HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470428_REGULAR144 kth regard to the proposed closing of Golf Terrace at Normandale, was presented, and no action taken, Attorney's opinion was read. no .petition Engineer Smith asked that Carl 3Kller's salary be increased to $250.00 per month. moizth, effective April 16, 1947, was seconded by Willson and carried. With regard to the dumping of Village garbage, discussed earlier in the evening, the Village knager was instructed to make inquiry as to the possibility of dumping this garbage in an abandoned gravel pit, and to make investigation as to advisability of constructing incherstor plant. village attorney was requested to get legal opinion on possibility of a joint-village ownership of an incinerator. There vas a question as to the advisability of grading alleys and streets in Brookside Heights Addition. Because of lack of a quorum, there was no vote on this matter, it being tabled until the next meeting. There being no further business to come before the meeting, 1G.llson's motion for adjournment was seconded by Hawthorne, and c arried. Hotion by Hawthorne setting salary of Carl Miller at $250.00 per . lbmbers present were Zonne, klillson, Utley, Hawthorne and Christopher . * Nessrs, Rrafft and Nichols attended the meeting to discuss vith the Council procedure and proposed parleq area on the Lampman property. further study the 50th Street matter before presenting any plan to the property owners llith regard to the Lampman property, the over-all park plan nap was presented, asked to have proposed playground areas for the Village located on this map by their regular meeting of Hay 6, in order that the Council might meet with them at that time for further discussion of this matter. Commission's request for 2.k. SJichols to make a study of the Laripman property v&tfi regard to conserving some creek property for the Village. IZnutes of the Regular 14eeting of April l.4, 1947, were approved.as submitted, by motion Willson, seconded by Hawthorne and carried. ,rillson's motion approving illage payroll in the amount of $3,U6,40, vas seconded by Utley and carried. to be followed regarding the tentative study of the 50th Street parking problem, Ik. Hichols requested time to spottingMs property as a proposed park site, Hessrs. Krafft arid IJichols were Council supported Planning V 4 -+7. Ir.Am3 C . J . Christopher Bover Hawthorne George A. f'Jillsgn Harold C. Bt&ey E,L, Zonne John Endhorst krd B. Lewis Dr. L.& Campbell Sub-total. J.U. agm ADT-rnZSrnTIVE Phil W, Smith Gretchen Schussler Bernice K. Johnson Helene Freeman sub-t ot al Jo-hn A. Sias F'red Jonas Ben tfoehler Sub4 otal TOTAL PAY 50.00 50.00 35,m 35.00 35.00 30 CO 75.00 75-00 30.00 4J-5 00 - 250 e00 llo.00 75.00 62 . 50 mo 125 . co 125 00 NET W.TM, OTHER HOSP. ]FAY cm4 # 50100. 912 6,80 -67oqo 4/28/47 145 1 FOLIC3 DEPT. Hilding S. Dah1 107.50 6.40 6.00 1.50 93.60 929 klm. S. -Heydt ' 1OOsOO 5.40 -0- 1.50 93.10 930 Clayton Erickson 10'7.50 l4.*30 2.00 lo50 89.70 933. Donald A. IJelsorm lO3.50 5;70 -0- !-.YO ' 95.30 932 Um. V. Hoffman 95.00 12.30 6.00 L'JS 75.95 933 Clarence A. Ebutson 107.50 6.40 6.00 1.50 23.60 934 Sub-total 620.00 50*50 20,OO 8.25 54125 STRUT DEPT. REG. Philip Bailey Sam Roberts Pete Dahlgren Hatt Kerf eld John Tracy Harry Jonas Arthur Jensen Ronald P. Port Sub4 ot a1 STRmT DEPT. HlUY. Charles Johnson 5.00 6.40 io .40 7.10 -0- 4870 -0- 32%- 92.40 4oOO -0- 115.00 1.50 95.60 1.50 99.60 1.50 102'.&0 1.50 96.00 1.50 96.00 1.50 91.30 93 5 936 937 938 959 940 941 942 1.50 86.90 943 .. Jacob Shmak 85.00 6.00 -0- 78.40 $44 Kermit C. Yautson 88.00 11,30 -0- 76.70 945 Sub4 ot a1 Zgzp 21,qo 1.50 &m TOTAL PAYROLL 3,~4,&0 225.40 20.00 26.25 2,844.75 PIiidland National Bank 64 Trust Go.' Claim # 946 $U*60 Village of Mina 947 46.00 Ninnesota Hospital Seroice Assn. 948 26.25 . First Edina State Bank 4.889 3,116.40 Withholding Tax Deposit Reimbursement by Police Officers for Unif oms Transfer of Funds Pursuant to Nhtice for Bids, as published in the 'pectator, Hopkins, Ihnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, Hnneapolis, Kinnesota, on April 18, 194'7, Bids were taken and publicly read on a tractor (alternate Bid, tractor equipped * with hydraulic front end loader). Bids were read by Clerk as follows: I Rosholt Equipment Go. Ehneapolis, Nimesota 1 - New Nodel 1-6 International industrial ,wheel tractor Complete $2,051.55 