HomeMy WebLinkAbout19471208_REGULAR- 11/24/47. of Police Officer Wrobleski. by Ifillson and carried. Letter from Iarson and McLaren, inquirhg as to procedure 'co be follaved in continuing plans for a house for Mrs. J, 0. Maland, to be locatea on t;he smth 80 feet of Lots 42 and 43, Auditor's Subd. No. 172, was read. discussion upon proposed condemnation of property for parking lot. to inform Larson-and McIaren that the Council is tin no posikion to begin condemnation proceedings until: such time as Planning Commission and Courrcil agree upon a defini%e * parking plan, and that we are therefore, in no position to -offer definite information at this time. 0 e Preliminary Plat .of E. Ten Acres of NE *1/4 of SI? 3/4 of Section 29, Township 28,- Range 24, by C. Moe, wzs presented to the Council for a-pproval, having been approved by Planning Cormnission November 4. Mr. Smith recommended approval by the Council, stating that the plat presented is the best way of platting the small tract of land, and that Mr. Moe has filed. latter from the Deputy Clerk oPthe Village of Richfield stating that the thirty feet on the Richfield side of Xerxes Avenue is laid out and approved by them. Motion by Eawthorne that prelimiaary plat be approved by Council was seconded by Willson and carried. 3I.r. Smith asked for Council's views on possibility of pllr. Rekdahlls installing sewer main between lots. in his pla-t, instead of in dedicated streets, as is the usuappro- cedure. It was opinion.of Council that. such installation be rejected because of difficulty of access to mains for maintenance purposes. Notion by Hawthorne that license be granted was seconded * 4 This letter was written pursuant to informal Manager was directed * Petition signed by Mr, F. Carlson, 5225- Minnehaha- Blvd. for. improvement of the alley between Mimehaha. Blvd, and Halifax Avenue in order to make- it passable throughout the year, was presented by Mr. Carlson. MP. Willson stated thadc the Village Crew would*do* some gravelling in the alley this winter if possible, and if not, it would be done in the spring, Mr. Carlson said that insofar as he was concerned it is not too important that the work be done immediately3.'but khat some of the residents are having a difficult time and would appreciate anything which can be done, Matter of Garbage*Collection was referred to Committee Meeting of December 1. There being no further business to come-before the Council,-Willsonls motion for ad- journment was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. * I NCEE: FO2 BOARD :OF' CANVASS MEETING OF bECEMEBR?L, 1947, S& PAGE 338A * MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1947, AT THE EDNA VIILAGE HALL. Members present were Child, Willson, Hawthorne, Christopher and Utley, with Utley coming late as recorded below. Motion by Child, approving Minutes of November 24 Regular Meeting, and December 4 Board of Canvass Meeting as submitted, was seconded by Willson and carried. Motion by Nillson, authorizing payment of the following Village Payrolls: Payroll of December 1 to December 15, 1947 Payroll of December 15 to December 31, 1947 Election Paeoll-Village Election of December 2, 1947p 198,OO * $3,715.44 * - 49040.39 1,610~25 . Firemen's Payroll-December 1, 1946 to November 30, 1947 was seconded by Child and carried. .I VILLAGE OF EDINA PAYROLL *.* . . FOR PERIOD DECEMBER L TO DECEMBER 35, 1947 NAME - Gretchen Schussler Bernice Johnson Helene Freeman Louise Westerberg Sub-t otal TOTAL WITH. RETIRE. HOSP, NET EARNINGS TAX DEDUCT DEDUCT PAY CLAIM NQ. 