HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470714_REGULAR7/10/47 ,20 9 $94,000.00 Vatemorks Bonds, datel July I, 1947, maturing years 1958 to 1967 inclusive-Par Value. Interest 8 2-3/4%. Trustee Utley then introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTI3N A'URDING: SALE OF $150,000 TATERYiORKS REVEHJUE BC%DS OF 1937. rjE IT SESnLVET), By the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Yinnesota, that the bid of Allison-Tilliams Company and Associates, of b-linneapolis, Tilinnesota, to purchnse 8150,000 Tatemorks Revenue 3onds of 1947 of the Village to be dated July 1, 1947, at a price of ?150,000.00 bonds numbered 1 through 56 to bear inter- est at the rate of 23' er annum and bonds numbered 57 through 150 to bear inter- sst at the rate of 2-3 "7 4%per annum, principal and interest to be payable at the main office of the First Wational Bank of Lfinneapolis, fdinneapolis, Xinnesota, is found and determined to be the most favorable bid for the purchase of said bonds and to be in accordance with the notice of sale heretofore duly given, and said bid is hereby accepted, and the Village agrees to pay the reasonablo and custommy charges of said paying agent for t e receipt and disbursement of such principal and interest, The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution vas dn1.g secmded by Clerk Hawthorne, and upon vote being taken thereon favor thereof: -I'Tillson, Utley, Hawthorne, and Christopher, and the following voted against the same: Bo nay votes, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. the following voted in President of Tillage Council There bb6ng no further business to come before the meeting, Hawthorn's motion YIITUTZX3 OF THE REGULAR ZJFETIWG OF THE EDIlA VILLAGE 'COUILTCIL; HELD MOITDAY JULY 14, 1947, AT 8:OO O'CLOCK P.X.; IX THE EDZNA VILLAGE HALL Ifembers present were Child, !?illson, Utley and Christopher. Gretchen Schussler acted as clerk. Deputy Clerk Dr . Love11 14. Campbell, Village Health Officer, appeared before the Council to advocate the following: 1. The the Village clean up the dump on the premises leased by Edina Cab Company at 62nd and Wooddale, assessing the cost of such cleaning against the property ormer, in accordance rrith Chnpter 145.22, Rinnesota Statutes; and that the Village clean up the debris dumped by them at the roadside, south of --Valley Tlem Road on Fooddale Avenue. 2. That notice be served on Eyerett Garrision to cease transporting and dumping garbage from other Villages in the Village of Edina. Dr. Campbell reported that Mr. Garrison's pig farm on Tialley Road is in a bad sanitary condition. 3. That notice be served on owner and occupant of the property at 300 ylashington Avenue, giving them forty-eight hours in which to remove debris and put into clean and sanitary condition thnt portion of the premises occupied by one Tanner. Qampbell and Officer Clayton Erickson presented pictures shoving the filth found at this residence; also stating that the State Fire Xarshall had served a clean-up notice lnst year, and that there vraR danger-of persons being trapped in this building in case of fire, because of their being only one exit from the upstairs apartments. Village Attorney requested statements of fact regarding conversion of this building from harness factory to fourplex. Dr. 210 P 7/14/47 !lotion by Utley that Tillage Health Officer's recornmendations be accepted, and that the Tillage Fanager be instructed to proceed as requested by Dr. Calupbell, was seconded by Billson and carried. Elotion by Eillson that !,!inutes of the Regular Zeeting of June 23, 1947, and the Adjourned Portion of the Regular Xeeting, held July 7, 1947, be approved as sub- mitted, vas seconded by Child, and carried. Zbtion by Tillson, approving pn~yroll in the amount of $3,465.20, vas seconded by Child and carried. VIuhGE OF EDINA PAYROLL JlTLY 1 TO JULX 15, 1947 TOTAL TIT€€. RETIRE:. Q'IF@€G CLAXl TW.E Ern11 IPTGS TAX DEDUCT DTDUC T PAY I30 . - Adnini strative : Phil T. Smith ,,i 255.62 53.30 10.22 212 010 1100 . Gretchen Schussler 112.48 15.40 4.50 92 58 1101 Bernice Y. Johnson 76.69 13.20 3.07 60.42 1102 Eelare Freeman 63 a91 6.80 2.56 54 . 