HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470210_REGULARMINUTES OF THE RIIGULAR PEETD?G OF THE FEBRUARY 10, 1947, AT 8:OO P.M., IN EDINA VILLAGE 3 CCUNCIL, HELD $%ONDAY, EDINA VILLAGE - HALL . :l Nembers present were Willson, Utley, and Christopher, Deputy Clerk, acted as Clerk, Messrs. Park Board,.and Realtors Spring and Merritt of (the Spring Company and H.R. Burton, Inc. requested information as to plat of Mirror Lakes in Edina and study of proposed plat of Edina Highlands 2nd Addition and their relation ( to the over-all area, Mr. Burton *asked khat the preliminary plat of Mirror Lakes in Edina be approved by the Council-with Lot A dedicated to the Tillage but carrying a clause that, in case Village did not improve Lot A within five years, said property would revert "to owners of abutting property, Nr. Burton statEd that, in his opinion the proposed thru-road at the West end of East Error akes was not of particular benefit to his subdivision; and I&. Spring of the Spring Company gave the opinion that the southern extension of this road through his proposed subdivision would not benefit the subdivision. I%,. Nichols, Planning Engineer, stated that the- road was planned by him to fill the often cited need for a road in this general: locality, running from Interlachen Boulevard to Highway No. 169; a road at this particular place, recommendation that such road be constructed to provide sufficient outlet for future owners inthe two subdivisions concernec2. Gretchen Schussler, Krafft and Nichols of the Planning Commission, and Clark of the and. that the topography would best lend itself to Chairman Krafft reviewed the Planning Coxnmissionts In inquiring about the property on his plat to be dedicated for park Purposes, such property to be a large tract to the South of East Mirror %e, as per Mr, Nichols' over-all study of the area, Mr. Spring was informed by the Council, that plat would be approved with this dedication providing the Spring company would fill in this property sufficiently to make it usable for park purposes dthout further filling expense by the Village.. Willson moved, Utley seconded, that the Council approve preliminary plat of H,R. Burton's 14irror Lakes in Edina and study of the Spring Company! s proposed plat now known as Edina Highlands Second Addition with dedications for an eighty-foot roadway as presented, with the proviso that the developers assume the cost of grading and blacktopping a thirty-foot roadway at this time, with the Village to assume one-half the cost of such grading and blacktopping on park and playground frontages. 'Motion carried, ' * I J. Nr, Krafft asked that preliminaTy plats be presented tothe Council for their approval after approval by the Plannibg Commission. Spring supported Hr. Krafft in this request. Messrs, Krafft, Nichols, and Swith bring their proposed plan of pfrocedure before the Counci-l at an early date. Mimutes of Neeting of ianuary 2fl, 1947 were approved as filed, by motion Willson, seconded by Utley and barried. " Notion by Willson, approving payroll in amount of $3,159,00, was seconded by Utley and carried. Nessrs. Burton, and The Council requested that NABE CLAIM # * ADMIMISTRATIVE Phil If. Smith 7tl.3 Gretchen Schussler 7.!& Bernice ", Johnson 745 Helene Freeman 744 Sub-t otal ENGINEERING Carl Miller 'Juel Belsaas Fred Jonas Ben Woehler Sub-t otal 747 749 7k9 750 GROSS. W.TAX OTHER NET -- 250,OO 33.30 216 .YO ~10.00 15.00 95.00 75.00 12.80 62.20 62.50 6.80 497*50 67.90 110*00 11;10 162,50 l'jbSO 120.00 17,OO __55.70 429.60 98.90. 103 , 00 UC6 70 125.80 . 474,410 e 752 Clayton Erickson 753 Clarence A. Knutson 754 Donald A. Nelson 755 tho V. Hoffman 756 Sub-t otal STREET DEPT. BEG. Philia Bailey 757 Sam Riberts " 758. Pete Dahlgren 759 &,tt 3fIerf eld 760 John Tracy 761 Harry Jonas 762 Arthur Jensen 763 Ronald P. Port 764 August Gustafson 765 Sub-t ot a1 STRBT DEPT. HRLY. Sam Nc Cready 766 Charles Johnson 767 Jacob shmak 768 Edward Lee 769 E.C. Pfeifer 770 Sub-t otal TOTAL PAYROLL PAID 6.00 109 030 2.00 95 10 6.00 95 e10 6.00 88.60 050 96.30 6 00 76.70 2* 561.10 117 76 103.18 . 