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 ENGBWRING Carl Hiller John A. Sia; Fred Jonas Sub-t Ot al POLICE DEPT, Hilding Dah1 Sa Heydt Clayton Ericks on Clarence Knutson Donald A, Nelson Henry Ma, lfrobleski Sub-t Ot al STREBT MEN-BGTJLAR Philip Bailey Pete Dahlgren Gtt Merfeld Job Tracy Harry Pzonas Arthur Jensen Ronald P. Port Sub-t Ot al STREEZ 3EN-HCXJRLX Chzrles Johnson Jacob Shmak C, 11. Cardarelle Wayne Trzcy Joseph Natole Sub-t otal TREZ BEN Clayton G. Timian 3tifiiam Om Lipe sub-total TOTAL WITH- RETIRE. HOSP. NEP CLAIM E ARNII'JGS TAX DEDUCT a DEDUCT. PAY NO, $ 127.81 13 a60 5J1 . 109.10 1533 127 81 9.70 5*= 2-33 a00 1534 98.16 -5.10 3.93 89.13 153 5 353.78 * 28.40 14.15 *. 311.23 731.72 9.00 4.95 76.69 1.30 3.07 118 61 16 040 4.74 l3.3 050 7.40 4.54 113 50 7.40 4.54 109.77 72 e32 97.47 lola56 101.56 103 a27 5.70 4.13 93 *44 64929 47 a20 25a97 * 576.12 110.49 IlmlO &a 42 94.91 535.53 @.OO 21.42 466.11 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1543. v42 . 1543 1544 1547 1546 l5@ 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 " 1554 1555 1556. WATEB DEFT, Ben Woehler 166.16 16.60 6 065 We91 1557 - Sam Roberts 139.08 lL70 5.56 121.82 1558 Ronald Pa Port 9.20 037 8.83 1560 Kermit Cm Kriutson 106.34 14.30 4.25 87.79 1559 Snb-tot& * 420.78 42.60 16 e83 361.35 GRAND TOTAL OF PAYROLL 3715.U 304.90 14~~62 3261.92 VIUAGE OF EDINA PAYROLL FOR PERIOD DECEMEER 15 TO DE@XBEXi 31, 1947 - NAIE TC?I!AL NITH a RETIRE. HOES, m CLATEI EARNINGS TAX DEDUCT. DEDUCT, PAY NO* COUNCUI C. J.Christ,opher, Maym $ 50,OO $ 5OmOO 1561 Bower Haybhorne, clerk 50,OO 50 a 00 1562 Geo, Am T@llson, tmstee 35.00 35.00 1563 35.m 1564 35.00 1565 Harold C, Utlsy, It 35 moo 1566 Fred Sa Child, 11 35.00 J, J, Duggan, trees&er 30.00 30m00 John Windhorst, attorney 75.00 75.00 1567 Ward B. Iewis, Judge 75 75.00 1568 Dr, I&T.Campbell, health 30.00 3OoOO 1569 Sub4 otd w5 .o a5 m 00 payroll Dee. 15 to Dec. 31, 1947 (COht> . ADMINISTRATIVE TOTAL WITH, RETIRE. HOSE, EARNINGS TAX DEDUCT. DEDUCT PAY NO. %255*62 33.30 10.22 2*75 209.35 1570 Phil W. Smith Gretchen 'Schussler Bernice M; Johnson Helene Fr-eeman Louis e We-s t erberg Sub-t o'tal ENGINEEKING Carl MilTer John A. Sias fied Jonas Sub-t'otal Wm. S.-He'ydt Clayton Erickson Clarence Xnut son Donald A: Nelson Henry M. Wrobleski Sub4 6t a1 4.9 STFEZ2 MEN-RF;GULAR Philip Bsiley Pete DahPgren Matt Merf'eld John Tram Harry Jonas Arthur Jensen Ronald P; Port Sub-t 6t d. STREET MEN-HOURLY Charles Johnson Jacob Shuiak C. W. CaPdarelle Wame Tracy Joseph Ndtble Edward Lee Walt bbsrough Sub-t otal .t TREE MEN Clayton Timian william 0. Lip Sub-total ' TOTAL GENERAL *FUND WATEZ DEFT. Ben Woehler 9 Sam Roberts * Kermit Knutson Sub-total * I .. GRANPl TOTAL OF PAYROLL 4040.39 292000 U0.87 53.25 355427 NAME - 166.16 16.60 6.65 2.75 UO.16 109 92 6.80 4.40 2.75 95.97 Nellie Strate Mrs. Hilda Holter Sigrid Westerberg Martha McWhorter . &gna M. Schmitt Ethel S, Link * Lillian Groettum Virginia Beard' Alma Duus Clarice Hollingsworth Ethel McCready' Marguerite Irgens Dorothy Obermeyer Frances Sonnenberg ELECTION PAYROLL CLAIM NO. 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1593 1594 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 AMWNT 1603 . 4b 9.60 1604 9.60 1605 1 9.60 9.60 1606 1607 . 9.60 1608 9.60 1609 9.60 10.80 10.80 ~ 1610 1611 1612 10.80 1613 10.80 16W 10.80 1615 9.60 1616 9.60 .T 332 '1 Elect'ion payroll (cont) E. Lois: Louis Bertha NcCruley Gertruie EVT~ Florence Sanders Lee G. !Tilliams Inez A, Stark Albert 'hderson Dave Arnold Phillip Bacon Harry Bright Robert 'Brown C. W. dardarelle A C. 1-1. R. Carlson . Herinan *Dirks E. 11, Hansen Harry 6. Hasen C. M. Qolter 14, C, Holter Albert Huber A, B. Johnson Rennetli Johnsox Forge king Karl Ldve James IbNellis, {r. M, f.ier$eld Jack M&f eld Christian IEtzel Ronald Po& Joe Rush Melvin *Sagar R, Sorkenberg Clarenc'e Switaer * Harold koung L. V. I:hler Philip Bailey 12/8/47 f" t c 8 TOPAL ELECTION L t e a * * * k * c n n L * * L c " I .. CLBIEi NO, 1617 '1618 1619 1620 1621 I622 PAXROLL '1623 I624 1625 "1628 '1629 1626 '1627 "1630 "1631 '1632 '1633 1634 1635 "1636 "1637 '1638 "1639 '16Q '1642 *1643 164-4 1645 '1646 '1647 '1643 *I649 '1650 '1651 '1640 t TdAL FI~~fS PAYROLL EJpt5?n br Child,+ authorizing payment of the following claims= General Fund (For Operating Expenses) General &d (Loa to Sewer aistrict N& 4) General &d )Loan to Sewer Bistrict N6. 