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SEPTEZBER 22, 1947, AT 8:OO 0"XLEK .
Members. present -re Willsoq, Utley, Hapthorne aqd Christopher.
Motion by \?illson, approving Village Payrolls, in the amount of $3,527,.87, was
seconded by Utley, and carried.
t 1 SEPTEXE@E 16 to ,SEPTEXanZ 30. 1947
* C. J. Christopher,Mayor $ 50.00
Bawer Hawthorne, Cl&k 50.00 *
George A. Willson,Trustee 35.00. Harold C. Utley,Trustee 35..00
Fred S. Child, Trustee 35 000 J.J.Duggan, Treasurer 30.00 John Whdhorst, Attorney 75.00
Vard B. Lewis, Judge 75 000 Dr. L.M.Campbel1, HealthOff.30.00
50.00.) 1306
35o.00 1307 35.00 1308
35.00 1309
30.00 1310 75.00 1311 75.00 1312
30.00 1313
Sub-total - 4l5.00 415 e00
ADMINISTRATIVE Phil W. Smith I258.62 33.30 1 10.22 1.50, . 210.60
Bernice M. Johnson a 87.50 4- 3.50 1.50 82.50 Gretchen Schussler 112.48 15.40 4.50, 075 91.83
Helene Freeman a 63.91 6.80 2 56- 075 53 080 Edna, Velie 63.91 6.80 ~ 2.56 -e 54.55
Sub-total : 583.42 62.30 23 .54 4.50 493.28
Carl Miller a" I 127.81 13.60 5.11 -0- 109.10
John A. Sias II 127.81 9.70 5.11 2.25 110.75
Fred Jonas 98.16 5.10 3.93 -0- 89.13
Sub-total 353.78 28.40 14815 . 2.25 308.98 I*
POLICE DEPT. I Hilding Dah1 D 731.72 b.00 4.95 1.50 108.27
Win. S. Heydt 76.69 1.30 3.07 . 1.50 70.82
Clayton Erickson i. 113.50 15.40 4.54 1.50 92.06 Clarence Knutson ~ 113.50 7.40 &,e54 1.50 ~ 100.06
Donald A. Nelson . 108.39 6.80 4.34 1.50 95 075
Philip Bailey
Pete Dahlgren
Matt Merfeld John Tracy
Harry Jonas
Arthur Jensen
Rona)d P. Port
Sub-t otal
Jacob Shmak
C. W. Cardarelle
Merrill Garner
Jack Merfeld
Wayne Tracy
Sub-t otal
1315 1316
1317 1318
13 22
1323 i324 (.
1325 1326
94.48 4.40' a.78 , L50* ' 84.80 133& T 83.121, 6 030 3 034 -0- 73.80 1335
88.00 11.30 -0- 76.70 1337
~ 101.23 5.40 4.05 1.50 90.28 1336
1 88.00 11.30 1.00, 75.70 1338 '74.80 8.90 -0-. 65.90 1339
529.95 47.60 Gt17 4.00 . 467.18
Total General
Fund Payrolfl 3161.81 207.50 99.87 27.25 2827ol9
Ben I?oehfer 166.16 16.60 6.65 1.50 Ul.41 134.0
Sam Roberts 109.92 6.80 4.40 1.50 97.22 13U.
Kermit C. Knutson 89.98 11.30 3.60 .75 74.33 1.342 I
GRAND TOTAL PAYROIL ~3527.87 242.20 114.52 31.00 3UCO.15
lfotion by Utfey, approving payment of claims as follows, was seconded by Willson and
carried: General Fund, $16,469.U; Equipment Rental, $769.15; Water Department, $1,073.75; 9.I.R. ]Fund, #4,921.01; Street Improvement No. 1 Fund, $U+9.88; Nater ’
Hain No, 8 Md, 88,671.41; Sewer District No. 20 Wd, $692.45; Water Plain No. 7
Fund, $l25.00; Sewer District No, 19 Fund, $50iQO;. Sewer Rental, Fund, $2,175.16;
Sewer DistrZct No. 19 Fund, 850.00-Total $35,096..92.
5133 5134 5135 * 5136 t 5137 5138 it
5139 P 5140 - 514l d 5142
54-43 5144
5145 5146
53.48 z
5149 5150 5151 5152 5153 5160 5162 ,
5169 5170
5172 5175 * 5177 5178 5179 5181 &
5185 5186 1
SEPTEElBER 22, 1947
Northern States Power Go.
Miller Davis Go N, 8. Bell Telephone Coo e
Underwood Corp. ‘
Glacier. Sand and Gravel Go.
Lyle Signs Inc.
Rosholt Equipment\ Go.
Oscar Roberts Coo
Republic Creosoting *
Lametti & Lametti
lks, kh. T; IkGill
Alex Creighton 9
Winifred Creighton I
John A. Creighton 1
Dahlberg Bros. C%
Mnnesota Fire Equipment Co,
PIinnesota Fire Equipment Go.
