HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470623_REGULAR185 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THl3 BOARD OF REVIEM OF THE VILLAGE' OF EDINA, HELD NORDAY, JUEE 23, 1947. at 8:OO P.M. %embers present were Child, %Xl.lson, -Hawthorne, and Utley, with Utley presiding , Pursuant to "Assessment Noticel' posted June 12, 1947, the Council met as 'Board of Review, for the purpose of examining the tax books of the Village Assessor, and to hear any objections .to 1&s computation. Village Assessor Greighton appeared before the Board to ask for postpone- ment of this meeting to Nonday, July.28, in order that he might have time.to complete his records Notion by PJillson that Board of Review Neeting be postponed until Nonday, 'July 28, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Members present were Child, FJillson, e Hawthorne, and Utley, with Utley presiding. Motion by Ifillson that Village Payrolls in the amount of $33G21.40 be al- lowed, was seconded by Child and carried: VILLAGE OF EDINA JUNE 16 t%!8Ro%E 30, 1947 TOTAL KLTH UNIFOR@ BUT CW IN . NAKE NRNDKX TAX DEDUCT. HOSP. PAY NO. Council: C, J. Christopher Bower Hawthorne George A. Willson Harold C. Utley Fred S, Child J . J . Duggan John tJindhorst Ward B. Lewis Dr. L.N.Campbel1 John D, .Nelson Sub-Cotal $ 50.00 50.00 35.00 35.00 35600 30.00 75.00 75.00 30.0C: 10.00 425.00 50.00 50 e 00 ' 35.00 35.00 35.00 75.00 75.00 30.00 30.00 io,oo 425.00 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 ADMINISTFiATIVE Phil W. Smith 250.00 33.30 1950 215.20 1067 Gretchen Schussler 110.00 15.00 .?5 94.25 1068 Bernice El. Johnson 75.00 12.80 1.50 60.70 1069 Helene Freeman 62.50 6.80 .75 54.95 1070 Sub-t ot a1 497.50 brj.90 4.50 42.5010 ENGINEERING DEPT . 1 Carl E.iiller 125.00 13.60 -0- 1u.40 1071 John A. Sias 125.00 13.60 2.25. 109.15 1072 Fred Jonas Ben Woehler 137.50 11.70 1.50 124.30 107.4 96.00 12.60 -0- 83.40 1073 Sub-t otal 483.50 51.50 3#?5 428.25 POLICE DEPT. Hilding S. Dzhl 107 . 50 6.40 6.00 1.50 93.60 1075 Wm. S, Heydt 100 . 00 5 4-0 -0- 1.50 93.TO 1076 107.50 3.4.30 -0- 1.50 91.70 1077 Clayton Erickson Clarence A. Knutsorx: 107.50 6.40 6.00 1.50 93.60 1078 102 . 50 5.70 -0- 1.50 95.30 1079 Donald A. Nelson Th. V. Hoffman 95.00 12.30 6.00 -75 75.95 1080 Sub-total 620,0( 50.50 18.00 8025 -52i3.25 STREET ?*IE% - I"Li=ZJLAR -- . Ehilip Bailey 120.00 5 .OO Sam Roberts 107 . 50 6.40 Pete Dahlgren 107.50 10.40 Matt Eer f eld ' 110 . 00 7.10 John Tracy 97.50 -0- loa 1.50 99.60 1082 1.50 95.60 1083 1.50 101.40 1084 -0- U5.00 1.50 96.00 . 1035 6/23/47 TOTAL Arthur Jensen Roaad 15, Port Sub-total STFEZT lGN- HOURLY Sara I-IcCready Charles Johnson . Jacob Shmak Kermit C, butson C. >io Cardarelle $€errill Garner Jack Eerf eld 97.50 .80 1.50 .. - 74.80 4.90 9240 4.00 78.20 5.60 40.00 3.10 88.00 U.30 99.00 5.10 88.00 U-030 1.50 q6,00 1088 10.50 790.10 -0- 6% e 90 1089 E;: 1.50 86.90 -0- 72 60 i-0- 36.90 1092 -0- 93.90 1093 -0- 76.60 109k - -O- 76.70 1095 TOTAL FASROLL 3,&2J..&0 2&9.60 18000 28.50 3yE5.30 First Edina State Bank, 3,421 *40 fh.988 Nidland National Bank-?Jitholding Taxes 504.20 #lo97 Village of Elkina-Deducted from Officers' Salaries for Uniforms 36,OO #lo98 Transfer of Funds IZziikesdta Hospital Service ASSPC. 28.50 #io96 Pursuant to '*Rotice of Hearing on Petition to Vacate Street, as published in the Spectator, Hopkins, IEnnesota, on June 13, 1947, public hearing was held on the petition to vacate Dearborn Street between Iqkloney and Naterman iiveneus . Alred Bjorklund and John Hjort appeared, in favor of the vacation. objections filed, either oral or written. Kessrs . There were no Villson ofr'ered the follo>rins Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION VACATIIIG STRZET lM=4S, petition of a majority of the omers of the real property fronting on the line of Dearborn Street, between WLoney and .;Tateman Avenues,as platted in Willardts Sukdivisio,, of Block 17, Mendelssohn Addition, has been dtrly filed with the Village Council and said Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice duly published and posted and yas heard all interested, and it appears in the interest of thepublic that said street be vacated, now tkefore BE IT RESOLVEXI by the Village Council of Vne Village of Fdina that Dearborn Street between Ihloney and Xateman kvcmnxis, as $he sameis now deducted and laid out within the corporate limits of said Village, . is hereb,,. vacated, . Hotion to adopt the Resolution vere four ayes and no nays, as Resolution. vas adopted. was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall, there folloxs: Child, Willson, Hawthorne, and Utley, and the . President Pro-Tern of theViXLage Council Tabulation of bids was presented for the blacktopping of 54th Street to 11. 93th Street, as taken June 9, 1947, in JAY I-J. CRAIG CO. J. V. GLASOII GO. (!Tar) J. V, GLELSOIJ (Cutback Asphalt) ALEGG!DER CQISTBUCTICId COO ASK foRTH-m~txaJso~J co (Cutback Asphalt) It was the written recommendation of thevillage hgineer France Avenue f porn H* amounts as follovrs: $6,528.00 6,816.00 6,624.00 7,200.00 7;584.00 that JAY W. WIG'S bid for cutback asphalt should be accepted because of tar surfacing already present in this street. tZU.son offered the follotJing Reolus-f;ion and moved its adoption: RE30LUTION ACCEETIIJG BID :.IH~S, pursuant to advertisement for bids pubsshed in the Spectator, Hop-, Ennesota, and in the Improvement Bulletin, l'Enneapolis$ l.'iinesota, on I-lay 29, 1947, for the improvement of France Avenue between T.J. 5 4th and I?. 58th Streets by the Blackt(3pping thereof, the following bids have been duly received and opened. I 181 6/23/47 JAY W. CRAIG COY2ANY MINNaPOLIS MNN (Cutback Asphalt) J. V. GLEASOI'I COlllcpAfd'Y, Rinneapolis .Erin, (Cutback asphalt) ASHWORTH-HAWKINSON GO . It (Cutback Asphalt) 7 584 00 ALEUIrIDiB ' CClltSTRUCTICN CO. $ 6,528.00 6,816 .OO II II If I1 11 It ( Eoad Tar) 6,624.CO (Cutback Asphalt) 7, 200 00 I1 THER&FORE, BE IT RZSOLVED, By thevillage Council of the Village of &kina that $6,528,00 is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder, aiid the president and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Jay W. Craig Company, 3inneapolis, in the name of the Village for the improvement of saidportion of said street by the black- topping thereof , according to the plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved by this council and filed in the office of the clerk at the price specified in said bid, and which said contract shall be appoved as to ,form by the Village Attorney. to return forthwith to all iidders the deposits made with their bids except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the neJut lowest bidder shall be retained until the contrct has been signed, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed lvlotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Roll call there were four ayes and no nays, as foliows: Hawthorne, aye; and