HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470414_REGULARI39 I 4/u/47 Nembers present were Ifillson, Hawthorne and Christopher . Iir . Jackson Taylor presented tentative study for developmenk of War Ilemorial Park on 50th and wooddale. Planning Comrizission at their meeting of April 8. study be approved, in principal, bythe Council, and carried, liinutes of the Regular Pleeting-of i4arch 24, and Special 3ieeting of April 7, 1947, were approved as submitted, by motion Hawthorne, seconded bj-- 7Jillson and carried. This plan had been approved, in principal, by the Hawthorne moved that tentative ?lotion seconded by I.fillson I Kotion @y I'Jillson, allowing payment of the payroll in the amount of $2,689.37, was seconded by ?fillson and carried. Gretchen Schussler 1lG.00 15 e00 Eernice 14. Johnson 75.00 12 . 80 95.00 882 62 20 883 Heleno Freeman 62.50 Sub-total 497 50 98 90 es5 83 ,40 886 110 0 co 11.10 Fred Jonas 96 .oo 12 . 60 Ben Woehler $37 50 11.70 Sub-t otal 343.50 35-40 125b80 887 308 , 10 POLICE DEYT. HiLding 3. Dahl 115 . 67 7.80 6.00 101 . 87 888 Wm. s. Heydt 100 . 00 5 bo 6x0 x8.60 889 Clayton Erickson 107.50 U *30 2.00 91 . 20 e90 Ckreiice A, Knutson 107050 - 6.40 6.00 959x0 $31 Qonald A. Nelson 102.50 5 8'70 -0- 36 060 892 I vim. V. Hoffman 95 .OO Sub -t ot a1 628.17 1 STRXLT 1.EN - REG. Philip Bail&? -115 . 00 107.34 97.10 109 77 98.63 93 e53 96.70 5.00 7.80 10.40 8.10 -0- 5.10 D 90 -0- 37 20 Sam Roberts - Peke Dahlgren Ehtt lierf eld Jolm Tracy H x~y Jonas Arthur Jensen Ronald p. Port Sub-t otal 99.75 854 . 82 99.75 $17 62 69.90 902 88,&0 903 73.4.0 904 4.90 Charles 'Johnson 92*40 4,CO Jacob ;%ia.k a5.00 6.60 1bmi.t C. Emtson C.c'.CO 11.30 Sub -t ot a1 3 31,0,20 26 10 33.30 33 e30 906 Loris 0, Larson A!&!& 77 70 I 44-40 ' 907 Overpaid 9,dO 77 70 TOTkL FiKR,OLL FLiD 2,741 89 219 . 20 26.c~ 2,496.69 Kotion. by Lillson, allowing payment of claims, ES Tollor~s, was seconded by Hmthorne mid cmried . I4O . i CLdX # 4837 4838 4839 48r;o 4843. 4.843 4844 424.5 4846 4847 4%9 4850 4e52 4853 48&9 4873- 4872 4873 4875 4876 4877 . 4878 4.883 4888 4854 4,655 9x0 911 4842 'J 4248 4880 4881 4882 4356 4.985 4836 4837 4856 4870 4G76 4,885 4@87 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 4862 4863 4S64 4865 4866 4867 4868 4869 4870 4871 4572 4.873 4875 4877 4879 4/28/47 13lle~-~~vis CbrnFany Register of Deeds, bmepin county 1;imeaFolis Que printing Company Xtdmst Cap Kfg. coo Dr. E.L. Fitch Country club District Service co. Young Fuel Coqaqy 2acrican Linen Company Glacier Smd 8i Gravel Company Roy c, Hagen Justus Lumber Company k'r'erner Transportation Co. Rinnesota Tree &rvice Frank ". Ilertson Countr Eu~t or IJorthern St;tes power Co. Mina Hzrdware IZnnesota Fire '3uipment conpany 33.1. %pit Denemours & '0. Lirrde Air Products Co. H.ii. Rogers COX~BY Reinhard Brathers Company &he Safety Appliances Company bthur I<. Fetersen A. C . rfeiffer suburban Hennepin County Relief Ed. Hennepin CounQ Northern States Power coo FLller DaMs Co. Phelps &&e Go., Inc. 103.08 1.20 1.40 7.45 107.00 18.02 26,12 6.55 $5 64 190.00 45.18 2.20 22. co 5.~0 20. GO 665 . 72 10.40 20. GO 5.99 33 . 98 169.10 6.37 Z006 670.56 160 . 80 2,410 . 82 45.00 334*03 2/75 3.75 Suburban yress, Inc. P.I.R. FUND 8.10 25 . 20 70220: F'helps Drake CO. 176,38 HennepinbGountir Rcvimr cr. Dorsey, olmn, Berker, Scott Barber 7. Kl Construction BuUetin Han. Rogers cola, --ny 8.28 E, C . Ffeiff er 168 . 00 463.16 n EQUIEZiNT REWAL Yknneapolis Gs Light company 79.20 Ih. H. Liegler Go,, Inc. U6 96 Keating Eotors, Inc. 5.90 Standard Unit Parts, company 25 13 b.J . d. Lahr Lolapany 2.75 l hill ips Petroleum Company 73 20 James K, Swanson Nower Repair 70 71 Erookside Service Station 230 79 Edina Pure Oil 10.90 Borey' s Shell Stetion 113 57 Firestone Stores 132.05 Piorthern jtates l'owr coqxnr 18.62 Construction Bulletin 12.00 aina Hsdv . ,re 1.71 11.88 Corns. of Taxation, petroleum DiwisiQn 34.49 Iliru?esota Fire zqui2ment CO. 10.00 Ll .I. %pant Denemours co. Linde *Air k'roducts '0. 