Child, Willson, Utley and Hawt;horne anst;lered RollcaW,, with Hawthorne coming
late as recorded.
Hawthorne arrived.
Deputy Clerk Gretchen Schussler acted as Clerk until Mr,
I. , %
Motfon by Willson,'approving Village Payrolls in amount of $33374a64, was
seconded by Utley and carried.
t *
Gretchen Schussler
Bernice M, Johnson
Helene Freeman
Edna Velie
Carl Miller
John Am Sras
Fred Jonas
, Sub-total
Hilding Ddhl
Wmm Sa-Heydt
Clayton E9ickson
Clarence Knutson
Donald Am 'Nelson
'Sub-t otal
Phtlip Bailey
Pete bahlgren
Matt Merfeld
John Tracy
Harry Jonas
Arthur Jensen
Ronald Pa Port
* 123.72 9aOO 4. 95 lO9a77 1277 76a69 1.30 3.07 + 72a32 1278
' 113.50 15 a 40 4.54 93.56 3-279
* 108.39 6.80 4.34 97.25 1281
* 535.80 39.90 21.44 rc?4*46
113 50 7.40 4.54 ' 101.56 1280
Charles Johrison
Jacob Shmak'
Ca Wm Cardarelle
Merrill Garner
Jack Merfeld
Donald Ha Rdgers
Paul Wm Angela
Robert Couglinour
I 9/8/47
??Am DEFT.
Ben Woehler
166.16 16.60
'GRAND TOTAL 3,374e64 276e90 119e65 , ' 2,978eO9
Motion by Utley, approving payment to Arthur Petersen of $692.56 for barbage
collection serkice for August, and to the Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board
of #jI.24.80 for their services for August, was seconded by Child and carried.
1300 . Arthur Petersen . , 692.56 692.56
5132 fjnhurban Bemepin Ckty POOR FUND
Relidf Board ' 124.80 ' 124.80
Pursuant to ddvertisement for Bids, publisfhed August: 28, 1947, in the Hennepin County
Review, bids were called for the ' furnishing of one 3-4ton heavy duty truck, bids * being as foaowst TRADE-IN
% $5,&7015 SS 225.00 85,242.15
One Duple; Motor Truck "4,660.90 248.00 lCjW090
'4,470.54 40054 4,OOOoOO
One lJhite Truck 4, 9010 54 000 4,401. 54
University Truck Sales, Inc. Minneapolis
Gopher Equident and Supply Coo '1.Enneapolj.s )r
Northern Reo Company, Minneapolis
White Hotor Company, 1Wmeapolis
Ninnesota FT.JIJ Company, St, Paul'
Diamond T TI& City Truck Co, Bheapolis '
Astlef ord Eqdpent Co. 1SnneapoIi.s
One Autoc& Thck
1 I One Reo Thck
I :5,675000 680.00 ' 4;995.00 One FWD Truck
One DiamoGd T Truck '4,132e88 250,OO 3,882.88
One International Truck 6,333 007 5OOoOO 5,833.07
Notion by ltllson, referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation was seconded by
Child and carried.
Pursuant to Advertisement for B%ds, publi6hed Augusf; 28, 19-47, in the Hennepin County
Review, bids'were called for th6 furnishirig of sand; gravel, and rock for the
balance of the year 1947, bids 6eing as follows: &
Glacier Sand & Gravel CO., Edina
2000 Yds. *concrete sand
2000 Yds, crushed rock
4000 Yds. ,pit run gravel
4000 Yds. dry screened gravel . Pfeiffer Con&. Coo, Edina I
Bank Pit h
Screened 6r Cushed Pit Run
' Per Yds.* Total Per Yd. Total
,98 * 3,920.00 1.62 *
$ 20,300000 *8U, 780.00 **
070 * 1.10
' or .45 Per Ton or .75 Per Ton - 1.20 1.60 *
* or .80 Per Ton or 1,lO Per Ton . *
Hotion by tEllson, referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation was seconded by
Child and c&ed.