Utley, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; l?illson, aye; President Pro-Tem of thevillage Council Pursuant to Notice published in The Spectator, Hopkins, Ninnesota, on June 12 and 19, 19.47, and Notice Posted on Official Bulletin Boards June 9, 1947, public hearing was held on proposed improvement by grading the following street and alleys : Oxford Avenue be€ween W, 5lst Street and Interlachen Blvd. The North-South Alley in Block 4, Brookside Heights, from W. 5lst Street to the North lot lihes of Lots 6 and 23, Block 4, The North-South Alley in Block 3, Brookside Heights, From I?. 5lst Street tothe North lot lines of Lots 6 and 23, Block 3. Engineerts estimate of $440.60 was read. and no objections were filed, either oral or written. project be delayed pending further report by Village Ebgineer on the 7th of July, wds seconded by Child arid carrie'd, No persons appeared at this hearing; Notion by tki.llson that The next order of business was the receipt of bi:ds for the purchase of $18,000,00 Street Improvement No. 1 Certificates of Indebtedness, $17,000.00 hilater Fain Improvement No, 7 and 8 Certificates of Indebtedness, and $5,000.00 Sanitary Sewer District Do. 18 Warrants, in accordance with the Resolution adopted Islay 26, 1947. Notice of Sale for two weeks in the HENNZPIN COUNTY REVIEW, itflich affidavit was examined and found satisfactory and ordered placed on file. then announced that sealed bids hcld been received. examined and the highest and best bid of each bidder was found to be as follows: The Clerk presented an affidavit showing publication of the The Clerk These were opened and BLD OX ALL OR NONE - $18,000.00 Street Improvment No. 1 Certificates of Indebt- edness, $17,000.00 Water Main Improvement No, 7 and 8 Certificates of Indebted- ness, and $j,OOO.OO Sanitary Sewer District No, 18 VJarrmts: Total $40,000.00. NARX OF BIDDER Harold E. Wood & Co.,St,Paul INTEiii3ST RATE AEGUNT OF BID 1.40$: lL."' $4.0,000. OC plus accrued interest from date of bond to date of de1ivery;plus $46.00 premium &0,000. GO plus accrued interest from date of bond to date of delivery ;plus $26.00 premium interest from date of bond to date of deliveryjplus $2;25.00 premium &o,o00.00 plus accrued into from date of bond to date of defivery;plus $22.00 p~e~~ Kalman & Company and Juran & Noody, 4 * St, Paul 1 . 60% Allison-MLl.iams Company, Mpls . 1.757; #? $40,0C0.00 plus accrued First mina State Bank, Mina, and First National Bank, Hinneap olis 1.50s I88 f 6/23/47 IIiTdROST RATE ;II.:CUNT OF BID Piper, Jaf f ray B Hopwood, Kpls . 2.40% $+O,OCO.GO plus accrued interest from date of bond to date of delivery; plus $8.08 pre~m After due consideration of all of s;;id bids, Clerk Hawthorne introduced and read the following written resolution and moved its adoption: A WOLUTION SELLING $16,CC0.00 STBET D*PZOm*E3IT #l CERTIFICATES . BE IT XBOLVZD, By the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Yinnesota, that the bid of Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood to purchase $18,000.00 Street hprove- ment No. 1 Certificates of Indebtedness dated July 1, 1947, and to pay therefore 218,000.GO plus Tkirc~ a:d 36/100 Dollars $3.36) premium, plus accrued interest from date of Certificate to date of delivery, 5.s hereby found, determined, and declared to be the most favoriible bid and is hereby accepted. to retain the check of said bidder and to return all other good faith checks to the unsuccessful bidders, The Clerk is directed The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee IJillson, and u$on thereof; same: ote being taken tkereon, the following voted in favor Child, IJillson, Hawthorne, and Utley, and the following voted against the No Nay Votes, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. President Fro-Tern of Village Council Clerk Hawthorne intrcduced md resd the following vkitten resolukion and moved its adopt ion. BZ IT USOLVSD, E@ the Village Council of the Village of Edina, EEnnesota, as folloys: , 1, The Village shall forthwith issue its negotiable Street Improvement No. 1 Certificates of Indebtedness in the aggregate principal amount of &3,0OO.c'0, dated July 1, 1947, in the denomination of ~1,OCO.OO each, numbered fron 1 to 18 inclusive, bearing interest at the rate of 1.4s per annum, payable July 1, l9i;8, and semi-aimuaw thereafter on the 1st days of January and July in each year, and ~~~turing serially on July 1st in the years and amounts as follows: $1,000.00 in 19&9 and 1950, and $2,000.00 in each of the rears 1951to 1958, both inclusive, all Certificates of Indebtedness maturing in the years 1949 to 1957, both inclusive, wLthout option of prior payment and the Certificates of Indebtedness maturing in 1958 being subject to redemption on any interest payment date. Both principal ad interest shall be payable at Northwestern Hational Bank, Einneapolis, 1-Ennesota, and thevillage shall pay the reaeanable charges of such pa,7ing agent. . -. 2, The Certificates of Indebtedness and the coup ons thereto attached shall be in substantially the following form: . VILLAGE OF EDIEJA NO ht '$1 000 S"R.d&T DP~OVS~BNT NO 1 C33TIFICATE OF INDEBTEDIJSSS 3' I303 ALL I-ZU Bi' THaE PIZESDJTS, That the ViUage of Mna, Hennepin County, Rhnesotz, certifies that it is indebted and for value received hereby promises to py to bearer the sum of OHF, THOUSND DOLLARS on the 1st da3 of July 19- and to pay interest threon from the date hereof until paid at the rate of One and Four Tenths Percent (l.L&) per annum, interest to maturity payable semi-annually on the 1st days of January and July in each year in accordance with and upon ;resentation and surrender of the attached ifiterest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal of and intei-est on this certificate of in- debtedness are payaEke at Nortnwestern National Bank, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the date of papmt is legalterider for public and private debts. 