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At lO:l5 P. M., pursuant to call by Chairman Utley, meeting was reconvened.
Hawkhorne moved that the Tax Lkvy for the Village of Edina for the year 1948
be established at the followingr General Fund Levy, $137,553.89; Volunteer
Fire Department Relief Association' Fund, $460.00; To%al Levy, $138,013.89.
Motion to establish the tax levy was secondeci by Child, and unanimously carried,.
with Child, Wi&on, Utley, and Hawthorne voting aye'.
Motion by riJill>on for adjournment was seconded by CMld and unanimously carried.
I *
Members present were Christopher, Willson and Child, with Deputy Clerk'Gretchen
Schussler actirlg as Clerk.
Motion by WillS"on, approving Minlites of Rogtilar Meeting of September 22,'adjourned
Portion of September 22 Meeting held September 29, and Adjourned Portion of
September 22 Mekting held October: 6, as subniitted, Gas seconded by Child and
Motion by Willson, approving Village Payrolls in amount of $3,514.10 was seconded
by Child and carried.
* .
Phil W. Mth
Gretchen Schussler
Bernice Me Johnson
Helene Freeman
Edna Velie
Sub4 ot a1
Carl Miller
John A. Sias
Fred Jonas
Sub-t otal
Hilding Dah1 -
Wm. S. Heydt
Clayton Erickson
Clarende hut son
Donald'A. Nelson
Henry 'M. Wrobleski
Curtis M. Holter
Sub-t otal
Philip Bailey
Pete Dahlgren
Matt Merf eld
John Tracy
Harry Jonas
Arthur Jensen
Ronad Port
. Sub4 ot a1
bcQ6BER 1, 19.47 TO OCTOEEEi 15, 1947
255.62 33 030 10 022 212.10 1343
112 48 15 40 4. 50 92.58 1344 92.33 . 10 3 069 88.54 1345
63 . 91 6.80 2.56 54.55 1347 79.24 9.60 3.17 66.47 1346
603 . 58 65.20 24.U 89.34
123.72 , 9.00 4. 95 109.77 1351 76 :69 1.30 3.07 72.32 1352 113 50 15 40 4.54 93.56 1353 113 50 7.40 4.54 - 101.56 1354 101.56 1355 93.44 1356 113 50 7.40 4.54 103 27 5.70 4.13 76.80 5 030 71.50 1357
720598 51.50 25 .77 643.71
llr1.04 8.40 5.64 127.00 1358
130.88 10 40 5.24 115.24 1360
104.30 -0- 4.17 100.13 1361
103 15 5.70 4.13 93.32 J-362
.ll8.10 * 4.50 4.72 108.88 1363
117.53 * 12.10 4.70 100.73 1359
119.25 .60 4.77 ~3.88 1364
834.25 U.70 33 037 759.18
Charles $oh;nson ' $ 98-77 5.10 3.95 89.72 1365
Jacob Shmk 83.44 "630 3 034 73.80 1366
C. 11. Cardarelle 104.68 6.10 4.19 94.39 1367
Vayae Tracy 74.80 8.90 65.90 1368
Paul Angela 3.60 -0- 3.60 1369
Kerrill Garner 3.60 6 3.60 1370
. J&k Nerfeld 105.00 l4.00 91.00 1371
sub-t otal 473.89 40.40 11.48 422 001
TRE 1@2?
Olayton G. Timian 79.18 9.20 3 .I? 66.81 1372
ITilliam 0. Lipe 75.26 .60 3 001 71.65 1373
sub-total 154.44 9.80 6.18 138.46
Ben Woehler 166.16 16.60 6.65 W.91 1374
Sam Roberts u.99 7.80 4.60 102.59 1375
Kermit C. Knutson 92.03 Uo-90 3.68 76 -45 1376
Sub-total 373.18 36.30 uc. 93 321.95
lbtion by Child; approving payment. of claims in the amount of $817.80 was seconded
by IEllson and carried. *
NAME CUI NO. GARBAGE FUND POOR mTND I - Arthur H. Petersen 1377 702 024
First Edina State Bank 5190 12,408.05
Trans. of Funds from
Elidland National Ehk
Water Dept .
