HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470623_ADJOURNEDDiscussion was had on the new State Statute requiring all new employees to join the Ibbnesota PuN,ic Retirement Association, all employees Joining the Association be granted a raise of 2.25% of their present salaries. Hawthorne moved that the Village Council grant wage and salary increase in the amount of 2.25% of present basewage and/or salaries of those employees joining the BEnnesota Public Employees Retirement Association, and tbt said 2.25% continue to be ddedto base salzrzes of said employees as long as they remain in said Association, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried. Utley recommended that IGessrs. Patsy, Ronstad, Gagne, and Fisher, owners of property on W. 55th Stpeet between Beard and Zenith Avenues, reporLed that the dust situation has been bad, and asked that the Village see fit to oil this street immediately. Xr. Willson pomsied to meet with the delegation on Tuesday, June 24, to see i&at can be done. Nr, 1.2. 1.1. Svans headed a delegation of five, which requested Council action on the opening of an extension of Interlachen Road to the ifest, -to furnish them with ingress into property which is at gresent unplatted, but which they e,vpect to plat providing they can secure such ingress. the Planning Commission. &I* A. Davitt, of Mina Realty Go., developer of Normandale Terrace, requested permission to divide, one lot in this mbdivision, lying along Brittany Road, into two 77x300' Lots. Delegation was referred to Nr. Davitt was informed-that he could replat only - upon recommendation of Flanning Commission. Letter from Ihrvin C. SshoeUcopf, with regard to traffic tag issued for U-Turn on Halifax and 50th Street was read and referred to hblic Safety Committee. Hotion by Willson that meeting be zdjourned until 8:OO P.X., Nonday, July 7, was seconded bji Hawkhorne and carried. MINUTE8 OF ADJOURNED FORTION OF JUNE: 23, 1947 MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD IN VILLAGE HALL. MONDAY, JULY 7. 194'7. AT 8:OO P.M. Members present were Child, Piillson, Utley, Hawthorne, and Christopher, Committee Reports, which had been read at Comittee Eketing earlier in the evening, were filed with Clerk. Mrs. Albert Esculte, 5505 Kellohg Avenue, recuested extension of time for connection to sewer, because she has her property for sale. informed that the Councilfs order for connection to sewer by July 15 must stand. Mrs.Esculte was Petition dated June 17, signed by Edgar W. Bedford and others, for the ex- tension of 60th Street from Code Avenue to Nomandale Road was presented by Re c, &cNiel. Petition cited willingness to dedicate property for street purposes. for all property on the West side of Code Avenue except that owned by mer- meyer, stated his willingness $0 dedicate a 3O-foot strip for the extension of Code Avenue, and made verbal request for the grading of this street, offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Mr* MacNiel, who stated he has entered ink0 contract for deed kKll.son RESOLUTION SETTING ~ING - GRADING WHEREAS, The Village Council desires on its own motion to extend and put to permanent GRADE THE FOLLOWING STREETS: V, 60th Street, between Hansen Road and Normandale Road, Code.Avenue, between Grove Street and W, 60th Street, as authorized by Chapter 382, Laws 1903, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is deemed necessary and expedient to make the improvement cited above; and that on the 28th day of July, 19.47, at' 8:OO P.&, this Council will meet at the Village Hall to hear the parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and will decidewhdkher or not to 2Q2 , 7/7/47 undertake such improvement, in whole or in part, Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and I.dillson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; r.Jillson, aye; Notion by Willson that a policy of three-year assessments for grading jobs be adopted by the Village Council, subject to exceptions for draordinarily expen- sive prajects, was seconded by Utley and unanimously carried. Petition dated June 23, 1947, signed by C. H, Allen'and others, requesting the- blacktopping of John Street between Behore Lane and Spruce Road, was read, Notion by tlillson that petition be referred to Village Engineer for investigation and report was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Petition 833bgned by IJilIiam S. Eck and others, for instalation of 20-mile ap hour signs East of Wooddale on 5%h Street, and on 58th Street west of France Avenue, and enforcemtn of such speed