Justus Lumber Go.* 1
Young Fuel Go. . il
Brookside Service. Station
lh. H. Ziegler Go, Inc,
Vaterous Company
Hennepin County Review
Constmetion Bulletin ti
Suburban Press Inc ’
H. A, Rogers
Ruedlinger Nursery
Jay 11. Graig e
EdinaHardware a
City Treasurer 0
G, W. Wittgraf Agency ti
Edina Fkre 14en1 s Relief .Assn.
if0 Re Bliss
Pfeiffer Construction -
5133 Northern States Power Co,
5135 5136 * Dahlberg Bros. Inc. 5153 Brookside Services Station 5x54 r Hicks Shell Station 5155 * Firestone Stores ” 5156 Pfpls. Gas Light Go. * 5157 e S, J, Rutherford Go. 3
5158 Snapon Tools Gorp. 5159 = Win, He Ziegler COS Inc. 4
5169 Hennepin County Review
N, I$. Bell Telephone Co.
.* I
5170 5182
5184 -
. 5187
I 5134 53-61 5163 5164 5165 5166
5170 5171
5172 5173
5174 5177 5180
* 5168
5173 5176
5173 5176
Construction Bulletin 23.40 '
Hardware Mutual Ins. Co. 4077
Linde Air Products 16.37
Dahlberg Bros. Inca . 38.84
Comm. of TaxationLPetroleum Div, 24.&6
Hiller Davis Co,
Badger Meter Nfg, Co,
Lametti & Lametti
Central Supply .Cos
Waterous Co,
Northern States Power Coo
Dorsey, Coitrman, Barker, Scott &
Edina Hardware
Fred J, Daubanton
Hennepin County Review
Construct ion Bullet in
Suburban Press Inc.
H, A. Rogers
Lametti & Lametti (W.M.I.#10)
Victor Carsen & Sons
Jay W. Craig Co.
Twin City Testing and Eng, Lab.
Hay & Stenson
13 0 13
277 03
8.09 16 . 96 43-9.54
1073 075
5 000
20 40
87.50 492LO1
Dobey, Colman, Barker, Scott
& Barker 129.29
Lametti & Lametti
Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott
& Barker E?$oOO
hetti & Lametzi
Dorsey, Colman, ,Barker, Scott
& Barker 50o00 692.45
S. D. '#l(r
Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott '
& Barber 50o00 5ooOO
City Treasurer
2175,16 2175 16
51813 Fire Edina State Bank
Transfer of Funds $3 527.87 * I
1302 Minnesota Hospital Service
Association 31.00
13Q3 'Julius A, Schmahl, 'Treasurer,
'State of Minn. Public Employees
'Retirement Assoc . Deduct ions 234*17
1304 Midland National Bank, l?ithholding
Taxes 519 10
Motion by Willson approving Minutes of Heeting of September 8, 1947, was seconded
by Utley and carried,
Pursuant to 1tNotice cjf Hearing on Petition to Vacate Cheery Lanei1, published in
the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, on September ll, 1947, and posted
on three official bulletirn boards in this Village on September 10, 1947, public
hearing was "called ori the petition of T, 'G. Dolliff and others received September
8, for Cherry he!s vacation, such petition having been filed in support of the
Play 28, 1947 petition of Dr. Strand and Elr, Schneider, owners of abutting property,
Er, Gene Cooper and E. C. Nylund registered their protests, stating that they
used this road every day, kid that it is common thoroughfare for the people West
of Nomandde Road. Blra Cooper objected t6 using General Fund moneys for the
preparing of the south end'of Golf Terrace for entrance to Normandale Road. Dr,
Strand and Carl 14. Hansen spoke for the vacation, - Hawthorne offered the following
Resolution and moved its adoption: ' a
1-AS, petition of 5 majority of the o6nerG of real property fronting on
the line of Cherry Lane bohreen the East lot lines of Lots One(1) and Four (4) -
Block One and the F?est lot'lines of Lots Two (2)'and Three (3) Block One in Golf
Terrace Heights Addition his been duly filed with the Village Council and said
Council has met at the ti& and place spe6ified in a notice duly published and
posted and has heard all interested persons, and it appears in the interest of
the public that said streef, be vacated, now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED hy the Village Council of the Village of Edina that Cherry
Lane, betGe6n'the East lot lines 02 Lots One (1) and Four (4) Block One and the
??est lot lines of Lots Two4(2) and Three (3) Block One in GGlf Terrace Heights'
Addition, as the same is nb dedicated and laid out .r.lithin the corporate limits
of said Village, be hereby'vacated,
In the discussion follo~k introduction of Resolution, it 16s $oinked out to
Dr, Strand that the Resolfition, if adopted; Gould abolish the turn-around as
platted; and that it would"be necessary for owners to maintain any entrance they
wished from Golf Terrace t6 their respective prope&ies, Dr: Strand was agreeable
tothis arrangement.
Utley seconded the Resolution, and on Rollcall, vote was as follows:
WLlson, riay; Hawkhorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Utley, aye;
I President of the Village Council
Engineer Smith presented preliminary study of the straightening of Golf Terrace,
stathg that he had been uikble to secure detailed plat of this street and could
not locate stakes, and forthat reason had been unable to proceed further with this
project. I&. John 'Bo Faegre, Jr,, representing Nr, Paul ScWtt, referred to his
letter of June 4, 1947, ststing that Ik, Schmitt wishes a definite agreement v&th
the Village Council regarding easement for his driveway and the other items set
fortli in this letter. Engineer Smith was instructed to complete his plans, and to
confer with Hr, Faegre further, in order that the Council might have complete in-
formation bef or6 proceeding further.
