HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470127_REGULARi YO@ Rere heing no further business to cxe before the Council, Utley's motion for "Urns OF THE: BGULAE?, I*EETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD IN VILLAGE HAILL, HONDAY, h"UARY 27, 1947 AT 8:OO P.1.1, 1-hbers present were IrJillson, Clerk acted as clerk. Utley, and Christopher, Gretchen Schussler, Deputy Minutes of the meeting of January 13, 1947 were approved, as substted, by motion Utley, seconded by WLlson, and carried. 1.fotion by tkllson, approving Village 'ayroll in the amount of $3,401.76 was seconded by utley and carried. COUMCIL C.J.Chri&oDher Bower HawthLorne George A, Willson Harold C, %ley E.L. Zonne J. J,Duggan Dr .L .E, Campbell John IJindhorst Ward B. Lewis John D. Nelson Sub-t otal ADI-ZIKCSTRATIVE Phil I?. Smith 713 Gretchen Schussler 714 Bernice 24 . Johns on 715 Helene Freeman 716 Sub-t ot a1 ENG-RING Carl IEller 717 718 73-9 Juel Belsass Fred Jonas Ben C. Ioehler 720 Sub-t otal GROSS AtfT. 50 00 50 00 35.00 ?5.00 35.00 30.00 '30.00 ";5.00 75.00 I.iLO.00 425.00 250,oo 110.00 75.00 62.50 497.50 110.00 162 . 50 100.00 137.50 510.00 W,TAX -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -e -e - - 33 e30 15.00 12.80 6.80 67.90 11.10 15 e80 13 -30 11.70 51.90 HOSP , -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - - 1.50 75 -0- .7T 3 .OO -0- 1.50 -0- 1.50 3 e00 NET M*E* 50.00 50.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 75.00 75.00 10.00 425 . 00 215.20 94.25 62.20 54.95 426.60 98.90 3-45 020 86.70 124.30 455 -10 1/27/47 NAME CLAIM # - POLICE DEPT. Hilding s, Dah1 721 Wn. S . -Heydt 722 Clayton Erickson 723 Clarence A. Knutson 724 Donald A. Nelson 725 .'win. V. Hoffman 726 Sub-t ot a1 STREET DEPT. FEG. Philip Bailey Sam Roberts Pete Dahlgren Iatt Merfeld John Tracy Harry Jonas Arthur Jensen Ronald p. Port August Gustaf son Sub4 otal 72'7 728 729 730 731 " 732 733 ' 734 , 735' , STREET DEPT. HRLY. Sam McCready 73 6 GROSS AMT. W. TAX HOSP. 125 00 9.70 1.50 . 100.00 5.40 1.50 107 . 50 6.40 1.50 102 . 50 5.70 1.50 95.00 12.30 .75 637.50 49.90 . 8.25 107 . 50 10.40. 1.50 120 . 00 107 . 50 109 e 98 97.50 112.25 97.50 ' 80,60 62 . 63 880 . 46 92.50 . 5.00 -0- 6.40 1.50 10 . 70 1.50 7.40 1.50 -0- 1.50 4.70 1.'50 -0- 1.50 -0- 1.50 8.00 1.50 'GZ 12.00 91 . 80 7.60 -0- 113 .eo 93 *lo 95 . 60 99 . 60 93.30 81.95 579.35 115 . 00 99 60 97 . 78 103 e35 96.00 91.30 79 10 61 . 13 83 .OO 926.26 8k.20 Charles Johbon 737 87 2.5 3 ,OO 1.50 82.75 Jacob Shmak 738 98 . 60 9.00 -0- 89 . 60 'E.C. Pfiefer 73 9 ' 98.05 1.10 . -0- 96 . 95 Edward Lee Sub-t otal 740 75.60 12.80 -0- 62.80 451.30 33.50 1.50 &I-6 e30 TOTAL PAYROLL PAID 3 , 401 76 245.40 27.75 3,,128.61 Minnesota Hospital Service Assn. 741. . . $ 28.50 Midland National Bank & Trust Co. 742. . . . . . $54.4.00 First Edina State Bank (Transfer of Funds). . . .3,306,06 First Edina State Bank [I II . . .2,l25.83 Notion by Utley, approving expenditure of $50.00 for postage was seconded by Willson and carried. Postmaster, Linden Hills' Sta, 473 0 $50.00 General Fund Utley moved that Village Engineer be directed to proceed with plans and specifications dividing the route of construction of storm sewer in Storm Sewer District No. 12 into two sections, as follows: (1). Commencing at the low land at the 'C?est end of Lot 19, auditor!^ Subdivision # 172, thence running South across 49th Street along the West line of the V.H,ildams property to 49$ Street, thence East on 493 Street to France Avenue; and (2). Commencing at the West manhole at 52nd Street and Halifax Avenue, thence running East to Gorgas Avenue; thence North on Gorgas Avenue to the South line of Lot 49, Auditors Subdivision No. 172; thence East along the South line of said lot 49, to France Avenue; an& that Mr, Alex Creighton be instructed to secure necessary easements and deeds to the property to permit the North section of Storm Sewer District No, 12 sewer to drain into the low property North of 4gth Street, any cost therein to be considered as a part of the North portion of Storm Sewer No. 12; and that upon completion of , specifications, the Village council proceed to advertise for new bids, as required bylaw. . ' Motion seconded by Willson and carried, Pursuant to Notice of Hearing published January 16, 1947 in the Hennepin co&ty Review and posted on three bulletin boards in the Village of Edina as of that dab, public hearing was held on the matter of rezoning to community Store District, the North 128 feet of the South 158 feet of the East One-Half of Lot 49, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172; this property being the south portion of the Forberg property, and all the A.A. Hoffman property with the exception of 30 feet at the south line thereof, facing France Avenue between 50th Street and rezoning were J.P. Sharp, 5104 France; J.E. Cooper, 5100 France; and Robert Cooper, 5102 France; all on the grounds that such rezoning would increase the parking problem* in this district. Darral 14. Holt, # 5 Edina Court, favored the rezoning, on the grounds that the properby is worthless to Mr. Hoffman unless rezoned;. that the 30-foot strip at the South of the property inquestion will provide some parking space; and that Mr, Hoffman has no obligation to provide parking for other businesses. Motion by Willson that , . 