HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470210_ADJOURNED%ley and carried. Nr, Smith reported that he had tamed kith ?,fro C.J. Swalen regarding his parking problem across 11. 50th Street from the Country Club, and that %. Swalen will check this at a later date and inform the council, Willson's motion that the council adjourn until 8:00 P.M. >Ionday, February 17, 1947 was seconded by %ley and carried, Acting Village Clerk "UTES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF TKE FEBRUARY 10, 194.7 lSGULAR &EATING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD AT 8:00 PA, FEBRUARY 17, 1947 AT THE EDINA VILUGE HALL. . Pursuant to*due notice and call, the adjourned portion of the Regular Meeting of February 10, 1947; convened at 8:OO P.M. February 17. present: Uillmn, Utley, Hawthorne, and Chiistopher. The followjag members were Legal opinion of Attorney Windhorst regarding procedure for Vacation of North- South Alley in Block 5, I-lendelssohn Addition, directed to publish and post notice of a public hearing on'the petition to vacate this alley, said hearing to be held March 10, 1947, at 8:OO P,ltl,, was seconded by 1'Jillson and carried. Motion by Utley that Clerk be Legal opinion of Attorney igindhorst, concerning procedure for gaining tine to property neighboring Village Hall site, was read. Mr. khdhorst was requested to outline full procedure and draw the deed for this property. Attorney 3lindhorst gave verbal opinion to the effect that Village Zoning Ordinance would have to be amended regarding area restrictions before a permit for the proposed twenty-apartment dwelling could be allowed; or, that an amendment setting up a definite multiple-dwelling district could be made. to secure the Planning Commission's opinion; and %. smith and Mk. Woehler were directed to prepare plan of the entire block from Halifaxto France, showing the buildings on France, and the present and proposed buildings on both sides of . Gorgas Avenue. Mr. Ilindhorst and I-Ir. Smith were asked to draft an amendment &o present Zoning Ordinance, establishing a multiple-dwelling district between 49th and 54th on France Avenue. Notion by Utley that the Council reject all bids for construction of Storm Sewer in Storm Sewer Di'strict No. 12, was seconded by Ilillson and unanimously carried, - council directed I&-. Smith ;* Utley offered the following Ordinance and moved its adoption: See 50 CRE3TING STOR4 SEZR DISTRICT NO. 12, AN ORDINANCE ATIID?DING AN ORDINANCE AS ADOPTED BY EDINA VILL4GE COUNCIL THE 2$!CH DAY OF OCTOEER, 1946: tf4l;. The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: Section 1. as adopted by the Village Council of the Village of Edina October 28, 1946, be amended to read as follows: District in the Village of Edina to be known as Storm Sewer District No. 12, the boundaries of which shall be as follows: That Section One of lrAn Ordinance Creating Storm Sewer District No, 12, There is hereby created and established a Storm Sewer ~ Beginning at the Southeast (SE) corner of Lot Twenty-Seven (271 Auditor's Subdivision Number 172; thence West on the South line of said Lot R-mty- Seven (27) a distance of Sixty-Nine (69) feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot Twenty-Seven (27); thence North on the West line of said Lot R.renty-Seven (27) a distance of Seven (7) feet to the Southeast (EX) corner of Lot Twenty-Eight, Auditor' s Subdivision Number 172; thence Hest on the North line of West 50th Street a distance of Six Hundred and Forty- Two Hundredths (600.42) feet more or less; thence North a distance of F"Dur"Hundred Fifty-Seven and Five-Tenths (457 ;5) feet ; thence East on 8 line parallel to and distant One Hundred Thirty-Five (135) feet North from the North line of the Street now known as Vest 495 Street a distance of Six Hundred Sixty-Nine and Forth-Two Hundredths ('699.42) feet niore or less to its point of intersection with the West line of France Avenue; thence South on the West line of France Avenue a distance of Four Hundred 2/17/47 I I c Sixby-Fou2 and Five-Tenths (465.5) feet more or less to the point of beginning, Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication, Motion to adopt the Ordinance was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted. Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, i Vi ag Clerk Utley offered t he following Resolutionand moved its adoption: See P.51 RESOLUTION AMENDING FESOLUTION FOR SENER CONSTRUCTION, STORM SEWER DISTRICT NO. IZ1' AS PASSED BY THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL OCTOBER 28, 1946, V BE IT RESOLVED by the Village council of the illage of Edina t hat 11Resolution for Sewer Construction-Storm Sewer District Mo. 1211 as passed by the said Village Council October 28, 1946, be amended to read as follows: WHEREAS, it appears necessary and in the public interest that Storm Sewer be constructed along the following route: Commencing One Hundred (100) feet more or less Northeast of the Northwest corner of Lot Nineteen (19) Auditor's Subdivision Number 172; thence in a Southwesterly direction to the Northwest corner of said Lot Nineteen; thence in a Southerly direction along the West