HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470825_REGULARMINUTl3S OF THE REGULAR MEECING OF THE EDIPJA VILLAa CWNCIL, HELD T*IONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1947, AT 8:oo P. 1-r., IN THE .'X EDDIA VILLAGE HAU. Hembers answering Rollcall -were I?illson, Child and Hawthorne. Villson presided in *,. the absenc: of President Chfistopher. ?.lotion by Child, approving Payrolls in atnount of I.. $3,551.48, was seconded by Hawbhorne and carried. VILLAGE OF EDINA PAYROI& AlUGUST 15 to AUGUST 31, 1947 NET NAIE COUNCIL C, J, Christopher, Nayor Bower Hawthorne, Caerk George A .IJills on, Trust e e Harold C. Utley, Trustee Fred S. Child, Trustee J,J.Duggan, Treasurer John Windhorst, Attorney Ward B. Lewis, Judge - EARNINGS TAX DEDUCT . 8 50.00 -0- 50.00 -0- 35.00 -0- I 35.00 -0- 35.00 6' 30.00 -0- 75.00 -0- 75.00 -0- Dr,L,~.i.Campbell,HeaIth .Off . 30.00 4 30.00 .Sub-T 0% a1 415.00 * 43.5.00 TOTAL WITH, lBTIZZF:. DEDUCT, NET ADHINISTRATIVE EARNI&ES TAX DEDUCT. HOSP. PAY CL4l3-1 NO. Phil IT, Smith 255.62 33.30 10.22 1.50. 210.60 1233 Gretchen Schussler 112.48 15.40 4. 50 .75 91.83 3234- Bernice I& Johnson 76.69 -0- 3 007 1.50 72.12 1235 Helene Freeman 63.91 6.80 2.56 075 53.80 1236 Edna Veiie 63.91 6.80 2.56 4- 54.55 3237 Subtotal 572.61 62.30 22.91 4.50 482.90 ENGINEERING DEFT. Carl Hiller John A, Sias Fred Jonas Sub4 Ot al I Th, S. Heydt Clayton Erickson Clarence Knutson Donald A. Nelson Sub4 otal STm 3rn-m- Philip Bailey Pete Dagren EMt Merf eld John Tracy Harry Jonas Arthur Jensen Ronald P, Port sub-total 99.69 -0- 3.99 1.50 94.20 I252 743.86 29.30 29.77 9.00 675 079 STElEET HEWHOURIS Gharles Johnson Jacob Shmak G, IT. Cardarelle lierrill Garner Jack 14erfeld Donald H, Rogers Paul 11, Angel0 Robert Goughnour Sub-total 78-25 3253 71.16 1254 84.35 3.255 67.80 1256 69.10 1257 55.30 3.258 3.44 1.50 3 020 -0- 3.68 -0- -0- 1.00 n-0- -0- -0- 10 032 2.50 TOTAL GENERAL PAYROLL 97.44 25.75 8/25/47 (247 WATER DEE. Ben Woehlar TOTAL WITH. RETIRE. HOSPo NET EAFtNWS TAX DEDUCT. DEDUCT. PAY CLAIM NO. 166.16 16.60 6.65 1.50 lab@ 1261 Sam Roberts 109 92 6.80 4.40 1.50 97.22 1262 Kermit C . Knutson 81.80 9.90 3 027 075 67.88 1263 Sub4 otal 35'7.88 33.30 3.75 (Withholding Taxes) - $521.00 Cia$ No. 1264 (Transfer of F'unds) 3551.48 '1 5130 First Edina State Bank State Treasurer, Julius Schrnahl Minnesota Hospital (Retirement Deductions) 227.01 11 11 1.266 Association 29.50 11 l265 Motion by Child, appr&ving payment of claims, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried, -t VILLAGE OF EDINA 3XLB PAID AUGUST 25. 1947 CLAIM NO. 5125 53.27 5128 5u9 5128 5x7 5x9 AMaJNT - GENERAL FUND Sam Roberts lhhbw Northern States Power Co. 674.00 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co 33.80 ' Pfeiffer Construction Co, m 1296.25 EWIF"T RENTAL Northwestern Bell Telephone Co ll.15 Northern States Power 3.85! 15.04 City Treasurer, Nty of Mpls Northern States Power Co. I Pfeiffer Construction CO. 5129 Pfeiffer Construction Co. 5131 P'IJX. T.65 WATER DEFT 428.49 3714.07 Village Engineer present&d tabulation of bids received August' 11, on Heavy Duty Truck. Mbtion by Child that the Council reject all bids, and that the Clerk be authorized and directed to readvertise for bids for Heavy Duty Truck, said bids to be taken September 8, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Pursuant to Notice of Hearing on Proposed Water Main Mension, as published in the Suburban Press, Hopkins, mesota, August 15 and 22, 1947, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, approved, and placed on file, Public Hearing was held on extension of Water Main in France Avenue between W. 57th and W. 58th Streets, Mr. A. H. Geis, 5720 France Avenue, spoke in favor of this extension, Engineer Smith presented his estimated cost as $5,846.15, with 1220 assessable feet; or @+,E30 per assessable foot for construction, plus 25Q per assessable foot for connection to' the lickelsen Water Main, rnaking a total per assessable foot of $5;05. Mr, Everett Nelson also spoke in favor of the proposed main. Hawthorne' offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: There were no objections filed, either oral or written. RESOLUTION FOR WATE8 MAIN EXTENSION WATER MAIN R@RCWEMEEJT NO. ll b WHEREAS the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice to all property owners whose prbperty may be assessed for proposed con- struction of Village water main in France Avenue from W. '57th Street to W. 5$th Street, published in the Suburban Press on August 15th and 22nd, 1947, . 