HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470113_REGULARAll members of the Council answered -iioUcall. Kotion b:r &Llson that f5nutes of t'ne %@zr Ihetin~ of December 9, 1946 be anproved as submitted PES seconded by Utle;i.' and carried. Fotion by ".KLlson that ikutes of the Special I-faeting of December 30, 1946, be aFproved as submitted vns seconded by utle7 and czrried. Kotion by Utley that Ikutes of the. special IJcetin;: of January 6, 144'7, be approved as submitted ~:(;'zs seconded by Zonne and carried. Fursumt to LdvertisemenL for Eids Fublished in I-lennepin County Xeviex, Decenber 12, 19, znd 26, 19Ly5, znd in the Construction-Bulletin December 16, and 26, 19&6 -nci Januqr 2, 1947, 3s per iiffid.zvit ox" L'ublic2;e;ion read by Clerk, bids were vublicly opened and read for construction 02 stom sc::er dong- the BTds read IJotion by foll0:;in.r route, in Stbrm Sever District No. 12; !.f. 494 Street, 2rom France Avenue to h1ifz livenue; Ihlifa Avenue, - Yrom 11. 49'= Street to X. 52nd Strect; beginning at a point ayprohte1;p 52s feet South of the Centerline of !f. 50th Street and the I-Cest property line of France :\venue, thence about 335 feet in a desterly direction to t'ne Bortheast corner of Lot 52, Auditor's Subdivision fTo. 172; thence T;'est along the IJorth line of Said Lot 52 to Lhe Centerlke of WLif ax :\venue. vere 2s folloirs: I.J. Donnelly Jonstruction Co. St. &uiL, 1Iin.n. ;12E3,9l;l,.57 Bart Carlone , St. Paul, rxnn. 529,793 *85 Phelps Drake comrany IEnnezpolis, Kim, $;33,916.50 R. J, Thnren Cornmiir 1 Iinneapolis , 1 'Linn , 29 , 74.4 . 25 Lametti & hmetti St. fzul,' fEm. f;30,930.83 Crfei & Thriqmi st. PEQl, Ifinn. $3 6 , 058 . 65 Utley referrin9 bids t~ Villg.ye Sngineer for tabulition was s ecoided by !.Jillson and carried. Furswt to bdvertiFemen'c for Bids Published in Hemepin Comty Revievr, Hop!chs, ?5nnesotz, and in Construction Bulletin, ETinneapolis, Ennesota, December 12, 13 md 25, 1946, as per Affidavit of "ublicstion read b;: Clerk, bids vere publicly opened and read for construction of storm semr along the follorTing route, in Storm Sewer District 20. 13: The Rorbh Lot Lins of Lot 11, Block 1, Brucewood Addition, -from the curb line on Bruce Place to 1-Iinnehaha Creek. Bids mre 2s follows: Bzrt Carlone St. Paul, Isinn. '; 635.50 Lametti & Lametti St, Paul, I'iinn. ;j 587..l+O I. J.Donnelly Fonstruction Go. St. Paul, 1"b. $1,05&.56 Kotion by Utle;r referring bids to Villaze Ln@,neer for tabulation vas seconded by Yillson and carried. TbIr . Urn Harris, 5504 EfelLoc= Avenue, presented nine p&titions, *and Resolutions from the 3dinz Comerciz? Hen's Association, the Lions club, Edina Anerican Legion Post lJO . 471, ad Xdiina-15ornbgside Parent-Teachers .Issociation, request- ing bus service to be extended Yest on 'J. 5&h Streel; from France henue to Yooddale Avenue; South on :looddale Avenue to Yoodland had, Vnen looping back - to ?-io 54th Street on Yoodd?d.s ;&venue; then dzst on L'Je 54th Street to France Avenue. securing this service frmt the k.M City Rapid Transit Company. Stwed 'th%t -petitions be referred to Villzge Hanager, xith instructions to prepare Resolution and to reco-mend appointment of three members of the Comc51 as a cokttee to confer :ri-th the Twin City bpid Transit Compny to re-emphasize earlier request for a bus line--such recommendations to be ready for reporb at the ned remar meeting. Ik. hrris was commended by the Council for Iris efforbs. 7' w. Harris asked for the Council's very best effohs with ragard to Hawthorne IJotion secmded by 'Jillson and carried. 