HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470224_REGULAR2/24/47 MINUTES OF TKE; FGGULAFt 3IEETING OF THE FE;BRUARY 26, 1947, AT 8:00 P.M. IN EDINA VILLA& HALL. EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, Members present were Willson, Utley and Christopher. Gretchen Schussler, acted as' clerk. Deputy Clerk, Mr. H.R. Burton requested confirmation of permit to construct dwelling, with 35-foot setback, at 5108 France Avenue. permit be granted was seconded by Utley and carried. Minutes of the Meeting of February 10, 1947, and adjourned portion of this met.ting, as held February 17, 1947, were approved as submitted, by motion Utley, seconded by Willson and carried. Motion by FJillson thst I Motion by Willson that payroll in the amount of $3,188.90 be approved for payment, was seconded by Utley and, carried, NAME COUNCIL C , J . Christopher 7 Bower Hawthorne Harold C. Utley E.L. Zonne J.J. Duggan John lindhorst 'Ward B, Lewis Dr. L.M. Campbell ' George A. Willsoq Sub-t oLal E WGINIBRING Carl Miller Juel Belsaas Fred Jonas Ben Woehler Sub4 ot a1 ADMINISTRATIVE Phil W, Smith Gretchen Schussler Bernice 1.1, Johnson Helene Freeman Sub-total POLICE DEPARTXFXT Hilding S. Dah1 W.S. Heydt Clayton Erickson Clarence A. Knutson Donald A. Nelson Wm. V. Hoffman Sub-t ot a1 J STREET $%N - FEG. Philip Bailey Sam Roberts Pete Dahlgren Matt Nerf eld John Tracy Harry Janos Arthur Jensen Ronald P. Port August Gust af son Sub-t otal STREET $EN - IiRLY. Sam %Cready Charles xohnson Jacob S&ak Edward Lee ,Sub4 otal TOTAL PAYROLL 'CLAIM # GROSS 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 786 787 788 789 782 783 7% 785 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 850 . 00 50 . 00 35.00. 35.00 35.00 30,OO ._ 75.00 75 00 30.00 415.00 110 . 00 162 . 50 80 , 00 137.50 490.00 250.00 110.00 75 00 62 . 50 497.50 125.00 100.00 107 . 50 107 . 50 102.50 95 .OO 637.50 120 , 00 I 107.50 107 . 50 110,oo 97 50 97 50 61.50 61.50 m 860 . 50 79.90 84.00 86 . 70 37.80 288 . 40 W. TAX 11 . 10 15.80 9.9- 11 . 70 48 . 50 33.30 15 000 12.80 67 . 90 6.80 ' 9.70 5 040 10 40 .6 . 40 5.70 12.30 49 90 5.00 6.40 10 40 7.10 4.70 8.70 42.30 5.60 2.70 7.00 6 -30 21.60 3,188.90 230.20 OTHER NET - . $50 , 00 50.00 35 000 35.00 35 000 30.00 75.00 75 .oo 30.00 415 . 00 HOSP . 98.90 1.50 145.20 70 10 1.50 124.30 3.00 438.50 1.50 215.20 75 94.25 62.20 -75 540.95 3.00 426.60 UNIFOR.74 1.50 107.80 6.00 1.50 87.10 '6.00 1.50 93.60 2.00 1.50 93.60 6.00 1.50 94.80 .50 .75 75.95 6.00 8.25 552.85 26.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 12.00 1.50 115 . 00 95.60 101,40 96 , 00 60.00 87.30 99.60 91.30 60.00 806.20 74.30 1.50 79 . $0 79.70 31.50 1.50 265.30 - EWesota Hospital Service Association 809 $28 . 50 Midland National Bank & Trust Go. Withholding Taxes for February $10 511.10 First Edina State Bank Transfer of Funds 4782 3,188 . 90 Fursuant to Advertisement for Bids published ih Hennepin County Review February 13, 1947, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, bids were opened and publicly read for the furnishing, hea5ing and applykg of 10,000 Gallons more or less of Cutback Asphalt and 10,000 Gallons more or less of Road Tar, as follows: CUTBACK ASPHALT ROAD TAR ROAD OIL Per Gal. Per Gal. Per. Gal. Alexander Const. Go . , 1-beapolis SO . 12 -0- -e Republic Creosoting Go., St, Louis Park -0- $0.1375 -0- Jay IT. Craig Go. 0 . 115 -e 9O.U Bury & Carlson, Inc. 0 . 1175 0,1390 -0- Glenn Johnson Contracting, St. Louis park -x- HOT RXAI)Y NIXED BLACKTOP $4.50 Per Ton Notion by Wills6n that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and comparison was seconded by Utley and carried. Insurance proposals by Fred L. Gray Company; Nickels i% Smith, Robert D. Brown, . Agent; Hardware 'KutuaL Casualty Company of Stevens Point, l&sconsin; and American l2utual Liability Insurance company, covering Village Insurance policies ex&ing during lhrch and April, were received and referred to VilltLze &uager for tab- ulation. 