HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470310_REGULAR122 3/10/47 I.pNUTES OF THE REGULAE! TIIE;ETING OF THE ILGtCH 10, 1947, AT 8:OO P.H., IN THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD I.fOX!!AY, EDINA VILLAGE W. c Nembers present were Willson, Hawthorne, and Christopher . 1.Iinutes of the Keeting of Februnry 24, 1947 were epproved as submitted by motion ?lillson, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Motion by Ilillson, approving payment of Village 'ayroll in amomit of $3,096.U, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. NAPE ADi,XXISTRalTIVE Phil V. Smith - Gretchen Schussler Bernice 3:. Johnson Helene Freeman Sub4 otal EN9%EERDJG Carl Killer Juel Belsaas Fred Jonas Een Voehler Sub-t otal Ih. S. -Heydt Clayton Erickson Donald A. Nelson th. V. Hoffman Clarence A. Knutson Subtotal STREET DEFT. FEG, Philip Bailey Sam Roberts Fete Dahlgren Iktt Kerf eld John Tracy . Harry Jonas Arthur Jensen Ronald F. Port August Gustaf son Sub-t otal .I ST-WT PEFT, HRLY. Sam McCready Charles Johnson Jacob Shmak Edward Lee E,C. Pfeiffer Donald Kurry Sub-total TOTAL PAYROLL PAID CLAST1 # I GROSS 250.00 llo.00 75.00 62.50 497 . 50 110.30 162.50 95 . 00 137.50 505.00 125.00 loo. 00 107 . 50 102.50 95 . 00 107.50 637.50 131.0h 122.38 118.66 123 050 106.50 106.50 109.88 113.25 1,029.21 97-50 78.20 78.20 8.40 133.20 36.80 427.20 3,096 .U 92 40 OTHER - W, TAX 33.30 15.00 12.80 6.80 67 . 90 - llJ0 15 . 80 12.30 - 1L70 50.90 9.70 5-40 14.30 5.70 12,30 6.40 53 080 6.40 9.00 12.40 9.00 6.40 2.80 - 8.70 54.70 5.60 4.00 5.60 1.43 - 16.63 243 . 93 6.00 6.00 2.00 6.00 6.00 25% 26 . 00 NET 216 e 7a 62.20 U9.60 98-90 146.70 82 . 70 125 -80 454.10 95.00 I 55-70 107,30 38.60 93.20 96.80 76.70 95 -10 557 70 124.64 113 038 106.26 114.50 106.50 100.10 107 . 08 113.25 . , 88.80 974.51 72.60 88 . 40 72.60 6.97 133.20 36.80 2,826.48 UO.57 Koticm by havthorne, approving papent of claims as follows, was seconded by i"hllson and carried: md-ERAL FUND E.1. Dupont Denemours t~ Co. -4783 6.93 A.B.C. Oxygen Tent Rental Service Hardware 1.iUGual Casualty Co. Nine Safety Appliances Co. Houghton Plbg. & Heating City Treasurer, City of 1.1pls. Norell & Hichols, Inc. Villspe of Hopkins Thornwon Lumber Co. Killer l?svis Co. A.B. Dick Co. Comnissioner of Administration 4784 4785 4786 4787 4788 4789 4790 4791 4792 4793 4794 3 -00 635.82 10 . 78 9.00 350.00 598 . 12 400 . 00 5 34 101 . 62 15 030 15 50 123 Donald Haeg 4795 Harry W. Butts 4796 All-Bilt Unif oms, Inc . 4797 Edina Volunteer Firemen's Belief Hssn. 4798 Arthur 'et er sen 4799 Young Fuel Co. 4800 Lyle Signs, Inc. . 4801 Berg Se Farnhm Co. 4802 H.V. Johnston %lvert Co. 4804 United Stites Steel Cupply 4806 , Oscar Roberts & Co. 4805 H.C. Alden 4807 4818 Northern States Power Co. 4826 Edina Hardware 4827 Northwgst ern Bell Telephone 4828 Fred L, Gray Co. 4s29 Hennepin County Review 483 0 Federated Hardware htuals Co. 483 1 H.A. Rogers Co. 483 2 Borey s Shell Stat ion Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board 4808 Northern States Power 8U Hnnrietta Moreau 4809 Alex Creight on 4810 Glacier Sand & Grovel Co. 4811 Chas B. Elzea 4812 Bart Carlone 4813 Hennepin County Review 483 0 H.A. Rogers Co. 4832 Hardware Indem. Ins. Cob 4814 W.E. Lahr Co. 4815 Brookside Service Ststirjn 4817 Borey' s Shell Station 4818 Nn. H. giegler Co., Inc. 4819 Woehler Bros . 4820 Ninneapolis Gas Light Co. 4821 E.@. Pfeiffer 4822 Dahlberg Bros. Inc. 4823 Pirestone Stores , 4824 Commissioner of Tuation- Fetroleum Div. 4825 Northern States Power Co. 4826 Edina Hardware 4827 Northwestern Bell Telephone 4828 Fred L. Gray Co. 4829 Hennopin county Review 483 0 Federated Hsrdware %tuals 4831 Edina Pure oil 4816 15.00 3 .OO 3E.00 349 . 