PursAnt to Advertisement for Bids for Pump Houses, as published in the Hennepin
County Reviews Hopkins, Ninnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis,
Uesota, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, approved and placed
on file, bids were taken a6d publicly read on the construction of pump house at
53rd and Halifax and remodeling of and additions to two pump houses at 4521 l?ooddale
Avenue. Bids are as follows:
Division No, 'Division No,
1 11-
Pumphouse PLmtphause 4521 Wooddale b 8,640.00 Bonander and Company, I..Zinneapolis
Phelps-Drake Go,, Inc , Bfinneapolis 10,531.00 ' 5,310.00
National Builders, Inc . , Ninneapolis 11,500.00 '
13,203oOO Hdwest Gontracting Go., I-Edeapolis -0- -0-
Bfot,ion by Utley that bids be referred to Village Engineer for study and tabulation
was seconded by frTillson and carried,
-Pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids, Oil Burning Unitlt, as published in the Hennepin
County Review, Hopkins, Ninnesota, September 11, 194'7, affid&&t of publication for
which was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, the following bids were
received, opened and publicly read;,
If, E. 1Genetl Cooper, Minneapolis, Nim, 8@7*50 420,oo Sigcmld Engineering Co.,. Minneapolis, Ek.
1 271
Notion by Hawthorne, referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation was seconded
by Willson and carried.
F'ursuant to 11Advertisement for Bids, Water Tank and Towert1, as published in the
Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota and the Construction Bulletin,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, on September 11 and 18, 1947, affidavits of publication
for which were read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, the following bids
were received, opened and publicly read covering the cleaning, painting and re-
pairing of Village water tank and furnishing and installing safety cage or ladder
guard thereon:
Complete, with Second Coat
Fir& Coh
$ 1380.00 Steel Maintenance Engineers, Milwaukee
E. A. Widderhold Co.; Aberdeen 1464.00 310.45
Bldg. IGiirit. Corp,, Milwaukee 1980.00 380o00
Minn. Tank Maint . Corp. , Crystal Bay l450 000 490 000 Midwest Tank & Pairit. Co., Minneapolis 1655 000 295 000
Midway Waterproofing Coo, St, Paul 1960 .OO 370.00
Mississippi Valley Tank Go., Minneapolis 2025 000
Protective Coating Service, Minneapolis
$ moo
Motion by Utleythat bids be referred to Village Engineer for study and tabulation
was seconded by Willson'and carried.
Pursuant to JfAdvertisement for Bids for Fireproof Safe", as published in Hennepin
County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, September 11, 1947, affidavit of publication
for which was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, the bid of Remington
Rand, Inc., Minneapolis which was the only bid received, was opened and read.
Bid price for safe was $530.00; for linoleum top installed, $50.00. Motion brg
Hawthorne, referring bid to Village Engineer for recommendation was seconded by
Willson and carried.
Pursuant to "Notice of Street Improvement Hearing", published in Hennepin County
Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, August 28, and September 4, 1947, affidavit of
publication for which was read by Clerk, and placed on file, Public Hearing was
held on petition of J. 0, Halvorson and others dated August 25, 1947, for the
improvement of W. 56th Street between Wooddale Avenue and Concord Avenue, and of
St. John's Avenue between W, 56th Street and Oak Drive by construction of curb and
gutter therein, There was no one at the hearing, and no objections had been filed
with Clerk prior to hearing.
or $2.69 per assessable foot.
its adoption:
Engineer Srnith reported an estimated cost of $8,019
Willson offered the following Resolution and moved
WHEREAS, petition in writing requesting improvement of West 56th Street be-
tween Wooddale and Concord Avenues and improvement of st. John's Avenue between
West 56th Street and Oak Drive by construction of standard Village curb and gutter
therein, has been duly filed with this Council, undated, signed by owners of more
than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting on the portionqof the streets
named in said petition as the location of such improvement, and
WHEREAS the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a
notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
improvement published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Ninnesota, August
28 and September 4, 1947, and determined the necessity for the improvement
petitioned for, now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina as required by
Cbapter 311, Laws of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby determined
to have been"signed by the required percentage of owners of property affected
thereby, and
BE IT FdlSOLvED that said improvement be made in accordance with Standard
Specifications for Curbnand Gutter now on file with the clerk and which were
approved October 7, 1940.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is directed to prepare and insert in
the official paper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids to
be opened October 13, 1947, for furbishing work and material required by said
specif icat2ons.