248 8/25/47 and has heard all pe'rsons appearing at $Admeeting and duly considered said ' proposed improverndnt, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina ehat it is hereby detehnined to 5e necessary to. constPuct Villdge prater main in the above named street', and construction heretofore prepared by Phil '1.15. Smith and filed with the Village Clerk are he'reby accepced and approved as the plans'and specifications for said improvement. HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk 3s hereby directed to advertise for bids on the basis of cash paygent for such work, statingthat the bids will be opened and considered by the Council onthe'8th day of September, 1947; no bids iill be eonsiderdd unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to the clerk for an amount equal to 10 per cent, ofthe bid. BE IT FURTHE3 RESOLVED that the cost of said improvement is to be assessed against the property improved as authorized by chapter 425, Ls of 1921, as amended. 1 3 . . I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that plans and 'specifications for such water main * Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on RoUcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Iillson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. President Pro-Tem of the Village Council Pursuant to advertisement for Bids, Grading of Grove Street, published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, I,Snnesota, August 15, 1947, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, the following bids were opened and regd covering the furnishing of materials and labor for the putting to permanent grade of Grove Street from Tracy Avenue to the Western Boundary of Lots 11 and E, War8eri Kcres: D ' Terry Excavating Company, St. Louis Pa&, Minn. $622.50 Leo Lahti, Hopkins, IIinn. J, A. Danens & Son, Inc. 1 506.65 302.00 MoEion by Child that bids be refeered to Village Engineer for tabulation and report later this evening was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. ... Wsuant to Notice of Street lmprdvement Hearing-Belmore Lane, published in the Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, August 1, 1947, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, approvod'and placed on file, public hearing was held on the blcicktopping of Belmdre Lane betwden Blake Road and Interlachen Golf Course, Engiheer Smith presented his estimate of cost as $5,336.10, or 82.22 per assessable foot; this estimate including filling, grading and widening of street, stabilizing, and bituminous swace treatment1 Upon protest as to cost, by Hessrs. Ililhoit and Allen, Engineer explained that the establishing of permanent grade would Lnvolve considerable fill in order that drainage might be maintained, and that this constituted consrderable of the cost. Delegation present stated that while they wished blacktopping, they believed estimated cost excessive, and there was some dhxassion as to blacktopping only one block east of Blake Road, Motion by Child, tabling this matter until next meeting, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Pursuant'to Notice of Street Improvement Hearing-John Street, published in the Suburban Press, Hopkins, I.iinnesota, August I, 1947,' affidavit of publication for which wks read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, public hearing was held on the blacktopping of John Street between Belmore Lane and Spruce Road. Smith presented his estimate of cost as $1,559.25, or $1.56 per assessable foot; this estimate including stabilizing and bituminous surface treatment. dexegation stated he was definitely in favor of this project'; an&lfrs, Greenwood inquired as to whether a new petition, for the joint blacktopping of John Street and Belmore Lane one block east of Blake Road could be presented. Upon advice from the Council that such petition, if signed by owners on John Street, would mean that such omers would assume 'some of the cost of the Belmore Lane job, members of the delegation were agreeable to bringing such petition into the next meeting. Matter tabled awaiting proposed petition. Engineer One ofthe 8/25/47 d 249 Pursuant to Notice of Hearing on Petition to Vacate Alley, as