HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470324_REGULARApplication of Everett Garrison, for permission to move two hog houses to his premises on Valley View Road, was presented. permits be denied. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Willson moved that c In discussion as to the present Zoning Ordinance, Mr. Nindhorst was directed to prepare an amendment to this Ordinance, limiting the defination of rlFadngtr Oral complaint of Ik. Trafzer, that Don McClellan is again operating .a cormnerc5al business on his premises at 6201 Peacedale Avenue, was reported by Mr. Smith. his attention, This matter ms referred to %. Windhorst for Mr. Smith reported LeRoy Balfanz application for permit to operate a used-car lot on the premises of the Edina Pure Oil Station at 50th 2nd Halifax. Application referred to Village Manager for further study. There being no further business to come before the Council, Hawthorne!s ,motion for ndjourement wasseconded by Willson and carried. 3IIWTES OF THE MGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, MARCH 24,. 19.47, A? 8:OO P.M., IN THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. Nembers present were Zonne, FJillson, Hawthorne and Christopher. Nr. D.J, Bren, representing the Ninneapolis Street Railway Company, presented the following Resolution 'for the Council' s approval: RESOLUTION 'WHEREAS, the Ninnenpolis Street kilwzy Compzny intends to plccce in operation on a temporary basis a bus line on West 50th Street in the City of Minneapolis, which sill terminate at 50th Street and France Avenue; and * WHEREAS3 the ViI-Zage Council has received numerous requests for a westerly extension of. said line in the- Village of, Edina: and IEREAS the Ninneapolis Street Railway Company is willing to ' inaugurste 3.60 day trial operation of. the exbensbon requested. I >TOW3 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVZD, by the Village council of the Villzge Compmy to ths N&nesota bilroad and Ewehouse Commission for CL temporary Certificzte of 'ublic Convenience 2nd Necessity pefmitting 'cho operztior of a %rid crossto~m bus LIne over the following describsd r>J.'ie: iritersection. of France Avenue South and Yest 50th Street; thence westerly on 50th Street to Wooddale Avenue; thence southerly on Wooddale Avenue to 56th Street; % retwning via the sane route: c of Edin-2 th?% it approves the petition of the 1Gnneapolis Street h,i17fzy Comumciid Gt t he That the total len&h of the trial bus route extension (round Tri;?) is ipprovixm.teLy 2.5 miles. I33 IT FUZHEIZ RESOLVXD th:t the operation of said bus line be on a trial basis for a period of sixty d3,ys, under the following conditions: during the shcy-days trial period the bus does not carry an average of at le3.st 4.5 totzl passengers per bus mile of operation, the Village Council does consent that the, R-!.ilroad and krchouse Codssion permit the discontinuznce of said bus Line, If The operction of the trial period to commence as soon as bus equipment is available . The fare to be charged @B %he %r5aX bus lines for o one-way ride within the Villzge of Edina, to be five cents (53) cash. 3/24/47 B3 IT FUIZTHER ESOLVXD that the Village Council hereby requests the . IZeilroad and %rehouse Commission of the State of 15innFsota to approve said petition and issueidits order gating a temporary Certificztes of Public Convenience and ecessity permitting the trial operation of said bus line in accordance with the tsrns and conditions of this resolution, Hawthorne offeredthe zbove named Resolution and moved its adoption. Xotion for adoption KSS seconded by Willson, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no Rays, BS follows: qre; and Christopher, aye; and the Besolution wc?s adopted, Zonne, aye; kJillson, aye; Hawthorne, ATTEST : President oftheTVillage Council _1 I-lotion by Havhhorne thrzt ?.$InUtes of the.Adjourned Portion of the 1.leeting of Febmary 24, the Special Keeting of hrch 3, and the Regular heting of %rch 10, 1947, be r?pproved as submitted, Notion seconded by IJillson and carried, Notion by Villson, approving payrolls in t he amount of $3,387.80, WLS seconded by Hmthorne znd carried. CLAIM 8 IIfvE GOUEII%IL C, J. Christopher -- - GROSS PAY OTHER - H03P. IGT PAY 50.00 50.00 35.00 ' 35 00 35.00 30.00 75 00 75 00 Bower Hmthorne Cemge KLlson H.C. Utley EA, Zonne J.J. Duggan John 3ErKlhorst Yard 13. Lewis Dr. L,N. Campbell 850 . 30.00 Sub4 Ot a1 4-3-5 000 30.00 415 e 00 AIII*mSTEWTIVE Phil 21. Smith 8.51 250.00 33.30 1.50 215.20 Gretchen Schussler 852 110,oo 15 . 00 075 94.25 Eermice Johnson 853 75 e00 12.80 1.50 60.70 Helene Freeman 854 62 . 50 6.80 075 54.95 - Sub-t ot a1 497 50 67 90 4*50 425.10 EIJGD-ING Carl Hiller Juel Belssas Fred Jonas Een Voehler . Sub-t Ot d. I, ll0,oo 162 . 