55 1103 Edna C. Velie 63.91 6.80 2.56 54.55 1104 Sub-total . -572 61 75.50 22.91 474.20 Engineering Dept Carl Miller 127.81 13.60 5.11 109.10 1105 John A. Sias 127.81 9.70 5-11 113 000 1106 Fred Jonas 98.16 13.00 8.93 81.23 1107 Sub- total 353.78 56.30 14.15 307 -33 Police Dept. Ffilding S. Dah1 109.92 6.80 4.40 6.00 92 -72 1108 - 17mo S. Eeydt 102.25 5.70 4.09 92.46 1109 Clayton Erickson 109 092 14.70 4.40 90.82 1110 Donald A. Relson 104.81 6.10 4.19 94 52 1111 T7m.Y. Hoffman 97.14 12.60 3.89 6.00 74.65 1112 Clarence Knutston 109.92 6.80 4-40 6.00 92.72 1113 Sub-total 633.96 52.70 25.37 18-00 537.89 Street Yen-Regular : 0 I?at t Ferf e Id 136.64 11.70 5-47 119ea7 1119 John Tracy 108090 -0- 4.36 104 . 54 1120 Harry Jonas 99.69 5.10 3.99 90 060 1121 Arthur Jensen 105.45 2-10 4.22 99013 1122 Phi lip Bai ley 139.63 7.80 5.59 126.24 1117 Pete Dahlgren 1@9 92 10-70 4.40' 04.82 1118 Ronald P. Port 113 50 -0- 4.54 108.96 1123 Sub-total 813 073 37-40 82.57 743 . 76 Street Yen-Hourly: Sam ikcready 74 . 80 4.90 69 e90 1124 Charles Jo'inson 101 e 99 5.40 4.08 92 . 51 1125 Jacob Shmak 84.71 6.60 3-37 74 034 1126 C. TT. Cardarelle 100 008 5.40 4-00 90 0 68 1127 ?lierrill Garner 80.00 9.90 70e40 1128 Jack Eerf eld 84 000 10 60 73 040 1129 George E'. Kind 72 000 8.50 83 EO 1131 Paul K. Rngelo 28.80 le00 27.80 1132 Sam Roberts 1.27 -0- 05 1 e22 1133 Donald Re Rogers 115-20 15-70 99 . 50 1130 Sub-total 742 045 68.00 11.50 662 095 3X16.55 269,SO 106e50 18.00 2722.13 Tater Dept. Ben Uoehler 140 e 59 12e40 5 062 122 57 1134 Sam Roberts 109 -92 6 080 4-40 98-72 1135 Kermit 8. Hnutson 98.16 13 e00 3.93 81.23 1130 Sub-total 348 067 32.20 13.98 302 o 52 TOTAL P_?'TiloLL 3465.20 302.10 120.45 38.00 3024.65 First Edina State Bank $3,465.20 Claim fl.5042 Transfer of Funds 7/14/4 7 Motion by Utley, approving claims in the following amounts, with exception that $4,720.10 chock to Victor Carlson & Sons be held until July 25, was seoonded by Villson and carried. VILLAGE OF EDmA BILLS PAID JULY 14, 1947 CL!IM ft N-M*fE 4989 4990 4991 4992 4993 4995 4995 4996 4997 4998 4999 5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 . 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 501 1 - 5012 5013 SDI 5 501 6 5017 5018 501 9 5020 5021 5022 PSiller Davis Co. George A. Villson Minneapolis Blue Printing Coo H.A. Rogers Cos Twin City Stamp & Stencil Coo Janney-Semple Hill & CoL Einn. Fire Equipment Go. Country Club District Service Go. Sawyer-Cleator Lumber Co. American Linen Co. American Printing Co . Burroughs Adding Machine Coo . Jasper Jasperson A1 Johnson Construction Coo Thompson Lbr. Co. Jay IT. Craig @bUpany Rayflake Company Cook Paint g: Varnish Coo Lyle Signs, Inc. Roberts Hamilton Co. American Cast Iron Pipe Co. Lindsay Brothers Company EQuntry Club Electric Coo Eiilrs. Gerda Benson Cash Edina Hardware Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Firestone Stores Morthern States Power Coo Pfeiffer Construction Goo Inc . Hennepin County Review Suburban Press, Inc. . Village of Hopkins 5040 Eennepin County A1lOuN T GENERAL FUND $ 295.29 29.75 19.00 19 54 10 000 256-21 6.40 90 000 18048 19 70 5.25 52.25 6.00 173 50 43 50 6.76 276 e00 292.50 61 023 8.30 73 033 293.52 161 004 10.91 5 000 72 924 79.86 67015 10.00 819 0 60 1404*00 85.70 3.60 4,715*55 POOR FGID 26.00 5041 Suburban Hennepin County Relief Bm rd 122.22 148.22 SEX7Z.R REI$ TAL 1137 Northern States Power Go. 1 eo0 5020 Pfeiffer Construction Co. (J.S .D.41) SPECIAL ASSESSZENTS 51 040 505 7 1st National Bank of &!pls. .(fl.N,D.#l) 2108.50 505 8 . Lametti & Lametti (\v0M01.63) 3807.46 5039 Phelps Drake Co.1nc. (W.Id.1.#5) 100.00 6,067 036 502 1 Hennepin County Review 5022 Suburban Press, Inc. 5029 Finance and Commerce 5024 Fred. J. Daubanton 502 5 Construction Bulletin 502 6 Victor Carlsons & Sons 501 5 Cash EQUIFEFIT RENTAL 15.17 501 6 Edina Hardware 5.92 5017 Northwestern Bell Telephone Coo 22 030 5018 Firestone Stores 47.32 5019 Morthern States Power Go . 5.32 5027 Phillips Petroleum Coo 91.81 5028 Brookside Service Station 140.90 502 9 Dahlberg Bros . Inc . 62 021 2 1'2 7/14/47 5030 5031 5032 . 5033 5034 503 5 503 6 1138 1139 5014 BILLS PAID Shell Service Station 137.60 Edina Fure Oil 8srfr3m Station 4.85 Tim. R. Zeigler Go. Inc. 77 v 56 Commissioner of Taxation, Pet. Division 24.36 Fred L. Gray Company 44 . 60 Lahr f!otor Co . . 75 Snap-on Tools Corp. 2.20 Arthur K. Petersen 682 80 giller-Davi s Company 17.00 Total Bills Paid Village of Edina V.Y.Ia-h 623 017 GARBAGE FUILD 699 088 17,070 13 420 001 17,490 014 Yotion by Utley, authorizing loan of $420.01 from General Fund to 7ater Uain ISo. 1 Fund, to eneble the latter to pay bonds and interest due, such loan to be repaid to General Fund upon receipt of Hay Tax Settlement, vas seconded by Child and car rie d . - i %~mt: to Advertisement for Sids, TaterXain fixtension, as published in the Spectator, Hopkzns, ?!innesota, June 27 and July 3, 1947, and in the Construction Bulletin, Einneapolis, Yinnes tn, as of those dates, the Clerk called for sealed bids for furnishing naterixls and labor for the construction of vatermain on 7. 