HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470728_REGULARMINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF REVIEW, HELD HONDAY, JULY 28, 1947, JUNE 23. HEETING OF EDINA BOARD OF AT 8:OO P.H,, IN VILLAGE HALL i 219 Members present were Child, Willson, Utley, Hawthorne, and Christopher . Notice of keeting, as published on official village bulletin boards June 25, was reqd. Assessor Creighton present,ed Register of Valuations forthe year 1947, together to his Preliminary Report, (subject to final audit by County Auditor) which lists comparison of valuations as follows: . REAL ESTATE PERSONkL PROPIBE TOTAL I_NCREASE 1947 $4,210,153*00 $ . 390,310*00 $ 4,6OO,463*OO 240,963,OO 1946 4,019 949 e00 339,551.00 4,3599 500*00 Increase 190,204.00 50, 759 00 240,963 00 Public Hearing was then held, the ody complainant being John Person. it was determined that Mr. Person's complaint was with regard to the taxes and not to the assessed valuation, Willson moved that Register of Valuations for the year 1947 be approved by the Council as submitted, by Utley and unanimously carried. When Motion seconded Mr. Creighton reviewed the State Tax Coarmission1s 1946 action in arbitrarily raising the valuations of Edina upon the suggestion of another village that Edina's valuations were low, such increase in valuation being made without notification to Village officials, Mr. Utley recommended that the Tax Com- mission be zosified of the Village Officials' opinion that they should be entitled to the courtesy of a notibe from the Commission before any future State action on Edina valuations, Motion by lfillson adjouring meeting of the Board of Review was seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried. , MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MIBTING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELR MONDAY, JULY 28, 1947, AT 8:OO P*Mo IN VILLAGE mu Nembers present were Child, Willson, Utley, Hawbhorne, and Christopher, Village Health Officer, Dr. Lowell M, Campbell, requested CouncilIs per- mission togrant permit to Arthur Peterson to haul garbage, within Village, to Gsrrisbn dump until January 1, 1948, wit4 provision that said dump be covered every second day; and permit to Everett Garrison to haul garbage within thevillage until October 14, 19&7. be issued as requested by Village Health Officer, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried. Motion by Willson that permits Motion by Utley approving minutes of Meetings of June 23, July 7, and July 10, 1947, ,as submitted, pas seconded by Willson and carried. Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids, published in TheSpectator, Hopkins, and in the Construction Bulletin, lfinneapolis, on July 18, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, the Council called for bids for furnishing labor and material for construction of water main eskension on W, 55th Street be- tween Beard and Zenith Avenaes. Bids opened and read were as follows: PHELPS-DRAffE, COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS ORFEI & NARIANI, ST. PAUL WBTTI & LAEIETTI, ST. PAUL Motion by Utley, referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation, was seconded by, Hawthorne, and carried. Pursuant to Advertisements for Bids for the blacktopping of Wooddale Avenue from If, 50th Street to W, 56th Stred, and for blacktopping Concord Avenue between Southview Lane and the South Lot Line, Lot 4, Block 3, Golf Terrace Heights 2nd,Addition, affidavits of publication as.of July 18, 1947, in the Spectator, Hopkins, and Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, having been read by Clerk, the following bids were opened and read: 7/26/47 WOODDALE AVE?W I=?. 50th Street to I?. 54th Street 13,200 Sq.Yds. 13,200 Sq.Yds. TOTAL Stabilizing Bit .Surf .Treat . BID Per Sq. Yd. TOTAL Using Asphalt TOTAL I JAY If. CRAIG COO $ 430 $3960.00 8 050 6600.00 10,560.00 ASHI$ORTHWNKINSON GO, 034 &88.00 043 5676 .OO 10,164.00 J. V. GLEASON 23 3038oOO 039 5~0.00 8,178.00 23 3038.00 041 5~0.00 s,.wt.oo USING EQBI TAR CONCORD AVEBUE - From Southview Lane to South Lot Line of Lot 4, Block 3, Golf Terrace Heights 2nd Addition. 3,600.00 Sq.Yds. 3,600 Sq.Yds. Per Sq. Yd, TOTAL Using Asphalt TOTAL BID Stabilizing Bit .Surf .Treat . TOTAL JAY V. CRAIG CO. 030 $1,080.00 55 .50 $1, 800.00 $2, 880.00 ASHWORTH WIEINSON CO . 