13) Poor Fund * SDecial Assessment Funds (For Pament of Bonds & Int.) * * Total General Fund P'emanent Improvement Revolving "hnd Equipment *Rental bid Garbage F&d plater Funci * t I Total Bills * vas seconded by \?illson and carried, CLAIM NO 5303 . 1 John R. Can, postmaster 5305 . H, C. Alden 5306 1 Fred J..Jonas 5307 * Fred J. Jonas 5308 * Ed Port 5309 I I.linnehaha Grange 5310 St. Peters Lutheran Church 5311 Young Fuel 533-2 : Justus Lmber 5313 . Edina Hardware 533.4 . Schaub Office Supply 5315 Miller Davis 5316 = Glacier Sand & Gravel 9.60 9.60 . 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 61.50 1,610.25 Bills Paid Dec.. 8 (cont) AMOUNT 36,oo' CLAIM NO. 53 17 Phelps Drajce Co ' Diamond T Twin City Truck Co Northwesteep Bell Telephone Co American L$nen Co Northern S$ates Power Co Hennepin CAounty Review Pfeiffer Cpnstruction Co Jay W. Craeig Go Sewer District #4 Sewer Dist*rict #l3 Suburban Press Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc Petty Gash-:. Hilding Dah1 Wm. S. Hexdt 531A 533 0 4229.38 5.40 22.50 35.00 51.35 S09*22 6.80 971.57 30m32 10,oo 10,oo 36.70 . . 556.75 +- * 303.16 I 5331 5332 5333 5334 5344 5366 5368 5371 53 72 POOR ?XJND UL 96 Suburban Hennepin County Relief We96 * 5304 SEWEIZ RENTAL la 90 Northern States Power Co 1.90 1655 $oSaD. #1 First Natgonal Bank Northwestep National Bank City Treas-mer-City of Mpls 5346 5347 5362 f. S .D *#3 526 63 Midland Naiional Bank 534q w2.88 5349 Midland National Bank Northwesteh National Bank Northwestein National Bank First Natibnal Bank 53 50 5351 5352, 5353 I 53 54 Northwestep National Bank ' Northwestern Natipnal Bank First NatiGnal Bank w53 53 55 53 56 NorthwesteGn National Sank Northw2stern National BaW 5357 ., 53 58 Northwestern National Bank 53 59 First Natihnal Bank I 5360 . First National Bank 5361 First National Bank #38, $75 75 P.Ia,FuND 5333 Hennepin County Review f.20 533 5 Poucher Printing Co 5825 5334 Pfeif f er Construction Co 294*80 5336 Dorsey, Colman, Bhrker, Septt & Barber 100.76 5337 Pfeiffer Construction Co 1157 53 334 ? .. Bills Paid Dec. 8, 1947 (cont) 5404*90 2206736 31774.50 8685.45 201.33 319.00 8842.32 5338 Bart Carlone 5339 Phelps-Drake Co 5340 J, V. Gleason Co . 5343- Orfei & 1-lmiani 5342 5343 5344 Jay If, Craig Co 5345 H. A. Rogers Go 5365 - Suburban Psess 5366 J. A. Danens & Co J. A. Danens & Co Victon, CarJson et Sons, Inc ' Brookside Service Station Hicks Shell Station Edina Pure Oil - Codssioner of Taxation-Petroleum Div. Firestone Stores Aagard Sign Co Minneapolis Gas Light Co Edba Garage Pioneer Engineering Works Hnde Air Products Dahlberg Bros Northwestern Bell Telephone Company American Linen Co Nmthern States Power Co Petty Cesh lh. H. Ziegler Co Reinhard %os. Co EQUIPNEXT RENTAL 233 084 5319 5320 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 5326 5327 5328 5329 - 5330 5331 5332 5368 5369 5370 156.69 5081 * 6.80 11.96 8.00 30.34 16.05 21.00 6.21 7.50 11 015 *.. 4.50 - 3.4.44 12.71 704.U 392.55 .. 1,643.96 lJATER - 11,00 1527 1657 1658 John R. Coan, Postmaster Sam Roberts Nort hern St at es Power J. A. Danens & Son Young Fuel Co Waterous Co Edina Hardware American Cast Iron Pipe Co Miller Davis Co Petty Cash ** 1659 1660 1661 1663 1664 1665 1662 *. 1656 .,4rthur K, Petersen 1654 Julius A. Schmahl, Treas. State of Mha. (Public Employees Retire. Ass'n) linnesota. Hospital Service ASSOC. 