HomeMy WebLinkAbout19471124_REGULARBE IT FU€tTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed.to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits madel with their bids except that the k 1. deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the contract has been signed. Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and VJillson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, I There being no further business to adjournment was seconded by Child, 1,IINUTES President Pro-Tem of the Village Council come before the Council,' Hawthome's motion for and carried. Meeting adjourned at 1O::OO P, If. Village Clerk * OF THX REGULAR 1.IEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGB COUNCIL, HELLI MONDAY, NOVEEiBER 2.4, 1947, AT 8:00 P. M. AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. I Hembers present were Child, XiJJ.son, Hawthorne and Christopher. Notion by ?KLlson, approving 1Enutes of Special Meeting of November 6, and Regular lfeeting of Xovember 10, 194'7, as submitted, was seconded by Child and. carried, Notion by Willson, ratifying Clerk's action of October 31, 1947, in issuing the following transfer checks, was seconded by Ch2ld and carried: * Check No. 5247 - From General Fund to Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Check No. 5249 - From General Fund to Equipment Rental Fund, to record Check No. 5250 - From Special Assessment Funds to General Fund, to repay General Fund for loans made for Bonds and Interest Amount 8 4,798.23 Check No. 5252 - From Special Assessment Funds to Permanent Improvement Ftevolving Fund, to repay advances made for Work in Progresstf.Amount 8 5,951.27 Check No. 5253 - From Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to General Fund in partial payment for advances made for Work in Progress," Amount $ 5,951.27 to record advances made from January 1, to October 31, 1947. advances made from January l,.to October 31, 1947. Amount $38,390.40 Amount $11,69Oi28 0 - Motion by Child, approving payment of Village Payroll in amount of $3,731.67, was seconded by WiXkson and carried. VILLACTE OF EDINA PAYROLL FOR PERIOD NOVE&~ 15 TO NOVEXBE23 309 194'7 CCIUMCIL C. J. Christopher Eower Hawthorne George A. Willson Harold C. Utley - Fred S, Child J. J. Duggan John tlindhorst Bard B. Lewis John D. Nelson Dr, L. li. Campbell . Sub-total TOTAL WITH, RETIRE HOSP . m CUD1 EmTINGS TAX DEDUCT , DEDUCT , PAY NO, 8 50.00 u73 50.00 1474 50.00 35 000 1475 35.00 35.00 35 000 35.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 3-478 75.00 1479 75.00 - 1480 75.00 10.00 75 00 10.00 $ 50000 2;; I I I I NAME - ADMINISTRATIVE Phil W. Smith Gretchen Schussler Bernice M. Johnson Helene Freeman Louise Westerberg . Sub-Total E3JGINEERING Carl Miller John A. Sias Fred Jonas Sub-Total POLICE DEPT. Hilding Dah1 F?m. S.-Heydt Clayton Erickson Clarence Knut son Donald A. Nelson Henry IT. Wrobleski Sub-T ot a1 ST.REET MEN-REGULAR Philip Bailey Pet e Dahlgren Matt Merfeld John Tracy Harry Jonas Arthur Jensen Ronald P. Port Sub-Total STfzEET MEN-HOUF&Y Charles Johnson Jacob Shmak C. W. Cardarelle Wayne Tracy Joseph Nat ole Sub-T ot a1 TREE MEN Clayton G.. Timian 11/24/47 TOTAL kJITH, RETEE. HOSP, m E,AI"GS TAX DEDUCT, DEDUCT . PAY $255.62 ' $ 3'3.30 # 10.22 $ 2.75 4! "29.35 T5.40 4.50 125 9133 76 069 LO- 3 a07 2.75 70.87 I32 048 63.91 "6.80 2.56 1.25 53 030 63.91 '2.90 2.56 -0- 58.45 572 061 58.40 22 91 8.00 @3 030 127.87. 13.60 5 011 -0- 109.10 127.81 '9.70 5 e11 2.75 ll0.25 0 123 072 9.00 4.95 2 0'75 107.02 76.69 1.30 3 007 2.75 69.57 118.61 1'6.40 4.74 -0- 1 97.47 113 . 50 7.40 4. 54 2.75 98*81 113 50 y.40 4.54 2.75 98.81 103.27 5.70 4.13 -0- 93 044 649.29 47-20 25 97 11.00 565.12 122 . 70 5 000 4.91 -0- 112,79 ' 109 . 92 10.70 4.40 2.75 92 07 LE!*@ 7.40 4.50 2.75 97.83 99.69 -0- 3 099 2.75 92.95 ' 99.69 a rp.10 3.99 2.75 87.85 99.69 1.10 3 099 2 075 91.85 9939 -0- 3.99 2.75 92 95 743 86 29 030 29.77 16 . 50 668.29 85 089 2.70 3 0.44 2-75 77.00 '89.98 y.30 3.60 -0- 7948 ' 92.03 G.00 3.68 2.75 . '81.60 69.94 7.80 2.80 -0- 59.3b '73 062 4.60 2.94 -0- 66.08 4J-1 46 26 . 