5l& Street extqnded West from Minneapolis, Objectors to this proposed ".* f Mr, A.A. Hoffman, and i io2 1/27/47 action be deferred until such time as the Businessmen's Association presents a plan to take careof the parking space in this district, was seconded by Utley and unanimously carried, i.iir;s&$t. to Advertisement for Bids published in Hermepin county Review, Hopkiris, Ffinnesota, and in Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, 1.iinnesota on December 26, 1946 and January 2, 1947, as per affidavit of publication read by %erk, bids were pblicly opened and read on construction of water main in the following streets : Beard Avenue, from lI.55th Street to V.57th Street; Chowen Avenue, from lI,56th Street to l1.57th Street; Bids were as fsllows: Lametti & hetti, St. ~Paul, 3kI-r~ Bart Carlone, St. Paul; Hinn. B9479.80 89,74320 1,J.Donnelly ';onst. Co., St, Paul., Ifinn. Western Underground Const.Co., St. Paul, Phelps-Drake Go. , IEnneapolis, I-h, Grfei & Blariani, St. Paul, Rim; $8,990,86 ' 89,549.71 10,302,90 10,670,50 14otion by &ley referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulationad comparison was seconded by Willson and unanimously carried, Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids published in *Hemepin county Review, Hopkins, Hinnesota, and sthe Construction Bulletin, IEnnezpolis, Uinnesota, on December 19 and 26, 1946, and January 2, 194'7, as per affidavit of publication read by "erk, bids were publicly opened and*read on construction of Sanitary Sewer in the following streets: . Chowen Avenue, from tI,56th Street to W, 57th Street W.57th Street, from France Ayenue to OneWalf Block East of Drew Avenue; the above streets being situate in &nk%arg Sewer District No, 20 ; Bids were as follows: . .I Lametti & Lametti, St. Paul,' Piinn. I.J,Donnell;y const. co., St. Paul, 1.b. 7,698.80 * Orfei & ?&riani, St, Paul, I.€inn. Bart Carlone, St. Paul, I.lj_hn. $6,443 a5 llestern Underground const. CO., St. Paul, 6y9u.67 Phelps-Drake coo , IEnneapolis, W.nn . 7, 43 4 c 00 8,126 . 00 9,026 , 10 1.?otion by Utley referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation and comparison was seconded by I.Jillson and unanimously carried, The following application for licenses were reviewed by the Council: Hay & Stenson-3922 W. 50th Street--Off Sale 3.2 BWP Hay & Stenson--3922 ti. 50th Street----Cigarette South Harriet Dairy Store-3905 l'l.54th -Off Sale 3.2 Beer South Harriet Dairy Store--3905 w. 54th--Off Sale 3,2 Beer Keller Drug Inc.#3-39@ 11. 5Obh St.-Cigarette 4/1/47-4/1/@ 4/1/47-4/1/48 2/1/.47-4/1/&7 3 /1/47-4/1/47 4/1/47-4/1/48 Keller Drug Inc.#3-394.8 W. 50th St.-Cigarette 4/1/4?-4/m3 All the abovs applications having been approved by Chief of Police Dahl, by %Uson that the above named licenses be granted was seconded by bey and carried, Motion by &llson that license to sell Cigarettes, from February 1, 1947 to April I, 1947, at 3905 if. 54th Street be issued with fee waived, was seconded by Utley and carried. This motion was made after the council learned that C.F, Correll, proprietor of South Harriet Dairy Store, now 01'111s a license to sell cigarettes at 5354 France Avenue, and is moving his place of business ac POSS 54th Street on Februaryl-two months before expirztion of said license. Village &ngineer %ith reported that tabulation had been completed on bids received January 13, 194'7, for construction of storm sewer in Storm Sewer District No. 13, along the following route: The Nor-bh Lot Line of Lot ll, ?Lock 1, Brucetrood Addition, from the curb Line on Bruce Plabe, to Ninnehaha Creek. Smith skated that using the lop7 bid as submitted by betti per square foot to benefited property otrners would be $00321, as against 8.00266 heretofore estimated, of an easement for sever from Hr, Thomas, * owner of Lot 11, Block 1. Notion 1-k. Lametti, the cost Attorney1'Tindhorst reported that he was not yet in receipt (I' 1/27/47 Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID STORM SBm DISTRICT NO. 13 WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement for Bids published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, 2nd the Construction Bulletin, 14inneapolis, Minnesota, on December 12, 19, and 26, 1946, Tor the construction of' storm sewer along the following route: The North Lot Line of Lot 11, Block 1, Brucewood Addition, from the curb line on Bruce Place, to Minnehaha Creek; the following bids have been duly received and opened: Lametti & Lametti 615 Drake St. St. Paul, Minn. $5$7.40 Bart Carlone 761 JefFerson he. St. Paul, Ninn. 636.70 I. J.Donnelly Const . 