49th Street betneen France Avenue and Zaple Road. ceived, opened, and pu%licly read: The follocing bids were re- - 'Orfei >:ariani, st. Pml, Tiinnesota Lametti & Lmetti, at. Paul, ?iinnesota PKalps-Drake Compny, 'tIinneapolis, llinne sota $5,672 000 6,O27 50 6,696.00 ?lotion by Utley, referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation and report at the next regular meeting vas seconded by flillson and unanimously carried. Pursuan% to "Resolution betting Street Improvement Hearing-Blacktopping Toodaale Avenue from T?. 50th Street, to 71. 62nd Street; affidavit of publication in The Spectator, Hopkins, on June 27, being read by Clark, on the abo-e nared improvement. $19,000.00 as his estimate, $9,504.00 of ti-hich is to be paid by the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, leaving 89,504.00 to be assessed, at an estimated cost per assessable front foot of 60jla that it has been necessary for the Council to adopt an assessment program for blacktopping jobs because of the amount of construction involved. public hearing vas called Village Bngineer Smith cited a total cost of Yr. Villson informed property omners Eomer Kenney, 5828 Xooddale, objected to blacktopping south of 58th Street, be- cause of the possiblity of sever and water and storm sever construction in the near future C.0, T'attsson, 5Pll Vooddale, and C. Schvartzkopf, 5837 Tooddale, cited their agreement aith ?"r. Ksnney; both gentlemen adding thnt the rosd could stand repair, but thnt they believed it would not reed a resurfacing job at this the, and that the traffic south of 58th Street would not ti-arrant such resurfacing job . Elre E. E. Cuinn, 5221 Tooddale, stated he is also epposed to blacktopping of Vooddale, that this street needs repair but not resurtncing. 6116 Kellogg Avenue, inquired as to mhether this nowad have any bearing on the proposed bus line. He vag informed that the Village should have a good road for the bus, but tlint plms have already been completed for this bus service. Villiam Hunter, 5201Tooddale, ob;iected to re-surfacing on the grounds that it nould ornate additional traffic hazard for ormers of abutting property. Christopher, 5656 "ooddale, requested thak the job be delayed until after storm sewer construction. ment. Improvement Revolving Fund, mith the other ane+half assessed against abutting properties. inquired as to ti-hether this project included the videning of l'looddale &venue. was informed that 'Jooddale ilvcnue mould be v5dened oposite St- Stephens Chuych, in accordance mith plans heretofore discussed, but that the balance of the road aonld remain the same nidth as it is at present. objection to the project because of his inability to see vhere such pro,iect vould benefit the property ovners along 7ooddale A-.enus; that such project would increase traffic hazard; that it benefited Village as a rrhole, rather than ovners of abutting property, and therefore cost should be borne by Tillage as a ahole. Ee inquired as to nhether petition for sid walks vould make a difference in the proposed project. 13. John T. ?loran, George I E. L. Zonne, 5217 'FTooddale(j inquired as to method of assess- He vas informed that one-half the cost would be paid by the Permanent 13. L. J. Ludwig, representing the Vestry of St. Stephens, Church, He f!r. L. D. Tells stated his He mas told that such petition would make no difference. 7/14 /4 7 f 213 L Engineer Smith reported that the condition of the orad is very bad in several spots; that the present surface keeps breaking up under the patching; that it is practically impossible to keep the road in repair; and that the road sho~ild be put to grade to insure proper drainggg. that the traffic south of 58th Street does not warrant blacktop construction at this time; and fdr. Hunter stated he considGred the street from 60th to 53rd Street to be in very good shape, with one bad spot between 53kd and 54th Streets. it vas necessary for them to use the street to get to their home, stated that she considered the road to be in very bad condition and uould lil-e to have it fixed up. of the cost of resurfacing, in case it is legally possible to do SO. llr. Eenney reiterated "%s. Tallen, who stated that, while they did not live on Vooddals, Er. J. T. Tiloran stated that they