HomeMy WebLinkAbout19471027_REGULAR294 t the President and Clerk of the Village are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver certificates of indebtedness of the Village of Edina in the aggregate sum of $4,500 to bear interest at the rate of 2% per wum payable semi-annually, issued pursuant to resolution adopted September 8, 1947, for im- provement of. the following street:. by construction of Tlater Hain Extension therein, as authorize$ by. Chapter 425 Laws of Iilinrzesota 1921, as amended, upon paypent of $4,590 and accrued interest to the Village Treasurer in consideration therefore. Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were fom ayes and no nays, as follows: e IT. 55th Street between Beard and Zenith Avenues I . Child, aye; ttillson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was ,ad,op$ed. "e* Hawthorne's motion for adjourmmt of the Neetirrg vras seconded by Child and unanimously carried. 1.IINUTES OF THE REGULU I.IEETING OF THE OCTOBER 27, 1947, AT 8:OO O'CLOCK P.N. EDINA VII;LILcrE COUN,CIL, HELD IONDAY, AT THE EDINA VILQ4GE HALL All members of the Council were present. Notion by IJillson, approving Etinutes of Regular Meeting of October 13, and Adjourned . Eotion by llillson, approving Village Payrolls in amount of $3,802.95, was seconded by Utley and carried. I .Portion of October 13 meeting held October 20, was seconded by Child and carried. VILLAGE OF EDINA PAYROLL 0CTOBF;R 16TH TO OCTOBER 31st, 1947 T$XPAL WITH, RETLRE.. HOSP. NET CLAD4 EARNINGS TAX DEDUCT. DEDUCT. PAY NO. rnuNCIL C, J. Christopher, I4apr Bower Hawthorne, Clerk George A. llillson, Trustee Harold C. Utley, Trustee Fred S. Child, Trustee J, J. Duggan, Treasurer John Windhorst, Attorney Ward B. Levris, Judge Dr. L. 14. Campbell, Heal€h Officer ADHINISTMTIVE Phil W. Smith Gretchen Schussler Brnice $1. Johnsoh Helene Freeman Edna Velie Sub-t otal ENGI"G DEFT. Carl Niller John A. Sias Fred Jonas 1387 1388 1389 = 1390 1391 - 1392 1393 1394 Sub-t otal 2 10/27/47 1 WITH. RETIRE. HOSP. NE2 CLAIM TOTAL EARNINGS TAX DEDUCT. DEDUCT. PJJY NO. ' 123.72 9.00 4.95 2.75 107.02 1395 76.69 1.30 3 007 2.75 69.57 1396 U3.50 15.40 4.54 -0- 93.56 1397 113.50 7.40 4.54. 2.75 98.81 1398 113.50 7.40 4.54 - 2.75 98.81 1399 -0- 93044 1400 103.27 5.70 4.13 NAME POLICE DEPT. Hildine: Dah1 - Th. S.-Heydt. Clayton Erickson Clarence Knutson Donald Nelson Henry M. Wrobleski " Sub-t otai STREET MEN-REGULAR * Philip Bailey Pet e D,ahlgren Matt Merfeld John Tracy Harry Bonas Arthur Jensen Ronald P. Port Sub4 otal STmT MEN-HOURLY Charles Johnson Jacob' SW- C. W, Cardarelle Jack Merfeld Wayne Tracy ' ,c sub-t otai TREE MEN Cladon G. Timian '. Sub-t otal GENERAL FUND TOT^AL WATER DEFT. Ben TrJoehler Sam Roberts Kermit C, Knutson + sub-t otai 644.18 46,.20 25.77 11oOO 561.21 103.07 5.70 4.3.2 2.75 90.50 3.408 90.39 7.60 3.62 -0- 79.17 1409 ll0.43 7.10 4.42 2.75 96.16 14J.O 96.00 12.60 1.25 82.15 1411 81.60 9.90 -0- 71.70 143.2 481.49 42.90 12.16' 6.75 419.68 107.36" 14.30 4.29 -0- 88.77 . Ul3 102.25 5.7b 4.09 -0- 92.46 l43.4 -0- 181.23 "~ 209.61 "z.00 8.38 3428.71 220.40 * 11Sjr046 45.00 3039.85 166.16 16.60 ' 6.65 2.75 140.16 1425 109.92 6.80 4.40 2.75 95.97 1416 98.16 13,OO 3.93 1.25 '79.98 U3-7 37424 36.40 14.98 6,.75 316.11 GRAND TOTAL PAYROLL 3802.95 a 266,sP 1280.44 ~ 51.75 3355.96 Motion by Utley, approving claims as follows was' secbnded by Willson and carried: CLAIM NO. 5193 5194 5195 5 196 5197 5198 5199 5200 5201 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 5209, 5210 5202 VIUAGE OF EDINA BILLS PAID CCTOBkR 27, 194t - NAME AMOUNT. Fred Sonas 98 50.00 H. A. Rogers Co. 25.00 u.50 Willi.amson Stamp GO. 19.00 39.00 GENERAL F"D Twin kity Stamp and Stencil Co. Midwgst Cap Mfg. Go. 1.00 . Fred L. Gray Coo 15.00 . Villa'ge of Hopkins 45 000 City ?reasurer, City of Minneapoli? City *of Minneapolis Fire Dept. e 999.00 Underwood Corp, lL09 Northern States Power Co. 77OoO2 Ruggles and Radmaker Salt Coo 173 001 Minnesota Tree Smvice 87.01 Warner Hardware Co. 23 e88 Morrell & Nichols 986 25 Republic Creosot'ing Coo 3 6.. 11 State of Minn. DFpt. Public Examiners 1058.55 American-LaFrance-Foamite Corp ~161.50 52fi 5221 5223 * 5224 * 5227 5228 5229 * 5230 5231 - 5232 5233 5234 . 5235 5238 5239 a 5242 5244. * 3-433 5240 - 5223 ' 5224 * 5225 - 5226 - 5236 5203 521~. - 5212 9 5213- 52l-4 ; 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 * 5222 5232 * 5237 5241 * 5243 5244 1422 L423 ur24 ~425 1426 1427 1428 w9 1430 1431 3-432 1434 143 5 1419 1420 1421 5192 American Linen Co. 8.15 GENERAL FUND Br~oksideGBerbrjrc~s~ation * 1.13 Constrmctfon Bullet5.n 7.20 day V. Craig Co * 2277.00 Berg and Farnham * 17.56 Harry Rashussen * 50.00 Oscar Roberts & COa 69072 N. 11. Bell Telephone Co. 37.08 Ethnesota Fire Equipment 15 47 Glacier Sand and Gravel Coob 9729 P.EUer-Davis Co. ' 46.35 . I. Hennepin County RevLetr 39.70 1'1plSb Real Estate Board 165.90 (I Stinchfield, Nackall, CrounSe & Moore 3250.00 Village of Edina-Vat er Depv. 21.56 Pfeiffer Constructibn cob * 612.80 City Treasurer-City of Mpls-, Police Dept. 97.27 Edina Garhge x Northern States Power Co. 1 Hennepin County Review Constructlion Bulletin Suburban Press Finance and Comerce Fred J, Daubanton Northern States Power Co. American Linen Co. e Flour City Body Gorp. Minneapolis-14oline Co, B. F. Goo'drich cob Lahr Notor cob p3.lillips Petroleum Co. SETm RENTAL 2.00 P. I. R. FUND @ b30 *. 66.20 9.60 13.50 8.05 139065 State of Eiinn. Dept of Tax.Petroleum Div. 26.00 The George T. Ryan Coo 28.3.4 Erestone. Stores * 247.40 I v Hbks Shell Statiorr u3 bo$ Brookside' Service Station 159.35 Edina Pure Oil 5.10 W, If, Be21 Telephon-e Cob e 11.30 Tropical Paint & OZl Co. 12.87 Dahlberg Bros. Co. Inc 54.91 Edina Garage, Inc 405 e31 * Ifin, H. Ziegler cob ,, 35.54 Tropical Paint and Oil Coo Hiller-Davis Co. Construction Bulletin Hennepin County Review Northern States Power Coo Northern States Power cob R. E. Newman I Nutual General Agency Badger Heter Nfg, Cob Edina Hardware Coo e L E, A. Hiederhold Co. % Stinchfield, Nackall,* Crounse & Moore sb J. GUnn I Total Julius A; Schmahl $ 258,126 . Midland National Bank 539.7O Minnesota Hospital Service Afjjsoc. 51075. 3802 95 First Edina State Bank (Transfer of Funds) 98 b84 98.10 26 .OO 27249.76 2-9 7 Engineer Smith presented Tabulation of the Bids received October 13, for the grading of W. 60th Street between Hansen Road and Nomandale, and Code Avenue between Grove Street and W. 60th Street, recommending the award of the contract to Pfeiffer Con- struction Go., the low bidder. Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID GNDING - We 60TH STREET AND CODE AVENUE WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, and the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, on September 23 and October 2, 1947, for the improvement of W. 60th Street between Hanson Road and Normandale Road, and Code Avenue between Grove Street and W. 60th Street by putting to permanent .grade, the follolJing bids have been received: I W. '60th Street 'W. -60th Street Code Avenue Pfeiffer Construction Co. Park Construction Go. Terry Excavating Go. Leo Lahti Hansen to Code Code-Normandale Grove-W.60th . Total $ 825.02 $1,835 096 $ 890.92 $35551.90 1288.65 2; 721.68 19393.70 53 404 . 03 .878 027 .1,895.U 94s 097 3 , 709 03 5 I 941.46 1,752 78 1,009.06 3 703 030 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the $3,551.90 bid of Pfeiffer Construction is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder, and the president and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said Pfeiffer Construction Company in the name of the Village, for the improvement of the above streets by putting to permanent grade, according to the plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved by this council and filed in- the office of the clerk ht the price specified in said bid, and wh-ich said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids except that the depodits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. Motion to .adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Child, aye; Utley, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthlorne, President of the Village Council Mr. Smith presented report on $7,600 bid of Victor Carlson and Sons, Inc., received October 13, for construction of standard Village Curb and Gutter in W. 56th Street between Wooddale and Concord Avenues, and St. John's Avenue between W, '56th Street and Oak Drive; stating that, although bid is higher than estimate by about $900.00, he believes it is a the following Resolution and moved its adoption: fair bid, and would recommend accepting it. Willson offered RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND ST. JOHN'S AVENUE WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisembnt for bids published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, and the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, on September 25, and October 2, 1947, for the.improvement of W. 56th Street be- tween Wooddale and Concord Avenues, and St.. John's Avenue between W, 56th Stbeet and Oak Drive by the Construction of standard Village curb and gutter therein, the following bid has been duly received and opened: CURB AND GUTTER-W. 56TH STmT Victor Carlson & 3ons, Inc,, Minneapolis, Itinn, %7,600,00 THE;REFORE, BE IT FtESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the $7,600.00 bid of Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc., is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder, and the president and clerk are hereby author- ized and directed to enter into a contract with said Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc. in the name of the Village, for the improvement of the above named streets by construct- ion of standard Village curb and gutter therein, according to the plans and specifi- cations therefore which have heretofore been approved by the Village council and i 298 filed in the office of the clerk at the price specified in said bid, and which said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney, Motion to adopt the Resolution bras seconded by Child, ,and on Rollcall (here wece five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Christopher, ayeg and the Resolution was adopted. L Child, aye; Utley, aye; IJillson, aye; Hawthorne, Engineer Smith reported on the tabulation of bids received October 13, 194.7, for the improvement of PI. 56th Street between Vooddale and Concord Avenues, and of St, John's Avenue between If, 56th Street and Oak Drive by blacktopping; recommending that the Council accept the bid of J, V. Gleason Coo, the low bidder. following Resolution and moved its adoption: Willson offered the FlESOWTION ACCEPTING BID ~ I?. 56TH SThEEET, 1JOODDAL;E TO CONCO~ I .. . BLACKTOPPING . ST. JOHN'S AW., I?, 56TH .TO OllK DRIVE . WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, IbIinnesota, and the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, mesota, on September 25 and October 2, 1947, for the improvement of I?. 56th Street from Wooddale to Concord Avenue, and St, John's Avenue from I?, 56th Street to Oak Drive, the following bids have been duly received.and opened2 Ashworth-Haidsinson Co., Ninneapolis, IjIinn. J, V, Gleason Co, , St , Louis Park, Minn. $3 925 000 2, 937 50 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the $2,937.50 bid of J, V, Gleason Company is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder; and the president and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said J, V, Gleason Company in the name of the Village, for the improvement of said streets by blacktopping, according to the plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved by this council and filed in the office of the clerk at the price specified in sed bid, and which said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney, I Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Utley, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; kXLlson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids published in the Hennepin Counby Review, Hopkins, Ninnesota, and the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 16 and 23, 1947, for the improvement of Zenith Avenue between W. 57th and 58th Streets by con- struction of Water 3hin Ektension therein, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, the following sealed bids were opened and read: Bart Carlone, St, Paul, Minnesota $6,096 .OO for Immediate Work Phelps-Drake Company, Ninneapolis 6,296.10 11 It I1 Lametti and Lametti, St. Paul, Ifinn, 6,261,50 11 I1 11 6,008.60 for Spring Work 6 ,495 50 for Immediate Work Grfei and Elariani, St, Paul, Erin. Notion by Utley, referring bids to Village Engineer for tabulation and report later this evening, was seconded by Willson and carried. At a later time in the evening, Engineer Smith presented his tabulation of the bids, recommending that work be begun immediately because the necessity of servjng some of the abutting lots; and that he would, therefore, recommend the Council*s awarding . the contract to Bart Carlone at the price of t$6,096.00, which is low bid for immediate work. Utley offered the folloidng Resolution and moved its adoption: < FESOLUTION Ai3CIEPTING BID WATER MAIN-ZENITH AVENUE B€CTW3EEN W. 55TH AND I?. 57TH STREETS WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. J.3 WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids published 3x1 the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, on October 16 and 23, 194'7-, for the improvement of Zenith Avenue between 'kJ. 55th and I?. 57th Streets by construction of water main extension therein, the following bids have been duly