1871 Randolph Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 1,054.56 THEREFORE, BE IT BSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that the bid of $587.40 by Lametti & Lametti, 615 Drake Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, is hereby d&+ermined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder and the president and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enier into a contwt woth said hmetti & Lametti, in the name of the Village, for the construction of said storm sewer according to the plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved by this council and filed in the office of the clerk at the price specified in said bid, and which said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney; provided that said president and clerk shall not sign said contract until easement permitting construction of said storm sewer along the above named route has been filed with the Village Clerk and approved by the Village Attorney. BE IT FURTHER IBSOLVED that the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to'all bidders the deposits made with their bids except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been digned. Motion to adopt the.Resolution was seconded by Willson, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Christopher AUTEST : Acting Village Clerk W Trustee Utley introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: FBSOLUTION PROVIDING FOR COMBINATION OF STFEET DPROVEMENTS, I;EVYING OF ASSESSIBNTS AND THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. WHEIZEAS, the Village of Edina has a boundary co-temninus with a boundary of the City of Enneapolis, said boundarr being the middle line of France Avenue, and TmREAS, The Village of Edina has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to improve portions of (France Avenue between ~ 49th Street and 51st Street by installing curb and gutters and paving thereon,) and city of Minneapolis for the construction of said paving and has undertaken and agrees to pay one-half the cost thereof, and WKEREAS, The Village of Edina has entered into a contract with the WHEREAS, The owners of property abutting on'said streets have re- quested that the assessments be spread over a period of ten years, and N-IEREAS, As part of the improvement of the corners of 50th Street and,France Avenue, the Village Council has determined upon an improvement of(50th Street from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue consisting of widening of the roadway, removal of old curbs and gutters, construction of new curbs and gutters, removal of old sidewalks and construction of new sidewalks) and IO4 1/27/47 IIHEREAS, The cost of said inproverrent should be assessed against property benefitdd thereby, and WEREAS, The Village council has determined to complete said improvement and assess the cost thereof pursuant to Section 434.20, Ninnesota Statutes and to issue street improvement certificates of indebtedness pursmnt to Section 434.23, Xinnesota Statutes. Edina as follows: NOY, TKEREF@RE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL of the Village of 1. It is hereby determined that the total cost of the hprovemeht of France Avenue is $9,715.88 and the total cost of the improvement on 50th Street is 88,459.07 and such amounts shall be assessed against the property abutting on said streets in the Village of *Edina on the basis of the behefits and the Village Engineer is hereby instructed to prepare an assessment roll in,7accordance *with the provisions of Section 434.20, %nhesota S'atutes. ' In order to finance the cost of said improvement prior to the collection of assessments, the Village shall forthwith issue and sell its negotiable coupon Street Improvement Certificates of Indebtedness in the aggregate principal amount of $18,000, said certificates of indebtedness to be dated January 1, 1947, to be 18 in number and numbered from 1 to 18, bdth inclusive, in the denomination of $1,000 each, to bear interest at the rate 60 be hereafter determined upon a sale thereof, payable SM- annually on the 1st day of January and the 1st day of July in each year, said certificates of indebtedness shall mature serially on January 1st in the amount of $2,000, in each of the years 1949 to 1957, both inclusive, all certificates of indebtedness to be with- out option of prior payment except those two certificates of indebtedness mturihg 'anuary 1, 1957, which shall be subject to redemption on any interest payment date. 2. 