restriction, was read. petition be referred to Puglic Safety Committee for reply stating that such 20: mile signs are not legal was seconded by Utley and carried. Notion by Hawthorne that Discussion was had on the insCallation of curb and gutter and/or retaining wall. for the West side of Halifax between Pi, 496 Street and 58th Street. Willson offered the following Resolution and moved ita adoptions RESOLUTION SETTIRG HEARING CURB, AND GUTTER AND/OR RETAINING ~JALL I.J. SIDE HALIFAX, 494 STilEET TO 50th STREET I I-S, The Village Council desires on its own motion to improve Halifax Avenue from W. 50th Street to the North line of W,49$ Street, by the acquisition of a ten-foot strip of land at the West boundary of Halifax Avenue, and by the construction of retaining wall, curb, and gutter along said ten-foot strip of land, as authorized by Chppter 382, Laws 1903, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Village Council of the Village of Mina that it is deemed necessary and expedient to make the improvements cited above; and that on the 28th day of July, 1947, the parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and will decide whether or not to undertake such improvement, in whole or in part. 3fotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by kshorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; ITiUson, aye; Utley, aye; Christopher, aye; and Hawthorne, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. 'Engineer Smith and Attorney ltindhorst were comissionedto draft petition for Eunicipal Parking Lot in business district on North side of 50th and France, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Utley and carried, Pursuant to notice mailed to Edina Food handlers June 12, an informal diseussion was had on the adoption of a pro?osed ltFood Ordinancett. Messrs. Leo BfcClellan and George Trsiler appeared .to offer suggestions. ordinance, the matter was tabled until the 28th. Nr. and Mrs. George Trisler appeared to request relief from road block at the corner of 54th and France. measures immediztely. from W. 54th Stre& to Fuller Street. opmers of 51% of abutting property. I r After review of the proposed They were informed that the Council would take such The Council requested written pgition by They also requested sewer main extension on France avenue, 7/7/47 Discussion was had on need for tree trimming and a general park program. Pre,sident Chrsitopher wqs commissioned to secure Park Board's plan and budget, by motion Utley, seconded by Hawthorne and carried.. President Christopher recommended Mr. L, A. Dyregrove 4630 France Avenue for membership in the recnetly appointed Special Parks and Playgrounds Committee. Motion by Willson that Mr. Christopherts recommendation be accepted was seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried, Mr. Utley reported that E4r. Leonard Ode11 wishes to circulate petition for lateral sewer extensions in the Browndale Park District. Motion by Utley that Attorney Windhorst draft required petition, containing provisions that Council give consideration to the practicability of sewer connection with St, Louis Park trunk sewer, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Office was requested to Teyiew minutes with regard %o contracts made with City of Minneapolis with regard to payments for Joint Sewer District No, 1. Report of Mr. George Willson, *delegate to the Minnesota Municipalities Conven- tion held on June I3 to 13, 1947, was read, accepted and filed with Clerk. Fire Chief Philip Bailey reported that he expected delivery of the new Fire Truck about September 1, and asked for fire hose to equip truck. Rotion by Hawthorne that Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for 1000 feet 242" and 600 feet 1-1/21t hose, was seconded by Utley and cal?ried. ; Motion by \?illson thgt meeting be adjourned to July 10, 1947, ms seconded by Utley and carried, MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTIGN OF THE JULY 7, 1947, ADJOURNED PORTION 9;F THE JUNE 23, 1947, IlEGULaR NEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, AS HELD JULY 10, 1947, AT 8:OO P.X., AT THE) EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members present were Willson, Utley, Hawthorne, arid Christopher, Utley offered :he following Resolution and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTICN PROVIDING FOR TKE ISSUANCE OF 1JATER.WORKS IBVENUE BONDS FOR TKE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING &IONEX FOR THE PURCHASE AND DPROVEEENT OF TKE WATm WORKS PUNT kJD SYSTE31 WHEREAS, the Village of Mina is organized under