0 1/13 /47 Mr. J.E. Cardarelle presented final plat of "Creston Hills" as approved January 7, 1947 by the planning Commission. Motioin by Hawthorne that Final Plat of Creston Hills be approved and that the proper Village Officials be authorized to sign plat, subject to filing of petition for the blacktopping of roads with cost of blacktopping to be assessed against abutting property was seconded by Utley and carried, BIr. A.A. Hoffman, 4544 France Avenue South, requested the rezoning of the East One-Half (E?) of the South One-Half (Sh) of Lot 49, Auditor's Subdivision Bo. 172. recommended the rezoning of this property together with the balance of the Forberg Property, to Community Store District . setting hearing on proposed rezoning of the above two properties for January 27, 1947, at 8:OO P.%, directing clerk to publish notice. of such hearing in Hennepin County Review on January 16, 1947, and directing Village Attorney to prepare amendment to Zoning Ordinance, was seconded by lKl.lson and carried. &. Smith reported that the Plannbg Commission I4otion by Hawthorne President Christopher recommended the following Cormnittees for the year 1947: Committee on Public Utilities: Conrmittee on Public Safety: E.L.Zonne, Lhsirman; Bower Hawkhome; H,C ,IJtley; Cormnittee on hblic Works: George iUlson, Chairman; E.L,Zonne;C.J.Christo~her. Committee on Public Jelf we : c. J .Christopher, Chairmzn; George I-lillson; Bower H.C.Utly, Charimzn; and entire Council, llotion by Hawthorne that the Presiden-t s recommendations be approved vas seconded by Utley and carried. Motion bp Hawthorne, aoproving President' s recommendation for the appointment of John kfindhorst as Villa,Te il'ctorney and' Dr. Lowell 31. Campbell as Villare Health Officer, and setting salarLes at $75.60 per month and ,30,00 per month, respectively, t~2-s seconded' by Zonne and carrried. Notion by bfillson, setting salaries for the Villaqe Council as follows: Presid-ent, $5O.OO per month; Tpastees, :j35.00 per mon-th; Clerk, ;5O,OO per month; 2nd Treasurer, ,';3O.OO per 9'onVn; was seconded by Zonne and cnrried . Utley offered the follouing Resolution -ad moved its adoption: RESOLUZD, that Philip?. Smith is hereby appointed as Executive @ificer and ITm per for the TillaEe Council 0% the Village of Ed.ina and all of its cownit t e e s . dS5OLVdD FLJM'HX?, that he shall have charge of and direct all the ministerial functions and ectivities in charge of each such Committee in its absence. RXSOLVZD FUZLTHZa, that nothing herein contained shall be or is to be construed as a delegztion of legislative or discretionary administrakive power of the Village council. Motion to ado$ thr Resolution w?,~ TF -1-81-Tcc' ky Ha\ir,horne, md on Rollcall there :rere five ayes 2nd no ncys, as .follovrs: Zonne, aye; Willson, eye; Utley, aye; Hwthome, aye; and Christopher, Eye; and the Resolution was adosted, Utle:T moved that the Executive Officer and Ikinager's salary be sei at "?5,000,00 per year, and that the following appointments be =de. Building 8t Plumbing Inspector--Ben T,boehler-& '5 3,300,OO Per yeer Engineer's Assistant Juel BelsaasJ. ;; 3,900.00 Per year Engineer' s Clerk Carl I-TilIer -'J :'j 2,640.00 per year G on st ruct ion Inspect or Fred Jonas LE ,,s 6' 1.00 per hour Mobion seconded by Ifillson and cerried. Hawthorne moved the appointlnent of the foUov&ng: De?uty Clerk and Deputy Treasurer- Gretchen Schussler-4 $2,4OO.OO perye3r Bookkeener Bernice Johnson -42 i'f1,8OC).OO peryear CleTIc-Tjyi st Helene Freeman --a $l,5OO.OO peryezr Xotion seconded by Uk25y and carried. 