29 1,0~.00 0123 1,5$&OO 2,592.00 J. V. GWSON .23 828.00 039 1,405 00 2,233 00 23 USING ROAD TAR 828.00 .a - 1,475 000 2,303 00 Hotion by Willson referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation, and report later this evening, was seconded by Child and carried. Pursuant to Notice of Bids, published in The Spectator, Hopkins, July 18, Affi- davit of Publication for which was read by.Clerk, the Council called for bids on 1000' Double Jacket, or equal, fire hose, and 600' 12'' Double Jacket, or equal, fire hose, said hose to be in fifty foot lengths coupled with Rocker Lug couplings, National Standard thread, The following bids were received, opened, and publicly read. Per Ft. PER FTo - Z&lI Hose l4IENESWA FIRE ZXTR$GUISHHt COO St. Paul, Nimesota Quake; Fortune Brand-D. J, Quaker Special Cprd Brand 1230 Eote:. If wax and gum treated hose, add 79 per foot to Delivery- 15 to 30 days after receipt of order, IMlUSTRIAL SUPPLY GO., INC. Minneapolis, Hinnesota D. J. Delivery- one week. after receipt of GENBRAL DETROIT CORP., CHICAGO, by STANLEP E. BOURASSA, I@'GRS. AGZNT, WLS. D, J.; C.R.L. Underwriters Labelled Innerf lex Brand (Patented Folding) Delivery two to four weeks.. Terms: I=BBEZt AND TBOSETH COI.IFIwP St .Paul, Bnnesota D. J.; C.R.L. Underwriters Labelled Delivery two to four weeks. Terms If Underwriters label is not required, prices . - (General Detroit Gorp, Hose) ROSENIJALD-COOPER IN[:, ST. PAUL 6s DIAMOND ElEXXANEW GOODS DIV. OF B. F. GOODRICH COEIPANY I.D. Lion Brad I.D. Underwriters Specifications B, F. GOODRICH C0"Y . 8 1.195 order 8 1.18 1.60 Hose $ .89 095 above quotations . 8 .75 1,lO 2% 10 days1 Met, 30 days1,. 1.18 075 2% 10 days. deduct 2$ per foot from above Net 30 days. l.L+O 1.19 93 HAROLD LUNDBE;RG, FIRE HkE, REP. I.D. Falcon Brad D.J. (bite Hose) 1-27 I.D.Leader Line D.J. (White Hose) *e9 If wax and gum treatmentis desired add 6$ per foot. Terms 2% cash. 30 days net. 7/28/47 221 \ EUREKA FIRE HOSE DIVISION OF TTmITED STATES RUBBER COBPANY I*D. Nultex Xultiple woven jacket 1.D.Northland double jacket, wax I.D,Sou%Uand double jacket Terms 2% 30 days. and gum Net after 30 days. MINNESOTA FIRE IQUIPNEBT COZ Minneapolis, 2, &m. Truwax D.J.Twill Weave Wax and Gum treated Regal D.J.Circular Weave War and Gum Treated Warwick D.J.Ml1 Weave Wax and Gum Treated Terms: 2% 10th prox; 60 days net, AMERICAN-LA FRANCE+FOAMITE CORPORATION (Signed llAmerican LaFrance Foamit e Corp . By A. H. Halverson, Rep. Cabledge D.J. with Alaseptic Treatment 11 '1 U-l?eather Alflex Alaseptic Treatment II 11 11 All-Weather Beacon It Alaseptic Treatment If 11 *I All-Weather It tl 11 . All Weather Pendwell lp D. J, Alaseptic Treatment I1 ' 11 11 11 All-Weather l1 Alflex It tl Alaseptic Treatment I1 11 It 'I All-Weather 11 Underwriters II Alaseptic I1 PER FOTo 2h11 Hose $1.50 1.34 1.27 PER FT. 1LtJ hose ,-kr 95 e89 1.30 095 1.02 1.58 1.63 1.47 1.36 1.41 1.52 1.19 1.25 1.07 1.12 1.02 1.07 Delivery approximately 30 to 40 days. Terms 2% 10th Prax. 60 days net. A~$EEE@M-W~CWTO~TE COW, (Alternate) (Signed nA,H.Halverson11 Cabledge D. J. All-Weather Treatment 1.46 Underwriters ri II Immediate delivery. 1.35 I1 1.25 Alflex It 11 11 IJ Alfle~, DaJ. Terms 24% Net 10 days. HIMITT RUBBER CORPORATION, by Jos. f. Auel, Factory Agent, beapolis Unity Brand, Heavy Duty Flexible, D.J. 1.20 Buffalo Brand, Heavy Duty Easy Fold,D. J. 1.25 Terms: 24% 10th Prox. Net 60 days. J. N, JOHNSON, INC, Minneapolis Heavy Duty Single Jacket 95 Heq& Duty Double Jacket 1,20 Delivery 10 .to 20 days2 Terms 2% 10th box. 95 80 90 . 73 89 Motion by Hawthorne, referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation was seconded by Utley and carried. Pursuant to advertisement for Bids for Typewriter, published in the Spectator, Hopkins, on July 18. Council received and publicly opened the following bids. Affidavit; of Publication for which was read by Clerk, LESS DISC. LESS TRADE-IN LIST PRICE ALLlDWED OLD !TYPEWRITER NET UNDEE3WOOD CORPORATION, MPLS -0- 8 5.00 $3-43 76 Royal Typewriter Co . Mpls W.50 1.5% 21.38 -0- 121.12 G.W. Wittgraf, Agency for L.C.Smith l47.50 BlO$ 28,02 30 00 89.48 Motion by Utley, referring bids to Village Manager for tabulation, was seconded by Child and carried. Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids, published July 18, 1947, in the Spectator, the Council called for bids for furnishing labor and materials for construction of curb and gutter in W. 49th Street, between France Avenue and Maple Road. following bid was received, opened and read: Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc. Einneapolis The $3, @55.00 222 j 7/28/47 Engineer Smith stated that, inasmuch as this bid compares favorably~;h:-~~t~~timate of cost, said bid being at same prices bid last year, he muld recommend acceptance. I'iillson offered the followi@g Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTICN ACCEPTING BID CURB AND GUTTER PI. 49th STREE2, F'RANCE TO 24APLE: ROE I.JHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids published in the Spectator on July 18, 1947, for the improvement of W. 49th Street betveen France and bple Road by construction of curb and gutter therein, the following bid has been duly received and opened: Victor Carlson and Sons, Minneapolis 83,855.00 THEilEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Village CounciL of the Village of Edina, that the bid of ()3,855.00 by Victor Carlson and Sons, is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder, and the president and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said Victor Carlson and Sons in the nme of the Village, for t;;iE! improvement of said portion of seid street, by constructio6 of Curb and Gutter therein, according to the plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved by this council and filed in the office of the clerk at the price specified in said bid, and which said contract shall be approved &s to form br the Village Attorney. Xotion to adopt the Resolution wss seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Christopher; aye; and the Resoldion was adopted, Child, aye; Utley, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, President of the Village Council Pursuant to Notice of Hearing, pd$L&iihed in the Spectator, Hopkins, Nimesota, July 10, 1947, Affidavit of Publication for vrhich was read by Clerk, Council @Id public hearing: on the proposed improvement of Halifax Avenue from W, 5Oth Street to W. 49$ Street by the acquisition of a ten-foot strip of land at the Nest boundary of Halifax Avenue, and by the constmction of retaining wall, curb, and gutter along said ten foot strip of land. Engineer Smith gave as his estimatp for retaining wall, curb, and gutter, .j3,776.76, or 3.015 per assesable square foot; with the land running $l.,9C0.00, or 9.0074 per assessablkrsquare foot. Ekssrs. Bjorlanan and Kell inquired as to the cost, believing it high for the amount of benefit received by their properties. They were reminded by the Council of the gentlemanfs agreemnt by -those property amers wishing their property reaoned to Community Store District, to assum?. their proportionate share of the costs of improving the new District, such agreemnt being confirmed by liessrs. Douglas Wallace and V.H. Adam, who were also in the audience. Villson offered the following Resolution and moved ita adoption: RESOLUTION FOR STREET IIPROVE2*fEET RETdINING WALL, CURB AND GUTTER HALIFAX AVENUE, W. 50th ST, TO k!, 495 ST. WHEmS, pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Village Council July 7, 1947, and published in the Spectator on July 10, 1947, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified therein and heard all persons interested with reference to proposed improvement of Halifax Avenue from W. 5Gth Street to the North line of W. 49& Street by the acquisition of a ten-foot strip of land at the West bondary of Halifax Avenue, and byithe construction of retaining wall, curb, and gutter along said ten-foot strip of land, now tfE refore improvement described in said resolution shall be undectaken, the entire expense thereof to be paid in the first instance ouh of the permanent improvernent revolving fund. BE IT RlZL$OLTTED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said BE IT FURTHZR RESOLVi3D that. the construction of retaining wall, curb and gutter be by contract to be let to the lowest responsible bidder, and the clerk is directed to prepare and publish advertisement for bids there on to be opened August ll, 1947, which bids shall be based upon plans and specifications now on file with the clerk and which .are hereby approved. 7/28/47 223 votion to adopt there were five aye, Hawthorne, ATTEST*/ 47 // the Resolutim was seconded by ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Christopher, aye; and Hawthorne, and on Rollcall Child, aye; Utley, aye; wil-l.SOn, the Resolution was adopted. -- President of the Village Council Pursuant to %esolution Setting Time for Hearing", published in the Spectator, Hopkins, Minnesota, on July 10, 1947, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, the Council held public hearing on the proposed improvement of the following streets, by putting to permanent grade: + W. 60th Street, between Hansen Road and Normandale Road Code Avenue, between Grove Street and W. 60th Street Engineer Smith, explaining that part of the roads have already been improved to a srrall extent, gave his estimate of construction cost as follows: W. 60th Street, Gade Avenue to Normandale Road - $2,052.12 or $.74 per ft. W. 60th Street, Hansen Road to Code Avenue Code Avenue, Grove Street to W. 60th Street - - 910.95 or $ .36 per ft. 1,021.44 or #J .42 per ft. .Oscar Johnson headed a delegation from this locality, Mr. Johnson inquiring as to why the cost of construction must be assessed. that Village budget can no longer support special work projects such as grading and blacktopping, would condemn right-of-way in case it could not all be secured by dedication. Willson infomd them that the Council would not be in favor of condemnation mtil members were sure thatproperty owners would agree to pay the cost. The matter of construction was tabled pending receipt of deeds for right-of-my, by motion Willson, seconded by Child and carried. \'&gineer Smith presented.tabulation of bids for construction of water main in W. 49th Street, between France Avenue and Maple Road, said bids having been read at the meeting of July u. Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Trustee \fiUson explained Property owners on W. 60th Street asked if the Council RSOLUTI~ ACCEPTING BID - wmm WIN W. 49th STREET, FRANCE AVE. TO MAPLE ROAD 'WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids published in the Construction Bulletin and in The Spectator on June 27 and July 3, 1947, for the improvement ,of W. 49th Street between France Avenue and Maple Road Ey con+ruction of water main estension therein, the following bids have been duly received and opened: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Villagh Council of the Village of Edina, that the bid of &j,€$'2.OO by Grfei and. &*h, 1744 Sheridan Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesata, is hereby determined to bk the bid of the lowest responsible bidder, and the president and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said Orfei & Mariani, 1744 Sheridan Avenue, St. Paul, Rinnesota, is her eb*%ermhed- to-be~~~o~~s~o~e~~~~r~ and the w;-tM.t-&a-i$-81.k: i % k&mai, in the name of the Village, for the improvement of said portion of said streets by construction of water main extension themin, according to the plans and specifications therefor which have heretofore been approved by this council and filed in the office of the clerk at the price specificed in said bid, and which said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney, pmskierrt- and-c-1;~pk--arehereb~-&~-hop~%~~ d--to-ezTte" itlbmtrac_t BE IT FURTHE23 RESOLVED, That the Clerk is 'hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. Hotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as' follows: Child, aye; Kl.lson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cbistopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, President of the Village Council L' A delegation, headed by Nr. Gerald Patsy, asked the Council to conduct an election to deteriaine people's choice with regard to question of Municipal LLqnor Store. Hawthorne informed. delegation that the Council cannot spend public funds for such election; that such election, if held, would serve only as an indication of peoplels opinion, and would not be official; the Council still having full and final authority in this matter, A delegation in the neighborhood of 55th Street, Wooddale and Kellogg Avenues asked relief from alleged nuisance caused by failure to connect to sewer, and failure to have garbage collected, at 5505 Kellogg and 5529 Wooddale. was informed that notices to connect to sewer have been served at these two residences, as well as at the Tedman propekty on 55th arid Kellogg; khat 5505 Kellogg is being sold, with new owner professing desire to make ccnnection to both sewer and water mains; that &so Tedman has had plumber take out permit for connection to sewer at her propekty; and that Village plming inspector is at present time negotiating for plumber to make connection to sewer at 5529 t'jooddale, cost of said connection to be assessed against property owner, With regard to the collection of garbage, Village Planager was instructed to serve notice for eomplusory garbage collection at 5505 KeXLogg and 5529 Wooddale, in accordance with new garbage collection ordinance, 'Village Engineer Smith recommended that proceedin& be started for the grading of the following streets and alleys in Brookside Heighbs Addition, eehining that George N, Sandquist Construction Company, which owns property on all the streets except ITilliam kvenve, has