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MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1947, at
Hembers present were I?illson, Utley, Child, Hawthorne, and Christopher; with ITillson
coming late.
Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids- Heavy Duty Truck, published in the Suburban
Press on August 1, the following bids were received,.opened and read:
Gopher Equipment and Supply Go., Ninneapolis Net Bid - $4,364.95
Alternate Net Bid - $5,661.00
Northern Rea Coo, liinneapolis I' - $3,657.00
Binnesota Bc4D Coo, St, Paul. I' 11 - $4,996.50
Xotion by Child, referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation was seconded by
Utley and carried.
Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids-Pick-Up Truck, published in the Suburban Press
on August 1, 3-94?, the follwing bids were received, opened and read:
Dahlberg Bros. Hopkins:
Ford 1/2 Ton Pickup 90 H.P. 6 Cyl. Red, with Spare Tire,
Tube, and Nheel, and Heater
Foyd 1/2 Ton Pickup 100 H.P. 8 Cyl. Black, with Spare
Tire, Tube, Wheel, and Heater
Net Bid - $1,143.90
Net Bid - $1,173.90
Engineer Smith recammerided purchase of the 100 H.P. 8 Cyl. Black Truck. Motion
by Child that 4ouncil accept Dahlberg Brothers' bid for one Ford 1/2 Ton Pickup
100 H.P. Ef Cyl, Truck, at a price of $1,173.90, was seconded by Utley and carried.
Pursuant to Advertisement, for Bid, Retaining Wall., Curb, and Gutter for We% side
.of Halifax Avenue between 11. 49$ Street and W. 50th Street, as published in the
Suburban Press on August 1, 1947, affidavit of which-publication was read by Clerk,
approved, and placed on file, the following bids were received, opened and read: I VICTOR CARLSON & SONS, INC. EfCN"0LIS #4,OOoeOO
18l* Concrete Curb and Gutter 1.65 Per Lin.Ft.
611 Curb 1.50 Per Lin,Ft,
Motion by Child, referring bid to Village Engineer for recommendation later this
evening, was seconded b3 Hawthorne, and carried.
At this time Brick Bjorkman appeared to again register his objection to assessment
of his property for the wall; and was again reminded that the Council is proceeding
under agreement made with those property owners requesting rezoning of the 49$- Street
district .
Pursuant to ltResolution for Street Z@rovement Hearing-Grove Street1', as passed by
the Council July l.4, and published in the Suburban Press on July 18, 1947; COPY of
which publication was read by Clerk, approved, and placed on file, Public Hearing
was held on the proposed grading of Grove Street, from Tracy Avenue to the @stern
boundary of Lots 11 and 12, Warden Acres. Engineer Smith made an estimate of $213.84,
of $.l5 per assessable foot, for this project. Messrs. Regquist and Fridlund,
property owners, expressed their approval of the Courlcil*s proceeding with the pro-
and moved its adoptiofi:
ject immediately, No objections were raised. Child offeredthe following Resolution
GRADING OF GROVE STREET I "JHEREAS, petition in writing requesting improvement of Grove Street, from Tracy
Avenue to the Western Boundary of Lots 11 and 12, Warden Adres be irdproved by grading
has been duly filed with this council dated April 26, 1947, signed by owners of more
than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting on the portion of the street named .
in said petition as the location for-sucb improvement, and
WH!3mAS, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a
notice to aU. property owners whose property is Uable to be assessed for such improve-
ment published in the Suburban Press on July18, 1947, heard all persons interested,
and determined the necessity for the improvement petitioned for, now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, t@-.the,.'llil3.a&3 Council of the Village of Edina as required
8/11/47 i 231
' By Chapter 311$ Law of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby determined
to have been signed by the required percentage of owners of property affected thereby,
.BE IT FURTHER RFSOLWD, that the above named street be improved by putting
BE IT FURTHER RF3OLVED that %he Village Enginaerlf is directed to prepare
a IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the clerk is directed to prepare and insert/the
to permanent grade and,
plans and specifications for making such improvement.
official paper and in The construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids to be
opened on August 25, 1947, at 8: P.M. for material required by said specifications.
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Utley, and on Rollcall there were
four ayes and no nays, as follows:
the Resolution was adopted.
Child, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and
President of the Village Council
Nr.. Eloi Bauers headed a delegation of Golf Terrace residents, explaining that the
majority of property owners had agreed to the curving of Golf Terrace, instead of
having it entirely straightened out as proposed in a former petition. Mr. Bauers
stated that Mr. McGlynn would be agreeable to this project, and that Messrs. Hansen
and Parks had expressed to Mr. Pond their agreement. Mr. Bauers and his delegation
were asked to have their petition completed and to get a definite commitment from
Messrs. Hansen and Parks, including dediction for the land necessary for such pro-
Dr. Strand spoke for the vacation of Cherry Lane, stating he will be ready to
present petition at the next meeting.
Engineer Smith presented tabulation of bids taken on July 28, for 1OOOt 2iCt and
6001, 19 Fire Hose. Messrs. Halvorsen of American-LaFranee Foamite Corp.; Auel
of Hewitt Rubber Company; Bourrassa of General Detroit Corp.; Rutherford of Quaker
Rubber Corp.; Woll of Eureka Fire Hose Division; and Hodges of Fabric Fire Hose
Co. and Minnesota Fire Equipment Company, spoke for their respective products.