received and opened: $6,096 .OO for Immediate Work 6,008.60 for Spring Work 6,495.50 for Immediate Work Bart Carlone, St. Paul, Minnesota Orfei and Mariani, St. Paul, Minnesota Phelps-Drake Company, Minneapolis 6,296.10 11 I1 11 . Lametti and Lametti, St, Paul, Minnesota 6,261.50 11 II It THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the $6,096.00 bid of Bart Carlone, St. Paul, Minnesota, is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder, and the president and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said Bart Carlone in the name of the Village, for the improvement of said portion of said street by construction of water main extension therein, accordingto the plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved by this council and filed in the office of the clerk at'the price specified in said bid, and-which said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney. I BF: IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made.with their bids except that the deposits of-the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained un- tilthe contract has been signed. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall.therg were.five ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Child, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye; President of the Village Council Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids, published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 16 and 23, 1947, for the improvement of Parnell Avenue between W. 62nd and W. 63rd Streets by putting to permanent grade, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, the following bid was received: Terry Excavating Company, Minneapolis $500.00 Motion by Willson referring bid to Village Engineer for comparison with Estimate, was seconded by Child and carried, At a later time in the meeting Engineer Smith reported to the Council that this one bid compared favorably with his estimate of cost; and that he would recommend acceptance of the bid this evening if possible, in order that work might begin immediately. Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: . *- RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID BETWEEN W. 62m AND W. 63RD STIZEETS GRADING - PARNEU AVENUE WREAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 16 and 23, 1947, for the improvement of Parnell Avenue between W. 62nd and W. 63rd Streets, the following bid has been duly received and opened: 4 Terry Ekcavating Company, Minneapolis $500 .OO THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the $500.00 bid of Terry Excavating Company is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowesz responsible bidder, and the president and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said Terry Excavating Company in the name of the Village, for the improvement of said portion of said street by putting 300 same to permanent grade, according to the plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been approved by this council and filed in the office of the clerk at the price specified in said bid, and.which said .contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney. 1-fotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Utley, aye; ITillson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; id Christopher,- aye; and the Resolution Village Clkk . was adopted. President of the Village Council Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids, published in the Vennepin County Review, Hopkins, EEmesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, Efinneapolis, Ninnesota, October 16 and 23, 1947, for the improvement of all streets in l"irror Lakes in Edina Additiont1 and approximately 500 feet of Entrance Road from Interlachen Boulevard to Wirror Lakes in Edina", by stabilizing and blacktopping, affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, approved and placed on file, the following bids were duly received and opened: % ' J. V. Gleason Company, St. Louis Park $15,300.00 Ashworth-Hawkinson Company, 1.Iinneapolis 18,720 .OO Notion by Willson, referring bids to Engineer Smish for tabulation and report later this evening, was seconded by Child and carried. At a later time in the evening, Nr. Smith presented his tabulation of bids, stating that the low bid compared favorably with his estimate of cost. Mr, H. R. Burton, representing owners of more than 51% of the abutting property, requested that the bid be let as soon as possible, in order that stabilizing might go forward before frost. the Village would be financing improvements to the developer's property. that cost of improvement would be assessed against abutting properties, as is the policy in case of all improvements. l?illson offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption: 3lr. John Person objected to the awarding of the contract, on the grounds that He was'told I lY3SOLUTION ACCEPTING BID STABILIZING AND BLACKTOPPING OF ALL STREXTS IN *WIBROR LAKES IN EDINA" AND APPROXII*iA!IXLY 500 IT. ENTRANCE ROAD IJHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids published in Hennepin Councy Review, HopEins, llinnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin, 14hneapolis, "mesota, October 16 and 23, 1947,, for the improvement of all streets in Wirror Lakes in Edina Addition1t and approximately 500 feet of Entrance Road from Interlachen Boulevard to Wirror Lakes in Edina" by stabilizing and blacktopping, the following bids have been duly received and opened: J, V. Gleason Company, St. LOAS Park $15,300.00 Ashworth-Hawkinson Company, Minneapolis 18,720.00 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that the $15,300.00 bid of J. V. Gleason Company is hereby determined to be the bid of the lowest responsible bidder; and the president and clerk are hereb$"authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said J. V. Gleason Company in the name of the Village, for the improvement of the above named streets by stabilizing and blacktopping, according to the plans, and specifications therefore which have here- price specified in said bid and which said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney. Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. tofore been approved by this Council and filed in the office of the clerk at the D I Child, aye; Utley, aye; Ifillson, aye; President of the Village Council Vwage merk Ilr, Carl H. Hansen requested permit to connect Lot 5, Block 2, Subdivision of Littel TZ?!?. -- Park with sanitary sewer manhole at Lot 6, Block 2, and to have Lot 5 assessed on a 10-year basis. Mr. Hansen was told that the County Audigor dill not accept 'a one-lot assessment; and (hat a re-assessment of Sewer; District No. 16 probably could not be made without undue cost. struction of a roddable sewer line would be possible. the Village Attorney, in order that he might ascertain whether it would be possible and practicable to add this one lot to the assessment roll of Sewer District No. 16; and to the Village Engineer, for his determination of possibility of construct- ing such copecting line to meet Village specifications, Mr. and Mrs. George Smisek reported that they had contacted the County Engineer with regard to'the so-called Itold Cahill Road," about which they appeared before the Council on September 22; that County Engineer had informed them that this had never been a County Road insofar as he was able to ascertain; that the County has never vacated the road; and that the road was an Edina Village Road. stated that the Village has maintained the road in the past, and that it has been used continually since the new highway was put in, The matter of keeping the road open was referred to the Village Engineer and Attorney for thSr recommendation at the next meeting, with Mr. Smith to get writ5en report from County Engineer's off ice . Mr. John Person inquired as to whether Clerk Hawthorne had received a sewer refund, stating that he (Mr. Person) had paid sewer assessment for years and had received no zefund. asked %hat tihe Council please put on the slips in the next election that we want a Clerk of Court and let the people decide who the Clerk of Court shall beett action. paid some time ago. seconded by Utley and carried, At this time President Christopher inquired about settlement due Mr. Person, in amount of $l25.OO, for alleged damages to hay, ask- ing Mr. Person to sign claim in order that check might be made'out. requested that his attorney, Mr. Leonard, handle the matter. Windhorst was requested to execute settlement for Village, A property owner in Westchester Knolls' requested permission to build a basement dwelling, stating that his house would be completed just as soon as he was able to finish construction. such pemnits because of the resulting devaluation to surrounding property. Engineer Smith inquirSed as to whether con- The matter was referred to I. Mr. Smisek . . He was informed that Hawthorne had received no refund. either. He then No At this time Mr. Person requested refund of $2.00 Building Permit Fee Motion by Hawthorne denying application for refund %$as Mr. Person Village Attorney He was informed that the Council is not disposed to grant I The matter of the Planning Conrmission's recommendation of October 14, with regard to the rezoning of the Hoffman property on France, south of 50th Street, was brought before the Council, together with Mr. Nichols' flPreliminary Study of the Arrangements of Streets, Parking Area, Etc., in Block South of 50th and West of France Avenue," dated September, 1947. I@?. Smith reported that Mr. Hoffman has agreed to build a building not longer than 80 feet, providing his property is rezoned to flCommunity Store District .*I After considerable discussion as to the relationship of this proposed rezoning to the parking problem in this are+, Utleyts motion that the Edina Businessmen and Mr. Nichols be invited to the Council Committee Meeting of November 3, for explanation and discussion of Mr. Nichols' plan, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Mr. Smith reported the'planning Codssionls action of the lbth, tabling the" matter of rezoning all or part of the Village for one and two family dwellings. Petition for the placing of two-family restrictions on Gorgas Avenue, filed with the Council September 29, was tabled by the Council until such time as they re- ceive Commission's recommendations. Engineer Smith reported that Hmeen and Parks have verbally agreed to convey property for the straightening of the Golf Terrace Horseshoe providing they get a 110' depth for one lot in exchange for such dedication. to secure deeds fromthe owners. Mr. Roy Peterson of the Spring Company presented the Company's plan fob 8 white- way system in "Edina Highlands," stating that wiring would be underground, and that Spring Company is willing to pay for the installation of the system (which consists of 13 luminaires mounted upon ornamental wooden poles) but that they do not wish to pay the maintenance cost--which would mean the painting of the poles periodically, and the replacing of the poles as they were broken. Mr. Peterson stated that Northern States Power Company figures the maintenance to be about $30.00 per year per pole, which is $10.00 cheaper than maintenance cost of other type of lights. Power Company regarding maintenance costs, and to report to the Council on Monday, November 3. Mr. Smith was directed i Engineer Smith was instructed to consult"with Northern Staa%es I Mr. Smith reported Nr, Peder Elickelsen's request to level off Village park property at 57th and Chowen, their recomendation, Attorney Windhorst presented his draft of Amendment to Zoning Ordinance, which incorporates 2.iinimUm Standards of Lot Requirements as recommended by Planning Commission and also includes attempt to apply current standards to improvements on lots already platted except where such application results in unreasonable hardship. Amendment referred to Planning Commission fortheir study, Efatter referred to Messrs. Willson 'and Smith for - With regard to public hearing held October 13, 1947, on proposed construction-of water main extension in the following streets: Concord Avenue from Tower Street to South View Lane; South View Lane from Concord Avenue to.Unity Avenue; Andrew Avenue from South View Lane to IaXevieG Drive; Dalrymple Road from South View Lane to Lakeview Drive; Woodhill Road fqm Wooddale Avenue to Lakeview Drive; Lakeview Drive from Golf Terrace to IToodhill Road, thence South and Westerly to Unity Avenue; Engineer Smith reportgd that Hessrs. Hansen and Parks, representing owners of 5l$ of properties abutting these streets, were agreeable to the Council's proceeding with construction of the water main on all streets except on Lakeview Drive from Golf Terrace to lfoodhill Road, Developer object to this construction because all but two lots are served with water from the Golf Terrace main, and it will be- possible to so serve the remining two lots, whereas the construction of the main along tkie entire street would be excessively expensive for benefits obtained, Engineer Smith explained that the elimination of this one main would not damage his design, and recommended the Council's proceeding with the balance of the project. Nr, Utley requested that the Village Attorney'determine the necessity for securing easements Drive between Golf Terrace and Woodhill Road might "be sure of service from the Golf Terrace nain, order that the two remaining lots fronting Lakeview Utley offered tlie follovdng Resolution and-moved its adoBtion: RESOLUTION FOR WATER "AD? CONSTRUCTION IrlATER MAIN D*PROVET.IENT NO, I-& I