50 103 . 00 11.10 15,80 14. 70 98 30 93 030 1.50 145.20 124.30 1.50 3.CO 461.70 11.70 53.30 POLICE 9EPT. Hilding S. Dah1 9.70 6.00 5.40 6.00 14.30 2.00 6.40 6.00 5.70 859 860 861 862 863 864 1.50 107.E30 1.50 87.10 1.50 89.70 1.50 93.60 1050 95.30 125.00 100 . eo 107 . 50 107 . 50 102 . 50 95.00 637 50 Th, S.-Heydt Cliiyton Erickson Clarence A. Knutson' Donald A. "elson Tim. V. Hof" man Sub-t otal 12.30 6.00 , .75 75.95 53.80 26.00 8.25 549.45 STREXT DEFT. FEG. Phil Bailey 120,oo 5.00 107 . 50 6.40 107.50 10 . 40 llo.00 7010 97.50 97 50 4.70 97.50 97. SO 835*80 33.60 Sam Roberts Pete Dahlgren lhtt I.Ierf eld John Tracy Harry Jonas Arthur 'ensen Ronald p. Port Sub-t otal 129 i \ STRF;ET MEN HRLY. Sam McCready 873 74.80 4.90 Charles Johnson 874 92 . 40 4.00 Jacob Shmak 875 $31.60 5.90 Kermit C. Knutson 876 88.00 11.30 Sub-t 0% a1 3353 26 .io 69 . 90 1.50 86 . 90 75.70 _I_ 76.70 1.50 309e20 Loris 0, Lxrson 877 148 . OG 9.80 138.20 TOTAL PAYROLL 3,38'8.80 244.50 26,oo 27.75 3,089.55 Pursuant to Adver%isement for Bids for Storm Sewer District No. 12, as . published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, &meapolis, %nnesota, February 20 and 27, 2nd I 1.1 arch 6, 1947 affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, bids were publicly opened and read covering construction of storm sewer along the following rout e : -re. ... . C'i. -. . .* Commencing One Hundred (100) feet more or less Northeast of the Northwest Corner of Lot Nineteen (19) Auditor's Subdivision Southwesterly direction to the Northwest corner of said Lot %neteen; thence in a Southerly direction along the 1Jest;dikib oEr.seidcEot Nineteen (19) extended South to a point ten (10) feet South of the center line of W. 49th Street; thence in a Westerly direction to a point Forty (40) feet East of the West line of Lot Thirty-Six (36) extended North; thence in a Southerly direction to a point Ten (10) feet South of the center line of the newly established street now known as W.49& Street; thence in an easterly direction to the Vest line of France 172; thence in a Avenue . Bids were rea2 as follows : Lmetti & ametti, St, Paul, $22,367.37 Terry Excavating Co., St. Louis park 21,194.75 17,465 83 Orfie Nariani, St. Paul, a Notion by Hawthorne that bids be referred to Village Bngineer for tabulation and report at the next regular meeting, was seconded by Willson and carried, Furswant to Advertisement for Bids for Storm Sewer District No, l-4, as published in the hennepin county Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 20 and 27, and %rch 6, 1947, affiddt of publication for which was read by Clerk, bids were publicly opened and reTd covering construction of storm sewer along the following route: Commencing attheexisting storm sewer manhole located in the intersection of I$, 52nd Street and Halifax Avenue; thence Easterly in W. 52nd Street to a point ten (LO) feet West of the center line of Gorgas Avenue eeended South; thence in a Northerly direction to the South lot line of Lot Fifty-five (55), Auditor's Subdivision No. 172; thence East along the South lot line of &ots Fifty-five (55) and Forth-Nine (49) Auditor's %bdivision No. 172 to the West line of France Avenue. Bids were re2d as follows: Orfei & Mariani, St. Paul, Minnesota Terry Excavating Co., St . Louis @ark Lametti & Lmetti, St. Pad, Minnesota $13,234.66 17,401 . 20 8,776 . 76 Bzrt Csrlone, St, Paul, Minnesota 12,272 *?5 Motion by Hawthorne that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulotion and report at the next regular meeting, was seconded by Willson and carried, Pursuant to Notice of Assessment Hearing--Sanitary Sewer District No, 19, as published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, brch 13, 1947, Public Hearing was held on the assessment for construction of Sanitary Sewer in this district. Contract :rice-$'j,807.00; %gineering, &egal, Clerical and Advertising--8$ of Contract or $4,30 per Assessable Foot, district, requested explanation of 10% Engineer Smith reported on the calculation as follows: Y rice, $464.56; Contingencies--lo%, $628,74, for a total of $6,900.30, Mr. D.W. ?fallace, owner of property in this Contingencies charge . Xillson offered the followbg Resolution and moved its adoption: 3/24/47 RESOLUTION UVYING ASSESSW SANITARY ~ER DISTRICT NO: 19 klHEFEAS, pursuant to notice published in the Hennepin County Review on >!arch 13, 1947, the Village Council has met rind heard and passed upon all 1 objections to the proposed assessment for construction. of sanitary sewer in Sanitary Sewer District No. 19 in West 49th Street, from France Avenue to Naple Road, NOIJ therefore, BE IT RESOLmD by the Village. Council of the village of Edina thst said proposed assessment is hereby affimed and