I 115 . 56 Suburban He&. County
Relief Board ' 5189 *
Pursuant to 'llAdvertisement for Bidsf Kate5 lilain ?3xtendion,1t published in the
Hennepin Cohty Review, Hopkins; 14innesota', and in thd Construction Wetin,
Ninneapolis,s 1.iinnesota, September 25, and October 2, 1947, Affidavit of Publication
for which was read by Clerk, apljroved and'placed on file, President called for
sealed bids for furnishing labor and inaterials for improvement of the following
streets by construction of wateE main extension therein:
Wind Rdad, Unity Avenue td Efinnesotg State HighGay No. 100;
llinnesdta State Highway No: 100, frolli Yvonne Ter5ace to Kent Avenue;
Yvonne 'Terrace (As per Prefiminary P1Iat) from Mirlnesota State Highway
West 56th Street, from EEntiesota Sta$e Highway N6. 100 to Wessex Avenue;
Kent Avenue, from EEnnesota State Highway No. 100 to lhrwick Place;
Marwick Place, from Kent Avenue to West 56th Street;
Wessex"Avenue, from W. 56tli Street to 24.01 North;
Bids receivgd and publicly read-were as follows:
Met& & Lametti, st. Paul, Einnesota
PhelpslDrake Company, Ethn6apolis, Ehesota
Orfei eZ Mariani, St. Paul, 'Minnesota
Notion by 't.Jillson that bids be ?eferred to Village Engineer for tabulatidn and
report was geconded by Child and unanimoudly carried. *
Pursuant to '"Advertisement for l%ds-GradGg,ll publish6d in the Hennepin County
Review, Hopkins, l.iinnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis,
PIinnesota, September 25, and October 2, 1947, Affidavit of Publication for which
was read by blerk, approved and: placed o< file.
for furnishipg labor and materigs for improvement of*the $ollor&ng streets by
putting to pprmanent grade:
* t
No. 100 to West 56th Street;
President called for sealed bids
11. 60th. Street, between HGsen Road ?nd Normandde Road;
Code Avenue between Grove Street and,W, 60th Str'eet.
Bids received and publicly read were as follows:
W. 60th Street W. 60th Street Code Ave.
Hansen to Code Code-Nomandale Grove-W.60 Total
Pfeiffer Construction Co,Mpls $ $25.02 $ 19835.96 $ 890.92 $33551.90
Park Construction Co., Mpli 1288.65 2,721.68 1393.70 5,404.03
Terry Excavating Co,, St.L.Park 878.27 1,885oI-l 94-5.97 3,709.35
Leo Lahti, Hopkins 941 46 1,752 78 1009.06 3,703.30
Motion by Willson that bids ke referred to Vi2lage Engineer for tabulation and
report was seconded by Child and unanimously carried.
Pursuant to IlAdvertisement for Bids-Curb and Gutter,'I published in the Hennepin
County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, September 25, and October 2, 1947J Affidavit of Publicat2yn for which
was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, President called for sealed bids
for furnishing labor and materials for improvement of the following streets by
construction of standard Village curb and gutter therein, t
W. 56th Street, between I?ooddale and Concord Avenues;
St. John's Avenue between W. 56th Street and Oak Drive;
Bid received and publicly read was as follows, bidder bidding on work for Spring of
1948: t Victor Carlson and Sons, Inc., Minneapolis #7,600 .oO
Motion by Willson referring bid to Village Engineer for report and recommendation
at next meeting was seconded by Child and unanimously carried.
Pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids, Blacktopping", published in the Hennepin County
Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, 1-finneapolis, Minnesota,
September 25, and October 2, 1947, Affidavit of Publication for which was read br
Clerk, approved and placed on file, President called for bids for furnishing labor
and materials for improvement of the following streets by Blacktopping:
I?. 56th Street between ldooddale and Concord Avenues;
St. John1s Avenue between W. 56th Street and Oak Drive;
Ashworth-Hawkinson Co., Minneapolis
Bids received and publicly read were as follows, bidders bidding on work for Spring
of 194.8~
$3,925 00 J. V, Gleason Co., St. Eouis Park 2,937.50 *
Motion by Willson referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulatian and report at
next meeting was seconded by Child and carried.
Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing on Proposed Water Main Ektension,ll published in
Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Ninnesota, October 2 and 9, Affidavit of Public-
ation for which was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, President called
public hearing on proposed extension of Village water main the following streets:
Concord Avenue from Tower Street to.South View Lane;
South View Lane from Concord to Unity;
Andrews Avenue from South View Lane to Lakeview Drive;
Dalrymple Road from South View Lane to Lakeview Drive;
Woodhill Road from Flooddale Avenue to Lakeview Drive;
Lakeview Drive from Golf Terrace to Woodhill Road, thence South and
Westerly to Unity Avenue.
Engineer Smith explained that hearing had been called-in response to petition by
Edina-Morningside School Board for water main extension to serve the new high
school directly South of South View Lane; and that he had designed his plan to
serve those properties in Golf Terrace Heights and Golf Terrace Heights 1st
ADktion not now served by water, because it is necessary from engineering stand-
point to secure a loop in order to secure sufficient pressure for School, and be-
cause he believes most of the lots in the above two additions x&llbe built upon
within the next year or two and will need water service.
Messrs. Beri Parks and Carl M. Hansen; developers of the two above additions,
asked for estimate of cost, which Mr. Smith gave as $43,038.01, against 10,364.23
assessable feet, or $4.15 per assessable foot, with the School to be assessed for
approximately 1380 feet.
Lakeview Drive between Golf Terrace and Moodhill Road be eliminated because of
the fact that the houses on this street are being served from Golf Terrace main;
and asked that the main on Dalrymple Eioad between South View Lane and Lakeview
Drive be eliminated temporarily, until storm tile is installed.
School Board inquired as to the assessment for the School, and was given Mr. .
Smith's estimate. After some discussion as to costs and first year payable on
assessments, during which discussion the gentlemen were told that first year payable
would be 1949, developers and School representative asked that matter be tabled for
their furhter consideration,
Messrs. Parks and Hansen requested that the main on
Mr. Hoyt of the
Motion by Child tabling proposed extension of water main on the above named
streets qntil next meeting was seconded by IKLlson and unanimously carried.
,Pursuant to ."Notice of He?ring on Proposed Wa6er &in Extension,11 published
*in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, &.nnesota, Septgmber 25 and October
2, 1947, Affidavit of Publ$cation for thhh was read by Clerk, approved and
'glaced on file, President called public ~earing on prdpdsed &&ension of Village
water main in Zenith Avenue from 11. 55th 'Street to If. 57th Street. Enaeer
Smith's Estimate of Cost is $8,399.16, against 1471e91 Assessable Feet, or a
total construction cost of q5.71 per Assessable Foot, plus the 254 per assess-
able foot connection charge - Total pzr foot assessment estimate being $5.96,
I&. Smith explained that lots along the West side of most of this street do not
front on Zenith Avenue, and therefore are not assessable, thus bringing the
assessable per-foot cost higher than it would ordinarily be.
made at this hearing, and no mitten objections had been filed with Clerk prior
to meeting.