VHEREAS, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice.to all property owners whose property may be assessed for proposed con- struction of Village Water Efain extension in the following streets: C6ncord Avenue from Tower Street to South View Lane; South View Lane from Concord Avenue to Unity Avenue; Andrew Avenue from South View Lane to Lakeview Drive; Dalrpple Road from South View Lane to Lakeview Drive; Woodhill Road from Wooddale Avenue to Lakeview Drive; Lakeview Drive from Woodhill Road, thence South and Westerly to Unity Avenue; said notice having been published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, 1.Linnesota on October 2 and 9, 1947; and tb Council la s heard all persons appearing at said meeting and duly considered said proposed Mprovement, now therefore, 33E IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edinathat it is he$eby determined to be necessary to construct Village water main extensions in the above named streets, ana BE IT mTRTHER RESOLVED that plans and specifications for such water main- e6nstruction heretofore prepared by Phil N, Smith and filed with the Village Clerk are hereby accepted and approved as the plans and specifications for said im- provement , BE IT FURTHER IBSOLVED that the Clerk is hereby directed to advertise for bids on the basis of cash payment for such work, stating that the bids w5ll be opened and considered by the Council on November 10, 1947; no bids t&ll be con- sidered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit ' I or certified check payable to the the bid. Clerk for an %mount equal to ten percent of BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost of said improvement is to be assessed against the property improved as authorized by Chapter 425, Laws of 1921, as . I: amended, Notion to gdopt'the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, ayeg and' the Resolution was adopted, Child, aye; Utley, aye; T?illson, aye; President of the Village Council Because Mr. Rekdahl has not submitted plat of property on France Avenue, matter of water main construction on fiance between W. 58th and W. 61st Streets was again tabled. ' Chairnian Child of Ordinances and Legislation Committee recommended the adoption of the League-of Minnesota Mimicipalities' Model Tree Trimming Ordinance, as heretofore advocated by Attorney. of Ordinance for their study. Chairman Child recommended that public hearing for interested persons be held in connection with proposed Outdoor Advertising Signs Ordinance. that Office mimeograph copies of 'proposed Ordinance, forwarding them to owners of property on which signs are located, Outdoor Advertising Signs people, local businessmen, State Highway Department and Civic Groups, with invitation to hearing on Monday, November 17, fob discussion*of the Ordinance,. was seconded by Hawthorne ahd carried. Chairmkn Child moved the adoption of the following Ordinance, which was then given its seconcl reading by the Clerk: ' Office requested to furnish Council with copies Motion by Child I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THAT ORDINANCE mTITmD "AN ORDINANCE TO ElEGULATE THE CONSTRUCTION, EXTENSION, ALTEJUTI'ON AND REPAIRING OF PLWINGWORK IN ESTABLISHED SEWER DISTRICTS, WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE SANITARY INSTALLATION I OF SUCH PLUPBING AIjOPTED JUNII 25, 1925. The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: Section 1. entitled "An Ordinance to regulate the construction, extension, alteration and repairing of plumbing work in established sewer districts, within the Village of Edina, and to provide for the sanxtary installation of such plumbing work," is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4 of that certain Ordinance a'dopted June 25, 1925, and IlSection 4. be connected with the village sewer whenever such sewer and a water main are provided in the street upon which such building fronts and when a water main only but'no sewer is provided in said street such building shall be connected with a septic tank of such dimensions as may be required by the Inspector. except in those cases in which the Inspector finds that ultimate connection with the village sewer would be more economical if the cesspool is located in other portions of the property,lt Eyery building inwhich plumbing is to be installed shall Such septic tank shall be located in the front yard, SECTION 2. of adoption and pu6lication. . Motion for adoption of the Orcfinance was seconded by Willson, and .on Rollcall there wege five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted. This ordinance shall be in full. force and effect from and after date Child, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, President of the Village Council In reporting on the Lampman condemnation proceedings, Mr. Windhorst stated he was waiting legal description from Village Engineer before initiating proceedings again. Engineer Smith, after reporting that it would be a month or two before his force could make a survey, stated he thought the cost of hiring an outside surveying crew for the job would be between $200 and $250. Mr. Smith was asked to put his force on this job just as soon as practicable. gngineer Smith asked Council to initiate proceedings for the construction of a Storm Sewer on Halifax Avenue between 52nd and 54th Street. Mr. Utley pointed out the fact that storm sewers are needed, both North and South of 50th Street, to serve the business district, and that interests of the property owners might be better served by tying all these storm sewers together to secure better bids. Nr. Smith stated that it was urgent that the Halifax storm sewer be completed be- cause of.the danger to basement floods in the two new homes being build in the 'low area along this street. After further discussion, during which Attorney Windhorst stated.that iE it is necessaqf to" build a larger trunk sewer or a . duplzcate trunk sewer south of 50th street solely for the purpose of accomodating the water fromthe north side of 50th street, property otmers on the no%h side of the street should be'assessed for the full cost of this construction. Village Engineer Smith was asked to bring full and complete report and recommendations on storm sewer construction for serving the business district and also Halifax.Avenue, said recommendations to be ready for Conrmittee Neeting of November 3. Engineer Smith presented Assessment Rolls covering delinquencies in Sewer Rental and Garbage Collection accounts. Roll in the amount of $339.50, and Garbage Collection Assessment Roll in the amount of $464.80 be approved by the Council for spread by the County Auditor upon the tax rolls, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Motion by Utley that Sewer Rental Assessment Engineer Smith presented tabulation of Assessment Roll for construction of Sidewalk on the West side of France Avenue between W. 5lst and W. 52nd Streets, as follows: Contract Price, $879.00; Engineering and Clerical Services, $70.32 - Total, $949,32, plus 10% Contingencies, $100.28 - Total cost, $1,049.60, as against 640 Assessable Feet, or $1.64 per Assessable Foot, to be assessed over a three-year period. offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Iiillson RFSOLUTION SETTING SIDENXLK ASSESS" HEARING WEST SIDE OF FRANCE AVENUE BM'f.IEEN 11. 