3 (To be inserted in Certificates Nos. 1 to 16 Incl.) This certificate of indebtedness is payable at its stated maturity date with- out option of prior payment. , (To be’ inserted in Certificates Nos. 17 and 18) This certificate of indebtedness is subject to redemption at par and accrued interest at the thirty days prior notice by mail to the bank where the certificates of indebted- - ness are payable. This certificate of indebtedness is one of an issue.in the total principal amount of ~18,000.00, all of like date and tenor except as to maturity and provision for redemption, and is issued by the Village of Edina pursuant to and full conformity with the Constitution and Laws of the State of BLinnesota, thereunto enabling, including Sections 434.11 to 434.27, Einnesota Statutes, and acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, and is issued for the purpose of defraying a prt of the expenses incurred and to be incurred in a street improvement on certain streets of said Village and is payable primarily from special assessments to be levied against pro:..erty specially benefited thereby but consitutueB a general obligation of the Village, and toprovide moneys for the prompt and full papent of said principal and interest as the same becomedue the full faith and credit of said Village have been and are herebr Lrrevocably pledged. IT IS HEREf3Y CERTIFIED AND RECITZD, That all acts, conditions, and things re- quired by the Constituion and Laws of the State of Ninnesota to be done, to- happen, a.nd.to be performed precendent to and in the issuance of this Certifi- cate of indebtedness, have been done, have happened, and have been performed in regulbr and due form, time, and mnner as reauired by law, and tha+his ce,rtificate of indebtedness, together with all other debts of said Village ouGstandang on the date hereof and the date of its actual issuance and de- -livery, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation of indebt- edness. option of the Village on any interest payment date upon IN ‘WITNESS HWZZEOF the Village of Mina, Hennepin County, Ninnesota, by its Village Council, has caused this Certificate of indebtedness to be signed by the President and countersigned by its Village Clerk and sealed with the seal of said Village and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, and has caused this certificate of indebtedness to be dated as of the 1st day of July 1947. President of Village Council Mina, Ninnesota (FORM OF COUPON) On the 1st day of January (July), 19 -, the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Ennesota, will pay to bearer at DOLLARS, being the installment of interest then due on its Street .Improvement Ro. 1 Certificate of Indebtedness dated July 1, 1947, no. , the sub of . 3. The Clerk is directed to cause said certificates of indebtedness to be prepared, and the President of the Village Council and clerk are authorized and directed to execute the same and affix the Village seal thereto and to cause the interest coupons to be executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved, or lithographed facswle signatures of said officers. 4. The said certificates of indebtedness when fully executed shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the pur- chase price, and the purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the proper ap- plication thereof ., 5. Tne Clerll and Treasurer are authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchasers and to the attorneys approving said issue certi- fied copies of all proceedings and records relating to the issuance of said Street improvemmt ITo. 1 Certificates of Indebtedness and tothe right, power, and authority of the Village by its officers to issue the same and said certified co,-ies and certificates shall be deemed the representations of the Village as to all matters stated thereini The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee iJillson, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor th reof: Child, Ilillson, Hawthorne, and Utley, and the folloving voted against the same: clared duly poassed and adopted. I No Nay votes, thereupon said resolution was de- Clerk Hawthorne offered the following President Pro-Tern of the Villase Council Resolution and moved its ado;;ltion: BE IT RZSOLVZD, By the Village Council of the Village of Mina that the bid of PIFZit, J11FFMY MJD HORJOQD to purchase $17,000,00 Vater Eain Improvement #'7 and 8 Certificates in accordance with the Resolution adopted Kay 26, 1947, and the Notice of Sale, is hereby accepted, said bid being . to purchase said obligations bearing interest at the rate of One- and Four- Tenths (lo,!&) Fer ce9t per annum at a price of &7,000.00 plus Three and 4,3/100 Dollars (3.43) plus accrued interest from date of bond certificate to date of delivery. The motion for the adoption of the foragoing resolution was duly seconded by Utley, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted rh favor there: against the same: no nay vo es, whereupon said resolubion vas declared duly passed and adopted, Child, Killson, Hawthorne, and Utlej., and the following voted ATTEST: President Pro-Tern of Village Council Clerk Hawthorne, offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT REOLVJD, By the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Ennesota, as follows: 1, Pursuant to 'tReso1ution forthe Issuance and Sale of Street Improvexent Certificates of Indebtedness, Vlater lkin Certificates of Indebt- edness and. Sever ?lamants." adopted by this Council Nay 26, 1947, the form of Uqter Xain No. 7 and 8 Certificates of Indebtedness and Coupons shall be in substantially the following form: DOUS MJI-Brn (FORK OF CERTIFICATE) IJATER I-JAII; IIJPROVB*EXJTS NO0 7 ik WCERTIFICATE OF IP.TT)EBTEDPESS Kl:Gi.J ALL Ia131 BY THESE FIRIESXTS, That the Village of Edina, Hennepin ' ' County, Kinnesota, certifies that it is indebted and for value receiv d promises to pay to the bearer hereof from Water $Trovements 'lo* 6/23/47 191 Fund of said Village the sum of D0LUFt.S on the day of which on the date of payment is legal tender -fop palic and private debts, and to pay interest thereon from the date hereon until paid at the rate of thereafter semi-annually on the day of and the , day of accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the attached interest coupons as they severally become due, both principal and interest being payable at the main office of , l9-, in any coin or currency per cent ( $) per annum, payable and in each year, interest to maturity being payable in THIS CERTIFiCATg OF INDEBTEDNESS is one of a series of certificates in the aggregate principal amount of $17,000~00 all of like date and tenor except as to maturity, and is issued by the Village of Wna pursuant to and in full conformity with the constitution and Laws of %he State of Hinnesota thereunto enabfjtlg including Chapter 4.25, Laws of 1921, for the purpose of defraying expense incurred and to be ineurred in laying water mains, hydrants, and connections in Water Hain Improvements No. #7 and 8 and in anticipation of the collection of special assessment to be duly levied against the benefited prol;erty in said district for the construction of said water mains and is parable out of a Fund designated as Mater Kain Improvement Xo, 7 and 8 Fund into which fund all proceeds of said assess- ment are required to be pid, but the full faith and credit of the Village of mina ;re pledged for its payment. (To be printed on Fertificates No. 16 and 17) date at par and accrued interest upon thrity days priornotice by mail to the bank where this Certificate is payable. This certificate is subject to redemption on any interest payment IT 13 KEREBl CE;iTIFIXD AND RECITXD, that all acts, conditions, and Laws of the State of XEnnesota, to be done, to happen, and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this certificate of indebtedness have been done, have happened, and have been performed