64 667 . 48 55 .87 71 40 4.04 52.48 3.75 19-42 16 . 50 .50 723 48 ,33.80 70.00 18.35 4.19 POOR FUND 388.09 SE'tER RENTAL ' 1.99 S.D.# 8 84.25 P.I.R. FUND 150.00 44.81 5.00 1,892.27 10.35 3 .OO 2,105.43 EQUIPmNT RENTAL ' 207.43 2.00 8.89 122.22 105 99 300.30 23.40 171 . 40 10 . 00 ' 93.70 7.26 7.56 23 29 2.63 11.15 408 . 05 4.05 128.94 1,710.26 TOTAL $8,927 . 15 In sccordance with Advertisement for Bids for Police Car, as published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, on February 20 and 27, 1947, the following bids were publicly opened and read by the Clerk: .. Plymouth Deluxe Six Pas. Coupe Edins Garage, Inc,, 4940 France Gross $1379 . 92 Less Tax 60.00 Le S s Trade& (4-Dr. Fd650 00 NET 669 95 Add, Charge on Super Deluxe 63 so 733 45 Ford Super DeLure Sed= Coupe Gross , 1405.35 Less Tax 67.60 Less Trqde in 4 Dr,.Fd.428.75 PET 910,oo Plpnouth 2-Door Sedan $1342.95 , '1 58.00 63.50 698.45 Ford Super FORD DeLuxe Tudor 1371.62 1266.37 65A7 60.62 Lk2zzL 780 00 m 880 , 00 Kotion by !?illson, ref erring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Nr. :;Tillson, upon receiving from Ur. hith the tabul*-tion of bids on cutback asphalt and road tar taken Februwy 24, moved that contrzct for cutback Asphalt be awarded to Jay W. Craig ad Co. at G.115 per Gallon, and that contrect for Road Tar be awwded.to Republic Creosoting 00. at 5.1375 per Gallon, and that Clerk b e directed to return all certified checks, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. &tion Fursuant to Xotice ,of Hearing published in the Hennepin Fountjr Review, Hopkins, ITmnesc&a on February 20, 1947, and posted upon three official bulletin Boards in this Village, public hearing was held on Forth-South alley in Block 5, Ilindelssohn Addition. hearing to offer either objection or recomend.ttion, and no written objection ms filed with the Clerk.' kkllson offered the following Resolution and moved .its adoption: he petition for vacation ofthe No one appared at the WSOLUTION VAC.:TIIJG ALLEY I;?JEX.1S, a majority of the o-rmers of the land abutting on the alley hereinafter described in the Villay of Edina, Hennepin County, I.iinnesota, have ptitioned for the vac;?tion of said alley; and XE33.'G, one (1) week's published notice aEd pos%ed notice of a hearing to he hid on szid petition an wrd mde, and c2 heztrinz h?s bcer17hereon by the Village Council; h 10, 19b7, at 8:OO F.II., has been given IfCX TH;;=3LFCE, % IT FZSOLlWI b::. the Villz-e Counc5.l of the Villire of 'Edina, Hennepin County, llinnesota, that - Th3.t certain alley running in a nort'nerly sand southerly direction 22d lying between the eaztere linz of L&s Cne (1) to five (5) imlusivs, Block Five (5) Eiendefssohn, md the Tresterly TYme of Lots 35~ (6) to Ten (10) inclusive, Block Five (5) Ikndelssohn, is hereby .r,czted; provided thit szid Vil-lLge ~zcepts froin this vzcaticn proceeding end.rescrves u,Co itself ai2 its xsigns zn emement for 311 public utiPit,:: purposes, kcluding, rfkhout biting tho generzl n&ure of said r3servation, an essemmt for Electric, gas, semr, :rater, ad Telephone eqwipmnt 02, ever or under the center ton- feet in xidth of the alley hereby vacated. 