HomeMy WebLinkAbout19471110_REGULARL 3%. 3 MINUTES OF THE IZEGULAR MEETING OF THE EOINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MOMDAY, NOIfEMEER 10, 1947, AT 8:OO +P.&l. AT THE EDINA VIUAGE HALL. * Members presgnt were Willson, Child and Hahhorne, dth Willson presiding, at motion Hawthorne, seconded by Child and carried. Mot ion by Hawthorne Chiid, approving Village Payroll "in amount *of $3,511.85, and .carried. . . .. ADMINISTRATIVE Phil W. Smith Gretchen Schussler Bernice M.* Johnson Helene Frdeman Edna Velie' Louise Westerberg Sub-Total VILLAGE OF EDINA I FOR PERIOD NOVEBBER 1 TO NOVEMBER 15, was seconded by TOTAL WITH. RETIRE HOSP. NET CL4IM EARNINGS TAX DEDUCT . DEDUCT. . PAY NO. $ 255062 33.30 10 . 22 212.10 '1438 92.58 143 9 92 92 1440 112.48 15.40 4.50 97.63 . 080 3.91 71.96" 8.20 2.88 60.88 1441 31.83 1.30 1.27 29.26 1442 63.91 2.90 2.56 58 45 1443 633.43 61.90 '25.34 546 01-9 - ENGINEERING Carl Miller 127.81 13.60 5 011 109 .lo 1444 John A. Sias 127.81 9.70 5.11 113 .OO 1445 F'red Jonas 94.07 4. 40 3 076 85 91 1446 Sub-T otal 349.69 27070 13 98 308.01 POLICE DEPT. 123.72 9.00 4.95 109 77 1447 1448 Hilding Dah1 Win. S. Heydt 97 . 47 1449 101.56 1450 Clayton Erickson' 118.61 16.40 4.74 Clarence Knut son 113.50 7.40 4. 54 Donald A. Nelson 113.50 7.40 4.54 . 101.56 1451 Henry M. Wrobleski 103.27 5.70 4.13 93 044 1452 CUi.tis M, Holter 6.40 -0- 6.40 1453 1454 Bill Cardarelle 6 .oo -0- 6 .OO A1 Huber - 6.00 -0- 6 .OO 1455 76.69 1.30 3 007 72 032 c1 Sub-Total . 667.69 47.20 25 97 - 594.52 STEET IUIEN-mGULAR Philip Bailey 135.40 7.10 5.42 ' 122.88 1456 - 9B.m 1457 112 063 1458 Pete oahlgren 113.72 11.40 4.55 Natt Merf eld 127.43 9.70 5 010 John Tracy 104.30 -0- 4.17 i00.13 1459 Harry Jonas 103.15 5.70 (( 4-13 " 93 032 1460 1461 Arthur Jensen 103.25 1.80 4.13 97.22 RonaZld P. Port 111.20 -0- 4.45 106.75 lllb2 Sub-Total 798.35 35.70 31.95 730 70 STREET MEN-HOURW 82.25 14.63 83 .&8 1464 Gharles Johnson 89.11 3.30 3.56 Jacob Shmak 95.81 8.30 . 3 083 C. W. Cardarelle;,- 108.13 6.80 4 033 97.00 1465 Wayne Tracy- 79.45 9.60 3 018 66.67 9 3.466 Joseph Natole 122.70 12*090 4. 91 104.89 1467 Sub-Tdtal g95.20 40.90 19.81 h34.49 TIEEMEN* Clayton G. Timian 109.86 14.30 4.29 88 77 1468 'William 0. Lipe 102.25 5.70 4.09 92.46 1469 \ Sub-Total 209.61 20.90 8.38 * 181.23. \ c m.1 PAY NO. TOTAL WITH. IiETIRE. HOSPo NET EARNZNGS TAX DEDUCT. DEDUCT . WATEX?, DEPT. Ben Yoehler 166.16 16.60 6.65 98.72 U71 68.63 U72 Sam Roberts 109 92 6.80 4.40 Kermit C. Knutson 81.80 9.90 3.27 Sub-Total 357.88 33.30 14.32 310.26 GRm TOTAL OF PAYROLL 3,511.85 266.70 139.75 3,105.40 Motion by Child approving the following Claims for payment was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. CLAIM NO. c l436 "Arthur K. Petersen * Garbage $ 706.20 5246 "Suburban Hennepin C6unty Relief Bd. Poor 132 :61 1437 *City Treasurer, City Hall ' - Water 299.19 Pursuant to Advelitisement for Bids-Wter Main Eartension, published in the Hennepin County Review and the Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 30 and November 6, 19.47; Affidavit of Publidation for 'which WSS read by Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file, bids were called for the furnishing of labor and materials for wker main extension on the following streets: Concord Avenue from Tower Street to South View We; South View'Lane from Concord Avenue to Uriity Avenue; Andrews Av6nue from South ViewZane to meview Drive; Dalrymple Road from South View Lane to Lakeview Drive; Woodhill Road from Wooddale Avenue to Lakeview Drive; Lakeview Drive from Woodhill Road; thence South and Westerly to Unity Avenue. a. Sealed bids received, which were opened and publicly read were as folloNs: *- Orfei and Nariani, St. Paul, Hnnesota $26 058 75 Phelps-DraKe Company, Hnneapolis , IheSota 27,072 e20 . hetti & metti, St. Paul, Ehnesota * 273579.95 Bart Carlode, St. Paul, Ennesbta 27, 955.00 ' Motion by Child, 'referring bids to VSllage Engiheer for tabulation and repofti at a later time this evenhg, was seconded by Hawthorne and*carried. Pursuant to Wotkce of Hearing-Grading of Adam Avenue;" published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Mi.nnesota, on October 16, and 23, 1947, Affidavit of Publication for ithich was read by Clerk, approved as ta form and placed on file, public hearing was held on the proposed grading of Adams Avenue between Maloney Avenue and Belmore Lane. Engineer Smith gave as his estimate of proposed con- struction cost, $1,487.97, or $1.25 per assessable foot. Messrs. Frederick A. Marek and John Lbdberry, Jr. were present at the hearing, and asked to see the profile for the job. Engineer Smith'exp1ained"that the profiles were in rather preliminary state', and that he would prefer to have some time to make drainage study of this land, if possible. grading was not gbsolutely necessary-this