hrrsuant to Advertisement for Bids Water $Ish ExtenGion; published in the Hennepin
County Review, Hopkins, Bfinnesota, and the Construction Bulletin, r.iinneapolis,
Minnesota, August 28, and September 4, 1947, affidavit of publication for which was
read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, bids were called for construction of
Water Ma,jn Extension of France Avenue between W. 57th and 11. 58th Streets, the only
bid received being as follows:
9/ 8/47
Orfei and Mariani, St. Paul $54 959.00
.I Motion by Utley referring bid to Village Engineer.for report, was seconded by
Child and carried. f
I 53 Pursuant to "Notice of Assessment -Hearing-Water &in Improvement No. gtt,
published in the Hennepin County Review, August 28, 1947, Affidavit of
Publication for which was read by Clerk, approvedgmd placed on file, public
hearing was held on the assessment for this imprwement of W. 49th Street between
France Avenue and Maple Road, by construction of water main extension therein.
Engineer Smith reviewed Anaylsis of Assessment to$alling $6,980.53, or $4.35 per
assessable foot for 1,604.72 Assessable Feet. &, Eric Bjorkrnan asked an
explanation of the 10% contingencies charge. These were no objections made to
the assessment at this meeting, and no objections.had been filed with clerk prior
to meeting. Utley offered the following ResolutiQn and moved its adoption:
wHEItF.;AS proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of West 49th
Street between France Avenue and Maple Road by construction of Water Main
Extension therein has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public
inspection, and notice has been published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins,
Minnesota, on August 28, 1947, that this 0ouncil will pass upon said proposed
assessment at this present meeting, and this Council has met at the time and place
specified in said notice, and heard and passed upon all objections thereto,
now theref ore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Ed* that said
proposed assessment which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is here-
by adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts
of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein
respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be
benefited in the mount of the assessment levied against it herein.
BE: IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual
installments extending over a period of ten years, the first to be payable on the
first day of June, 1947, all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate
of 5% per annum. Said assessnients and interest shall be a lien upon the property
therein specified concurrent with general t-es as authorized by Chapter 425,
Laws Of Mime 19210
Motion to adopt the Resolution was asconded by Willson, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows:
Hawbhorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted,
Chilc, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye;
President of the Village Council
Utley offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption:
* 7 :.rt I
4&Ye' ,a *.-p r 7 '4
P f 4:*2&
WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution of the Village Council adopted June 23, 1947,
for improvement of W. 49th Street between France and Naple Road by construction of
Water Main Extension therein, contract has been entered into for doing the work at
a contract price of $5,872.00 and other.expenses which have been incurred or will
be incurred in connection with the making of said improvement are $1108.53, and
that the total expenditure therefore is $6,980.53, Now Therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that certificates
of indebtedness of said Village be issued in the aggregate sum of $7,000 to defray
the whole of the cost of said improvement as authorized by Chapter 425, Laws of
annual installments as near equal as may be over a period of nine (9) years as
follows, said certificates maturing January 1, 1957, being subject to redemption
at any interest ' payment date t
Such certificates shall be in form hereto attached and shall be payable in
3 4
5 6 7 8
'9 IO ' u.
13 Ui
s $ 1,000.00 # 500.00
$ 1,000.00
January 1, 1950
January 1, 1951
January 1, 1952
January 1, 1955 January I, 1956
1, 1957
said certificates shall be dated October 1, 1947, and shall bear interest at the.
rate of not more than five (5) per cent per annum, said interest to be payable
semi-annually beginning July 1, 1948, that the form for said certificates
immediately following is hereby adopted, and
KNW ALL 14E3J BY THESE PRESENTS that the Village of Edina, Hennepin
County, Minnesota, certifies that it is indebted and for value received promises
to pay to the bearer hereof from TIJatermain Improvement No. 9 Fund of said
Village the. sum of
on the day of
of payment is legal tender for public and private debts, and to pay interest
thereon from the date hereon until paid at the rate of per cent ( $)
of and the day of in each year, interest to
maturity be- payable as they severally become due, both principal and interest
being payable at the main office of
in the aggregate principal amount of $7,000, all of like date and tenor except as
to maturity,
conformity with the constFtution and Laws of the State of Minnesota thereunto
enabling including Chapter 425, Lam of 1921, for the purpose of defraykg the
expense incurred and to be incurred in laying water mains, hydrants, and
connections in TJater Main Improvement No, 9, and in anticipation of the
collections of special assessments to be duly levied against the benefited
property in said District for the construction of said watermains and is payable
out of a fund designated as Water Main Improvement No. 9 Fund into wMch fund all
proceeds of said assessment are required to be paid, butthe full faith and
credit of the Village of Edina are pledged for its payment.