Villson offered the foU'owing Resolution and moved its adoption:
No objections were
WHEXEAS,,the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a
notice to all property owners whose property ma.Jr be assessed for proposed con-
struction of Village Water Main Extension in Zenith Avenue between If, 55th and
11, 57th Streets, sapid notice having been published in the Hennepin County Re-
view, Hopkins, Minnesota, September 25 and October 2, 1947; and the Council has
heard all persons appearing at this meeting and duly considered the proposed im-
provement, now theref ore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is
hereby determined to be necessary to construct Village Water Nain 3rtension in
the above named street, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that plans and specifications for such water 'main
construction heretofore prepared by Phil ti. Smith and filed with the Village
Clerk are hereby accepted and approved as the plans and specifications for said
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby directed to advertise for
bids on the hsis of cash payment for such work, stating that the bids will be
opened and considered by the Co&cil on October 27, 1947; no bids trill be con-
sidered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit
or certified check payable to the Clerk for an amount equal to ten percent of the bid,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost of said improvement is to be assessed
against the property improved as authorized by Chapter 4.25, Laws of 1921, as
Hotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on rollcall there were
three ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Ifillson, aye; Child, aye; and Christopher,
Pursuant* to I'Notice of Hearing on Petition to Improve Parnell Avenue," published
in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Rinnesota, September 25, and October 2, 1947, Affidavit of Publiqation for which was read by Clerk, approved, and placed
on file, President called public hearing on petition dated September 3, 1947,
for the grading of Parnell Avenue between Engineer
Smith gave as his estimate of cost $7l2,80 against UlO,9 assessable feet, or
fifty-nine cents per'assessable foot.
of dirt graded from the street, and was told that the property owners would receive it if they wanted it.
ive for Hrs, Fisman all expressed their desire that the Village proceed with the pro+-
ject, and no written objections had been filed prior to the meeting.
offered the,follo+ng Resolution and moved its adoption:
I 62nd and W. 63rd Streets.
Mr, Paul Svranson inquired as to disposition
Messrs. Swanson, Wkhon; Glenn C;lburn, and a representat-
IJHEXBAS, petition in writing requesting hprovement of Parnell Avenue between
{ 287
Id. 62nd and 6
filed with the Council, dated September 3, signed by owners of more than 51% in
frontage of the real property abutting on the portion of the street named in said
petition as the location for such improvement, and
63rd Streets by putting same t- permanent grade, has been duly
WHEREAS, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a
notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
improvement, said Notice having been published in the Hennepin County Review,
Hopkins, Minnesota, on September 25 and October 2, 1947'; and the Council has
heard all persons interested, and has determined the necessity for the improve-
ment petitioned for, now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina 8s required
by Chapter 321, Laws of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby
determined to have been signed by the required percentage of owners of property
affected thereby, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Parmell Avenue between W. 62nd and Id. 63rd
Streets be improyed by putting to permanent grade, and
BE IT RESOLVED that plans and specifications now on file with the Village
Clerk, identified as "Plans and Specifications for Grading Parnell Avenue,"
prepared by Phil W. Smith, are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and
Specifications for said improvement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is directed to prepare and insert in
the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, an advertisement for bids upon such improvements in
accordance with such approved plans and specifications, said bids to be opened
October 27, 1947. The deposit accompanying each bid shall be tep percent of the
amount of the bidr
Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were
three ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and the Resolution was adopted,
Chilc, aye; Willson, aye, and Christopher,
President of the Village Council
Messrs. Swanson and Colburn inquired about the grade of Ryan Avenue, They were
told that the street would not be graded without petition; and that ff: it was
necessary to cut the street abutting only two or three lots, in order to make a
passable street, the property abutting the entire street would be assessed for
the .improvement. ~ , ,--
Pursuit to "Notice of" Street Improvement Hearing-Mirror Lages h EdLa," .,
publisheql in the gennepin County Review,,Hopkins, Minnesota, on September 25
and October 2, 1947, Affigavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk,
approved and placed on file, President called public hearing on petition dated
September 15, 1947 by H. R. Burton for improvebent of all streets in Wiryor
Lakes in Edina" Addition and the Northerly approximate 500 feet of entrance
road from Interlachen Boulevard to Mirror Lakes in Edina, by gravelling and
blacktopping, Engineer Smith gave as his estimates. of cost, $k,331,25 against
10,585.36 assessable fget, or &1$ per assesFable foot for the gravelling, and
$19,490.63 against 10,585.36 assessable feet, or $1.85 per assessable foot for
the Blacktopping.