The Council requested the recommendation of the Fire Chief and the Public Safety
recornendation beipg based on the experience of surrounding communities which use
this product. Public Safety Co$pittee Chairman Hawthorne, on the basis of Bailey's .
recommendation, recommended that the Council purchase 1000 Feet 241' Truwax D. J,
Twill Weave, and 600 Feet lilt Warwick D. J. Twill Weave Fire Hose, on the bid of:
Minnesota Fire Equipment Company for Fabric Fire Hose Company.
that Hawthorne's recommendation be accepted by the Council, and that contract be
awaraed to Minnesota Fire Equipment for the above named hose, was seconded by
Willson and carried,
Mr. E.C. Lampman presented Preliminary Plat of ttL~pmanls Creek Terracett, as ap-
proved by the Planning Commission; stating that plat as presented depends upon
purchase by the Village of the area designated in the plat as ItParktf.
offered to sell this property for $9,500.00, over a pericd of five years.
stated that, to the best of his opinion, the area comprises 3.88 acres, It was
recommended that the Village Council, Park, Board, and Special Parks and Play-
grounds Commission meet with Mr. Lampman in special meeting before the next Council
Meeting, to consider Mr. Lampman's offer.
Fire Chief Bailey's recommendation was for Fabfic Fire Hose, such
Motion by Utley
Mr. Lampman
Mr. Ralph White requested permit to situate his house seventy-five feet back of
his lot line on Schaeffer Road, explaining that to adhere to provisions of the
Village Zoning Ordinance would impose undue hardship.on him because of the terrain
of his property. Motion by Child that Mr. White be permitted to locate his houke
at a minimum of seventy-five feet from lot line was seconded by Hawthorne and
Mr. Stow, developer of 'IStow's Yvonne Terrace", inquired about plans for sewer and
water for his subdivision. He was told that survey would be finished this week,
but that considerable procedure would be necessary before Village can advertise
for bids; and, that in any case, construction cannot be started until final plat
is filed by him,and approved by the Council.
I&-. Everett Nelson, 5760 France, inquired about water main consthction in France
Avenue between 57th and 58th Streets.
by ovmers of 5% of abutting frontage, was read. Notion by Utley, setting public
hearing on petition for water main for Monday, August 25, 1947, at 8:OO P.H., was
seconded by Child and unanimously carried. Mr. Nelson asked about blacktopping of
this street.
Vlllage can hold up this one black until water main extension is finished.
Request of Robert F, Hebscher, for refund of building permit fee for Lot 9, Block
I& South Harriet Park, was rejected, in accordance vdth Village Building Code.
Petition for this water main extension, signed
He was told that the owners can secure a light dust coat, but that the
Nr. Child introduced for its second reading, and offered for adoption the following
The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows:
No person, firm, corporation or association shall conduct or operate
in the Village of Edina any establishment for the selling or serving of food
.or drink as herein defined without first obtaining a license therefor and
complying with the provisions of this ordinance,
shall not be transferrable.
Licenses issued hereunder
The following terms as used in this ordinance shall have the following
(a) llSellll and lISalell
The furnishing of prepared or unprepared food for a consideration for
(IT) "Servelf andI1Semrice11
meanings : I
consumption off the premises hwere such food is sold.
The furnishing of prepared food for consumption on or about the premises,
(c) llFoodlt
All provisions intended for or capable of human consumption including .
without limitation meat, poultry, seafood, groceries, vegetables, fruits, dairy
and bakery products, conf'ectionary, ice cream and non-alcoholic drinks.
(d) llFood HandlinP Establishment SIt
Any building, stand, stall, or place at or in which food is sold or
. (e) nRestaurant11
Any establishment, including without. limitation hotels, inns, cafes,
taverns, drug stores and outdoor stands, at which.food is served.
(f ) Weat Harket sll
Any establishment at which fresh meat, poultry or seafood is sold.
Any person, firm, corporation, or association desiring to operate a food
handling establishment within the Village of Edina shall file with the Village
Clerk an application for a food license, giving in such application the fuU
name and address of the otmer or proprietor of the proposed establishment, the
location of the building or buildings, and the part thereof2intended to be used
in the conduct of such businessand under such food license. The
state in such application the nature of the business to be conducted and the
types of food to be sold or served. If a restaurant or meat market is to be
operated within the establishment the application for license shall so ahate,
occupant shall
and shall describe the portion ofthe premises wherein such business will be con-
shall be inspected by the Board of Health or its Deputies, who shall keep a
permanent record of such inspection.
plication to the Village Clerk, together with its written approval or disapproval
of the issuance of said license and the sanitary condition of the premises therein
described and the applicant's compliance with the regulations herein provided.
Such licenses shall be issued to the applicant by the Village Clerk when authorized
and directed by the Village Council. Each licensee shall apply annually for the re-
newal of his license prior to the expiration thereof, so long as: the establishment
thereby covered continues in operation.
added to any food handling establishment, the owner or proprietor thereof shall
file an application for the issuance of an add<-tional license therefore, which ap-
plication shall be examined and approved or disapproved in the same manner as the
original application.
Upon the filing of any such application, the premises therein described
The Board.of Health shall present such ap-
Before sa restaurant or meat market is
At the time of filing any application for a food license the applicant shall
pay to the Village Treasurer the sum of $6.00, as and for the annual license fee
for such license. The license year hereunder shall be from April1 in any year
to March 3l'of the year following its issuance, and all licenses for which ap-
plication is made after the commencement of any license year shall be issued
for the period from the date of the application to Narch 31, inthe year following
the issuance of the same.
a receipt in duplicate, and the duplicate receipt shall be filed with the ap-
plication forthe license.
be entitled to a refund of the license fee paid by him.
