HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480112_REGULAR350 ( I a 0 . Allmeabrs presen-b. President Cooper read Rules 4 and 5 of the &-hi=; then announced that the Spe'cid '4 xeeting had been called for 'the purpose of moving Xeetie to the School, and declared th& the Special Heeting ps adjourned to be reconvened zs a Regular Keetjng, .. I. ... * h"Es OF TI3E REWL! NEEXfiG OF TH& ' EDDIA VILL%GE COUl!iCIL, HED AT THE ' EDINA SCHOOL AT '&roo P.11. ON I~OXDAY, . - 0.- *. JFAJX 12; 19@r .. .*- $31 members pi.e;er?t,: . I. * .. .. .. Comer -offerid .;tppo$&m{nt o$.T-k. 'A.1.l~ Jope as Village Attorney. Palen mved to . Ccoppr,'offered.a~~oi;ltn?~~ 02. CiarBnce A. Knubsoa as' Chief .$:Police. Palen. moved - -. *- ts'eonfirm appo%itaent. Hotion lost for I& of .a second, . ' Goopr.announced &hat 'be had declarsd a Stite of &srgency .and had notified the I. - confimt appointiegtr Notion lo& for..i;rant &f second+ :. . I l t. a. . * : . : -. .. .. .* She&f?.s:Office ... 50 tbkc ... ove~?. 'responsibilit;lt of 4. policing the TTill'age. * .r I ..... .%uLe- If.. -. %very motion ekeept far adjormimept 0; pos%p&mnt shall be reduced HawLhornF moved to..rescind Rdes' 4 I .' Fe$&.q 4;. 1889, provid5.ng that:. '-_ ., -. 5 of the By-Laws of the.ViUage adopted 'to wfiting and.if secondgd, shall be .fairly stated'by .o the presiding i%iLe 5. Then a.mem..er -&xii.res%o,b~jng any'matter before the co&cil, he shall , rise, :&ddress the presid$ng officer, and proceed no fur-&cr unless recognizeds.I* ~ * ' &d .I .* : ./ ... : . . ' . . ' because &3i& 'wes a& inccmpdAble w3.th and quperceded by subsequentLy adopted . sf;at'e Larrs. .S.l[otion %s. seconded by Tlillson; aye, .aad',the. rkbior, .vas .carriedr Cgl& I7illson Fd gawthorne &ted ... .. e. .:. . - .. ..-' . ..... * ' - 1) A?~:WiE€&AS, it .is .the belief of tihis' present '3ihajje cro&& that the best ... * kiterests 2 the community r.Sill. be s.em.ed'by'continuipg that plan of organhation; :.- . ' :Ik??f~ 'T€EEEXORE; 'BE a RFsbLvED, that 6lliploymen.C of the fdllowing persons, to hoid.the posTt26qs. specified after each &e and at the. salaries listed, shall be c'qhtkuea .until their sucees'sors &e .. .. .. - .... p. 8. *. .. . :..- I. .. appointed.and qualified or until ths :'pnploper;t. of each' person shall he terminAted by. the village couhcil: ...... .- a. L . 6, . - *. . *. ... SM * - I. 'XAm *. .._ P&TIcN. b .... Engineer, Exechive Officer . 'mks. qth .e . * .. ... and Bhager $500 per mont& - .. *- ........ .. Graixhei hchussler . .'D&uty Clerk . 250 n * If . '9 . . Beece Jo&son . , Deputy,Trsasurer 175 ft '! b -. .. 150 11 '! a25 *! tr ' :- . . Helene Friemkn Typist -. . ' .. '*Louise 'Eest erberg. Recepti Qnist . .John A, S~ZS * Assistant Engineer 250 !! '! *. _. 4' * Car1 T. NiU.~r. . 'Assistant Engineer . 275 ?I 0- .. . Eermd l;JoehleP *- Water Dkpartment Superintien$ent Building '& Plumbing Inspect or 325 11 ir f .. . .* .. .. -* . ... ... .. .. * .* .. 1 - NAIE POSITION sum ( 3.51 1/12/48 Sam Roberts Utility Man $215 per month Kermit Knuksm Meter Rezder &Utility $1.00 per hour Hilding Dah1 Police Offider $242 per month Clarence .Knuk son Fred Jonas Inspector $1.00 11 , 1' Police Offieer- . I $222 1'. 11 Henry l?robleski Police Office; ' $202 l! - ~ I!*-- -- lfillia~~ 5, Heydt Police Officer $150 ,?r v: Pub& Works Foreman $250 11 '! 