94 j Zonne's motion, making anpointment and setting salaries as folloxs, was seconded by Hathhorne eynd cwried: Chief of Volunteer Volunteer .Fir exen : I.!otion by Zonne, making Jire Deyzrtment- Fhil Bailey -C'25.00 per yezr Jz 1.00 per hour ne% fire Chief -C 1.50 per hour p3r fire Asst. dhief 4: 1.25 per hour psr fire .5Cl per drill 1.00 per drill .75 per drill Ij appointments, and setting salaries as follows, was seconded $7 Vtley and czrried: L Salary Plus cost of Living CHBF --HildLng Dahl Per 140 . Increase 235.00 15.00 htrohan :Im. Heydt 200 b 00 Clayton :ricks on %ooboo Clarence Einutson 200 .DO Dondd ;Telson 190 . 09 I.h. V. Hoffman 175,.0 Ibiotion hy Ifillson, makin3 appointments md setting Salerv Per KO, __. . - - Forem-- of Public ;?orks--Phil Eailey 225 .OO ..,. Uachirg Operator: -P .€I .DdiLgren 200.00 lirthur Jensen 180 . 00 *- :iugust Gustaf son 170 . 00 .:.: %rqk Drivers: Ihthi~s J, IIerfeld 180,0(> 180 . 00 -. .- John Trncy Ronald Port (From 958 per hour) To bz ch.znSed for 1947 to 180 . 00 Utilits Ifan Hsrrg Jonas 100 00 - Laborers Sun kCrezdy Per Hr, -75 Jacob 3ch-ak 75 Char le s John son . 95 Ilechanic S. J. Roberts 200.co Skating ai& At-tdt .Edmrd Lee (Temporary) :ias seconded by Zonne and csrried. 200.00 215 00 215.00 205 e 00 190,co silaries zs f ollovs: Plus Cost of Livins Incrosse Total 15.00 240 . 00 15 .OO 215 00 15.00 195.00 15 000 195.00 15.00 195 . 00 15.00 185 15 , 00 195 . 00 15 .OO 195.00 . 10 e85 ;lo 1.05 .70 b 10 b 85 1.5. co a5.00 Icotion by Utley, settine the rate for garbage collection at &$ per nonth per house, was seconded by :lillson and csrried. Yotion by Tillson, anpcrintin~ Harold C. Utleg as ''resident Fro-tern, :.es seconded b7 Wawbhorne :sd clrried. Utley offered the folloving Resolution and moved its adon-tion: 33 IT CSSOLVED, th2t f~Xdl+and Xationd Bank of l&-mcsoolis be designsted an official de-msikorr for the public funds of the Village of Xdina for the calendar Fear of 194.7. Eotion to adopt the Resolution ?-:as seccnded by Hm-bhorne, and on Rollcall there were five q:es 2nd no nags, as follows: fkiddlorne, aye; and Ckistouher, aye ; Zonne, ap; :Jillson, qe; Utley, ap; Hzwthorne offered the following Resolution and noved its adoption: ESOLVED, fhzk the Villapg Council of the villa:e of Edina apnrove the assigment by its dssository, the Kidland lJatienal Bank and Trust Co, of IGrmeanolis, of ~~110.003.90 U.S. Treasurx 2-1/2$ Bonds Due December 1/13 /h.? 15, 1953/49, and 'b25,OOO.OO U.S. Treasury 2$ Bonds due I-hrch 15, i 1952/50, as good and sufficient collateral for Village of Edina funds deposited in said depository. Eotion to adoot the Resolutionms s econded by Utley, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; %Ley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Zonne, aye; :Sillson, i Utley offered the following Resolution and noved its adoption: R.ESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY BE IT.HE%BY dZSOLVE;D, that the First Edina State Bank, Edina, 1-Iinnesota, authorized to do a banking business in Siinnesota, be, and hereby is, desimated depository of the public funds of the ,illaye of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, for the calendar year, 1947, in sums not to exceed in the aggregate of Ten Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($10,000.00) at any one time. right of said Village of Edina to modify, vacate, and revoke the same according to law. ESISLV%D kTURTHLC, That this designation is subject to the Kotion to adopt the Aesolution was seconded by Hwthorne, and on dollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: i.;Tillson, aye; Lome, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Crhistopher, aye; and the Fiesolution iqns ?dopted. n Villa -.e Clerk &nrLhorne ofPered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: LX~SOLUTION AYPFLOVIIqG ASIGI3IXNT OF SECUL~ITIES 114 LIZU OF BOND RESOLVSD, that 'che Village Council of the Village of Sdina approve the assignrfient by its denositor,Ti the First Edina State Bank, Edina IIimiesota, of ;5,000.00 U.S. Treasury 2-1/2$ Bonds due &rch 15, 1959, as good and sufficient collateral for VillaSe of Edina funds deposited in said depository. Plotion to adoyt the Resolution vms seconded by Utley, ad on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, 2s follom: aye; Utley, aye; Havhhorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Zonne, eye; &.llson, &.llson offered -the follov~np Zesolution and moved its adorhion: 23 IT L3SOLVED, thst the persons hold.in!l; ofl'ice as president, nresident pro-tern, treasurer or clerk of 'Chis Villa,se be, and -they hereby are, suthorized to act for this Villa,Te in the transaction of any banking business with fiidland National Bank of 1-iinneapolis (Hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of this Villaqe, from time to time and until written notice to the contra,rg i;o the bank, to sign checks addinst said account, :?&ch checks shall be si<Tecl by the Tresidenk, of the Council or nreeidenk ora-tern, Villace Clerk and Villaae treasmer. and pay any check a&n5t such account vfnich is signed as above authorized, ;:'nether or not strid check is pqyable to the order of, or deoosited to the credit of, my officer or officers of the Vi-ila.re, including the signer or si.mers of the check. The b3mk is hereby a.uthoriyed and directed to honor Xotion to 2doot the ;2esolution vas seconded by Aonne, and on Rollcall there wre five ayes md no nzp, as follrnrs: qre j Hzwthorne , Zome, eye; !Jillson, ape; Utley, ; and Ghrist opher , aye ; and *lie Resolution vas adonted . illson offered -the follo..sinz Zesolution and moved its adoption: d STElATOtl' .LScILU'TIOiJ I3.Z IT -GSGLTmD, thxb the uersons holding office as aresident, president Dro-tea, treasurer or clerk of this Villaze be, md they herebr 2iqe, authorized to act for this ViUsye in the transaction of my bznka business with Fir% Zdim +ate Bmk, %dim, IkesoLa (Hereinafter referred to 3,s tho 73a.nk), such authortty includiny authoritp on behslf of or in the nme of this ~Til.L~-&-,l r'rm time to the and until written notice to the contrzry to the bank, to sign checks a~ainst sxid account, rrhich checks shnll be signed by the president of the Council or president two-tern, villsse clerk and viUzppe trezsurer. The bid< is hereby authorized md directed to honor and par any check aqainst such account which is si,gned 3s above authorized, ??nether or not szid check is nayable to the order of or deposited to the credit of, any o€€icer or officers of this village, including the signer or signers of the check. ,z 1 jl Xcrtion to adopt the Xesoliition ms seconded by Utley, md on Bollcall there mre five ayes and no nqs, as follows: Hmthorne, aF; and Christopher, aye; and ATTJST: Zonne,aye; Ilillson, aye; Utley, aye; Villde Clerk Letters frcm the Hemepin County Review, Hopkins, and Suburbzn Press, Inc., Hopkins, were resd, stating identical bids for legal notice publicktions as folloxs : First Insertion-'). 