adopted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands namedtherein, and each lot, piece or parcel of land included in said assessment is hereby found to he -benefited by said improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. B3 IT RTRTH3R R?3S@LVED that such assessments:shall be payable in equal am-u-21 installments over a period of ten (10) years, the first of said installments to be payable on the first day of January, l94t3, and succeeding the full amount of said assessment is paid. Said special assessments and esch installment thereof shall bear interest at the rate of five (5%) per cent pr annum until fully paid, said interest to be computed fromthe dzte of this resolution. on shall be a paramount lien upon the property included therein' from the time of the adoption of this resolution and shall remain such lien until fully paid, cs authorized by Chapter 312, Laws of Hhnesota, 1903, as a6nded; and installments on the first day of J anuary in each year thereafter until Snid special assessment xiththe accruing interest there- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the %erk of the Village is hereby dirscked to m&e up and file in the office of the County Auditor 2 certified stake- loent of the mount oE interest which id11 be due thereon; and EE IT FURTlXERRESOLVBII that hllmoneys collected on any such specid assessmentis shall constitute a fund for the payment of the cost of said improvement for the district for which such assessment ms made, and the sme shall be credited to the proper sewer district fund under the des- ign-ztion, ttRrnd of Sewer District No. 19110 1.lotion to adopt the kesolution ms seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as fo3.lox.s: Hawthorne, aye; Christopher, eye; and the Resolution was adopted. %.llsorr, aye; Zorme, zye; ATTEST: President of the Village Council The Council next heard n delegation present to protest the proposed creation of a lagoon in the ?-rex East of Totmes Ro3d and North of !'f. 49th Street by concentrathg s~ramp m'cer in this immediate district and the 5Obh Street districk into property recentQr acquirred by the Village, Nr. D,kl. lla.llzce, -0 grounds th2.t such a lcgoon would be a hazard. to %he surrounding property becmse of the fact th t it had no outlet and the rmt-er would becone skg?-~m%.. Vi1hF.e Engineer Smith BCxted th-& the creation of a year- around la%oon is contingent upon keeping the mter in the exca.mtion, and that such water can be trexbed to prevent the breeding of mosquiPoso 50th Street, objected to the Frozect on the .- I Several of the hple Road delegation cited the trouble they had been hzving with underground springs, and mter in their basements, objecting to the lagoon because of the possibility that it would impair the drain- age znd raise the prater level, Engineer Smith stated that if hB hzd not been sure that the lngoan would adequately accommodate' the mter shed of tbre affected district he would not have recommended' its construct ion. A question w2.s ra-isec? b;r the &ple Road delegation as to iflether the lapon is not being ccpnstructed primrily as a plwe in xhich Lo drxin the water from the 53th Street Susiness DistPict, Smith reported thd +,he hmdia%e dzstrict 3% 49th znd Tomes Rozd had been clesigr-_?"ed by the Plmning Commission a~ a pcrlc proZect zlong before %.e?? DisGridt Xfo. 12 PI-F conternplzted, aEd th?t heczuse of thg ~.mpy cond5tic.n of this proFerty, the cre-&&m of a $ar!c muld 3:;ltKL the creation of 3. FcRd.., Villzge Ensheer 3/24/47 131 / c I b, Jnm: I, I'LUSS, &e35 kple Road, requested tlis rcute 0; Lhe proposed S'corm Sewer No. 12, the area of the proposed lzgoon, and its depth; and the councilts plan for beautification of the surround- ing propeAy. per plans drmm by Engineer Smith; the proposed area of the lagoon was cited as 150 feet by 100 feet, with irregular shore line; the depth as three feet below present ground level, or*a total of four feet. Nr. Pause stated t hat, in bLs opinion, the present s:.ramp is ltadll rightll; that there isn't much water in it; and thct the only objection he has to leaving the swamp as it is, is with regard to its being used as a dumping ground, The route of the Storm Sewer was fully explained, as >I&. Chester Betcher, 4901 %ple Ro?.d, askea that the Council inform the delegxtion as to What is goi-ng to be done to beautify this spot, 2nd then it is going to be done". the road into the proposed park would be completed this summer, that the council is certainly not interested in creating an eyesore, that the property would be beautified, but that plans for-beautification were not yet complete. The delegation was informed thxt Mr. Enoch Sward, 3922 Tjlf. 49th Street, stated that in giving his easement he had been led to believe that "There would be a