line of said Lot Nineteen (19) extended South to a point ten (10) feet South of the center line of W. 49th Street; thence in a West- erly direction to a point forty (40) feet East of the West li&e of Lot Thirty-Six (36) extended North; thence in a Southerly direction to a point ten (10) feet South of the center line of the newly established street now hown as W. 49& Street;thence in an easterly direction to the West line of France Avenue. EE IT RESOLVED by the Village council of the Village of Edina that lateral storm sewer be constructed along the above named route. BE IT FURTm RESOLVED that ihilip W. Smith be designated an engineer who shall draw pland and specifications and prepare and tabulate an estimated cost of the constructioh of such sewers and report the same to the Village CounciL. Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays as follows: aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. willson, aye; %ley, a;ye; Hawthorne, Engineer %th presented plans, specifications and estitpxte of cost storm sewer district # 12, $14;762.00; Engineering, Clerical & Legal, 81,180.96; &tal estimate $15,942.96; cost per assessable sq. foot Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Estimate was tabulated as follows The Contrac't .0614, See P, 51 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING -4DVERTISE3BNT FOR BIDS STOE1P.4 SEI*JER DISTRICT NUltlBEEz I2 WHEREAS pursuant to resolution adopted February- 17, 1947, Engineer Philip W. Smith has drawn plans and specifications for Storm Sewer along the following rout e : Commencing One Hundred (100) feet more or less Northeast of the Northwe& corner of Lot Nineteen (19) Auditor' s Subdivision Number 172; thence in a SouthpTesterly direction to the Iqorthwest 2/17/47 Corner 6f said Lot Nineteen; thence in a Southerly direction along the Vest line of said Lot Nineteen (19) estended South to a point ten (10) feet South of the center line of I?, 49th Street; thence in a Westerly direction to a point forty (40) feet West of the e test line of Lot Thirty-Six (36) extended North; thence in a South- erly dire&tion to a point Ten (10) feet South of the center line of the newly established street now known as 11. 4% Street; thence in a easterly direction to the West line of France Avenue. and has tabulated the results of his estimate of the cost thereof, all of which has been reported to the Village Council, now therefore, BE IT TZESOLYED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said plzns and specifications be hereby accepted and be filed with the Clerk, where they shall remain on file open to inspection of all persons until after a contract for the work shall be let. BF, IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk be directed to advertise for Bids for doing the work described in said plans and specifications in the Hennepin County Review and the. Construction Bulletin, Itinneapolis, Rinnesota, for three successive weeks, said bids to be opehed March 24, 1947. Notion to adoptthe Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, ad on Rollcall there were no nays and four ayes as follows: tillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution ATTEST : AN ORDINANCE CRlt3ATII2G STORM SEWER DISTRICT # u1. Section 1. There is hereby created and established a storm sewer district in the Village of Edina to be known as Storm Sewer District No. l.4, the boundaries of which shall be as follows: Beghnbg*tat the Southeast (SE) corner of Lot 49, Auditor's Subdivision {# Z72; thence Vest on the South line of said Lot 49, a distance of 300.75' to the Southwest (31) corner of Lot 49; thence Mo&h along East line of Lots 55, 53, 52, 51 and 4l-a distance of 264' to the Northeast (NE) corner of Lot 41, Auditor's Subdivision # 172; thence Vest on the South line of Lot 43, Auditorls Subdivision # 172; Ittkdistance of 155'; thence North on a line parallel to and distant 155' West fro& the East line of said Lot 43 a distance of 356' to the South line of X. 50th Street; thence East on the South line of I.J. 50th Street a distance of 455' more or less to the Northeast (NE) corner of Lot 47, Auditor's Subdivision # 172; thence South on the East line of Lots 47, 45 and 49, Auditor's Subdivision # 172 a distance of 620' more or less to the point of beginning. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect fromand after its publication. Passed by the Vill?.ge councif this 17th day of February, 1947. Notion to adopt the Ordinance was seconded by WLlson, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the %inance PELS adopted, r;Jillson, aye; Utley, aye; ATTEST: ~ 2/17/47 Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 115 RESOLUTION FOR SEMER CONSTRUCTION STORM SEisJER DISTRICT # l& TtJHER?JA-S, it appears necessary and in the public interest that a storm sewer be constructed along the followkg route: Commencing at the existing storm sewer manhole located in the intersection of W, 52nd Street and Halifax Avenue; thence Easterly in W, 52nd Street to a point ten (10) feet West of the centerline of Gorgas Avenue extended South; thence in a Northerly direction to the South lot line of Lot Fifty-Five (55) Auditor's Subdivision # 172; thence East along the South Lot line of Lots Fifty-Five (-55) and Forty-Nine (49) Auditor's Subdivision # 172 to the West line of France Avenue; same to be a storm sewer district, now therefore, c: BE IT FESOLVED by the Village ouncil of the Village of Edina that storm sewec be constructed along the above named route. RE IT F'URTKER RESOLVED that Phil W. Smith be designated as engineer who shall draw pmans and specifications and prepare and tabulate an est'imated cost of the construction of such storm sewer and report the same to the Village Coupcil. Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: . Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne,aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ATTEST : Engineer Smith presented plans, specifications and estimate of cost of Storm Sewer District # 14. @2;8l7,50; Engineering, Clerical and Legal, $1,025 40; total estimate $13,842,90; cost per assessable sq. ft, - Estimate was tabulated as follows: $.0625. The Contract Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RFSOLUTION ACCEPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVEXi.TI-NT FOE BIDS-STORM SEHEGR # I4 't.JHEREAS,,pursuant to resolutionadopted February 17, 1947, Engineer Phil W, Smith, ha4 drawn plans and specifications for storm sewer along the following route: ' Commencing at the existing stom sewer manhole located in the intersection of W, 52nd Street and Halifax Avenue; thence Easterly in W. 52nd Street to a point ten (10) feet West of the centerline of GorgaS Avenue extended South; thence in a Northerly direction to the South lot line of Lot Fifty-Five (55), Auditor's Subdivision # 172; thence East along the South lot line of Lots Fifty-Five (55) and Forty-Nine (49) Auditor's Subdivision # 172 to the West line of France Avenue; . . and has tabulated the results of his estimate of the cost thereof, all of 'which has been reported to the Village Council, now therefore, ., BE IT RESOLVER by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said plans and specifications be hereby accepted and be filed with the Clerk, where they shall remain on file open to inspection of all persons until after a contract for the work shall be let. ffE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the clerkk directed to advertise for bids for proposals for doing the work described in said plans and specifications in tihe Hennepin County Review and the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, 1-linnesota, for three successive weeks, said bids to be opened March 24, 1947, -r. Motion to adopt the Resolutionms seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there 2/17/47 were four ayes and no nays as follows: aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Kll.son, aye; utley, aye; Hawthorne, E5r. Smith reported that garbage collection contract had not yet been signed. .It was decided that the following clause be incorporated in the contract: !'The Contractor shall have the right to petition the Village Council for adjustments or amendments to this contract in case of circumstances not anticipated in the performance of this contractI1. &k. Smith was requested to report on the contract at the next regular meeting. Council instmcted I&-. Smith to obtain trade-in allowance on 1942 four-Door Ford, from bidders on new police car. First Public reading was had of I'An Ordinance Provid-ing For the Regular Collectfon and Disposal of Garbage Of Refuse, The Imposition of An Oblication To Pay Cost Thereof On The Owners Of The Properby Served", and The Assessment Against The Property Served of Unpaid Charges Under IGnnesota Statutes, 1945, Sec. 443 .01511 . l4otion by-W.llson that the salary of August Gustafson be increased to $195.00 per month, effective February 1, 1947, was seconded by &ley and carried. Notion by Willson that the Council approve President!s appointment of Charles A. Johnson as Veed Inspector for the Village of Edina for the year 1947, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Council instructed Village llansger to inform Suburban Hemepin County Relief Office that Village would assume no further relief costs for Gilbert Elarthe1 and family until Barthel goes to work on the Village crew. T?illson moved, Hawthorne seconded, that Village Attorney be directed to draft a "Food CJMinancell providing forthe issuing of licenses for all Edina establi- shments selling food and foodstuffs (both raw and packaged), such ordinance carr,ving the provision that inspections be made and that insanitary conditions shall be cause for revocation of licensq. Motian carried. Letter from State Fire Marshal, regarding*Northwest Fire School to be held in 'E.linneapolis on Nay l.2, 13 and 14, 1947, was read. that members of the Edina Volunteer Fire Department be encouragedto attend this school, that the Village pay expenses for those members of the Fire Department employed by the Village, and that those members not employed by the Village be pid at the same rate as for fire drills was seconded by Utley and carried. Notion by Hawthorne There being no further business to come before the council, meeā‚¬ing was adjourned, by motion I.7illson, seconded