40 16 . 46 5.50 363.10' 107.36 14.30 4.29 -e %77 - CLAIM NO, 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1509 William 0. Lipe - 102.25 5.70 4.09 -0- 92.46 1510 Sub-Total 209.61 20,oo 8 038 181 . 23 WATER DEPT, Ben Woehler 166.16 16.60 6.65 2.75 140 . 16 1511 Sam Roberts 109 92 6.80 a40 2.75 95.97 152 Kermit C. Knutson 98.16 13.00 3 093 1.25 79 . 98 1513 Sub-Tot a1 374.24 36 040 14.98 6.75 316.11 GRAND TaT,4L PAYROLL 3@1.67 24-6.30 132.29 50 50 3,304.58 Motion by Child, approving payment of the following Village Olaims, was seconded by Wi'llson and carriedt. ' VILLAGE OF EDIWA '' BICLS PAID NOVEMBER 24, 194'7 AMOUNT GENERALFTJhD r( CLAIM NO. 5254 John Wiley & Sons, Inc 96 14.47 5255. Edina Hardware 29.a 5256 Richard G. Palen 18.75 5257 Harry W. Smith Company *. 12.00 5258 W. S. Nott Company 5259 A.B.C. Okygen Tent 5260 Village of Hopkins Rent 21 11/24/47 526-1 5262 5263 5264 5265 5266 5267 526s 5269 5270 5271 5280 5282 52~1 Alex Creighton Itinn. Fire Equipment Go Oscar Roberts " Young Fuel Company Justus Lumber Company ' Berg & Farnhm Rosenwald-Cooper Company Lyle Signs, Iac 0 Leader Bzg Company lhheler Lumber Bridge &Supply 3igwald Engineering ' Nmthwestern Bell Telephone Co Narthern States Power Co' Thompson Lumber Company' Paper, Calmenson & Company Ros enwald-Cooper , Inc lilankat o Nanufaeturing C 0' Fred L, Gray CD Karl C. Schiliidt E;C,Pfeiffer Canstructiofi Co Republic Creosoting Company Jay W. Craig Company * Glacier Sand &Gravel * Hemepin County Review H. A. Rogers Company 1-Eller-Davis Company * .1 * Northern States Power Co' 5283 52g9 If 5290 5291 5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5298 5299 5301 T sEE.JER RENTAL 1.00 1517 *. 5293 5295 5296 5297 5298 5299 E;C*Pfeiffer construction Go 6130 Jay 11. Craig Company * 69.00 Glacier Sand eC Gravel 18J.4 Construction Burmetin 33020 . Hennepin County Review - 108.30 H; A, Rogers--Company 21 b 18 . ,. '256.12 EQUIPI-ENT RENTAL 5272 Edina Pure Oil 2.37 Hkks Shell Station 152.65 Alemite Company * 1.20 B. F. Goodrich Company 14.20 Firestone Stores 99.58 Edim Garage 8.85 3Emeapolis Gas Light Co' 18.44 Snap-On Tools Corporation 9 -40 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co lLl5 Paper, Calnensen & Company 5.99 Brookside Servkce Station 162.67 International Harvester 19080 Dahlberg Bros 474.24 L;-phr Notor Company n.25 Harner Hardware 9.47 Northern States Power Co- 9.E Commissioner Taxation-Pet.Div, 25.79 5273 5274 5275 5277 5278 5279 5280 5281 5283 528& 5285 5286 5287 5288 5300 5276 1,03 6 . 17 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 IEller-Davis Company Karl C. Schmidt E. A. Veiderhold Company Notor Cargo, Inc Northern States Power Co Edina Hardware &en Hardware Pockrandt Lumber & Fuel- TOTAL 7913 9 * 83 325 11/24/47 i 1514 Midland National Bank - Withholding taxes) $511 . 00 1515 Minnesota Hospital Service Association 50.50 1516 5302 7,243 052 State Treasurer, Julius A, Schmahl Public Fhployees Retirement Association 272.04 . First Edina State Bank - Transfer of Funds Motion by Willson, directing Village Treasurer to secure $20,000 advance from the County Auditor's office, against the December tax settlement, was seconded by Child and carried. Pursuant to "Notice of Assessment Hearing-Water Main Improvement No. 11," published in the Suburban Press, Hopkhs, Minnesota, on November 14, 1947, Affidavit of Pub- lication for which was read by the Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file, public hearing was had on: assessment covering the cost of improvement of France Avenue between W, 57th'and W, 58th Street by construction of &iter main ehension therein. Engineer Smith gave as his tabulation of construction cost, a total of $6,201.07, as against 1260.38 assessable feet, or $4.92 per assessable foot; plus $.25 per assessable foot for connection to the lickelsen Water Main, or $5.17 per assessable foot, 5730 France were present at the hearing, inquired as to what interest charge would be made, and as to