i 212
I4otion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Utley, and on Rollcall there were
four ayes and no nays, as follows: ~Kll.son, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye;
and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution vras adopted, e
President of the Village Council
Pursuant to "Notice of Street Improvement Hearing", published in Hennepin County I Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, August 28, and September 4, 1947, affidavit of
publication for which was read by Clerk, and placed on file, Public Hearing was
held on petition of J. 0. Halvorson and others received August 25, 1947, for the
imirovement of d, 56th Street Getween Vooddale Avenue and Concord Avenue, and of
St. John's Avenie between If. 56th Street and Oak Drive by bkicktopping. There *
was' no one at the hearing, and 'no objections had been filed wi6h Clerk prior: to
he@ing. asgessable foot: IKLlson offe$ed the following resolutTon Snd moved its
Engineer Smith reporhd an estimated cost of $3;747,98, or $1.26 $er
IEEEEAS, petition in writing requesting improvement of Hest 56th Street be-
tween Wooddale and Concord Avenues and improvement of st. Johns Avenue between
Vest 56th Street and Oak Drive by blacktoppGg has been duly filed with this
Council, undated, signed by otmers of more than 5l$ in frontage of the real
property abutting on the portion of the streets named in said petition as the
location of such improvement, and
' ?-AS, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a
notice to all"pr6perty owners whose property is liabxe to be assessed for such
improvement published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, August
28 and September 4, 1947, and has determined the necessity fdr the improvement
petitioned for, now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED EK the Village Council of the Village of Edina as reqfired
by Chapter 311, Law of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby
determined to have been signed by the required percentage 6f owners of pEoperty
affected thereby, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that West 56th Street between llooddde and Concord
Avenued and St, Johnfs Avenue between West 56th Stre& and Oak Drive be im-
proved by construction of blacktopping therein, and'
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village Engineer is directed to prepare
plans and specifications for making such improvement,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is directed to prepare and insert in
the official paper and fn the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids to
be opened October 13, for furnishing labor and materials required by said
'President of the Village Council
Petition dated September 19, 194.7, signed by Gerald Dols and others, for changing
the name of W, 56th Street between Park Place and Concord Avenue to llEllington
Road", was reviewed by Engineer Smith, %rho' stated that the owners of property
abutting the street from Park Place to Wooddale irere not represented, and that,
in any case, he would recommend no change in the name of the street.
that a developer Vest of Nomandale had recently been directed to change the
name of his street to 'if. 56th Street to conform with the present streetaextension,
Hotion by Hawthmne that Council accept Engineer' s recommendation and deny
petition was seconded by Willson and unanimously carried,
Pursuant to !'Notice of Hearing-Proposed Water and Sew$ lfa5.n Extensiont1,
published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, on September 1l and
18, 1947, Public Hearing was held on proposed water and sewer main extensions in
France Avenue between 17. 58th and If, 61st Streets,
estimated cost for !?ater Main Extension to be $17,909.10, against 3830.4 Assessable
Feet, or $4.88 per assessable foot; with 25$ per assessable foot donnection charge,
or total assessment $5.13 per Assessable Foot,
He added
Engineer Smith reported his
i 273
9/22/47 '
With regard to the sewer extension; Mr. Smith presented two estimates, as follows:
against 2,5.!+3.6 Assessable Feet, or $5.53 per Assessable Foot.
Total Cost, $19,793.26, as against 2,980.00 Assessable Feet, or $6.62 per Assessable
Foot .
Mr. Smith recommended that the entire sewer extension project be held up until Nr.
Rekdahl presents plan for platting his property, because of the fact that it may be
possible to connect directly with Trunk Sewer at possibly quite a difference in
cost, Mr. Smith also stated that it would be better to hold up the water project
until after thg sewer extension had been made, thus eliminating necessity fqr
sheathing sewer.trenctcand qutting cost in this marfner. Mr. H. W. Swenson, 5901
France, and Mr. Cathaway, representing Catherine Cornelhs, owner of property on
East side of France between 60th and gist Streets, presented their objections to'
both projects. Mr, Lewis, 5825 France, stated he was in favor of the prodects, but
not at their present cost. Mr. Johnson, owner of property at 5@h qd Wooddale wants
lower cost. Mr, Gekdahl, circulator of petition, stated that he had not realized
that the cost would be nearly as high as estimate, and would like some time to study
the matter. Motion by Utley referring matter to Village Engineer for further study
and consultation with property owners, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Pursuant to "Not ice of Street Tmprovement Hearing-Crest on Hills Addition", published
in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, IIinnesota, on August 21t, and September 4,
affidavit of which was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, Public Hearing
was held on the January 15th petition of Judson Crouse and Verlin Balfanz for the,
blacktopping of all streets in Creston Hills Addition. Messrs. Balfanz, Crouse,
J. W. Danens, and Eiss Cuminins represented property owners at the Hearing. Nr. Mth
gave his estimate of total cost as $12,959.21 against 7,859.49 assessable feet, or $1.65 per Assessable Foot. Upon questions by Mr. Danens, Mr. Smith explained that
the Council had already taken bids for this job, that the contractor had bid on both
stabili~ation and bituminous surface coating; and that if, in the Village Engineer's
opinion, stabilization needed is less than the amount bid on, there will be deduction
fromtotal cost. Property owners were told that the work would not be begun until
ne& Spring.