vertisement for bids on this project.
ment, and no written objections had been filed with the Clerk prior to the
meeting. Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Mr. H. R. Burton requested that the Village proceed with ad-
There were no objections to the jmprove-
WHEREAS, petition in writing requesting improvement of All Streets in
Wirror Lakes in Edina" Addition and the Northerly Approximate 500 Feet of
Entrance Road from Interlachen Boulevard to said Addition by gravelling and
blacktopping, has been duly filed with this Council dated September 15, 1947,
signed by owners of more than 51% in frontage of the real property abutting
on the streets named in said petition as the location for such improvements,
IEEREAS the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a
notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
improvement, published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, f*Iinnesota,
September 25 and October 2, 1947; and this Council has heard all persons in-
terested, and determined the necessity for the improvement petitioned for, now
theref ore I
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina as required
by Chapter 3XL, Laws of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby
determined to have been signed by the required percentage of owners of properby
affected thereby, and
BE IT FVRTHER RESOLVED that All Streets in I&rror Lakes in Edina,II Addition
and the Northerly Approximate 500 feet of Entrancg Road from Interlachen Boule-
vardto said Addition be improved by gravelling and blacktopping,
BE IT RESOLVED that plans and specifications now on file with the 'Village
Clerk, identified as 8tPlans and Specifications for the Gravelling and Blacktopping
of All Streets in Error Lakes in Edina Addition" prepared by Phil W, Smith are
hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifications for said improvement.
BIZ IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is directed to prepare and insert in
the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Eiinnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin,
Ninneapolis, 14imesota, an advedifisement for bids upon such improvements in
accordance with such approved plans and specifications, said bids to be opened
October 27, 1947. The deposit accompanying each bid shall be ten percent of the
amount of the bid, 1
Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were
three aye3 and no nays, as follows:
aye; and the Resolution was adopted,
Child, aye; tlillson, aye; and Christopher,
- -
Pursuant to Wotice of Street Improvement Hearing," published in the Hennepin
County Review, Hopkins, Ninnesota, September 25, and October 2, 1947, Affidavit
of Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, President
called public hearing on proposed Blacktopping of Wooddale Avenue between M, 56th
Street and Toxer Street, as requested by petition of Arthur E, Andrew dated
September 16, Ek, Smith gave as his estimate of cost $960.96, against 570.22
assessable feet or $1.70 per assessable foot, one-half of which is to be paid
Gunn and Arthur Andrew cited their approval of'project. There were no objections
registered, and no written objections had been filed with Clerk prior to the
meeting. llillson offered the following Resolution andzmoved its adoption:
- by Village, making a net assessment of $,85 per assessable foot, Messrs. S. J,
I~REAS, petition in writing requesting improvement-of-Wooddale Avenue be-
tween W. 56th Street and Tower Street by blacktopping, has been duly filed with
this Council dated September 16, 1947, signed by owners of more than 51% in front-
age ofthe real property abutting on the streets named in said petition as the
location for such improvement, and
UHFZl3AS, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a
notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
improvement, said notice having been published in the Hemepin County Review,
Hopkins, Ninnesota, September 25, and October 2, 1947, and the Council has heard
all persons interested, and determined the necessity for the improvement petitioned
for, now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina as required by
Chapter 3ll, Laws of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby detePmined
to have been signed by the required percentage of owners of property affected
thereby, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Wooddale Avenue between W, 56th Street and Tower
Street be improved by blacktopping, and
Clerk identified as "Specifications for Bituminous Surface
by Phil V, Smith, are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifications
for said improvement,
BE IT RESOLVED that plans and sp&cifications now on file with the Village
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the action of the CleGk in preparing and insert-
ing in the official paper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertbement for
bids upon such improvements in accordance with such approved plans and specifi-
cations, said bids having been &pened September* 29, 1947, is hereby ratified and
approved ,
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were
three ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and the Resolution was adopted,
Willson, aye; Child, aye; and Christopher,
Mr. Roberts appeared to request that the Council take action on petition filed
September 29, for restrictions against multiple dwellings along Gorgas Avenue
between 51st and 52nd Streets,
Councilts power to restrict entire Village or considerable portion of Village
'to one-family dwellings, but not to restrict one specific small seckion, was re-
viewed. Motion by Child, referring mtter of re~oning Village, or as much of
Village as they consider practicable, to one-family dwellings, was seconded by
Willson and carried, Mr, Roberts was informed that Building Inspector has been
instructed to issue no building permits for %his street until such time as this
matter is settled.