in regular and due form, time, and manner as required by law and that this certificate of indebtedness together with all other indebtedness of said Villabe outstanding on the date named herein, and on the dste of the actual issuance and delivery hereof does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limitation of indebtedness, ' I IN WITN8SS ?6KZREOFf the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, BEnnesota, by its Village Council has causedthis certificate of indebtedness to be signed by the President of the Village Council and Countersigned by the village Clerk and sealed with the seal of seid Village, and the interest 'coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by the faximile signatures of said officers, and has caused this certificate of indebtedness to be d2,ted as C 0UIITjB.S IGFZD PmSIDEP<T OF TH& VILLkGi3 GCVNCIL NO. ON THE FIRST DAY OF The Village of &tinay Ninnesota, will pay to bearer and /1CO Yinnesota, for interest then due on its Matermin Dollars, at Bank, of 'I Improvemeit No, 7 & 8 Certificate of Indebtedness -n dGed July 1. 19h7. No, PRZSIDENT OF TK% VILLAGZ COUMCIL c BE IT FURTHB RESOLVED, That a separate special assessment 3und shall be provided for the improvement and the proceeds from the sale of the certificates herein authorized shall be placed in such fund; into such fund shall be paid all moneys received fronthe papent of any special assessme ts levied on account of this fund. A sufficient all?ounJG ofmoneys to provide €or the payment of the principal and interest of said certificates as they severally mature, shall be, vkthout further authority, %&ansf erred by the VillaGe Treasurer into such fund from theGeneral Fund when $he special assessment fund is insufficient to pay the principal and interest of said certificztes as they severally mature, but the fund from which said Eoneys have been taken or used for the pqyment of such principal or interest shall be replenished with interest at 3$ per annum from the collection of unpaid assessments on account of such improveEents. BE IT FURTUR Ft&SOLV^i21D, That both principal of and interest on said certificates shall be payable at Northwestern National Bank, JZmeapolis, IErmesota, and the Village shall pay the reasonable charges of such pap ing agent. BE IT FURTIBR RESOLVED, That said certificates shall be printed under the direction of the Village Clerk arid the besident of the Village Council and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directedto execute said warrants and to affix the Village seal, and the interest couFons to be attached thereto shall be executed and authenticated by the printed en- graved or lithografied facsimile signatures of ssid officers. BX IT FLIEEER RBOLVED, That when said warrants have been fully exe- cuted as required by law and by this Resolution they shall be delivered to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purchase price and said purchaser shall not be obligated to see to the application of such purchase price. The notion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Ilillson, and upon vote, beingtaken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: resoluticlnwas declared duly passed and adopted. Child, IKLlson, Hawthorne, and Utley, wiiereupon said Fresident Fro-Ten of the Village Council Fassed this dzy of 1947 Clerk Hawthorne offered the following Resolution nd mol A ~OLLJTIOH SEXLING ;;5,ooo.ao SBBR DISTRICT NO. 18 t!mJTS 3d its adoption: BE IT RZSOLVdD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the bid of PIPE8,JkFFRAY BID HOPTiOOD to purchase 35,OOO.OO Sewer District No. 18 tiarrants in accordance with the Resolution ado$ed Kay 26, 1947, and the Notice of Sale, is hereby accepted, said bid being to purchase said obligations beuing interest at the rzte of Gne and Four-Tenths (l&) per cent per annum at a price of 35,OOO.OO plus premium in the amount of One and 1/100 Dollars ($l.Gl) plus accrued interest from date of >Jarrant to date of delivery, The notion for the adoption on the forGgoing resolution was duly seconded by Child, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: voted against the same: declared duly passed and adopted. Child, V?il.lson, Hawthorne, and Utley, and the following No Hay votes; whereupon said resolution was President Fro-Tan of the Village Council 6/23/47 193 Clerk Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: I RESOLUTION FIXING FO~~I OF szm ~WWAIT smm DISTRICT rJo .i8 Pursuant to llResolution Providing for the Issuance and Sale of Street Improvement Certificates of Indebtedness, Mater kin Certificates of Indebt- edness and Sewer Warrants'!, as adopted b.y this Council Ear 26, 1947, the form for Sewer District No. 18 Warrants shall be substantially as follows: (Form of Warrant ) UPJITZB STATE3 OF BKZRICA STATE OF &EJ!JNESOTA COUNTY OF HEHPIEFIH VILLAGE OF EDII'JA No . $1,000.00 The Treasurer of the Village of &ina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, $rill pay to the bearer hereof from Sewer District No. 18 Fund of said . Village the sum of One Thousand Dollars in any coin or currency which on the dzte of payment is legal tender for public and private debts on the First dq of July, 1947, with interest thereon at the rate of per cent ( $) per annum payable July 1, 1948, and thereafter semi-annually on the last day of January and the 1st day of July, in each year, in accord- ance with and upon presentation and surrendzr of the attached interest coupons as they severally become due, both principal2and interest being payable at the This Warrant is one of a-series of warrants in the aggregate principal amount of $j,OOO.OO, all of like date and tenor except as to matwity and provision for redeEption and issued by said Village pursuant to and in full conformity with the constitution and laws of the State of Biinnesota thereunto, unabling, including Chapter 431, Minnesota Statutes of 1941 and acts amenda- tory thereof and supplemental thereto for the purpose or" defraying the expense incurred and to be incurred in laying sewers in said District and in antici- pation of the collecLion of special assessments heretofore duly levied against the benefited property in said District for the construction of sewers and is payable out of a fund designated as Sewer District No. 18 Fund, into which fund all proceeds of said assessmefit are required to be paid, and the full faith and credit of the Village is pledged to the payment of said Xarrants, and interest thereon as the same belEome due. ( To be printed on Warrants 110. 