are willing to pay a portion of Nr. Hunter inquired of the Village Attorney as to vhether the property omers have a right to petition against the imrpovement, or if the Council has the right to order in the improvement, Attorney Findhorst cited the law giving the Council a0thority to order such improvement if it deemed improvement ex- pedient and necessary. Vhen asked if property omers mould advocate resurfacing providng there was no assesslent, ovners reiterated that they believed the mad in nood of re- surfacing. temporary reppir - to which he replied that the street is nom in such conditim that temporary repair cannot be effective. To a question as to possiblity of undergrouind utility construction beyond Colonial Gnove, Engineer Smith replied that this is a possbility, but that such construction seems pretty far in the future. Public Vorks Chairman Rillson was asked if he would advocate \Tillson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTI:oi? FOR SWET XLPR@YEJ,!EI?T BLACKTOPPIRGj VOODDALE ATI3XU.E YEST 50th STRJBT TO V, 56th STRElT Td'REREAS, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Village Council on June 23, 1947, end nublished in the Spectator on June 27, 1947, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified therein and heard all persons interested with reference to proposed improveaent of FTooddale Wenue between E. 50th Street and Ti. 62nd Street by Blncktopping thereofn, nom therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That this Council hereby determines not to undertake the improvement of Vooddals Avenue from W. 66th Street to 1. 62nd Street as pro- posed in said resolution. qE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the improvement of Tlooddale Avenue between "T. 50th Street and 7. 56th Street by blacktopping, as descyibed in said resolution, shall be undertaken, the entire expense thereof to be paid in the first instance out of Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. BE IT FURTILR RESOI,WD, that said improvement be made by contrqct to be let to the lonest responsible bidder, and the clerk is directed to prepare and publish advertisement for bids thereon to be opened July 28, 1947, which bids shall be based upon plans and specifications now on file with the Clerk which are hereby approved. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Utley, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nags, as follom: Child,*aye; Tillson, aye; Utley, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, President of the Village Council VILLAGE CLERK Purusmt to "NotiBe of Street Improvement Hearing, Blacktopping," published in The Spectator, Hopkins, Idinnesota, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, public hearing was held on the proposed blacktopping of Concord Amnue -betmen Sou thview Lane and the South Lot Line of Lot 3, dlock 3, Golf Terrace Heights 2nd Addition. and determined to have signatures of ovners of 53.7% of abutting property. Engineer Smith reported a total estimated cost of 82,835.00; assessable feet, 1882 ,-4; estimate3 Assessment per front foot, 91.51. of property on the west side of Concord tivenue between Tover and South view Lane, objected to the blacktopping of a street on which there are no houses. Another propert57 omner inquired as to the possibility of applying something else to the road to relieve the dust. She was told that blacktopping would Petition for blacktopping mas reviewed, George Christopher, owner 214 7/14/47 be Le mos I satisfar: tory solution. Villson offered the folloming Besolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTIOH FOR SmET II PROWMENT CONCORD AVEHW 9ET3EEN SOUTRvm WEdE AED SOUTA LOT LINE, LOT 4, BLOCK 3, GOLF TERRACE HEIGHTS 2nd ADDITZKJ . 7I3Bl3.'IS3 petition in writing requesting improwment of Concord Avenue betrreen Southviev Lane and South Lot Line, Lot 4, Blook 3, Golf Terrace Heights 2nd Addition, by BlacktopTing, has been duly filed rrith this Council dated ;lay 26, 1947, signed by OTmers of more than 51$ in frontage of the real proparty abutting on %he portion of the street named in said.petition as the location for such im- -provement, and GEEXEAS9 the Tillage Council hrs met at the time and place specified in a notice to all property omers vhose property is liable to be assessed for such improve- ment, published in The Spectator June 20 and June 27, 1847, heard all persons interested, and determhed the necessity for the improvement peti-tioned for, norr theref ore 3E IT