, 19- in any coin or currency which on the date
per annum, payable and thereafter semi-annually. on, the . day
THIS CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS is one of a series of certificates
and is issued by the Village of Edina pursuant to and in full
(To be printed on certificates No. 13 and 14)
This certificate is subject to redemption on any interest payment
date at par and aclEqed interest upon thirty days prior notice by mail to the
bank where this Certificate is payable.
IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that dll acts, conditions and
thhgs required by the constitution and Laws of the State of llbnesota, to be
done, to happen, and to be perforned precedent to and in the issuance of this
certificate of indebtedness have been done, have happened, and have been
performed in regular and due form, time and manner as required by law and
that this certificate of indebtedness, together with all other indebtednew
of said Village outstanding on the date named herein, and on the date of the
actual issuance and delivery hereof does not exceed any statutory or con-
stitutional limitation of indebtedness,
IN WITNESS tEEREOF, the Vnlage of Edina, Hennepin County,
Minnesota, by its Village Council has caused this certificate of indebtedness
to be signed by the President of the Village Council and countersigned by the
Village Clerk and sealed with the seal of said Village, and the interest coupons
hereto attached to be executed and certificate of indebtedness to be dated as
of , 1947.
The Village of Edina, Minnesota will y to bearer
At Bank .of Minnesota
for interest then due on its Matermain Improvement No. 9
Certificate of Indebtedness dated October 1, 1947.
and ' /&DOLLARS
President of the Village Oouncil
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED .that the Clerk is hereby directed to publish a
notice in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, fixing October 13, 1947,
at 8:OO P. M. at the Village Hall as the time and place where bids for said
certificates will be opened and considered.
right to reject any and all offers and award said certificates to a lower bidder, or upon like notice invite other bids, and
The Council hereby reserves the
. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a separate special assessment fund shall
. be provided for the improvement and the proceeds fromthe sale of the certificates
herein authorized shall be placed in such fund; into such fund shall be paid all
moneys received fromthe payment of any special assessments levied on account of
this fund. A sufficient amount of moneys receivedto provide forthe payment of
the principal and interest of said certificates as they severally mature, shall
be, without further authority, transferred by the Village Treasurer into such
fund fromthe General Fund when the special assessment fund is insufficient to
pay the principal and interest of said certificates as they severally mature,
but the fund from which said moneys have been taken or used for the payment of
such principal or interest shall be replenished with the interest at 5% per
annum'from the collection of unpaid assessments on account of such improvements.
Motion to Adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were
four ayes and no nays, as follows:
Christoplier, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Child, aye; Utley, aye; M.ll.son, aye; and
President ofthe Village Council
Pursuant to 'lrNoticc of" Assessljaent 'H&arihg-Water Main Improvement No. 1011,
published in the Hemepin County Review, Hopkins, Mnnesota, August 28, 1947,
affidavit of publication for which was Yead by the Clerk, approved and placed on
file, Public Hearing was held on the as'sessment for the improvement of W. 55th
Street between Beard and Zenith Avenues'by construction of water main therein.
Engineer Smith reviewed analysis of ass'essment, totalling $4,535.70, $302.38 of
which is the 25$ connection charge to Feder Edkelsen water main; making a total
assessment of $3.75 per assessable foot' for 1,209.52 assessable feet.
objections were raised at the meeting; and no objections were filed with the
Clerk prior to the meeting.
Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its
T.lHEREAS proposed assessment for the cost of the improyment of Uest 55th Street
between Beard and Zenith Avenues by construction of Water IT& Extension therein
has been duly filed With the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, and
notice has been published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, on
August 28, 1947, that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at
this present meeting, and this Council has met at the time and place specified
in said notice, and heard and passed upon all objections thereto, now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said
proposed assessment which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby
adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of
lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively
set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the
amount of the assessment levied against it herein:.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annudl
instk.@ents extending over a period of ten years, the first to be payable on the
fipst day of June, 1947,,all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of
5% per annum,
therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 425,
Ikws of 1921.
Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were
four ayes and no nays, as follows:
Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Child, aye; T.Jillson, as; Utley, aye; and
# c President of the Village Council
Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution of the Village Council adopted July 14, 1947,
for improvement of W, 55th Street between Beard and Zenith Avenues by construction
of Water kin Exbension therein, contract has been entered into for doing the WOPK
at a contract price of $3,558.80, and other expense which have been incurred or
P&U be incurred in connection with the making of said improvement are $976.90, and
that the total expenditure therefore is $4,535.70, Now Therefore,
BE IT FCESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that certificates
of indebtedness of said Village be issued in the aggregate sum of $4,500.00 to
defray the whole of the cost of ;aid improvement as authorized by Chapter 425,
Laws of 1921. Such certificates shall be in form hereto attached and shall be
payable in annual installments as near equal as may be over a period of nine (9)
years as follows, said certificates maturing January 1, 1957 being subject to
redemption at any interest payment date,
5 6-
'7 8"
January 1, 1950
January 1, 1951
January 1, 1952
Januarg 1, W4
January 1, 1956
January 1, 1957
Jan~ary 1, 1953
1, 1955
said certificates shall be dated October 1, 1947, and shall bear interest at the
rate of not more than five (5) par cent per annum, skX interest to be payable
semi-annually beginning July 1, 19M9 that the form for said certificates
immediately following is hereby adopted, and
4 261
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the Village of Edina, Hennepin
County, Minnesota, certified that it is indebted and for value received
promises to pay to the bearer hereof fromwatermain Improvement No, 10 Fund
of said Village the sum of '
on the day of' , 19,, in any coin or currence which on the date of
payment is legal tender for public and private debts, and to pay interest
thcreon fram the date hereon until paid at the rate of per cent ( $)
of and the day of in each year, interest to maturity
being payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the
attached interest coupons as they severally become due, both principal and
interest being payable at the main office of
THIS CERI!IFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS is one of a series of certificates
In the aggregate principal mount of $4,500, all of like date and tenor except
' as to,maturity, and is issued by the Village of Edina pursuant to and in full
conformity with the constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota thereunto
enabling including Chapter 425, Laws of 1921, for the purpose of defraying the
expense incurred and to be incurred in laying water mains, hydrants, and
connections ;in Water Main'hprovement No, 10, and in anticipation of the
collections bf special assessments to be duly levied against the benefited
property in said District for the construction of said watemains and is payable
out of a fund designated as Water Main Improvement No, 10 Fund into which fund
all proceeds of said assessment are required to be paid, but the full faith
and credit of the Village of Edina are pledged for its payment.
per annum, payable and thereafter semi-annually on the bY
I (To be printed on certificate No, 9)
This certificate is subject to redemption on any interest payment
date at par and accrued interest upon thirty days prior notice by mail to the
bank where this' Certificate is payable.
IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND @CITED that all acts, conditions and
things required by the constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota, to be
done, to happen, and to be perfomed precedent to and in the issuance of this
certificate of indebtedness have been done, have happened, and have been per-
formed in regular and due form, time and manner as required by law and that
this certificate of indebtedness, together with all other indebtedness of said
Village outbtanding on the date named herein, and on the date of the actual
issuance and delivery hereof aoes bot exceed any statutory or constitutional
limitation df indebtedness.
IN FrrPNESS WHEREOF, the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota,
by its Village Council has causedthis certificate of indebtedness to be
signed by the President of the Village Council and countersigned by the
Village Clerk and sealed with the seal of said Village, and the interest
coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile
signatures of said officers, and has caused this certificate of indebtedness
to be dated as of , 194'7.