the General Laws of the State and has a population of more than 5000 inhabitants and an assessed valu- ation of all taxable property of less then ~6,000,000.00 and WHEREAS, there is a public water supply system owned by Gountry Glub Dis- trict Service Company which upon acquisition will be part of the public water supply system of the village, and WHERFAS,. The Village has entered into a contract with the said Country Club District Service Company for the purchase of wells, pumps, and equipment for the operttion thereof, storage tanks,water mains, hydrants, and lands and buildings for housing the same and incidental or necesssary equipment in con- nection therewith, and of Chepter 94, Laws of Minnesota l9&l, to issue revenue borids to finance mch purchase and the construction of additional facilities, IEIER.EAS, The Village is 'authorized under and pursuant to the provisions NOW, THBREFORE, BE IT RE30LVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Itinnesota, as follows: MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF REVIEW, HELD HONDAY, JULY 28, 1947, JUNE 23. HEETING OF EDINA BOARD OF AT 8:OO P.H,, IN VILLAGE HALL i 219 Members present were Child, Willson, Utley, Hawthorne, and Christopher . Notice of keeting, as published on official village bulletin boards June 25, was reqd. Assessor Creighton present,ed Register of Valuations forthe year 1947, together to his Preliminary Report, (subject to final audit by County Auditor) which lists comparison of valuations as follows: . REAL ESTATE PERSONkL PROPIBE TOTAL I_NCREASE 1947 $4,210,153*00 $ . 390,310*00 $ 4,6OO,463*OO 240,963,OO 1946 4,019 949 e00 339,551.00 4,3599 500*00 Increase 190,204.00 50, 759 00 240,963 00 Public Hearing was then held, the ody complainant being John Person. it was determined that Mr. Person's complaint was with regard to the taxes and not to the assessed valuation, Willson moved that Register of Valuations for the year 1947 be approved by the Council as submitted, by Utley and unanimously carried. When Motion seconded Mr. Creighton reviewed the State Tax Coarmission1s 1946 action in arbitrarily raising the valuations of Edina upon the suggestion of another village that Edina's valuations were low, such increase in valuation being made without notification to Village officials, Mr. Utley recommended that the Tax Com- mission be zosified of the Village Officials' opinion that they should be entitled to the courtesy of a notibe from the Commission before any future State action on Edina valuations, Motion by lfillson adjouring meeting of the Board of Review was seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried. , MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MIBTING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELR MONDAY, JULY 28, 1947, AT 8:OO P*Mo IN VILLAGE mu Nembers present were Child, Willson, Utley, Hawbhorne, and Christopher, Village Health Officer, Dr. Lowell M, Campbell, requested CouncilIs per- mission togrant permit to Arthur Peterson to haul garbage, within Village, to Gsrrisbn dump until January 1, 1948, wit4 provision that said dump be covered every second day; and permit to Everett Garrison to haul garbage within thevillage until October 14, 19&7. be issued as requested by Village Health Officer, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried. Motion by Willson that permits Motion by Utley approving minutes of Meetings of June 23, July 7, and July 10, 1947, ,as submitted, pas seconded by Willson and carried. Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids, published in TheSpectator, Hopkins, and in the Construction Bulletin, lfinneapolis, on July 18, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, the Council called for bids for furnishing labor and material for construction of water main eskension on W, 55th Street be- tween Beard and Zenith Avenaes. Bids opened and read were as follows: PHELPS-DRAffE, COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS ORFEI & NARIANI, ST. PAUL WBTTI & LAEIETTI, ST. PAUL Motion by Utley, referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation, was seconded by, Hawthorne, and carried. Pursuant to Advertisements for Bids for the blacktopping of Wooddale Avenue from If, 50th Street to W, 56th Stred, and for blacktopping Concord Avenue between Southview Lane and the South Lot Line, Lot 4, Block 3, Golf Terrace Heights 2nd,Addition, affidavits of publication as.of July 18, 1947, in the Spectator, Hopkins, and Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, having been read by Clerk, the following bids were opened and read: