of his liebility for the balance, vas seconded bg Xillson and carried. Ilotion b;r.. Utley that the Villa-e of Edina PELF Utley offered the folloxin? Resolution and moved its adoption: to the Villacze of Edina in the mounts of $300.00 and $2,5OO.OO respectively, and !.JHE€ElzS, E . L, Villims ,and Hay and Stenson Cornpq .have tendered donations ?'m.i3, said donzrd desire such contributions to be used for scquisition or" property for park ourposes or maintenance of park facilities, now therefore BE IT FESQLVED by this Council that said donations he, and the:r hereby are, accepted u5th the understmding thap they will be uded for the purposes specified 3bove, as inaS be determined fnom time to time by this council, BE IT WRTHLR i?Z,SOLVZD that the Clerk be directedto thank the donors for their donations. l,iotion to adoat the Resolution vas seconded by Hwrthorne, and on Rollcall there were five aFs and no nqs, as follo:;.s: Zonne, aye; Itillson, aye; Utley, aye Hawbhorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. . Kr. Sn5th presented Letter from Richard ralen, vith regare to the count of votes in the recent election. G.W. Bras' letter regarding skatin,c rink and recreation facilities vas read and filed with the Clerk, Letter filed :&th clerk, -after public reeding. %anager Smith 5nquLred if any members of the council renembered discussion or action on allowing I&. Carl ?I. Htmsen to proceed with the development of the plat, ?arkwood Knolls, recollection, no action had been tzken. He vas informed thzt, to the best of the members? 1.I of a systexxtic street rrUning and house numbering system. directed to secure zn estjm3te of cost for establishing such s@tem, aneger Smith reported that he had discussed with Assessor Creightonthe matter Kr. Smith vas H.a. Man's letter of December 21, trith regard to the dedication of property borderin2 Ezst Emor "ale 2or street or park purposes, vith restriction th3.t property be returned to ovner unless improved within five years, IELS read. Council directed Engineer Smith to prepare estimate of cost for construction of road through this property, and to invite represerrtatives from the Plaming Commission to Council Cornittee Keetin.: of January 6, for further discussion on this project. There being no further. business to come before the council, meetiqg T~S adjourned, by motion %wbhorne, seconded by Zonne c