President of the Village Council . *
No. * (COUPON)
The Village of Edina, Minnesota, will pay to bearer and /lo0 DOLLARS ,
At Bank of Minnesota
for interest then due on its Watermain Improvement No. 10
Certificate of Indebtedness dated October 1, 1947,
BE IT F'URTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby directed to publish
a notice in the Hennepin County Redew, Hopkins, l.iinnesota, fixing October 13,
194'7, at 8:F)O P. ?.I. at the Village Hall as the time and place where bids for
said certificates will be opened and considered. The Council hereby reserves
the right to reject any and all.offers and award said certificates to a lower
bidder, or upon like notice invite other bids, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a separate special assessment fund shall
be provided for the improvement and the proceeds fromthe sale of the certificates
herein authorized shall be placed in such fund; into such fund shall be paid all
moneys received fromthe payment of any special assessments levied on account
of this fund. A sufficient amount of moneys received to provide forthe payment
ofthe principal and interest of said certificates as they severally mature,
shall be, without further authority, transferred by the Village Treasurer into
such fund fromthe General Fund When the spialassessment fund is insufficient
to pay the principal and interest of said certificates as they severally mature,
but the fund from which said moneys have been taken or used for the payment of
such principal or interest shall be replenished with the interest at 5% per
annum fromthe collection of unpaid assessments on account of such improvements.
Xotionto adopt the Resolution was seconded by tlillson, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows:
and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Child, aye; IJillson, aye; Utley, aye;
President of the Village Council
Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing on Proposed Water 1-M.n Ektensionfl, published in I
the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, lilinnesota, August 28, and September 4, 1947,
public hearing was held on proposed construction of water mains in the following
streets T
IJind Road from Unity Avenue to Ninnesota State Highway No. 100
Minnesota State Highway 100 from Y$onne Terrace to Kent Avenue
Yvonne Terrace (As per preliminary Plat), from Ninnesota State
W. 56th Street from lvibnesota State Highway 100 to I.lessex Avenue
Kent Avenue from l.iinnesota State Highway 100 to IJamrick Place
IJamick Place from Kent Avenue to W, 56th Street
llessex Avenue from 11. 56th Street to 240' IVorth
Highway 100 to I.J. 56th Street
Engineer Smith's estimate of cost was a total of $3'7,458.19, or $5.39 per
assessable foot for 6,958.4 assessable feet. IIr. Smith explained that the high
per-foot-cost was due to the fact that the main from tlind Road across Highway
No, 100 did not benefit abutting property owners ana could not be assessed to
them, and the main along the West side of Normandale benefited property on only
one side of the street. l.Zessrs. Stow, NacBrien, Nylund and one other, Were
asked to confer with Mr. Smith regarding the phs for this water main improve-
IJindsor Avenue, with the connection to the present main to be from Golf
Terrace. They were reminded that there was no petition filed for water main
on Windsor Avenue; and Trustee Ilillson, when asked stated that he would not sign
a petition for such water main, but that hk would not oppose the main if the
rest of the people along the street wish it. Mr. 17illson ovms property on North
side of llindsor. 3Iessrs. Stow and MacBrien wished to know if the Village could
assume part of the cost of construction, in view of the increased taxes to be
received upon completion of project,
Bfr. HacBrien and Nr. Nylund stated that while they believed the cost to be
excessive, they were in favor of the improvement at the present time; I&. Stow
opposed it because of cost. Hotion byutley, tabling the praject until such
time as new plans have been drawn and further consultations held by developers
and Village Engineer, was seconded by Wllson and carried.
On re-entering the meeting, they asked that new plan be drawn to include W
They were told that this would not be done.
Dr, Strand presented petition dated July 29, 1947, signed by 21property owners,
for the vacation of Cherry Lane between the East lot lhes of Lots One and Four,
9/8/47 -5
Block One, and the West lot lines of Lots Two and Wee, Block One, all in Golf
Terrace Heights Addition,
end of Golf Terrace to Normandale is a bad grade, and that if Cherry Lane Jhs
vacated there would be'considerable filling to be done to make Golf Terrace a
safe approach to Normandale, Dr, Strand stated that the owner of Lots 3 and 4,
Block 1, expects to fill his lots before building, and that Dr, Paul Larson who
owns the property to the south'of Golf Terrace is aware that the grade of the
street must be changed. Dr, Strand stated that he had purchased his property
from Hansen & Parks as it was platted; that'he would not have purchased it had
he thought Cerry Lane would extend to Nomandale; th&t he expected to build
immediately providing Cherry Lane is vacated, but that his property would be
spoiled for him if it were not vacated, Motion by Utley, setting public hearing
'on the Vacition of Cherry Lahe for Monday, September 22, 1947, at 8:OO P, M.,
was seconded by Child and unanimously carried,
Mr. Lampmah, developer of Lampman's Creek Terrace, offered to deed all that
property shown on his preliminary plat as ItParkrt to the Village for Park Purposes,
providing the Village puts in the proposed roads, as shown on this plat.