1.k. John Person requested permission to erect a small barn on the north porbion of Block 28, Eendelssohn, between Waterman and Blake Road. Notion by I?illson that permit be &loved was seconded by Utley and carried. Messrs. Ray 1-filb;reth and Frederick &reke, owners of abutting property, requested that Adam Avenue, between Belmore Eane and Halaney, be put to grade, gentlemen were instructed to circulate a petition among the property oxners, for this project. Nr. Nilbreth requested permission to remodel "his garage for temporary use as living quarters.' Permit denied. Er. Eilbreth then brought 'to the attention of the Council the insanitary conditions now existing in his immediate neighborhood. he would register complabt with the Village Manager, these conditions would be inves5igated by the Health Officer. Hrs. Dorothy Richter requ&ted that "V. 60th Street be put to grade, b+ween Hansen Road znd IJormandale Boulevard. Upon report that entire right-oT-way had not yet been secured,::and 1-fr. I.?illson's report that the Village had formerly attempted to secure a right-of-way for this spne road, Village Iknsgez? was directed to contzct DF. Stone in an attempt to secure his deed. I The He was that that if 14essms. 3ergquist and Oaswell requested report as to the operating cost of their proposed water sptem in N;itional Builders' ltCountrysidelf. by Hr, Yoehler, with copies to Bergquist and Camell. directkid to contact 1-k. Leo QWst as to possibility of selling Special Assessment I.farr&ts to cover the cost of construction of water mains in this subdivision . Ihnager Smith reported that the Planning Comkssion would appreciate having the Council's ccmnitment on their llRecommendations One, Two, Three, and Four of August 13, 1946; i,,e,, that the Councjl find ways and means Go- Secure thoroughfare from Skyline to Edina Highlands; Remove the barricade fromthe intersection of Sunnyside Road and Reclaim, for through traffic, the vacated portion of Bridge Lane, from Straightea the curved portion of Golf Terrace hediately north of Report given Village Engineer was I, 2. 3. 4. Highway No. 169; Arden Avenue, east ; Ld-ceview Drive ,, I 2/24/47 119 1. 2. 3. 14 . 4 I'lotion: by \Ellson that proposed connection between Skyline and Zdina Highlands be abondoned, because of the newly secured thru- connection between Highway ,4' 169 and Interlachen Boulevard in the new plats, Wirror Lakes in Edina" and "Edina Highlands Second Addition", was seconded by Utley a??d czrried. - 2 After due discussion as to the rddth, and windihg character of Sunnyside Road, and the amomt of traffic which would be carried providing ';he barrier was removed, it was Mayor ChristopMer' s of Sunnyside and Highway ,#169. be sllowed Lo remain was seconded by lJillson and carried. Upon thorough review of the reasons for the action taken by the Village Councils of 1936, 1937 amd 1938, in vacating Bridge Lme, from Arden Avenue east, Utley moved that the Council take no action to reclaim Bridge Lane for through-traffic, seconded by 'c;Tillson and carried. recomendation that the barrier remain as is, at the intersection Motion by Utley that said barrier - Notion After discussion as to the advisability of straightening the curved portion of Golf Terrace, the Village Engineer was directed to investigate the easements secured for sewer, water and gas mains along the vacated portion or" Golf"Terrace, and upon completion of investigation, to invite the developers of Golf Terrace Heights to confer with the Council with regard to correcting this situation. I-1r. Smith reported on the Plannihg Commissionls recommendation that all preliminary plats be approved by the Council upon presentation by the Planning Commission, recommendation be followed, was seconded by Willson and carried. Nr. Smith presented the planning Commission's request that they have the Councilts recommendation as to procedure in"considering the preliminary plat of Carl $1. H,msen!s "Parkwood KnollsI', in which streets have already heen graded. the fall of 19L~5, after the Planning Commission had been created but before the now established platting procedure had been adopted. Motion by Utley thzt this plat, together with proper survey, be considered as a preliminary plat--together with memoranda as to whether the roads can bo conveniently changed without damage to the developer, in view of the fact that the roads were graded prior to the establishment of regulation procedure-was seconded by Willson and carried. Motion by Utley that the Planning commission!