repeatedly requested this construction in order that they might hzve access to their properbies as platted: Delegation OXFO~ZD AVZIKIE BETJQEN 51 STREET AND 52nd STREET BEDFORD AVENUE BEX" INTERLACHEN BLVD and 52nd STREET -SON AKEJUI~ BEXTVEZN INTERLACHEN BLVD, AND 52nd STRE~ET THE EAST-WEST ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 2,3,and 4, AND NORTH-SOUTH ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 2,7,8, and 9. k?ILLIA.E AVENUE EWdEBJ 3NTERLABHE3 BLVD. ANa*52nd S!i!REST AND Rvstee IEllson suggested that proceedings for grading be delayed until the next meeting, at which time he and Hr, Smith nould have more detailed report. Suggestion approved, and matter tabled until August 11, *. hgineer Smith reported that the petition for the Blacktopping of Belmore Lane, from Blake Road to Interlachen Golf Coursehas not yet been acted upon, Hotion by ??illson, setting public hearing on petition for Monday;, August 25, was seconded by Child and uneously carried. Petition for blacktopping of John Street from Belmore Lane to Spruce Road was next brought to Couneilts attention. petition for fbnday, August 25, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried. I&. Smith asked Council to set hearing on petitions for Sanitary Sewer and !later Hain extensions west of Normandale Road, Public Utilities Chairman Utley requested report from Village Attorney on the matter of pro+xwtionate assessment refund to &atera1 Sewer District No. 9, by proposed new sewer district, for use of No, 9fd district sewer; aos, proposed assessment for Joint Sewer District Eo. 1 (in which this new Mstrict is not now included). teehnecalities and mnstruction difficulties involved in this proposed improve- ment, it was opinion of Council that matter be tabled pending Engineer's full and complete plans, and attorney's opinions, . Notion by ITiUson, setting hearing on Because of assessment Engineer Smith reported that he codd see no reason why the alley in Block 11, Hendelssohn, should not be vacated, providing the Village reserve a utilities easement. Hotion by Willson, setting public hearing on Vacation of Alley in block ll, Hendelssohn, for August 25, 1947, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried, Ehgineer Smith presented StateHighway Department's plan for changing grade of Highway No4 100, between W. 50th Street and Highway No. 5, explaining that the State merely expects to add an oil mat to the present surface. the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Willson offered RESOLUTION WHl3REAS, The Commissioner of Highways of the Stlzte of Minnesota has desig- nated the location of Trunk Highway No.,lOO, formerly designated as Trunk Highway No, 130, through the Village of Edina as shown upon the plan which is presented herewith and made apart hereof, and WHEREAS, Said Commissioner of Highwaysis desirous of constructing, recon- structing, and improving said Trunk Highway through said Village, and has pre- pared plans for said construction, reconstruction and improvement, a copy of which said plans are preBented herewith and made a part of this resolution; and . IHEEBAS, The construction, reconstruction and improvement of said Trunk Highway requires a change in the grade of the streets in said Village along and uponwhich said Trunk Highway passes, said change of grade being designated and shown on said plans, and way be constructed, reconstructed and improved through said Village in aecord- ance with said plans and the standard Hinnesota Highway Specifications and upon the grade dhsignated therein; k?I-I-S, It is to the best interests of said Village that said Trunk High- NOW, THEREFORE, B8 IT RESOLVED, that said plans and specifications for the construction, reconstruction and improvement of said .Trunk Highway through said Village be and the same hereby are approved; and BE IT FURTHEE RESOLVED, That said Village of Edina hereby consents to the change in grade of the streets along which said Trunk Highway passes, as desig- nated and shown in said plans. Motion to adopt tbe Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: . Hawthbrne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, ATTEST : Child, aye; Utley, aye; FJillson, aye; President of the Village Council I Village Clerk Mr. Child presented revised "Ordinance Providing for the Licensing, Inspection and Remation of'Focd Handling Establishments and Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof," as drafted by Attorney Windhorst and heretofore presented to the Council, food handlers attending the meting of July 7, 