RESOI?ED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina as required by Chapter 311, Lain of 1927, that the patifian .above described is hereby deter- mined to have been signed by the required percentage of o~rners of property affected thereby, and BE IT mTRTRER RESOLVED, that Concord henue be improved betmen Southvim Lane and South Lot Line of Lot 4, Block 3, Golf Terrace Heights 2nd Addition, by Blacktopping, and 3'E IT BESOLXbD that plans and specifications nov on file nith the Village Clerk identified as "Plans and Specirications for Bituminous Surface, Concord Avenue," prepared by Philip ;7, Smith, are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifications for said improvement. BE IT FURTIEER ~SOL~D, That the Clerk is directed to prepare and insrt in The Spectator, Hopkins, Binnesota, and in the Construotion Bulletin, Yinneapolis, KinnesQta, an advertisement for bids upon such improvement in accordance 76th such approved plan and specifications, said bid; to be opened July 28, 1947. The deposit accomprlnying each bid shall be 10% of the amount of the bid, Yotion to adopt the Resolution vas seconded bv Child, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follovs: and Chrk=itopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Tillson, aye; Utley, aye; Pursuant to "Botioe of Strest Improvement Rearing", published in The Spectator, Hopkins, Yinnesota, June 20 Rnd 27, affidavit of publication for which vas read by Clerk, public hearing mas held on proposed Grading of 65th and 66th Streets be- tmxn Tingdale and Rolf Avenues, and of Rolf Avenue between 65th and 66th Streets. Engineer Smith reported a total estimated cost of $3,314.52 to be assessed against 2,289 feet; for an estimated cost per foot of $1-45. ICr. Eilton ?S.ller, 65th and Rolf, stated that one of the petitioners no longer ovned property in the area; that the grades ran from lo$ to 12$, and that under present circumstances tllis outlay of public funds would not be justified, .L- especially because it voold be difficult to main the roado 3. F. B, '&iller, one of the petitioners, spoke for the project. €!re Graham E. Velch presented petition against the grading of 8. 65th Street. Yr. Harold Thuras, owner of the properky represented on petition for grnding by signature of' Florence Srrenson, stated he vould 5e in favor of petitisn providing large "sheff" of dirt is removed from Rolf Avenueo are steep and Till be difficult to maintain,_ and advocated some arrangement vhereby the street bsould 7 by Tillson that opening of 7. 65th Strret and 7. 66th Streets betmen Tingdale and Rolf, and of Rolf Avenue between 65th and 66th be referred to Planning Commission Tor their recommendations, mas seconded by Child and unanimously carried. Engineer Sqith reported that the grades more easily follorr the contour of Vie land, Cotion .I 7/14/47 Pursuant to "Notice of %eet Improvement Hearing", published June 27 and July 3, 1947, in The Spectator, Hopkins, Minnesota, affidavit of publication for which vas read by Clerk, public hearing vas held on proposed construction of curb and gutter on V. 49th Street between France Avenue and fiiaple Road. an estimated total cost of $4,680.72, against 2160.74 assessable feet; or an esti- mated cost per assessable foot of $2.10, stated that. they did not want curb and gutter at the side of their residence; that they were not even in favor of having it on i\lIaple Road. Mr. Pause advocated construction of curb and gutter as far west of France as petitioned for, with no curb and gutter at the west end of lieaes curb and gutter is merely the forerunner of a blacktopped road, which mi11 divert traffic from Vr 49% and V. 50th Street. Enoch Sward spoke in behalf of the project. build to the west end of his line, that he wishes to have a completed street. ]E&. Peterso cited the difficulty in maintaining a street without curb and gutter; and he and Mr. Sward both stated that they would not sign a new petition for curb and gutter as far west as Mr. Sward's west line only. kkgtten objection to curb and gutter along the 49th Street boundard of his property was read. inquired as to what 9ould be done in case Mrs. Betcher cannot get into her garage because of proposed curb and gutter. way approach had been built onto street property; and told the representative that if this were so, the best arrangement possible would be made for the Betchers; but that the Village has no responsibility for private construction on Village owned property. itillson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Engineer