The Village Treasurer shall issue to each applicant
If the application is not granted the occupant shall
Each licensee shall keep his license conspicuously posted on the premises
covered thereby, and such license shall constitute authority only for the con-
duct on said prerdses of the business therein described.
Any licenses granted under this ordinance may be revoked by the Village
Council upon determination that the licensee has failed to comply in any respect
with the provisions of this ordinance, or by the Court upon conv5ction of the
licensee of a violation of this ordinance.
The Board of Health and its Deputies shall at all times have the right to
enter into and upon and inspect any and all food handling establishments whether
licensed or unlicensed, whenever said Board shall deem such action necessary
for the preservation of the health and the prevention and suppression of disease
in the Village. If in the opinion of the Board of Health, any food handling
establishment is operated in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance,
said Board shall notify, in writing, the proprietor or owner thereof to remedy
such condition within a reasonable time to be stated in said notice, which time
shall in no case be less than two days, and failure to comply with such notice
within the time so stated shall be
ordinance, It shall be the duty of the Board of Health to inspect every food
handling establishment within the Village at least once/year, and to file with
the Village Clerk a reportof such inspection, togetherwith a certificate that
the premises inspected are operated in all respects in accordance with this
ordinance, or a recommendation that the license covering such premises be re-
deemed a violation of the provisions of this
A. No garbage or filth shall be allowed to stand or accumulate about the
premises, either inside or outside of the buildings thereon, for a longer period
than f orty-eight (48) hours ,
The premises shall be thomughly screened and protected from dust and
El1 furniture, counttsr~,~ cellars, closets and the surrounding premises
files ,
must be kept and maintained in good and sanitary condition.
234 #
the street or
All floors which are more than four (4) feet below the level of
adjacent property shall be of concrete.
Floors, idls, and ceilings shall be keptin clean and shtary
eondition and in good repair.
F. All show or display cases and all windows, counters, shelves or
.bins used in handling, storing or displaying food shall be kept clean and sani-
tary, free from dust, dirt and other contaminating materials and in good repair
shall be light, dry and airy.
to exclude rats and other vermin and be at all times free from moisture.
G. Every room sued for the storage, sale or service of food products
Its walls and floors shall be so constructed as
H. Food shall not be manufactured, stored, sold or serv&d.r-! in any
stable, any room used for sleeping or living purposes or any room in direct com-
munication with a water-closet, except when such water-closet is inclosed with
a suitable and proper lighted andventilated vestibule.
I. All premises shall be provided with sewer and water connections
tlaste waters where sewer and water are laid in the adjoining street or alley.
from refrigerators, refrigerated display cases, Window or counter displays, vats,
tanks and other containers used in refrigeration and storing of food. shall dis-
charge into an open sink or recepticle for waste prater which shall not be allowed
to overflow and shall be kept in sanitary condition. -
IC. Refrigerators and appurtenances thereto used for storing good shall
be kept clean and sanitary and in good repair.
shall be water tight. All ice boxes and refrigerators must be throughly cleansed
at least once every three (3) days.
The compartments used for ice
I,. All utensils, dishes dnd containers used in the manufacture, pre-
paration, storing, sale and service of food shall be kept clean, and no utensil
or dish shall be used a second time after individual service unless it shall
have been thoroughly cleaned with sanitary hot water and soap.
rusted, corroded or in such conditipn that it cannot be rendered clean and
sanitary is prohibited.
The use of any utensil, dish or container which is badly worn,
Delivery wagons shaa be kpt clean and sanitary.
0. All persons handling food shall be cleanly in their habits, shall
wear clean clothing, and shall wash their hands before. beginning xmrk and after
visiting the toilet.
P. No person who has any infections disease shall be permitted to
handle any food or any utensil, dish or container used in the @mufacture, storing,
sale, or service of food.
Q. Soap, running water and clean individual towels shall be provided
for each employee and shall be readily accessible to the employee. I The use of
a common towel is prohibited.
R. No dogs, or other animals shall be permitted to enter any: room
or place where food intended for human consumption is stored, manufactured, pre-
pared, handled, sold or served; provided, that dogs used for leading the blind
may be permitted to enter any establishment when necessary for that purpose.
No animal shall be permitted to sleep in any recepticle used for food.
S. All food shall be kept and handled .in a sanitary manner. Fodd
All food not adequately protected by a natural skin or 'shell
shall not be wrapped in newspapers or any uncleanly wrappers of any sort
or by fly and dust proof wrapper or containers, when displayed for see shall be
kept c0vered.b such a manner as to protect it reasonably but adequately from
flies, dirt, dust and unnecessary handling.
not be exposed to dust and flies either within or without the walls of the building.
No food stuffs contained in bags shall be p1ac"ed inthe gutter, street, or any damp
place, and all bags that are wet or soiled shall be thrown aside and not used. All
establishments offering food for sale shall display a sign as follows:
not handle food.
Cut fruit and cut vegetables shall
"Please do
Prohibited by law.tf
U, Milk, butter and fresh meats shall be kept in a refrigeraf;or.
or other meat not sold for human consumption shall be kept in a separate refrigerator
or compartment of a refrigerator to which access can be had only through a door not
used for access to other food.