1947, had been incorporated in Licensing, bsp ection and Regtilat ion of Food Handling Establi-sknt s and Pro- viding Penalties for Violation Thereof,1) be presented and herewith be its first resding, was seccnded by Willson, and carried. Motion by/&M that those food handlers attending the meeting of July 7, be informed that the Council is disposed to act on the Ordinance on August 11, was sedmded by Willson and carried. Ik. Child stated that the suggestions advocated by those 1 this revised Ordinance. Motion by Child that IfOrdinance Providing for the iven Messrs. Willson, Child and Smith reported thst inspection bad been made of Lots 9 and'10, Block 3, and Lot &, Block 4, Cleveland's Subdivision of &a Abbott Park, and Lots 10 through 24, 'Block 2, Seeley's First Addition to Hawthorne Park, with regard to acquiring such lands for park purposes, as advocated by the Planning Commission and Park Board. Gentlemen reconmtedxied the acquisition of all the, above lots except the Lots 9 and 10, Block 3, Cleve- landls Subdivision of Esmna Abbott Park, which two lots do not seem to tie into .present park plan, are good building lots, and should be sold, Motion by Child that the Clerk be directed to file application for Tax &5fei.$ed32 Properties, . r Cleveland's Subdivision Abbott Park, and Lots 10 through 24, Seeley1's .First Park, said properties to be used and carried4 ., , ir 7/28/47 Engineer Smith presented far the Council's consideration Northern States Power Com- pany's l*lhuLicipal Z?ater Pumping Contract, stating that 3k. Gaarden had recently signed a like cantract, which was'now being cancelled, because of change in water- works otmer'ship. Contract to be in effect for five years, beginning July I, 1947, Hr. Smith recommended acceptance of this contract. Rssoluti on and moved its adODtion: Utley offeredthe following L RESOLU'l'TCN FOR WATER PUMPING CONTRACT RE3OLVED, That the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Bihnesota, hereby accepts the offer of the NORTHERN STATS POiG3R COIPAMY, a Iiinnesota corporation, to furnish the electric energy necessary for the operation of municipal water pumping equipment at the Village's pumping stations as now located, and hereby approves all rates, terms, comiitions, and specifications contained in $he proposed form of Kunicipal Water Pumping Contract made a part of the offer of said Company, and the President of the Village Council and the Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the aforesaid Contract for and in the name d thevillage and ta affix tbe corporate seal %hecbb Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were * five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Harv- thorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. President of the Village Council Engineer Smith reported that Spring Company is unwilling to blacktop Edina High- lands this gear, Creston Hills developers have refused to sign necessary waiver in order that Creston Hills may be blacktopped this year; Edina Hills will not be ready to blacktop until next spring; and that he would prefer to wait with Edina Park until aftjer server and water had been inshlled, The letter written by Spring Company at the time Mina Highlands was accepted, waoirevieved. The Council asked the Engineer to secure the following; Contact the contractor, J. W. Gleason Company, to see if they will be willing to cancel work in Edina Highlands and Creston Hills. whether the Council is legally liable to the contractor, inasmuch as his bid has been publicly accepted, even though cmtracts have not yet been signed. 3. Get legal opinion from Village Attorney 88 to whether thu Council can 'force black- topping of Creston -Hills and Edina Highlands this year. Get legal opinion from Village Attorney as to whether this year's prices for Ediw Park and Edina Hills would hold for next year, providing the contractor wishes to do SO. @, Write developers of Creston HiXLw;.and Wna Highlands that it is the opinion of the Council that blacktopping should proceed now, and that it is the respomnbility of the developer to maintain streets until arrangements ar6 made for blacktopping; and that, in case blacMtopping is not done this year, the Council reserves the right to do the blacktopping at their option, Be sure that future petitions for blacktopping, by developers, contain the phrqsa that %pkeep of r oads are the responsibility of the developer until such time as streets are blacktopped," and incorporated waiver of hearing. 