Smith reported Mr. James L. Pause, 4835 Vaple Road, 49th Street. Xr. Pause stated he bs- IZessrs. Einar Peterson and Er. sward stathg that he hopes to I Mr, D.W. Wallace's A representative of Iks. Chester Betcher, 49011riaple Road, The Council inquired as to whether drive- RESOLUTION FOR IMPROmmT - CURB kJ!JD GUTTER, W, 49th STREET BETWEEN FRANCE AVENUE APlD MAPLE ROAD WHEREAS, Petition in wriking requesting improvement of W. 49th Street between France Avenue and Maple Road by construction of curb and gutter has been duly filed with this Council dated May 19, 1947, signed by owners of more than 51% tn frontage of the real property abutting on the portion of the street named in said petition as the location for such improvement, and WHl3REAS, The Village Council has met at the time and place specified in 4 notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such improvement published in The Spectator on June 27 and July 3, 1947, heard all persons interested, and determined the necessity for the improvement peti- tiohed for, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, Bg;'the Village Council of the Village of Edina as required by Chapter 311, Laws pf 1927, that the petition above described is hereby determined to have been signed by the required percentage of owners of property affected thereby, and .BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat said improvement be made in accordance with Standard Specifications for Curb and Gutter now on file with the Clerk and which were approved by the Village Council October 7, 1940i in the Spectator, Hopkins, EJlinnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, an advertisement for bids upon such improvements in accordance with such approved plans and specifications, said bids to be opened July 28, 1947. the bid. 6 s BE IT FURTm RESOLVED, That the Clerk is directed to prepare and insert The deposit accompanying each bid shall be 10% of the amount of .Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; WiUson, aye; Utley, aye; and Chrbtopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, 7 President of the Village Council Village Clerk Pursuant to Notice of Street Improvement Hearing, published in The Spectator, Hopkins, Minnesota, June 27 and July 3, 1947, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, public hearing was held on proposed watermain extension on W. 55th Street between Beard and Zenith Avenues, total cost to be #4,3ll..85, to be assessed against 1204.42 assessable feet; or an assessment per assessable front foot of $3.59. Engineer Smith estimated leks. klilliam Litchie, 3333 W. 55th Street stated that her property is already being served by a well, which she finds entirely satisfactory; but that she will go along with the remaining property owners in favor of the watermain in order not to stand in in the way of progress. pressed himself as very much in favor of the project. Street, stated that although his lot is serviced by a well the water is becoming rusty, and he is very mch in favor of the watermain at once. hderson, owner of Lot 5, Block 4, White Investment Compan&1s Hidden Valley, spoke in behalf of the project. 3ks. R. J. PICNOVM, 3309 k?. 55th Street, eapressed her opposition to the main, stating that she has a well with which she is satisfied. Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: YP. Gaylord Walgren, 3306 and 3308 W. 55th Street, ex- B5.r. Kenneth A, 2-b. Ray Lang, 3310 W. 55th I RESOLUTION FOR MATER EWIN CONSTRUCTION VIEST 55th STREET B!3TWEEN BEARD AVElJUE AND ZENITH AVENUE J WEREAS, The Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice to all property owners whose propertr may be assessed for proposed con- struction of Village water main in 8. 55th Street between Beard Avenue and Zenith Avenue, published in The Spectator, Hopkins, Hinnesota, on June 27 and July 3, 1947, and has heard all persons appearingat said mseting and duly considered said pro- posed improvement, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that it is hereby determined to be necessary to construct Village water main in W. 55th Street from Beard Zvenue to Zenith Xvenue, and BE IT FURTHEEt RESOLVED that plans and specifications for such water main construction heretofore prepared by Philip W. Smith an@ filed with the Village Clerk are hereby accepted and approved as the plans and specifications for said improvement . BE IT FUIlTHER REI3OLVED that the Clerk is hereby directed to advertise for bids on the