HomeMy WebLinkAbout19470922_ADJOURNEDEmTES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTIolv OF THE SEPT- 22, 1947, MEETING OF THE EDINA VI~LAGE CCYJNCIL, HELD NOHDAY, SEFTEI~EBE~ 29, 1947, AT 8:OO O'CLOCK P. 1-f, IN TKE EDINA VILLAGE HAIL, Kembers present were Chrbtopher, Hawthorne, Willson and Utley, Pursuant to Advertisement for Bid-Blacktopping, published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, l.linnesota, and the Construction Bulletin, E.Zinneapolis, mesota, on September 18, 1947, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, bids were called for the blacktopping of Wooddale Avenue between W, 56th Street and Tower Street. of J, V. Gleason GO., St. Louis Park, at a price of $€&?,OO. TKLlson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: The only bid received vas that RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID STREFlT TO TOltJER STILEET BL4CKTOPPINGl~OODDAI;E AVENUE, 11. 56TH FJHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Hhnesata, on September le, 1947, and in the Con'strixtion Bulletin on September 18, 1947> for the improvement of Wood~ale Avenue between W. 56th Street and Tower Street by Blacktopping thereof, the following bids have been duly received and opened: J, V,' Gleason Company, St. Louis Park, Minnesota THEXBFOB3, BE IT RES6LFD, by the Village Council 'of the Village of Edina, that the bid og $832,OO by J. V, Gleason Compsny, is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder and the president and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said J. V. Gleason Co, in the name of the Village for the improvemeat of sa5d street by blacktopping, accord- ing to the plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved by this council and filed in the office of the clerk at the price specified in said bid, and which said contract shall be approved as 'to form by the Village Attorney, Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were fom ayes and no nays, as follows: PJillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, &ye; am3 Christopher, ayeg and the Resolution was adopted, $e32 .OO * . ni t President of the Village Council In connection with the Mooddale blacktopping job, from 17, 50th Street to Tower Street, Engineer Smith recommended that the work be laid over until next spring because of the lateness of the present* season and the bossibility that bituminous It was the opinion of the Council that work should go foriQard immediately because of the bad condition of the road and the load of traffic it is carryhg,'x&th work to start in the 56th Street area. Mr. Utley reported on the bids received at the meeting of September 22, for con- struction of one pump house at 53rd and Halifax, and the additions to and remodel- ing of two pump houses at 4521 Wooddale, stating that addition and remodeling bids were, in his opinion, decidedly out of 'line, and recommending that these bids be rejected. Utley moved acceptance of the $4,5$0,00 bid of Bonander and Company 'for construction of'the 53rd and Halifax umphouse, such acceptance being subject to * ed for remodeling of and additions to two pump houses at 4521 Wooddale, Hotion' - seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried, Engineer Smitg reported that thB bid'of Sigwald Enginedring Company, in amount of $&O,OO, for installation of oil burning unit in Village Hall, was low bid. Hawthorne moved that bid of Sigwald Engineering Company be accepted. Notion seconded by Utley and unanimously carried, Petition dated September 27, signed by Harold Roberts and others, for restricting the property within 135' of dorgas Avenue between 5lst and 52nd Streets to one family dr.rellings, was presented by Mr, Theodore J. Landt, who stated this petition is in protest to proposed multiple dwelling to be erected between 5lst and 52nd Street; facing France Avenue with rear entrance "on Gorgas Avenue, IJIotion by ' ' surface treatment would not hold up as well if applied in cooler weather. ? . modifications in plans as recommended % y the architect, and that all bids be reject- I 9/29/47 Hawthorne that petition be referred to Attorney Windhorst for his opinion as to procedure, and that Building'Inspector be instructed to issue no building permits on Gorgas Avenue until such time as Mr. 