1, 2, Get legal opinion from BSr. Windhorst as to 5. Nr. Smith presented tabulation of bids received this evening for the blacJctopping of Nooddale Avenue, from Ill 50th Street to W. 56th Street, and for. blacktopping of Concord Avenue, from Southview Lane, to the South lot line of Lot 4, Block 3, Golf Terrace Heights 2nd Addition, recommending that the bid of U.V.Gleason Com- apny for cutback asphalt be accepted, Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: WOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS- BLACKTOPPING WWDDALE AVENUE, 50th to 56th STREET t?HBiFAS, purauant to advertisement for bids published in the Suburban Press on July 18, 1947, for the improvement of WooddaleAvenue from W, 50th Street to ti. 56th Street by Blacktopping, the following bids have been duly received and opened:. . .* JAX W. CRAIG. Ifinneapolis (using Cutback Asphalt) ASHTKRTH HAWKINSON CO. Npls. (using Cutback Asphalt 1 J. V. GZEASON GO. Ei.nneapolis (using Cutback $spW&) $10,560 . 00 lQ,l&.OO 8,178.00 J. V. QZEASON CO. Einneapolis (using Road Tar) 8,448.00, THEREFORE BE IT RI&OLm, by the Village Council of the Village of &Una that the $id of #€l,l&@.OO, by J, V. Gleason Co., Minneapolis, is Hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder; a nd the president and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said 8, V, Gleason Company in the name of the Village, for the improvement of said portion of said street, according to the plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved by this Council and filed in the office of the clerk at the price specified in said bid, and which said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney. BE IT FURTHEFt RESOLVED, That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the d eDosits made with their bids except that the bidder shall be Motion to adopt there were five Utley, aye; and . was adopted. deposits of the successfd. bidder and the next lowest retained until the contract has been signed. the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye, Willson,aye; Hawthorne, aye; and ChristoFher, aye; and the Resolution . , n Willson offered the following Resolution and Eoved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID-BLACKTOPPING CONCORD AVENUE. SOUTHVLEW LAND TO SOUTH LOT LIMi, LOT 4, BLOCK #3, GOLF .TEREUCE MIGHTS 2nd ADDITION WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisment for bids published in the Suburban Press on Jun 18, 1947, for the improvemnt of-Concord Avenue between Southview Lane and South Lot-Line, Lot'4, Block 3, Golf Terrace Heights 2nd Addition by Blacktopping, the following bids have been duly received and opened: JAY 11. CkAIG CO., MINNEAPOLIS (Using Cutback Asphalt) $2;880;00 ASHWORTH-HAWKINSON CO. (Using Cutback Asphalt) 2;592100 'J . V. GLEASON; MINiuEkPOLIS (Using Cutback Asphalt ) 2;233 00 THEREFOEE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Village Council of the Village:of Edina that the bid of $2,233.00 by J, V. Gleason Company, EIIinneapolis, is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder; and the president and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said J, V, Gleason Company in the name of the Village, for the improvement of said portion of said street by Blacktopping, ac- cording to the plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved by this Council and filed in the office of the clerk at the price specified in said bid, and which said contract shall be approved as tof orm by the Village attorney, BE IT FURTHER RESOLTBD, That the Clerk is hereby au'thmized and directed J, V. GIEASON, &anneapolis (Using Road Tar) 2,303.00 to return forthwith to all bidders trie deposits mde with their bids except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. 1 - Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye;. Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted , nt of the - Vfllage Council 228 ( - 7/28/47 Hemorandunto Police Department, by Hanager Smith, was read and filed with Clerk. ' &anage&-$n&%h-kLe rtiquested tfi write &,'fian Harris dkh regard to secu??hg boa operation of Edina residents in atronizhg cross=totm ,bus. Notion by Utley that Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for fireproof office safe was seconded by Hawthorns, and carried. LeRoy Pliller's application for license to sell cigarettes at the %Dinette, 5354 France Avenue, was presented, f4otion by Hawthorne approving issuance of license was seconded by Utley and carried. Bfr. Smith reported that application for job of tree-trimming had been received from Leonard Eills, 6325 Josephine Avenue; that Hr. Mills