289.49 53 25 1653 .). 5367 First Edina State Bank 1652 _I Midland National Bank P- (Transfer of funds) ' (tJithholding Taxes) Hotion,by c'hild, authorizing payment to Arthur K. Petersen of 8100.00 for hauling to Garrison dump 5n Eden Prairie Township during the month of December, was seconded by WUlson a& carried. Application of J. A. Danens & Son, for permit to bwy a 6,000 gallon gasoline tank on their $r.operty at 5106 Brookside Avenue, was approved by motion IJillson, said motion .carrying stipulation that approval depends up03 Danens' compliance with Village Ordinznce. Notion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Petitiop, undated, signed tyelve property owners, for warming house and snow removal at the pond located on Lexington Avenue in Golf Terrace Heights, was read and referred to the Park.Board, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Child and carried. A resident living at the corner of 49th and Josephine requested installation of a street light at this corner. Nr. l7illson informed him that Northern States Power Company has plzns for an ex&ensive new lighting system at the intersection of 50th Street and the Beltline, znd suggested that this resident contact I&. Richard Furber of Northern States Power Cmpany for further information. This resident was also asked to submit his request to the Council in writing, .I. . u/*/ 47 i 335 Mr. Steven Subak, Jr., of 5028 Halifax Avenue, presented petition dated December 8,' signed by sixty-four owners of properties on Halifax and Indianola Avenues, protesting proposed extension of parking area from France Avenue to Halifax Avenue. informed by the President that this project is still a preliminzry study, in the hmds of the Planning Cornmission,.and- that the law requires that property owners be given a hearing before the action of exbending parking lot is taken. Motion by Hawthorne that peti$ion bo referred to the Planning Commission I& seconded by Child and carried. Mr, Subak was Meyrs? Robert Thurston, 4113 Colorado ?,venue, end Jack W. Morse, 4044 S. Ewing Avenue, requested permit to sell Christmas Trees throughout the Village from a truck. These gentlemen were told that they might proceed with this project providing they created no traffic nor general nuisance. Officers Clqrton Erickson and Donald A. Nelson Presented their written resignations effective December 31, 1947, for the reason that they have accepted positions as patrolmen with the Minneapolis Police Force as of January I, 19.48. Hawthorne moved that the resignations of Police Officers Clayton Erickson and Donald A. Nelson be accepted with regret Motion seconded by Willson and carried. Resignations filed with Clerk . Proposed Amendment to Zoning Ordinance, Incorporating Recormendations of Planning Com- mission as to minimum lot sizes, and also rezoning the Village for one-family dwellings only, with a permit required from Council for two-family or multi-family dwellings, was discussed. January 26, 1948, at 8:00 P.M., and authorizing and directing Clerk to make the required notice thereof, was seconded by Hawbhorme and carried, Motion by Child, setting hearing on the proposed amendment for Monday, Child introduced for its second reading and movedthe adoption of the following Ordinance: AN OBDIYANCE TO PROTECT THE PUSLIC SAF!ETY EX FLEGULATING THE PUNTING AND CLEO3 OF SHADE AJ!?D ORNAMENTAL TREES, AND GRASS PLOTS PLCNG PUBLIC STREETS The Village Council. of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: rr Section 1. The street commissioner shall have, under the direction of the Village Cmncil, control and supervision over all trees bordering or overhanging all public streets, alleys and highways and all grass plots bordering such public streets, alleys and highways. aforesaid needs