8225 !! It: $205 ?! t! John T~cy Truck Driver $a5 ?t 't ' Ronald Port Machine Operator $205 '! I! f I' ,.. *t-. . I Philip Bailey t t. / * Pete Dahlgren %chine Operat or .'kthias Eferfeld Truck Driver ,- Arthur Jensen' Machine Operator $205 !I: +. . $205 '1 '1' ' Joseph Natolc " Iaborer f&LP05 I! !f ' . ?W.lliam Ken Skating Rink Attenht +%&'red &borough Skating Rink Attendmt 'I $1.10 per hour Harry Jonas Utilit.y Man ' Char&es Johnson Utility IJIan Wayne Traey Iaborer LO^ 1' 11 .. *. William Cardarelle Mechanic $1.20 '1 I! &!@ .OO. per week $40,00, ~ 1'' . '. -2FJaco b Schmak Sksting Rinlk Attendat gi40,oo F . ('WvePtime b$yond 54 hours per week at 75 cents-per hour) * .. * * 'John 'sJindhorst Attorney $75.00 per month €& IT ,FUkTEER RESOLVED, that the sjlaries listgd ahove shall. be in effect from '. a ' .Ja,m&y 1, 194.8; ' .' .' . .. ,.@'JT'FLRTHER RESOLVED, that salaries of village officers for the year 2948 shall be: ..' *. Eugene Cooper President $50 per month ' Dr.: L.14, Caqbell Health Officer $30,00 11 lt ~ ' -1 . * .. '' * .. . .*, < . . *.. # . '' . '. . Barer Hawthorne ' Clerk & Recorder $50 It I? ,. .'Fred Child Trustee .1 $35 I! !F ... ... ' ~ ' 'Richard Pzleru Trustee $35 '! rF .* George IJillson Trustee $35 'I' t!: , 'V '. Hilding Ddil C.ons table $10 per yea ' I) ' '.. '6fil.liam Hzydt Constable $loa w IF *..-: .. . ' .. . .*. . '... . 4, I. ., .< a' . '.' . ', ,. . '. . *. ,- ,- 'John Duaan ; Treasurer $30 !t !'" * .'. . .I , RESQLVEB, that committee assignments of members of the vi.llage for the year 194.8 shall. be= ORDINANCES GL BGISUTIm -- Cooper (chairman), Child, Palen, Hawthorne, N .. . ,*D ' * ' 't.JiUson, ,. t.. , *. .I . ! ., PUBLIC UTIUTIZS - Child (chairman) I Coopr , Hawthornk, Palen , ff ' Willson. 9. . a. .. .. ,* ' *_ . . . .. .I. * . *'.$ J3BLIC SAFETY - Hawthorne (chairman), Child, Palen,, . .. .: : .* * PUBLIC IELFm -- Palen (chairman), Haidhorne, G?illson. PUBL1C"WCBKS - WillSon (ckih), Child, Palen * . a. . '.I e.. t ., 6. .. *. . .. ' ;BE IT F€J€EHEIZ REXILVED, that it shall be the policy of thks council that its , , 'committees shall function as advisory bodies to the full council and that adminim stEative orders shall be issbed only by action of thc &ouncil and that bch orders -.,. . shall be cmunicated to employes throagh the executive officer and manager+ %... * ' .' I* : . - . : : Nofian for Adoption of the 'Resohkion wa8 seconded by Child, *Child, Ifillson and :* . * * :. ' Haidhome voted aye; C60pe and Pafen not voting; and the'Regol6tion.vras adopged* *. ' . .e 4. .** , * ..: . I '. *. - .. 4 I. . *" - .. : . ATTEST: A President of the Village Council .. .', '. . * . -. .. . . , Village Clerk .. " . .. .'. : . HiiJ?S3.LL; President of the Village Council .. .' ., '. . * .. " ' . -. .. . . , Village Clerk ' , . -. ,. .: Faen moved to rescing action taken by the Council on December 31, 194'7, accepting recommendations of the Xquor Fact-finding Committee qd setting an advisory refcrendum on the liquor questian for Fdbruary 10, 1948, Eotion failed for want of a second, Cooper annaunced tht the matter would be carried me$ to the next regular meeting as old businessa Palen moved to change nane of Westchester Avenue' to Windsor Avenue a;s requested in petition. Notion seconded by Iillson and $arried, Petition requesting maintenance of Gorgas AvFnue as a dead-end street ims received, Hawthorne moved to refer the petition to the Village Engineer. Cooper stated. that %he matter would be carried over to the nexk regular meeting as old business* .. * .f .** ' e. ; :I .' .. .. h .. .. '. 