HomeMy WebLinkAbout19471229_ADJOURNED12/29/47 T45 I I Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by WiU-son, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Deputy Clerk asked permission to purchase an electric'check writer from A. H. Mitchell & Co. for $87,50, representing purchase price including trade-in on old Village check writer, Motion by Willson authorizing purchase of+ check writer as mcomended, was seconded by Hawthorne and un&Ously carried. Motion by Hawthorne, authorizing Treasurer to secure latest Tax Settlement from the County Auditor's Office was seconded by Willson and unanimously carried, At this time Clerk Hawthorne inquired as to whether a report had been received fro& the Fact-Finding Cormnittee appointed December 8, to study, inform the public, super- vise and finance an election on the liquor situation. Mr, Hawthorne stated- that, at the time he voted for the appointment of such a corrcnittee he believed the Committee would be advisory to the Council, and would bring their recommendations to the Council, and would not attempt to conduct an election themselves; that the election should be as nearly an official an election as it is possible to conducfi) that such an election ' should be ordered by the Council on the petition of the Committee, and financed bythe Committee, with regular election boards. Plessrs. Persons, Hallman-and Jones spoke for secret ballot in the election, in opposition to a mailed ballot. * Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:: BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of .the Village of Edina that the Council. informthe.Liquor Referendum Committee that it was the CounciL's intention that the Committee be established as an advisory group to the Council, and that the election on the liquor question should be supemrised'by the Council after receiv- , . . ing recommendations from the Committee, Motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Willson. At this time in the meeting Trustee Utley arrived and took his place, Mr, Hawthorne reiterated his statements of earlier in the evening; and during the dis- cussion on the question of the above Resolution it was brought out that formal report had not 3et been ceceive'd from the Committee, Hawthorne then withdrew the Resolution above.quoted, in favor of a motion that the Liquor Referendum Committee be asked to meet with this Council to clarify procedures. Motion was seconded by Utley and carried, with Willson voting nay, Ifillsonts motion that Meeting adjourn, subject to call of the President, was seconded by Utley and unanimously carried. Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED POETION OF THAT DECEMBER 29, 1947 ADJOURNED POmION OF THE REGULAR DEClBlI3m 8, 1947 MEETING OF TJB EDINA VILLAGE CCIUNCIL, HELD DEC%MBER 31, 1947 AT 5:30 P. M. AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Pursuant to Call by the President, as authorized at the December 29, 1947 adjourned portion of the Meeting of December 8, 194'7, the Village Council met December 31, 1947, at 530 P. 14, at the Edina Village Hall, with members ??illson, Utley, Hawthorne and Christopher answering rollcall; Child being unable to attend. President Christopher presented report of the Fact-Finding Committee appointed December 8, 1947, for supervision of an election as to the liquor problem in the Village of f OllOtTS r ,Edha, which rep& was read by the Clerk and is incorporated in these Minutes as "TO T€E HONORABLE THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE COUNCIL ,OF "€E VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTAt GREXTINGS-" "Your Committee, appointed by the Mayor pursuant to the resolution for appointment of a fact-finding committee on liquor policy passed at your December meeting, has met, 346 i 12/31/47 accepted the resFonsibility of its.appointment and undertaken to carry out your w5ll pursuwt to its understanding of your wishes as contained in said resolution, IIPour codttee has heretofore determined that to Insure a comprehensive expression of opinion on the part of the legal voters of the Village of Edina such voters should be given an opportunity to express their idshes on the matter of the future public policy by a miled ballot, supplementdd by an open public election, in which one election booth would be opened fer public balloting at the Edina Village Hall, . ltYour qomqittee is bebg furnished kLth a list of voters of the Village of Edina made up as follows: A corrected 1947 Edina directory as it will be published in l9&8 has been made available, from rrhich &, Creighton, the Vjllage Assessor, has