50 per folio Second Insertion-;.45 per folio Tabula% 1h.tter -25:? additional. Villaye Attorney '2indhorst stated that he had been unsble to find a statute requiring the Vil12:e to designate on 'IOfficial l?cperll. the legal notices for the Villqe of Edina for the year 1947 be published in the Hemepin Chnt!: 3evier.r or in the Gpectator, the business to be di-ided enudly beheen the two publications at the discretion of the Villaae 2:anaqer snd hai_in- due regzrd to the type of insertion. by Utley and carried. Nawbhorne moved that Xotion seconded Zonne offered the folloxing Besolution 2nd. moved its ;I.doptic?n: B3 IT LESOLTED, That the contract subxitted by the suburban Hennepin %wnt;p Relief Board of %he county of Hennepin for the administration and supervision of pcor relief in the Village of Edina be accepted and approved; and I33 IT FUF.TPi?li IGSQLVSD, That the proper officers of said Village of Edina be directed to execute said contract in duplicate and vhen executed to return one of ssid contracts to the Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board. - 1/13 A7 97 i: \ Ilotjon to adopt the Zesolution was seconded by hllson there were five sges and no nays, as follo~~s: Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; Christopher, aye; md the Resolution was adopted . and on Rollcsll @illson, aye; Zonne, aye; ATEST : esi ent of the Vi we Counc' >- Kotion by Utley that approval of Surety Bonds filed by Villaage Officials and employees be withheld until such time as the Villaqe Attorney has had time to approve them as to form w~s seconded by -Hawthorne and carried . 1Eotion by Utley approving budget for the year 1-94" in the following mounts: u\ General Fund, 3108,497.50; Fire-:390.00; Poor F'~md-.'P3, 900.00; vas seconded by K.llson and carried. IIotion by 'Hawthorne, aopointing Phil Y. Smith as Council itepresenbtive on the Planning Commission, was secon'ded by 1Villson and carried. 1.7otion by idillson, epmovin,q payrolls in the amount of +<3,339.09 iras seconded by Utley and carried. Gretchen Schussler 676 Bernice M.* Johnson 677 Helene Freeman 678 Sub-t otal ESGIN~BING Carl 1.liller 679 3en C, Yoehler 682 Juel Relszzs 680 Fred Jonas 681 Sub-t otal POLICb DEPT. Hilding Dah1 683 Trn. S. Heydt 684 Clayton Erickson 685 Clarence A. Knutson 686 Donald A. Nelson 687 '.;lm. V. Hoffmzn 688 Sub-t ot a1 Sam Roberts * ' I Pete Dahlgren Matt iilerfeld. , John Tracy Harry Jonas Arthur G. Jensen Bonald p. Port August Gust .af s on Sub4 ot a1 STREET IEN-HHLY - Sam fkCready 698 Charles Johnson 699 Jacob Shmk 700 E.C. Pfieffer 701 Edward Lee 702 Sub-t otal GROSS iUJT. 250.00 110 . 00 75.00 62 . 50 497 . 50 110 . 00 162 50 520 . 80 125.00 110 e80 137.50 100 .oo 107 50 107 . 50 102 . 50 95.00 637.50 136.38 119 . 12 110 95 124.64 112.14. 102.78 113 . 89 172 . 05 93.57 1,091.18 129 . 98 129 . 60 142.28 72 15 118.20 592 . 11 W. TAX 33 030 15 00 12.80 6.80 67.90 11.10 15.80 15 .OO 11 . 70 53 .Go 9b7O 5 a40 10 . 40 6.40 5.70 12.30 49.90 7.80 8.50 11.10 9.70 -0- 5.70 4.50 10 00 8.00 65 e30 14.30 10 . 40 16 . 40 -0- 20.80 127 i 20 irw $IT. 216 . 70 95 . 00 62.20 55.70 429 . 60 98 90 146 . 70 95 ego 137.50 467.20 115.30 94.60 97 10 101.10 96.80 82.70 587 . 60 129 . 18 110 . 68 99.85 1U.94 112 . 14 97 . 08 114 *3 9 162.05 85.57 1,025 .e8 115 . 