trieng, removal, treatment or other care in order to preserve the same in &pod condition or to protect the public from damage or injury, he shall, upon direction of thk Village Council, see that the necessary work is done, the cost of such work. The word %reerr as used herein shall be deemed to include shrubs, Section 2. Whenever the street commissioner shall find that any tree located as He shall keep an account of It shall be uniawful fpr my person, firm or oorporztion to trim, cut or I :Section 3. renove any tree under the supervision of the street commissioner or any part thereof with- out first procuring gram the council a permit so to do, or to exceed the authority con- ferred by such a perrdt. Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation desiring a permit as required in Section 3 hereof shall make applicqtion therefor to the street commissioner. the street commissioner the trimming or removal of the trees mentioned in said application is for the best interest of the village, he shall so advise the council which may authorize him to issue said pedt, indicating .with reasonable certainty the extent of the authoritythereby conferred. If he disapproves the issuance of such permit, the applicant therefor may appeal from his disapproval to the council, whose action thereon shall be final . If, in the opinion of Section 5. Any person desiring to plant any tree or trees in any public ground shall make application to the street commissioner for a permit to do SO. If he approves the location and kind of trees, he shall issue the permit. application, the applicant may appeal from his disapproval to the council whose action shall be final. Section 6. If he does not approve such It shall be the duty of the street commissioner to cause a comprehensive plan $0 be made of ill proposed locations for trees on public property, and the type and kind of trees to be planted at each location, provided that no boxelder or cottonwood' shall be pedtted in any street or public ground. laen such plan has been adopted by thejcouncil, all future planting shdlbe done in accordance with such plan, I 1 Section 7. It shall be the duty of every property ovmer whose property ebuts on a public street to notify the street commissioner at once when the condition of my tree thereon or in the grass plot adjacent thereto is in such condition as to be a menace to public safety. Any tree whose branches are closer 3han eight feet above the surface of the. sheet is hereby declared to be a menace to public safety. .33& Section 8, It shzll boV the duty of every owner of property abutting on any' .- hc$es or move in height it shdl be prima fzcie evidence of a violation of this - pylliric street or alley to cause the grass and r&ds to be kept cut to the center OP $uch,platted street or alley, secticn. If the grass or weeds in such a place are twelve This section shall apply o~ly to platted property. d Section 9. It shdl be the duty of the street commissioner to cut and destroy all grass and weeds growing within the platted limits of any pvblic street or alley when the same are not cut by the property owners 2s required by Section 8 hereof. It shdl Ukeygse be the duty of the street commissioner to keep an accurate account of the cost of such cutting opposite each lot and to certify the same to the council to be specially assessed against the abutting property. Section 10. Any persm, firm or corporation who shdl do any of the things prohibited or zs'no shall fail to do any of the things required to be done by this or&wnce shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than two dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and costs, and in event of faiJure to pay fine or costs or both shall be confined tothe county$ail unWl said fine and