1 - New Model I-6A Hydraulic Hough Loader 'omplete with 5/8 Optional Equipment - Bulldozer Blade 1 - Minneapolis Moline UTI 49 H.P. Industrial Wheel Type tractor 1 - Lull Model 4C Hydraulic Shovel loader with 3/4 h. Yd, material bucket, real ballast box &c wheel estenders, mounted oh above If 1 Cu. Yd. material bucket is tanteil instead of 3/4 Cu. Yd. add Cu. Yd. 3kterial Bucket mounted on above tractor " 1,275oOO Snow Bucket 135.00 165.00 2,630,20 2,307.00 65.00 2,365836 lfilliam H. Zeigler Co,, Minneapolis, Minnesota George T, Ryan CO., f'iLinneapolis, Ninnesota 1 - Oliver lr8Of1 Industrial Tractor, 'omplete 1 - Lull 4B Shovel Loader, mounted on above tractor, with 3/4 Cu. Yd, material Bucket 1,460.00 All bidders reserve right to adjust prices uptvard to mardmum of 15% before date of shipment, Notion by l'lillson that bids be referred to Village Fbgineer for tabulation and reRort at next meeting, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Pursuant to Notice for Bids, as published on April 18, 1947 in the 'pec&ator, Hopkjns, Rinnesota, and the Construction Bulletin, Einneapolis, bids were taken, and publicly read, as follows, forthe furnishing of labor, materials, and equipment for Black- topping of Sunnyslope Addition: Alexander Construction Company, EEnneapolis J. V. Gleason, Minneapolis - Stabilizing $2,475.00 Plant M3.x 9,675.00 Road Mix 9,000.00 No Total Bid 819,125 .OO Ashworth Hawkinson CO., Npls. 11,100.00 Jay W. Craig CO., Npls. 12,575.00 Clement F, Sciilley Equipment co . , Hpls , 21,825.00 Bury & Carlson, Inc. Mpls. 22,500,OO Notion by Lki.lson that bids be referred to Village Ehgineer for tabulation, and report next regular meeting, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. at 146 ( 4/28/47 J Ibs. Ruth Braun and Verlin Balfanz, proprietors of Edina Auto Livery and %a /- Taxi Company, respectively, were asked for their cooperation in keeping their cabs mechanically safe, and in a clean and'presentable condition. pledged their cooperation. Council informed them'that a plan of periodic cab inspection was being formulated. Both owners Gmers approved. &. Balfaa, after citing increase &I price of parts, increase in premiums on insurance, and anticipated increase'in labor, requested that the cab companies be allowed to increase their rates fron the %!5$ per first mile, and lO$ for each addition 1/2 mile" rate allowed by Resolution of Biarch 11, 1940, to a rate of Z5$ for the first 1/2 mile, and lO$ for each addition 1/2 mile. Attorney was instructed to prepare necessary Resolution for submission at next meeting. Village c &'re George Christopher, 5656 Wooddale Avenue ngtified Cohcil of his intention to divide his ten-acre tract between Wooddale nd Concord, and 'outh of Tower Auenue, into several metes-and-bonds parcels far sale, said tracts tobeapp- roximately seventy-five feeā‚¬ wide arid one hundred and sixty-five feet long. Ik. Christopher asked relief from dkainage of st6m vater through his properby from the North. Engineer Smith reported that preliminary plans have been designed for a storm sewer to drain approximately 300 acres, f4otion by Utley that preliminary plan and estimate for storm sewer project be presented by Engineer at next regular meeting, in order that Council may consider advishbility of proceeding w2th construction this spring, was seconded by Harrbhorhe and carried. Er. Ha C. Bayer, 3301 f.1, 54th Street, requested permit tp shoot on his property, in order to destroy rabbits which &ve been damaging his fruit trees, was denied because of hazard to surrounding residents. Dr, J. P. Sorenson, 4830 France Avenue, requested cost information on a sanitary sewer to serve several deep lots' directly North of 49th Street and facing on France Avenue. estimate for Dr. Sorenson. Request &gineer Smith vas requested to make up tentative plan and Ek. H, A, Davit, 6308 Josephine,' requested immediate relief from water draining into his basement, said drainpge having resulted fromthe laying of drain tile through E.;%. Davittts property, attorney and was preparing to bring suit against the Village in amount between $10,000 and $20,000 for damages sustained. 