On France Avenue from W. 58th to W. 60th Street, Total cost, $14,074.U,
On France Avenue, from W. 5&h St. to 233.2 Feet South of W. 60th Staeet,
Willson 'offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
TBEREAS, petition in writing requesting improvement of all streets in Creston
Hills Addition, by blacktopping, has been duly filed with the Council dated January- 15, 1947, signed by owners of more than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting
on the streets named in said petition as the location for such improvement, and
WHEREAS, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice
to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such improvement,
published in the Henkepin County Review, on August 28 and September 4, 1947, has heard
all persons interested, and determined the necessity for the improvement petitioned
for, now therefore
BE: IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina as required by
Chapter 311, Laws of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby determined to
have been signed by the required percentage of owners of property affected thereby,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all streets in Creston Hills Addition be improved
by blacktopping, and
IT RESOLVED that plans and specifications now on file with the Village Clerk
identified as ftSpecifications for Bitqniqous Surface Treatment", prepared by Phil
W. Fth, are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifidations for said
improvement .
'IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the action of the Clerk in preparing and inserting
in the official paper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon
such improvements in accordance with such approved plans and specifications, said
bids having been opened May 13, 1947, is hereby ratified and approved.
Motion tq adopt the Resolution was aeconded by Utley, and on Rollc'all there were
four &es and no nays, as follows:: Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and
Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted,
I President of the Village Council
Pursuant to *'Notice of Street Improvement Hearing-Edina Highlands Addition!',
published in the Henneph County Review, Hopkins, Eiinnesota, on August 28 and
September 4, 1947, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, approved
and placed on file, Public Hearing was held on the June 12, 1946,ptition of the.
Spring Company for the improvement of all streets in Edina Highlands by Black-,
topping. Engineer Smith gave as his estimate of total cost, $18,018,00, against
10,680.87 assessable feet, OP $1.69 per assessable Foot, 14r~. C, E. Spring and
Hr. Roy Peterson of the Spring Company asked that blacktopping of the subdivision
be postponed nntil next year, because of expected heavytfsucking on these streets
this year, They were told that it was too late in the year to begin blacktopping
operations now, Nr. Spring asked that he might be given opportunity to pay cash
for this work, instead of having it assessed against the property, *He was told
that such opportunity would be given him at the time operations began, I.lillson
offered the follmdng Resolution and moved its adoption; 8
ImREAS, petition in writing requesting improvanent of all streets in Edina
Highlands Addition, by blacktopping, has been duly filed with this Council dated
June -12, 1946, signed by owners of more than 51% of frontage of the real property.
abutting on the streetsmmed in said petition as the location for such improvement,
and I
$-AS, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a
notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
improvement, published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Ninnesota, on
August 28 and September 4, 1947, and has heard all persons interested, and
determined the necessity for the improvement petitioned for, nar therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina as required by
Chapter 3U, Laws of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby determined
t.o have been signed by the required percentake of owners or property affected thereby,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all streets in Edina Highlands Addition be improved
by biacktopping, and
BE IT RESOLVED that plans and specifications now on file with the Village Clerk
identified as l!Specifications for Bituminous Surface Treatment", prepared by Phil
11. Smith, are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specific&ions for
said improvement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the action of the Clerk in preparing and insert-
ing in the official paper and in the Construction mxlletin an advertisement for
bids upon such improvements in accordance wit& such approved plans and specifications,
said bids having been opened I~hy 13, 194'7, is hereby ratified and approved.
President of the Village Council
Final Plat of Wirror Lakes in Edina" by H, R. Fjurton was presented to the Council
for approval, the Planning Commission's approvalhav% been given September 18,
Notion by Hawthorne authorizing and directing President and Clerk to affix their
signatures to this final plat was seconded by Utley and unanimously carried.
$.Petition of H. R. Won and others, dated September 15, 1947, for the gravelling
and blacktopping of all streets in Mirror Lakes in Edina and the Northerly
approximate 500 feet of entrance road from Interlachen Boulevard toNirror Lakes
in Edina was read.
gravefling and blacktopping be set for Elonday, October 13, 1947, at 8:OO Po Me,
was seconded by Utley and carried.
Notion by IJillson that Public Hearing on this petition for
'( 275
Undated petition, signed by Richard 14, Day and others, for the vacation of the
service road between blocks seven and eight and Lot A, Woodbury Park near Lake
Harriet, was read.
road is not opened, graded, nor used by the.publ5.c nor useful to the public.
Notion by Willson that petition be referred to Village Engineer for study was
seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
With reference to proposed water main project West of Normandale Road, Messrs.
Stow, MacBrien, and Whinnery, appeared before the Counci1,to request that bids
be taken in conformance with plans by Village Engineer Phil W, Smith presented at
the meeting of the 8th. Mr. Wm. Green asked if there was possibility of con- ,
struction costs going higher than estimate of cost. Engineer Smith reiterated
his statement of the ah, to the effect that,sufficient pressure cannot be secured
to furnish 10% service to the lots abutting the main,' until a full loop is
secured, but that he believes residents will have enough water for household use.