proper set-up to take care of'the water situationtt, that he did not care for a three-foot pothole, that he did not object to the idea of the park and the lagoon, but that he disagreed .with the construction plan of the lagoon, or ten-foot depth; filling with sand if necessrry, in order that the water could be drained away. ??ilkinson, 5 Bridge %me, recommended that test holes be run to see if the water could be &rained off at the nine-foot depth. He recomended that the Village dig to a nine $ater in the discussion, Mr. Mr. Carl G. Kronmiller, 3913 w, 48th Street, and others, questioned the practicclbility of beautifying this swampy ground in the near future. The question of finances was raised, and the delegation was told thnt some of the cost would be borne by the properties benefited by Storm Sewer District No. 12, ad that the remaining funds would come from the General F'und. Mr. ROkL. Fleming., 3909 W. 48th Street, stated that while he had come to the meeting with an open mind, after hearing the objections offered by his neighbors, he was in agreement that the lakoon should not be constructed., Dr. and %s. Road, Mrs. Chester Betcher, 4901 Maple Road, Mr. Walter C. S rang, 4930 Maple Road, 1%. R.L. Tome, 4825 Maple Road, and "., &f %re% W.C. Stevenson, 4811 Maple Rozd, all of whom had objected on the sme grounds earlier in the evening, reiterated that they did not want c lagoon because it would be a hazard to the safety of the children in the neighborhood. Engineer Smith again stated that he believed a lagoon would be no worse hazard than the present ST~J~P. Nr. George H. Hardisty, 4717 I4eadow Road, informed the Council that the White oaks Improvement Association had contemplated a project of the sane nature forthe-property North of 48th Street, to he financed by owners of abutting property; but that the project has been abondoned because of the possibile hazard to the children . L eo Fink, 4719 Tomes Road, 1%. C.C. Baker, 4836 Maple 'When the entire delegation was requested to vote as to their feeling on the advisability of having a park in this district, without a lagoon, the only objector was Mrs. Fink, rho stated she did not want a park or playground on any conditions, The council then tabled the matter for further consideration, and until such time 3s Trustee Utley, Chakrman of the Public Utilities Committee could be fully informed of the objections raised, and discuss the matter with the Council. Messrs. Gorden Noleen and Albert S. Berg, neighbors of Hr. John Person, protested agzinst the Council's allowing %, Person to build a bnrn in this residential neighborhood. pemnit be suspended for investiagtion of possible non-conformance was the Village Boning Gdinance, and that henring on the matter be set for April 7, 1947, at 8:OO P.M., at the Edina Vilhge Hall, W~S seconded by Zonne and carried. Notion by Hawthorne that John Person 132/ 3/24/47 Hr. Louis P. Peterson, owner of Lots 14 to 26, Inc,, Block 14, Cleveland's Subdivision of Em2 Abbott Pnrk, and a %. Haft, prospective buyer of this property, requested informition as to whether a building permit could be secured for this locstion in view of the Village's owning park lmds directly behind it. a building permit at this time, be condemned for a park, in case such a project was decided upon, were told that such action would be in order when and if a prk project should be voted in, but that there were no plvls for such project no:.r. if a road would be build on Vandervork, the gentlemen were requested to see the Vzllage Engineer, basement while constructing his house, allowed. They were told that there were no plans to block their securing The council was odked if the houses would Gentlemen Asked Kr, Jhft asked if he wodd be allowed to live in a He vas told that this would not be Nr, Wilkinson asked that alleys be opened in Lots 3 and 4, Brookside Heights, in order that lots mag be serviced in accordance wLth the plat. ?Kllson explained that it has been the Village policy during reqent years to have as mny alleys vacated as possible, because msintenance cost is very high, and owners are 9s a rule unwilling to pay for blacktopped alleys, Nr, 1'Jilkinson stzted that because of the small lots, he believed alleys would be a necessity on this property. Notion by I.lillson that this project be referred to the Village Engineer for study was seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Trustee 1%. Darrel Holt again requested the rezoning to Community Store District of the A.A. Hoffman property between 50th and 5lst Streets on France Avenue,. stating that the burden of getting the Businessmen"s Association to present a parking plan should not rest with %. Hoffman. Holt that he, uersonally, would not vote for the rezoning of this property until