HomeMy WebLinkAbout19471208_ADJOURNED12/29/47 NINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE DECENBER 8, 1947 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD DECEM3ER 29, 1947, AT 8:OO P.M, ( 3'39 Nembers present were ICillson, UtEey, Hawthorne and Christopher, with Utley arriving late as recorded below. Motion by :?illson, approving Minutes of Meeting of December 8, 1947 as submitted, was *secorded by Hawthorne and carried. It Hawthoie offered. the following Resolution and moved its adoption: = FESOLUTION FOR TZEPAYHEXT BY PERQI"T IMPROVEI~IT REVOLVING FUND TO GFXERAL * * FUND FOR LOANS ElADE DURING YEAR 1946 * - FOR CONSTRUCTIOH IN PRCGlBSS WHEXEAS, Pursuank to "Resolution for the Establishment of a Permanent hprove- ment Revolving Fund," adopted by the Village fi?ouncil December 31, 1946, the follow- ing moneys were loaned*by the General Fund to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to finance constraction in progress on the following projects: Water $lain Improvement No. 7 (Market Street) $ 63.35 ' Water Main Improvement No. 8 (Edina Hills) Sanitary Sewer District No. 10 (Mwket Street) 933.39 * * Sanitary Sewer Dfstrict No, 20 (Edina Hills) 13.57 - Grading-Market Skreet , Including Purchase of Land L 3,054,02 -: Sanitary Sewer District No.19 (11. 49th Street) 92.75 * -54.99 ' -16.30 ' I Storm Sewer District-Bo. 13 (Bruce Place) Storm Sew& District No. 12 (Market Street & Halifax Avenue) 334.74 -_ Street Improvement No. 1: Paving France Avenue $9,715.88 - 50th Street Widening 8,459007 18,174.75 Curb and Gutter, Oak Drive Curb and Gutter, France - 5lst to 52nd Street which loan from theSGenera1 Fund to the Permanent Improve ent Revolving Ftmd for con- struction in progress during the year 1946 totalled $24, 4 2.84, as recorded in the General Ledger of the Village of Edina, Account 5-54b; and l$@6.26 ' 68.52 * WHEREAS, Special Assessment Warrants have been issued in the year 1947 for Water Main Improvements No. 7 and 8, Sanitary Sewer District No. 18, 19, and 20, and Street Improvement No. 1, and said Funds have repqid to the Pemanent Improvement Revolving Fund the amounts expended in the year 1946 for Construction in Progress; and the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund has in turn repaPd the General Fund its loan to this Fund for these projects in the total amount of $19,329.&, leaving a Net Loan from the Generzl Frmnd to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund for Construction in Progress during 1946 *in the amount of $4,973.80 as of *December 29, 1947; and WHEIZFAS, by Resolution Adopted November 6, 194@,, The Village Council sold $190,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds to finance Construction in Progress in 1947, of which the follming projects listed above are a part: Grading - Market Street, Including Purchzse of Land Curb and Gutter, Oak Drive Curb and Gutter, France-5Lst to 52nd Street - - * NOW, TI-IEWFOLRE, BE IT EZESOLVEI), that the Permanent Improvement-Revolving Fund rep2y to the General Fund the amounts listed above for loans made in the year 1946, total repayment from proceeds of Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds to be $4,608.80, and such repanpent to be considered as Adbnces by the Permanent Improve- ment Revolving Fund to the above named projects in the amounts abobe listed, BE IT FURTHER FESOLVED that the amounts df $16,30 for Storm Sewer District No. 1.3, and $933.39 for Storm Sewer District No. 12 remain as loans from the General Fund to the Permanan6 Improvement Revolving Fund until such time as Special Assessment returns are received for Storm Sewer District Eo. 13, and until such time 2s Permanent Improvement Revolving Funds Bonds are sold to finance the construction of Storm Sewer District ment Revolving Fund as of December 31, 1947, for construction in progressrl&k&g 1946 No, 12, such loan outstanding from the General Fund to the PemwbnB Improve- to be #949.69. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Willson, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, -7 President of the Village Council Vrtllage Cl'erk 340 / 12/29/47 I 4 I Hawthorne offered the following Res.olution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR REPADIEKC BY PERWXENT R*PROVE?-BMT EVOLVING FUND TO GENERAL RJPJD FOR LOANS WE DkNG YEAR 1947 & FOX COI'JSTRUCTION IN PIEOGRESS. kJHEXEAS, by Resolution Adopted November 6, 1947, the Viliage Council sold $180,000 Permanent Improvement Revolxhg Fund Bonds to finance Constructi,on in Progress in 1947, of which the following projects are a part, and for: which projects the General Fundhas loaned to the Pement Improvement Revolving Fund a total amount of $10,441.54, as follows: Curb and Gutter-Oak Drive $4,G31.24 Frace-5lst to 52nd Street 2,377.73 11. 49th Street-Halifax to Haple Rd 15 . 40 IJ, 56th Street 23 .70 Retaining ITall-Halifax Avenue 14.60 Water Main Improvement No. 11 24.14 ~ Water.Ikin Improvement No. 12 3922 Water Nain Improvement No. 13 24.04 $?ater Main Improvement No. U, U,80 'Grading-Brockside Heights 355.69 Grading-Gr ove St re et 17.72 Grading-6Nh Street and Code Avenue 18 58 Grading-Parnell Avenue 23 eEf6 I 134.78 -!.Tooddale, 50th Street to Tower . 62 b37 -Concord Avenue 16 b45 1 -Oak Drive, Concord & St, Johns . 2,395.32 -:?. 56th Street, Wooddale to Concord I 28.90 4Error Lakes in Edina Blackt oppbg-Six New Subdivisions 64277 &$ .r78 $l0,44J-.54 ' NOWs THEIIFORE, EE IT RESOLVE)D, that receipts from Permanant Hlmproveaent Revolving Fund Bonds be u-ed for repapent to the General Fund for the above named advances; such repayment to be considered as an Advance by.the-Pemanent Improvement Rsvolving Fund to those prajects listed above, in the amounts respectively set forth, BE IT FURTHER RESOL,D that the following Loans from the General Fund to the Perrnanent Improvement Revolving F'und for Construction in Progress during the year 1947,- remain as Loans fromthe General Fund until such time as Special Assessment returns are sufficient to make repayment,. additional Permanent kprovenent Revolving Fund Bonds are sold, or the Council agrees to abandon the project, as the case &y be: Sidewalk-Thielen Avenue . $ Ub15 Sanitary Sewer District No, 18 765.71 Storm Swer District No. I2 637.72 Storm Sewer District No. 13 633 e38 * Sto,m Sewer District No. U, 275 b54 Water Kain-Fraacc Avenue, 58th td 61st St 4.50 Grading-Rolf Avenue 5 .65 Grading-Leuingt on Avenue 106.01 Gravelling-56th Street to Wooddale Avenue 100.80 Grading-Ridge Rcad 192.42 Grading-Adams Avenue 4.50 Blacktopping-55th St. from Ecard to France 84.35 -Sunnyalope 10.86 300,52 c i .- -Johns Street and Bzlnore Lane 7 7.20 -Mirror Lakes in Edina 64.77 c $ 33218.73 -France Ave 54th to 55th St provihg that in case zany project is abandoned before completion, expenditures incurred heretofore 'shall be charged to the General Fund, ad loan by General Fund to Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund shall be cancelled, Motion to adopt the Resolution r.ns seconded'by T;lillson, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nayes, as follows: ths %solution was adopted. ATTEST z ?Jillso?, aye; Hawthornc, aye; and Christopher, aye; ad Presideat of the lKll?ge.Council ~ Haxthorne offered tho folloving Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOWTION DESIGNATING DECEXBE3 8, 1947 REVOLVING FUND BOhVS AS ADVANCES TO VARIOUS ASSSSGNT PZOJ%CTS FoIi T1OR.K IN PROGRESS €'AY"S FRCN PEFU4A"T IEIPROlBMEXI! %- BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the following 12/29/47 payments, made from proveeds of sale of Permanent Improvement Ilevolving Fund Bonds on Decernber. 8, 1947, be considered as advances to projects under construction in the year 1947, either assessed or to be assedsed: Cheek No, 5-333 To:. Hennepin Cou&y Review $ 7.20 5334 Pfeiffer Construction Co 294.80 533 5 Poucher Printing Go 5825 5336 Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott & Barber 100.76 533 7 Pfeiffer Construction Co 1157.53 5338 Bart Carlone . 