'Windhorst's legal opinion is obtained, was seconded by Willson and unanimously carried. Engineer Smith recommended awarding contract for fire proof safe to Remington-Rand & Co., Minneapolis at price of $530.00, Rand's bid was seconded by Utley and carried. Notion by HaAhorne that bids be taken for Fire Proof Door and Frame installed for present office supply room, was seconded by Willson and carried. Petition, dated September 26, 1947, signed by President, Treasurer and Clerk of the Board of Edina-Morningside School District No. 17, requesting water main extension to the site of the new Junior-Senior High School located at Southview' Lane and Normandale Road, was read. ed, and that these streets in Golf Terrace Heights and Golf Terrace Heights Ist Addition which are not now served by water mains be included for service at this time, in order to secure the necessary loop and insure proper water pressure for all concerned. Motion by Hawthorne that Village Engineer be directed to prepare plans and specifications for water main extensions as recommended by him, and that public hearing on proposed water main extensions in the following screets, be held Monday, October 13, at 8:OO o'clock P, M,, was seconded by Willson and carriedr Motion by Hqwthorne accepting Remington- Engineer Smith recommended that this petition be accept- Concord Avenue from Tower Street to South View Lane; South View Lane from Concord Avenue to Unity Avenue; Andrews Avenue from South View Lane to Lakeview Drive; Dalrymple Road from South View Lane to Lakeview Drive; Wooclhill Road from Wooddale Avenue to Lakeview Drive; Lakeview Drive from Golf Terrace to Woodhill Road, thence South and Westerly to Unity Avenue. With reference to action taken by the Council on the 22nd, to begin condemnation proceedings for widening of street on that street formerly known as W. 495 Street and now known as Market Street, it was the Council's opinion that such action should be delayed, in view of Mr. Russell Lund's statement of this evening that he is willing to circulate the petition prepared by the Village Attorney. Motion by Hawthorne that Building Inspector be instructed to issue no building permits on Market Street, either North or South, until further notice from the Council was seconded by Willson and carried. Water Superintendent Woehler, after investigation of financial responsibility and workmanship of the bidders on the repairing, painting, cleaning and installing of safety ladder guard on the Water Tank and Tower, recommended that the bid of E, A, WiZderhold Company, Aberdeen, South Dakota, in the amount of $1,464.45, with second coat of paint optional, at &lO.OO, Company, Aberdeen, South Dakota, be' awarded the bid for work to be done on Water Tank and Tower was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Motion by Utley that E. A. Wiederhold After discussion as to the proposed plans for War Memorial Park at 50th and Wooddale, and the Wooddale blacktopping job, Engineer %th was instructed to hire Victor Carlson & Sons to construct standard village curb and gutter at the property line of the park property, from West 50th Street to the Bridge Discussion was had as to the straightening of Golf Terrace, with the office being instructed to secure Village Attorney's opinion as to the exact liability of the Village with regard to those requests df Mr, Paul Schmitt. There being no further business to come before the Council except the adoption of the Budget for 1948, Hawthorne's mot'ion for adjournment until Monday, October 6, 194'7, at 8:00 P. M., was seconded by Willson and c'arried. 282 , 3WTES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF , '1 THE SEm-mR 22, &f&-T, MEETING OF THE EDINA VILUGE COUNCIL, HELD NONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1947, AT 8:oO P. M, AT THE \ \ EDINA VIUAGE HALL, Members present were Utley, Willdon, Child, and Hawthorne, vdth Utley presiding in President Christopher's absence. Mr. Verlin Wfm, again appeared before the' Council to request that he be ' allowed to increase his rates, citing increases incurred in his operations, including the very large increase in liability insurance rates, lfr. Balfanz informed the Council that by the end of November he would have all 1947 cars on the road; that'he had a service contract whereby each of his cars is to be serviced once each week; and that he is doing his very best to keep Ms drivers in line with regard to safe driving, having installed speed governors on his cabs. main the same providing the Council allowed him to decrease his liability cover- age to those maximums allowed for cab companies in nearby villages. The rates which Ifr* Wfanz requested are as follows: 25# for the first 1/2 Nile or fraction thereof; lo# for each additional 1/2 NLle or fraction thereof; plus a suruharge of 5Q for each stop in excess of one; and a waiting rate of 5# per minute after the fbst five minutes. He also stated that h'e would be willing to allow his rates to re- Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AIjIENDING FtESOLUTION PASSED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL ElARCH 11, 1940, ENTITLED, VlESOLUTION FIXING NUMBER OF CAB ORDINANCE, '1 LUXNSES AND ETAXIMJM RATES UNDER TAXI- w BE IT RESOLVED EK the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Resolution passed by the Village Council Efarch 11, 1940, entitled "Resolution Fixing Numb"er of Licenses and Maximum Rates Under Taxi-Cab Ordinance,11 be amended to read: that that I "The maximum Fakes to be charged by the linensee to whom such taxi-cab license has been issued, or may hereafter issue, shall be twenty-five cents (25Q) for the fkst one-half (1/2) mile or fraction thereof and ten (lo$) cents for each additional one-half (l/Z) milk or fraction thereof, plus a surcharge Of five (54) cents for each stop in excess of one, or a waiting rate of five (5&) cents per minute after the first five minutes. ' Netion to adopt the Resolution &s seconded by Utley, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthmne, aye'; and the Resolution was 'adopted. Child, aye; Utley, aye; l?illson, aye; and President Pro-Tern of the Village Council Chairman of Public Utilities, Utley, requested that Architect Krafft consult wLth Bonander and Company with regard to amount of deduction from $4,580.00 bid price, providing the Village provides the fill in the building and on the grounds, for pumphouse at 5233-5237 Halifax Avenue. Mr. Leonard Ode11 presented petition for sanitary sewers on Mackey, Brook, Coolidge, and Browndale Avenues between W, 44th Street and the South boundary of St. Louis Park, and on FJ, 44th Street, between Browndale Avenue and Glenn Avenue, which petitidn, he stated, is signed by owners of 100% of abutting property. After complimenting Mr. Ode= on his thoroughness, Council referred petition to Village Engineer for report, and to Clerk for reading at next regular meeting. 3fr. Frederick 3Iarek presented petition, vhich he stated is signed by owners of 100% of abutting property, for the grading of Adams Avenue between 4th and 5th Streets, This petition was also referred to Village Engineer and Clerk for reading at nexb regular meeting, a - At approxhately $:a0 P, 11, Havhhorne mved that the Council recess temporarily, subject to call of the Chairman later this evening, said recess being forthe purpose of discussion on the budget for the year l9@, PJillson and carried. Notion seconded by 283 10/6/47 At lO:l5 P. M., pursuant to call by Chairman Utley, meeting was reconvened. Hawkhorne moved that the Tax Lkvy for the Village of Edina for the year 1948 be established at the followingr General Fund Levy, $137,553.89; Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association' Fund, $460.00; To%al Levy, $138,013.89. Motion to establish the tax levy was secondeci by Child, and unanimously carried,. with Child, Wi&on, Utley, and Hawthorne voting aye'. Motion by riJill>on for adjournment was seconded by CMld and unanimously carried. I * . 1 '1 MINUTES OF THE REGULp;a MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER '13, 194'7, AT 8:OO O'CLOCK P. M. AT THE * t EDINA QILLAG3 HAIL Members present were Christopher, Willson and Child, with Deputy Clerk'Gretchen Schussler actirlg as Clerk. Motion by WillS"on, approving Minlites of Rogtilar Meeting of September 22,'adjourned Portion of September 22 Meeting held September 29, and Adjourned Portion of September 22 Mekting held October: 6, as subniitted, Gas seconded by Child and carried. Motion by Willson, approving Village Payrolls in amount of $3,514.10 was seconded by Child and carried. * . c VILLAGE OF EDINA NAME I ADMINISTRATIVE Phil W. Mth Gretchen Schussler Bernice Me Johnson Helene Freeman Edna Velie Sub4 ot a1 ENGINEERING Carl Miller John A. Sias Fred Jonas Sub-t otal POLICE Hilding Dah1 - Wm. S. Heydt Clayton Erickson Clarende hut son Donald'A. Nelson Henry 'M. Wrobleski Curtis M. Holter Sub-t otal STWT MEX?-€?EGULAR Philip Bailey Pete Dahlgren Matt Merf eld John Tracy Harry Jonas Arthur Jensen Ronad Port . Sub4 ot a1 PAYROLL bcQ6BER 1, 19.47 TO OCTOEEEi 15, 1947 TCntAL WITH. RJGTIRE. HOSPo rn 'CLAIM EARNINGS TAX' DEDUCT . DEDUCT . PAY NO. 255.62 33 030 10 022 212.10 1343 112 48 15 40 4. 50 92.58 1344 92.33 . 10 3 069 88.54 1345 63 . 91 6.80 2.56 54.55 1347 79.24 9.60 3.17 66.47 1346 603 . 58 65.20 24.U 89.34 123.72 , 9.00 4. 95 109.77 1351 76 :69 1.30 3.07 72.32 1352 113 50 15 40 4.54 93.56 1353 113 50 7.40 4.54 - 101.56 1354 101.56 1355 93.44 1356 113 50 7.40 4.54 103 27 5.70 4.13 76.80 5 030 71.50 1357 720598 51.50 25 .77 643.71 llr1.04 8.40 5.64 127.00 1358 130.88 10 40 5.24 115.24 1360 104.30 -0- 4.17 100.13 1361 103 15 5.70 4.13 93.32 J-362 .ll8.10 * 4.50 4.72 108.88 1363 117.53 * 12.10 4.70 100.73 1359 119.25 .60 4.77 ~3.88 1364 834.25 U.70 33 037 759.18