Utley offered t_he following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Mr, Day appeared in favor of the petition, stating that the
IIHEkAS, the,Village Council has met at the time and place ApecifiFd in a
notice to all property owners whose property may be assessed for proposed con-
struction of Village water main edension in the following streets;
, 6 Wind Road, from Unity Avenue to Minnesota State Highway No. 100;
Minnesota State Highway No, 100, from Yvonne Terrace to Kent Avenue;
Yvonne Terrace (As per Preliminary Plat), from Minnesota State Highway
West 56th Street, from Minnesota State Highwai No, 100 to Wessex Avenue;
Kent Avenue, from Minnesota ,State Highway No. 100 to Wamdck Place;
Warwick Place, from Kent Avenue to West 56th Styet;%
Wessex Avenue, from West 56th Street to 240 feet North
No. 100 to West 56th Stre@;
*. said notice having been published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins,
Minnesota, on August 28,.and September 4, 1947; and Coqcll has heard all persons
appearing at said meeting and duly considere4 said proposed improvement, now
theref ore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is
hereby determined to be necessaryto construct Village water main in the above
named streets, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that plans and specifications for such water main con-
struction heretofore prepared by Phil W. Smith and filed with the Village Clerk
are hereby accepted and approved as the plans and specifications foresaid Im-
FB IT FURTHER €ESOLTTED that the Clerk is hereby directed to advhctise for
bids on the basis of' cash payment for such work, stating that the bids will be
opened and considered by the Council on October 13, 1947, no bids will be con-
sidered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit
or certified check payable to the Clerk for an mount equal to ten percent of
the bid,
BE IT WRTHER RESOLVED that thb cost of said improvement is to be assessed
I against the property improved as authorized by Chapter 425, Laws of 1921 as amended.
I Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows; Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne,
aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
ATTEST r~ A President of the Village Council
Mr, & Mrs. George Smisek appeared before the Council to attempt to secure ingress
to their property, road having been closed off by new opmer. They maintain that
this so-called "Old Cahill Road" is still 3 publicly travelled thoroughfare, and
that the Village has done snow plowing thereon until two years ago, when they
stopped plowing because of their small crew.
owners to secure proof that the road had not been vacated by the County, as*$his
matter presents no problem for the Village Council unless it can be proven $hat a
public thoroughfare is being blocked-that this matter is otherwise entirely be-
tween the property Owners.
Attorney Whdhorst advised these
\ 246
W. Rossiter, representing the Congregational Chmch, owners of Lot 14, Block 1,
Subdivision of Littel Park, at the Southeast corner of Lexingbon and St. John's,
requested permission to divide Lots l.4 and 15 in such manner as.to permit the
facing of two houses West on St. John's Avenue, instead of North on Lexington as
15, Block %e, Subdivision of Littel Park to permit the facing of two houses on
St. John's Avenue, and that the utilities assessments standing against one or
both of the lots be divided equally between the two. Motion seconded by IJillson
and unanimously carried.
llr. Davitt requested permission to excavate in Village Street to install storm
drain therein in order to prevent freezing and subsequent flooding of his
property. Motion by Willson that Nr. Davitt be allowed to excavate in W. 63rd
Street between Josephine and the Beltline was seconded by Hawthorne and
manimously carried.
Hawthorne moved that the Council grant permission to divide Lots l4 and
Engineer Smith and Trustee IJillson reported on bids received September 8, for a
heavy duty truck, stating that all bids conformed with specifications, that the
bid of Diamond T. TrJin City Truck Company, in the gross amount of 84,132.88,
less $250.00 for trade-in on 1934 @-Ton Dump Truck, Net $3,882.88, tras low;
that they had contacted users of the Diamond T. Truck, who recommended it for
heavy duty use. Hotion by Uillson that $3,882.88 bid of Diamond T. Twin City
Truck Co. be accepted trils seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried.
Engineer Smith reported on bids received September 8, for sand, gravel and
rock, recamending that award be made to Glacier Sand & Gravel Company for
2,000 Yds. Concrete Sand, at 55.93; 2,000 Yds. Crushed Rock, at $2.10; 4,000
Yds, Dry Screened Gravel for Oiling, at B.98; and that bid for Pit Run Gravel Be
equally divided between Glacierdhnd & Gravel Co. and Pfeiffer Construction Co.
at 2,000 Yds. Each, at 5$.7O. Hotion by Willson that Engineer's recommendation be
accepted, and that bids be awarded as above stated, was seconded by Hawthorne and
Office reported that $7l+t?.2O had been received from V. H. Adams, in full principal
payment of Plater Hain Improvement No. 9 Assessment levied September 8, 194.7, which
has not yet been forwarded to County Auditor. Utley offered the following Resolu-
tion and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Kinnesota,
that the certificates of indebtedness to be issued on account of Water 14ai-n Im-
provement No. 9 shall be in the total principal amount of $6,000, shall consist
of twehve certificates, numbered from 1 to 12, both inclusive, in the denomination
of $500 each, all bearing date October 1, 1947, bearing interest at a rate to be
hereafter determined, payable July I, l9@ and semi-annually thereafter on January
1 and July 1 in each year, and maturing serially January 1 in the amount of $500 in
each of the years 1949 to 1952, both inclusive, and in 1954 and 1956 and $1,000 in
the years 1953, 1955 and 1957, all trithout option of prior payment excepting the
certificates of indebtedness maturing in 1957, numbers ll and12, which shall be
subject to redemption at par and accrued interest on any interest payment .date.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the rexolution adopted September 8, 1947, entitled
I'Resolution for Issuance of Certificates of Indebtedness Water Main Improvement No, 9" is hereby amended to conform to this resolution.