Mr. C. F. Carlson, 5225 Minnehaha Boulevard, requested procedure for securing
gravelling for alley behind his home.
to improve alleys without petition, and asked to bring petition in to the next
meeting for such improvement, such petition to contain signatures of 5% of
owners of abutting property,
Village AttorneyDs opinion of October 6, citing
He was told that it is not Village policy
Mr, Michael Davitt requested permit to move the house located on Soderberg
property at Market Street and France Avenue to Lot 17, Block I, Brookside
Heights Addition, and to move the house located on the back of the Hedglin
property to the front of the lot, Motion by Child, that permit be 'issued sub-
ject to Building Inspector's approving the house 'structurally with regard to
Building Code, was seconded by Willson and unanimously carried,
With regard to Petition for Vacation 0f'Service Road beheen Bl'ocks 7 and 8, and
Lot A, W6odbury Park near Lake Harriet, filed September 22, Engineer Smith
recommended that petition for vacation be denied because the Village has a trunk
line sewer in this street ana such vacation would leave Village no access, for
sewer maintenance, and also because park plans have not been completed insofar
as Minnehaha Creek is concerned, Motion by Willson that pet'ition for vacation
of ser&ce road between Blocks 7 and 8, and Lot A, Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet,
be denied, was seconded by Child and carried,
Petition dated October 6, signed by Leonard C. Ode11 and others, for sanitary
sewer in Mackey, Brook, 'Coolidge, and Browndale Avenues between W, 44th Street
and the southbounda& of St, Louis Park, and in W, 44th Street between Brown-
dale Avenue and Glenn Avenue was read, Engineer Smith reported that petition
contains signatures of 95% of owners of abutting properties. Because of pre-
liminary work to be done on this project, it was referred to Public Utilities
Committee, Village Attorney, and Village Engineer for study and report at next
meeting, by Motion Willson, seconded by Child and carried,
-Petition for grading of Adams Avenue between 4th and 5th Streets, dated October 6, and signed by Frederick A, Marek, was reviewed,
that petition carried signatures of owners of 100% of property abutting street.
It was pointed out that 4th Street is now known as Belmore Lane, and 5th Street
as Maloney Avenue.
November 10, 1947, at 8:00 P. M., was seconded by Child and carried,
Engineer Smith reporting
Motion by Willson setting Hearing on Petition for Monday,
Letter from Hove Company, dated October 9, 1947, asking permission to post bond
with Village to guarantee payment of bills incurred, and thus to secure per-
mission to call the Ninneapolis Fire Department direct, was read and referred to
Public Safety Committee for recommendation,
With regard to change in Golf Terrace Horseshoe, Engineer Smith reported he had
coderred with IIessrs. Faegre and Schmitt on the Eth, but had come to'no specific
agreement with them, Hr, lhdhorst1s opinion of October 9, with regard to lack
of damages suffered by Hr, Schmitt in case of the straightening of the horseshoe,
was reviewed,
necessaryto straighten the road-1, Conveyance of land by Hansen and Parks to the
Village for right-of-way for the new road; and 2. Vacation by Village of that land
on which horseshoe is now located, Engineer Smith was asked to consult with lfr,
Ben Parks before the next regular meeting with regard to securing their eonveyance,
It vas cited by the Village Attorney that a double action would be
Motion by Child that the following Ordinance be introduced and given its first
by IJillson and carried:
The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows:
Section I, Section 4 of that certain Ordinance adopted June 25, 1925, and
entitled I*An Ordinance to regulate the construction, extension, alteration and re-
pairing of plumbing work in established sewer districts, within the Vil1age"of
Edina, and to provide for the sanitary installation of such plumbing work,tt is
hereby amended to read as follows: * *
Wection 4. Every building in which plumbing is to be installed shall be
connected with the Village sewer whenever such sewer and a water min are
provided in the street upon which such building fronts and when a water main
only but no sewer is provided in said styeet such building shall be connected
with a septic tank of such dimensions as may be required by the Inspector,
Such septic tank shall be located in the front yard, except in those cases in
which the Inspector finds that ultimate connectioh with the village sewer