5404*90 53 40 J. V. Gleason Go 31774.50 534.3. Orfei & Mariani 8685 *45 53 42 J. A, Danens-Se Go, 201.33 5343 - J, A, Danens & Co 339.00 5345 . H, A. Rogers Go 10.56 5365 Suburban Press 7.20 5366 Victor Carlson & sons, Inc U35.06 5339 Phelps-Drake Go 22067.36 53 44 Jay W. Craig Go 8842.32 ~7EmZzT to: Curb and Gutter-Oak Drive 135.06 Retaining Wall, Curb and Gutter-Halifax Avenue 4000.00 Blacktopping-Countryside Addition 16965 ,OO Blacktopping-Sunnyslope 8842. .32 Blacktopping-Wooddale, W, 50th Street to Tower 6912 ,oo Blacktopping-Valley View Heights 7897 50 Grading-Brookside Heights 294J30 Grading-Grove Street 201.33 Water fldn Improvement 5019.27 Water Main Improvement E: ZCI 68.14 Water Ifah Improvement No. ll 3760.65 - Water- Nain Improvement No. 13 Water Main Improvement No. 12 GradingSQth Street and Code Avenue 22057.36 5408 50 1476 . 53 I) $83066.22 except that insofar as the Blacktopping of Sunnyslope is concerned, said advance shall be made against that money provided by Thorpe Bros,, Inc, for this project; BE IT FURTHER.fES0LmII that the Village Clerk shall be authorized to transfer one- half the moneys for the Blaclctopping of Iflooddale from W, 50th Street to Tower from the General Fund.to the Pemnanent Improvement Revolving Fund, in accordance with the Village Council's Resolution to pay one-half the cost of this project from General Funds. Notion ,to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Willson, md on Rollcall there.were three ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, ATTEST : President of the Village Council Village Clerk " HaThhorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: IZESOLUTION FOR THE SAL;E AND PURCHASE OF INVESTlIIENTS - VILLAGE OF EDINA FUNDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village 5f Edina, that the President and Clerk of this village be authorized to sell the present investments of the Village of Edina in 2$$ U. S, Treasury Bonds at Mzrket Value and accrued interest as of December 30, 1947, said investments totalling $60,000.00 and being in the following funds: Joint Sewer District No. 1 Fund $~,000.00 Sewer District No. 8 Fund 2,000 eo0 Sewer District No. 9 Fund J 5,000 .oo Sewer District No, 13 Fund 2,000 .oo Sewer District No. 15 Fund 'CJzter Main Improvement No. 1 Fund Poor Fund 6,000 .oo Sewer Rental Fund 3,000.00 5,000.00 6, GOO .OO General Fund 20- ooo,oo ?$z-$mm BE IT FURTHXR IEESOLVED. that the President and Clerk be authorized to uurchase Short Term U. S. Treasur-y Certificates of the 7/8$ Issue Maturing July 1, 19@, as follows f i 342 For Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund For Joint Sebrer District No, I Fu~d For Sewer District No. 13 Fund $90,000.00 ~,Gc0.00 .. 5,000.00 - 2,000.00 - For Sever District No. 9 Fund t For Sewer District Eii. 15 Fund providin that in .the case of Sewer District No. 15 Fund, Short Term Treasury Certificates of the 7 8% Issue 3kturing l.l[arch 1, 1948 be purchased if possible; znd Short, Term Treasuqy Certificates of the 1-1/8$ Issue Naturing January 1, 194.8, or March 1, 194.9, as follows: t 7 EE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President and Clerk be authorized to purchase 0 For Joint Sewer District No. 1 Fund $ t$,m0000* For Sewer District No, 8 Fund ** 2,000,00 -* 1 For Water Xain Improvement No, 1 Fund- 5,qOOoOO For Poor Fund 6,000.00 - For Sewer Rental Fund “. 6- ooo,oo . 823,000.00 11 Eotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Willson, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows:: Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was, adopted. .. ATTEST: President of the Village Cauncil Village Clerk Motion by Havthorn;, approving payment of the following claims for T&&sfers of Funds was seconded by I.Jillson and unanimously carried: *. - . f L Claim No, 5373 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, ’ $ 3,056092 A 5374 General .Fund 37.65 5375 General Fund . 3k321t 5376 Permanent: Improvement Revolving Fund 3,608 . 82 3,54038 I I . 184.63 5378 General Fund . 5379 Permanent Inprovement Revolving Fund U6.82 5380 General Fund ‘ 5,431.97 -v 5391 Generd Fund 4,606.80 .* 5377 General Fund . 