1.24 Rehhzrd Brothers Coqpny 265 . $1 Dahlberg Bros., Inc, 38.10 1,265.00 . . total 10,137.75 141 ?ursua.nt to Notice of Street 1mprovczLcnt He?,rinS, YJublished in t' he Spect;*tor r.5 road by the clerk, Fublic l-wriii~ ws cmdincted on proposed construction of 'ciirb and ptter in Thielen Avenue fron Y.li&th Stroot to the North Vills.ge Limits. front foot for the construction of curb, gu"cter and sidewalk, providing the Vi1l;ge pays one-half the cost of the sid-ewalk, as agreed upon zt an earlier meeting. Hessrs. R.L. Eatter, 4380 Thielen; Northey, 4384 Thielen; Sheils, 4385 Thielen; and Olsen, 4386 Thielkn, r enuested engineering information, After discussion as to the relative nerits of raising the pede ofthe sidewalk (The plan sub&tled by the engineer), as against the residents' plan of until such time as k$.neer Smith could consult the residents on the grounds. Ap,>ointment made for Saturday morn&ng, April 19, 1O:OO A.M. Pursuant to Notice of Hearing' on Proposed Amendment to Village Zoning rclz 23 ;-,,*id ''l.pil &, 1947, affidevit of guFlicrtion of ?!::kith Znginser %ith cited an estimated total asseosaent of $3.50 per rading down .the s%reot to ?,resent sidewalk level, t he matter iras -&.bled by "G he 6 ouncil I Ordinance, as posted on official bulletin board-s %rch .29, 1947, copy of which wm~s read by Clerk, 2ublic hearing was held on llAn Ordinance amending an ordinance adopted Iflay 25, 1931, regulating the locLtion, size, use, and height of buildinw pop.l.~.t3.cJii 5-11 th~"bl:ip of @im, and for t he purpose of proaot.ing tho . hazlth, safety, o~d-,m, convaisnc3, ;z,ros:xriLy, $.-Lid g.snsral mlf try' 5x :.c.i,d ViU:ge, and for w,id purpose to divide the Vil.lz.ge into rJ,istricts, !!first Eeading of which %dinance T.T~S had'at the regular meeting of Ihrch 24, 1947, lhe Clerl; read this Ordinance, before the Public, for its second consecutive reading lilessrs. Everett Garrison, valley View Road; L.E. Jones, South Blake Road; Delaney, End Joseph Garrison, w. 70th Street, objected to the pass2ge of the Ordinance, hiessrs. Jones and Delaney feeling that this ordinmce coqrises a threat to farming operations in the Village liizLts, and f.kssrs. Garrison , objecting on the grounds that such ordinancewould put them out of business, These gentlemen were informed that the proposed ordinance does not restrict faming operations -- that it does restrictthe feeding of garbage to hogs. ir. IIugh Erenner, Valley View Road, and %s. haundsorr, 1J.r. Oscar Grant, and Ek. EONe Labeau, ell in the vicinity of 7Cti1 &,.iTd Cahill, objected to the feeding'of gz,rbage to hogs, because of -i; he noxious odors rising from the property, m-d +;he hezlth hezard cres.ted by the breeding of rate 2nd fTies occasioned by this type of operation, Upon the advice of the ~illa~e attorney that a quorum of four moeded to act on this proposed ordinance, the matter was tabled until the meeting of iirjril 28. the arrangement of buildings on lots, and the den9it;r of %* u .M. i-mundson, %s. E.0, members I~S Ib. Brennerls delegation then requested the consideration be given to changing the effective dcke of the ordinance, Tram the proposed January I, 19.48, to an earlier date, in order that residents be delivered from polio hazard during the Suimer sexon. Board added his plea to that of the delegation, Lcter inthe evehg, 14r. Posselt of the &hill School YiLh r2gard to granting of permit for barn at South 1/2 Block 15, Eendelssohn, public hearing on vkich rrak held April 7, legal opinion of VillLge Attorney, dated Apri110, to the effect that permit had been granted ih violation of zoning ordinance (Section VII, subsection 2) was read, Hawthorne moved that permit be revoked. Xotion seconded by Willson and carried, Engineer Smith reported on tabulation of bids taken %rch 2.4, forthe construction of Storm Sewer in Storm Sewer District No. 12, as follows: Lametti 8t Lametti, St. Pad, 1uLinnesota $12,3 67 . 