5ud 119 20 125.88 72 *I5 97 40 530.21 TOTAL PAYBOLL PAID JANUARY 13, 1947 , 3 ,33 9 009 298.60 3 y 040 49 lJotion by Utley approving clsbs as follows, was seconded Carried. Edina Hwdtmre Victor CzrIson & Sons, Inc. IIorth-restern Terminal Co. Young Fuel Commy Joyce Insmaice, Inc. B.B. Dick com32ny I.Tm H, Ziegler Co., Inc. Y.S. Darley Gomoany Genersl Truck E:: 3ouin. CO. Horthern Stakes Pover co . Country Club District Service Go. American Linen Comrmy lliller-Davis Company Edina Fure Oil Coqany Brookside Service station Borey' s shell Station Arthur K. Peterson Dahlberg Bros., Inc. H.A. dozers Company Construction %letin Cormnissioner of Pzu-ition %icier Sand 5 Grovel Co. Korthrrestern Bell Telephone Co, Dunham-Scott Compny Oscsr Roberts & Conpany Hennepin County i3eoieF Cook Paint et Saxish = 0. Thorpe Bros., Inc, I Hermra 3'. Isagestad J Leonard TJ, Thompson Karl C. Schmidt Ph5llips Petroleum Comany Suburban Henn. cy. Relief Sozrd Hennepin county Oscar koberts 8 company J,A. Dmens 0 Scrn Lametti c;c Lametti Phelps4kake Compmy' by Kllson and GL!Z-C.; d 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4695 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4'721 4722 4723 4724 4'726 4710 4711 47u 4713 4'713 4713 4725 k727 4728 6'74 7 e30 32.80 4*l2 w.40 75.00 16 50 104.73 5.63 11.44 669.40 16.32 7.20 25.63 15 034- 144.80 130.25 617.05 21.45 49.34 26.40 14.40 363 . 98 45 030 15.60 79.61 33.4% 9.60 2,025 .OO 377 .I5 1 1,l44.16) 380.88) V 0 I D 25,22 4,6S9,29 45 e 50 367.59 J.S.D.,IJ I 3 030 TOTAL BILLS PAID 15,505 * 59 First %dim Stste Bank (Trmsfer of Funds) (3,339*09 Clerk read llorthern States Powr compan,rrs request of December 6, 1946, for I1non-confommce1* pedt for construction of a distribution subs-htion at, approxhmtely 70th and Serxes Avenue South, 1Ir. Smith cited the Pla&g Cornmission' s recomiendztion that such, non-confomnance permit be given. Village Attorney !hndhorst cslled thepattention of the Village Council to Section VIII, Sub-section (C), allowing the construction of Fublic utility buildings in any district. 1:otion seconded by &v&horne -nd carried. Yillson moved that permit be. granted. 1/13/47 Xre Smith reported. he had again been over the H.B. Fhrton plat, with reference to proposed road; that he believed such road would be of prbne benefit to the developer, in diverting thru-traffic from his hill rozd, and that the cost of such roed whould be borne in no part by the VilLage of Edina. of East f.Urror Ldce could not be utilized until it was filled in; that the adoption of-what the developer is requesting is, in effect, assisting the Spring Company to develop their property at the expense of the taxpayer (providing ViU-aZe pays one-half the cost of construction) ;. that the snox removal cost of maintaining such road would be high; and that e park itmnediately adjoining such road would be hazardous to the safety of children,,, Nr, ViUson reviewed Lbe,.Pequest of the Fire Department that a thru-road from Interlachen Boulevard to Highway No. 169 be established in this general locality, for the purpose of adding to fire protection, w~s reviewed, and ?r. vkllson stated that it was not his intention to require $he Village to stand any part of the construction of thru- streets on proposed plats. to his motion, for the next meeting of the Council, and Mr. Smith was directed.to clarify the position of the Village Council to iir. Burbon. &. Utley pointed out that the lower end i lt?illsonls motion of September 9, 1946, Pk. bkillson stated he would. have .an amendment s. Discussion FJ~S hzd zs to the advisability of having an agrement with Iik. Petersen as to number of garbage coLlections per month, and territory to be covered by him. Utley moved. that Villzge Attorney be directed to redraft contract in accordance with this evening's discussion. P'iotion seconded by Zonne and carried. &maser Smith was directed to . discuss the nratter further with &, I'etersen. The council discussed the Stste