basis of cash payment for such work, stating that the bids will be opened and considered by the Council on July 28, 1947; no bids dll be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cashdeposit or certified check payable to the Clerk for an amount equal to 10% of the bid. BE IT FTJBm RESOLVED that the cost of said improvement is to be assessed against the property improved as authorized by Chapter 425, amended, Laws of l9Zl, as Hotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by \?illson, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Utley, aye; t?illson, aye; IJiUage Nanager Smith presented List 1744, dated April 8, containing Lot ?,Block 5, Brookside Heights Addition, and Lot 12, Block 3, Cleveland's Subdivision of Emma Abbott Park, which lots have been classified by Hennepin County Board of Commissioners as non-conservation land, and for sale. Notice of the Council was brought to Resolution passed October 14, 1946, classifying these lots as non-conservation and for sale; as was the letter fromthe Land Commissioner's Office, requesting Resolution in their prescribed form. &orst approved form of Resolution. moved its adoption: Village Attorney Wind- klillson offered the followjng Resolution and VHEBEAS, The Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, EEnnesota, has received from the County Auditor of Hennepin County, Knnesota, a list of lands in said village which became the property of the State of Ninnesota under the provisions of law declaring the forfeiture of lands to the State $Br non-payment of taxes, which said list has been designated as List 1744, April 8th, 1946, and * UHER.US, each parcel of land described in said list has heretofore been classified by the Board of County Conrmissioners of Hennepin County, Ennesota, an non-conservation land and the sale thereof has heretofore been authorized by said Board of County Commissioners: NOW, THEREF'O~, be it resolved by said Village Council, acting pu,rsuant to Bfinnesota Statutes for 1945, section 282.01, that the classification by said Board of County Cornmissioners of each parcel of land described in said list as non-conservation land be and the same is hereby approved and that the sale of 287 of each such parcel of land be and the same is hereby approved, The question was on the adoption of the resolution and the roll being called there were four ayes and no nays, as follow: aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Utley, aye, Child, aye; Willson, President of the Village Council At this time County Auditor's List 2244 of Hay 20, 1947, contiining Lots 9 and 10, Block 3, and Lot I&, Block 14, Clevelandts Subdivision of Ekma Abbott Park, and Lots 10 to 24, inclusive, Block 2, Seeleyts First Addition to Hawthorne Park, was reviewed, together with the recommendation of the Park Board and the Planning Copnission that all these lots be acquired for park purposes. It was recommended that this matter be referred to Manager Smith for further study, Mr. Smith requested the aid of I&. Child and Mr. Willson, in examination of %he property, * Financial Statement for year 1946 was presented, cial statement as previously drafted for posting purposes be accepted b~ dram, was seconded by Willson and carried, Hotion by Utley that finan- Utley moved that Village Clerk be authorized and directed to advertise for 0x38 new standard carriage typewriter, bids far same to be opened July 28, Motion seconded by Child and carried, Village Engineer Smith requested $brmission to purchase one new pickup truck for use by the water and sewer departments; and Public Works Chairwn recom- mended purchase af a new heavy duty truck for snow plowing, ;Motion by Willson that Village Clerk be authorized and directed to advertise for 1/2 ton pick- up truck and one 3-l/2 ton heavy duty truck, with bidder on heavy duty truck to submit price on trade-in value of 1934 Ford Truck, and said bids to be taken August 11, 1947, was seconded by Utley and carried. Engineer Smith reported that property owners along Grove Street from Tracy Avenue to the Western Boundary of Lots Eleven and Twelve, Warden Acres, as per petition dated April 26, 1947, are anxious that this road be graded just as soon as possible, Willson offered the following Resolution and moved ita + adoption: RESOLUTION FOR STREET I&IPROVEXBIT l3EARIMG - GROVE STREET I.JHERl%S, Petition in writing signed by Victor Fridlund and others, dated April 26, 1947, has been duly filed with the Village Council requesting that Grove Street, from Tracy Avenue to the Western Boundary of Lots Eleven and Twelve, Warden Acres be improved by grading, now threfore, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT said pekition is hereby determined to have been signed . by a majority of the owners of property abutting on said proposed improvement as required by Chapter 311, Laws of 1927. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVZD, By the Village Council of the Village of Eldina that it.is deemed necessary and expedient to put to permanent grade the above naaed street, and that on the 11th dar of August, 1947, at 8:OO P&., this Council will meet at the Village Hall in said Vfillage and will at said time and place hear the parties interested therein i!n reference to such improvement, and will decide whether or not to undertake such improvement, in whole or in part b Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Utley, and on Rollcall there were four ayes, and no nays, as follotrs: Child, aye; Utley, aye; FTillsOn, aye, -and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was Hdopted. President of the Village Council Trustee Utley recommended issuance of insurance policies covering the Edina Water System, as follows: FIRE AND EXTB DED COKERAGE ON l?L!&JT AND EQUIE 80% on Balance :). Tower, $20,000; Small Pump llENT (100%) Co-Insurance on Tower louse, $500, Contents of Small Pump - House, $2,000; Large &p House, $1,500; Contents of Large Fump House, $5,000; Temporary House on Halifax, $250; Equipment on Halifax, $1,000. BREAKDOYN AND EXPLOSION INSURANCE - None I BODILY INJURY LIABILITY AND PROPJXE &@$‘(‘E Y $100,000 and $200,000 limits; Property Damage, $!j,OOO and $25,000 limits; with these cofsrages to include sewer operations as well as water operations. Recommendation was accepted by Council, and Village Wager instructed to bave po3icies issued. July ll report of Board of Park Commissioners, recommending that a Park Crew foreman and one or two helpers be engaged for trimming plmting and general care of trees on park property, mowing of park properties, planting parkway flower plats and general park maintenance, and the engaging of the Ninnesota Tree Service for the care of the many trees which need attention at the present time, was read. Hotion by Utley that the minutes of this meeting show the Councills approval of the program, and that the Village Manager be delegated, together with those mem- bers of the Council he recommends, as a committee to work with the Board of Park Cormnissioners on details of this program, was seconded by kKLlson and carried. 14anager Smith remested that Hawthorne and Willson act with him on committee. Board of Park Commissioners’ request for a 2-mill levy for park purposes for the year 1948, was read and accepted, Plumbing lnspector Woehler reported that connections had-not been made to the seirers at 5505 Kellogg Avenue, 5532 Kellogg Avenue, and 5529 Hooddale Avenue, that July 15th is the expiration date for notice served on the oimers and occupants of this property as of July 19. its adoption. Bodily Injury Liability , Utley offered the following Resolution and moved IEESOLUTION FOR SEWEB CONNECTIONS BE IT RESOLVSD By THE VIIUGE COUNCIL OF THE: VUGE OF EDINA, that Village I c Plumbing Inspector be and hereby is authorized and directed to have toilet in- stalled and connection made with sewer at the following residences: Avenue; 5532 Kellogg Avenue, and 5529 Wooddale Avenue, BE IT FURTHBR RZSOLVED that the cost of said installations and connections be paid in the first instance out of the general fund and then assessed against the property benefited. Hotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Willson, and’on Rollcall. there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Utley, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. 5505 Kellogg KUson, aye; President of the Village Council . ‘Village Clerk . 3k. Christopher recommended the appointment of >I??. J. Donald Leary to the Special Parks and Playgrounds Committee. by Utley, and unanimously carred. Plumbing Inspector lfoehler again requested adoption of Ordinance requiring Drain Layer’s Licehse, with provision for license fee and posting of bond. instructed to secure model ordinance from League of Ilinnesota N..cipalties, for reference 3f Ordinances and Legislation Committee. Recommendation accepted by motion Willson, seconded Woehler was There being no further business to come before the meting, kfillson’s motion for adjournment was seconded by Utley and carried,