Motion to adopt the Resolution was weconded by Hawthorne, and on RoUcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follow: llillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye;
and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
President of the Village Council
Vifiage CXerk
Petition dated September 19, 1947, signed by Iver S. Wahl and others, for water
main extension on Zenith Avenue from W. 55th Street to 300 feet South of W. 56th
Street, was read. Engineer Smith reported that this petition contains signatures
of 67.2% of abutting property ownersgtbut that he recommends extension ofthe main
to 8. 57th Street, because of the impracticability of stopping in the middle of a
and specifications, and setting hearing on proposed water main extension in Zenith
&tion by Utley, accepting petition, directing Engineer to prepare plans
Avenue from W. 55th Street to W. 57th Street was seconded by IKUson and
unanimously, carried.
Undated petition, signed by Arthur E. Andrews and others, requesting the black-
topping of Wo.oddale from 1.J.. 56th Street to Tower Street, tms read,
Smith reported that this petition contains the signatures of owners of 76% of
abutting property, Motion by Willson, setting hearing on proposed blacktopping
of Wooddale Avenue from W. 56th Street to Tower Street, for Qctober 13, 1947,
at 8:OO P, Pdi,, and directing Village Clerk to advertise for bids to be taken
September 29, 1947, was seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried.
Petition dated September 9, 1947, signed by George W. Sandquist, for the black-
topping of Bedford Avenue between W. 51st Street and Interlachen Blvd. was read.
Engineer Smith reported that this petition does not contain the required per-
centage of signatures. Motion by FJillson referring petition to Village Engineer
for further study was seconded by &ley and carried. ,
Petition dated September 3, 1947, signed by W. I, Anderson and others, for the
grading of Parnell Avenue between 62nd and 63rd Streets was read. Engineer Smith
reported that this petition contains signatures of owners of 70% of abutting
property, Motion by Willson, setting hearing on proposed grading of Parnell
Avenue between 62nd and 63rd Streets was seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously
Engineer Smith reported that Mr. E. C, Lampman requests that the Village gravel all
roads East of Mimehaha Creek, and gmde, gravel and blacktop all roads West of
Mirulehaha Creek, in return for his dedication of park property as heretofore dis-
cussed, Motion by Hawthorne, authorizing and directing Village President to ex-
ecute the documents necessaryto initiate condemnation proceedings for the
acquisition by the Village of that certain piece of land designated by diagonal
lines in Plan No. 351-E, entitled t'Study for Park Acquisition gnd Proposed Roads
and Subdivision," by Morel1 & Nichols, Inc,, dated May, 1947, and revised Jnne, 1947, was seconded by Utley and unanimously carried.
Formal petition for extension of sewer main in Browndale Park Addition, as requested
by Mr, Leonard Odell, and as drafted by Attorney Windhorst, was approved by
Council, with office being instructed for forward to Mr. Ode11 for circulation.
Engineer Smithereported that he has been unable to secure anyone to circulate
petition for condemnation of Market Street Parkfig Lot. Attorney Vindhorst 1 s
opinion citing Village right to condemn the property for Village Street was read.
Motion by Hawthorne that Village Council proceed to serve notice on all affected
property owners of a condemnation hearing to be held at the Village Hall on
October 13, was seconded by Utley an&lx&mimously carried.
Tree Trimming Ordinance, as recommended by Mr. Windhorst, was re-referred to
Chairman of Ordinances and Legislation Committee for recommendation to Council.
Engineer Smith reported having received two applications for tree trimming jobs.
Notion by Utleythat Village Engineer be directed to hire two tree trimmers, at
salaries of $225.00 and $200.00 per month, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried,
The question of General Public Liability Policy for the Village of Edina was
referred to Engineer Smith for further-study and recommendation.
Outdoor Advertising Sign Ordinance, as drafted by Attorney Windhorst, per in-
structions by the Council, was referred to Chairman of Ordinances and Legislation
Committee for his recommendation.
League of Minnesota Rmicipalities Reference Material with reference to model
Noise Nuisance Ordinances, was referred to Chairman of Ordinances and Legislation
Committee for his recommendat ion,
Engineer Smith reported that the bid of Orfei & Mariani, St. Paul, for construct-
ion of water main extension in fiance Avenue between W. -57th and V. 58th Street,
in the total of $5,959.00 had been found to be in error in multiplication; and
that the correct total should be $5,119.00, which compares favorably with estimate,
Engineer recommended that Council accept this bid. Utley offered the following
Resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids published in the Hennepin County Review,
1 9/22/47
Hopkins, Ninnesota, and the Construction Bulletin, Minnesota, on August 28,
and September 4, 1947, for improvement of fiance Avenue between M. 57th St.