Lampman was asked to consult with the Village Engineer, who was instructetl to pre-
pare an estimate of the cost to the Village 'of such grading work.
Mr. George I, Langkorthy, 5128 Halifax Avenue, headed a delegation of property
owners from Halifax Avenue between 52nd and 54th Streets, who asked hediate'oil-
ing of both Halifax and 52nd Street to put an end to the very bad dust condition
onthesb streets. They were informed that the Village expects to dig up Halifax
again to install a storm sewer; and that this was the reason the street had not
been oiled,
in'order that they might have their street back into condition, They were told
that the stow bewer project was still under consideration, but that the staeets
would receive a coat of oil this fall,
Mr. Bublitz, 5236 Halifax, stated that he wished to put in a driveway, and asked
as to the grade of the street. He was told that there would be no change in grade.
Mr. Bublitz also asked Village aid regarding the alley abutting his property,
stating that someone had bulldozed a large hole in the alley, preventing access
Mr, Ben Parks requested that Mr, Reuben L, Anderson*be allowed to connect his
dwelling situated on the SW 1/2 of Lot 9 and all of Lot 8, Block 9, Golf Terrace
Heights, to the water main in Water Main Improvement No, 2, at the intersection
of Unity Avenue and Lakeview Drive, for which Mr, Anderson's lots are not assessed,
Mr, Parks was told that if Mr. Anderson is willing to pay, on a cash basis, full
cost of extension of the water main from its present location to his.property, he
uould be allihwed to make this connection.
Mr. Parks also asked that the ViLlage Engineer prepare a'sketch showing the best
way to eliminate the horseshoe curve in Golf Terrace, such sketch showing the
amount of land it would be necessary for owners to dedicate to the Village, and
the amount of land to be dedicated by the Village to the developers of Golf
Terrace Heights, taking into consideration the necessary property for ingress in-
to the Paul Schmitt property,
and prepare such sketch.
Final Plat of Nylund's Place was presented for Council's signature, Council was
informed that Planning Commission had approved plat, but that Chairman is out of
town and unable to sign, Motion by Child that President and Clerk be authorized
to sign Final Plat of Nylund's Place, waiving signature of planning commission,
was seconded by 1?TTllson and Carried,
Engineer Smith reported that petition for Sewer and Water Main extensions on
France Avenue between 58th and 61st Streets, filed with the Council August 25,
carries signers for 5% of the abutting property,
Engineer be directed to prepare plan and estimate, and that public hearing on
petition be set for Monday, September 22, 1947, at $200 P. M., was seconded by
Willson and carried.
Letter of the Range Oil Supply Company, dated September 8, 1947, agreeing to in-
stall a one foot dirt dike with three foot crown along the North side of the
property they lease from MN&S Ry. Co., providing they be allowed to install two
25,000 gallon fuel oil tanks on this property, was read.
edthat permit be issued.
by Utley and carried,
Dr, strand was told that the approach from the South
The delegation asked that storm sewer project be initiated immediately
' by property owners. He was told that the Village would investigate,
Village Engineer was instructed to make a smey
Motion by Utleythat Village
Engineer Smith recmend-
Motion by Willson that permit be granted, was seconded
Clerk Hawthorne entered the meeting at this time,
We. Loberg, new mer of 5505 Kellogg Avenue, requested permit to remodel
leanto garage on these premises for bedroom and bath, stating that the oukside
dimensions would not change, and that it was necessary to install a bathroom in
accordance with Village order to install sewer facilities.
5504 Kellogg, protested the granting of permit, stating that the neighbors
wanted the old house out of the neighborhood, and thgt he believed sewer facilities
should be installed in the house as it now stands. Mr, Harris was informed that,
since the Village has ordered in the sewer, it is necessary to allow the Owner
the privilege of complying with same. IKLlson moved" thatr building permit be
granted. Seconded by Utley, Unanimously carried.