5) This Warrant is subject to redenption on any interest papent date at par and accrued interest upon thirty days prior .notice bJt mail to the bank where this warrant is parable. It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions, and things required by the constituion and laws of the State of IEnnesota, to be done, to happen, and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this 'darrznt, have been done, have happened, and have been performed in regular md due form, tine, and mznner as re-uired by law, and that this Warrant, together with all other indebtedness of said Village outstanding on the date named here, and on the date of actual issuance and delivery hereof, does not exceed any statutory or constiLuiona1 limitation of indebtedness e In TITkBSS I-iHEiEEOF, The Village of %nay Rennepin County, lEnnesota, by ita Village Council has caused this warrant to be signed by the President of the Village Council and countersigned by thevillage Clerk and sealed with the seal of said Village, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, as President of Village Council \ 194 6/23/47 1 (Form of Coupon) No . Einnesots, will pay to bearer at On the first dq? of January *July) 19 , Village of %nay Hennepin County, BAKK the sum of DOLLARS ($ ), being the installment of interest then due on its Sewer District No. 18 Earrant dated July 1, 1947, No. 4 hW$lg?Jg?J, illage Clerk President of Village Council . BE IT FURTHAT RZSOLVZD, THat both principal of and interest on said warrants shall be payable at PSOXlIiNd3T~~~I ICATICtJAL BAT%, Ninneapolis, Knnesota, and the Village shall pa;T the reasonable charges of such paying agent, BE IT FLRTHZit USOLVJD, That said kTarrants shall be printed under the direction of the Village Clerk and the President of the Village Council and Village Clerk are hereb authorized and directed to execute saidwarrants and to affix the Village seal, and the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be executed and authentichted by the printed, engraved or lithographed signatures of said officers. * BE IT FUBTKER RESCILVD, That when said warrants have been fully executed as required by lavr and by this resolution they shall be delivered to the pur- chaser thereof upon receipt of the purchase price and said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the aplication of said purchase price. The notion for the adoA.tion of the forsgoing resolution vas duly seconded by Child, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof; Child, Willson, Hawthorne, and Utley, ttnereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, I President Pro-Ten of Village Council President Pro-Tern Utley then called for sealed bids for the purchase of $7,000,00 Semr District No. 19 i-JarrFats and &',500.00 Sewer District Eo. 20 Warrants, in accordance with resolutions adopted April 28, and Kay 26, 1947. The Clerk pre- sented an Sffidavit showing publication of the Notice of Bale for two weeks in the Hennepin County Review, thieh affidavit was examined and found satisfactory and ordered placed on file. The Clerk then announced that sealed bids had been received. bidder PELS found to be as follows: These \:ere opened ind examined and the highest and best bid of each Bids on ;7,OCO.OO Sanitary Sewer District No. 19 Varrants: D.X. i.Jallace, ;3xineLFolis 10 (i"l;dina) IJinriesota - h;7,000.00- Interest Rate - 4$ Allison-!Xlliams Company, IZnneapolis, IZnnesots- $7,0CO.00- Interest Rate -3.75%. Bid on >j7,5CO.00 Sanitary Sewer District No. 20 Warrants: AUison-i-Y'illiams Comp.ny, ~iinneaFolis,~.iinnesota- 4i7,500,00- Interest Rate -3.75% Clerk Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ' YHBZAS, the VillageCouncil has heretofore created Sewer District 1Jo. 20, and has approved plans and specifications for setmrs therein, and XEZUS, a Question has been raised as to the the power of the Council to in- clude to sepaxte seirers within a single district under Chapter 431, IZnnesota Statutes , and WHG.EAS, The Village 'Council is authorized by Section 435.15, Kinnesota Statutes, to consolidkte any two projects, BO?!, TK;IR;IFOdZ, Bt IT RZSOLVED, By thevillage Council of the Village of ana, IEnnesota, th-t it is hereb;. determined that the various improvements in Sewer District 110. 20 can be more economicaly completed if conoolidated pursuant to the provisions of Section 435.15, Xnnesota Statutes, and all subsequent proceedings shall. be cor,ducted accordingly. 6/23/47 195 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by IJiUson, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, and no nays, as follows: and the Resolution TVZS adopted. Child, a;Te; Willson, aye; Utley, aye; and Hawthorne, aye; President Pro-Tem of the Village Council CLERK HiiWTHORI~E offered the following nesolutinn and moved its ado$ion: A WSOLUTICjl~J SELLING $7,5OO.00 SEI.;IER DISTRICT &IO. 20 I;?mIJTS BE IT GSOLVZD by the Village Council of the Village of &Ena that the bid of ALLIS@~T-~?ILLIAKS COI.iPiIJY, ICinneapolis Kinnesotqa, to purchase .~17,500.00 Sewer District No. 20 idarrants in accordance with the Resolutjon adojtted Ihy 26, 1947, and the Notice of Sale, is hereby accepted, said bid being to purchase said obligations bearing interest at the rate of Three and Seventy-Five Hundredths (3.75%) Per Cent per annum at a price of ,,~~7,500.00 plus no ;>remiurn. The motion for the adoption of' the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Xillson, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: againsththe same: duly passed and adogted, CHILD, iJILLSOP1, HAI:JTHCiRNE, MSD UThY, and the following voted No Nay Votes, whereupon said resolution was declared President Pro-Tern of the Village Council CL3RK HA??THOTZT,jE offered the following iZesolution and moved iis adoption: EE IT XESOLVGD, by the Village Council of the Village of =nay Hennepin County, 1!f~mesota, as follows: 1. The Villege shall issue its negotiable coupon sewer ymrrats on account of Sewer District NO, 20 in the mot of $'7,5OO,CO, said IJarrants to be 15 in number a-rid numberetl frohi 1 thru 15, both inclusive; said warrants being in the denomination of $5OO,CO, bearing interest at the rateof 3.75 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on July 1st and January 1st in ac- cordance with appropriate interest coupons to be thereto attached, and to mature serially as follows: - $jOO.OO on January 1st in each of the yeas, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1955, and 1957, and ~~1,000,CO on January 1st in each of the years 1950, 1952, 1954,#1956, and 1958; liarrants No. 14 and 15 maturing January 1, 1958, being subjbct to Eedemption on any interest payment date, first interest payment date-being July 1, 1948. at NO3THi.GSTZRN NATIOIWL B@K, MIIYNEAPOLIS , 3iINfL'ESOTA, and the Village shall pay the reasonable charges<'of such paying agent, and said Uarrants and the coupons thereto attached &*all I be in substantidly the following form: 2. Both principal of apd interest on said warrants shall be payable L_ (Form of Warrant ) UNITZD STATES OF APIZRICA STATE OF EiIlGESOTA COUN'IY OF HBINEPIFJ SEWER DISTRICT HO. 20 F?ARFWI\;TS No . $~CQ.OO The Treasurer of the Village of %a, Henriepin County, Minnesota, will pay to the bearer hereof from Sewer District No. 20 Fund of said Village the sum of FIVE HUNDRED DOLWRS in any coin or currency of the United States of America, which on the d:,..te of pyment is legal tender .. 