37 17, &55 83 21,194 75 Orfei & Nariani, St. Pad, Einnesota Terry F2ccavating company, St. Paul, Hinnesota Notion by Hawthorne that all bids be rejected and Clerk directed to return certified checks was seconded by Willson and carried. Engineer Smith reported on tabulation of bids received I'brch 24, forthe construction of storm sewer in Storm Sewer District 140, 12, as follows: 8 8,776.76 Lametti O. Lametti, St. ad, Binnesota Bart Carlone, St. Minnesota . 12,272.75 Terry bcavating Company, St. Louis Park, Knnesota 17,401.20 r Orfei O. Kariani, St. Paul, FAnnesota 13 y 234 66 Nr. Smith reported that low bidders quotation contained a clause that the Village must provide a forth-foot working easement along $he line of construction, whereasthe Village now has a ten-foot easement only. Hawbhorne moved that this project be tabled for further consideration, and that the %erk be directed to return all certified checks except those tendered by low bidder and, next low bidder. Notion seconded by Willson and carried. 142 f 1 Petition signed by thirty-two residents in the area of the swamp between 48th and kqth on France, asking for L he followiag actions, vas read: - 1. Complete reconsideration of engineering project, and refill of the pocket dug out in this district. protective fence aroundthe newly filled-in area until.the surface becomes thoroughly mtted down. Determination of the best method of drabbig the area instead of adding more water to it, Cleaning of all rubbish and litter and posting of signs to discourage further dumping, Erection of a * 2. 3. I the delegation was informedthat the engineering project had been abondoned, that the lagoon would be filled in just az soon as Village Eqdpment could safely work on the ground, that the fence would remain on the property Until such time as the lagoon had been filledlj that danger signs will be posted, and that the police will checkthjls property daily in an effort to warn children away from the hole. The delegationwas asked to cooperate w%th the Council, in warning their children to stay away fromthis property, Application of Ruth S. Braun, proprietor of Edina Auto Livery, for permission to operate eight taxicabs, and application of Verlin Balfanz,, proprietor of Edina Td ';ompany, for license to operate two additional taxicabs, making a total nf sk&t, mre received. Hotion by Hawthorne t hat allplication for licenses be zpproved was seconded by Ifillson and carried, was directedto invite proprietors of the two companies to the meeting of April 28, for discussion regarding condition of cabs. directed to secure model taxicab ordinances for consideration bythe Village Attorney. Village Bbnager Village knager was Engineer smith recommended that Northern States power company be directed to proceed with the installatioE of new lights and the increase in lighting power %s per their proposal dated arch 20, 1947, which vas presented to the Council €0 proceed, in accordance with their proposal of hrch 20, 1947, was s econded by k?XLson and carried. pril 7, 1947, Hotion by Hawthorne that Northern States power be diraeted Village Attorney S.lindhorst reported, in connectionwith the Cole %it for sewer connection, that Judge kll had ruled in favor of the 'oles, his decision being based upon the theory that, in obtaining an easement throught Dr. Larsonts property, C)ole succeeded to the right of this property to connect with Sewer for which it had been assessed. Nr, lfindhorst stated that, in his opinion, no precedent has been established because ofthe fact that the situation hereis unique. with the Court. Eotion by Hmthorne that Village Attorney be directed to file Wotion for Amended Findings" vas seconded by lfillson and carried. E-. Smith reported that Dr. Sorenson, 4830 France Avenue, has been verbal petition for sanitary sewer, council asked that petition be tendered for such sewer. Hrm