3. . The said certificates of indebtedness shall pledge the full faith, "credit, and resources of the Village to the payment of principal and interest as the same shall become due, shall be payable at any suitable bank or trust company designated by the purchasers thereof and shall be sold at public sale at not less than par and accrued interest after notice as provided by law. Trustee IKLlson seconded the motion for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Trustees IEllson and Utley, and =resident Christopher and the following voted against the same: carried and said resolution adoDted. No nay votes; whereupon said motionwas declared r ATTEST: Acting Village Clerk Petition for the Blacktopping of all streets in Creston Hills, in accordance cost of such blacktopping to be assessed against abutting property; was accepted by motion Hillson, seconded by %ley and unanimously carried. Village Attorney Vindhorst's opinion of "anuary 25, 1947 on maximum park levies was reviewed by the Council and tibeled for further consideration. 14r. Smith stated that, sccording to %-. Williamts telephone report of Janwqy 22, the war 1.ieSnorial Committee expected to begin its drive for funds sometime during Iktrch. with plans and specifications to be prepared by Village Engineer, with full In accoreance with instructions by the Council, as of the meeting of Jsnuary 13, Nr. Smith read, for the Council's adoption, the following Resolution \ 1/27/47' 105 REXOLUTION FOEl THE EXTENSION OF "EAPOLIS 50~~ STREET CROSS-TOWN BUS LINE mro THE VILLAGE OF EDINA WHEREAS, the Twin City Rapid Transit Company contemplates CDDSS town bus service along 50th Street, in the city of &nneapolis, and MHEREAS, in response to wy requests received during the past seyeral years for bus service in various parts of the Village of Edina, the Edina Village council directed the Village hager to open negatitations with officials of the Twin city Rapid Transit Company for the extension of the proposed 50th Street Cross-Town Bus Line into the Village of Edina, and WHEREAS, said Tdillaq:e "anager was advised by the president of the Twin City Rapid Transit Company, on October 14, 1946, that the Edina Village Council must eqBablish a proposod route for the requested extension before further consideration to such e&ension could be given by the Company, and IWTZEAS, the petitions for bus service listed below have been received by the Edina Village Council since October 14, 1946; . Petition filed November 11, 1946, carrying twenty-seven signatures, representing 185 potential bus riders, - for the following route: Extension of new proposed cross-town bus line out 50th Street, West to the intersection of I;nterlachen Bl@d. and Brookside Ave. Petition filed November 25,' 1946, carrying sixty signatures, representing 214 potential bus riders,- for the following route: Factension of new proposed cross-town bus line out 50th Street, West to Wooddale Avenue, then South on Wooddale to 62nd Street, then East on 62nd Street to France Avenue, then North on France Avenue to 50th Street. Petition filed zanuary 13, 1947, carrying 787 signatures, representing 1686 potential bus riders,-for the following route: Extension of new proposed cross-town bus line on W,50th Street from France Avenue to Wooddale Avenue, South on Wooddale Avenue to Woodland Road, at which point bus will loop back to W,54th Street. on Wooddale Avenue, then East on FJ.54th Street to France Avenue. . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Nessrs, C.J.Christopher, H,C. Utley, and George A. Willson be delegated as a committee of three to continue negotiations with officials of the TzJin City Rapid Transit Company in an effort to secure an extension of the 50th Street Cross- Town Bus Line, along one or more of the requested routes, at such time as said 50th.Street bus service is established for the City of &inneapolis. Utley moved the adoption of the above Resolution; motion was seconded by I"Ji1lson and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: was adopted . ATTEST : h.llson, aye; Utley, aye; Christopher, a ye; and the Resolution Acting Village Clerk President Christopher presented recommendations for appointments to the PLanning Commission as follows: and %. Arnold Raugland for a one-year period expiring January 1, 1948; re-appointment of &. Leohard Well for. a two-year period exgiring January 1, 1949; appointment of Messrs. Dorance Ij. Eyerse and Alfred H. Hiatt for a two-year period expiring January 1, 1949, to succeed Messrs, D.C. Yoerks and Gordon Noleen; and acceptance of the 'ark Board's recommendation as to their representative on the Commission, for a one-year tern expiring January I, 1948, was seconded by tley and unanimously carried. Re-appointment of Chairman Edwin W. Krafft, Motion byuwillson that Mr. Christopher' s recommendations be accepted The proposed contract for garbage collection was reviewed by the council, Recommendations for an agyee~d lm be e*eaclied idtb: I$?.' Peterson were as follows: That garbage be collected at least once a week; and, during 1. 1/27/47 tlfie months of July, August, and September, as ofter as once every five'days if required by the Council. performance bond, in keeping with the Village policy that such performance bond be required of all general contractors employed. 3. liability in the principal sum of $50,000 and $lOO,CO, and property damage insurance in principal anount of $5,000 be carried by the contractor. 4. contract . 2. That the contractor furnish a $2,000.00 That public That six months' notice be given by contractor before termination of The hual Financial Report of the Edina Volunteer Fire Department was filed with the Clerk. State Commissioner of Insurance was seconded by Willson and carried. Motion by Utley that one copy be mailed to the . petition signed by owners of 73% of improved property, between Third Street and Naloney $venue filed with the Council: requesting change in street P€?,Ee STREET NATE First Avenue East Second Avenue East Third Avenue East Fourth Avenue East Fifth Avenue East Sixth Avenue East Seventh Avenue Egst Eighth Avenue East Nr. Mth explained that the proposed names are names, as listed below, was CHANGE TO Adams Avenue Jefferson Avenue I.kdison Avenue Monroe Avenue Jackson Avenue Van Wen Avenue Harrison Avenue Tyler Avenue names of streets in Hopkins, of which the above streets are Edina extensions. the Hopkins Post Office, which delivers mail at the above streets, would also like this change. street nvnes be honored, and that in addition, Central Avenue, between Third Street and Naloney Avenue be changed to Washington1I Avenue . by Utley and carried. Mr. Willson explained thai Hotion by llillson that the patition for change in Motion seconded Bill of the Hermepin County Sheriff, for services rendered in apprehending Patrick Cieriro, was presented for payment. FJindhorst . Bill referred to Attorney Engineer %th reported that survey and estimate would be made on the grading of streets; 65th and 66%h between Tingdale and Rolf, ad blf Avenue between 65th and 66th Streets, petition for wlnich vas received June I-!+, but that only 5% of thk -@roperty oTmers had signed. 3k. f.lillson moved that his motion of September 9, 1946, with regard to assess- xlents for grading and oiling, as recorded on Page No. 19, Paragraph 5, Book of Ninutes for period beginning August 26, 1946, be amended to read as follows: e 1, As to all subdivisions the plats of which were accepted prior to Septeniber 9, 1946, one-half of the cost of putting to permanent grade and blacktopping thru-streets, and all the full cost of such construction on sides streets shall be assessed against the abutting property owners, and As to all subdivisions the plats of which have been or'are accepted after September 9, 1946, the full cost of putting to permanent grade and blacktopping shall be assessed against the abutting property owners; except where the Village has a direct interest, in which case, on council action, one-half the cost of such ccnstruction will be paid by the Village. 2. Notion seconded by Utley and unanimously carried. J.L. Naykh&ls offer to print emergency phone numbers on the front cover.of the Edina Directory for the sum of $150.00 was read and discussed. Village Ihnager was directed to inform Mr. Markham that the Village will be unable to accept his offer. Claim of &s. Lee ItiLIiams, amount $137.00, for damages by sewer contractor to sidewalk and steps at 4920 Sunnyside, was presented by Nayor Christopher. . Claim referred to 3Ir. Smith, for reference to Lametti & Lametti, contractors for Sewer District No, 15. There being no further business to come before the Council, meeting was adjourned by motion Ifillson, seconded by utley and carried. - Actinu Village Clerk