196 \ 6/23/47 for public and private debts on the 1st day. of January I, 1949, and to pay i.&gpst thereon at the rcte of 3.75 per cent per annum, payable July--lY19~8, and &nually on the lst day of July and 1st day of Januardr in each year, interest $0 maturity being payable in accordance with and upon presenta- tion and surrender of the attached interest coupons as they severally be- come due, both principal and interest being Fayable at the NOR’EIW&STX?R NATI@IIl& BMX, I.iinneapolis, 1.Ennesota. This liarrat is one of a series of warrants all of like date and principal amount of $7,500.00 issued by the Village pursuant to tenor except as to maturity and privilege of redemption, in the aggre- gate and in full conformity with the constituion and laws of the State of IZrmesota thereunto enabling, including Chapter 431, Einnesota Statutes of 1941, and acts amendatory thereof and supplemental th reto for the pur- pose of defraying the expense incurred and to bz incurred in laying sewers in said District and in anticipcition of the wllection of special assess- ments levied against the benefited property in said District and is pay- able out of a fund designated as Fund of Sewer Dis trict BJo. 20, into ,which fund all proceeds of said assessment are required to be paid. (To be printed on \?arrants No, 14 and 15) This %arrant is subject to redemption‘ on any kterest papnent date at par and accrued interest upcn thirty days prior notice by mail Lo the bank where this warrant is payable. 1% is hereby certified and rscited that all acts, conditions, and things required by the comtftution and laws of the State of l,;imesota, to be done, to happen, and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this T.mrrant, have been done, have happened, and have been performed in regular and due form, this warrant, together with all other indebtedness of said Village out- standing on the date named herein and on the date of the actual issuance and delivery hereof, does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limit- ation of indebtedness. time, and winner as required by law and that I IN IETIMS IB&’iOF, the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Ennesota, by its Village Council has caused this warrant to be signed by the Presi- dent of the Village Council and countersigned by the ViXaee Clerk and sealed with the seal of said ViU&e, and the interest coupons hereto zttached to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, as of Julyl, 1947. President of Village Council e (Form of Coupon) No , On the first day of Januars (July) 19 , Village of Mina, Hemepin County, i-ciinnesota, ~5ll pay to bearer at Dollars Sever District No, 20 Warrant dated July 1, 1947, No. Bank the sum of ) being the installment of interest then due on its COm~TasIEm : I Village Clerk Fresident of Village Council 3. Said Yarrants shall be printed under the direction of the ViXLage Clerk and the President of theT;Village Council and Village Clerk are herebr authorized aid directed to execute said warrants and to affix the Village seal, and the interest coupons to be attached shall be-exe- cuted and authenticated by the printed, engraved, or lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers . 6/23/47 { 199 4. this resolution they shall be delivered to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purchzse price and said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the application of said purchase price. then said warrants have been fully executed as required by law and by 5. Said warrants shall be pa,able solely from money collected from special . assessments, and the full faith and credit of the Village shall not be pledgcd to the pqments of said warrants and interest thereon as and when the same shall become due, but the Treasurer is authorized and directed to cause said warrants cnd the interest thereon to be p;..id out of any moneys of the Village available therefore . The Hotion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by I‘lillson, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor there- of: Child, Xillson, Hawthorne, and Utley, and the following voted against the same: and adopted. No Nay Votes, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed President of Village Council Clerk Hawthorne offered the following Resolu-tion and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION SELLING $‘7,000rO0 SEM~R DISTRICT NO. 19 IJARMNTS BE IT FG5’OLV3D, By the Village Council of the Village of Wna that the bid of ALLISOI?-k?ILLUI4S CO3iP”Y, IViinneapolis, Edhnesota, to purchase $.7,OOO.OO Sewer District No. 19 Warrants in accordance with the Resolution adopted bid being to purchase said obligations bearing interest at the rate of THR!S fiRD SEVZPITY-FIVFi HU€tJDffEDTHS (3.75%) Per Cent per annum at a ?rice of :,>7,OOO,OO plus accrued interest from date of Warrants to date of de- livery. April 28, 1947, and the Notice of Sale, is hereby accepted, said The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution vas duly seconded by Child, azd upon vote beingtaken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof : Child-, Willson, against the same: No Nay Whereupon said resolution Harkhorne, and Utley, and the following voted Votes . was declared duly passed and adopted. President Pro-Tern of the Village Council CLERK HAWI‘HCRTE offered the f ollowj-ng Resolution and moved its adoption: RE3OLUTIC4J FIXIHG FOB4 OF S3XB 3~ILRR.A” SEiER DISTRICT NO. 19 BE IT RZSOLV&D, By the Village Council of the Village of Edina, - Hennepin County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Village shall issue its negotiable cou pon sewer warrants on account of Sewer District Ro. 19 in the amount of $?,OOO.OO, said ‘Jarranto. to be 14 in number and numbered from 1 thru I&, both inclusive; said iilarrants being in the denomination of ;5OO.OO, bearing interest at the rate of Three and Seventy-f ive Hundredths (3.75%) Percent Fer annum, payable semi-annudly on July 1st and January lst, in accordance with appropriate interest coupons to be thereto attached, and to mature serially as follows: January 1st in each of the years 1949, 1950, 1951, 1953, 1955, and 1956, and &l,COO.OO on January 1st in each of the years 1952, 1954, 1957, and 19.58; Maarrant No. I2 maturing January 1, 1957, and Warrants No. 13 and U, maturing January lst, 1958, being subject to redemption on any interest payment date, first interest payment date being July 1, 1948. 