such time as an over-all parking plan had been presented. PELS then tabled, Nr. Hawthorne informed Mr, The matter 1.k. George Panuska representing %s. %to Brost construct aEd operate a root beer stand on the $eder Hickelson triangle at the junction of Highway No, 169, Interlachen j3ou&evard, and Summit Avenue, which is now zoned as Cornunity Store District. bring in his phns, in order that the Council might inspect them, and tms asked to contact the neighbors for their approval of this project. told that the Council might consider a public hearing aduisable before granting such a Fermit , t'ne project until such time as %-. Ekkelson returned from Florida. applied for pemnit to Gentlemen was told to He was At this tine the applicant requested deferment of Nr e Tom Larkin, Ueed Inspector for Hennepin Countz, requested appointment, of Yeed Inspector for the Vill-xge of Edina. appointment of Charles A.. Johnson, 5020 Summit Avenue, 3s Village !leed Inspector. 1.k. nrkin vns informed of the &ssrs. Ashworth and 1-hcBrien presented final plat of ItEdins Park:, as approved'by the Planning Commission Ikrch 4, for approval by the by Hapkhorne that final plat of "Edina 'ark" be approved for record as sub- mitted was seconded by Xillson and carried. ouncil. 14otion f-lr. Everett Garrison protestedihe Council*s rejection of application to move two buildings onto his property. 1.b. Garrison stated that one of the buildings would be used as living quarters for his helper. administrztive office that both buildings would be used as hog houses. Garrison was informed that the Council was indisposed to perinit the moving of these buildings or the building of new buildings and, by this action, cocdone the presence of the nuisance his garba-e dump-hog farm creates in his neighborhood. He had formerly told the Hr, The Clerk read, as the first reading, the following Amendment to Zoning Ordinance, as prepared by Village Attorney zt the %rch 10, ' 19.47 direction of the Co rncilr The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: 3/24/47 138 Section 1. Section VI1 of that certain ordinance passed by the Village Cbuncil of this Village on May 25, 1931, and published in the Hennepin County Review on Mary 28, 1931, entitled. "An Ordinance regulating the location, she, use and height of buildings, the arrangement of buildings on lots and the density of population in the Village of Edina and for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare in said Village and for said purpose to divide the Village into districts,ll is hereby mended by inserting between Subdivipion 15 and 16 thereof a new subdivision designated l5a to read as f OllOIfS : ll'Farming:g The cultivation of the soil and all activities incident thereto, except that said term shall not inclade the raising , and feeding of hogs by feeding garbage thereto other than garbage produced by the residents or occupants of the farm." c Section 2. This ordinance shallb in full force and effect from and after January 1, 1948. Motion by Hawthornethat Public Hearing on this proposed amendment be set foF April 14, 194'7> at 8:00 P.N., at the Edina Village Hall, was seconded by Ifillson and carried. bfr. Zonne presented tabulation of bids on 1947 car to be used for police work, as taken %rch 10, 1947. Edina Garage, Inc. for one 1947 Plymouth Special DeLuxe Two Door Sedan at the bid price of .$1,406.45, Less Federal Tax $58.00, 1942 Four Dnor Ford Sedan, $650.00--Het Bid $698.45, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Notion by Zonne, accepting bids of the ess i2llowance on It petition signed by members of the Woman's Club of the Country Club District, objecting to proposed Garbage Collection Ordinance, was redd. office was directed to contact the Woman's Club to explain that the Village, under the ordinance, would continue to contract with the garhage collector for such collection, and that the only change in the present arrangement wouldhe a change in the method of payment; and that, under the pkoposed ordinmce, only those persons who receixTed such garbage collection service izrould pay for it, whereas, under the present system of collcetion, all properby otrners are taxed for this service, The administrative I V Ha&ho:r.ne offered the following rdinance, as read February 24 and Harch 10, l?