352 ./ Bcbper cslled for reading of the I.Linutes of the Council Neetings of December 29 and 31, 1947, aEd January 5, 19kS. f?illson moved to dispense idth the reading of the minutes and to approve theainutes as submitted. Eotion seconded by Child. Child, Ilillson and Hawthorne voted zyc; and the motion was carried. Notice published Decernber 19 and 26, 1947, for "HearingIon-the hpqmenext oEJ3ed8ord Avenue by blacktoppirg, -ms read. Hawthorne go%d to contime Hearing until the next regular meetiag. Xotion seconded by Child and carried& Notice published Bcmber 19, 1947, for Hearing on Assesslcent for the coraection of Lot 5$ Block 2, Subdivision of Iiittel Park to Sanitary Sewer District No, 16 vas read, - Hawthorne noved to continue heming until the next regular meeting. Hotion seconded by Palen and carried. Notice ptxblished Deceniber 19, 1947, for Hearing onAssessnrent-'for the connection of Lot 5, Block 2, Subdivision of IXttel Park to Water Ihin hprbvenent No. 3 was read+ Hawthorne moved to continue hearing until the next regular meeting, Notion seconded by Palen and carried. Report of the Public Safety, Ordinances and Legislation, hblic Utilities, Public WeEare, and Fublie Vo&s Conmittees, summarizing operations for the Tear 1947, were rezd by Haxthorne ad placed on file, I %* Cooper offered appointment of Carl Eindstrom as Building Inspeclhr zrsl h charge of the TTillage Hall, at a salary .of $4,500.00 per yeq. Palen moved to cod^ appoint- ment. Notion lost for inat of a second. Cooper announced thzt %he mt5er irould be carried over tothe next regular meeting as old business* t Cooper offered appoinhent of hlph Johnson as Road Commissioner, at a salary of #&,OOO,OO per yew. Fden rnoved to confirm appointment;, Notion lost for vmt of , a second. meeting ES old lxsiness. Cooper announced that the matter tmuld be carried mer to the next regular Cooper offered appointmnt of Theodore V-cher 3s VUlzge Engineer, at a sfizry of $&,OCO.OO per year. Palen moved to confim appoi&ment a second, 26, as old business* Cooper offered appointnent of Alex Creighton as Superintendent of Uater Departmnt end in charge of mter and< sewers, with a. salary of $4,OOO.O3 psr year, PaLen moved to confirm ZppointEent , 1.TOtion lost for wa& of B second. matter would be carried over to the rneeting of Januzry 26, as ox business* Cooper offered appobtmcnt- of Dr. Harry Johnson as Health Officer,- xith salary to be set. Palea movzd+to confSrn appohtment, Blotion lost for imnt o? a second* Cooper announced that the mtter .r.Jould be carried over to Jmuarg 26, as old business, Notion lost for wm.t of Gooper announced that mtter would be teed over to meeting of January Cooper announced thzt the -- Cooper cdlec?. for motion for establishment of a dcipal liquor'store at the earliest possibTe mozent, Palen so noVeda 1.Iotion lost for wanti of a seeor!. Gooper opened the Eeeting for coments from the audience. Comments were =de and questions were asked by C. T, Hay, George King, Karl R. Love, Bob Lindbzrry, Imzis E, Jones, E&, Kennedy,rNrs. L."I1. Blackbum, and John B. .Faegrc, Jr, HatJthome moved to recess for fif3een minutes, Hotion seconded . PzZen and carried* c Letter from George Td, Hoskins, Clara Neyer, and Peder Mickelsen, cornmen- J.dr Danens & Son for work in improving bottleneck near corner of Brookside Avenue ad 50th Street, was read and filed, Havzbhome moved'to &vide officbl publications of. .the Village between Hennepin Ccunty &view and Suburban Press by two-months periods, as vas done in 1947+ Notion seconded by :rJillson ad carriedt Hatrthorne offered the follafing Resolution and moved its adoptidn: BE -IT RESOLm, thzt the contract submitted by ?he, Suburban Hamepin Courrty Relief Board of the County of Hennepin €or the acfministration and sppervision of poor relief in the Village of Edina be accepted arld approved:' a& EG3 IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper officers of said Village of Edba be dire&ed to execuke said concract in duplicate &'P?hen executed to return one of said contrzcts to the SuburbanHennepin Ccpmty Relief Board. Hotion to ddoptithe Xesolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollczll there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Palen, aye; IKLlson, aye; Child, aye; Hawthorne, aye; 2nd Cooper ap; and the Resolution was adoptedo .. t * - 0 President of the Village Council Village CI er'r Letter was received from Edina Volunteer Fire Depzrtment, announcing election’ of Chris Mitzpl as Chief for the ensuing year, Hawthorne moved to confirm election of Chris, Mitzel, Motion seconded by Palen and carriedr - w Willpon moved, to spprme the following Overtime Payrolls for month of December, 19k.7; and to authorize and direct Psesident., Clerk and Treasurer to issue checks- + in paynent therefor: .* a OI%ERTIM3PBLYROU +. I FOR IE €CLOD DXCmm 1. THROUGH DEC&a& 33 c “ *. 1947 * , TOTAL Bernice Johnson 13.73 8 31. s Us04 -0- a56 13.115 1667 Sub-T ot a1 35.M .eo 36,28 1.45 34.83 STmT ME8 Philip Bailey 8 24&4 *+56 25*40 -0- 1.02 24,38 1668 Fete Dahlgrea -8.68 8-98 -0- 83 6 8*52 1669 Matt Kerf eld, 18.00 -d+l + 18,41 -0- .74 17e6T 1670 John Tracy 18.00 w.41. 18v4l -0- *74 17*67 1671 Arthur Jensen 34.88 .78 35.66 -0- L43 3423 1673 Harry Jonas 3-4.63 833 J-4696 -0- . 60 l4.36 1672 Ronald Port + 20e25 )r a46 .+ 20s71 -0- e83 39&8 1674 Charles Johnson ZLOO 047 21.47 -0- .86 20.61 1675 Joseph Natole 13t00 *29 13 29 -0- 4 53 12,76 1678 C .tf,Cazdarelle 20025 .46 20 o 71 -0- 483 19,88 ’ 1679 Jacob Sh& 28.00 .63 * 28,63 -e 1.15 27.U 1676 Sub-Tot LL $22L53 5900 226.53 - 9.09 @17,& SKATING €LO& ATTE;NI)BNi’S ‘ - William 8, Kell 1s;oo *4l. K4.l -0- *74 17.67 1680 Fred Oxborough 7L50 1.63. 73.11 8,50 2+92 61,69 1681 Donald Pfeiffer (Extra W) 22,20 -0- I 22,20 -Om. -0- 22.20 1682 Sub-Totd ‘ . $111+70 2.02 113 r72 8*50 3 a66 l03.,56 4. ITillson moved to approve tfie folldng Papoll for the first’ one-half of January, 1948; arid €0 authorhe and direct“’k.esident, Clerk and Treasurer to issue cfiecks 0 in payment therefor: Gret ch&n Sdhus sler Bernice PI. Johnson Helene Freeman Louise “Meseerberg L POLICE IkPT. Hilding Da&l Pete Dahlgrein Matt Merfeld John Tracy Harry Jonas Arthur Tensen Ronald P, Port “PAYR0L.L 354 i P TtJdT.ER DEFT. Ben troehler . -- * i I. GRAND,TOTAL OF'. - Hotion seconded by Child And unanh&sly ca-iried. Child muved to'approve papent of-the foll.o$&ng CL.lims'and to'authorize and direct President, Gle5k and Treasurer to-issue chceks for paflent: PAma .. g301i40 $30,50 68&3 3116+@ 2k,lO G4.69 352.79 $2763+69 I L. ' Arthur K*^Petersen -+Garbage-Fund - $$l&.l2 - Claim No+ 1712 Conmissioner of Taxation - Equipment Rental Fund f $24.40 - Claiu 110. 5386 Suburb= Hemepin Cmnty Rzlief Board .- Poor Fund - 32O5,UC - Claim No* 538'7a Xotion seconded by ?fillsoh and u&hously carried. Hathhorne moved the following tkansfer of funds: I x A t From l.