3500.00 on 2. Both principal of and interest. on said warrants shall be payable at IKJRTHKETXRJ~J NATIGITAL B idM, I4i211UAF OLIS , E~IXNE~OT~L, thevillage shall pay all reasonable charges of such paying agent; and the form of said Warrants and Coupons shall be substantially as follows: (Fom of Warrant) c SD.EFL DISTRICT NO. 19 URRAbJTS No . $500,00 The Treasurer of the Village of IWina, Hennepin County, E.nnesota, will pay to the bearer hereof from Sewer District No. 1-9 Fund of said Village the sum of FIVX HUNDRZD RO&aS in any coin or currency of the United States o€ herica, which on the date of panent is legal tender for public and pri- vate debts on the 1st day of July, 1947, and to pay interest thereon at the rate of per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the 1st day of July and 1st dar of January in each year, intersst to maturitx being payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the attached inter- est coupons as they severally become due, both principal and interest being payable at the PTCI3THJZSTE€N NATIOUI, BOX, Enneapolis , I-Xnnesota. This Xarrant is one of a series of warrants all of like date and tenor except as to maturity and privilege of redemption, in the aggregate principal. amount of $7,OOO.OO issued by the Village pursuant to and in full conformity with the constit*on and laws of the State of Unnesota, thereunto enabling, including Chapter 431, l.Xnnesota Statutes of l9&l and acts amendatory thereof aad supplemental thereto for the purpose of defraying the expense incurred and to be insurred in layLng sewers in said District and in anticipation of the collection of sFecial assessments levied against the benefited property in said District and is payable out of a fund designated as Fund of Sewer District No. 19, into which fund all proceeds of said assessment are required to be pdd. (To be prbted on i:fasrant; No. 12,13,and Up) This Varrant is subject to redemption on any interest papcnt date at par and accrued interest upon thirty dsys prior notice by mail to the bank where this ~prrant is payable, It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions, and things, required by the constituion and Laws of the State of Kinnesota, to be done, to happen, and to be performed precedent to. and in the issuance of this Uarrant, have been done, have happened and have been performed inregular and due form, time, and manner as required by law and that this warrant, together with all other indebtedness of said Village outstanding on the date named herein and on the dateof the actual issuance and delivery hereof, does not exceed any statutory or consEitutiona1 limitation of indebtedness. IN WITiXSS XHBEQF, the Village of Wna, Hennepin County, I-Xnnesota, by its Village Council has causedthis Ifarrant to be signed by the President of the Village Council and countersigned by thevillage Clerk and sealed with the seal of said Village, and the 5nterest coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, as of July I, 19ik7. President Pro-Tem of Village Council (Form of Coupon) NO. On the first day of January (July) 19 , Village of Wna, Hennepin County, Unnesota, will pay to bearer at being the installment of interest tnen due on its Sewer District Wo. 19 Harrant dated July 1, 1947, KO. BANK, the sm of ROLLAR,S (h; * President of Village Council 3. Said !Jarrants shall be printed under the cti rection of the Village Clerk 6/23/47 189 and the President of the Village Council and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute said warra&s and to affix the Village seal, and the interest coupons to be at%ached thereto shall be executed and authenticated by the pinted, engraved, or lithographed facsimile of said officers, 4e 'When said warrants have been fully executed as required by law and by this resolution they shaU be delivered to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purchase price and said. purchaser shall not be obliged to see Jco the application of said purchase price, 5. Said- warrants shall be paxable solely from money collected from special assessments, and the full faith and credit of the Village ahall not be pledged to the payment of said warrants and interest thereon as and when the sm-e shall become due, but the Treascrer is authorized and directed to cause said warrants and the interest tlisreon to be paid out of any moneys of the Village available therefore. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by CHILD and. upon votebeing t aken thereon, the following voted. in favor thereof: CHILD, KlXLSON, HAIJTHORTTE, AND TJTLZY, and the follhwLng vo'ced ageinst the szrne: No Nay Votes, whereuponsaid resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. President Fro-Tern of Village Council CLdRK EJJTHORNE in"coduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: 8 IWELS, the Village Council has heretofore determined to issue and sell ;>7,OOO.CO Sewer Improvement No. 19 Warrants, and Bo. 19 has been determined to be the sum of $6,900.30 and special assess- men?;s for said improvement hzve been levied in said amount, N0i.J; TK%Rd:FO&!3, Bi3 IT RESOLVm by ttie Villa~e Council of the VillaSe of &nay IZnnesota, that the sum'of $99.70 from the proceeds of the sale of Sewer District No. 19 Warrants together with any additional amounlx which map hei-eaf-ber be determined not 30 be needed for the construction of sewers in said Sewer District No. 19, shall be held in Sewer Uistrict No. 19 Fund and used solely to pay and redeem said Server Improvement i'b, 19 Warrants , lW3iE2!Sy the total cost of the improvement in said Sewer District The aotion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Nember 'CtTillson, and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: voted against the same: duly passed and adopted, CHILD, IJILLSOI?, HAI?ITHmN3, AND UTLEY, and the follodng No Nay Votes, whereupon said resolution was declared President Fro-Tem of Village Council Pursuant to Nd&& of Hearing, published in The Spectator, Hopkins, Hinnesota, June 13 and 20, public hearing was held on proposed water rmin extension in 'CJ. 49th Street, from France Avenue to kple Road. amount $7,201.66-- or $4.49 per assessable foot, was rebd, and plans and specifications submitted. at the hearing but offered no objections;*and no written objections were re- ceived. dngineerts estimte of cost, Nessrs. Wallace, Adams and Bjorman were present Hawbhorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: IJkImEAS, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice to all property owners whose property may be assessed for pro- posed construction of Village water main in W. 49th Street between France Avenue and P'iaple Road, published in The Spectator, Hopkins, Minnesota, on June 13, and June 20, 1947, and ha heard all persons appesring at said I 200. .6/23/47 c meeting and duly considered said proposed improvement, now therefore, BE IT mOLVa by the Village Council of tile Village of BEna that it is hereby determined Lo be necessarg to construct Village water main in W. k9th Street between France Avenue and Kaple Road, and BZ IT FUE'EBR %I30LV2Dy That plans and specifications for such water main con- struction heretofore prepared by Phil W. Smith and filed &th the Village Clerk are hereby accepted and approved as the plans and spcifications for said improvement. BE IT PUFiTHER RI SOLVZD, That the Clerk is hereby directed to advertise for bids on the basisof cash payment for such work, stating that the bids vrill be opened and considered by thecouncil on July 3.4, 191~7; no bids trill be considered unless sealed and filed w5th the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to the Clerk for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the bid . BE IT FURTHER RZSOLVD that the cost of said improvement is to be assessed against the propert2 improved as authorized by Chapter 425, Laws of 1921, as mended. Hotion to' adopt the Resolution was seconded by f.iillson, alid on Rollcall there were four ayes w-d no nays, as follows: and Hav-bhorne, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye;, ITillson, aye, Utcly, aye; President Pro-Tem Petition for Curb and Gutter on 49th Street, between France Avenue and Iktple Road, first read at meeting of Nay 26, tias re-submitted with additional signa- tures, now having signatures of 53.4% of owners of abutting property. Iiotion by TJillson that hearing on petition be set for July 14, 1947, at 8:00 P.K. and that Clerk be directed to publish notice of hearing on June 27 and July 4, was seconded by Child and carried, width of I!, 49th Street, and agineer was directed to check deducations before the Uth. Petition dated June 17, 1947, for watermain extension on IJ, 55th Street between Beard and Zenith Avenues, wd's read. 57s of abutting properties. Hotion by I.iillson, that public hearing on petition be set for July I-!+, 1947, at 8:OO P.K., and that Clerk be directed to publish notice of such hearing on June 27 and July 4, ins seconded by Hawthorne and un- animously carried. Hr. '&ick Bjorman in quired as to the street .. Petition bears signatures of owners of Petition for Vacation of htrim Road, signed by Arthur Dixon, ovnier, of proFerty abutting both sides of this street, was read. be referred tothe Planning Commission fortheir recommendation wzs seconded by Child and carried. Kotion by IJillson that peition Legal opinion of Village Attorney, vLth regard to proposed re-assessment of Inter &in Improvement KO, 5, tias read and filed with Clerk, I-Iatter laid over until July u. Legal opinion -with reference to Village Liability with r e8ai.d to accidents re- sultinz from operations of drain layers, was readand filed. was directed to investigate public liability insurance. Village office June 17th legal opinion of ViXlage Attorney, with respect to v trcation of Cherry Lane, was read and filed with Clerk. Iktter tabled Fending full represnetation in Council. hual report 02 IZnneapolis Gas Light Company, presented in conference with franchise requirements, ir s filed with Clerk. ReFo$ted dated June 18, 1947, for Yezr 1946. Discussion was had on prososed curb and gui;ter and/or retaining ird-1 for the IJest side of Halifxi Avenue between ?i. 498 Street and ?I. 50th Street. Ib. Bjorlrman stated that it vas his understanding'that such construction would not be assessed against propert:: ovmers in the business district, with Clerk Hawthorne mia- taining that all improvenents nade or to be mde for thebusiness district are to be assessed. assessment against non-abutting pro>erties, and Village office was directed to review minutes and make report 'to. Council on July 7. The Villaae Attorney was directed to ascertain legality of Discussion was had on the new State Statute requiring all new employees to join the Ibbnesota PuN,ic Retirement Association, all employees Joining the Association be granted a raise of 2.25% of their present salaries. Hawthorne moved that the Village Council grant wage and salary increase in the amount of 2.25% of present basewage and/or salaries of those employees joining the BEnnesota Public Employees Retirement Association, and tbt said 2.25% continue to be ddedto base salzrzes of said employees as long as they remain in said Association, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried. Utley recommended that IGessrs. Patsy, Ronstad, Gagne, and Fisher, owners of property on W. 55th Stpeet between Beard and Zenith Avenues, reporLed that the dust situation has been bad, and asked that the Village see fit to oil this street immediately. Xr. Willson pomsied to meet with the delegation on Tuesday, June 24, to see i&at can be done. Nr, 1.2. 1.1. Svans headed a delegation of five, which requested Council action on the opening of an extension of Interlachen Road to the ifest, -to furnish them with ingress into property which is at gresent unplatted, but which they e,vpect to plat providing they can secure such ingress. the Planning Commission. &I* A. Davitt, of Mina Realty Go., developer of Normandale Terrace, requested permission to divide, one lot in this mbdivision, lying along Brittany Road, into two 77x300' Lots. Delegation was referred to Nr. Davitt was informed-that he could replat only - upon recommendation of Flanning Commission. Letter from Ihrvin C. SshoeUcopf, with regard to traffic tag issued for U-Turn on Halifax and 50th Street was read and referred to hblic Safety Committee. Hotion by Willson that meeting be zdjourned until 8:OO P.X., Nonday, July 7, was seconded bji Hawkhorne and carried. MINUTE8 OF ADJOURNED FORTION OF JUNE: 23, 1947 MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD IN VILLAGE HALL. MONDAY, JULY 7. 194'7. AT 8:OO P.M. Members present were Child, Piillson, Utley, Hawthorne, and Christopher, Committee Reports, which had been read at Comittee Eketing earlier in the evening, were filed with Clerk. Mrs. Albert Esculte, 5505 Kellohg Avenue, recuested extension of time for connection to sewer, because she has her property for sale. informed that the Councilfs order for connection to sewer by July 15 must stand. Mrs.Esculte was Petition dated June 17, signed by Edgar W. Bedford and others, for the ex- tension of 60th Street from Code Avenue to Nomandale Road was presented by Re c, &cNiel. Petition cited willingness to dedicate property for street purposes. for all property on the West side of Code Avenue except that owned by mer- meyer, stated his willingness $0 dedicate a 3O-foot strip for the extension of Code Avenue, and made verbal request for the grading of this street, offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Mr* MacNiel, who stated he has entered ink0 contract for deed kKll.son RESOLUTION SETTING ~ING - GRADING WHEREAS, The Village Council desires on its own motion to extend and put to permanent GRADE THE FOLLOWING STREETS: V, 60th Street, between Hansen Road and Normandale Road, Code.Avenue, between Grove Street and W, 60th Street, as authorized by Chapter 382, Laws 1903, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is deemed necessary and expedient to make the improvement cited above; and that on the 28th day of July, 19.47, at' 8:OO P.&, this Council will meet at the Village Hall to hear the parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and will decidewhdkher or not to