made . corrections, taking out the names of' the pqople w!!o have moved out of the village in recent months and adding the rimes of those who have moved into the village in recent months. more than 4,000 Xegalvoters in the village, help or persons rooming or boarding.inthe homes of Edina. This list is as accurate as it is possible to secure at this time ad reflects It does not contain the names of domestic ."This revised and corrected list of voters is being tabulated and printed by Burgess- Beelwith, Inc. of the city of f-@nneapolis, and copies of this list will be made available to this committee for nailing the ballot and anclosures to the voters of Edina. .. ?There will be miled to each voter personally: 1, The blank ballot as prepared by this committee, a copy of which is attached hereto, 2, A plain white envelope. * " 3. A stamped, addressed envelope for the return of the ballot, to 5s known as the mailing envelope, 4. A notice stating that the ballot should be carefullymarked, placed in the plain white envelope, sealed, then placed in the mailing envelope; thst the voter should then sign his name and address in the upper left-hand corner of the mailing envelope; that this mailing envelope must reach the Edina Elections Committee or board before the close of the public voting on February 10 next, I - "That the mailhg envelope shhl bear the printed name of Edjna Elections Committee, "The committee has determined that in order to provide a tine and place for the Edina Village Hall, 4.801 Vest 50th Street, Ninneapolis 10, Minnesota. . voting of any person who has not received a mailed ballot that there be an open ppblic election on February 10 next between the hours of 7:OO A. M. and $;OD P. E-, on said day where any legal voter of Edina may express his preference on the enclosed ballot.. Codttee for the purpose of holding and conducting the aforesaid election on February IO and authorize said Elections Committee to receive the aforesaid list of voters of Edina and empower said Electioas Codttee to study said list Zor the purpose of determining whether or not there are any unauthorized voters on said list, to receive the mailing envelopes containing the votes of those voting by mail, to check the mailing envelopes against the list of voters Lo determine if anyone has voted who is not on said list, to then check the nmes and addresses of those who personally voted in the open public election and if sny such person has voted by mil to see that the mailing ballot of such person is destroyed. It shall be the further duty of the Elections that those voting at the voting booth in the Village Hall do not place more than one ballot in the voting box, 1 is the wish of your coxnittee that your honorable body appoint an Elections eoxnittee to see .- "That after the voting has been concluded on February 10 the Elections Conmittee shall be charged with the responsibility of segregating the mailing envelopes and hold@ ing them, and shall, at it s earliest convenience, open said mailing envelopes and segregate the white emelopes therein and thereafter open said white envelopes and tabulate and count the ballots therein contained and malce knolm to your Honorable body and to this committee the result of said count, "It is the further wish of the committee that the Elections Codttee shall give the voters the benefit of the usual absentee voter's ballot for the benefit of those voters ~&o are out of the Village of Edina on election day, "That Burgess- Beckmith, Inc, id11 provide printed ballots, both for mailing and for use at the polls, and will provide the necessary envelopes md printed matter determined by this committee to go to the voters bearing upon this subject and that said Ehrrgess- Beckwith, Inc. shall mail all said matter to the individuzl voters and will provide this 12/31/47 committee and the Elections Committee with a certificate that $t has mailed such ballott with envelopes ad data furnished it by the conimittee to each and all of the voters named on the list to be furnished this committee and said Elections Committee . "That your committee has arranged for funds to pay for the printing aforesaid and mailing and to pay the expense of the holding of the election on February 10 as: aforesaid, and your committee does hereby guarantee to you that it will provide the funds necessary for the mailing of such ballots and the holding of said public election. Your committee has determined that all ballots, envelopes and data to be furnished by the committee to the voters shall be placed in the mail to said voters not later than Janumy 31, 1947. %!HEREFORE, your