~l&nd B3nk to wst E3&a State"B& - foF OvertWs Yqyrolll, December; Frm >=Urd E& to'First Edh State"& - for'Payroll-First 1/2 of Ja.nGry* - H&ion seconded by T'lllson and umnimously carriedr MZidzvit of Piiblication 6f call fbr bids ofi insurance"coveri.f~g'danage to fire equip- mat of the City of 1.linns.polis and City of Hopkins T.d?ile answering fire. calls in Edim was read by Havhhorne. One bid ias received from Fred Le Gray Co., ~eapolis, carrying prenium of $270.00 for coverage of xmximm of $10,000 for eqdpment of each COmhiwa Hotion secorded by Palen and unanimously. carried. H arhhorne rimed approval of 'the following Village Budget for the year l948: rnC€BE: Havhhorne moved to accept bid of Fred L. Gray Company, at $270900, EUDST ??OFF YEAR 19~WJlXLG.E OF EDIIiA 1 $l2,625,00 1,200;oo Frm Engineering 2nd Clerical on Special Assesments Fr6m Cnericd AlloOated b &her ftifids c P I; * 4 L r t t 4 * 1. .. Weresf, on bve5tments ' Rents, Taxes, ElBction Filing FeQs Licenses Court Ems cost Rebvery-~hways * Qnused Portion42rbage Gbllectioh Levy f& 1947 * * L A r) , * TWAL INCOX!3 c .* . 4 L 7,000*00 !3loroo 225 00 2,620,00 1; 677.00 3,000~00 500,OO .' 355 t= . (Budget Continued) Capit a1 Outlay: -- -Tree Trimqing $ 5,250.00 Park lknd c @,S75&0 . Street and Road Equipment 9, 400 roo Tillage HaL1-Furniture & Fixt. 215.00 Engineering Eqyipment 1,200.00 Contingencies 2,525&00 ' 15,275eoO , TCYTAL EXPENDITURES $191, 03L98 ._ I@s s 'Est :'unat ed Income 41,976;94 ._ BUDGET I;EVY - GENERAL FUND @AB, 055ao4 Relief Fund - Firemen C 460,OO . Notion second-ed by Willson and unznimously carried* Hawthorne offered the following Resolubion and moved its. adoption: .I RESOLUTION DESIGNJ2ING DaOSITfRY EE IT RESOLVED, that First Edina Sate Bank, Edina P.IinnPusata, authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designzted as dgpository of the Public Funds of the Village of Edina,'County of Hennepin, PEnnesdca,' for + the year 1948. - BE; IT FUBTHEB R3SOLKER tht those Tillage of Edim Public Funds ~fich are now on deposit in Midland National Bank of.Y!jnneapolis, Ennesota, shall be transferred from said Ifidland National Bank to First Edina State Bank immediately upon asswent of such (collateral by first Edina State B& as may bb determined by this Council to be good ad sufficient collateral for said deposits* Motion to 'adopt the "Resol&.on was, seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five qyes and no nap, as followss' mid, aye; Willson, &ye; Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and $he Resolution vms adopted* ATTEST z . ,,President of the Village Council f. - : L c Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLIICN FIRST- EDINA STATE BANK OF EDINA BE IT RESOLVED, that tk persons holding office as President, .President Pro- Tern, Treasurer or Clerk or Deputy Clerk of this ViUagc be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any baklkjng business with First Edina State Bank of Edina, Minnesota (Hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including aubhority on behalf of or in the' n+e of this Village from time to time and until written notice to the contrary to the b&, Co sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the President of the Council or President Pro-Tern, Village Clerk or Deputy Village Clerk, and Village Treasurer+ The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honoi. and pay. any check against such account which is aigned as above authoriied, whether or * not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of theTUillage,'including the signer or signers of the checkn Motion to adopt the Resolution was Seconded