Tax Commission's recent action in raisin? - ssessed valustion of the V illage appro:cimst'cel;r ten percent. *I 5rnith imps directed to invite Assessor Creighton to the nexk . reguler meeting, for a report. Kr* Sdth reported that -1k. Harkham, publisher of the Ed5r.a Directoq9 hzd hquired as to the possibility of reimbursement fron the Village for inser'cing emergency calls on the 2roh-L cover and for lisTing 1.11 residents of the Village. It ins the consensus of opinion thzt this request 'ne refused. . i2pplic+xi,on of Hay Et Stenson Co. for Off-sale Liquor License, was filed with the Council. Yillson offered the following Resolution and . moved its zdoption: I I.JlX3E\S, this Council has received en applicq.tion frox Hay 2 S+enson Co.nnsny for issuance of an off-ssle liquor Mcense for the neriod April 1, 1947 through 141L.Izrc? 31, 1948, and T JKXBXS, this Council is informed thqt the -egislahire of the %&e of Rinnesota will give consideration bo increasing the m~.xi.mim fee which a Villaqe may charge for the issuance of e liquor license, and 'FWk23, This Council is desirous of taking advzn-bqe of any si~ch rsrmission which may be grmted by 'che Leeisla'cure of L !,he Stste of IEnnesota, now therefore, FE IT ?3SIXWl, that the spplication of iiap & S 'I' enson Go., for ,zn off-ssle liquor. license for, the y5od Aqil I-, 1947 Lbrou.& 3krch 31, 1949, hs, and. it, hereby is approved, nrovided thl,-F, this council hereby reserves the righ-'c to in- cr;3-2se the license fee to be paid b:,r said bxy R: Stenson Cos to this Villap effective April ,l,' 1947, if ond to the extent that the Eegislsture of the State ~_f Knnesota t the re,qulzr 1947 session grmts the pover to this Council to so incraese the license Tea. E% IT PJ3TEP BXSOLV%D that acceptmce of the license n,i~.tlnorised hereunder by Hay 8 Stenson Co. shall be si?.b,ject to the reserved rjyht specified- ?,hove; and. hy acceyting the license hereby grmted, apd by doing bp-siness $hereimder, Hay & Stenson Co, shzll be deemed to hwe accerted and azreed., to the condition 'specified here- Fn e . i YO@ Rere heing no further business to cxe before the Council, Utley's motion for "Urns OF THE: BGULAE?, I*EETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD IN VILLAGE HAILL, HONDAY, h"UARY 27, 1947 AT 8:OO P.1.1, 1-hbers present were IrJillson, Clerk acted as clerk. Utley, and Christopher, Gretchen Schussler, Deputy Minutes of the meeting of January 13, 1947 were approved, as substted, by motion Utley, seconded by WLlson, and carried. 1.fotion by tkllson, approving Village 'ayroll in the amount of $3,401.76 was seconded by utley and carried. COUMCIL C.J.Chri&oDher Bower HawthLorne George A, Willson Harold C, %ley E.L. Zonne J. J,Duggan Dr .L .E, Campbell John IJindhorst Ward B. Lewis John D. Nelson Sub-t otal ADI-ZIKCSTRATIVE Phil I?. Smith 713 Gretchen Schussler 714 Bernice 24 . Johns on 715 Helene Freeman 716 Sub-t ot a1 ENG-RING Carl IEller 717 718 73-9 Juel Belsass Fred Jonas Ben C. Ioehler 720 Sub-t otal GROSS AtfT. 50 00 50 00 35.00 ?5.00 35.00 30.00 '30.00 ";5.00 75.00 I.iLO.00 425.00 250,oo 110.00 75.00 62.50 497.50 110.00 162 . 50 100.00 137.50 510.00 W,TAX -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -e -e - - 33 e30 15.00 12.80 6.80 67.90 11.10 15 e80 13 -30 11.70 51.90 HOSP , -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - - 1.50 75 -0- .7T 3 .OO -0- 1.50 -0- 1.50 3 e00 NET M*E* 50.00 50.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 75.00 75.00 10.00 425 . 00 215.20 94.25 62.20 54.95 426.60 98.90 3-45 020 86.70 124.30 455 -10