Horse meat
V. All bakery products, figs, dates, candies and shelled nuts, shall be kept
under an impervious covering when offered for sale out-of-doors, and under an imper-
vious covering, the rear of which may be open, when offered for sale indoors,
W. All foods kept exposed for sale outside the buildings shall be kept at
least fourteen (14.) inches above the fllor, sidewalk or pavement, unless such food
is contained in tight containers, &he opening of which is at least fourteen (14)
inches above the level of the flaor, sidewalk or pavement.
X, It shall be ylawful to keep any liquid food of any nature except in
sealed containers.
Y, Food which has become unfit for human consumption shall be kept separate
from other food stuffs to be sold or served, and be removed immediately fromthe
salesroomt stand or eating place or kitchen.
receticle marked for garbake'or waste shall be prirda facie evidence of its intended
sale or service to customers.
Z. The presence of any food in any part of the establishment Txcept in a
A. Examination and condemnation of unwholesome or adulterated food or drink.
Samples of food, drink, and other strbstances may be taken and examined by the health
officer as often asmay be necessary for the detection of unwholesomeness or adulter-
ation. The health officer may condemn and forbid the sale of, or cause to be removed or destroyed, any food or drink which is unwholesome or adulterated.
B, Inspection of restamants.-- At least once every 6 months the health officer
shall inspect every restaurant located witlaifi the Village of Edina.
health officer discoveres the violation of any tiem of sanitation, he shall make a
second inspection after the lapse of such times as he deems necessary for the defect
to be remedied, and the second inspection shall be used in determining compliance
with the requirements ofthis ordinance.
ordinance on such second inspection shall call for iwnediate suspension of profit,
In case the
Any violation of the same item of this
One copy ofthe inspection report shall be posted by the health officer upon
Another copy of the inspection
an inside wall ofthe restaruant, and said inspection report shall not be defaced
or removed by any person except the'health officer.
report shall be filed with the records of the health department.
permit access to all parts of the establishment and shall pefit copying any or all
records of food ptnkhased.
The person operating the restaurant shall upon request of the health officer
C. Sanitation requirements for estaurants. All restaurants shall comply with
all of the following itemsof sanitation.
xtem 1. Floors. The floors of all rooms in which food or drink is stored,
prepared, or served, or in which utensils are washed, shall be of s;ch construction
as to be easily cleaned, shall be smooth, and shall be kept clean and in good repair.
Item 2,
clean and in good reapir. All walls and ceilings of rooms in which food or drink
is stored or preapred shall be finished in light color.
which food or drink is prepared or utensils are washed shall have a smooth, washable sus
face up tothe level reached by splash or spray.
Walls and ceilings.-- Walls and ceilings of all room shall be kept
The walls of all rooms in
Item 3. Doors and Wndows - When flies are prevalent, all openings into the
outer air shall be effectively screened and doors shall be self-closing, unless
other effective means are provided to prevent the entrance of flies,
Item 4. Lighting - All rooms in which food or drink is stored or prepared or
in w'ngch utensils are washed shall be well lighted.
Item 5. Ventilation - All rooms in which food or drink is stored, pre-
pared, or served, or in which utensils are washed, shall be we= ventilated.
Item 6. Toilet Facilities - Every restaurant shall be provided with ade-
quate and conveniently located toilet facilities for its employees, conforming
with the ordinances of the Village of Edina.
structed toilet rooms shall not open directly into any room in which food, drink,
or utensils are handled or stored, The doors of all toilet room shall be self-
well lighted and ventilated, Hand-washing signs shall be posted in each toilet
room used by employees. In case privies or earth closets are permitted and used,
they shall be separate fromthe restaurant building, and shall be of a saitary
type constructed and operated in conformit with the standards of the State Board
of Health,
In restaurants hereafter con-
Toilet rooms shall be kept in a clean condition, in good repair, and
Item 7. Water Supply - Running water under pressure shall be easily accessible
to all rooms in which food is prepgred or utensils are washed, and the water
supply shall be adequate, and of a safe, sanitary quality.
Item 8 Lavatory facilities - Adequate and convenient hand-washing facilities
shall be provided, including hot and cold running water, soap, and approved
sanitary towels. The use of a common towel is prohibited,
sume work after using the toilet room without first washing this Bands,
No employee shall re-
Item 9, Construction of utensils and equipment, - All multi-me utensils
and all show and display cases or windows, counters, shelves, tables, refrigerating
equipment, sinks, and other equipment or utensils used in connection with the
operation of a restaurant shall be so constructed as to be easily cleaned and
shall be kept in good repair.
shall not be used: Provided,
Utensils containing or plated with cadmium or lead
That solder containing lead may be used for
Item 10. Cleaning and bactericidal treatment of utensils and equipment.-
All equipment, including display cases or windows, counters, shelves, tables,
refrigerators, stoves, hoods, and sinks, shall be kept clean and freefkom dust,
dirt, insects, and other codaninating material.
chefs, and other employees shall be clean. Single-service containers shall be
used only once.
AU. cloths used by waiters,
AU. multi-use eating and drinking utensils shall be thmtnughly cleaned and
effectively subjected to an approved bactericidal process after each usage.
multi-use utensils used in the preparation or serving of food and drink shall
be thoroughly cleaned and effectively subjected to an approved bactericidal process
immediately following the day's operation. Drying clothes, if used, shall be
cleqn and shall be used for no other purpose.
No article, polish, or other substance containing any syanide preparation
or other posonous material shall be used for the cleansing or polishing of utensils.