whether they could save anything by paying full assessment at once. They were told that'they might save the five percent interest charge by paying full assessment before it is spread at the Auditor's office. There were no objections a$ the hearing, and the Clerk had received no objections, oral or mitten, pkior to the hearing. Mr, and PiIrs. A, H. Geis, 5720 France, and Mr. and Mrs, Bethke, Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 11 WHEREAS proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of France Avenue be- tween W. 57th and We 58th Streets by construction of Village Mater Main Mension therein has been fuly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection; and notice has been published in the Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minne?ota, that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this'present meeting, and this Council has met at the the and place specified in said notice, and heard and passed'upon a11 objections there- to, now therefore, . of' Edina that said proposed assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts 'of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein= BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first to be payable on the first day of January, 1949, all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five percent per annum. Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the propert$ therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of Y5r-m. 1919, as amended. - Motion *o adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Willson, aye; Hawbhorne, aye; and ATTEST : < President of the Village Council Village Clerk " Pursuant to "Notice of Assessment Hearing-Water Nain Improvement No. 13," published in the Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on November 14, 1947, Affidavit of Pub- lication for which was read by the Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file, public hearing .ms had on assessment covering the cost of improvement of Zenith Avenue between W, 55th and If, 57th Streets by construction of Village Water Main ex- tension therein, Engineer Smith gave as his tabulation of assessment, a total con- struction cost of $7,245.46, as against 1,431.91 assessable feet, or $5.06 per assess- able foot; plus a $.25 per assessable foot connection charge to the Peder Mickelsen Water Main, or a total of $5.31 per assessable .foot, and $7,603,44. ,. A group of gentlemen was in to protest contracckor's methods of construction; .asked that he cease pounding frozen ground with his shdvei, as it may cause plaster to crack in neighbor- ing houses, will burn out the frozen patches. I Water Superintendent Woehler reported that, henceforth, the contract or The gentlemen also inquired as to whether .. that 11/24/47 portion of the road which was blacktopped, and is now torn up, tfil be repaired at Village cost. dividual taxpayers-, but that it would be advisable for the people between Xemes and Zenith to petition at once if they wish blacktop in the Spring; and that these petitioners must pay for their blacktopping. There were no objections to the assess- ment, and no objections, either oral or mitten, had been received by the Clerk prior to the hearing, They were informed that road ttould be repaired without cost to in8 11illson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RIISOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSIBIT I?ATER NAIN INPROVXI*IENT NO. 13 WH?3RBAS, proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of Zenith Avenue between 11. 55th and W. 57th Streets by construction of Village Water train Extension therein has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and'open to public inspection, and notice has been published in the Suburban Press, Hopkins, E-linnesota, November ut, 1947, and that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this presenv meeting, and this. Council trill pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, * and 'this Couhcil has met at the tine and place specifTed in said notTce, and heard and passed upon all objections thereto, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and anassessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth; and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment -levied against it herein: SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first to be payable on the first dzy of January, 1949, all deferred paymknts are to bear interest at the r.