published in Suburban Press,, Hopkins, Minnesota, August 1, ahd posted on Official Bulletin Boards July 30, 1947, affidavits for which were read by Clerk, approved and place& on file, public hearing was held on the petition of Archie E. Dion and others for vacation of the North-South Alley in Block 11, Mendelssohn Addition from Belmore Lane tovMaloney Avenue. practicable only in case %he Village reserved & easement for utilities, terephone poles are already in the alley. filed, Engineer Smith reported that such vacation would be and that No objections, oral or written, were Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTI~N VACATING ALLEY WHEREAS, b majority of the owners of the land abutting on the alley herein- after descrihd in-the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, have petitioned for tho vacation of said ally; and had on said petition on August 25, 1947, at 8:OO P. M,, hab been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council; WHBREAS, one (1) webk's published notice and posked*notice of a hearing to be 1 NOW, THEElEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village <. of .I Edina, That certain alley running in a Northerly and Southerly direction and lying between the Easterly line of Lots One (1) to Six (6) inclusive, Block Eleven (Il), Mendelssohn Addition and the Westerly line of Lots Seven (7) and eight (8), Block Eleven (ll), Mendelssohn Addition is hereby# vacate& provided that said Village excepts from this vacation proceeding and reserves unto itself and its assigns an easement for all public utility purposed, includhg, with- out limiting the general nature OF said reservation, an easement for electric, gas, sewer, water, and telephone equipment on, over, and under the center ten feet in width of the alley hereby vacated. Hennepin County, Minnesota, that I . ~ Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were- three ayes and no nays, as follows: and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Willson, aye; President Pro Tem of the Village Council ..I Presiding Officer announced that the matters of Vacation of Cherry Lane, and straightening of Golf Terrace would be tabled until next meeting, for full representation of Council. Letters from M. L. Davenport,' Industrial Agent of Minneapolis Northfield and Southern Railway, and B, 11. Smith of Range Oil Supply Company, requesting per mission to install two 25,000 gallon storage tanks for fuel oil only, to be Located on MN&S Railway property were read, and referred to Village Engineer for report as to proposed location with reference to Wanner plant and other industrial establishments. Mr. Davenport stated he believed the tanks would be at least 80 feet from the Wanner plant, and no closer than that to the other establishments; and that the tanks would be used for'fuel oil only, and not for gasoline. Petition dated August 22, 1947, for water and sewer main extensions in France Avenue between 5$th and 61st Streets, signed by Ralph J. Johnson and others, was read, filed with Clerk, and referred to VillLge Engineer for report at next meeting with regard to percentage of signers to petition, Applicat$on of Verlin Balfanz, proprietor of Edina Taxi Company, for transfer of Edina Auto Livery, Incots license to operate 8 taxicabs, to Edina Taxi Company, was approved, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Child, and carried, office being requested to notify Mr. Balfam that full $5.00 per cab license fee would be charged for the balance of the license year. Petition undated, signed by J. 0. Halverson and others, for the construction of standard Village Curb and Gutter on W. 56th Street from Wooddale Avenue to Concord Avenue and on St. John's Avenue from W. 56th Street to Oak Drive, was read and filed with Clerk, 250 8/25/47 Pewition undated, signed by J, 0, Halverson and oLers, for the blacktopping of W. 56th Street from 1Jooddal.e Avenue to Concord Avenue, and of St, John's Avenue from I?, 56th Street to Oak Drive, was read and filed with Clerk. Notion by Child that public hearings on the above two petitions be set for Honday September 22, 1947, at 8:OO P. Id., was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. The application of John and Stella Person for permit to build house, was read. Because application was accompanied by neither plot planhor structural plan, Village