would be more economical if the cesspool is located in other portions of the
property, It
Section 2, This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after
date of adoption and publication,
With regard to progosed Water Main Extension on France Avenue between tJ. 58th and
I?. 61st Street, Nr, Smith reported that ?-Ire Rekdahl expects to plat his property,
and that for that reason there is nothing further to report at this time,
Building Inspector Woehler reported the request of Mr, Wanner on PI, 56th Street
to construct an attached garage, which will extend about 3-811 beyond the establish-
ed building line. Hr, Woehler states that lfr, Wanner's neighbor has no objection.
Notion by Child that permit be granted was seconde'cl by I.Jillson and carried.
Village Attorney llindhorst recomende'd that the Village Zoning Ordinq5ce be
amended to include those platting restrictions established by the Planning
Cormnission and accepted by the Council September 23, 194.6,
matter to Nr, tlindhorst, for his writing of such an amendment.
Council referred the
Willson offsred the following Resolution ana moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as president, president pro-
tem, treasurer or clerk or deputy clerk of this Village be, and they hereby
are, authorized to act for %his Village in the tl-ansaction of any banking
business with Hidland National Bank of 1-Iinneapolis (Hereinafter referred to
as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name
of this Village, from time to time and until written notice to the contrary
to the b&k, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be
signed by the President of the Council or president pro-tern, Village Clerk
or deputy village clerk, and Village
authoriaed and directed to honor and
which is signed as above authorized,
to the order of, or deposited to the
of the Village, including the signer
Treasurer. The bank is hereby
pay any check against such account
whether or not said check is payable
qredit of, any officer or officers
or signers of the check,
Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were
three ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and the Resolutiqn was adopted.
Child, aye; Willson, aye; and Christopher,
President of the Village Council
Willson offered the follow@g Resolution and moved its adoption:
ADOPTED 'JULY 13, 1947
BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as president, president pro-
tern, treasurer or clerk or deputy clerk of this Village be, and they hereby
are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking
business with First Edina State Bank of Edina, Minnesota (Hereinafter re-
ferred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or
in the name of this Village from time to time and until written notice to
the contrary to the bank, to sign checks against said account, which checks
shall. be signed by the President of the Council or president pro-tern,
Village Clerk or deputy Village Clerk, and Village Treasurer.
hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any check against such
account which is signed as above authorized,. whether or not said check is
payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or
officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of$he check.
Motion to adopt the Resolution yras seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were
three ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
The bank is
Child, aye; Willson, aye; and Christopher,
President of the Village 6ouncil
Attmmey Windhorst reported that the Liquor License Suit by Mal W. W$.te vs,
Village of Edina, had been tried as of this date before Judge Hall, with Judge
taking matter under advisement.
Pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids on Sale of Certificates of Indebtedness=
Water Main Improvement No. 9 and Water Main Improvement No. 10," published in
the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, and in Finance and Commerce, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, Affidav3.t of publication for which was read by Clerk, approved, and
placed on file, President called for bids on the above named Certificates of
Indebtedness. No bids were received.
Thebe being no further business to come before the Council, with.the exception
of the sale af the above Certificates, Willsoq's motion for adjournment of this
meeting to such date as the President may reconvene the meeting for action on
the Certificates, was seconded by Child and unanhously carried.