51ST AND 11. 52ND STElEETS IIHJIREAS, pursuant to Resolution of the Village Council adopted July 22,.1946, construction of sidevralk has been completed within 30 days prior hereto on the West side of Froace Avenue between 11. 51st and W. 52nd Streets, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that said walk is hereby accepted and the assessable cost there- of is determined to be $1,049.60. BE IT F'URTHER RESOLVED that this Council will meet at the Village Hall on the 10th day of November, 1947, at 8:OO olclock P. M. and hear testimony of all pecsons interested or affected and ascertain the amount of benefits to property fronting such sidewalk by reason of the construction thereof. 14otion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollc'all there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; \?illson, aye; Utley, aye; Eawthorne, Engineer Smith presented tabulation of Assessment Roll for construction of curb and gutter on the West side of France Avenue between I?. Slst and 11, 52nd Str'eets, r.r'nich calculation was made up as follows: Radius to be paid by Village from General Fund, $39.60 - Net Assessable Contract Price $1,,!&1,33p Add Xngineering and Clerical Ser$ces in amount of $ll6.U, and contingencies (10% Plus) in amount of $160.56, for a total of $1,728.00, as against 640 Assessable Feet, or $2.70 per Assessable Foot, said cost to be assessed over a three-year period. Total Contract PFice, $1,490.93, Less Curb Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTIQY SETTING ASSESSMENT HEARING BFXWEXN W. 51.5" AND 11. 52ND STS. CURB AND GUTTER-W. SIDE OF FR.QICIFI AvEltruE I.IHEREAS, pursuant td Resolution adopted by the Council September 9, 1946, a contract has been let for improvement of the T'Test side of France Avenue between 11. 5lst and W. 52nd Streets by construction of standard Village Curb and Gu*er therein; and the Clerk with the assistance of the Engineer has calculated the proper amount to be' specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of 1and"abutting upon such improvement as provided by law, vrhich proposed assessment is now on file with the Clerk and open to public inspection, now theref ore BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said work of improving said street is hereby accepted, and that the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, E.nnesota, that this Council will meet on Monday, November 10, 194.7, at 8:00 P. 31. at the Village Hall to pass upon said proposed assessment; and that the total cost of said improvement is determined to be $l,728.001 - B 10/27/47 Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Utley, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; I?illson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, Village Clerk President of the Village Council Enginear Smith presented tabulation of Assessment Roll for the cost of blacktopping Oak Drive between Wooddale and Concord Avenues, St . John's Avenue between Lexington and 310 feet North, and Concord Avenue, between Lexington and 310 feet North, said Roll being made up as follows: Total cost of Labor and Materials under supervision of Street Commissioner, $2 , 927.83; Engineering and Clerical, $U6.39, Contingencies (10%) $323.19; or a total Assessable cost of $3,397.4.l, as against 3,253.63 Assessable Feet, or $1.05 per Assessable Foot, Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION SETTING ASSESSMENT HEARING .OAK DRIVE FROM WOODDALE, TO CONCORD ST. JOHN'S FROM L3i;XINGTON TO 310' NORTH CONCmD FROM LEXINGTON TO 310? NORTH BLACKTOPPING WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Council August 12, 1946, the Street Commissioner*has been ordered to improve by day labor Oak Drive from Wooddale-Avenue to Concord Avenue; St. John's Avenue from Lexington Avenue to 310 feet North; and Concord Avenue from Lexington Avenue to 310 Feet North, by the blacktopping thereof; and the Clerk with the assistance of the Engineer has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece or parcel of land abutting upon such improvement as provided by law, which proposed assessment is now on file with the Clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said work of improving said streets is hereby accepted, and that the Clerk is directed to cause Notice to be published in the Hennepin County Review on October 30, 1947, that this Council will meet on November 10,*194'7, at 8:OO P. M. at the Village Hall to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improve- ment is determined to be $3,397.41. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows:: Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye; President of the Village Council Engineer Smith presented tabulation of Assessment Roll on construction of Curb and Gutter in Oak*Drive between Wooddale'and Concord Avenues; St. John's Avenue between Lexington and 310 feet North; and Concord Avenue between Lexington and 3lO feet North; said Assessment having been made up as follows: Total Contract Price for curb and gutter and two catch basins, $6,U5.40, less 248.4! Curb Radius to be paid by Village from General Fuhd, $509.86, equals $5,605.54, plus Engineering and Clerical Cost, $448.44, and Contingencies (10%) $634.97, total Assessable Cost, $6,688.95, as against 3,215.84 Assessable Feet, or $2.08 per assessable Foot for curb and gutter construction. gutter construction cost is $135.06, assessed against three parcels of property, for dkiveway construction; making total assessment $6,824.01, Willson offered %he following Resolution: Added to totdl curb and RESOLUTION SETTING ASSESSMENT HEARING ' CURB AND GUTTER OAK DRIVE FRoiyI WO0DDAI;E TO CONCORD ST. JOHN'S FROM LJXINGTON TO 310' NORTH CONCORD FROM LECXINGTON TO 310' NORTH WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Council August 12, 1946, a contract has been let for improvement of Oak Drive from Wooddale Avenue to Concord 306 I Avenue; St, John's Avenue from Lexington Avenue to 3lO feet North thereof; and Concord Avenue from Lexington Avenue to 310 feet North thereof, by construction of standard Village Curb.and Gutter therein, and the Clerk with the assistance of the Engineer has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece or parcel of land abutting upon such improve- ment as provided by law, which proposed assessment is now on file with the Clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said work of improving said street is hereby accepted, and that the clerk is directed to cause Notice to be published-in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Ibesota, on October 30, 1947, that this Councilrfll9eet on November 10, 1947, zt the Village Hall to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improvement is dFtermined to be $6,824.01, Notion to'adopt the Reso1ution"iJas syonded by Child, and 09 Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Itillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, President of the Village Council Village Am77! Cl&k /u, Engineer Smith presented tabulation of Assessment Roll for the blacktopping of all streets in Valley View Heights Addition, which was made up as follows: Price, $8,775.00, plus Engineering and Clerical Services, $430.75, Plus Contingencies (10%) $953.60, or a total Assessable Cost of $10,167.35, as against 7,531.37 Assess- able Feet, for an assessment of $1.35 per Asiessable Foot, to be assessed over a five-year period, Contract Ifillson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION SF3TTING ASSESST.IENT HEARING BLACKTOPPING - ALZ STFUBTS IN VAILEX I W;J HEIGHTS ADDITION MHEFIEAS, pursuant to Resolution adopted by the'Counci1 September 8, 1947, a contract has been let for improvement of all streets in Valley View Heights Addition by blacktopping, and the Clerk with the assistance of the Engineer has calculated the proper pout to be specially assessed for such improvement against eveq lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such improvement as provided by law, wllich proposed assessment is now on file veth-the clerk and open to public in- spection, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED hy the Village Council of the Village of Edha that the said work of improving $11 streets in Valley View Heights Addition is hereby accepted and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in the Hennepin County Reviews Hopkins, Minnesota, On October 30, 1947, that this Council prill meet on November 10, 1947, at8:OO P. 11. at the Village Hall to pass upon said propoked assessment; that the total cost of said improvement is determined to be $10,167,35. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Utley, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Utley, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Ifillson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; President ofthe Village Council Engineer Sdth presented tabulatip o? Assessment Roll for-the blacktopping of all streets in Countryside Addition, which was made up as follows: $18,850.00, plus Engineering and Clerical Services, $942.50 and Contingencies (10%) $1,975.26, or a total Assessable cost of $21,767,76, as against 3&,54@.4 Assessable Feet, for an assessment of $l,4O per assessable foot, to be assessed over a five- year period, Contract Price, Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION SMlTING ASSESSHEXT HEARING BLACKTOPPING - ALL STREETS IN COUNTRYSIDE ' ADDITION RESOLUTION SMlTING ASSESSHEXT HEARING BLACKTOPPING - ALL STREETS IN COUNTRYSIDE ' ADDITION VHEEAS, pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Council September 8, 1947, a contract has been let for improvement of all streets in Countryside Addition by blacktopping, and the Clerk rdth the assistance of the Engineer has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such improvement as provided by law, which proposed assessment is now on file with the Clerk and open to public inspection, nowthere- fore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said work of improving all streets in Countryside Addition is hereby accepted and the Clerk is directed to cause Notice to be published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, on October 30, 1947, that this Council will meet on November- 10, 1947, at 8:OO P. M. at the Village Hall to-pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improvement is determined to be $21,767.76. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, I Utley, aye; Willson, aye; Child, aye;, Hawthorne, President of the Village Council Application of Frank Warno, 5430 France Ave. South, for license to sell cigarettes at 5354 France Avenue, was presented, having been approved by Officer Hilding Dahl. Motion by Hawthorne that license be granted for period October 1 to April 1, 19@, was seconded by Child and carried, Petitions dated October 20 and Octo6er 23, signed by John T. Kirkland and otherg, representing a11 abutting property except that owned by the Viflage, for vacation of the North-South Alleys between W. 57th and W. 58th Street and between Beard and Chowen and Chowen and Drew Avenues $ere presented. be granted was seconded by Child and unanimously carried. Mayor Christopher reported that Engineer Smith had been unable to secure an Edina Chairman for the Sister Kenney Foundation Campaign in Edina, and asked that the . County Chairman be requested to secure Village Chairman. Hmbhornels motion for adjournment was seconded Motion by Willson that petition VillagQ Clerk' ' MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER " 3, 1947, AT 8:OO P. M. IN THE EDINA VILLAGE HAIL. Council met for the purpose of Cormittee Reports, and for informal hearing on Planning Consultant Arthur Nichols' ttPreliminary Study of the Arrangements of Streets, Parking Area, Etc.,. in Block South of 50th Street and West of France Avenue,'* dated September, 1947, which was presented to the Planning Commission October 14, and referred by them to the Council for consideration. * In response to notices sent to property owners and the Edina Commercial Club, the following ' people were present: Jean N. Wagner Harry A. Hanson E. W. Oredson First Edina State Bank George T. Shilson A. A. Hoffman Property owner E. R. Forberg Dr. Q. W. Ulander 5007 S. France Dr. B. D. Ostergren 5007 S. France Merle Brauer Five to Dollar Store Ben Friedman Geo. Hartzell Edina Garage Harry T. Boyd John G. Oswald Purity Milk Store V. B, Bdwards Edina Pure Oil Henry H. Gregg Douglas Rees Property Owrier Fred Sampson Property Owner Edina Record and Gift Shop Thompson Lumber Co. Village Inn Cafe Country Club Ice Cream Co. (Property owner) Edina Theatre (Property owner) Eflina Gift Shop Greggl s Pharmacy 11/3/41 Nr. Nichols explained his plan to the group and to the Council, pointing out proposed extension of 5lst Streeb from France Avenue to Gorgas Avenue, and proposed extension of Gorgas Avenue from its present terminus to a point inter- secting with the present east-west driveway for Edina Theatre; and the extension ofthis east-west driveway from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue, thereby afford- ing circulation for the lots. Ilk. Douglas Rees objected to the acquisition of additional parking space, when his parking space is not entirely filled. He set forth as some things for the Council. Assesdent for acquisition of parking lands immediately adjoining present commercial buildings will probably be more than is anticipated, providing fair price is paid for such lands, 2. Expansion of Business District would tend tmrd a pessible new 506 Street; whereas present ljarking proposal would eliminate this possibility. 