1946, in which Council directed Village Attorney to Worm Kr. Davitt that the Village had no liability to correct his drainage problb vas reviewed. Engineer Smith reported that a storm sewer is needed in this area, and that he wodd recommend construction as soon as possible, before the property becopies built up. study of storm sewer problems in the Normandale 2nd Addition area, was seconded by Haihhorne and carried. Ik. Hallman, 4502 Oak Drive, explained that he had reported lack of garbage collection some time a go, and that he wished to be sure that he would begin to receive it at once. would be taken up with fk. Peterson immediately. . Utley offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption: Hi. Davit stated that he had contacted an Xinutes of InIeeting of April 8, Kotion by Utley, directing village Engineer to make preliminary He received assurance from the Council that this matter - WOLUEON RESOLVED, that the Village council. of the village of Mina, Hennepin County IZnnesota, hereby accgpts the offer of the Northern States Power 6ompany, a I.iinnesota corporation, to furnish illumination for street lighting produced by: 46 - 10,000 Lumen Lamps l.42 - 2,500 Lumen Lamps aU. located or to be located in said Village, and hereby approves all rates, terms, condihions, and specifications contained in the proposed form of Overhead Street Lighting Contract made a part of the offer of said company, and the president of the Village council and the Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directedto execute the aforesaid Contract 2P for and in the name of the Vibage and to affix the corporate seal thereto. , Notion to adopt the Resolution was' seconded by Harkhope, and on Rollcall there were five ayes, and no nays, as follows: Zonne, aye; &Uson, aye; Utley, aye; Haw-thorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution' was aaopted. President of the village %mcil 4/28/47 Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: .* L RESOLUTION RESOLVD that the. Village Gouncil of .the Village of Edina, Hennepin Couhty, Ennesota, hereby accepts the offer of the Northern States' Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, to furnish electric energy, lamp and glassware renevals, and other services forthe operation and maintenance of the Villagers ornamental street lighting system, consisting of: U, - Single-light steet Standards (Customer-owned) 47 - Single-Light Steel Standards (Company-owne&> all located or to be located in said Village, and hereby approves all rates, terms, conditions, and specifications contained in the proposed form of Ornamental Street Lighting Contract made a part of the offer of said Company, and the President of the Village council and the Village Clerk are hereby authorized seal thereto. v- d directed to execute the aforesaid Contract for and in the name of the iY illage and to affix the corporate &totion to adopt the Resolutionwas seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there, were five Q%S and no nays a s follows: adopted. zonne, aye; k~illson, aye; Utley, aye; Ha#horns, aye; and E hristower, aye; and the Resolution was ATTEST: .. President of the Village bouncil Letter from "elvin P. Petrie, 4500 Brookside Avenue, complaining of the cesspool drainage at 4512 Rutledge Avenue, was read, Woehler reported that he had contacted &. Petrie in answer to this letter; and that he had also contacted a State Health Department man, who would accompany him on an inspection of the property Monday, May 5. by Utley that Plumbing Inspector be instructed to bring his repor,$ and recommendations to the regular council Meeting of May 12, was seconded by blson and carried. Plumbing Inspector Hotion Petition for grading and graveling of Grove Street, from Tracy Avenue to the western boundary of Lots ll and 12, Warden Acres, signed by Victor Fridlund and others, was read. Village Engineer for report at the next regular meeting, wa s seconded by Hawthorne and carried. 1nforma1 application of C. E. Pfeiffer, for permit to store contracting equipment at community store property on 54th and France, was sited by Kr. %the and carried. Motion by I'Jillson that petition be referred to Hawthorne moved that request be denied. Notion seconded by tiillson Mr, Smith reported that the property on 62nd and Wooddale, where Donald J. NcClellan is now storing his contracting equipment, is also zoned for community store purposes. office to inform Donald J. PIcClellan that his con-kracting equipment must be moved to conform with Village Zoning Ordinance, was seconded by &leg and carried, Letter fron Harold G. Lains, 5034 Bruce Place, complimenting Street Crew on its