&'i'and which rertds as follos-rs, and moved its adoption: AnT O3PIPL4?TCE 3ISPOSfiL OF G.LY3AG.Z 03 %FUSE, TE3 F83VI33X FC?? TFE REGULAR COLI.ECTI@N $.ID INPOSITION OF AN OBLIGATION TO PAY COST $SSESSlE%NT AGAINST TITS P30PE3TY SE?i,WD OF @%-- THUWOF ON THZ OXPIERS OF TXE P3CPERTY SERWD, AED TIE UTTPAID CK!fiGZS L?i%R l4II~SOTA STATUTES, i9b5, szc 443.015~ The Village Cmncil of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: Sec-tlon 1. The Engineer of this Village shall take whatever action necessary to provide for the regular collection and disposal of garbage or refuse from duellings and alaces of business in the Village, Section 2. The ownees of all property served by regular collection and dispos'al of garbage or refuse by this Village or its agents or contractors shall pa3 the proportionate cost of such service to their respective properties. Settion 3. The amount of such proportionate charge shell be detemined illage Engineer on the basis of estimated costs and shall be uniform .!!l residences served shall be treated as by the for the class of property servedo a single class of property, DIVIDED INT@ SUCH CLASSIFICATIONS AS THE Village Engineer shall determine Industrial and comercia1 proper-ties shall be Section 4. The total estimated cost shall 5nclude all costs incurred by this Village in the collection and disposal of garbage or refuse, including a provision for the depreciation of such equipment as shall be required by the Villzge for use therein, and the cost of collection of all 134 f 3/24/47 such chargesI be determined The total estimated cost for a tvelve month period shsll by the Yillage Engineer prior to April 1 of each year and such total estimated cost shall be used in computing charges for services during the twelve manth period comencing April 1, Section 5. The Froperties to be served by regular collection and disposal of garbage or refuse by the Village or its agents or contractors shall be those properties ?Mch require such service and which my be sewed at a reasonable cost, The properties to be thus served shall be determined by the Village Engineer, and mitten notice thereof shall be sent by the Village Engineer addressed to the Propsrty (&mer at the property involved. notice shall be effective to continue such service until notice of terminztion of service is miled to the Property %mer at such address by the Villese Engineer. of the Engbeer that his property does not require such service, such decision shall be reviewed by the Council upon petition of such property oymer. Such ' In the event any Property %mer shall disagree with the determination Section 6. Semim-ual statements of the chzrges for the regular collection and disposal of garbage or refuse shall be miled to the r"roperty Q-rner at the address of the Property served on'or about April 1 and October 1 of each year. Such charges shall cover the service to be rendered during the six-month pe-riod following the dste of the notice, thirty (30) days from the date thereof they shall be deemed delinquent, If such statements are not paid within Section 7. In the event that any statement of chsrges for the reanul= collection and disposal of garbage or refuse shall be del-hquent on September 1 of any year, the moun% of such delinquent cherges, together with a penalty equ31 to 10% therecf, shallb levied as an assessment against the, lot or parcel of . land so served. Such assessment thereupon shall be certified to the Auditor of Hennepin county for collection and remission to the Village Treasurer in the sam manner as assessments for local improvements, Section 8, This Ordinance shall take effec0,upon passage thereof, except that the establishment of the system for the regular collection and disposal of garbage or refuse and the obligation of owners of propzrty served to pay the appropriate cost thereof shall be instituted at such the as the Village Engineer shall deem convenient but not later than April 1, 1947. service shall be instituted prior to "pril 1, 1947, the first statement of charges therefor shall be issued on or about the date on which the service shall be instituted and shall cover the appropriate share of the total estimated cost $or the period ending &rf5h 31, 194'7. If said Hotion to adopt the Ordinance was seconde'd by T'?illson, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Havthorne, aye; and the (3rdinance vas adopted. Zonne, aye; Willson, aye; Christopher, ATTEST : President of the Village Council Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and' moved its adoption: RESOLVED, That effective April 1, 1947, pursuant to that certain ordinace 2kt 1947, entitled: AN ORDLNANCE PRGVIDING FOR THE REGULAR COLI3CTIOX AND DISPO3AL OF GARBAGE OR FGFW3E, THE THEREOF ON THE; CVNERS OF THE PROPERTY FROPEZiTY SERVED OF UIPXID CHIRGES UNDER Il*POSITION OF AN OBLIGATIQX TO PAY COST SERVZD, izND THE ASSESSIGNT ilGAINST THE I~BS~A STATUTES, 1945, SEC. 443.015, the Village '*'anager be and he hereby is authorized and directed to take daeh action as may be necessaryto carry out the program of collection of garbage 3/24/47 135 authorized by such ordinance, including the maintenance of such records as may be necessaryto ascertain the cost of the collection of garbage, the