3. 5% Street is needed to balance 49h Street on the North, 4. There is room for expansion of parking facilities on both sides of Gorgas Avenueg and this property should be utilized because it can be obtained at a price cheaper than that for business property, I to consider, the following: .I. I, Hr. Friedman objected strenuously to the plan, stating that it eliminated the bestf of the Edina Theatre's parking area, and that such plan would create decided graffic hazard because of the resulting speedway between France and Halifax, was explained to Mr. Friedman that all that property which is now being used as parking property is still available for such use,'andthat the driveway would become merely a service road ad not a speedway, Ilk. Sampson stated he believed it would be cheaper to run 5@ Street through to France, and at the sane time save h3s two homes." He stated he thought he might be able to secure the lot facing Halifax Avenue, immediatelyto the South of presently planned parking &ea, at no price to the Village. I&. Brauer, Who spoke for the Edina Conkercial Club, stated that businessmen on the corner had been well avme of the parking problem for some time, and that he be- lieved the majority ofthe Merchants are in favor of the plan, generally speaking. People present were told that, if and when property is acquired, assessment will be made on fair and equitable basis for all costs--that the owners who have no properties available for parking facilities will be assessed in greater proportion than those whose properties are being acquired, 'I It I Mr. Nichols was asked to make a re-study of this problem, incorporating as my of the suggestions made tonight as seem to him to be of a workable and practical nature and to the ultimate good of the Village as a whole. further hearings would be held before any actiontaken. Group ims informed that At this"t&ne, pursuant to call of the President, the Council convened in Special Neeting, with full knowledge and consent of all members. $fro Pkder Mickelsen requested permit to tap sanitary sewer into manhole South of 54th Street between Halifax and Himehaha Creek, saidtap to serve parsonage of Edina Covenant Church, which rvill be constructed on a 4.15 acre tract which has been assessed in the amount of $200.00 for Trunk Sewer but which has no lateral sewer assessment. 1.Iotion by Utley that permit be allowed was seconded by Hawthorne and carried, .)I Chairman Hawthorne of the Public Safety Committee asked that the Council consider the possibility of the Edina Police Department's being incorporated into the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office, providing that this would "De legal. I&, Hawthorne stated he believed that Police Department costs would continue "toincrease, and that the Village faces a quick turn-over of personnel, congidering the fact that Village pension plan is not commensurate with that offered by CivZl Service, and the fact tkiat the size of the Department allows for no advanceBene by rank, was some discussion, but no action was taken. Mr, Hawthorne then stated that" it was his understanding th&t %he Police Salary Scale adopted by this Council recently would automatically follow the Minneapolis scale; and that Minneapolis is now granting a $25.00 raise to its officers for the months of November and December. Hatcrt;horne moved that Village Attorney be directed to investigate procedure for estbblishing Civil Service for Village Employees and advise Village Council, Hotion seconded by Utley, nay; Willson, nay; Utley, nay; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, nay; and the motion was lost, I There --- Rollcall vote upon the motion was as follows: Child, Hawthorne moved that it be adopted as permanent policy of the Council that salaries for Police Officers in the Village of Edina be the same as those of the City of Minneapolis, Notion seconded by Utley, Vote was as follows: Christopher, nay; Hawthorne, aye; Child, nay; Utley, aye; Willson, nay; and the motion was lost, Hawthorne moved that &embersdo$Mie Police Department be informed that the Village Council has adopted the only Retirement Pension Plan available under State Law, and that the size Department does not recomend itself to promotion by grade. Motion skcohded by Child, Upon vote, there were five ayes and no nays, and the motion was carr3ed. . Engineer &dth reported that Mr. Garrison is now almost completely moved to his new farm in Eden Prairie; that it will be necessary for the Village to pay him a rental charge for privilege of dumping; and that it will be necessary to increase Mr, Petersonls fee to take care of additional hauling, at the rate of 10$ per mile for 50 miles per day, Mr, Smith was instructed to investigate the offer made by Harold Roberts fbr dumping ground at Vicinity of France and Roberts gravel pit, .an$ to contact Suburban Sanitary Drayage Company with regard to their contract with St, Louis Park, reporting at the next meeting of the Village. Counci.1. I' I I - Review was had of proposed llOutdoor Advertising Amendment" to Zoning Ordinance, with Attorney Windhorst instructed to incorporate several changes, 4ngineer Smith declared the storm sewer mmssing W, 50th Street jus; East of St. Attorney Windhorst's verbal Stephens Church to be unsafe and in need of repair, opinion as to there being a possible doubt in levying valid assessment was cited. Utley offered the, following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR P_MENDME;"D OF BUDGET M BE IT RESOLvED by the Village Council 6f the Village of Edina that the Budget Levy for the General Fund of this Village for the year 19@, certified to the County Auditor October 6, 194'7, in the amount of $137,553.89, shall be increased in the amount of $U,501.15 and that the Budget Levy for the General Fund of this Village for the year 194@ shall be $149,055,04; that the Budget Levy for Firemen's RelPef shall remain at that figure established October 6, 194'7, amount $460,00; and that the total Budget Levy shall' be and hereby is established at $l49,515,0& MotLon to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Willson, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and one nay, as follows: aye; and Christopher, nay; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, President of the Village' Council Willson's motion for adjournment seconded by Child and carried, r \