efforts to clean up the streets, was readand filed, with instructions to administrative office to answer. Hotion by Hawthorne, directing administrative Letter from Bernard 0. Kischel, 4908 Arden, complaining ofthe condition of the lot at 4906 Arden Avenue, was read and filed. owner of this lot would be contacted with regard to having it cleaned up, Hr. Smith reported that the Application of Geo, R. Hartzell, for permit .to move frame building from 3923 W. 49th Street, to his property located on the north side of Highway # 169 just west of Eden Avenue, was read. seconded by Ifillson end c arried, Notion by Hawthorne that permit be granted was t 148 4/28/47 President Christopher reported that a delegation, headed by Krs. bd- son, appeared before the Council this evening before meeting was called, to protest the effective date of January 1, 1947, with regard to the proposed llhendment to Zoning Ordinancell, public hearing on which was held at the last regular meeting. Hawthorne offered the following Ordinance and moved its adoption: LO& OF EDDJA, iU?D FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROI.IO!TING THE HEALTH, SAFETY, ORDER, CONVENIENCE, PROSPERITY ARD CiEWXAL IJELFAm IN SAID VIukGE, AND FOR SAID PURPOSE TO DIVIDE THF, VILLAGE INTO DISTRICTS* * The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follox-xi: Sec, 1, Section VI1 of that certain ordinance passed by the Village Council of this Village on May 25, 1931, and published in the Heme- pin County Review on Hay 28, 1931, entitled I*An Ordinance Regulating the location, size, use, and height of buildings, the arrangement of buildings on lots and the density of population in the Vaillage of Edina and for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare in said Village, and for said purpose td divide the Village into district", is hereby amended by insrting between Subdivisions 15 and 16, thereof, a new Subdivision designated l5a, to read as follows: I ltFARMIIJG:rl The cultivation of the soil and all activities incident thereto, except that saidterm shall not include the raising and feeding of hogs by feeding garbage thereto, other than garbage pro- duced by the residents or occupants of the farm." Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and and after January 1, 1948. * Eotion to adopt the Ordinance was seconded by IJillson and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Hahhorne, eye; and ChristophFr, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted, Zonne, aye; Utley, aye; President of the Village Council , Village Clerk Hotion by Hawthorne that Village I.lanager be directed to notify St. Louis Park that the hauling of their garbage into the Village of Edina will no longer be allowed, force any Vaillage Ordinances applying to the hauling of garbage from outside the Village was seconded by Utley,and carried. and that the Police Department be instructed to en- I Engineer Smith reported that l6.r- Peterson had contacted a representative of the Glacier Sand and Gravel Company with regard to establishing Village dump in an abandoned gravel pit, without success, butthzt YI. Smith ex- pected to contact Nr. Erickson, the President of the Company, in the near future. Ollinger Road, as a possible Village dump, providing that Village keep the garbage covered, Xotion by Utley that ViUage,Engineer continue negoti- ations for possible Village dump, and that he proceed with investigation for site, and with formulation of plans for garbage incinerator, was seconded by Hawtlnorne and carried. Also, that 1.1. A. Davitt had suggested the use, of, his land, on Mr. Smith reported that he had met with the residents of Thielen Avenue, as instructed at the last regular meeting; that the residents could reach no agreement as .to what they wished done about their curb, gutter, and sidewalk, and that he would recommend waiting their further action. Re- commendation accepted. Mr. Smith requested the Village Attorney's opinion as to the legaliky of allowing Mr. Walkinson to pay &@e entire cost of the grading of the streets in Brookside Heights in return for the privilege of receiving whatever dirt was not needed in the construction work.- Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDIEG FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF SEWER WAFRANTS - SANITARY SE1m DISTRICT NO. 19, 'WHEREAS, the Village Council has by Ordinance duly adopted created Sanitary Sewer District No. 19; and WHEREAS, the Village Council has contracted for the construction of a sewer in said district under the provisions of Chapter 431, Minnesota Statutes; and WHEREeES, in order to provide money to pay for the cost of said in- provement, it is necessary to issue sewer warrants: MOW THEEI,EFOBE, BE IT FLESOLVZD by the Village Council of the Village of Nina, Minnesota, as follows: . 1. It is hereby determined that the total cost of the improvement in Sewer District.No, 19, including all incidental expenses, amount to $6,900.30. 2. There is hereby created a special fund to be designated llfund of Sewer District No. 19," out of which shall be paid the cost of the sewer improvement in said District, and the principal and interest on the warrants hereafter provided to be issued, and into which fund shall be paid all of the proceeds of the special assessments levied for Sewer District No. 19, and the moneys received on the sale of the warrants as hereinafter provided. 3. In anticipation of the collection of special assessments the Village shall forthwith issue and sell $7,000.00 Sewer District No. 19 Warrants. in the denomination of #5OO,OO as follows, shall be dated July lst, 1947, shall bear interest payable July 1, 1948, and semi-annually thereafter on January 1, and July I, in each year, and shall mture as follows: The Warrants to be issued hereunder shall be WARRANT NuEriBERS AMOUNT OF WRJUNT P TOTAL ETURITY DATE 1 2 3 4, 5 6 798 9 10 u,12 13,u $500.00 500 .OO 500.00 500.00 3 500 a 00 500 . 00 500~00 500.00 500.00 500 00 $500.0~ 500.00 1,000.00 1,000 .oo 1,000 . 00 500. 00 lyooo b 00 500.00 500.00 500.00 . January I, 1949 1950 1951 1952 19 53 1954 1955 It 1956 1957 1958 II If If I1 11 11 ll 11 said warrant No. 12, maturing January 1, 1957, and Nos. 13 and l.4, maturing January 1, 1958, being subject to redemption and prior payment on any interest payment date. 4. The Village Council shall meet at the Village Hall on 14onday, the 23rd day of June, at 8:00 P.N., for the purpose of receiving bids for the said warrants, and the Clerk is authorized and.directed to cause published notice of the sale of said warrants to be given by two weeks' publication in the official newspaper. I50 5. The notice of sale shall recite that said warrants will be payable solely from said special assessment and all bidders must submit a bid for such type of Warrant. further state the Village will furnish printed Warrants and the approving opinion of Hessrs. Dorsey, ,Colman, Barker, Scott, and Barber, both without cost to the purchaser and bids shall be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check inathe amount of at least $1,000.00. Said notice shall ' Hotion to adopt the Resolutioqtms seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Zonne, aye; 'I.Jillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution r.ms adopted . L .President of Villase Council Xotion by Utley thzt Village Engineer be authorized and directed to cal- culate assessment roll and ascertain assessable benefits for Storm Sewer District No. 13, was seconded by lrJillson and una.nimously carried. 3fotion by Utley that Village Engineer be authorized and directed to cal- culate assessment roll and ascertain assessable benefits for sanitary sewer in Sanitary Sewer District No. 20, was seconded by Willson and un- animously carried. Notion by Utley that Village Ehgineer and Village Clerk be authorized and directed to prepare calculation of assessment roll,.and to ascertain assess- able benefits for water main extension in Water kin Improvement No. 8, was seconded by Willson and unanimously carried. 3I.r. Smtih reported that Dr, Fred Will of 4626 France Avenue, has now been provided with petition for curb and gutter and paving of E'rance.Avenue, from 49th Street to North Village Limits. Hr. Smith 'reported that two inspections have been made of the Donald J, XcCUelan pro2erty at 63rd and Peacedale, and that', although he does have a power shovel parked in his yard, he states that this shovel is being kept there awaiting opportunity to dog for basement on the property; that there was no work being done in the garage at timeof .inspection. I Council received report thgt George Hartzell had applied for tax relief for the year 1946, covering the '75 feet of Lot 29, and the South U, feet of Lot 23, Auditor's Subdivision No, 172, which had been deeded to the Village