by Pallen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nzys, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopbed. ATTEST: Child, aye; Willson, aye; Palen, aye; * President of the Tillage Council 4. I r. UW48 Havkharne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SGNATORS IZESO~ON KtDUJJD NATIONAL BANK OF XU@EWOD EE IT RESOLVZD that the persons holding office as President, Fkegident Pro- Tern, Treasurer or Clerk or Deputy Clerk of this Village be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in tQe t ansaction of any banking business x&th l.fidlar,d Nzbioml Bank of EWeapol$s (cereinaft;er E referred to ils the bank), such mthority including authority on bghalf of, or in the njme of this Village. from time to the and mtil mitten notjce $0 the contrary to the bank, to sign . checks against said qcoqt, which checvs s@ll be signed by the President of the Council or President Pro-Ta, Village Clerk or Deputy KLlage Clerk, and Village Treakerb The be is hereby authorized and dirscted to honor and pixy my check against sych accsmt which is signed as above authorized, whether or not saZd check is payable to the order of, or deposited, to the credit of, any officer or officFrs of the Village, including the signer or signers of the check. 3Totioq to adopt the Resolution vas seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there wre five ayes ad no mys, as follows: Child, aye; IJillsor, aye; Fa-l-en, aye; Hathhorne, aye; qpd qooper, aye; aid thc Iiesolution vas.adoptedr - c c IXLlson offered the following Resolution znd moved its adoption: one-half yews, which has been a tine of development in this Villa&; TTmG Harold C. Utley has been%dinil Village Trustee for the past four and AND WEEBAS during his term of office he has by his work caused cert;-lin sswr districts to be placed ona sound financial footing and spent mny hours of phnrxing the acquisition and operation of the village mter system, ad also planned md put in opration a modern bookkeeping system for %he Ellage of Edim; and thais for his my hm& of vrmk for the Village of Edina4 & NOIT T-FCFEE;, be it resolved that That this Res'olution be spread on the E.llage of E'dina minutes and a copy be extend to €Wold C; Utley our appreciation C I sent to UtZey, Ibtion to edopt the Resolubion was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes a& no nays, as follows: Child, aye; IJLUson, aye; Palen, aye; Hzuthorne, we; and Gooper, aye; and the Resolution ins adopted, BTTEST: Frasident of the Tillage Council P Village L.U Clerk %Jillson offered the folloxhg Resolution and moved its adoption2 past two years; encourrtered. And through his efforts an agendh vas prepared for each meeting, asking it much easier for the Council to keep track of its work;' &d appreciation for his i.MTk for the Village o? BEna and a copy of this Resolution be spread on the minutes and a copy sent to If2. ChristopherA Hution to adopt the Resolution vas seconded by ChiLd, and on'Rollcal1 there were five ayes ad no nays, is follmzs: and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. msr 1- C, J, Christopher has been Presiaent of the Village Council for the -AND YHEEEAS during his term of office an unus+l number of new problems were -t NQd,'THEREFE%, be it resolved that-we extend to C, J. Christopher our thanks L I Child, aye; Itillson, aye; Palen, aye; Hadhorne, we; President of the Village Cancil Hawthorne moved to adjourn. Hotion seconded and unanimously carried* Village Cledi