wintm--that fhey could get along with the road in its present condition uni5-1 spring. Motiofl by Child that matter of grading Adams Avenue between Maloney Avenue and Belmore Lane be laid over until Spring to enable-further study of the project ms secorrded by Hawthorne and carried. . Both Mr. Mar& and Nr. Lindberry agreed that the Pursuant to 11Resolution Setting Sidewalk Assessment Hearing, Vest Side of France Avenue between W; 5lst and W. 52nd Stk.eets,lt pUb1ished"in the Hennepin County Re- view, Hopkins, Itknesota, October 30; 1947, cogies of Ghich were served on benefited property owners, public hearing was Held on the proposed assessment for the coa- struction of side'mlk on the above named streek. ulation of the assessment cost, a toea1 of #1,049.60 as against 640 assessable feet, or $1.64 per Assessable Foot. owners were preseht. They offered no' objection' to the 'assessment, and no objection, either oral or written, had been filed with the Clerk prior to the hearing. offered the folloking Resolution and moved its adoption: ' Engirreer Smith gave as his tab- Nr. Robert Cooper, and Ebs. Carl A. Neyer, property Child SIDEFULLK ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION Pi. SIDE OF FRANCE AVENUE BETWEN W. 3lST AND W.- 52ND STREXTS T.JHEREAS, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in Resolution adopted October 27, 1947, and which bws duly served on owners of property fronting on sidewalk constructed on the West side of France Avenue between W. Slst and W. 52nd Streets, anq has heard all testimony offered by or on behalf of all persons interested or affected by the construction of said walk, now therefore, BE IT RESOLIKED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it hereby determines that the amount of benefits caused by said construction to each lot, part of lot, or parcel of ground fronting the pqrtion of the street where such walk was constructed are as follows: AIL THE FOUOWING PROPERTIES LOCATED IN AUDITORIS SUBDIVISION NO. 172: AMOUNT OF YEARLY YEARLY YEARZY YEAR DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TOTAL PAYABLE N.621 of E.1/2 of L.46 $m 1948 OWNER 13. D. Benton - 33.89 3.39 37.28 1949 33.89 1.69 35.58 1950 George B. Bdrgas N.50' Of S.70r of of Lot 46 82.00 27.34 2.28 29.62 194G 27.33 2.73 30.06 1949 . 27.33 1.37 28.70 1950 R. P. Cooper S.60' of E.300' of Lo56 98.40 32.80 2.74 35.54 1946 32.80 3.28 36.08 1949 32.80 1.64 34.44 1950 , John E. Cooper N.72' of E.3001 of L.56 118.08 .39.36 3.28 42.64 19@ 39.36 3.94 43.30 1949 -39.36 1.97 41.33 1950 John P. Sharp Lot 58 216.48 72.16' 6.02 78.18 194.8 72.16 7.22- 79.38 1949 72.16 3.61 75.77 1950 Christine Mickelsen N.50' of E.1/2 of L.59 164.00 *54.68 4.56 59.24 194.8 & s.501 of N.~OOI of E. 54.66 5.47 60.13 1949 .1/2 of Lot 59 54.66 2.73 57.39 1950 Merlin F,DeWitt S.32' of L. 59 5204.8 17.50 1.46 18.96 1948 17 049 087 18.36 1950 Merlin F.DeWitt E.1/2 of L.60 108.24. 36.08 3.01 39.09 19@ 36.08 3.61 39.69 1969 36.08 1.80 37.88 1950 17.49 1.75 19.24- 19-49 I Minn. Fed.Savings E.1/2 of L.61 108.24 36.08 ~ 3.01 39.09 194.8 36.08 3.61 39.69 1949 36.08 1.80 37.88 1950 BE IT FURTHER REXOLUED,'that there is herebyalckied against each lot, part of lo$, and parcel of ground above described an assessment in the sums respectively thereinbefore set forth which shall be a charge against the same and as in state, county and village taxes, payable in three installments, the first of which shall be due concurrent with taxes collected in-the year 19.48, Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Willson, aye; Pursuant to "Notice of Assessment Hearing-Curb and Gutter W. Side of France Avenue between W. 5lst and W. 52nd Streets," published in the Hennepin County Review, October 30, 1947, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by clerk, approved as to form and placed on file, public hearing was held on assessment for construction of curb and gutter on the above named street. Mr. Cooper and Nrs. Carl Meyer were present at the hearing. Engineer Smith gave his tabulation of Assessment Roll. at total of $1,728.00, as against 640 Assessable Feet, or $2.70 per assessable foot. * There were no objections filed at the Hearing, and no objections oral or written, had been received by the Clerk prior to the hearing. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSNENT CURB AND GUTTER-If. SIDE OF FRANCE AVEMJ!I BETI.JEEN We 51ST AND W.52ND STREETS WHEREAS proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of the 11. side of France Avenue between 11, 51st and If, 52nd Streets by construction of curb and gutter therein has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, and notice has been 'published in the -Hennepin*County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, - October 30, 1947, that this-Councilwillpass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, and heard and passed upon all objections thereto, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED-by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessment, which is hereby-referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is herebynlevied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of landvdescribed therein in the-suns therein respectively set forth, and each of said tractsrof landvis hereby found to be benefited in the mount of the assessmenk levied against it herein: BE IT FURTHER RESOLTTED that each assessment shall-be payable in equal annual installments extending 0ver.a period of three years, the first to be payable on the first day-of January, 19@,.all, deferred payments are to bear interest at therate offive percent per annum. Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurren-b with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of EEnn, 1919, as amended. Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows; and the Resolution was adopted, ATTEST: * Child, aye; Harkhorne, aye; and tiillson, aye; President Pro-Tem of the Village Council I '. ViUage C&k Pursuant to IlNotice of Assessment Hearing-Blacktopping Oak Drive from Wooddale to Concord, St. John* s -from Lexington to 3101 North, Concord from Lexington to 310' North," published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Ennesota, October 30, 1947. Affidavit-of P&lication for which was read by Clerk, approved as to form, and placed on file, public hearing was held on proposed Assessment for blacktopping on the above named streets. objections, oral orwrittenj had been filed vith the Clerk previous to the hearing, Engineer Smith gave; as his*tabulation of Assessment a total cost of $3,397.0 against 3,235.63 assessable feet, or $1.05 per assessable foot, Resolution and moved its adoption? No spectators were present at this hearing, and no Child offered the following RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSBNT BLACKTOPPINGOAK DRIVE FROM 1fCODDAL;E TO CONCORD: ST. JOHNIS FROM LEXINGTON TO 3101 NORTH: CONCORE FRON UXINGTON TO 3101 NORTH TmRE4S, proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of the following streets by blacktopping has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: Oak Drive from "Tooddale Avenue to Concord Avenue, St, John's Avenue from Lexington Avenue to 310' North, Concord Avenue, from Lexington Avenue to 310' North, and Notice has been published in Hennepin Coui~by Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, October 30, 194'7, that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, now theref ore, EE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village, of Edina that said proposed assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums thereinrespectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the \ 3 a's assessment levied against it herein:. , EE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of three years, the first to be payable on the first day of January, l9@, all deferred payments are ,to bear interest at the rate of five percent per annum. Said assFssments and interest shall be a lien upon the propertx therein specifiecj concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of Minn, 1919, as amended. Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Willson, aye; Pursuant to ItNotice of Assessment Hearing-Curb and Gutter, Oak Drive from Wooddale to Concord, St, John's from Lexington to 3101 North, Concord from Lexington to 310' North," published in the Hennepin County Review, October 30, 194'7, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file, public hearing was held on proposed assessment for the above named curb and gutter project. 5p 4'6 9 688.95 as against 3,215.84 Assessable Feet, or $2.08 per Assessable Foot, plus $135.06 Driveway Assessments against three parcels of land, or a total Assessment of $6,824.01, 4613 Oak Drive asked about the method of assessing corner lots. that corner lots were assessed for both the frontage and the side of the lots, as these lots wez-e benefited more than inside lots, tures on the petition for the Concord Avenue curb and gutter, whereupon the petition was brought forward, showing the signature of MY, Richards, together with sufficient other signers to total the necessary 51% of ownership. Resolution and moved its adoption:. Engineer Smith gave as the total assessable cost for curb and gutter, Ivlr, John A. Griffith, 4612 Oak Drive, -and I&. James F. Richards, They were told An inquiry was made as to signa- Child offered the following RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT WOODDAU TO CONCORD: ST, JOHN'S FROM LEXINGTON TO 310' NORIKH: CONCORD FROM LEXIMGTON TO 310' CURB AND GUTTER-OAK DRIVE FROM FJHEREAS, proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of the