3/10/47 i Pursuant to Hotice of Hearing, posted on all official bulletin boards in this village as of February 27, 194'7, affidavit of posting being mad by Clkrk, public hearing was held on the proposed llOrdinance providing for the re,aular collection and disposal of garbage or refuse, the knposition ,of 2n obligation to pay cost thereof on the owners of the property served, and the assessment against the property-served of unpaid charges under Minnesota Statutes, 1945, Sec. 443.0151i, No one appeared in objection to the passage of this Ordinance; and no written objections had been filed with Clerk. this proposed Orpin9nce was tabled until the meeting of I'iIarch 24, 1947. Because of the absence of two members of the Council 125 Nr. George Christopher, owner of the ten-acre tract lying between Concord and Ifiooddale Avenues and directly South of Tower Street, requested permission to divide and sell his land by metes-and-bounds descriptions. was told tha% the Council had no ordinance preventing such division. was suggested, however, that Mr. feet, in order, to make Tuwer Street a full 60-foot right-of-way, that he consider the Southerly extension of St. Johns in ding his division, and that he make up a sketch shoTwing his proposed division of property, bringing it before the council for their consideration. Petition signed by owners of 68.9% of the property abutting Thielen Avenue, requesting construction of curbing and new sidewalk, was reed. Willson and Smith reported that damage to the sidewalk was result of the work by the 7PA sewer crew, and for this reason recommended that one-half the cost of the sidewalk construction be paid by the General Fund. Notion by Willson that Council accept petition, agree to pay one-half the cost of sidewalk construction, and direct Village Attorney and Village Engineer to initiate proceedings, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Mr. Christopher It dedicate zn additional five ' Nessrs. Messrs. Ashworth and &IacBrien presented print of their final plat, "Edina ParR'' They were given an unofficial approval aw to the general lay-out plan, but informed that council could not sign final plat until they re- ceived the actual plat of record signed by the Planning Codssion, Petition for blacktopping was filed with this print, and accepted, by motion ICillson, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. , The Planning Commission' s recommendation, that !!Code Avenuet1 in Codes Highland Park be changed to Wessex -4~enue'~ .and that Wessex Avenuert be approved as a street name for Edina Park, was read. that the presently named '!Code Avenue'!, in Codes Highland Park be renamed Wessex Avenuet1 was seconded by i?illson and carried, of this Motkon by Hawthorne Mrs. Hildur E. Kindy!s request for street light at the corner of 64th and Rolf was read. general location with regard to a plan for street lighting. Willson, referring request to Nr, Smith for further study was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Engineer Smith asked for time to make study of this Motion by Request for respread of unpaid portion'of Trunk' Sewer District # 1, Sanitary Sewer District # 13, and Street Improvement on Beard Avenue, from unplatted property in Section 20, Zownship 28, Range 24, to the newly platted "Edina Hillsti Addition was read. Corvlcil for their approval, by the Village Engineer, Approving respread of unpaid portion of Trunk Sewer District # 1, Sanitary Sewer District # 13, and Street Improvement on Beard Avenue, from unplatted property in Section 20, Township 28 Range 24, to the newly platted "Edina directing the Village %erk to forward these respreads to the County Auditor for record, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. The reqwsted respreads were presented to the Notion by Willson HilW1 Addition, as filed with the t illage Council March 10, 194'7; and Engineer Smith gave a report on the calculation of the assessment roll for Sanitary Sewer District No. 19, stating that, figuring $5,807.00 contr.act price, eight percent for legal clerical and engineering, $464.56, and 10% for contingencies, the total cost would