was willing to work for $200.00 per month; that he would like the assistants, Council instructed to take this matter up with the Park Board. Hotion by 5Jillson that assessment periods be set as follow, was seconded by Utley and unanimoasXy carried: Grading 3 year period Curb and Gutter 3 year period Sidewalk 3 year period Blacktopping (small Jobs) 3 year period Blacktopping (New subdivisions) 5 year period Letter &on Minnesota Association of Professional hgineers to be operating within Village Limits. arrest any operating in this manner. Council instructed 1-k. Smith to have Police Department Nr. Christopher appointed Messrs. Child and IrJillson, together with Nr. Smith to investigate garbage disposal situation, suggesting that they contact the Village of St, Louis Park with regard to making arrangements with them, if necessary. &. Utley reported that documents required by franchise have been received fromJEnneapolis Gas Light Company. I.lotion by Utley that Annual Report of fSEnneapolis Gas Light Company be accepted as filed, was seconded by Haw- thorne and. carried. Utley's motion that the salary of Ben Woehler be increased from $275.00 to -$325,00 per month, mbroactive to July 1, 1947, in view of his additional responsibilities as Tdaterworks Superintendent , was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Hawtihornets motion that the resignation of WUiam Y. Hoffman, as Edina Police Officer, be accepted as of August 4, and that Nr. Hoffman's payment for en- trance to ibployeefs.Retirement Fund kssociation be returned to him, was seconded by Utley and carried. Notion by Willson, approving paysoll in the amount of $3,9&0.22, was seconded by Utley and carried. EDINA VIiXAGE PAYROLL JULY 16 TO JULY 31,19&2 TOTAL WITH. RETIRE0 HOW* NET CL4IT.1 NApfE EAIWINGS TAX. DEDUCT. DIDUCT. PAY "BIB ,COUNCIL C. J,Christopher,l.kyor 8 50.00 -0- 50.00 UO Bower Hawthorne,Clerk 50.00 4- 50.00 I.l-41 Geo . A,TrJillson, I'rust ee 35.00 -0- 35.0. u2 Fred &Child, Trustee 35.00 -0- 35.00 J-mi Harold C.Utley,Trustee 35.00 4- 35.00 u3 klard B. Lewis-Judge 75.00 -0- 75.00 u7 John D.1Yelson,Spec.JudgelO~OO -0- 10.00 ll.48 - J.J.Duggan, Treasurer 30.00 -0- 30.00 3345 John I?indhorst, Atty. 75.00 -0- 75.00 1U6 Dr.L.I*. Caqbell,Health Officer 30.00 -0- 30.00 9 Sub-totdl 425.00 -0- 4% 00 229 &Waist rative Phil WeSmith Gretchen Schussler Bernice IVI. Johnson Helene Freeman ;Edna Velie Sub-total ENGINEEBING DEPT. Carl Miller John A, Sias Fred Jonas Sub-total POLICE IEPT. Hilding S, Dahl Wm. S.-Heydt Clayton Erickson Donald A, Nelson Clarence Knutson Wm. V. Hoffman Sub-total STREET BEN-REEULAB Philip Bailey Pete Dalgren- Matt Merfeld John Tracy Harry Jonas Arthur Jens en Ronald Po Port Sub4 Ot al STREET MEN-HOURLY Charles Johon I Jacob Shmak C .We Carderelle 'Merrill Garner Jack Merf eld Donald H, Rogers George F, King Paul W, Agnelo Donald Pf eif f er Sub-total WATER DEFT, Ben Woehler Sam Roberts Kermit C, Knutson Sub-t otal TOTAL PAYROLL TILLAGE OF EENA PAYROLL JULY 16 to JULY 31.1944 .. TOTAL WITH. RETIREr HOSP. NET EARNINGS TAX DEDUCT. DEDUCT, PAY CUD! NO. $255.62 33.30 10.22 le 50 210.60 u50 112.48 15140 4e50 075 91. 83 =51 n52 76 . 69 -0- 3.07 1.50 72 12 63 91 6.80 2.56 e75 m.n u53 -~ ._ 98.42 l3.W 3 194 -0- 81.48 ll54 607,12 68.50 24.29 4.50 509 83 1155 127 . 81 9.70 5.11 2.25 110m75 u56 127.81 13.60 5 e11 -0- 109 10 106.34 3.4.30 4.25 -0- 87 . 79 ll57 361.96 37.60 3.4.47 2.25 307.64 109 92 6.80 4.40 le50 97.22 11.58 102.25 5.70 4.09 1.50 90.96 1159 109.92 U.70 4.40 1.50 89.32 ll60 104 . 81 6.10 4.19 1.50 ??:B 1093 92 6.80 . 4.40 1.50 124 . 23 17 . 80 - .35 105 . 68 1163 661.05 57.90. 21,48 8.25 573 042 122.70 5m 4.91 -0- 112.79 1164 109.92 loo70 4.40 1.59 93 632 1165 112.48 7 040 4, 50 1.50 99 08 1166 99.69 -0- 3.99 1-50 94 20 * i3.67 99 e 69 5 010 3 099 1.50 89 . 10 1168 99.69 .1.10 3.99 1.50 93 10 1169 99 . 69 -0- 3.99 1650 94 20 ll70 743.86 29430 29 * 77 9.00 675.79 103 07 90.39 uO.43 96.00 96 0 00 86.40 57 60 86 e40 5.70 7.60 12.60 12.60 10 . 90 7.10 5.80 10 90 4.12 1.50 3.62 -0- 4.42 -0- -0- 4.00 -0- -0- -0- 40 70 3 e10 -0- 37 . 60 1179 766e99 76.30 12.16 5.50 673.03 , 166616 16.60 6.65 1.50 l-41.41 ll80 109 e 92 6.80 4.40 1.50 97.22 1181 %no V. Hoffman claim NO. 5044 Midland National Bank 1183 Minn. Hosp.Serv,Assoc. 1184 (Withholding Taxes) State Treas . Julius A.Schma1 ll87 (Retirement Deductions) Village of E;dina (Uniform Deduction-Police) 1186 First Edina State Bank (%ansf er of Funds 5043 Hotion by WiUson, for adjournment, $10.00 608 . 10 34.75 237 e 60 18.00 3,940 22 was seconded by Hawthorne, and carried.