following streets by construction of standard Village curb and gutter therein has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: Oak Drive from Wooddale Avenue to Concord Avenue, St. Job's Avenue from Lexington Avenue "to 310! North, Concord Avenue from Lexington Avenue to 310' North - and Notice has been published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins,.Minnesota, October 30, 1947, that this Council will pass upon sai,d proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, and heard and passed upon all objections thereto, now therefore, * - 733 IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said pro- posed assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted,' and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land describedtherein in the sums thereja respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein: * BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of three years, the first to be payable on the first day of January, 19.48, all deferred p*ayments are to bear int-erest at the rate of five percent per annum. Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 425, Laws of Minn. 1919, as amended. Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Willson, aye; President Pro-Tem of the Village Council Pursuant to t!Notice of Assessment Hearing-Blacktopping Countryside,tl published i% the .Hemepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, October 30, 1947, Affidavit of Publication for which PELS read by Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file, public hearing was'held on proposed assessment for the above named blacktopping pro- ject, objections, oral or veitten, before the hearing, EngineerpSmith gave as his tabula- _. tion of assessment roll a total assessable cost of $21,767.76 against 15,548.4 assessable feet, or $L4O per assessable foot. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: There were no objections filed at the Hearing, and the Clerk had received no RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSm BLACKTOPPINGALL STREETS IN COUNTRYSIDE ADDITION IJHEEEAS, proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of all streets in Countryside Addition by blacktopping thereof, has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, said streets being namely the following:. Arbour Lane Tracy Avenue, from North boundary of said Countryside Addition to South Ridgway Road from Tracy Avenue to Westridge Boulevard, Westridge Boulevard from South Boundary of Countryside Addition to Highland Road from Crescent Drive to Tracy Avenue, Hunter Street from Crescent Drive to l?estridge Boulevard, Crescent Drive, from South boundary of Countryside Addition to North 7 and Notice has been published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, I&nesota, on October 30, 194'7, that this Council Pdll pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this ,Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, now theref ore, BE IT RESOLmD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a pa& hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein; boundary thereof, * Highland Pd, -F - boundary thereof, .a t SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of five years, the first to be payable on the first day of January, l9@, all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of fire percent per annum. Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of f.linn. 1919, as amended. Hotion to adopt the Resolution PELS seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows? and the Resolution was adoptbd. Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Willson, aye; ii ATTES President Pro-Tern of the Village Council Village EL/& Clerk Pursuant to I%otice of Assessment Hearing-Blacktopping All Streets in Valley View Heights Addition," published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Nhnesota, October 30, 19.47, Affidavit of Publication for which TELS read-by Clerk, approved as to form, and placed on file, public hearing PELS held on the proposed assessment for the above named blacktopping project, Engineer Smith presented as his tabulation of the Assess- ment Roll, a totd assessable cost of $10,167.35, as against 7,531.37 assessable feet, or a net cost of $1.35 per assessable foot. and no objections, oral or written, had been filed tcith the Clerk prior to the hearing, Ghild offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ** There were no objectors at the hearing, 1 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSE@XP. BLACKTOPPINGALL STREXTS IN VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION I%EREAS, proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of all streets in Valley View Heights Addition by blacktopping thereof has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, such streets being