99.28 106 . 70 100.88 95.48 96.70 100.88 88.80 909.66 122 . 00 117 03 5 127.30 93 070 ..-c .. , _. 59.20 519 55 26 . 50 2,894031 . Notion by Utley, approving claims as follows: $272.79; Joint Sewer District No; 1, $18.'00; Sanitary Sewer District No. 15, $1,203.00; Sewer District No. 16, $221.00; Sewer Rental, $1.14; was seconded by- Willson and carried.. General Ftmd $11,052.47; Poor Fund, CLADI x - NUB Suburban Peace and Police Officers Assn 4733 The Linde Air Products Go. Hiller-Davis Conpany Young Fuel Conpany Borthern States Power Co. Commissioner of Administration Arthur K. Petersen CLty Treasurer, City of I4pls. Rueain er Nursery Jasper fasperson Sears, Roebuck & Co. Cook Paint 8t Varnish Go. Npls. Gas Light Co, Justus Lupber Co. American rinting Go. Dahlberg Bros, he. Borey' s Shell Station Brookside Service Station Edina Pure Oil 1J.H. Ziegler Co. Reinhard Bros. Go. International Harvester Co. Williams Hardware Commissioner of Taxation Construction metin H,A, Rogers' Co. Hennepin County Review Kaxl c. Schmidt Herman T. Hagestad Hilding Da€& 4734 473 5 473 6 4737 4738 4739 4740 47a 4742 &743 4744 4745 4746 47k7 4748 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 ' 4755 , 4756 4759 4760 * 4761 4762 , 4763 4764 W.E. Iahr. Foe LI 4766 Pittsburgh Plate Glass COO . 4767 The Glidden Paint COO ' 4768 Blackburn Nickels 62 Smith 4769 c' a- Dorsey, Cohwi, Barker, Be&% & Ba&er. 4765 NAME Fires€one Stores Ih. S. Heydt State Board of Registration Bart Carlone Snap-on Tools Corporaiion Minnesota Tree Service H,C, Alden Roberts-Hamilt on Co , Northwestern Bell Telephone Co, - CLAIM # 4772 4774 4775 4776 4777 . 4778 4779 4780 4781 AMOUNT 5 i24 io.00 . 5.20 , 4.65 76.50 44.85 2,203 045 15 00 '7% 68 GENERAL FUND $7,303.46 betti 8t Lametti 4771 3,749 .01 WON .#7 11,052 47 Suburban Hennepin Cy. Relief Bd. 4758 POOR 272 79 Lzmetti 8t Lametti h757 J.S.D 18,OO First Nat. Bank of Mpls. 4770 . S.D.#15 1,203.00 FIRST Nat. Bank of Mpls. 4770 S .D .#16 221.00 Northern States Power 772 Sewer Rental lout TOTAL BILLS PAID 12,768.I+0 First Edina State Bank (Transfer of Funds) 4773 $3,201..71 My, and Nrs. William Schulte, owners of Lot &2, Block 2, South Harriet 'ark 2nd Addition and Mr. and %so, L.J. Cramer, owners of Lot 41, Block 2, same addition, appeared before the Council to settle the matter of set-back on the Schultes' proposed house to be built on Lot 42, Mr. Smith, Village Manager, and Mr, Ben Ifoehler, Building Inspector, both recommended that Mr. Schulte be required to conform to Village zoning Ordinance by placing his house in line with the Cramer house to the South, Building Inspector be accepted was seconded by tley and carried. Motion by lrlillson that recommendations of Village I'lanager and U r Mr. Fond, representing a twenty-apartment building on the North 100 feet of the East 270 feet of Lot 59, Auditor's Subdivision Number 172, The plan presented shown front entrance on France, rear entrance on Gorgas Avenue. Because this properby does not contain required footage for such building (See Sec, (d), Page 5, Zoning Ordinance), the matter was referred to Mr. Windhorst for his legal opinion and report on February 24, by motion Willson, seconded by Utley and carried. Mr. Alan Harris requested a report on the progress made by the Cormnittee in their request for extension of the Cross-Town Bus Line into Edina, Village hnager Smit.h, dated February 7, 1947, was read, and '*re Harris was told that the Bus Line would be extended into Edina in the Spring or early Summer, that it would go west on 50th Street as far as Wooddale Avenue, thence South on Woodd&le to a point to be determined by the Twin City Rapid Transit Company after a survey to be made by them, Engineer Smith reported on bids taken January 27, 1947, for the construction of Water Main in Chowen Avenue, from W. 56th Street to W, 57th Street; and on Beard Avenue, from W. 55th Street to W. 57th Street, stating that the $8,479.80 bid 05 Lametti 8 Lametti of St. Paul, was about $2,300.00 lower than estimate. eder Mickelson 8 sons, requested permission to erect