Ik, Harris asked the aid of the Council in seeingthat the 50th Street Cross-
TOPM Bus Line continues its service after'0ctober 1, No action taken,
Eir, George Speakes requested permission to build a dwelling, facing 17. 54th SLreet,
on lots 28 and 29, Block 2, Seeleyrs First Addition to Hawbhorne Park.
Inspector Woehler stated that he had not issued permit because such issuance *
would be in vialation of Village Zoning Ordinance in that:
1, 'House -1 face 54th Street, whereas lots are platted to face Zenith
2, House bill be located idthin 5 feet of rear lot line, whereas Zoning
Ordinance requires a rear yard of 25% of lot depth,
Mr, Speakes alleged that the Zoning Ordinance inflicts a hardship on him because
of the fact that Zenith Avenue cannot be opened for travel, and that he would
have no access to his property in any manner other than the one proposed,
Building Inspector Woehler recommended that permit be issued upon receipt by the
owner of written permission by the owners of Lots I through 7, block 2, Seeley's
First, Addition. Xotion by Utleythat permit be granted in accordance'with Hr.
Woehler' s recomehdation was seconded by VJillson and carried, Nr, Hawthorne not
voting on the motion. Speakes was advised to have an attorney draw up the
papers for the neighboring property owners'to sign,
Pursuant to Notice of Stretjt Improvement Hearing-Countryside Addition, published
in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota,' August 15 and 22, 1947,
affidavit for which was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, public hear-
ing was held on the proposed blacktopping of all streets in Countryside Additfon,
in accordance with the petition of National Builders, Inc. dated October 9, 194.6,
There were no objections filed at the meeting, and no objections were filed with
the Clerk prior to that the. IJillson offered the following Resolution and moved
its adopt ion:
1-k. Allan Harris,
I -
VHIBEAS, petition in writing requesw improvement of aU. streets h
Countryside Addition, Edina, by blacktobping has been duly filed with this
Council dated October 9, 1946, signed by owners of more than 51% in frontage of
the real property abutting on the streets named in said petition as the locatPon
for sucb jmprovement, and
NHE3EAS the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a
notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
improvement published in the Suburban Press, Hopkink, ItIinneaota, on August15
and 22, 1947, has heard all persons interested in the improvement, and determined
the necessity for the improvement petitioned for, now therefore
by Chapter 311, Laws of 1927, that the petition above de'scribed is hereby
determined to have been signed by the required percentage of owners of property
affected thereby and
BE IT FBSOLVEJ) by the ViI.lage Council of the Village of Edina as required
- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all Streets in Countryside Addition, Edina,
be improved by blacktopping, and
Clerk identified as' 11Specifications for Bituminous Surface Treatment", prepared
by Phil 11. Smith, are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifications
for said improvement.
BE IT RESOLVED that plans and specifications now on file with the Village
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the action of the Clerk in preparing and insert-
ing in the official paper and in the Const&ction Bulletin an advertisement for
bfds upon such improvements in accordance with such approved plans and specifi-
cations, said bids having been opened May 13, 194'7, is hereby ratified and
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Utley, Ad on Rollcall there were
five ayesiand no nays, as follows:
aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted,
Child, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne,
President of the Village Council
Pursuant to Notice of Street hprovement Hearing-Valley Wiew Heights, pfiblisheh
in thg Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, August 15 and 22, affidavit of
publication for which was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, public'
hearing was held on proposed blacktopping of all streets in Valley View Heights
been received by Clerk prio? to that time, Willson offered the following Resolut-
ion and moved its adoption;
No objections were filed at the meeting, and no written objections had
WHEREAS, petition in writing requesting impr'ovement of all Streets hf VaUey
View Heights Addition, Edina, by blacktopping has been duly filed with this
Council dated October 2, 1946, signed by owners of more than 5% in frontage of
the real property abutting on the streets named in said petition as the location
for such improvement, and
notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
improvement published in the Suburban Press on August 15 and 22, 1947, has heard
all persons interested, and detehedthe necessity for the improvement
petitioned for, now therefore
WHEREAS the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a
BE IT @SOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina as required