5382 General Furid 10,&1!54 , 5383 General Fund 51.35 - J 5384 General Fund 809.22 . Water Supt. Ben lloehler presented Water Service Regulations and Operating Policies, as recommended by Public Utilities Chairman Utley, Manager Smith and himelf to insure thc future operation of the Village Water Works on a self-supportin&j basis with as little as possible cost to the consumer. Hawthorne off2reUhe following Resolution and movkd its adoption: %SOLUTION ACCEPTING RECO~-~BpIJDATI~ AND AD0,PTING WATER SERVICE REWLATIOXS AND OF%RATING POLICIES FOR THE VIUGE OF EDIPJA IJATERVOLRKS SYSTEL -- VHEEBAS, recommendation as to Water Service R1,ulations and Operating Policies for the Village of Edina Vatemorks System have presented at this meeting; and IrXE?,EAS, the Village Council of the Village of Edina has determined that these Water Sovrvice Regulations and Operating Policies are just an& fair and will insure the future operation of the Village T.T3temorks system on a self-supporting basis with as little as possible cost tothe consunerr *” NOX, TEZEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Water Service Regulations and Operating Policies as herchafter set forth be adopted as the official Water Service Regulations and Operating PoS_icies of the Waterworks SysLem of the Village of Edina:: GFINEML * IJATER SERVICE REGULATIONS VILLAGE OF ELIINA, IImSOTA h 1. The contract, for purchase of the Water Works System provides for transfer to tfie Qillage free. and clear of all liens of every description. The Tillage, therefore, recognizes no liabilitr of the Service Compqy, nor any other obligation of any nature, e,upressed or implied, 1 343 12/29/47 I specifically, no obligatior, to refund any part of the cost of mains or service Lines paid for, either by customers directly, orqby contributions in aid of construction made to the Service Company, is acknowledged by the Village, and 'no such refunds will be made regardless of future connections"to any mains or service lines so built. All permanent established services, whether public or private, shall be metered and charged at the existing rates. The following flat. charges shall be made by the Mater Department, and tdll be subject to increase when necessaryP 6 . a. Sewer Department for water used in fxushing $200.00 and skating rinks 50.00 b, c.. Street Department for water used in flushing % Park Department 'for water used for sprWling streets The Water Department will be charged with the amount of any local taxes for ' Village of School's functiohs, and the amount of such taxes remitted to the General Funds of the Village or School District in the ratio of the two levies, in accordanc'e with the tern3 of the bonds issued for acquisition of the water facilities. Connections to lots beyond the boundary of adjacent assessment districts shall be permitted up03 payment of or assessment for connection charge eq~valent to the assessment levied a2ainst similar frontage in the created water district to which connected. extensions replacing the tempera* connection permitted, addition@. cost over the amounts paid or assessednay be assessed in connection with the new district, or if such cost is less, such =cess may be refunded to the person who made the p@ ments. applied to equalize any future assessment against the property served by such * The petition and agreement for assessment mst provide that in case of Any receipts from such payments shall be held in a special reserve and connectionso 'I A waiver of protest against assessaent in my future district in which the lot * served is located must be signed at time connection permit is applied for, 'CuRREkC SERVICES Net or 'Reading and Billing z Meters will be read quarterly. first call, one call back will be made. esthted bill will be rendered. The estimated consumption shall be that of the corresponding quarter in the preceding year, or of the last preceding quarter for meters installed less than one year. Water consumed will be charged on the basis of heter readings at the rate of 17.1$ per 100 cubic feet gross, or 15.4$ per 100 cubic feet if paid within the discount period presented. c A minimum" charge of $2,00'per quarter will be made where water consumption amounts to less. All bills will be