be $6,900.30; or a cost. of -&3O per assessable foot on 1604,72 assessalbe feet. Hawthorne"'6Ffered thk a following Resoluteon and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPOSED ASSESSMENT SANITARY -SEMER DISTRICT NO. 19 WHEREAS, the Engineer selected by the Village Council has calculated the proper amount 'to be specially a.ssessed for sewer constructed in West 49th Street, from France Avenue to Maple Road in Sanitary Sewer District & 19, and has calcul3ted the amount to be specially assessed against each lot, piece or prcel of land abutting upon said portion of said street, and a tabulation thereof has been duly prepared and filed xdlhthe clerk in duplicate as 3 proposed assessment, and has been laid before the Village Council at this present meeting, held not more than ten days after the filing thereof, nox theref ore, , BE IT RESOLVEI] by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the totzl cost of said sewer'-is hereby determined to be $6,q00.30. L. I3E IT FURTHZR RESOLVED that said proposed assegment is hereby approved and the clerk iz directed Co cause notice to be published in the Bemepin County Review on %rch 13, 1947, that the ViIlx:e Council 7dll pass upon said proposed assessment at its next regular session, to be held 2t the Villa-e Hall on Ikrch 24, 1947, at 8:OO P,>L Hotion to adopt t he Resolution was there were three ayes and no nzp, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the ATTEST : seconded by \Bllson, and on Rollcall as follows : Resolution was adopted. Iillson, zye; Hawthorne, Nr, Smith reported th3t contract for garbzge collection had not yet been signed, Kr. Smith was directed to have this matter settled before the next remar meeting, Smith reported that upon complaint of neighbors as filed February 24, he and Dr, Campbell had made investigation of the premises at Lots 3, 24, 25 and 26, Block 9, Yest Ninneapolis Heights; and that they had found wood piles, but no strepm garbage or rubbish, directed to make periodic checks on the sanitary conditions in this neighborhood. 1.k. Smith was Proposal of HcEnaqy& Krafft, Architects, to make preliminary studkes and drawings for the alteration and completion of the Edina Village Hall, at a bate of $6.09 per hour, was presented. that offer of NCEnary pd Krafft be accepted was seconded by ?ELlson and carried. Engineer Smith requested Attorney L%ndhorst s opinion on the possibility of the Village's pving France Avenue without petition of the mjority of the property owners. He vas informed that construction could proceed without petition under Chapter 282, kws of 1903, 'which provide for &. Christopher reported that Dr. Fred I.Jill would circulate petition, %gineer be instructed to proceed with consultation with property otmers along Frmce Avenue frcn '-'I. 49th Street to the North Village Limits, relative to paving Prance Avenue, and the installation of new curbing and sidewalk, and th3t he be directed.to notify ihterested parties that the Village r&ll pay one-half the cost of the paving. I4otion by Hawthorne . assessment over a meun of three years. Hawthorne moved that Villase Er. E.R. l3urton's letter of I.hrch 5, 1947, regarding park dedication in the proposed plat, i*Indian Hills in Edina" was read. informally discussed, znd 14r. Svith was directed to discuss the mtler rdth the Planning Codssion, t.kking of establishing some litnits as to minimum lot size in a plat where the five per cent park dedic-rtion rule vould applF. The letter was into consideration the advisability Hr, Snith presented A.R. Nichols' March 4, 3-94" study of the preliminary plat, "Parhood KnoKLsIf, by Carl E, Hansen. Commission, that preliminmy pl2-L be approved as per &. Richolsl study, pras reported. 