Smith reported that Dr. Will, 4626 France ?venue, is unwilling to circulate present petition forthe France Avenue paving roject because of the petition c: contains request for sidevmlk, form of petition for Dr. W.1, deleting the sidewalk request. Letter from Harry Ob Frank, 4602 Wooddale Avenue, inquiring as to the status of the wa5er system, was read and referred to Chairman of Public Utilities for reply. He cecommend that the council file a Wotion for Amended Findings1; Village Engineer was requested to prepare new Hanager Smith reported that inspection had been made a t Don Mcelellanls property on Friday, April 11, No action taken, Planning commission1 s rebornendation t hat preliminary plat of ltStovr1 s Yvonne Terrace1' be approved providedthat lot sizes andstreet curves meet with minirmUn requirements, and subject to removal oft he house near Mormzndale Road, vas cited. of preliminary plat of Stowls Yvonne Terrace, subject to cppditions and reserva- tions imbosed b~r -the ?larmhg Commission, was s econded by trillson w,d czrried. Elarming Commission's recomendation that the council r equest re-submission of Preliminary Plat of lfIndian Hills in lWnalt, showing Block Eight, as well as the small area in the Rortheast corner ofthe plat as development property rather than park property, vas reported, Planning Commissions s recomendation for ;!Indian Hills in Edina" , seconded by VJillson and carried. With regard to the other requests and recommendations of-the Planning commission, as of their meeting of April 8, Village &na;ger was directed to invite Chairman of Planning Commission, and &s many of the Lommission as wished to attend, to the Council Xeeting of April 28, for further discussion of these matters. Hotion by Havithornethat Council concur in Planning Commissioals approval . ' Hawthorne moved for council's concurrence in Hotion L- Hawthorne moved tbat t he Park Policy, as discussed by klanning Nonday, March 3, 1947, be adopted and incorporated in the minutes of this meeting, Hotion seconded by Willson and carried as follows: and village ‘ouncil and ‘ark Board, at their joint meeting of 1. PARK POLICY VILLAGE OF EDINA Acquisition of Tax Delinquent Lands: Policy shall be directed toward securing large enough parcels of land to be useable for playground purposes. Scattered lots are not to be acquired. they meet the above requirement, whether or not the Village has facilities for immediate development of such lands. Commission ikll spot generally desirable playground and parkareas both as to size and,location. The general policy Will be continue to acquire such good lands as are sufficiently large for playground development and in a desirable location. Delinquent lands are to be acquired, if The Planning 2. Road Triangles and Center Line Parkways: Triangles, corner, andcenter line plots are to be placed judicially and are to be of type and size that justify them. PolicY shall’ be directed toward requiring developer to fully develop these tracts, in grass and low shrubs, before presentation to the Village. Triangles, corner, and center line plots are to be maintained by the Village in a manner to be determined by the standard set by maintenance of surrounding private property, In general, the use of annual flower beds is to be discouraged because of cost. 3 , PLayground‘ Debelopment . The need for playgrounds is to be met at once. ‘ommission and Park Board are to Cooperate in selecting those playground sites which shall be developed in the next five years, enmerating then in sequence, as to the need for such , facilities. is to be presented the council just as soon as possible. The Planning fi program forthetype of developement rebornmended 4. Parks. In addition t o spotting playgrounds, t he planning commission and Park Board will spot sufficient larger areas to maintain open spaces in the Village, taking into considerationthe adaptability of these areas to such park purposes as community gatherings, scout meets, etc. 5. Five Percent Rule on Devel’opmen’ts. The rule of requiring the developer to deed five percent of. his development for park purposes is to be used with discretion, taking into consideration the size of lots and nature of the development. shall be useable land, or the developer shall be required to put it into useable condition before presentation to the village, Whatever land is required from the developer 6. Tree Trimming and Planting: 1. 