com&%tee respectfully asks that you cooperate with it in the holding of said poll by appointing an Elections Committee, following the statutory procedure, and empower said committee to conduct an election on February LO, 19@, and empower it to receive, inspect and examine the list of voters to be furnished it for inaccuracies or errors, and to open said mailing envelopes and count and tabulate the result of said election and to report the same to your Honorable body and to this committee, it being the wish of this committee that this public election be held in the usual manner of statutory public elections and that the receipt and counting of the mailed ballots be surrounded with the safeguard of a duly appointed and acting Elections Committee to insure a secret and honest counting of all ballots.!! Re spe ct filly submitted, (Signed) L.A. Dy29EGROV, ChaLrman (Signed) T. L. Todd (Sikned) Louis W. Forrey (Signed) Bernard W, Hummel (Signed) A, H. Hiatt, Jr. (Signed) Chester L, Nichols BAXOi! Please vote on all 4 questions stated below. -. 1. Do you favor the sale of intoxicating liquor in Edina, by off-sale liquor store or stores? Y es Vote for on& only If intoxicating No liqu b r is to be sold in Edina: 2, Do you favor: 3.1f the sale of intaxicating liquor is to be by lkmicipal Off -Sale Liquor Store ) Vate for Private Off-we Liquor Store or Stores) one only private off-sale liquor store or stores, do you favor One Store Two Stores More than Two Stores) )Vote for one on9 4. If more than one private off-sale liquor store license is to be issued by the Council, do you favor issuing a license to the Ed?ina Post of the American Legion? Yes) Vote for &e only No 1 END OF CCNMITTEE TZEPORE' H awthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING EPORT OF FACT- FINDING CCMMITTEE AND APPOINTING LIQUOR EI;ECTLON OFFICIALS IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, that the report of the Fact-Finding Committee appointed December 8, 1947, for the supervision of an election as to the liquor problem in the Village of Edina, a cogy of which report is incorporated in the minutes of this meeting, is hereby accepted and approved; and E IT FUR"HER*RESOLVED, that the following individuals are hereby appointed as Judges and Clerks of an election to be held pursuant to said report at the Village Hall on February 10, 194.8, between 7:OO A.M. and 8:OO P.11.: Judge - llrs. FJ. H. Schmitt, 4909 MapLe Road Judge - Mrs. S. McCready, 5503 France Avenue Judge - Mrs. F. C. Obermeyer, 5716 Normandale Clerk - Mrs. W. H. Williams, 4920 Sunnyside Cle& - &so M. C. Holter, Bernard and Benton BE IT FURTHER RESOLWD that said Judges and Clerks are directed Fnd instructed to conduct said election in accordance with the rules and regulations provided by Statute for the conducting of a regular Village Election, excspt as otherwise required by the report of the said Fact-Finding Codttee, BE IT FURTWR RESOLVED that a copy of the report of said Committee and of this 12/31/47 Resolution be furnished to sed Judges and Clerks at the time they are Eotified of %b%r appointment. Hotion to adopt the %solution vas seconded by Utley, and on Rollcall there were four zyes end no nqys, as follows: Christopher, qe; and the Resolutim was adopted. ' l?illson, aye; Utley, aye; H atrthorne, aye; and ATTEST: Presidellt of the Village Council viage Clerk' IJillson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoptionr IHEXEAS, the Edha Village Council acted December 8, 1947, to appoint a Fact- Einding Committee to study, inform the public, plan, supervise and finance an election to determine the liquor policy of the Village of Edina; and I.JHERZAS, said Fact-Finding Committee, after diligent effort and coqrehensive study, has expeditiously cmpleted the responsibilities of its appointment, as evi- denced by their report and recocrmendations presented this evening: NOW, THEZZEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By THIS VILLAGE COUNCIL, that we extend to the . Fact-Finding Committee our sincere thanks and appreciation for the splendid coopw- ation recerived from this Codttee. SE IT FJRTHER fl%SOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to esch member of said Fact-Finding' Coinmittee . Iilotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Utley, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no'nays, as foUcm: Christopher, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. llillson, aye; Utley, aye; Hawthorne, aye; President of the Village Council . Village Clerk FTillson*s motion for adjournment was seconded by Utley and carried. Village Clerk' ,