and 11. 58th Street by construction of water main extension therein, the
fb3bwing bids have been duly received and opened:
Orfei & Marid, St. Paul, Minnesota . 85,119000
THEREFORE BE IT RELSOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina
I that the $5,ll9,00 bid of Orfei & Nariani, St, Paul, Khnesota, is hereby
determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder; and the president
and clerk are hereby authorized arfd directedto enter into a contract with
said Orfei and 1-lariani in the name of the Village for the improvement of the
above named street by construction of water main extension therein, accord-
ing to $he plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been
approved by this council and filed in the office of the clerk at the price
specified in said bid, and which said contract shall be, approved as to form
by the Village Attorney,
Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays as follows:
aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
ITillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hatrthrne,
President of the Village Comcil
Engineer Smith reported that dedications for street property on 11. 60th Street
and on Code Avenue are now complete, and advised advertising for bids on the
grading job desired. t1illson offered the following Resolution and moved its
I WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Village Council July 7, 194%
and published in the Suburban Press on July 10, 1947, the Village Council has
,met at the time and place specifiedtherein and heard all persons interested
with reference to proposed improvement of 11. 60th Street between Hansen Road
and Nomandale Road, and Code Avenue between Grove Street and 11. 60th Street
by putting to permanent, grade, now therefore,
said improvement described in said Resolution shall be undertaken, the entire
expense thereof to bg paid in the first instance out of the permanent im-
provement revolving fund,
to the lowest responsible bidder, and the clerk is directed to prepare and . publish advertisement for bids thereon to be opened on October 13, 1947, which
bids shall be based upon plans and specifications now on file with the clerk
and which are hereby approved.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina thai the
* BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said improvement be made by contract to be let
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Utley, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes.and no nays, as follows:. Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne,
aye, and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
President of the Village Council
Letter from First Edina State Bank, forwarding Trust Receipts for an addition-
al $30,0OO.OO U. s. Treasury Bonds, 1952/54, 2 per cent to secure such
additional deposits, both for the Water Department, and for othar funds as my
be deposited in the bank, was read.
and moved its adoption:
Utley offered the foll&vring Resolution
BE IT RESOLVEXI that the Village Council of the Village of Edina approve
the assignment by its.depository the First Edina State Bank, Edina,
Nhnesota, of @O,OOO U. So Treasury 2% Bonds due December 15, 195hS
together with $5,000 U. So Treasury 2-1/2% Bonds due March 15, 1958,
assigned January 1, 2947, as good and sufficient collateral for Village
of Edina F'unds deposited in said depository.
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as fbllows:
aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne,
President of the Village Council
Motion by Utley, approving transfer. of September 30 balance of Water Department
F'unds from Midland Natrional Bank to First Edina State Bank .was* seconded by=
Hawthorne and carried.
Motion by Utley that Village Treasurer be directed to secure fromthe County
Auditor all funds due the'village of Edina on the June tax settlement was
seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Letter from U. L. Plain, recommending Municipal Liquor Store, and copies of
letters to the Legion, from Ge~i Hardisty and John C, Salisbury and Bertis
Ireland, pPotesting Legion Liquor Store, were read and filed.
Engineer Smith presented bill of sidewalk contractor, amount 850,OO for replace-
ment of sidewalk at Ben Parks residence, explaining that he had told &. Parks
that the Village might pay this expense; and asking that some definite policy of
sidewalk repair be adopted.
bill be allowed was seconded by Hawthorne and carried,
Motion by Willson that it be considered Policy of the Village Council that IrAn
Ordina'nce Relating to' the Construction of Sidewalks" be strictly enforced here-
after, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Motion by Willson that $50.00 sidewalk replacement
Application was made by Mr. Windhorst for permit for Congregational Church to
sell Christmas Trees at 51st and France Avenue. Motion by Hawbhorne that permit
Mr. Christopher reported on Mrs. Roy Larsongs request for School Stop Sign in
the Nirror Lakes area.
to Engineer Smith, and that r'eference materials be secured from Safety and Traffic
Engineers in order that the Village may adopt definite policy with regard to
placing traffic regulation signs upon the Village streets,
be granted was seconded by Utley and Unanimously carried. .a
It was the opinion of the Council that the matter be left
Elr. Smith reported the request of the Spring Company for Village replacement of
boulevard trees in Edina Highlands which had been damaged and removed by vandals,
Attorney Windhorst ruled that boulevard trees are'the property of the land owner,
and that the Village has 'an interest in them only insofar as its control of the
Village street is concerned.
that the Spring Companyts request be denied.
Letter from G, A. McNamara, 4502 Brawndale, requesting stop sign at corner of
Bramdale and Sunnyside, was read.
vestigation and answer to letter.
In view of &, Windhorst's ruling, Hawthorne moved
Motion seconded by Utley and carried,
Matter referred to Village Engineer for in-
Mr. Smith reported Mr. Elmer Williams' request that the Village crew begin work
on the filling of the 50th and Wooddale War Memorial Park, with reimbursement for
servicws to be forthcoming at a later date. It was the Council's opinion that
Mr. 'CJilliams be informed that the Village is not legally able to do this work,
without funds therefore already on'deposit in the Village treasury.
Nr. Crary of the Suburban Press, Inc. reported that there is the possibility of
the Village'fs securing a 17-acre peat bog in Eden Prairie Township for a garbage
dump. Mr. Crary was asked to bring the owner of the property in to see Mr. Smith
with regard to this matter.
PlumbWg Inspector Woehler asked for an Ordinance requiring that cesspools be
placed in the Yront yard in all platted property. He explained that this was
necessary because of FHA regulations recpiring cesspools to be 75 feet from well,
Woehler asked to furnish Village Attorney with sufficient information to enable
him to write amendment to present plumbing ordinance,
Because of the late hour, Hawthorne
P. M., Monday, September 29, 1947, moved that meeting be adjourned until 8:OO