Report by Utley offered the following Resolutionad moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID--3JATER IAIN NHEmAS,*pursuant-to atlvertisement for bids"pb1ished inthe Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Mhnesota and in the Coris?rhction Bulletin, Ninneapolis, I4innesota, on December 26, 1946 and January 2, 1947, for the improvement of the following streets : Beard Avenue, from llest 55th Street to Vest 57th Street; Chowen Avenue, from !lest 56th Street to West 57th Street; Lametti st Lamztti, St. Pad, &mesota $ 8,479.80 1.J.Donnelly onst. Co. St. Paul, Him. 9 8,990.86 Western Underground Const. Coo St. Paul 8 9,549.71 Bart Carlone, St. Paul 0 9,74320 Phelps-Drake Co., Hpls . , Mhn. 810,3 02 . 90 by construction of water main therein, the following bids have been duly received and opened: Offei 6c Nkriani, St . Paul 910,670.50 TH.EE3FOR3, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village CounciX.of the Village of Edina that the bid of $8,479.80 by Laqetti 8c %metti, St. Paul, I-Znnesota is hereby determined to be the bid,of the lorvest responsible bTdder, and the president and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said Lanetti 8c Lametti, in the name of the Village for the improvement of said portion of said street by construction of said water main, according to the plans and specifications therefore which have hereto- fore been approved by this council and filed in the office of the clerk at the price specified in said bid, and which said contrae;t shall be approved as to form by the village Attorney, BE IT-FURTHER RESOLVED that the %erk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shau be retained until the contract has been signed. Hotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by kJillson, and or^ Rollcall there were three -ayes and no nays, ss follows: aye; and the Resolution was adopted. IKLlson, aye; %ley, aye; Christopher, I # ATTEST: // 6side t of the Village Councq Village Clerk Acting u c I Emgineer Smith reported on bids taken January 27, 1947, for the construction of sanitary sewer in Sanitary Sewer District No. 20, on Chowen Avenue, from Vest 56th Street to Vest 57th Street, and on West 57th Stbeet, from France Avenue to One-half Block East of Drew Avenue; stating that the 36,&3.15 bid of Lametti & Lanetti St. Paul, was about $1,800.00 below estimate, the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Utley offered RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID SANITARY SB.BR DISTRICT ?TO. 20 IJHl%EAS, Pursuant to advertisement for bids published ~- the Hennepin county %view, Hopkins, Rinnesota and the Construction Buuetin, Hinneapolis, Ninnesota on December 19, and 26, and January 2, 1947, for t he improvement of the following streets : . Chowen Avenue, from West 56th Street to IJest 57th Street; West 57th Street, from France Avenue to One-Half Block East of Drew Ave. by construction of sewer main therein, the following bids have been duly received and opened: Lametti & Lametti, St. Paul $6,443 A5 1. J.Donnelly Const. Co., St . Paul 7,69%. 80 Wfei & Ikiani, St. Paul 8,126 .OO Bart Carlone, St. Paul 9,026.10 the bid of $6,443.15 by hetti & betti, St; Paul, Minnesota is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder, and the pres5dent and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said Lametti & Lametti. in the name of the Village. for the improvement of said portion of said streets by construction of said sewer, according to the plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved by this council and filed with the office of the at the price specified in said bid, and which said contract shall be approved as to fom by the Village Attorney. Western Underground const. Coo St. Paul 6~9u.67 Phelps-Drake Co . , 1G.nneapolis 7,43 4. 