costs Zre satisfied according to law, not to exceed ninety dzys. L 8 Section I!.. The holding of any section or part of this ordbance inval5d by any coue &all,not be demed to invalidate any other section cr part thereof. Section 3.2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in-force from and after 5ts passage and publication according to law. Motion to edopt the Ordinance was seconded by Willson, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nags, as follovrs: Child, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, ayg; and the Ordinance was adopted. $\ President of the Village Council I Notion by Child that proposed hearing on the Outdoor Advertising Amendment to Zoning Ordhacq, set for December 15, be postponed indefinitely was seconded by t15llson end carried Recommendation of December 8, 1947, signed by Ben Woehler, Building and Plumbing Inspector, for increase in Building Permit Fees by 8 charge of 5O# per 1,000 cubic feet for basements, covered porches and attached garages; increase in Plumbing Fees by charging $1.00 for first outlet and $.25 for each additional outlet; license fee of $15.00 per year for plumbers; Drain Layers license at $50.00 for first year and $10.00 per year for renewal, was read and placed on file, Mr. Lewis Jones, South Blake Road, inquired as to whether the licensing of plumbers vmuld prohibit him from 1a;ging water pipes on his 07x1 farm dessnhe secured license. He was informed that such would not be the case, .' At this time Trustee Ut2.ey enterEd and took his place in meeting. Trustee Child irxbroduced for its first reading the followin2;: Ordinance: .. AN ORDINANCE TO-AIEWD OF?,EINJNCE ADCYtED SEFTEI.IEER 21, 1936, ENTITUD THE ERECTIOX, C@XSTRUCTICN, EP%I?ARGE3.mJT, ALTHEUTION, RE?AIR, FfOVING, RFz.IovAL, D3-I0LITfOhT, C(?IWSION, OCCUPANCY C@,DII\TUCE ,WGULATING EQUIPJENT, HEIGHT, AND ?f.4lXl"&!CE OF BUILDINGS AIW;/OR STBJCTUF??S IN THE Y'IUGF: OF EDINA, MIXNESOTA: PROVIDIXG FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PEBfITS AND COLIXGTIOI! OF FEES TAHEFEF@R: PROVIDING PQJALTIES FOIt THX TIOLIITION- THERZOF, AID REPSP,LD€G CERTAIN ORDZN.4NCES AND/OR PARTS OF CRDIWRNCES IN COXFLICT THEIiEWITH", AS A"9ED. The Village Council of Edina do ordain as follows: SpCtion 1. Section 9-Fees- of ul. ordinance adopted by the Council of the Village of Edha pn September 21, 1936, entitled "An ordinance regulating the erection, constrkction, enlarg-pent , alterat ion, repair, moeng, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equip- ment, height, and mawenance of buildings and/or structures in the Village of Edina, E€innesot,a; proyiding for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; provid- ing pendties for the violation thereof, and repeeling certain ordinances and/or parts of , ordinances in conflict therewith1!, as mended, is further amended as follows: 1 Section 9.-Fees. The applicant for a building permit hereunder shall pay to the Village of Edina as fees for the expense of inspection and examim$€5on of the building plans and specifications a minimum fee of $5.00 for construction costing.less than $5,OOO.OO, and $1.00 per 1,000 cubic feet of cubical contents..over and'above the first 5,000 cubic feet of cubical contents based on the outside measurements of first and second floors only, m-d 50 cents per 1,000 cubkc feet of cubical contents based on the outside measurements of bsseaents, covered porches and attached garages. above applies to private dwellings used exclusively as the home or residence of not more than two separate or distinct families. buiklaings, fees will be as follows: bprovemzn'rs, Building Inspector, which will be refunded all or in part when improvements are com- ' pleted and dl rubbish hd unsightly mzterial removed. For