&e-of five percent per annum. therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of plinn. 1919, as amended. Hotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property Child, aye; 1Jillson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and President of the Village Council Village Cle$k Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing on Petitions to Vacate Alleys,I1 posted on three official bulletin boards November 13, 1947, and published in the Suburban Press, Hopkins, l;Tinnesota, on Ilovember U, 1947, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, approved as to form and placed on file, public hearing was'had on petitions for vacation of the following alleys: North-South Alley between Beard and Ch&n Avenues from 11, '57th to W. 58th St; North-South Alley between Chowen and Drew Avenues from I!. 57th to W. 58th St; North-South Alley between Drew and Ewing Avenues from W. 57th to 11. 58th St, Nessrs. tfillson and Smith recommended that the alleys be vacated, 14r. Smith requesting that an easement of ten feet, in the center of each alley, be reserved by the Village for public utilities purposes. A delegation headed by Mr. 11. F. Kennedy asked what effect such easement would have on fences. They were told that fences could be built to the center line of the alleys vacated, but that permanent buildings could not be put up on property reserved; that if and when public utilities were installed, the companies would be obligated to replace such fences as were deanaged by them. There was no objection to the vacation of any of the above named alleys, nor to the reservation of the ten-foot easement; and no objections had been filed with the Clerk prior to the hearing. I. 2, 3. . Child offer'ed the following Resolution and moved its adoption: rZESOLUTIOhT VACATING ALLEYS T.JHEmAS, a majority of the owners of the land abutting on the alleys herein- after descriljed, in the Village of Ediria, Hennepin County, Ninnesot2, have petitioned for the vacation of said alleys; and said petitions on November 24, 1947, at 8:OO P. If., has been given and made; and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council, Hennepin County, li.Iinnesota, that IIHFXiEAS, one' week's published notice and posted ndtice of hearhg to be hzd on NOY TJBREFO!!E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village 'of Edina, Those certain alleys described as followst I 11/24/47 ~ 1, ' That certain alley running a northerly and southerly direction md lying between 1 the westerly lot line of Lots- One(1) to Eight (8) inclusive, Block One (l), Brook- line First Addition, and the easterly lot- line of Lots Nine (9) and Seventeen (17), Block One (1) Brookline First Addition; (North-South Alley between Beard and Chowen 57th to 58th St,) 2. That certain alxey running in a northerly and southerly direction and lying be- tween the westerly lot line of Lots One $1) to Seven (7) inclusive, Block 2, Gold- smith's Addition, Lots One (I) to Four (4) inclusive, Block 2, Brookline First *Addition, and Lot Seven (7) Block 2, Abercrombiels Addition, and the easterly lot line of Lots Eigqt (8) to Eleven (11) inclusive, Block 2, Abercrombiefs Addition, Lots Five (5), Six (6), and Seven (7), Block 2, Brookline First Addition, Lot Eight (e), Block 2, Goldsmithrs Addition, and Lots Eight (8) to Eleven (11) in- clusive, Block 2, Brookline First Addition; (North-South Alley between Chowen and Drew-57th to 58th St.