by Chapter 311, Iaws of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby
determined to have been signed by the required percentage of owners of property
affected thereby, and
Edina, be improved by .blacktopping, and
Clerk identified as "Specifications for Bituminous Surface Treatment:' be
prepared by Phil W. Smith, are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and
specifications for said improvement,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all Streets in Vlley View Heights Addition,
BE I? RESOLVED that plans and specifications now on file with the Village
BE IT rmRTHER RESOLVED that the action of the Clerk 5.n preDaring and in-
serlitng in the official paper and in the Construction BuJiletiryan advertisement
for bids upon such improvements in accordance with such approved plans and
qpecifications, said bids having been opened May 13, 1947, is hereby ratified
and approved,
. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there'were
five ayes and no nays, as follows; Child, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye;
Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted,
President of the Village CourlBil
Engineer I Smith reported that Edina Highlands wishes numbering system, but that
neither the numbering system submitted by Mr, Creighton nor that system sub-
mitted by Mr. Spring seems practicable. Mr, Smith was instructed to make further
study and report to the Council,
Mr, Smith reported that Mr, Parks seemed to be in favor of a dedication for the
school road, during conversation of last week. Mr. Smith was instructed to con-
tact &, Ralph Nelson regarding the both of them seeing Mr, Hansen in akttempt to
secure dedication.
Mr. Wth reported that he had contacted Mr, E, E, Wanner, with regard to the
noise nuisance of their punch presses working until early morning hours, and
that Mr. Wanner states they will not work nights after their present contract
is completed.
Noise Ordinances fromthe League in order that the Council my take action on
With regard to'this matter, Engineer Smith was instructed to get
an Edina Noise Nuisance.
Fire Equipment Certificate for the year 1947 was filed with the Clerk. - 1-lotion
by Hawthorne that certificate be accepted and filed with State, was seconded
by l?illson and carried.
Notion byutleythat Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for construction
of pump house at 5237 Halifax Avenue, and alterations and additions to present
pump houses at 52121 W. 50th Street was seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously
&fro Smith reminded the Council of work to be done on water tank and tower.
Eotion by Utley approving specifications for work, and authorizing Clerk to
advertise for bids for the cleaning, painting and repairing of Village IJater
Tower and installation of safety cage on tank ad tower, bids to be taken
September 22, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Mter from Iks. Roy 8. Larsen, Mirror Lake, enclosing petition by several
property owners in the district, asked for signs in this district cautinning
motorists to drive carefully; also for police patrol between 8rl5 and 8~45
A. M., and 3:30 and k:OO P. If,
CormniC.bee for action.
Letter and petition referred to Public Safety
Discussion was had as to depositing funds of the new Water Department in the
First Edina State Bank. Utley offeredthe following Resolution and moved its
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVID, that the First Edina State Bank, Edina, PWesota,
authorized to do a banking business in 1-linnesota, be, and hereby is, designated
depository of the public funds of the Village of Edina FJater Department, County
of Hennepin, I.Iinnesota, for the calendar year, 1947, in sums not to exceed in
the aggregate of Thirty Thousand Dollars (#30#$0) at any one the,
RESOLVED FURTHER, that this designation is subject to %he right of said
Village of Edina to modify, vacate, and revoke the same according to law.
Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Willson, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Child, aye; Hillson, aye; Utley, aye;
President of the Village Council .
It tms brought to Council*s attention that the Village carries no liability
coverage for damages to Minneapolis Fire Equipment and injuries to 1.iinneapoU.s
Firemen while attending fires in Edina. Office instructed to secure coverage.
Mr. Smith reported that Village Hall furnace is badly in need of repair, and
recommended installatfon of oil burning unit.
Clerk to advertise for bids for oil burning Unit, and repairs to furnace, was
seconded By Hawthorne and carried bids to be taken September 22.
Xrb,Smith reported he had received word from the Village Attorney that $X?5.OO
would be acceptable to 14r. John Person for alleged damages because of revokation
of permit to build barn. Elotion by Utley that the Village settle with Nr.
Person for #E5.OO was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Motion by Utley, authorizing
Plotion by Hawthorne for adjournment was seconded by Utley and carried.