Efanager was instructed to inform Mr, Person that permit cannot be granted until his application conforms with requirements of I3uiUing Code, Motion by Child that Village Clerk be authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the furnishing of 2,000 Cu. Yds. more or less of each of Torpedo Sand, Buckshot Gravel, Crushed Rock, size l&r to 2ft; 5,000 Cu. Yds. more or less Pea Gravel; 4,000 Cu. Yds. more or less Pit Run Gravel, to be used during balance of year 1947; said bids to. ber taken September 8, 1947, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. \ Kr.JE*C, Ia,mpman, owner of property being platted as ftLampmants Creek Terrace", was informed that in View of the appraisal given by the Mbneapolis Real Estate Board covering the park property he wishes the Village to purchase; Le,, $5322.00, the Council had decided that condemnation proceedings are in order, stated that he had reconsidered his offer, after talking to a member of the Board, and that he might be willhg to dedicate the property upon certain conditions. lfr, Willson asked Nr. Lampman to brhg his proposal to the next meeting of the Council, Notion by Hawthorne that Village Attorney be authorized and directed to prepare preliminary condemnation papers for the property under condideration, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried, Nr. Ia,mpman Hessrs. Hallman and Thorne, of Oak Drive, requested that Village install speed restriction signs on this street to protect the lives ofthe children living along the street; stating that since Oak Drive has been surfaced it is becoming a definite speedway, Hawthorne explained that the Council has no authorityto en- force a speed limit of less than 30 Wes per how. stated that they wish Wlow" signs M ttChildren at Playfl signs, for which they would be glad to pay, that Mr, Smith order these signs upon their request, The gentlemen present then This being agreeable to the Council, the gentlemen asked Bfr, E, W, Nylund presented for approval Final Plat of ftNylund)s Placerlo EIinutes of Planning Ccunmissionlrleeting of Julyl, recommending approval of this plat were read, Notion by Hawthorne that President and Clerk be authorized and directed to sign approval of Final Plat of frNylundrs Place" upon signature by Planning Codssion, wits seconded by Child and unanimously carried, Report by Sewer Inspector that seepage from cesspoolak 4909 Sunnyside Road is flowing into 1.iinnehaha Creek, was filed with Clerk, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution; and moved its adoption; ** .RESOLUTION REQUIRING CONNECTION TO sET.JER WEREAS this Council has received report fromvillage Sewer Inspector that flowage from cesspool at 4909 Sunnyside Road is seeping-into EWehiha Creek, and WJBEAS the property at 4909 Sunnyside Road abuts a sanitary sewer constructed in Sunnyside Road, NOtlrTtlEEEEFCFtE BE: IT RESOLVED by this Council that the Clerk be authorized and directed to serve noticeon Loren $1, Haling, owner of premises at 4909 Sunnyside Road, that connection must be made with sanitary sewer idthin 30 days from receipt of said notice, said notice to be served in conformity with ftAn Ordinance Requir- ing Connection with the Sanitary Sewer System and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Hereof", as passed by the Edina Village Council Narch 9, l9Q. Hotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as followst. Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and klillson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, .I * r* President Pro Tem of the Village Council Tillage Clerk Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 8/25/47 251 \ RESOLUTION APPROVING COUNTY AUDITOR' S LIST 2244 AS NON-CONSERVATION AND FOR SAIB I WHEXIBAS, The Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, has received from the County Auditor of Hennepin County, Minnesota, a list of lands in said village which became the property of the State of Minnesota under the provisions of law declaring the forfeiture of lands to the State for non-payment of taxes, which said list has been designated as List 224-C May 20, 1947, ad WREAS, each parcel of land described in said list has heretofore been classified by the Board of County Cormnissioners of Hennepin County, Minnesota, as non-conservation land and the sale thereof has heretofore been authorized by said Board of County Commissioners: NOW THEEIEFOFB, be it resolved by said Village Council, acting pursuant to Minnesota Statutes for 1945, Section 282.01, that the classification by said Board of County Commissioners of each parcel of land described in said list as non-conservation land be and the same hereby is approved, The question on the adoption'of the Resolution and the roll being called there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Child, aye; Willson, aye; and President Pro Tem of the Village Council ATTE Vilrage L/- Cl'erk Hawthrrune offered the following Resolution,and moved its adoption: .