Item ll. Storape and handling of utensils and equipment, - After bac-
tericidal treatment utensils shall be stored in a clean, dry place protected
from flies, dust, and other contamination, and shall be handled in such a manner
as to prevent contamination as far as practicable.
shall be purchased only in sanitary containers, shall be stored therein in a
clean, dry place until used, and shall be handled in a sanitary manner.
All wastes shall be properly disposed of
and all garbage and trashshall be kept in suitable receptacles, in such manner
as not to become a nuisance.
Single-service utenskls
Item E, Disposal of wastes,
Item 13. Refrigeration - All readily perishable food andckink shall be
kept at or below 509, except when being prepared or served. Waste water from
refrigeration equipment shall be properly disposed of.
Item14. Wholesoneness of Food and Drink. - All food and drink shall be
clean, wholesome, free from spoilage, and so prepared as to be safe for human
conmption. All milk, flu5.d milk products, ice creatn, and other frozen desserts
shall be from approved sources.
in the individual original containers in which they were
distributor or from a bulk container equipped with an approved dispensing
served fromthe original bottle or from a dispenser approved for such service.
All oysters, clams, andmussels shall be from approved sources, and if shucked
shall be kept until used in the containers in which they were placed at the
shucking plant.
Milk and fluid milk products shall be served
received from the
Provided, That this requirement shall not apply to cream, which may be
Item 15. Storage, display, and serving of food and drink. All food and
drink'shall be so stored, displayed, and served as to be protected.from dust, flies,
vermen, depredation and pollution by rodents, unnecessary bandling, droplet in-
fection, overhead leakage, and other contamination.
be kept or allowed in any room in which food or drink is prepared or stored. All
means necessary for the elimination of flies, roaches,,and rodents shall be used.
No animals or fowls shall
. Item 16. Cleanliness of employees. - All employees shall wear clean outer
garments and shall keep their bands clean at all times while engaged in handling
food, drink, utensils, or equipment.
tobacco in any form in rooms inwhich food is prepared.
Employees shall not expectorate or use
Item17. Miscellaneous - The premises of all restaurants shall be kept
clean and free of litter or rubbish, None of the operations connected with a
restaxwant shall be conducted in any room used as living or sleeping quarters.
Adequate lockers or dressing rooms shall be provided for employees? clothing
and shall be kept clean.
containers provided for this purpose.
Soiled linens, coats, and aprons shall be kept in
Itinerant restaurants - Itinerant restaurants shall be constructed and
operated in an approved manner.
D. Restaurants which may operate. From and after I2 months from the date
on which this ordinance takes effect no restaurant shall be operated within
the Village of Edina, or its police jurisdiction, unless it conforms with the
requirements of this ordinance; Provided, That when any restaurant fails
to qualify the health officer is authorized to suspend the permit.
E. Reinstatement of permit. Any restaurant the permit of which has
been suspended may at anytime make application for the reinstatement of the
permit .
Within one week after the receipt of a satisfactory application, accompanied
by a statement signed by the applicant to the effect that the violated provision
or provisions of th'is ordinance have been conformed with, the health officer
shall make a reinspection, and thereafter as many additional reinspections as
he may deem necessary to assure himself that the applicant is again complying
with the requirements, and, in case the findings indicate compliance, shall re-
instate the permit.
F. Disease control - No person who is affected-with any disease in a
communicable form or is a carrier of such disease shall work in any restaurant,
and no restaurant shall employ any such person or any person suspected of bein@
a carrier of such disease,
has contracted any disease in a communicable form or has become a carrier of such
disease he shall notify the health officer immediately.
this section shall be posted in all toilet rooms.
If the restaurant manager suspects that.any employee
5 A placard containing
G. Procedure when infection suspected.-- When suspicion arises,as to the
possibility of transmission of infection from any restaurant employee the health
officer is authorized to require ax& or all of the following measures: (1)
the immediate exclusion of the employee from all restaurants; (2) the immediate
closing of the restaurant concerned until no further danger of disease outbreak
exists, in-the opinion of the health officer;
of the mployee and of his associates, with such laboratory ednations as may be
(3) adequate medical examinations
H. Enforecementinterpretaibion - This ordinance shall be enforced by the
hea&th officer in accordance with the interpretations thereof conkained in the
1943 edition of the U. S. Public Health Service Code RegulatirgBating and Drink-
ing Establishments, a copy of which shall-be on file at the City Clerkts office.
i ' 238
A. No establishment shall be granted a license as a meat market unless
the same is equipped with properly constructed refrigerators, meat racks, counters
provided with glass front and top covers, meat blocks, scales, meat choppers,
and such other equipment as is required to handle meat, seafood, and poultry
in a sanitary manner.
B, All meat markets shall be provided with tight hardwood, tile or
cement floors.
C. Rooms used for the slaughter or picking of poultry and the cleaning
of fish, shall be separate from roomswhere meat, seafood or poultry are
stored, offered for sale or sold.
equipped in such manner that they an be easily cleaned and the refuse there-
from be easily removed and disposed of,
All such rooms shall be constructed and
D. All meat, poultry and seafood shall be properly and sufficiently
protected from dirt, dust, flies and handling by customers, All displays shall
be covered with glass.
side of any market for sale or display.
washed with hot water and soqp at least once every twenty-four (24) hours so as
to remove all dirt and grease.
hooks, refrigerators and other equipment for storing and displaying meat, poultry
and seafood shall be kept clean and sanitary and in good repair and shall be
scrubbed with hot water and a suitable cleansing agent at the clost of each
day% ;use .