mailing of statements and determination of persons to be served. I FURTHER RESOLKED, That for the six months period commencing April 1, 1947, and for successive six months periods thereafter until changed by * action of this council, the following rates for the collection of garbage are established as the estimated cost thereof: 1. Individual Residences $3.30 2. Corpercial Such rate as may be negotiated between the .Village Engineer and Property to be served, provided that the Village Engineer shall report to the Village comcil at the first meeting thereafter, the establishment of the rate, the address of the property to be served, and the amount of the chzrge . , . e- The term "individual residences" as used herein shall mean, in addition to a single family home, each family unit in a duplex or multiple dwelling structure . Upon payment of the statement for services hereunder within ' ten (10) days from the date thereof there may be deducted from the amount thereof the sum of thirty cents (30,$) in the case of individual residence bidd.s and the amount of ten percent (1@) in the case of commercial bills. Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Willson, and on rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. . Zonne, aye; K.llson, aye; . ATTEST: / President of the Village council &tnager Smith reported that contract for garbage collection for the year 1947 had been signed by %. Reterson, and that the Village is now in possession of the required bond and insurance certificates. was signed and e xecuted by rresident and Clerk. Fom of petition-for paving, curb and @ter, and sidewalk on France Attorney Windhorst . Next to come before the council were the following applications for licenses, for the year April 1, 1947 to April 1, 1948. Comtract Avenue between ti. 49th Street and North Village Limits was approved by . FIRM NAM3 - ~ ~~ Edina. Theatre APPLICATION TYPE OF LICENSE - ?ZkX PROPOSED LIC. 210 Theatre License 75 .OO 201 Olson's riner Foods 211 Country Cash Store 212 213 Gregg's Pharmacy 214 National Tea Co, 215 Zipoy Grocery 216 Xooddale Grocery 217 218 Village Inn 219 220 221 222 Hasty Tasty Cafe 223 Nolan' s Golf Terrace 224 225 226 227 Interlachen Country Club 228 230 229 Edina Taxi Co.(Balfanz) 231 Cigarette Licensk 12,oo Cigarette License 12.00 Cigarette License 12.00 Cigarette License 12 . 00 Cigarette License 12.00 Cigarette License 12 . 00 Cigarette License 12.00 3.2 Beer (Off-sale) 5.00 3.2 Beer (On-sale) 50.00 Pinball Machine (1) 50.00 Cigarette License 12 . 00 Cigarette License 12 b 00 3.2 Beer (Off-sale) 5 .OO 3.2 Beer (Off-sale) 5.00 Pinball Machine (1) 50.00 3.2 Beer (On-sale) 50 . 00 3.2 Beer (Off-sale) 5.00 Cigarette License 12 . 00 Liquor (On-sale) 100.00 3.2 Beer (On-sale) 50.00 Taxicab License (4@5.OO)2O.OO 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214. 215 . 216 217 218 . 219 221 220 222 136 { 3/24/47 Hove Co. 232 Brown Derby 233 23 5 23 6 Ifc Clellan Er oc ere37 Edina Grocery 238 Edha Country club239 240 243- Cahill Grocery 242 Trisler's Grocery243 244 Hay Stenson Co.193 Edina Recreation 207' 208 209 1 234 Cigarette License Cigarette License 3.2 Beer (On-sale) 3.2 Beer (Off-sale) Finball I-hchine (I) Cigarette License Cigarette License Liquor (On-sale) 3.2 Beer (On-sale) Cigarette License Cigarette License Cigarette icense 3.2 Beer (Off-sale) Liquor (Off-sde Bowling Alley (16) Cigarette License Pinball &chines (2) L. 12 . 00 12 000 50.00 5.00 50 . 00 12.00 I2 .oo 100.00 50 00 12.00 12.00 12 .oo 5.00 160.00 12000 lOO.00 Hotion by Zonne that the above applications for licenses be approved subject to any prior action t &en by the Councilwith regard to the Off-sale Liquor S-Eicense Applicatfon of by and Stenson Company, and withrhhe exception of the application by the BroFrn Derby, which licenses will be withheld until compliance of %ate Fire I*farshal's &der, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Engineer %th reported an estimated cost of construction on curb, gutter, and sidewalk on the East and Xest sides of Thielen Avenue, from M. 44th Street, to the North Village Limits, at a total of $4,444.15, or an assessable foot cost of @.YQ, providing the Village pays for one-half the cost of the sidewalk, :.Jillson offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption: YHEREAS, the Village council of the Village of Edina has been petitioned I by a majority of wners of property fronting on the East and Yest sides of Thielen Avenue between Vest 44th Street and the North Village Wts for construction of new sidewalk at said locxtion, now therefore, V BE IT XESOLVED by the village ouncil of the Village of Edim that it is necessary and expdient to rebuiLd sidevmlk on the Easb and Yest sides of Thielen henue between Hest 44th Street and the