11Parkwood Knolls", as revised by Mr. Nichols! March 4 study, be approved, was s econded by Yillson 2md carried. Recornendation of Planning Xotion by Hawbhorne that PrelWary plat of Nr, Smith peported that, pursumt to instructions by the Council, he had checked at the Courthouse for utilities easements across Lots @e, Eight, and Nine Block 2, Golf Terrace Heights, and had found none on record, Letter dated 1Iarch 5, 1947, from I.Irs. A.H. McGlpn, 4748 Lakeview Drive, regarding the proposed straightening of Golf Terrace, vns read. action taken, , No Application of Everett Garrison, for permission to move two hog houses to his premises on Valley View Road, was presented. permits be denied. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Willson moved that c In discussion as to the present Zoning Ordinance, Mr. Nindhorst was directed to prepare an amendment to this Ordinance, limiting the defination of rlFadngtr Oral complaint of Ik. Trafzer, that Don McClellan is again operating .a cormnerc5al business on his premises at 6201 Peacedale Avenue, was reported by Mr. Smith. his attention, This matter ms referred to %. Windhorst for Mr. Smith reported LeRoy Balfanz application for permit to operate a used-car lot on the premises of the Edina Pure Oil Station at 50th 2nd Halifax. Application referred to Village Manager for further study. There being no further business to come before the Council, Hawthorne!s ,motion for ndjourement wasseconded by Willson and carried. 3IIWTES OF THE MGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, MARCH 24,. 19.47, A? 8:OO P.M., IN THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. Nembers present were Zonne, FJillson, Hawthorne and Christopher. Nr. D.J, Bren, representing the Ninneapolis Street Railway Company, presented the following Resolution 'for the Council' s approval: RESOLUTION 'WHEREAS, the Ninnenpolis Street kilwzy Compzny intends to plccce in operation on a temporary basis a bus line on West 50th Street in the City of Minneapolis, which sill terminate at 50th Street and France Avenue; and * WHEREAS3 the ViI-Zage Council has received numerous requests for a westerly extension of. said line in the- Village of, Edina: and IEREAS the Ninneapolis Street Railway Company is willing to ' inaugurste 3.60 day trial operation of. the exbensbon requested. I >TOW3 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVZD, by the Village council of the Villzge Compmy to ths N&nesota bilroad and Ewehouse Commission for CL temporary Certificzte of 'ublic Convenience 2nd Necessity pefmitting 'cho operztior of a %rid crossto~m bus LIne over the following describsd r>J.'ie: iritersection. of France Avenue South and Yest 50th Street; thence westerly on 50th Street to Wooddale Avenue; thence southerly on Wooddale Avenue to 56th Street; % retwning via the sane route: c of Edin-2 th?% it approves the petition of the 1Gnneapolis Street h,i17fzy Comumciid Gt t he That the total len&h of the trial bus route extension (round Tri;?) is ipprovixm.teLy 2.5 miles. I33 IT FUZHEIZ RESOLVXD th:t the operation of said bus line be on a trial basis for a period of sixty d3,ys, under the following conditions: during the shcy-days trial period the bus does not carry an average of at le3.st 4.5 totzl passengers per bus mile of operation, the Village Council does consent that the, R-!.ilroad and krchouse Codssion permit the discontinuznce of said bus Line, If The operction of the trial period to commence as soon as bus equipment is available . The fare to be charged @B %he %r5aX bus lines for o one-way ride within the Villzge of Edina, to be five cents (53) cash.