No meat, poultry or seafood shall be hung or kept out-
E. All knives, saws, cleavers, choppers, pans and utensils shall be
All benches, blocks, counters, displays, meat
F. All employees when handling provisions shall wear a clean linen or
rubber apron, which must be changed and washed frequently and kept clean.
G. No live animals shall be kept on the premises, except that with I the permission and under the direction ofthe Board of Health live poultry
may be kept for short periods Bor slaughter and dressing.
H. No anWs other than ioultry shall be slaughtered on the premises
I. No meat, poultry or seafood which is not fresh, wholesome and safe
for Buman consumption and no part of any animal or fish which died by accident
or from disease shall he brought onto the premises or offered or held for sale
therein. Inspectors designated by the Board of Health may in their discretion
place a tag on any meat or other privisions which they may have cause to believe
diseased or dit for human consumption, or any equipment which from dirt, rust
or any reason is unfit for use or any apron or other clothing which has become
soiled or unfit for use. Such tag @hall be marked "Edina 3mrd of Health-held
for investigation." No person shall remove such tag or more the ar%icle tagged
fromthe place whereit was tagged, except as directed by the -inspector.
weeks old, and no lamb less than eight (8) weeks old when slaughtered and no
meager, sickly, unhealthy or &wholesome bird, fish or fowl shall be brought
onto the premises or offered for sale.
J. No calf or pig or the meat or carcass thereof less than four (4)
IS. It shall be the duty of the inspector designated by the Board of
Health, upon discovering any meat, poultry, or seafood which is diseased,
unwholesome or for any cause unfit for human food at once to give the person
in charge of same for the time being notice to remove the same immediately
out of the Village or to such place in the Village as the inspector may
desigmte, and to destroy the sane as directed by said inspector.
~ny person, firm, corporation or association violatbg/provision
.ofthis ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
of each such violation shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100.00
and costs or by imprisonment in the Village of County jail for not more than
90 days.
8/11/47 i 239
Ordinance Number 4, adopted February 27, 1986 and published April 23,
1926, entitled 'tAn Ordinance Regulating and Licensing Restaurants, Cafe,
Dining Rooms and Eating Houses, Requiring the Physical Examination of the Food
Handlers and Providing Penalties for the Violation Thereof", is hereby repealed
save and except that a11
force and effect until January 1, 194t3.
licenses issued thereunder shall continue in full
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage
and publication according to law+
Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance
be declared undonstitutional or invalid for any reason, the remainder of said
ordinance shall not be affected thereby.
President of Village Council
Passed: Au
Motion for adoption of the Ordinance was seconded by Utley; on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye: Willson, aye; Hawthorne,
aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted.
President of thevillage Council
Application of Mr. Carl Westerberg, for position of Waterworks Superatendent, was
read and referred to the Public Utilities C@nittee Chairman for reply.
Motion by Utleythat Ben Woehler, acting Superintendant, be appointed as Superin-
tendant of the Edina Water Department, was seconded by Hawthorne and Unanimously
Engineer Smith reported the request of Mr. Grant A. Feldman, owner of Lot 7,
Auditor's Subdivision No. 325, for completion of the Ridge Road blacktopping job
begun in 1944.
topping job, and that an assessment of l3$ per front foot be levied for the
work, was seconded by Child, and unanimously carried.
Engineer Smith reported on tabulation of bids received July 28, for construction
of watermain extension on W, 55th Street, between Beard and Zenith Avenues, stating
that Lamotti & Lametti is low bidder, and that they will go to work immediately.
Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Motion by Willson, that Village road crew complete this black-
?%EREAS, pursuant to advertisemennt' for bids published in the Suburban Press
on July 18, 1947, and in the Construction Bulletin on July 17, 1947, for the im-
provement of W. 55th Street between Beard Avenue and Zenith Avenue by construction
.of water main therein, the following bids have been duly received and opened:
LAMETTI & LAMETTI, St .Paul $3+ 5%. 80
PHELPS-DWSE CO. Minneapolis 3,7@*40 4,234 10
THEREFORE, BE IT FESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that
the bid of $3,558.80 by Lametti & Lametti, St. Paul, Mirmesota, is hereby deter-
mined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder and the president and clerk
are hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with said Lametti & Lametti,
in the name of the Village, for the improvementof said portion of said street by
the construction of water main therein, according to the plans and specifications
therefore which have heretofore been approved by this council, and filed in
the office ofthe clerk at the price specified in said bid, and which said contract
shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney.
E!& IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to
return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids except that the
deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained un-
til the contract has been signed.
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and Christopher, aye; and the ResolQtion wasadopted.
Child, aye; Utzey, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne,
Tabulation of bids taken July 28, 1947, for one standard carriage typewriter,
were read, G. I?. Wittgraf Agency, bidding &n L, C. Smith typewriter, being low
bidders. $89.43, was seconded by Utley and carried.
Motion by Willson, accepting bid' of G. W. tlittgraf Agency, amount
Mr. Willson recommended the putting to permanet grade of Oxford Avenue between
Interlachen Blvd. and 5lst Street; Bedford Avenue, between Interlachen Blvd.;
and 5lst Street; 51st Street 'between Oxford and' Bedford Avenues, and the alleys
between Oxford and Bedford, and between Bedford and William Avenues. It was re-
ported that public hearing had already been held on the grading of Oxford Avenue,
between Interlachen Blvd. and W. 51st Street; and on the North-South alleys be-
tween Oxfofd and Bedford, and between Be'dfordb and WiLliami and that construction
costs on the entire prdject would be low, amounting to less than &jOO.OO. Motion
by Willson that Street Commissioner be authorized to complete grading project as
specified above, was seconded by Child, and unanimously carried.