North Village Limits, such sidewalk to be four (4) feet in width and constructed in accordance xith Standard Village Sidemlk Specifications adopted October 9, 1940, now on file with the Village Clerk; the Village Engineer is hereby directed to set stakes designating the exact location of said walk. E33 IT F"XCH%R RESOLVED thst said sidewalk shall be completed by lhy IO, 1947. BE IT F'URTHER PUOLVED -hat %he names of the owners of all lots, parts of lots, and parcels of ground fronting the street vrlnere sidewalk is to be rebuilt are as follom: PROPZffTY GXBD I%AI-.iE Lloyd T.7. laelsen Ethel G. Van Nest , George E. Samuels John tJ. &.goffin Charles E. Hwmon Clarence K. Bros, B Ethelyn Bros O.J. Pfeifer, Jr. E Lmra Ffeifer Reuben L. Katter & I.;ildred 2. Icatter 14.T. Northey d Leona Korthey Norinan A. Olsen Virg5ni.a Olsen Chester A. Sheils tc Vitiiw- Sheils L.G. L,mbert 9 Sernice Lambert 1;Tillard D, Robinson 2 Lole H. Robinson Robert A. Schmitt ik 1-krgaret Schmitt Loco Lisherness E.J, Lambin &k AEce Lmbin Ben F, Eeltzer B Hsael Xeltzer Ross S. GimberL 13 Dorthy R. hbert THlXLi3N~ S BBO9KSIDE Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 G 3.15' of Lot 14 Lot 15 1~451 of Lot 14 Lot 16 Lot 17 Lot 18 Lot 19 ' Aud. Sub. # 176 %ma E. Hicks S PjLrtrg. H. Schmidt ' Lot 9 EB IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if said wa3x shall not be fully constructed in the 'manner and xithin %he time thsrein prescribed, the Village Coutncil or by kostract . Rotion to sdopt there ::ere four Hawthorne , aye ; my order the same to be &one by the Street Codssioner the rZesclution iras seconded by Hawthorne, and on ~ollcall ayes and no nays, as follows: and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution as adqted. Zonne, a,;=; I-lillson, aye; ATTEST: President of the Village Council Ilo-tion b y Vil-lson that Public Hewing on the Construction of Curb and Gutter for the East and West sides of ThLelen Avenue, from W. 44th Street to the, North Village Limits, be set for $$onday, april 14, 19.47, st $:OD P.L at the "i?hg:e Ea11, and that -the clerk be directed -to so notify int~i-~:~bed propdrtj ,r..;T,erc:, ms saconded by Hawthrne md carried. I. ezse&rb 'tendered by 5. Thorns tc the 'resident of the Council, to enz~blz the construction of storin sever in Xot 11, Block 1, Brucev:ood, ~JELS Zpproved b;~ AtLorney Xindhorst , and Trssident and Clerk signed the contract with Lmetti & €metti for th5s construction, Lzttcr from J.G. Fhlh'eran, 5017 'ndianola Avenue, requcsting the trinrninS of boulevard tree was read and referred to '*r. Villson, Chairman of public Ilorks Gomitteeo Letter from Hr. L.J. Ludwig, Secretary for the Wardens of Chruch of St. Stephen, with regzrd to notification about the proposed videnine of Yooddale Avenue at 50th Streek was read and filed. Letter from the CrWnsl Division of the Iiennepin county Sheriff's Office, complimenting Folice Officers Donald' r\Telson and 3Jillim Hoffmas for their work on the Lorraine Demry larceny case, was read and filed. Village Engineer Smith reported that the Engineering Depaetment recomended, €or ths srrall street sweeper, the sweeper manufactured by Austin-!..restern. reported that Ninneapolis is using, mong 'other types, 3, broom =de of steel ribbon, and that Ben Woehler will make up such a broom to be used on the small tractor, recommending the purchase of another small tractor, and the purchase df a small rotary broom to be used with the Lull Loader attachment on our present tractor, He BIotion by I.Tillson that the Village Engineer be authorized to advertise for a small tractor, was Feconded by Hawthorne and carried. IIotj-on by I'lillson that the Village Zngineer be authorized to advertise for bids on a rotary broom attachment for the Lull Loader, was seconded by Zonne end carried. With regard to the proposed lagoon at 49th Street, discussed earlier in the evening, Engineer Smith was instructed to discontinue work- on the project, until further orders are received. Notion by :.Jillson that the Village Engineer advertise for bids for the furnishing of labor, equipment and necesssry materials for the blacktopping of those roads for xihich we have petitions for'blacktopping and which roads are in condition to be blacktopped at the present time, in accordance with specifications to be made u$ by the Villaze Engineer, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Yith regard to plans for changing the Zoning Ordinance in the near future, Village Attorney IJindhorst Tias directed to prepare a letter to the Village Planning Commission, setting forth the legal aspects of such proposed change. There being no further business to adjournment was seconded by Zonne, come before the meeting, I'lillson's motion for and carried. 5 Village lerk