1 The Planning commission and Park Board shal1.work with &. Nichols in the framing.of a tree planting ordinance, for adoption by the of thinning and removing boulevard trees, where such work is needed. Village council, The Park Board shall investigate the Possibility . 1. I 7. Money for rark Purposes: 1 “he Village is.to investigate the possibility of issuing ’ bonds in a specified amount, forthe acquisition of park property, without specificatioiis*of the property to beTpurchased. 8. War %moria1 Park &t 50th Street and ktooddale: t The Council enfirms Mr. Nichols’ working with the War &moria1 Committee on the planning of this War ‘“emor$al Park. 144 kth regard to the proposed closing of Golf Terrace at Normandale, was presented, and no action taken, Attorney's opinion was read. no .petition Engineer Smith asked that Carl 3Kller's salary be increased to $250.00 per month. moizth, effective April 16, 1947, was seconded by Willson and carried. With regard to the dumping of Village garbage, discussed earlier in the evening, the Village knager was instructed to make inquiry as to the possibility of dumping this garbage in an abandoned gravel pit, and to make investigation as to advisability of constructing incherstor plant. village attorney was requested to get legal opinion on possibility of a joint-village ownership of an incinerator. There vas a question as to the advisability of grading alleys and streets in Brookside Heights Addition. Because of lack of a quorum, there was no vote on this matter, it being tabled until the next meeting. There being no further business to come before the meeting, 1G.llson's motion for adjournment was seconded by Hawthorne, and c arried. Hotion by Hawthorne setting salary of Carl Miller at $250.00 per . lbmbers present were Zonne, klillson, Utley, Hawthorne and Christopher . * Nessrs, Rrafft and Nichols attended the meeting to discuss vith the Council procedure and proposed parleq area on the Lampman property. further study the 50th Street matter before presenting any plan to the property owners llith regard to the Lampman property, the over-all park plan nap was presented, asked to have proposed playground areas for the Village located on this map by their regular meeting of Hay 6, in order that the Council might meet with them at that time for further discussion of this matter. Commission's request for 2.k. SJichols to make a study of the Laripman property v&tfi regard to conserving some creek property for the Village. IZnutes of the Regular 14eeting of April l.4, 1947, were approved.as submitted, by motion Willson, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. ,rillson's motion approving illage payroll in the amount of $3,U6,40, vas seconded by Utley and carried. to be followed regarding the tentative study of the 50th Street parking problem, Ik. Hichols requested time to spottingMs property as a proposed park site, Hessrs. Krafft arid IJichols were Council supported Planning V 4 -+7. Ir.Am3 C . J . Christopher Bover Hawthorne George A. f'Jillsgn Harold C. Bt&ey E,L, Zonne John Endhorst krd B. Lewis Dr. L.& Campbell Sub-total. J.U. agm ADT-rnZSrnTIVE Phil W, Smith Gretchen Schussler Bernice K. Johnson Helene Freeman sub-t ot al Jo-hn A. Sias F'red Jonas Ben tfoehler Sub4 otal TOTAL PAY 50.00 50.00 35,m 35.00 35.00 30 CO 75.00 75-00 30.00 4J-5 00 - 250 e00 llo.00 75.00 62 . 50 mo 125 . co 125 00 NET W.TM, OTHER HOSP. ]FAY cm4 # 50100. 912 6,80 -67oqo