Lett from George W. Sandquist Construction Company, requesting installation of
street light at Bedford Avenue and W. 5lst Street, was read. Mr. 3Jillson moved
that the Village Council make request to Northern States Power for above named
street light, together with street light on the corner of Hankerson and W, 5lst
Street. Motion seconded by Utley and carried.
Engineer Smith reported that, because of houses now being built on low lots on
Halifax Avenue between 52nd and 54th Street, it is most expedient that a storm
sewer be constructed in the very near future to serve this property; said lots
having been assessed as part of Storm Sewer District No. 10 in 1942.
of assessment at that time was %h&t Engineer Bradley expected to solve drainage
problem for this street by grading to allow drainage into 52nd Street pciket,
butthat because of damage which would have been suffered by abutting properties
this grading was not completed. Motion by Utley that Engineer Smith proceed with
plans for construction of storm sewer on Halifax Avenue butween W. 52nd and 54th
Street,(if possible, tying this proposed storm sewer in with storm sewer being
considered for the business district South of 50th Street) and that Village Attorney
be directed to furnish legal opinion as to the possibility of making a supple-
mental assessment over the entire Storm Sewer District No. 10 for the Halifax
Avenue sewer, was seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried,
Mr, Smith reported that Mrs. Braun is now.negotiating with Verlin Balfanz for
sale of her cab company to Balfanz, and that Balfanz wishes to know whether
there will be objection to granting license to hiBbifor the operation of fourteen
cabs. Mr. Smith was requested to advise I&. Balfanz that Mrs. Braunls licenses
would be transferred to him just as soon as her cabs can pass the inspection of
the Police Department.
Engineer Smith reported thathe considered the bid of Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc.
taken earlier this evening, fair and equitable, and that he would recommend that
Council's accepting said bid for retaining wall, curb and gutter.
the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Willson offered
I.JHEIEli=AS, pursuant to advertisement for bids published in the Suburban Press
on July 10, 194'7, for the improvement of Halifax Avenue from W. 50th Street to
the North line of w, 49& Street, by the acquisition of a ten-foot strip of land
242 i
at %he ITe& boundaq of Hafax Avenue, and by tpe coqsf;rkf&nctlfr;iret&nhg wa33.s
crir55: ~dl;gtr3;te~~:~o~~~afd~rten-f oot strip of land, the f ollowkg bids for the con-
struction of retaining wall, curb and .gutter have been duly received and opened:
Retaining Val1 $4~000mOO
181' Concrete Curb and Gutter 6'1 Curb 1.50 If I1 I1 I 1.65 per Lin, Ft..
THE;REFORE, BE; IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that
that above named bid of Victor Carlson & sons, Inc. is hereby determined to be the
bid ofthe lowest responsible bidder; add the president and clerk are hereby auth-
orized and directed to enter into a contract with said Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc.
in the name of the Village, for the improvement of said portion of said street by
the construction of retaining wall, curb and gutter, according to the plans and
specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved by this council and
filed in the office of the clerk at the price specified in said bid, and which said
contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney.
EE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return
forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids except that the deposits
of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the con-
tract has been signed.
Notion to adopt the Resolution rias seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; tlillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne,
a3~e; and Christopher, aye; and the Resoltuion was adopted,
President of the Village Council
I Motion by Utley
$199329mQ6 by Special Assessment Funds, for advances made in 1946 for Work in Progressf1
res seconded by Xillson and carried.
authorizing payment to Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund of
Hotion by Utl-, authorizing repayment to General Fund by Permanent Improvement Re-
vobing Fund of $19,329.06, for advances made in 194.6 for Work in Progressft ivas
seconded by llillson and carried.
3Totion by Utley, authorizing loan from General Fund to Sanitary Sewer District No.
15 Fund, in amount of -$2,6U.45, to allow payment of bonds and interest; said loan
to be repaid upon receipt of May Tax Settlement from County Auditor's office, was
seconded by Child and carried.
Blotion by Utley, authorizing payment to Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund of
$15,321.31 by Special Assessment E'unds, for advances made January 1 to June 30, 1947,
for Work in Progressf1, was seconded by Willson and carried.
Hotion by Otley, authorizing repayment to General Fund by Permanent Improvement Re-
volving Fund of $15,321.31, for advances made January 1 to June 30, 1947, for *Work
in Progress", was seconded by Hawthorne and sarried.
Notion by Utley, approving Council's action of the 7th in paying to the Country
Club District Service Company $133,564.90, for Plater Utility and $100.00 for Sewer
Utility, was seconded by llillson and carried.
Motion by Utley, approving for payment the following claims, was seconded by Child
a-ad carried:
* BILLS PAID . AUGUST 11, 1947 i
* r
Dorsey,Colman, Barker, Scott & Barber
H.A.Rogers Compan
Carlblom %Harness Store
City Treasurer, City of Minneapolis
5049 Carl E. Carlson
5053 - A.C. Stringer
5054 Lee G. WiUiams
5055 Pink supply coo
I 5050
John R. Cqan, Postmaster
Rosholt Equipment Company 5056
5059 Repfkbl3.c Oreosoting Company 1
5060 Victor Carlson & Sons,*Inc
5061 Berg and Farnham
5062 Lyle Sign Co.
5063 Wheeling Corrugating Co. "
5064 Chris hrien
5065 Robert Po Savary
5067 Waterous Company
5068 5069
American Cast Iron Pipe Coo
* Lindsay Bras Company League of Minnesota Municipalities
5102 N
5304 Ed
5105 5106 5107 *
5077 *
5079 *
5083 5099
5046 '
Justus LWber Campany
Grand Pltnabing and Heating Coo
A. Bo Dick Co.
Justus Lumber Go.