00 THEREFORE B% IT RESOLVED by the Village council of %he Village of Edina that BE: IT rmRTHER RESOLVED that the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthvdth to all bidders the deposits made with their bids except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. I clerk Xotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by tJillsoh, and on Rollcall there 2/33/47 were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was ATTEST : r VJillson, aye; Utley, aye; and .. i Acting Village Clerk . Village Assessor Creighton reported progress in obtaining easements necessary I %* e+' i 3 Or for construction of storm sewer in Storrn Sewer District No. 12, This matter was tabled, pending filing of easements with clerk, further report by Engineer Smith, and legal opinion on procedure by Village Attorney. i Legal opinion on procedure for securing additional property near the Village Hall site was given. in writing, in order that it might be presented'to the School Board. Council requested Attorney Windhorst to make his report Legal opinion on pzocedure of reserving ten-foot utilities easement when vacating alley in ,lock 5, Mendelssohn, was given. to prepare the necessary resolution for vacating, with reservation that the center ten feet of this'alley Be retained for Utilities Easement. Village Attorney was requested Engineer Smith requested permission to advertise for cutback asphalt and Road Tar for Village maintenance work . be directed to'advertise for bids, for 10,000 Gallons, more or less, of Cutback Asphalt and 10,000 Gallson, more or less of Road Tar, with bids to be taken on February 24. Motion carried. ifr. Smith reported that he and Mr. lgillson had mebwith %.rArthur Peterson to discuss proposed contract for'garbgge collection, that Mr. eterson had agreed with the Council's redommendations except for one stipulation-that of his being required to serve six months' notice of termination of contract, which notice he wished to have reduced to three months. by motion Willson, seconded by Utley, to have the contract signed, with the stipulations that: 2. Liability Insurance be increased from $10,000/$20,000 to $50,000/$100,000; 3. That garbage be collected not less frequently than once a week and, during months of July, August, and September not less frequsntly than once every five days; contract is terminated. Motion carried. Willson moved, %ley, seconded, that Village %giker Village anager was directed, 1. Performance Bond in amount of $2,000.00 be furnished; 4. That three months' written notice shall be given by either party before Mr. Christopher reported that the Bill for assessing 50th Street Widening and France Avenue Archie H. 1-filler, and that Mr. Christopher had written for copy. aving had been introduced into the Legislature by Senator - Nr. Smith asked for permission to hire Minnesota Tree Service to repair boule- vard tree at 4521 Arden Avenue, at estimated cost of $22.00. 'ermission granted. .I lfr. Smith requested permission to advertise for bids for new police car. Notion by Utley, directing Village hager to advertise for bids for new police car, 6th said bids to be taken March 10, was seconded by Willson and carried. Application of George B. Davies, proprietor of E-Dinette at 5354 France Avenue, for license to sell cigarettes ffom March 1 to April 1, 194.7 was presented. Motion by Willson that license be granted was seconded by Utley and carried. With regard to the property at the North and East of East Mirror Lake, discussed earlier this evening, motion by %ley that Village Engineer be directed to make survey of Blackburn, Hutchinsoh, and neighboring property, to see how much land should be acquired for park purposes, was seconded by Willson and carried. Engineer Smith presented final plat of Brookline Second Addition for approval. Notion by Willson that final la% of Peder Nickelsonls Brookline Second Addition be approved, was seconded by 8 tley and carried. E4r. Willson reported that a meeting is being arranged between Village Officials, County Engineers, and Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway Engineers to discuss new bridges over tracks at'their intersection with Valley View Road, W. 70th Street and Benton Avenue. Letter of February 3, from C.W. Bros, with regard to park and playground facilities, was read. No action taken. I Upon approval of Village Attorney, Motion by Willson for approval of Surety Bonds of Treasurer, Clerk, Depbty Clerk, Clerk of Court and Constables, was seconded by %ley and carried. Nr, Smith reported that he had tamed kith ?,fro C.J. Swalen regarding his parking problem across 11. 