(I I IZESOL~ION FOR ACQUISITION OF PARK NON-CONSERVATION PROPERTIES FaR PARK PURPOSES ' BE IT RESOLVED that the President of the Village Council and Village Clerk be authorized and directed to sign 11Application by Governmental Subdivision for Conveyance of Tax-Forfeited Landst1 in the matter of the Village of Edina's application to the Board of County Commissioners and the State of Minnesota for acquisition of Lot 14, Block a, Clevelands Subdivision of Blocks 2, 3, 4, 13, l4, and l5,'Emma Abbott Park, comprising parcel No. 35307-1939 on County Auditor's non-conservation list 224 C, and Lots 10, 11, 12; 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, Block 2, Seeley's First Addition to Hawthorne Park, being parceks 35313-1939 through 35327-1939, both inclusive, of County Auditor's non-conservation list 224-C; such acqubition to be for park purposes. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Resolution was adopted, .a Child, aye; Willson, aye; and Hawthorne, President Pro Tem of the Village Council L Village Clerk Village Attorney's opinion of August 16, citing that Adath Jeshuran Cemetery is liable under Village Ordinance No, 3, See. 4, as a noise nuisance, and under Sec, 111,&6, Minnesota Statutes 1945; for pumpi.ngiwater from Creek, was read, Manager Smith was requested to contact officials of the Cemetery Association and request them to cease pumping water from the Creek, citing the laws to them, Form of petition for proposed Municipal Parking Lot North of 11. 50th Street was presented to Council by Village Attorney, with the statement that petition must. be signed by owners of at least 5@ of the area in square feet to be assessed. Motion by Hawthorne, that petition be forwarded to Mr, Russell Lund for circulation, was seconded by Child and carried. c 8/25/47 252 Hr, Willson reported that neighbors are being disturbed by noise at the Wanner plant, which has been operating as late as 4:OO o'clock in the morning, Village Hanager was instructed to contact the TIJanners with regard to their ceasing night operations if possible. knager Mth reported that the 50th Street Businessmen's Association had voted at their last meeting to name the street now known as 493 Street, Warket Streetlr. Motion by Hawthorne that Warket Streetlt, the name suggested by Businessmen's Association, be accepted, was seconded by Child and carried. Report was made by Hanager Smith on the trial of Donald J. NcClellan for non- conformity to Village Zoning Ordinance, Elr. McClellan having been fined $100.00, said fine being stayed for 10 days, with right to appeal. Report was made by Manager Smith that Chester Brown, 5529 11ooddale Avenue, had been found Wot Guilty*' of maintaining a nuisance. Notion by Child that public hearing on the petition of the Sprjclig Realty Ccn@any, dated June 12, 1946, for the blacktopping of the streets in Edina Highlands, and on the petition of Judson Crouse and verlin Balfanz, dated January 15, 1947, for the blacktopping of the streets in Creston Hills, be set for September 22, 1947, and the Clerk be direhted to prepare and publish proper notice of said hearing, was seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried; Engineer Smith presentedtabulation of bids taken earlier this evening on the grading of Grove Street between*Tracy Avenue and the western boundary of Lots U and 12, Varden Acres, recommending the acceptance of the $302.00 bid of J. A. Danens and Sons. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RE3OLUTION ACCEPTING BID GRADING OF GROVE STFtFEC WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, I.linnesota, August 15, 194'7, for the improvement of Grove Street between Tracy Avenue,and the western boundary of Lots 11 and 12, Warden Acres, by putting to permanent gradewhe following bids have been duly received and opened: Terry Excavating Campany, $622.50; Leo Lahti, 8506.65; J. A. Danens and Sons, $302,00. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that, $302.00 by J. A. Danens and Sons is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder and the president and clerk are hereby authorised and directedto enter into a contract with said contractor for the improvement of the above named street by putting same to permanent grade, according to the plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved by this council and filed in the office ofthe clerk at, the price specified in said bid, and which said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney. . RE IT FURTIBR RESOLVED that the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained ' until the contract has been signed. Motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Hawbhorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, and the Resolution was adopted. President Pro Tem of the Village Council , Engineer Phil 11. Smith presented Analysis of Assessment covering construction of water main extension in PI, 49th Street between France Avenue and I4aple Road, listing total cost as $6,980.53, with 1604.72 assessable feet, or $4.35 per a'ssessable foot. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and movea its' adoption: IlESOLUTION SETTING ASSESSBNT HEARING WATER MAIN IMPROVETIIENT NO. 9 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution adopted by this Council July 28, 1947, a dontract has been let for improvement of West 49th Street between France Avenue and Maple Road, by construction,of Water I-fain &&ension therein, and the Clerk with the assistance ofthe Engineer, has calculated the proper amount to be specially ,253 8/25L47 assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such improvement as provides by law, which proposed assessment is now on file with the Clerk and open tdpublic inspection, now therefore, BF: IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said work of improving said street is her'eby accepted and designated as Water Main kiprovement No. 9; that the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, on August 28, 1947, that this Council will meet on September 8, 194'7, at the Edina Village Hall to pass upon said proposed assessment; that thd total cost of said improvement is determined to be $6,980.53. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there wer4 three ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Willson, President Pro-Tem of the Village Council Engineer Phil W. Smith presented Analysis of Assessment covering construction of water main extension in W. 55th Street between Beard Avenue and Zenith Avenue, listing total cost of construction as $54,233.32, with l209.52 assessable feet; or $3.50 per assessable foot for construction, plus an assesment of $.25 per assessable foot for connection to Peder Mickelsen Water Hain-ding total assessment $3.75 per assessable foot. and moved its adoption:' Hawthorne offered the following Resolution RESOLUTION SEX'TING ASSESSMENT HEARING ' WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 10 \-AS, pursuant to res6lution adopted by the Council August 11, 1947, a contract has been let for improvement of West 55th Street between Beard and Zenith Avenues South, by construction of Water Main Extension thei.ein, and the . Clerk with the assistance of the engineer, has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such improvem6nt a& provided by law, which proposed assess- ment is now on file with the Clerk and open to public inspection now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of'Edina that the said work of improving said street is hereby accepted and designated as Water Main Improvement No. 10; that the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be publislied in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Ninnesota, on August 28, 1947, that this Council will meet September 8, 1947, at the Village Hall to pass upon said pro- posed assessment; that the total cost of the said improv&ent is determined to be $4,233.32 plus 25# per assessable foot for connection to Mickelsen water mainl. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Child,'aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Willson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. President Pro Tern of the Village Council Mr. Windhorst asked for additiorial information before preparing papers for con- demnation of school property for street. the School Board and secure information requested by Mr. Windhorst 'as to the width of street to be condeded. moved its idoption: Engineer Smith was requested to contact Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and ' RESOLUTION SETTING SALARY SCHEDULE FOR EDINA POLICE PATROL" BE IT RESOLVED that the following salary schedule be established fbr Police Patrolmen in the Village of Edina, said salary schedule including $25.00 cost of 1 254 I 8/25/47 living ad jstnent : First Year - $202.00 per Month Second Year- $212.00 per Month Third Year - $222.00 per Nonth Fourth Year- $232.00 per Month Fifth Year - $242,00 per Month I Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, 'and on Rollcall there mre three ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and i.Jillson, .I President Pro Tern of the Village Council Notion by Hawthorne that Hilding Dahl, Clayton Erickson, Clarence Knutson and Donald Nelson be designated as Police Patrolmen, and that salary schedule be applied to each man on the basis of his tenure with the Village of Ed*; and that f.Jilliam Heydt be designated as Night Switchboard Attendant, at a salary 02 $150.00 per Honth, was seconded by Child, and Unanimously Carrie&. Messrs, Ashworth and IiacBrien of Edina Park; Stow of Yvonne TerPace, and Nylund of Wylund's Place1!, requested information on proposCd sewer and water extensions in the streets in their plats. Engineer Smith presented plan and profiles dated August 25, 1947, sho-xing the sewer to be constructed from Golf Terrace to'the West side of Nomandale Road, and south on Nomandale Road to Yvonne Terrace, with laterals on 11indsor to Wessex, on Kent to Warwick Place, on T.Jarc.riek Place between Kent and 11, 56th Street; on 11, 56th Street to Wessex, on Yvonne Terrace; and on 11essex between 11. 56th Street and Windsor; giving as his estimate of cost $U3,493.20, against 10,479 assessable feet, or a cost of $lO.Sl+ per assessable foot. After a thorough examination of the plans, Nessrs, Ashworth and MacBrien stated that they definitelywould not be in favor of the sewer construction because of of the cost of construction because of the increasedtaxes the Village would receive because of increased valuation in property in the sewer district, and because of benefit to the new high school. Mr. 'I.Tillson explained that higher taxes in platted property are absorbed by costs of services demanded by owners; and Hr. Smith stated that the school will be able to hook into the sewers East of Normandale Road. 'the high cost. 1-fr. Stow stated that he believed the Village should stand some Mr, Smith stated that, because of the high cost of construction, and because of the fact that all of the property to be benefited (approhtely'U0 lots) are owned by four or five individuals at the present time, it would be impossible to finance such a project. * Nr. Stow suggested that the Council proceed with plans for construction of water main extensions, tabling proposed sewer project until developers could have time to study the matter more thoroughly, Engineer Smith explained that construction of water main would We eventual construction of sewer main more costly becwe of necessity of sheathing during construction. Developers still agreedthat water main construction precede that of sewer. 1.Iotion by Child that proceedings for construction of sewer extensions West of Normandale Road be tabled, and that September 8, 1947, at 8:OO Po 14. be set as the date and time for public hearing on proposed water main extensions in the following Streets: Wind Road, from Unity Avenue to Knnesota State Highway No, 100 Minnesota State Highway No. 100, frm Yvonne Terrace to Yronne Terrace (as'per Preliminary Plat), from IEnnesota 11. 56th Street, from mdnnesota State Highway No. 100 to PTarWick Place, from Kent Avenue to 11. 56th Street Wessex Avenue, from 11. 56th Street to 240' North Kent Avenue State Highway No. 100 to W, 56th Street Vamick Place and that Clerk be authorized and directedto publish proper notice of such Hearing, was seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried. Hotion byeHawthorne for adjournment VAS seconded br Child and Unanimously carried.