Brookside 'Service Station
N, W, Bell. Telephone Co.
NoEthern States Power Coo
Jay W. Craig Go.
Edina Hardware Co.
Ben Woehler
Miller-Davis Col
Schaub Office Supply Go.
Pfeiffer Construction Co.
Suburban Press Ine,
Country Club District Ce.
Country Club District Co.
Commissioner of Taxation
Phillips Petroleh Go.
Edina Pure Oil Co.
Minneapolis Noline Power Implement
Win. H, Ziegler Co. Inc.
Globe Plumbing Supply Co.
Linde Air Products Co.
Minneapolis Gas Light Co.
Firestone Stores
Hicks Shell Station
Brookside Service Station
No W. Bell Telephone Co.
Northern States Power Co.
Edina Hardware Coo
Suburban Press Inc.
Construction Bulletin
Oscar Robgrts Co.
2-futual General Agency
Thompson Lder Co,
Grinnell Company
Badger Meter Mfg. Co.
American Cast Iron Pipe Co.
Rockwell &Ego Co,
P. He Tripp
Buffalo Meter Co,
Hennepin County Review
Centrd Supply Co.
Economy Printers
City Treasurer, Gladys E. Miller, City
Hick*s Shell Station
Edina Hardware Go.
Ben Woehler
Mille'r-Davis Co.
Schatib Office Supply Co.
Pfeiffer Construction Go,
Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co.
Fred *Le Gray Co.
of Minneapolis
270.53 79.27 69.02 113 e40 160.95
9.47 474.78
29 e45
13 e99
4.85 * 5 e85
25 000
62.83 1359265.07
Northern States Parer Coo
Fred Le Gray Co.
31.42 32 e 56
ArthG IC. Petersen + 686 .84 686 .84
Re Jo I$Z&= Co.
Jay IT. ,Craig Co.
Pfeiffqr Construction Co.
Suburban Press Co, Inc
Poucher Printing & I;ithographbg Coo
Construction Bulletin
Oscar I$oberiis Co.
Iamett) & Lametti
Lamett$ gf Lvnetti
' 64.80
' 164.85
23 060 37.01 ' a
5,782.04 .
, 581.40
General Fund
Genere Fund
19,329006 15,321.31 $42,102 e 5 5
First National Bank of Npls.
Iametti & hetti 1,010e39 5,217 e uc 4, 206 e75
First National Bank of 1Enneapoli.s * 721.63 721.63
P.I.R. :Fund
P.I.R. Fund
* 91
4,075 e68 933 e39 ' "5,009.07
* 5,823.80 5,916 e55
I 46 e77 54.99 101.76
W*M.I. if7 & #8
i 245
Suburban Hennepin County
Relief Board
Motion by Willson, approving Payrolls in amount of $3,285.87, was seconded by Utley
and carried.
Motion by Utley, approvkng Minutes of Meeting of July 28, as submitted, was seconded
by Child and carried. .
Copy of letter from Morel1 and Nichols, Inc. to Mr. E. L. Williams,-regardhg
masonry piers in Williams Hernorial Park, was read and filed with clerk,
Mr, Woehler reported that the Industrial Cdssion has again inquired as to when
the Village will install safety cage on water tank; stating that the tank and tower
need outside paint; andlthat the tank needs inside treatment. Utley moved tha$ %he
Village Clerk be authorized and directed to advertise for bids for a safety cage,
and the painting of the outside of the tank, with an alternate bid including treat-
ment of the inside of the tank providing such treatment is needed, Motion seconded
br Hawthorne and carried;
Village Attorneyts opinion of August*11, 1947; as toeCouncilts rights, powers and
duties in the establishing of Municipal Liquor Store$ was read and filed with the
Clerk. E 1
Letter of the State Public Examiner,*dated August 5,-promising Annual Audit for
meeting of August 25, was readn and filed with Clerk,
Architect KraffO's preliminary plan for pumphouse at $233-37 Halifax Avenue was
presented to Council,
of property in the general neighborhood of proposed pumphouse, be held on Thursday,
August 21, at 7r5O P. M,, was seconded by HewOhaone and carried,
t 1.
< i F
Motion byutley, that special*meeting of council, with owners
Mr. Child, of the special Garbage Disposal Committee, reported that he,-Mr, Willson
and Mr. Smith had found that St, hu%s Park was disposing of its garbage by sale to
farmers, one of'these farmefs being Everett Garrison; who in turn dumped the garbage in Edina. No action taken.* .
Utley offered the following*Resolution and moved its*adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Village of Edh extend to the
Management of the Minneapolis Street Railway Company, a vote of appreciation,
on beheff of this Council and of the citizens of Edina, for their favorable
consideration of theapetitions for the*extension of the 50th Street Cross-
Town Bus9Line into this Village, I
Motion to adopt'the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as follows:: Ghild, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne,
aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted,
Village Clgrk '
President of the Village CounU~
f .1
Motion by Willson for adjournment was seconded by Child and Unazgimously carried,