alterations, additions and minor improvements costing less than $500*00, a minimum fee of $2.00 will be charged, The For all mercantile, industrial and other $2.00 for each $1,000.00 or fraction thereof in A $25.00 clean-up deposit may be collected at the discretion of the Section 2. This ordinance sM-1 take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication according to law, After discussion on this Amendment to Ordinance, mot,ion by Willson that second reading of the Ordinance be dispensed with was seconded by Hawthorne, and the motion was unanimously carried. Motion by 'Willson for edoption of the foregoing Ordinance, as read, was seconded by Hawthorne, and on rollcall there were five ayes'and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted, ATTEST: President of the Village Council Vilbfge Clerk The matter of a $300.00 premium for $110,000 prop rty damage coverage on Minneapolis and Hopkins fire equipment, to cover Edina contracts with.these municiplities, ifis again discussed. Office reported that premium will be lowered to $270.00, 'but that the company will go no lower than this figure. Hawthorne moved that present binder remain in effect, and that the Clerk be authorir;ed to advertise for bids to be take3 January 12, 1948, for coverage from that date until March 8, of 19&9, by Utley and unanimously carried. Letter from Village Attorney Windhorst, dated December 5, 1947, advising Council to incoFporate in Village Form ,of Contract a clause whereby contractor agrees to save Village harmless from claims and suits, was read and placed on file, with instructions by the Council to the office to have such clause included before signing of next contract. contractor is required to install and 'maintain barricades necessery for safety of the public, with Elr. Windhorst directed to draft such clause. Mr, Xindhorst's legal opinion of December 3, with regard to procedure for sewer and water connection for Lot 5, Block 2, Subdivision of Littel Park, was read, and placed on file. Utley offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Motion seconded Sug$estion Sras also mcde that contract contain clause to effeet that RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPOSEP ASSESSMENT FOR SEER-LOT 5, BLOCK 2, SUBDIVISION OF LnmL PARK WHEREAS the engineer selected by the Village Council has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for 2onnection of Lot 5, Block 2, to the Village Sewer Main in Lexington Avenue in Sewer District No. 16, said connection having been petitioned for by Carl M. Hansen, owner of said lot, and has calculated the amount to be specially assessed against said lot, and a tabulation thereof has been duly prepared and filed with the Clerk as a proposed assessment, and has been laid before the Village Council at this present meeting, hkld not more than ten days after the filing thereof, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the total cost , of said sewer connection is hereby determined to be $280.80. BE IT FURTmR ElESCEVED that said proposed assessment is hereby approved and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be 2ublished in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on Decenber 18; 1947, that the Village Council will pass upon said proposed mssssment at its next regular session, to be held at the Village Hall on January 12, 1947, at 8:OO P.M. I Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; ATTEST : President of the Village Council VillageAlerk 7 338 ( 32/8/47 Ehgineedf Smith's oral report that existing water wins in Lexington Avenue are of cast iron, arrd are of suitable size and condition for continued use, and that in his opinion the proposed assessment Pbr Lot 5, Block 2, Subdivision of Littel Park, 'akouqt $216.60, constitutes