^ I It 7~x3 reported that this grading had been completled in Nr. Windhorst reported that he had not heard from the. School Board with regard to the deed to the Village Hall site, and asked that this matter be referred to the meeting of March 24. Request granted, 1-f.r. Itillson asked that the system for calling out the Minneapolis Fire Dcpartrnent be clarified. with Fire Chief hiley in 1946, he had written Chief Traeger to accept calls for direct service by the Minneapolis Fire Department, fromthe following only: Chief Bailey, Asst. Chief Miller, and T4.J.Nerfeld of the Fire Dersartment; any member of the Edina Police Force; any member of the Village Council; or the Village bnqer. Nr. Bailey was requested to give a copy of this schedule to the members of the Edina Commercial Club at their next meeting. Upon report of Fire Chief Bailey that a Fire Ordinance was needed in the Villap, Nessrs Bailey and Woehler were directed to obtain model ordinances, for reference to Nr. FJindhorst . 3Ianagsr Smith reported that, after conferring Report by Mr. Utley, that Employees Retirement Fund Bill now awaits Governor's signature, PELS read and acepted. Letter from St.. Peter's Lutheran Church, requesting street light at Fuller and France, was read. was seconded by utley and carried. Notion by l?illson that request be granted, Request for clothing, from E.A. S@matiadis of Trikkala,Greece was read. Village i*ianager was directed to refer this request to Nessrs. Kordalis and Coralis. I20 J\ With regard to the request of ',der Hickelsen for permit to build 20- apartment building on France Avenue between 51st and 52nd Street, I~k. Srnith reported the Planning Commission's recommendation that -&ne Council adhere to the area restrictions now set forth by the Zoning Ordinance, Willson that the Planning Commissionts redommendation be followed was seconded by Utley and carried, Notionby Smith reported receiving application for permit to establish a chicken Motion by utley that permit be denied was seconded by ranch at 5620 Normandale Road, on the Sanzone property. Wjndhorst was read, kJillson ahd carried. Opinion of Attorney Attorney Ifindhorst reported that no easement had been received from Xr. Thomas, for storm sewer District # 13* I&. Thomas and Attorney Dres for this easement, in order that contract for sexer construction can be signed, Re. Smith was directed to contact Clerk read, for the second consecutive time "An Ordinance Providing For, The Regular Collection And Disposal of Garbage or Refuse, The. Imposition of An Obligation To Pay Cost Thereof On the Omers of The Property Served, And The Assessment Against The Property Served Of Unpaid Charges UDder Ninnest&a Statutes, 1945, See,*. 1-fotion by Utley that Clerk be directed to post Notice of Hearing on this Ordinance, said hearing to be held I-larch 10, 1947, at 8:OO PJh, was seconded by tillson and carried. Nr* Christopher reported that Edina's bill, for the assessment on France Avenue laving aad 50th Street Widening has passed both Houses. offered the follotring Resolution and moved its adoption: tiillson BE IT RESOLVED that the Village Council express their sincere appreciation to Senator Archie H. Niller and Representative George 14atcha.n for expediting the Bill pertainirig to the assessmerrt of France Avenue'paving and I?. 50th Street Widening. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED for the cooperation of for Chis Bill. BE IT FZIRTHE;R RESOLVED that the Council also express their appreciation the entire Legislature in voting favorable I that copies of this Resolution be fomrarded to Senator Itiller and Representative Ihtchan, Motion to adopt the Resolution .r.ms seconded by &ley and upon Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Eesolution was adopted, Yillson, aye; %ley, aye; Christophe A p_roposal from 14iEk-iItry and Krafft, with regard ta propose6 work on the Village Hall, was read and rsferred to Kr. Utley for further study and conference with the Architects, Engineer Smith presented Plans A and B for grading in the vicini-by of Rolf Avenue, 65th and 66th Street; cost of plan A being $3,314..52, or $1*.!+,5 per front foot; and cost of plan B being $6,109.29, or $,961 per front foot, &. Smithws instructed to contact petitioner I?aller, informing him of these costs, and asking that he secure more signers to his petition in case he still w5shed the work done, by Utley, that the Heeting be adjourned untfl Friday, February 28, 3t l:3O P.K, was seconded by Willson and Carrie 'i .. .a .. 3: - \Notion to direct Village Engineer to prepare assessment rolls for Sanitary Sewer No, 19 was made by Utley, seconded by Willson and carried,