50th Street from the Country Club, and that %. Swalen will check this at a later date and inform the council, Willson's motion that the council adjourn until 8:00 P.M. >Ionday, February 17, 1947 was seconded by %ley and carried, Acting Village Clerk "UTES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF TKE FEBRUARY 10, 194.7 lSGULAR &EATING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD AT 8:00 PA, FEBRUARY 17, 1947 AT THE EDINA VILUGE HALL. . Pursuant to*due notice and call, the adjourned portion of the Regular Meeting of February 10, 1947; convened at 8:OO P.M. February 17. present: Uillmn, Utley, Hawthorne, and Chiistopher. The followjag members were Legal opinion of Attorney Windhorst regarding procedure for Vacation of North- South Alley in Block 5, I-lendelssohn Addition, directed to publish and post notice of a public hearing on'the petition to vacate this alley, said hearing to be held March 10, 1947, at 8:OO P,ltl,, was seconded by 1'Jillson and carried. Motion by Utley that Clerk be Legal opinion of Attorney igindhorst, concerning procedure for gaining tine to property neighboring Village Hall site, was read. Mr. khdhorst was requested to outline full procedure and draw the deed for this property. Attorney 3lindhorst gave verbal opinion to the effect that Village Zoning Ordinance would have to be amended regarding area restrictions before a permit for the proposed twenty-apartment dwelling could be allowed; or, that an amendment setting up a definite multiple-dwelling district could be made. to secure the Planning Commission's opinion; and %. smith and Mk. Woehler were directed to prepare plan of the entire block from Halifaxto France, showing the buildings on France, and the present and proposed buildings on both sides of . Gorgas Avenue. Mr. Ilindhorst and I-Ir. Smith were asked to draft an amendment &o present Zoning Ordinance, establishing a multiple-dwelling district between 49th and 54th on France Avenue. Notion by Utley that the Council reject all bids for construction of Storm Sewer in Storm Sewer Di'strict No. 12, was seconded by Ilillson and unanimously carried, - council directed I&-. Smith ;* Utley offered the following Ordinance and moved its adoption: See 50 CRE3TING STOR4 SEZR DISTRICT NO. 12, AN ORDINANCE ATIID?DING AN ORDINANCE AS ADOPTED BY EDINA VILL4GE COUNCIL THE 2$!CH DAY OF OCTOEER, 1946: tf4l;. The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: Section 1. as adopted by the Village Council of the Village of Edina October 28, 1946, be amended to read as follows: District in the Village of Edina to be known as Storm Sewer District No. 12, the boundaries of which shall be as follows: That Section One of lrAn Ordinance Creating Storm Sewer District No, 12, There is hereby created and established a Storm Sewer ~ Beginning at the Southeast (SE) corner of Lot Twenty-Seven (271 Auditor's Subdivision Number 172; thence West on the South line of said Lot R-mty- Seven (27) a distance of Sixty-Nine (69) feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot Twenty-Seven (27); thence North on the West line of said Lot R.renty-Seven (27) a distance of Seven (7) feet to the Southeast (EX) corner of Lot Twenty-Eight, Auditor' s Subdivision Number 172; thence Hest on the North line of West 50th Street a distance of Six Hundred and Forty- Two Hundredths (600.42) feet more or less; thence North a distance of F"Dur"Hundred Fifty-Seven and Five-Tenths (457 ;5) feet ; thence East on 8 line parallel to and distant One Hundred Thirty-Five (135) feet North from the North line of the Street now known as Vest 495 Street a distance of Six Hundred Sixty-Nine and Forth-Two Hundredths ('699.42) feet niore or less to its point of intersection with the West line of France Avenue; thence South on the West line of France Avenue a distance of Four Hundred