payable at the Edina Village Hall within 15 days of date rendered. No discount shall be allowed after said"15 days' period has elapsed, In the event meter readebs cannot reach the*meter on If reader is still unable to reach'meter an * (Such a charge is the equivalent of 1300 cubic feet,) Delinquent notices will be mailed 20 days after original bills, Water service will be discontinued to any accounts delinqueat 60 days, and a charge of $2.00 will be made and shall be payable before service is'restored. A flat charge of $5.00 will be made for repair and calibration of any meter injured on the custoperfs premises, or for test made Bt the instance of the customer if the meter is found to be accurate within the generally acceptable*tolerance.. The Management reserves the right to remove any meter at any time for test or calibration on its ovm initiative and at its own expense, Any repairs found necessary in the process of making such a test, including the re- moval of lime deposits, etc., will be charged to the consumer at cost of parts and labor, 344 I ll, A service charge of $2,00 P&IJ be made for shutting off curb stops or re-establish8 ing service at the consumer's request, or if service is discontinued for non- payment of bills, 12, In the case of broken or leaking service lines (between" corporation cock and meter) the consmer shall be required to make necessary rspairs within five (5) days after ootification by Department, as above provided, the Department is authoriked and directed to discontinue service or to have such rzpairs made, and to charge the costs thereof to the consuner?s water account .. In the event of consuner!s failure to We such repafrs, 13, In the case of serious brekas, where loss of water nay be substantial, water service maybe discontinued until repairs are Fade. I 9A. Neter replacements ~dll be charged for at the sane rate as new meter inst,aFations. t SERVICESt " 1, A. Uniform service charge will be made for all future conrections, as follows: b, a. For Permit and Inspection $3 050 C. For furnishing meter, Cost Plus 2 000 d, For Paving Repairs (Hard Surfwe) 10,oo For tappbg main and installing corporation cock 9.00 (3/4"-1"-$9.50I All the above charges are due and payable at time application for pernit is made, 2, 'Provisions for prDper connections of meter, including shut-off valves on each side of sane, shall be made by the Plumbing Contractor and shall be ready at the time the Department is requested to set the meter, OPE~ATING POUCUS: 1, Petitions for mter main and sewer main extensions 115.11 not be entertained except on signatures of more than 5% of benefitted frontage, 2, Water Xain and Sewer Uain Evtensions must be contiguous to districts now served, without requiring non-productive frontage to be fhznces by Village, All costs must be borne by benefitted properties (including provision for con- t ingencies) , \ 3. 4. Council must be satisfied of financial responsibility of petitioners as to A. Cost of property, B. How financed C. Amount of investment by Subdivider' or owner . before approving project for construction. ". 5. Where there is a large element of risk, Coubcilmay require additional investment to insure completion of project, Assessments for Water and Sewer Hain Extensionsewill. be over a ten-year period, Construction of Extensions must meet V5llage Engineer!s specification, Construction must" include connections to curb line, 6. 7, 8, c '9. Procedure for construction and assessment must observe all legal requirements for' issuance of Specizl Assessment l?arrants. 