namely the following: Hillside Roadl from West boundary of Valley View Heights Addition to Crescent Drive, from Hillside Road to North boundary of Yalley View WestriGge Boulevard, from North b0undak.y of Valley View Heights Addition Crest Lane, from turn-arohd to Westridge Boulevard South boundary thereof; Heights Addit iofi; to South boundary thereof; and Notice has been published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Plinnesota, on October 30, 194'7, that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, now therefore assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adoptea, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums thecein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein: BE; IT IZESOLE3D by the Tillage Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual in- stallments extending over a period of five years, the first to be payable on the first day of January, 1948, all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five percent per annum. therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of Minn. 1919, as amended. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: the Resolution was adopted. Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; Willson, aye; and ATTEST : President Pro-Tern of the Village Council Village Clerk Mr. Robert Cohper, 5102 France, inquired, in connection with the earlier hearing on the sidewalk for France Avenue between W. 5lst and W. 52nd Street, as to why sidewalk had not been constructed North of the North lot li3e of Lot 56. He was informed that the petition did not ask for sidewalk construction at that location, and that it is possible that a street may be constbhcted at this point in the future. Cooper informed the Council that present condition is a hazard, it was agreed that re- pairs would be made and blacktopping applied, in order that smooth surface might be maintained. After Mr. Nr. Cooper also asked for a "No Parking" sign at the front of his driveway, claiming that the streetcars, while waiting to vrye into the ast street wye, block his driveway. It was suggested that the streetcars be required to wait North of 51st street, and that a No Parking sign be installed. consultation with Streetcar Company officials. The matter was referred to the Village Manager for Engin6er Smith presented his analysis of the assessment covering cost of construction of water main extension in France Avenue between W, 57th and W, 58th Streets, as followsl Total cost of construction, $6,201.07, as against 1,260.38 assessable feet, or $,!+..92 per assessable foot. adopt ion: Child offered the following Resolution and moved its * RESOLUTION SETTING ASSESSMENT HE;ARING WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. U. WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Village' Council August 26, 1947, a contract has been let for improvement of France AvenGe between W. 57th and W. 58th StreefX by construction of Village Water Main Exkension therein; and the clerk with the assistance of the engineer has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such im- provement as provided by law, which proposed assessment is now on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore, improving said street is hereby accepted and designated as Water Main Improvement No. 11; thaf, the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in the Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on November 13, 19k7, that this Council will meet on November 24, 1947, at the Village Hall to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost I BE IT FESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said work of of said improvement is determined to be $6,201.07. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, and the Resolution was adopted, President Pro-Tern of the Village Council I Village CleEk Engineer Smith presented his analysis of the assessment covering cost of- construction of water main extension in Zenith Avenue between 11, 55th and W. 57th Streets as follows: Total cost of construction, $7,245.46, as against 1,431,91 assessable feet, or $5.06 per assessable foot; plus 25$ per assessable foot for connection charge to the Hickelsen water main; for a total cost of $7,603.&, or $5.31 per assessable foot. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTIOX SETTING ASSESSMENT HEARING WATER MAIN DPROVET-EN'I' NO, 13 YHEREAS,-pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Council October 13, 1947, a con- tract has been let €or the improvement of Zenith Avenue between W. 55th and W. 57th Streets by construction of Village Mater Main Extension therein; and the clerk with the assistance of the engineer has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such improvement as provided by law, which proposed assessnent is now on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore, Bl3 IT RESOLTTED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said work of improving said street is hereby accepted and designated Bs Water Main Improvement No. 13, that the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in the Suburb& Press, Hopkins, Nimesota, on November 13, 1947, that this Council >rill meet on November 24, 1947, at the Village Hall to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improvement is determined to be $7,603.4.4, Hotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, h President Pro-Tem of the Village Council 1T Villkge C1ei.k Engineer Smith reported that he had received information from the County Engineer's office that the so-called Smisek Road has never been a County Road; that it was = "originally a Tamship Road; and that until recently the Village has plowed it during the usinter, It was decided that the Village shall take the necessary steps to keep the road open to travel. Xr, Smith reported that Joseph Garrison has moved his hog farm into Eden Prairie, tlillson stated that Mr. Peterson expected to be able to continue dumping Village garbage at the old Garrison site until the next regular meeting of the Council. The matter of further action regarding barbage dump vas tabled until the meeting of Nav- ember 10, for report by 3l.r. Smith on Mr. Harold Roberts' offer for dump at 78th and France, and also report on St. Louis Park garbage contract. 5 Mr, Ik. Windhorst presented tiraft of several changed to proposed "Outdoor Advertising Ainendment to Zoning Ordinance." Eonday, November 17, at 8:OO P. E., be postponed to a date to be determined by the Council at their next'regular meeting, Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried.. Proposed Amendment to Zoning Ordinance, drafted by Village Attorney Windhorst and bcorporating Planning Commission's minimum requirements as to area restrictions for lots, was returned to Council, together with the Bommission's recommendation that this Ordinance be adopted,.with the specific addition of a clause zoning the entire Open Development district to single-family dwellings only; with special permit by Council to be required for multi-family dwellings. akon of the Council, this matter was laid over until the next regular meeting, Skatements of Fred L. Gray Company for BIZ Coverage in amount of $25,OOO/&jO,OOO and Property Damage of $5,000 for accidents under Fire Contract with City of3beapoE.s and Village of Hopkins, total premium, $50.10; and $10,000 Iciability for Damage to Fire Equipment of the City of 1.iinneapolis and Village of Hopkins, premium $3OO.OO, Child moved that Hearing on Amendment, scheduled for As there was not full represent-' 321' were presented to the Council. for the Village, and premium paid. some discussion as to the cost of coverage for Fire Equipment, this matter was laid over until the next regular meetingc Hawthorne moved that BIL and'PD coverage be obtahed Motion seconded by Child, and carried, After 4 Petition dated August 20, 1947, for the Sacation of the alley between Ewing and Drew Avenues and between W, 57th and W, 58th Streets, signed by Richard L, Hawthorne and others, and Petition dated October 20, for vacagion of the alleys between Beard and 3: Chowen and between Chowen and Drew Avenues, from W, 57th to W. 58th Streets, signed by John T. Kirkland and others, were read. Motion by Child that public hearing on petitions to vacate alleys be set for Monday, November 24, 1947, and that Clerk be directedto publish and post the required notice of hearing, was seconded by HEPwthorne and unanimously carried. I The Planning Commissiontk recommendation of November 4, that 'Iplatted streets in the vicinity of Rolf Avenue and 65th Strpets are impractical, that-the only solution is the replatting of this district to conform with the topography, and that Commission recommends to the Council that no grading be done in conformance with present plat,," was read. Hawthorne moved that Planning Commissionfs reconmendation be accepted by the Council, and that the Official Village Plat be marked with this action. Motion seconded by Child and carried, Engineer Smith inquired of Attorney Windhorst as to whether supplemental assessment might ,be levied at a future date for Storm Sewers No, 12 and 14, providingLit was necessary at that time to construut larger trunk sewer to drain the water from these districts. Mr. Windhorst advised that such assessment could be levied, but it was suggested that a parallel .