for street purposes on Iky 28, 1946, sented by Attorney IJindhorst, for President's signature. by President, with Councilts approval. Formal Application for Relief was pre- Application signed Legal opinion of Attorney Windhorst, dated April 23, 1947, to the affect that joint ownership of an incinerator plant is possible under Sec. 471.59, 19&5 Rinnesota Statutes, w&s filed with Clerk. Legal opinion of Attorney Windhorst, dated April l4, 1947, citing l45 Einnesota Statute, Sec. 435.0&, irs specifically providing that assessment made in excess of cost of u;tiUty must be re$urned to person assessed upon application by him, was filed with Clerk, Discussion was had on proposed Food Ordinance, with Attorney Vindhorst in- structed to follow the procgdure he thought best in drawing up such ordi- nance for Council considera$ion. Inf ormtion secured from League of Minnesota, lhnicipalities, with rsgard to model taxicab ordinance, was referred to Ordinances and Legislation Com- mittee for report to Village Attorney. Village Nanager was requeqted tosinform liquor license applicants that the Council would consider applkcations for Liquor Licenses at meeting of Non- day, 3hy 5. meeting be adjourned untillfay 5, 1947. carried, * Hawthorne moved that, when time came for adjournment, the Kotion seconded by Utley and 4/28/47 Hawthorne moved that petition of Car1f.I. Hansen and others, dated May 27, 1946, for renaming of Concord Avenue to Concord Road be denied. seconded by Stillson and carried. Discussion was had as to Peder Mickelson's request that he be allowed to pay future years' assessments on water and sewer in Brookline and Brookline First Additions, with saving on interest assessed. advised to accept check if tendered. Notion was Administrative office Willson moved that Village Engineer be authorized to advertise for bids for blacktopping the roads in Edina Highlands, Valley View Heights, Edina Hills, Countryside, Creston Hills, and Edina Park, in accordance with blacktopping specifications heretofore approved by the Council, with bids to be opened May 12, 1947. Notion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. *YiUage Engineer was instructed to contact &. James Thrope, regarding method of payment for blacktopping streets in Sunnyslope Addition, bids for' which were taken this evening, At this time the written regignation of Trustee E. L. Zonne was read by the President. because the re-scheduling of his flights by his employer makes it impossible for him to be present at Council Meetings. Hawthorne moved that the Council accept with regret the resignation of E. L. Zonne as Trustee, effective April 28, 1947. Mr. Zonne explained that his resignztion was necessary Notion seconded by Willson and carried. Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its.&.doption: (Resolution on Mr. Zonne's Resignation to be written * by Nr. Utley.) Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Willson, and on rollcall, there aye; PXESIDENT OF THE VILLAGE ATT7z/- VILWGi3 CLERK ' COUNCIL ' were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, and Christopher, aye, and the Resolution was adopted. President Christopher recommended the appointment of Nr. Fred Child, 5330 Interlachen Blvd., as trustee for the balance of 11Ir. Zonne's unexpired term. Village of Edina, to fill the unexpiredterm of E. L. Zonne, was seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried. Plumbing Inspector Ben Woehler, requested the State Plumbing Code be adopted by the Council as the official Plumbing Code of the Village of Edina. Woehler was asked to present his request to the Planning Commission, at their meeting of May 6, for their recommendatiohs. Hotion by Wiilson that Mr. Child be appointed as Trustee for the Eb. There being no further business to come bgfore the Council, Hawthorne moved that ineeting be adjourned until Honday, Nay 5, 1947, at 8:00 P.N. Motion was seconded by Willson and carried. Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE BDJOlEtNZD FORTICN OF THE RZGULAR APRIL 28, 1947, HEETILljG OF TKE EDINA VILLAGZ COUNCIL, HZLD IN VIUGE K!LL, MAY 5, 1947, at 8:OO P.N. Xembers present were Child, Willson, Utley, Hawthorne, and Christopher. Two foresters appeared before the Council to apply for the job of trimming boulevard trees. workmen and superviser. Formal proposition was requested. Oral Proposition was $180.00 per 40-hour week for three