less than 80% of the cost which would be allocable to such lot $f new nains of similar quality and construction were nov €0 be installed, T~S accepted. Utley offered the follaripg Resolution and moved its adoption: FESaLUTION SETTIJ$G 9SSESSE;IE;NT HEARDIG FOR WATER MAIN, LQC 5, BLOCK 2, SUEG DI?ISIOH OF LITlEL PARK -. ' ?mE,?S, Carl Me Emsen, owner, has petitiomd to the Village Council of the Village of Edina for permission to connect LQt 5, Block 2, Subdivision of Littel Park. to Villsge water mzir_ extension h Lexington Avenue and to include.said Lot 5, Block 2, in the assessnent levied and entitled Water &in Iqrovement No, 3; and the Clerk wi%h the assistance of the Engineer, has calculated the proper amount to be specially asgessed against sdd Lot 5, Block 2, for sucfi connection, which proposed assessment is now on file :.iith the clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED bJc the Village Council of'the Village of Edins that said connection by Lot 5, Block 2, to Village water main extension in Lexington Avenue is hereby accepted, ad designated as part of the assessment roll entitled Water Main Improvement No. 3; end that the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in the Suburban Press, Hopkins, Ninnesota, that this Council u&ll meet on January l2, 194.8, zt the Village Hall to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improvement is deteM-ed to be $216.60. I Hotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Havthorne, end on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follow: Child, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawth6rne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Village Cledt President of the Village Council Letter of I%-. K!.Iian Steinkc, resigning the Chaimnanship of the Special Parks and Playgrounds Godtteg, was read. Notion by tIillson that resignation be 'accepted with regrets was seconded by Hawthorne and cam*ied, At $his time Kr. John Persons inquired as to the vafidity of the Tree Ordinance passed this evening, stating that the Village could have no cohtrol over County and State roads within the Village limits, 14r, Persons was informed that the Ordinance had been adopted to control tree planting, trimming ad removal along VUlage mned streets. Motion by Havthorne that the Council recess, subject to recall by the President later in the evening, was seconded by I.Jillsm and carried. At 9:40 P.N., after recess of appro-dmately twenty minutss, meeting was reconvened by call of President Christopher, ad with full hodedge and consent of all members. 1 Utley offered the followizig Resolution and moved its Edoption: RESOLUTION FOR APPOINTMEXI' OF FACT- .. FINDING aO3QECTEE ON LIQUOR POLICY BE IT RESOXED by the Vilhge Council of the Village of Edina, that the President be directed to appoint a fact-finding Codttee to study, inform the public, $2'15 suprvise, and finance an election to determine the liquor policy of the Village of Xdina as to: 1. Municipal Liquor Store; 2. Single Ucense; 3. lhl..tiple Ecensing System (more thvl one license in prkvate hulds); election to be held not later than February 15, 1948. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes znd no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Willson, aye; Utley, aye; fiax&horne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was unanimously adopted. 4. No Liquor Store; with said .. Village Clerk. * Pre si dent FT3;wthorne moved that meeting be adjourned to December secoded by Willson and unanimn~sls carried. of the Village Council 29, 1947, at 7r30 P,N. Eotion President of the Village Council Village Clerk. kwthorne moved that meeting bc adjourned to December 29, 1947, at 7r30 P,N. Eotion secoded by Willson and unanimn~sly carried. * Villjge Clerk