- line be. run in, instead of a larger pipe. The Office reported that attempts'to contact the Manager of Interlachen Club with regard to using Club-for Polling Place for December 2, Village Election had been unsuccessful. necessary before redistricting, and that Interlachen Club could not be used for this election. Discussion was had on the necessity of redistricting the Village before the next General Election, Hawthorne moved that the Public Safety Codttee be directed to have redistricting report ready for the Council by February 1, 1948, Motion seconded by Child and carried. Attorney Windhorst gave the opinion that 90 days! Notice was At-this time Enginepr Smith reported tabulation of bids received earliek this evening for construction of water main, stating that the bid of Orfei and Mariani, St.. Paul, Minnesota, is low; $hat this contractor has pipe on hand, and'can begin work immediately, and that the Engineer recommends acceptance of this bid. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:. 0 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID WATER MAIN INPROVEMENT NO, U, WIBRIZAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, +d Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, October 30 and November 6, 1947, for improvement of the following streets by construption of water Fin improvement therein.? Concord Avenue from Tower Street to South'View Lane South View Lane from Concord Avenue to Unity Avenue Andrews Avenue from South View Lane to Lakeview Drive Dalrymple Road from South View Lane to Lakeview Drive Woodhill Road frpm Wooddale Avenue to-Lakeview Drive Lakeview Drive-from Woodhis Road, thence South and Westerly to Unity Avenue, thb following bids have been duly received and opened= *v Orfei grid Mariani, St. Paul, Minnesota I $26,058075 Phelps-Drake Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota 27,072.20 ~ 27,579.95 Bart Cgrlone, St. Paul, Minnesota I 27,955.00 hettti & hetti, st, Paul, Minnesota THEREfORE, :BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina thai the $26,058.75 $id of Orfei and Mariani, St, Paul, Minnesota, is hereby detepnined to be the bid o$ the lowest responsible bidder; and the president and clerk are hereby authoriz-ed and direeted to enter into a contract wi$h said Orfei and M9ri.d in the name of $he Village, for the improvement ofthe aboye named str_eets by con- struction of water main extension therein, according to the plans and specifications. therefore which have heretofore been approved by.this council and filed in the office of the clerk, at the price specified in said bid, and which said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney, I BE IT FU€tTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed.to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits madel with their bids except that the k 1. deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and VJillson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, I There being no further business to adjournment was seconded by Child, 1,IINUTES President Pro-Tem of the Village Council come before the Council,' Hawthome's motion for and carried. Meeting adjourned at 1O::OO P, If. Village Clerk * OF THX REGULAR 1.IEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGB COUNCIL, HELLI MONDAY, NOVEEiBER 2.4, 1947, AT 8:00 P. M. AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. I Hembers present were Child, XiJJ.son, Hawthorne and Christopher. Notion by ?KLlson, approving 1Enutes of Special Meeting of November 6, and Regular lfeeting of Xovember 10, 194'7, as submitted, was seconded by Child and. carried, Notion by Willson, ratifying Clerk's action of October 31, 1947, in issuing the following transfer checks, was seconded by Ch2ld and carried: * Check No. 5247 - From General Fund to Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Check No. 5249 - From General Fund to Equipment Rental Fund, to record Check No. 5250 - From Special Assessment Funds to General Fund, to repay General Fund for loans made for Bonds and Interest Amount 8 4,798.23 Check No. 5252 - From Special Assessment Funds to Permanent Improvement Ftevolving Fund, to repay advances made for Work in Progresstf.Amount 8 5,951.27 Check No. 5253 - From Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to General Fund in partial payment for advances made for Work in Progress," Amount $ 5,951.27 to record advances made from January 1, to October 31, 1947. advances made from January l,.to October 31, 1947. Amount $38,390.40 Amount $11,69Oi28 0 - Motion by Child, approving payment of Village Payroll in amount of $3,731.67, was seconded by WiXkson and carried. VILLACTE OF EDINA PAYROLL FOR PERIOD NOVE&~ 15 TO NOVEXBE23 309 194'7 CCIUMCIL C. J. Christopher Eower Hawthorne George A. Willson Harold C. Utley - Fred S, Child J. J. Duggan John tlindhorst Bard B. Lewis John D. Nelson Dr, L. li. Campbell . Sub-total TOTAL WITH, RETIRE HOSP . m CUD1 EmTINGS TAX DEDUCT , DEDUCT , PAY NO, 8 50.00 u73 50.00 1474 50.00 35 000 1475 35.00 35.00 35 000 35.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 3-478 75.00 1479 75.00 - 1480 75.00 10.00 75 00 10.00 $ 50000 2;; I