10, Connections to lots'beyond the boundary'of adjacent assessment districts shall be permitted upon pkyment of or assessment for connection charge equivalent to the assessment levied against similar frontage in the created semr or water district to which connected. The petition and agreement for assessacnt must ppovide that * in case 02 extensions replacing the temporary connection permitted, additional cost overthe amounts paid OT assessed may be assessed in connection with the new district, or if such cost is less, such excess may be refunadd to the person who ' made the payments. reserve'and applied to equqlize any future assessment against the property selrved by such conaectionso connection nust be mzde fro3 =in in the street to the houseb * Any receipts from such payments shau be held in a special ll, Wherever a lot abuts a* street in which there has been constructed a vnter main, 12/29/47 T45 I I Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by WiU-son, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Deputy Clerk asked permission to purchase an electric'check writer from A. H. Mitchell & Co. for $87,50, representing purchase price including trade-in on old Village check writer, Motion by Willson authorizing purchase of+ check writer as mcomended, was seconded by Hawthorne and un&Ously carried. Motion by Hawthorne, authorizing Treasurer to secure latest Tax Settlement from the County Auditor's Office was seconded by Willson and unanimously carried, At this time Clerk Hawthorne inquired as to whether a report had been received fro& the Fact-Finding Cormnittee appointed December 8, to study, inform the public, super- vise and finance an election on the liquor situation. Mr, Hawthorne stated- that, at the time he voted for the appointment of such a corrcnittee he believed the Committee would be advisory to the Council, and would bring their recommendations to the Council, and would not attempt to conduct an election themselves; that the election should be as nearly an official an election as it is possible to conducfi) that such an election ' should be ordered by the Council on the petition of the Committee, and financed bythe Committee, with regular election boards. Plessrs. Persons, Hallman-and Jones spoke for secret ballot in the election, in opposition to a mailed ballot. * Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:: BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of .the Village of Edina that the Council. informthe.Liquor Referendum Committee that it was the CounciL's intention that the Committee be established as an advisory group to the Council, and that the election on the liquor question should be supemrised'by the Council after receiv- , . . ing recommendations from the Committee, Motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Willson. At this time in the meeting Trustee Utley arrived and took his place, Mr, Hawthorne reiterated his statements of earlier in the evening; and during the dis- cussion on the question of the above Resolution it was brought out that formal report had not 3et been ceceive'd from the Committee, Hawthorne then withdrew the Resolution above.quoted, in favor of a motion that the Liquor Referendum Committee be asked to meet with this Council to clarify procedures. Motion was seconded by Utley and carried, with Willson voting nay, Ifillsonts motion that Meeting adjourn, subject to call of the President, was seconded by Utley and unanimously carried. Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED POETION OF THAT DECEMBER 29, 1947 ADJOURNED POmION OF THE REGULAR DEClBlI3m 8, 1947 MEETING OF TJB EDINA VILLAGE CCIUNCIL, HELD DEC%MBER 31, 1947 AT 5:30 P. M. AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Pursuant to Call by the President, as authorized at the December 29, 1947 adjourned portion of the Meeting of December 8, 194'7, the Village Council met December 31, 1947, at 530 P. 14, at the Edina Village Hall, with members ??illson, Utley, Hawthorne and Christopher answering rollcall; Child being unable to attend. President Christopher presented report of the Fact-Finding Committee appointed December 8, 1947, for supervision of an election as to the liquor problem in the Village of f OllOtTS r ,Edha, which rep& was read by the Clerk and is incorporated in these Minutes as "TO T€E HONORABLE THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE COUNCIL ,OF "€E VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTAt GREXTINGS-" "Your Committee, appointed by the Mayor pursuant to the resolution for appointment of a fact-finding committee on liquor policy passed at your December meeting, has met,