> That certain alley running in a northerly and southerly direction and lying be- tween the westerly lot line of Lots One (1) to Seven (7) inclusive, Block 3, Goldsmith's Addition and Lots One (1) to Five (5), Block 3, Brookline First Add- ition, and the easterly lot lines of Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9), Block 3, Abercrombiefs Addition, Lots Six (6) to-Nine (9) inclusive, Block 3, Brookline First Addition, and Lots Eight (8) to Fourteen (14) inclusive, Block 3, Goldsmith's Addition; (North-South Alley between Drew and Etcing-57th to 5&h St,) ' I 3. shall be, and hereby are vacated; provided that skid Village excepts from this vacation proceedings and reserved unto itself and its assigns an easement for all public utility purposes, including, without limiting the general nature of said reservation, an easement for electric, gas, sewer, water, and telephone equipment, on, over and under the center ten feet in width of each of the alleys hereby vacated, Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Willson, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. , Child, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and ATTEST : President of the Village Council - Village Clerk Clerk Hawthorne read supplementary petition for the blacktopping of Bedford Avenue between Interlachen Blvd. and 51st Street, dated October 20 and signed by the ovmer of Lot 1, Block 4, Brookside Heights, which brings percentage of property signed to 58.8. 1-Ir, Willson recommended acceptance of petition and public hearing, in order that work may go foryard speedily in the Spring. for the blacktopping of Bedford Avenue between Interlachen Boulevard and W. 5lst Street, setting hearing for January 12,.1948, and directing Clerk to publish notice of such hearing, was seconded by Willson and carried. Letter of November 14, from State of Minnesota Department of Taxation, cit&g immediate rejection of VUEagefs application of November ll, 1946, for Tax Forfeited Lands to be used for Park Purposes, Unless Council wishes hearing on this matter, was read. Letter from Park Board Chairman Clark, to the effect that the Park Board is most anxious to secure Lot 2, Block 3, West ffinneapolis Heights, was read, Motion by Child authorizing and directAng Administrative Office to inform State Tax Commission that Village Council will abide by State's decision, with the exception that the Village does wish to acquire Lot 2, Block 3, West Minneapolis Heights, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Hawthorne moved confirmation of the following appointments for election officers to serve at the annual Village election to be held December 2, 1947:. Motion by Child accepting petition DISTRICT #1: Mrs. W. H. Schmitt, 4909 Maple Road; Mrs. H. E, Sanders, 4615 Casco Avenue; Mrs. Franklin McWhorter, 4613 Drexel Avenue; Mrs. Clarence Groettum, 4908 Bruce Avenue; Mrs. 0. C. Link, 4524 Drexel Avenue. - DISTRICT #2: Nrs. S. HcCready, 5503 France Avenue; Mrs. Beard, 5502 France Avenue; Mrs. Victor Irgens, 5055 Halifax Avenue; Nrs. Alma Duus, 5Q05 Wooddale Avenue; Ilrs. Clarice Hollingsworth, 5304 Halifax Avenue. DISTRICT #3: Mrs. M. C. Holter, Bernard & Benton; ?!ks.. Frances Somenberg, 5002 Noore Avenue; Mrs. Nellie. Strate, 5216 Division Street; Nrs. R, Westerberg, 6301 ,Tingdale Ave; I-lrs, F. C. Obemeyer, 5716 Normandale. . w24/47 '328 DISTRICT $44: H, NcCraney, 4616 Bro9mdale; Mrs, 31. P. Stark, 4506 Vooddale; Mrs. 11. H, Williams, 4920 Sunnyside Road, Itrs. Lois Louis, 4601 Browndale; Mrs, Gertrude Ewe, 4509 Wooddale; I&s. Hotion seconded by Child and carried. Letter of November 24, 1947, by John Person, stating that upon payment of $125.00 . he would sign release for damages sustained by reason of Councills revocation of per- mit to build barn upon the South 1/2 of Block 15, lrlendelssohn Addition, was read. I .Nr. Person was given the check, and signed release, Letter of November 10, 1947, supplementing Edina American Legion Post No, 471 application of January 4, 1947, for liquor license, by informing Council that corp- oration had been formed by them, filed in Office of Secretary of State September 6, 1947, was read and filed with Clerk, as integral part of the application. Child introduced for adoption 1lAn Ordinance to Protect the Public Safety by Regula-kng the Planting and Care of Shade and Ornamental Trees and Grass Plots along Public Streets,fl and moved that this be considered the first public reading of said Ordinance. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. 35r, Windh0rs-S;' s Amendment to Zoning Ordinance, incorporating Planning Commission! s recommendation for minimum lot size requirements was again brought before the Council for discussion, together with the Planning Commission! s recommendation of November 4, that this Ordinance be adopted, with the addition of a specific clause zoning the en- tire Open pevelopment District to single-family dmllings only, with special permit by Council to be required for multi-family dwellings. Attorney be directed to incorporate Planning Commissionls clause into his Ordinance, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Notion by Child that Village Y5th regard to proposed change in fees for Building and Plumbing Permits, Building Tnspector Woehler reported on his t?bulation of Building ad Plebing fees in surround- bg comun5ties, advoc&Ang that for Building Fees, the Village maintain its rate of $1.00 per 1,000 cubic feet, including recreation room and garage in figuring cubig footige of building, .After some discussion as to whether the entire basement should be included in cubic footage figures, as is done in Richfield, Hr, Woehler was directed to make further investigation and bring his report to the Council Meeting of December 8. - Is&. Woehler then requested that the State Plumbing Code be adopted, It was brought to the attention of the Council that the matter of adopthg this Code has been before the Planning Commission since July. Council tabled action or3 Kr, I.Jokhler!s request until such time as a recommendation is received fromthe Plnaning Commission. Manager Snyith reported that he had nit been able to contact Nr. Parks with relation to securing conveyance of property for the straightening of Golf Terrace, but that it was his opinion that the ovrners.wou3-d require action from the Council to vacate the curved portion of the road before conveyance of their property can be secured. Hax&horne*s motion setting hearing on vacation of properties comprising the curved portion of Chrk to publish proper notide of such hearing, was seconded by Willson 'and carried. Proposed llOutdoor Advertising Amendment to Zoning 0rdinance,l1 as revised by Attorney Vindhorst at Councills direction, TES read-end didcussed. date of Public Hearing for November 15, 1947, and authorizing Clerk to make required Notice, and also to mail Notice and copies of proposed Ordinance to those parties interested in such hearing, including Civic organizations o$ the Village, was seconded by Mllson and carried. . Golf Terrace for I.ionday, December 8, 194.7, at 8r00 P. >I., and directing Notion by Child, setting Verified Claims filed by Joseph D. l4cGannon, as Special Administrator of the estates of Eugene 1.IcGannon and Nargmet l-IcGannon, in the amount of $10,000 for the alleged wrongful death .of each child, plus $500 for funeral expenses for each child, were read and filed with Clerk, I4otion by Hawthorne that claims be referred to Village Attorney was seconded by Child and carried.. Kr*. Melvin Kolter, 5900 Bernard Place, demanded snow removal service along the school bus route in his neighborhood. doing the taery best it could, that his complaint would be investigated on Tuesday, and if justified, the situatipn v&Ld be remedied. l4r. Holter was i;lfokmed that the cfew plows the most heavily travelled roads first, and that it is impossLble to do the sane kind of plovhg job on gravelled Goads as is done on blacktopped-thbroughfares. Application of John G. Osmld, fob license to sell cigarettes at !%LO$ France Avenue South from November 1, 1947 to April 1, 194.8, vas filed with Clerk, carrying approval He was tolp that the Village Public Works Crew was